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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Metaphorical Connections to Interfaces: Guidance for Picking Icons Through a Contextual Approach

Dittmer, Jacob, Hägerhult, Johan January 2014 (has links)
This paper explores the implications of metaphorical elements in the contextof physical products that coexist with a digital interface, through an empiricand theoretical approach. Further, problematic aspects of the use ofmetaphors in a digital space will be discussed, and two prototypes will becreated to investigate how icons are perceived in different contexts.In cooperation with home-security company Verisure, the prototypes will beproduced and usability tested. Fundamental interaction design principleswill be implemented in order to investigate the impact of metaphor in iconbasedinteraction. These findings will be discussed and processed into a setof key factors to consider when working with icons.

Roanoke Passenger Train Station: Framing Icons

Mitchell, Anne Walker 12 August 2010 (has links)
This thesis explores the framing of graphical qualities of the passenger train and the city of Roanoke, Virginia. A passenger train station frames these icons and brings people directly to the train. This framing creates a new icon for the city. An area on the train tracks is revitalized and creates a permeable threshold into and out of the city. / Master of Architecture

Výklad ikony Proměnění od Theofana Řeka / Icon and spirituality

FÍLOVÁ, Lenka January 2017 (has links)
The thesis interprets the icon Transfiguration by Theofan the Greek. It collects the information needed for the interpretation. The first part is devoted to the meaning of a religious picture - an icon in the context of historical development of Byzantine art and Christian thinking. It presents Theofan the Greek as the author of the icon and the doctrine about the uncreated nature of the Light of Tabor, that emerged in his time and might have influenced his work. The second part is devoted to the nterpretation of the Transfiguration icon. It consist of an explication of the biblical texts which are related to the Transfiguration and reflects other possible resources of depiction: apocryphal texts and liturgy. The conclusion of the thesis holds the interpretation of the icon.

Einfluss der Erhöhung der Oberflächenalbedo in Sibirien auf die Zirkulation in der mittleren Atmosphäre

Adler, A., Mewes, Daniel, Jacobi, Christoph 15 March 2021 (has links)
Es wird angenommen, dass die Zirkulation der Nordhemisphäre durch den Rückgang von Meereis in der Arktis und der Zunahme der Oberflächenalbedo in Sibirien beeinflusst wird. Letzteres wurde mit dem aktuellen atmosphärischen Zirkulationsmodell ICON getestet. Die Albedo über Sibirien wurde innerhalb eines Experimentes erhöht, und zwar auf Werte welche vergleichbar mit denen über dem grönländischen Eisschild sind. Es wurde festgestellt, dass in den Wintermonaten Dezember und Januar die vertikale Wellenausbreitung stärker in die Stratosphäre reicht; dem folgt auch die in der Theorie erwartete Erwärmung in der Stratosphäre. / The Northern hemisphere circulation is supposed to change due to changed sea-ice cover in the Arctic and the increase of Siberian surface albedo. The latter is tested using the state of the art atmospheric circulation model ICON. We artificially increased the albedo of Siberia to values comparable to the Greenland ice sheet to investigate the change of vertical wave propagation and the general change of the background circulation. It was found for the winter season that the increased albedo results in increased vertical wave propagation for December and January. This is accompanied by a warming of the stratosphere that was found for the whole winter.

Feasibility of Life Cycle Assessment for Complex Medical Devices / Genomförbarhet av livscykelanalys för komplexa medicintekniska produkter

Svensson, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
The interest in environmental issues is increasing and for this reason, assessing the potential environmental impacts of a product or system is of interest. A methodology developed for this particular purpose is the life cycle assessment, also known as LCA. It is not purely of interest these aspects are investigated though, as increasing requirements on organizations also matter. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the feasibility to implement the methodology of LCA in the aspect of complex medical devices. To do this, the framework for the methodology has been reviewed and a case study performed. The case study comprised of conducting an LCA study on the radiosurgery device Leksell Gamma Knife® IconTM.  The outcome of the investigation showed that conducting an LCA study means a wide range of aspects need to be considered and specified to a high degree. A particular issue was the data requirements, as obtaining data meeting several objectives was challenging. The modeling was also identified as a difficulty. Tools such as software and databases with predefined processes were used, though as complex medical devices can use materials not common in other fields, a lack of appropriate predefined processes hinders the feasibility. The conducted case study was able to attain valuable insights even though the study did not comply with the standards providing the framework, the ISO 14040 series. To conduct a compliant LCA study for complex medical devices, extensive resources would be required as well as the involvement of relevant parties along the supply chain. It is seen improbable to achieve a compliant study the first time a particular type of complex medical device is investigated. However, it is believed the feasibility would increase as studies are repeated, as the data quality is likely to increase. Advancements of the tools, as well as ongoing research on the environmental impacts of more materials, are other factors thought to increase the feasibility of conducting LCA studies on complex medical devices in the future. / Intresset för miljöfrågor ökar och därav finns det ett intresse att undersöka vad den potentiella miljöpåverkan är för en produkt eller ett system. En metodologi utvecklad för detta specifika syfte är livscykelanalys som även kallas LCA. Det är inte enbart utav intresse som aspekterna utreds, de ökande krav som ställs på olika aktörer spelar också roll. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att undersöka genomförbarheten av livscykelanalyser med avseende på komplexa medicintekniska produkter. Detta gjordes genom att granska regelverken för LCA samt genomförandet av en fallstudie, vilken utgjordes av en livscykelanalys på strålkniven Leksell Gamma Knife® IconTM. Resultaten av undersökningen visade att genomförandet av en livscykelanalys innebär att ett stort spann av aspekter måste beaktas och specificeras i hög grad. Ett särskilt problem var kraven på data då det var utmanande att samla in data som skulle möta flera behov. En annan identifierad svårighet var modelleringen. Verktyg användes i form av mjukvara och databaser med fördefinierade processer men då komplexa medicintekniska produkter kan bestå av material som inte är vanliga inom andra områden, var bristen på passande fördefinierade processer ett hinder för genomförbarheten. Den genomförda fallstudien gav värdefulla resultat trots att den inte var utförd helt enligt standarderna i ISO 14040 serien. För att en LCA studie för komplexa medicintekniska produkter skall möta dessa krav krävs omfattande resurser och att flera berörda parter längs försörjningskedjan involveras. Det ses därför som osannolikt att en studie som genomförs för första gången på en viss typ av komplex medicinteknisk produkt kan leva upp till regelverket. Dock så förmodas genomförbarheten öka i takt med att studier upprepas, då kvaliteten på data tros öka. Utveckling av verktygen samt pågående forskning om miljöpåverkan från olika material är andra faktorer som anses öka genomförbarheten av livscykelanalyser på komplexa medicintekniska produkter i framtiden.

Bildet sett fra innsiden : Ikonoklastiske og matematiske konsepter i Florenskijs omvendte perspektiv / The Image Seen from the Inside : Mathematical and Iconoclastic Concepts in the Reverse Perspective of Pavel Florensky

Heffermehl, Fabian January 2015 (has links)
For the Armenian-Russian mathematician, theologian and art-theoretician Pavel Florensky (1882–1937), the so-called reverse perspective of the Byzantine cult-image (in Greek: eikon) functioned not only as a phenomenon within painting, but also as an expression of a world-view that should ultimately define a cultural distinction between Russia and Europe. Florensky argued in various ways that the Russian-Orthodox reverse perspective represents ethical and aesthetical values that are superior to the Western linear perspective. He saw the lack of an exact definition of depth in the icon as an expression of true religious orientation towards a spiritual realm, which cannot be described within frames of our earthly – or Euclidean – categories of space and time. In other words, the reverse perspective became regarded as a real reversal of Western painting, requesting a different space, a different observer, and a different concept of reality. This dissertation is an “archeological excavation” in the 20th century Russian-Orthodox icon theology. By analyzing theories of Florensky in the first line, and also a number of his contemporaries and predecessors, I identify a complex of different layers similar to a palimpsest. In this palimpsest, archaism, paganism, patristic theology, and romanticism interact with a modern re-conceptualization of the medieval Orthodox icon. However, in a usual palimpsest the old letters shine through the new ones; Florensky, on the contrary, seems to project paradigms of his contemporary culture and science into his description of the medieval icon. In this case, would the reverse perspective not instead be a reverse palimpsest, where new texts become visible in the old texts? With this question, my dissertation introduces an approach to Florensky and the icon that is more complex than what has been the case in earlier research. A usual explanation of the formal aesthetics of the icon is that the icon painter directs his/her spirit towards Heaven and, consequently – and in contrast to the Renaissance painter – does not try to make a mimesis of the earthly things. However, I argue that this dichotomy between a profane and spiritual mentality should be regarded both as a condition for Florensky’s world view and, at the same time, as a construction produced by his thinking.

Understanding and Improving Personal File Retrieval

Fitchett, Stephen January 2013 (has links)
Personal file retrieval – the task of locating and opening files on a computer – is a common task for all computer users. A range of interfaces are available to assist users in retrieving files, such as navigation within a file browser, search interfaces and recent items lists. This thesis examines two broad goals in file retrieval: understanding current file retrieval behaviour, and improving file retrieval by designing improved user interfaces. A thorough understanding of current file retrieval behaviour is important to the design of any improved retrieval tools, however there has been surprisingly little research about the ways in which users interact with common file retrieval tools. To address this, this thesis describes a longitudinal field study that logs participants' file retrieval behaviour across a range of methods, using a specially developed logging tool called FileMonitor. Results confirm findings from previous research that search is used as a method of last resort, while providing new results characterising file retrieval. These include analyses of revisitation behaviour, file browser window reuse, and interactions between retrieval methods, as well as detailed characterisations of the use of navigation and search. Knowledge gained from this study assists in the design of three improvements to file navigation: Icon Highlights, Search Directed Navigation and Hover Menus. Icon Highlights highlight items that are considered the most likely to be accessed next. These highlights are determined using a new algorithm, AccessRank, which is designed to produce a set of results that is both accurate and stable over time. Search Directed Navigation highlights items that match, or contain items that match, a filename search query, allowing users to rehearse the mechanisms for expert performance in order to aid future retrievals, and providing greater context than the results of a traditional search interface. Hover Menus appear when hovering the mouse cursor above a folder, and provide shortcuts to highly ranked files and folders located at any depth within the folder. This allows users to reduce navigation times by skipping levels of the file hierarchy. These interfaces are evaluated in lab and field studies, allowing for both precise analysis of their relative strengths and weaknesses, while also providing a high degree of external validity. Results of the lab study show that all three techniques reduce retrieval times and are subjectively preferred by participants. For the field study, fully functional versions of Icon Highlights and Search Directed Navigation are implemented as part of Finder Highlights, a plugin to OS X's file manager. Results indicate that Icon Highlights significantly reduce file retrieval times, and that Search Directed Navigation was useful to those who used it, but faces barriers to adoption. Key contributions of this thesis include a review of previous literature on file management, a thorough characterisation of file retrieval behaviour, improved algorithms for predicting user behaviour and three improved interfaces for file retrieval. This research has the potential to improve a tedious activity that users perform many times a day, while also providing generalisable algorithms and interface concepts that are applicable to a wide range of interfaces beyond file management.

Designing effective animated icons for children

Kaur, Manjinder January 2011 (has links)
Information Technology is an essential part of the National Curriculum in the UK, yet despite the growth of IT in schools that this has generated, there is evidence that children are not to be taken into consideration enough when designing aspects of educational software. The functionality available in education software packages tends to be made available through static icons, yet there are problems with their implementation as they can at times cause confusion for the user in terms of the functionality that they are aiming to represent. In order to make icons in educational software more effective, and to meet the needs of children, of the use of animated icons has been suggested. Animating the function of the icon aims to provide a clarification of its meaning and demonstrate its capabilities, as well as explaining to the user the method of use. However, there is little information available on how to support the design of effective animated icons. Focusing on a target age group of 11 to 12 year olds, this thesis argues that some form of support mechanism should be developed for the design of animated icons to ensure that consideration is being given to the types of object that children find useful and accessible. A set of dimensions where guidance on visual aspects of the icon may be useful are developed through analysis of relevant literature and it is highlighted that they do not provide any insight into what types of object may be helpful in designing the animated icons. This thesis then argues that animated icon design can be usefully informed by psychological theories of learning and that using such theories as a base may provide an understanding of how children identify icon functionality. The thesis introduces and critiques Piaget’s Genetic Epistemology theory, Vygotsky’s Sociocultural theory and Leontjev’s Activity Theory, identifying aspects of the theories which may be of relevance to the design of animated icons. By investigating the relationships between the dimensions of animated icons and the concepts from the theories of learning, insights are developed into the impact of visual factors on a child’s identification and understanding of icon functionality. The thesis goes on to report a practical study where the sample is a group of 11 to 12 year old children. The practical study consists of three phases. The first phase gathers data related to the children’s familiarity with computers and the types of software packages that they use. The second phase looks at their use and recognition of static icon functionality. The last phase involves using the findings from phases 1 and 2 to create and evaluate a set of animated icons, the development of which is based on the relationships between the concepts from theories of learning and the identified dimensions of animated icons. The analysis of the evidence from the practical study leads to a small set of design principles being proposed that are aimed to provide advice/guidance on how to design animated icons effectively for this target age group, with an emphasis on the types of object that might be used. The principles are underpinned by the concepts from the theories of learning and presented in a manner that aims to be understandable by, and accessible to, designers.

The users’ perspective and preference on three user interface website design patterns and their usability

Dimov, Ivan January 2016 (has links)
This study is qualitative and interpretive in nature. It examines the perception of 6 people aged 23-32 with decent experience in using the Web on the usability of three user interface website design patterns. These patterns are the ‘hamburger’ icon (an icon used primarily in mobile websites and apps that shows a hidden navigation when clicked), CAPTCHAs (a task that users have to complete to continue browsing a webpage to prevent automated software operating on the webpage) and returning to the homepage. It searches for the characteristics that they desire to see in those three user interface design patterns and the actions that those patterns represent. The participants are reached through interviews and observations and the research pinpoints that although experienced Internet users find the user interface elements relatively usable some usability factors can be worked upon in the chosen design elements and pinpoints what users would want to see changed, the actual changes they want and the problems they actually encounter with the current status of the three (3) design patterns and their usability. More noticeably, the research pinpoints that a “Homepage” button would be more usable than “Home” button which is the de facto standard as of this moment and it shows that the ‘hamburger’ icon is usable enough amongst experienced users, contradicting the research pinpointing that 71 out of 76 fail using the icon (Fichter and Wisniewski, 2016) probably due to the participants’ experience with technology, but other, preferable alternatives to the ‘hamburger’ icon are revealed from the participants which are in line with the current literature. CAPTCHAs are confirmed as a ‘nuisance’ (Pogue, 2012) and the need for CAPTCHAs which are quick to solve emerges which is what forms the perception of usability of the participants.

Documentário: a construção de um ícone com os quilombolas de Pedro Cubas - Vale do Ribeira-SP / Documentário: a construção de um ícone com os quilombolas de Pedro Cubas Vale do Ribeira-SP

Silva, José Vitor Marchi Palma e 05 February 2010 (has links)
Desenvolvimento de pesquisa de campo através de métodos etnográficos e produções iconográficas tais como registros fílmicos, fotografias e blogs, com remanescentes de quilombos da comunidade de Pedro Cubas no Vale do Ribeira, sul do Estado de São Paulo. Busca-se a partir de uma abordagem etnográfica construir um texto interdisciplinar para orientar, de forma colaborativa, a produção documentária de um ícone com as expressões e as tensões da vida cotidiana marcadas pela singularidade de suas origens e lutas históricas. / Field research development by ethnographic methods and iconographic productions such as film registers, photos and blogs, with people from quilombos remains in Pedro Cubas community, Vale do Ribeira, south of São Paulo State, Brazil.

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