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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

São Paulo na órbita do Império dos Felipes: conexões castelhanas de uma vila da América Portuguesa durante a União Ibérica (1580-1640) / São Paulo in the orbit of the empire of Philip: connections of a Castilian village of Portuguese America during the Iberian Union (1580-1640)

Jose Carlos Vilardaga 15 March 2011 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar alguns dos impactos do processo macro-político gerado pela União das Coroas Ibéricas (1580-1640) na lógica local, de um espaço colonial, representado pela vila de São Paulo de Piratininga. Entende-se que, efetivamente, o mundo português, tanto em seu viés peninsular, quanto colonial, foi incorporado aos quadros da monarquia católica liderada pelos reis castelhanos, da dinastia Habsburgo os Filipes -, nesse contexto. Assim sendo, os projetos, as políticas, intenções e práticas emanados do império chegavam, de maneira não necessariamente linear nem homogênea, aos mais diversos rincões de sua espacialidade. De qualquer forma, buscou-se aqui compreender como estas normas e determinações da monarquia foram atravessadas pelos agentes de poder, pelas elites locais, instituições, realidades econômicas e disputas políticas. Sob esta perspectiva, o trabalho analisa o processo de incorporação e posse da Capitania de São Vicente na nova lógica monárquica implantada em Portugal a partir de 1580; os sonhos minerais projetados e implantados em São Paulo pelo governador geral D. Francisco de Souza, bem como sua prática política na vila em expansão; as conexões horizontais estabelecidas entre a vila paulista e a região paraguaia, em especial o Guairá, numa perspectiva que nos permita ir além das bandeiras de puro apresamento; e os processos de demarcação e definição de identidades, vivenciados pela Península, pari passu com as colônias nas décadas de 1630 e 1640, e os reflexos da distensão representada pela Restauração portuguesa na vila de São Paulo. Como elemento que norteia todo o período, o trabalho procura recuperar alguns dos vestígios da presença de uma população de origem castelhana, marcante na vila paulista do período, bem como identificar alguns de seus laços e conexões. / This study aims to examine some of the impacts of the macro-political process generated by the Union of Iberian Crowns (1580-1640) in the local logic of the colonial space represented by the village of São Paulo of the Piratininga. It is understood that the Portuguese world, both in its peninsular and colonial bias, was indeed incorporated into the framework of the Catholic monarchy led by the Castilian monarchs, the Habsburg dynasty - the Philips - in this context. Thus, projects, policies, intentions and practices emanating from the empire came, not necessarily in a linear or homogeneous manner, to the most diverse corners of its space. In this paper, we have attempted to understand how these rules and regulations of the monarchy were traversed by the agents of power, by local elites, institutions, economic realities and political disputes. From this perspective, the paper analyzes the process of incorporation and ownership of the Captaincy of São Vicente in the new monarchical logic implemented in Portugal since 1580; dreams of minerals designed and deployed in Sao Paulo by the Governor General D. Francisco de Souza, as well as his political practice in the expanding village; the horizontal connections established between the village of São Paulo and the region of Paraguay, in particular La Guaira, a perspective that allows us to go beyond the bandeiras (exploration groups) of sheer capture; the processes of demarcation and definition of identity, experienced by the Peninsula, pari passu with the colonies in the 1630s and 1640, and the effects of détente represented by the \"Restoration\" in the Portuguese town of São Paulo. As an element that guides the entire period, the paper seeks to recover some of the traces of the presence of a population of Castilian origin, a striking presence in the village of São Paulo at the time, as well as identify some of their ties and connections.

A Cyber(space) of Their Own: Female Iberian and Latin American Artists and Writers of the Digital. A Transatlantic Analysis from Identity (De)Construction, Political Dissidence and Activism, to the Posthuman

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: As a result of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and blogs, works can be distributed and viewed at a global scale with the simple click of the mouse. One can even visit entire museums and virtually walk through their collections without having to leave one’s own seat. Furthermore, new software, programs, and digital tools facilitate and make possible the ability to experiment and create one’s art in ways that were previously unimaginable or even unheard of. This is also true with the dissemination of one’s art and the visibility of contemporary artists who create works pertaining to the digital realm. However, the availability, usage, and training associated with such technologies do not come without its own implications and drawbacks. Unfortunately, there exists a great disparity not only with access and availability of the Internet at a global level, but also a digital divide, which indicates that the technologies and sciences are “gendered”—for instance, the male majority in STEM professions and fields of study. When considering the Humanities, specifically the genre of contemporary art and literature, women’s marginalization is witnessed there too, as distinguished canonical works belong to predominantly Caucasian, Anglo-Saxon men. In the digital age then, Iberian and Latin American women writers and artists face the challenge of visibility and recognition in two territories—technology and contemporary artistic creation—dominated by men. This study gathers contemporary female artists of digital works originating from North America, the Caribbean, South America, and Spain who utilize a wide variety of tools to conduct and create their artwork. The artists and authors analyzed in this project include: Teresa Serrano (México, D.F. 1936-), Adriana Calatayud (México, D.F. 1967-), Ana Mendieta (Havana, 1948-1985), Maritza Molina (Havana), Yasmín S. Portales Machado (Havana, 1980-), María María Acha-Kutscher (Lima, 1968-), Praba Pilar (Colombia), María Cañas (Seville, 1972-), and Pilar Albarracín (Arcena, Huelva 1968-), with the objective of investigating the manner in which digital tools are being used by these women artists and writers for the purpose visibility, identity (de)construction, as spaces of resistance, and to explore how those messages are transmitted and transformed through digital mediums. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Spanish 2019

Marked in life and death: identifying biological markers of social differentiation in late prehistoric Portugal

Waterman, Anna Joy 01 May 2012 (has links)
This dissertation research is a bioarchaeological investigation of Late Neolithic through Early Bronze Age (3600-1800 BC) burial populations from the Portuguese Estremadura. In this project macroscopic and isotopic analyses of skeletal and dental materials are used to gather information pertaining to diet, health status, and inter-lifetime mobility patterns for individuals interred at different burials within a small geographic area with the goal of evaluating the level of social differentiation in the region. The archaeological record for the transition between the Late Neolithic and the Early Bronze Age in southwestern Portugal demonstrates clear evidence of the rise of a socially-complex, non-state society. During the Early Bronze Age, however, this region underwent a period of social `devolution' which cumulated in widespread settlement abandonment. To date, it is unclear to what extent sociopolitical or environmental factors contributed to this social collapse. This study seeks to expand our knowledge of social differentiation in the Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age of the Estremadura region of Portugal and provide insight into social structure during the emergence and collapse of early complex societies in Iberia. The results of this study found that there were statistically significant differences in dietary, mobility and demographic patterns between burials that suggest socially distinct populations were interred at different sites. In particular, one burial site, Cova da Moura, diverged significantly from the other sampled burial populations. However, based upon the data presented here, it was not possible to tie these biological markers of differentiation to particular aspects of Late Neolithic to Early Bronze Age social organization. Therefore, while this study successfully identified differences between burial populations, at this time, it is not possibly to relate these to particular hierarchical structures. It is suggested that aspects of burial practices in the region confound biologically-based investigations of social organization in a similar way that they have impeded researchers' abilities to identify elite versus non-elite individuals through grave goods alone. Nonetheless, despite these obstacles, this work provides strong evidence of population heterogeneity in the region, and has implications for our understanding of the evolution of complex societies in the Iberian Peninsula and elsewhere.

Estudio y transcripción del <em>Libro declarante</em> atribuido a Abner de Burgos (MS Escorial P-ii-21)

Mills, Vivian M. 21 October 2014 (has links)
Este trabajo supone un estudio y análisis, así como una transcripción semipaleográfica, del manuscrito inédito P.iii.21 de la Biblioteca del Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial, que contiene una copia del Libro declarante o el Libro de las tres creencias, una obra generalmente atribuida al converso castellano Abner de Burgos y que se cree se redactó a mediados del siglo XIV. Consiste de dos partes principales: Una introducción crítica donde se analizan la estructura y el propósito del Libro, así como varios temas que todavía generan controversia y a los que no se ha llegado a dar una respuesta definitiva, como lo son la autoría del Libro y el posible propósito del autor al redactar esta obra. Se comparan estrategias retóricas utilizadas a través del Libro con las estrategias que se usan en otras obras de Abner de Burgos para, así, poder ampliar el campo de argumentación con nuevas evidencias que apoyen la atribución del Libro a Abner. La segunda parte es una transcripción semipaleográfica del contenido del manuscrito escurialense P.iii.21 con anotaciones al margen y referencias en hebreo a los pasajes transliterados del hebreo al alfabeto latino que se encuentran a través de este manuscrito. Se ha intentado emparejar los pasajes bíblicos en latín con el pasaje correspondiente en la Vulgata, y también se ha tratado de identificar las fuentes utilizadas en el texto que quedan fuera de la Biblia hebrea y el Nuevo Testamento. Como marco de referencia, en la primera parte de este trabajo se ofrece una breve introducción biográfica a la figura histórica de Abner de Burgos y la influencia que ejerció en la literatura polemista, tanto judía como castellana. También se incluye una breve introducción a la relación entre Abner, el Libro y los estilos de argumentación que eran populares en la Península Ibérica en los siglos XIII y XIV.

Recursos forestales en un medio semiárido. Nuevos datos antracológicos para la Región de Murcia desde la Edad del Bronce hasta época medieval

García Martínez, María Soledad 23 July 2009 (has links)
Esta tesis doctoral recoge el estudio antracológico de los materiales leñosos carbonizados de cinco yacimientos arqueológicos de la Región de Murcia cuya secuencia cronológica cubre los últimos 3800 años, desde la Edad del Bronce hasta la época medieval. Los yacimientos estudiados son concretamente La Punta de los Gavilanes (Mazarrón), con ocupación desde la Edad del Bronce hasta mediados del siglo I a.C.; Barranco de la Viuda (Lorca), con un único momento de ocupación asociado al Bronce Argárico; el Balneario Romano de Archena, cuya cronología se sitúa en torno al siglo I d.C.; los materiales constructivos carbonizados del Teatro Romano de Cartagena y, finalmente, el enclave de los siglos XII y XIII localizado en la Calle Santa María nº 19 de Jumilla.Los resultados obtenidos se insertan en el contexto del Sureste de la Península Ibérica a partir de su discusión con las secuencias polínicas y antracológicas publicadas para esta zona. / This doctoral thesis contains the charcoal analysis of the charred materials from five archaeological sites of the Región de Murcia, whose chronological sequence covers the last 3800 years, from the Bronze Age to the medieval period. The studied sites are concretely Punta de los Gavilanes (Mazarrón), occupied from the Bronze Age to the I century BC; Barranco de la Viuda (Lorca), with one moment of occupation associated to the Argaric Bronze; Balneario Romano de Archena, whose chronology is around the I century AD; the charred building materials of the Teatro Romano de Cartagena and, finally, the medieval site (XII and XIII centuries) located in the Calle Santa Maria nº 19 of Jumilla.The results are inserted in the context of the Southeastern Iberian Peninsula by means of their discussion with published pollen and charcoal sequences from this zone.

Genomic data analyses for population history and population health

Bycroft, Clare January 2017 (has links)
Many of the patterns of genetic variation we observe today have arisen via the complex dynamics of interactions and isolation of historic human populations. In this thesis, we focus on two important features of the genetics of populations that can be used to learn about human history: population structure and admixture. The Iberian peninsula has a complex demographic history, as well as rich linguistic and cultural diversity. However, previous studies using small genomic regions (such as Y-chromosome and mtDNA) as well as genome-wide data have so far detected limited genetic structure in Iberia. Larger datasets and powerful new statistical methods that exploit information in the correlation structure of nearby genetic markers have made it possible to detect and characterise genetic differentiation at fine geographic scales. We performed the largest and most comprehensive study of Spanish population structure to date by analysing genotyping array data for ~1,400 Spanish individuals genotyped at ~700,000 polymorphic loci. We show that at broad scales, the major axis of genetic differentiation in Spain runs from west to east, while there is remarkable genetic similarity in the north-south direction. Our analysis also reveals striking patterns of geographically-localised and subtle population structure within Spain at scales down to tens of kilometres. We developed and applied new approaches to show how this structure has arisen from a complex and regionally-varying mix of genetic isolation and recent gene-flow within and from outside of Iberia. To further explore the genetic impact of historical migrations and invasions of Iberia, we assembled a data set of 2,920 individuals (~300,000 markers) from Iberia and the surrounding regions of north Africa, Europe, and sub-Saharan Africa. Our admixture analysis implies that north African-like DNA in Iberia was mainly introduced in the earlier half (860 - 1120 CE) of the period of Muslim rule in Iberia, and we estimate that the closest modern-day equivalents to the initial migrants are located in Western Sahara. We also find that north African-like DNA in Iberia shows striking regional variation, with near-zero contributions in the Basque regions, low amounts (~3%) in the north east of Iberia, and as high as (~11%) in Galicia and Portugal. The UK Biobank project is a large prospective cohort study of ~500,000 individuals from across the United Kingdom, aged between 40-69 at recruitment. A rich variety of phenotypic and health-related information is available on each participant, making the resource unprecedented in its size and scope. Understanding the role that genetics plays in phenotypic variation, and its potential interactions with other factors, provides a critical route to a better understanding of human biology and population health. As such, a key component of the UK Biobank resource has been the collection of genome-wide genetic data (~805,000 markers) on every participant using purpose-designed genotyping arrays. These data are the focus of the second part of this thesis. In particular, we designed and implemented a quality control (QC) pipeline on behalf of the current and future use of this multi-purpose resource. Genotype data on this scale offers novel opportunities for assessing quality issues, although the wide range of ancestral backgrounds in the cohort also creates particular challenges. We also conducted a set of analyses that reveal properties of the genetic data, including population structure and familial relatedness, that can be important for downstream analyses. We find that cryptic relatedness is common among UK Biobank participants (~30% have at least one first cousin relative or closer), and a full range of human population structure is present in this cohort: from world-wide ancestral diversity to subtle population structure at sub-national geographic scales. Finally, we performed a genome-wide association scan on a well-studied and highly polygenic phenotype: standing height. This provided a further test of the effectiveness of our QC, as well as highlighting the potential of the resource to uncover novel regions of association.

Bridging Heaven and Spain: The Virgin of Mercy from the Late Medieval Period to the Age of Exploration

Kugler, Katrena 03 October 2013 (has links)
The Virgin of Mercy is a Marian devotional image type recognizable by its portrayal of Mary protecting the faithful with her cloak. This thesis situates the iconography of painted panels within their historical and cultural context in Spain from the late medieval period to the Age of Exploration. I explain the image's origins and introduce its various versions, focusing on three major frequently commissioned subtypes: the Sponsorship of the Virgin, plague commissions, and the Mercedarian's Virgin of Mercy. I present a case study of one famous version of the type, the Virgin of the Navigators, and focus on the Spaniards and Amerindians beneath the cloak, situating them in relation to the historic debate that called into question the very humanity of the peoples of the Americas. The thesis explores the painting's possible statement the patrons may have been making through the artistic treatment of both groups.

A figura do herói antigo nas crônicas medievais da Península Ibérica (séculos XIII e XIV)

Almeida, Simone Ferreira Gomes de [UNESP] 02 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:26:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2011-02-02Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:54:35Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 almeida_sfg_me_fran.pdf: 656194 bytes, checksum: a5f537f2c0a25be8cd4d56f537139994 (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / O propósito deste trabalho é analisar a retomada da figura do Herói clássico, procedente das obras de Homero, nas crônicas ibéricas da baixa Idade Média. Especificamente, restringir-nos-emos aos séculos XIII e XIV, visto que as crônicas ibéricas produzidas nesse período se conduziram pelo desígnio comum de construir uma boa imagem de seus reis, além de se preocuparem em legitimar a reconquista da Península aos mouros. Tal construção historiográfica foi um dos recursos utilizados na tentativa de consolidação de um sentimento de nacionalidade ibérica, que não se confunde ainda nessa altura com consciência nacional, mas permite já notar o fortalecimento dos sentimentos regionalistas e dinásticos. Buscamos perceber a forma de retomada da imagem do herói grego, levando em conta o conceito de virtude cristianizado e alimentado pela moral cavaleiresca, então em voga. Nossa principal fonte de estudo é a Crônica Troiana, pois trata-se do escrito medieval que retoma e redefine de forma mais completa as histórias da mitologia e da épica antiga. Propomo-nos pensar sobre o que pode ter estimulado o interesse dos compiladores da corte de Afonso XI pela história troiana, as alterações valorativas no que diz respeito ao modo como a lenda passou a ser contada na Idade Média e como a figura heroica passou a ser identificada com os santos e os reis. A partir, pois, do exame da configuração dessa Crônica Troiana e das fontes de que fez uso, procuramos notar certa persistência de valores antigos na forma de afirmação do poder real nos referidos séculos medievais. Além desse relato originário da corte de Afonso XI de Castela, procuraremos interrogar a figura do herói na General Estoria de Afonso X e na Crônica Geral de Espanha de 1344, do conde Pedro de Barcelos, que apresentam histórias sobre as aventuras de seus antepassados, indicandoos como modelos a serem seguidos. / The purpose of this research is to analyze the resumption of the classic hero image, present in Homer’s texts, into the Iberian chronicles of low Middle Ages. Specifically, we will get focus into the XIIIth and XIVth centuries, in as much as the Iberian chronicles that have been made in this period had as identity the assign of building a good image of their kings. This movement delineates an attempt for the consolidation of Iberian nationality feelings – but, is important to highlight, it cannot be confused with the national knowingness of Absolutists States – it allows us to notice the reinforcement of the regionalist and dynastic feelings. We seek to perceive the meaning alteration from the Greek hero for the medieval hero, taking in account the concept of virtue considered in Middle Ages for the “men’s ideal type” in the chronicles, from the chivalrous moral in craze. For that, we will employ the Crónica Troiana, since this is the medieval write which better represents the histories of mythology and ancient epic. Our first interest consists of thinking about how the Crónica Troiana was made and from witch papers it could born. Beyond this one, produced in Alfonso’s XI court (in Castile) we intend to argue about the hero picture in General Estoria of Alfonso X and in La Crónica Geral de Espanha de 1334, written by Dom Pedro, Count of Barcelos. Those papers present us histories about their ancestors and bounces that they are models to be followed. We also propound to think about the reasons that encouraged the compilers from Alfonso’s XI court to write about Trojan history, the different moral values present in the way the legend was narrated in times and, in the end, the incidence in Middle Ages of other models that can correspond to a heroic figure, as the saints and the kings.

Soldado de Corte: estudo da destreza em Espanha e Portugal no século XVII / Courtly soldier: study of dexterity in Spain and Portugal in the seventeenth century

Viviane da Cruz Kawata 16 April 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação para obtenção do título de Mestre em História Social analisa três manuais de manejo de espadas, escritos em Portugal e Espanha entre 1580 e 1630. A partir de sua leitura conduzimos reflexões acerca da sociedade de corte, Processo Civilizador, lugar social da espada e duelos. Devido à datação dos manuais enfocamos nossas análises nos reinados Habsburgo e na Restauração de Portugal. / This dissertation for obtaining the title of Master in Social History analyses three manuals of sword handling, written in Portugal and Spain between 1580 1630. From their reading we have conducted reflections on Courtly society, Civilizing Process, social place of the sword and duels. Due to the date of the manuals we have focused our analysis on the Habsburg kingship and the Restoration of Portugal.

A (inter)língua do além-mar: o contato lingüístico e as representações da língua espanhola na mídia e na produção escrita de alunos / The (inter)lingua language: the linguistic contact and the different representations of the Spanish language in the communication media and texts written by Spanish learners

Eduardo Vessoni Lopes 17 August 2007 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a análise de textos e imagens extraídos dos meios de comunicação e produção escrita de alunos aprendizes de espanhol, e as diferentes representações que aparecem nesses documentos acerca da América Latina e da Espanha. / This paper has texts and images analysis taken from communication media and texts written by Spanish learners, and different representation about Latin America and Spain that appears on them as study object.

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