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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La gestión de las TIC y su impacto en la cadena de valor: Oportunidades para las empresas del siglo XXI / La gestión de las TIC y su impacto en la cadena de valor: Oportunidades para las empresas del siglo XXI

Bravo Sotomayor, Daniel 03 August 2018 (has links)
The development of information and communication technologies (ICT), mainly in the 21st century, has generated a series of changes within an increasingly globalized world, allowing companies to incorporate technological tools according to their needs.As a result of the above, the article presents the impacts of incorporating ICTs at the level of the value chain, with the aim of analyzing the consequences within the business activities defined within it. Likewise, the potential opportunities generated by these tools are raised, in order to support decision making at the managerial level through knowledge of its benefits and implications. / El desarrollo de las tecnologías de información y comunicación (TIC), fundamentalmente en el siglo XXI, ha generado una serie de cambios dentro de un mundo cada vez más globalizado, permitiendo a las empresas incorporar herramientas tecnológicas de acuerdo a sus necesidades.A raíz de lo anterior, el artículo presenta los impactos de la incorporación de TIC’s a nivel de cadena de valor, con el objetivo de analizar las consecuencias dentro de las actividades empresariales definidas dentro de ella. Asimismo, se plantean las oportunidades potenciales que generan estas herramientas, con el fin de apoyar la toma de decisiones a nivel gerencial a través del conocimiento de sus beneficios e implicancias.

Uso cotidiano y pedagógico de las TIC por profesores de una universidad privada de Lima

Chumpitaz Campos, Lucrecia, Rivero Panaqué, Carol 10 April 2018 (has links)
Daily and Educational use of Information and Communication Technology by teachers at a private university in Lima In the context of higher education as opposed to scholar levels, urges further studies delineate clear guidelines to promote the educational integration of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in a relevant way on university. This article presents the results of a descriptive study of the everyday uses of technology by the lecturers of different faculties of a university. It also presents the data relating to educational use of the resources on a daily basis, they used them to develop on their classes. It identifies a clear reduction in the use of technological resources uses daily in their roles as teachers. In that sense is perceived a repeated use of resources such as Power point presentations, finding information on the Internet and the use of video mainly. Beyond that, there is not an effective integration in ICT resources in the educational development even though university has a virtual platform. This study was conducted with lecturers from all departments of the university through a further survey and focus group was conducted supplemented in the information gathered by the survey. We report the synthesis of the results of this study and recommendations to guide policy processes and training teachers in the use of such resources in their teaching. / En el marco de la educación superior a diferencia del nivel escolar, urge profundizar los estudios y delimitar lineamientos claros para promover la integración educativa de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) de manera pertinente en el quehacer educativo universitario. En el presente artículo se muestran los resultados de un estudio descriptivo sobre los usos cotidianos de tecnología de parte de profesores de una universidad y a la vez, los datos referidos al uso pedagógico de estos recursos como docentes en el contexto de la universidad. Este estudio se llevó a cabo con docentes de todos los Departamentos de la universidad a través de una encuesta y adicionalmente se realizó un focus group para complementar la información recogida por la encuesta. Se presenta la síntesis de los resultados así como recomendaciones para encaminar procesos de política y formación de los profesores en el uso de este tipo de recursos en su ejercicio docente.

Drivers and Barriers concerning Adoption of Cloud Computing : Focus on Strategic Decision Making

Denham-Smith, John, Harvidsson, Pontus January 2016 (has links)
Cloud computing is seen as the new IT paradigm and the biggest development of the decade in computing. The term was commercially formed in 2008 but the technology has been used earlier. Modern enterprises rely greatly on information technology and as it is changing, enterprises need to change with it. The view on ICT-strategy is evolving and becoming more incorporated with business strategy. Cloud computing has grown because of its many benefits, however there are drawbacks which hinders the technology from being widely adopted. This makes strategic decisions on whether to adopt cloud services or not difficult. This thesis provides aspects on drivers and barriers concerning adoption, with connection to ICT-strategy and how they affect medium-sized enterprises. As conditions regarding cloud computing are constantly changing this thesis aims to provide new insight on what drives enterprises to adopt cloud computing, as well as what hinders them. This qualitative study has used semi-structured interviews together with scientific articles and books to reach a conclusion of what enterprises face when constructing a successful ICT-strategy.

ICTs and Citizen Participation : An Ethnography in the Municipality Level

Angelopoulou, Zoi January 2016 (has links)
This master thesis describes an ethnographic research under the critical paradigm of thoughtin the use of ICTs to support citizen participation in the Municipality level. The purpose ofthe research was to acquire an understanding of the perspective of citizens on the topic andprovide suggestions for the employment of ICTs in citizen participation on the specificcontext. The research setting is located in a neighborhood of a Municipality in Athens, thecapital of Greece. Participants included randomly selected citizens, representatives fromcitizens groups which are active in the neighborhood and a representative of the Municipality.The data gathered in the research was qualitative and the methods were selected andconducted following the participatory design approach in correspondence with theethnographic methodology and critical paradigm. The methods used were interviews, probesand participatory observation. The data gathered pointed at similar concerns expressed by theparticipants mainly towards issues such as ignorance and indifference. Participants also hadthe opportunity to make suggestions on the topic of ICTs and citizen participation, which incombination with the results of a thematic analysis of the qualitative data were used to makesuggestions for future employment of ICTs in the Municipality. Through this directengagement with participants the research also hopes to contribute to the developing Greekdomestic literature on the topic, especially concerning the use of qualitative data.

La place de l'expérience dans le développement des compétences et de l'identité professionnelles dans un parcours de master professionnel / The place of experience in skills development and professional identity in a professional master course

Valmas, Vasileios 12 December 2011 (has links)
L’introduction des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) en formation exige le développement de nouvelles compétences pour répondre aux nouveaux besoins. Cela nécessite de repenser la formation des formateurs. La formation inclut l’aspect de l’apprentissage, qui a comme objectif d’élaborer les significations que requièrent, pour l’apprenant adulte, les expériences de sa vie. L’expérience à valeur formative est incluse dans un processus d’autoformation. L’expérience se transforme. De l’expérience solide et cristallisée à la réflexion et l’explicitation, ce travail de transformation passe par l’expression orale ou écrite. L’expérience est une étape existentielle qui développe l’autonomie de la personne par l’exploitation du retour sur l’expérience.Dans cette perspective, cette thèse réunit un nombre d’expériences en relation avec la trajectoire du rédacteur. L’objectif est d’examiner la place de l’expérience dans le développement des compétences et de l’identité professionnelles dans un parcours de master. Notre hypothèse est que l’expérience a un rôle décisif dans le développement des compétences et l’acquisition de l’identité professionnelles. Dans un premier temps nous analysons le rôle de l’expérience dans la formation. Ensuite, nous étudions les compétences développées à l’issue d’une formation de master 2 professionnel. Puis, nous examinons comment se développe une identité professionnelle par le biais d’un parcours de master 2 professionnel en Sciences de l’éducation. Nous étudions comment il est possible qu’un formateur en Français langue étrangère (FLE) développe une certaine gamme des compétences à travers un certain nombre d’expériences de vie, de travail et de formation. Nous terminons en proposant une modélisation de formation en master professionnel en FLE-TICE/Ingénierie pédagogique en prenant comme exemple d’étude de cas l’aboutissement de l’expérience du rédacteur de cette thèse. / The introduction of Information Technology and Communication (ICT) in education requires the development of new skills to meet new needs. This requires rethinking the training of trainers. The training includes the aspect of learning, which aims to develop the meanings that require, for the adult learner, the experiences of his life. Experience with educational value is included in the process of self-study. The experience is changing. Strong experience and crystallized thought and explanation, is transformed through oral or written expression. Experience is an existential stage that develops the autonomy of the person operating the return on experience.From this perspective, this thesis combines a number of experiences related to the path of its author. The objective is to examine the role of experience in skills development and professional identity in a master’s degree course. Our hypothesis is that experience has a decisive role in the development of skills and acquisition of professional identity. At first we analyze the role of experience in training. Next, we study the skills developed having completed the training of two professional masters and we examine how to develop a professional identity in the process. We study how it is possible that a trainer in French as foreign language (FFL) is developing a certain range of skills across a number of life experiences, work and training. We end by proposing a model of a professional master’s degree program in FFL/TIC/ Training engineering using a case study of the writer’s as an example.

The Reflective HCI Practitioner : a Study of Problem Framing in Human-Computer Interaction Practice

Philippi, Andreas January 2018 (has links)
The HCI community is well aware of the gap between research and practice in the field. The issue is often discussed in terms of the applicability and adaption of theories and methods to the real world, but both categories seem insufficient for explaining how practitioners navigate the complexity of the problems they work on. This study takes a more fundamental perspective, inspired by theories of reflective practice and design. As a consequence, the attention is shifted to the framing of a problem that happens prior—or in parallel—to the use of theories and methods. Six case studies were collected through semi-structured interviews to investigate this position. The findings point towards a rather small set of techniques which are used for supporting the (re-)framing of a problem in an often pragmatic and informal way. A model locating the methods in their respective stages is proposed; and the methods are related to other research to suggest additional possibilities not mentioned by the participants of this study. What most clearly distinguished HCI practitioners from designers in other professions was their distrust in their own intuition, and the key role they attached to the user in response.

Pontes (ir)reais sobre abismos virtuais - questões do ensino e da aprendizagem de inglês e a presença das novas tecnologias na escola pública / (Un)Real bridges about virtual abysses issues of the teaching and learning of English and the presence of new technologies in the public school

Cecília Barão Alegretti 30 November 2012 (has links)
A mudança do paradigma analógico para o digital, emergente da revolução tecnológica pela qual passamos, juntamente com o grande interesse atual pelo uso das TICs nos processos de ensino e aprendizagem da língua inglesa, motivaram esta pesquisa. Com o objetivo de investigar os processos de (des)construção de sentidos tanto dos alunos como dos professores, além de vivenciar a complexidade que emerge das aulas de inglês pensadas a partir da presença das TICs, a pesquisa se desenvolveu em duas fases: 1) elaboração do projeto Familiarização com o uso da língua inglesa através do computador, implementado na escola pública com alunos do quinto ano do Ensino Fundamental, e, 2) a observação, no ano seguinte, de aulas de inglês e de informática, para uma turma de sexto ano da rede pública. A pesquisa mesclou as metodologias qualitativa (MAXWELL, 2005), interpretativa (ERICKSON, 1986) e de fundo etnográfico (GEERTZ, 1973), enquadrando-se no gênero da autoetnografia (PRATT, 1992; ELLIS; ADAMS; BOCHNER, 2011). Os dados, aqui chamados de momentos significativos, ou seja, momentos que apontam para aspectos da mudança de paradigma de analógico para digital foram analisados a partir dos pressupostos das teorias pós-coloniais (BHABHA, 1994), pós-modernas (VATTIMO, 2004), do letramento crítico (MENEZES DE SOUZA, 2011; SHOR, 1999), dos novos letramentos (LANKSHEAR; KNOBEL, 2003; BURGESS; GREEN, 2009) e multiletramentos (COPE; KALANTZIS, 2000). A análise dos momentos significativos corroborou a hipótese de que há uma relação entre os processos de ensino e aprendizagem de inglês e as novas tecnologias que pode contribuir para mudanças na construção de sentidos dos atores envolvidos. Para tanto, é necessário haver um forte investimento no processo de autoletramento crítico por parte do professor. Entendido como exercício de auto-observação no encontro com o outro durante o processo de construção de sentidos, o autoletramento crítico pode auxiliar na compreensão da complexidade das relações entre professores, alunos e construção de conhecimento a partir do paradigma digital. Nesse exercício de auto-observação, o presente trabalho foi elaborado na forma de narrativa, entendida como um processo de criação de significação, uma forma de fazer sentido (BRUNER, 2001), com foco principal nas ações (ARENDT, 2010) dos atores envolvidos no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, recortados aqui nas figuras dos alunos, professores e pesquisadora. / Emerging from the present technological revolution, the change from the analog to the digital paradigm, together with the ever-rising interest in the use of ICTs in ELT motivated this research. Aiming at investigating both teachers and students meaning-making processes as well as experiencing the complexity involved in the teaching of English as a foreign language as far as ICTs are concerned, this research was developed in two phases: designing the project entitled Familiarização com o uso da língua inglesa através do computador (English language familiarization via computer), implemented in the Brazilian Public School with a group of fifth graders and, in the following year, the observation of English and Computer classes for a group of sixth graders. This research follows a methodology which combines qualitative (MAXWELL, 2005), interpretative (ERICKSON, 1986) and ethnographic (GEERTZ, 1973) perspectives, fitting into the autoethnolographic genre (PRATT, 1992; ELLIS; ADAMS; BOCHNER, 2011). The data, here named meaningful moments, that is, moments which point to aspects of paradigm changes from analog to digital were analysed using the theories of post colonialism (BHABHA, 1994), post modernism (VATTIMO, 2004), critical literacy (MENEZES DE SOUZA, 2011; SHOR, 1999), new literacies (LANKSHEAR; KNOBEL, 2003; BURGESS; GREEN, 2009) and multiliteracies (COPE; KALANTZIS, 2000). The analysis of the meaningful moments confirmed the hypothesis that there is a relationship between the English teaching and learning processes and the new technologies which may contribute to changes in the meaning making process of those involved. Thus, a considerable amount of investment in the process of critical self-literacy is necessary on the teachers part. Taken as the exercise of self-observation in the very moment when the self meets the other in the meaning-making process, critical self-literacy may foster the understanding of the complexity of relationships between teachers, students and the construction of knowledge within the digital paradigm. Throughout this exercise of critical self-observation, the present dissertation was written as a narrative, as a meaning-making process, a way of making meaning (BRUNER, 2001), focusing mainly on the actions (ARENDT, 2010) of those involved in the teaching and learning processes, represented here as the students, teachers and the researcher.

Uso de tecnologias de informação e comunicação por adultos de idade avançada : considerações na área educacional

Borges, Roberto Cabral de Mello January 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho pesquisa o uso das tecnologias de informação e comunicação que estão sendo usadas pelos adultos de idade avançada no Brasil. O objetivo principal é estudar o uso destas tecnologias para fins educacionais. Adultos idosos têm algumas limitações, têm dificuldades para operar os equipamentos e têm um comportamento particular a respeito do uso de algumas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação. Este estudo mostra como os adultos de idade mais avançada estão usando essas Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação, suas dificuldades, seus sentimentos a respeito, suas expectativas e como eles estão obtendo algum aprendizado auxiliado por estas tecnologias e seus benefícios para sua qualidade de vida. Para designar este grupo de adultos, que abrange a 3ª idade e mais um segmento de idade imediatamente abaixo, foi criada a expressão "Adulto de Idade Avançada" (55 a 90 anos). Para que se possam quantificar as formas, intensidade de uso e dificuldades no uso foi criado um índice que mede o quanto e como estes adultos estão usando de cada tecnologia, permitindo assim uma comparação e classificação. Através desse índice podem-se determinar estatisticamente quais variáveis influenciam ou não o uso das tecnologias e inferir perfil e comportamento da população estudada. Conhecido este perfil pode-se fazer recomendações e associações de tecnologias com tipos de atividades que possam promover algum tipo de aprendizado para estes usuários e com isto lhes adicionar um componente a mais de qualidade de vida. / This work researches the use of Information and Communication Technologies that are used by advanced age adults. The main purpose is to study the usage of those technologies for educational purposes. Older adults have some limitations, have difficulties to operate the devices and have a particular behavior about the use of some modern technologies. This study shows how the seniors are using these technologies, the difficulties they felt, their expectations and how they are getting some learning helped by the technologies and its benefits to their life quality. To designate this adult group, that covers the third age and one more age segment, immediatelly below, was created the expression "Advanced Age Adult" (55 to 59 years). In order to be able to quantify the kinds, intensity of use and difficulties in using was created an index that measures how much and how these adults are using each technology, thus allowing a comparison and classification. Through this index can be determined statistically which factors influence whether or not the use of technologies and inferred profile and behavior of the population studied. Known this profile can make recommendations and associations with technology types of activities that can promote some kind of learning for these users and by this, they can add one more component to their quality of life.

As TIC como facilitadoras da aprendizagem significativa no ensino de física / The ICT facilitate meaningful learning in physics teaching

Moraes, José Uibson Pereira 14 May 2012 (has links)
Starting from the reality of physics teaching today, and that this teaching is sometimes criticized, then it is thought to contribute to its improvement. With this motivation this research is intended to understand how the use of Information and Communication Technologies can contribute to the facilitation of The Meaningful Learning in the physics teaching. Therefore, it was used as theoretical support The Meaningful Learning of Ausubel in itself, The Education Theory of Novak and Gowin‟s Teaching and Learning Model. The methodology used was the action research. Data collection was obtained from the concept maps created by the students as well as notes and audio recordings. For quantitative analysis of the maps was used the score suggested by Gowin and Alvarez (2005), generating a score for each map. As for the qualitative analysis we used the classification levels of the Taxonomy Cañas et al. (2006). From these analyzes, we observed evidence of significant learning tied to the contribution of ICT. / Partindo da realidade do ensino de Física atualmente, e que este ensino, em certas ocasiões, é alvo de críticas, pensa-se então em como contribuir para a sua melhoria. Com esta motivação, buscou-se com esta pesquisa compreender como o uso das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação pode contribuir para a facilitação da Aprendizagem Significativa no ensino de Física. Para tanto, foi usada como suporte teórico a própria Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de Ausubel, além da Teoria de Educação de Novak e do modelo de ensino-aprendizagem de Gowin. A metodologia usada foi a pesquisa-ação. A coleta de dados foi obtida a partir de mapas conceituais criados pelos alunos, assim como anotações e gravações em áudio. Para a análise quantitativa dos mapas, utilizou-se a pontuação sugerida por Gowin e Alvarez (2005), gerando um escore de cada mapa. Já para a análise qualitativa, utilizaram-se os níveis de classificação da Taxonomia de Cañas et al. (2006). A partir destas análises, foram observados indícios de aprendizagem significativa atrelada à contribuição das TIC.

As tecnologias da informação e comunicação(TIC)na formação docente no Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Ambiental da Furg, no Brasil, e no Doutorado Interuniversitário em Educação Ambiental, na Espanha.

Arruda, Rogério Dias de January 2010 (has links)
Tese (doutorado)-Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação Ambiental, Instituto de Educação, 2010. / Submitted by eloisa silva (eloisa1_silva@yahoo.com.br) on 2012-11-28T18:25:24Z No. of bitstreams: 1 rogrio dias de arruda.pdf: 3083244 bytes, checksum: f523aa88755b7fe778321cb31b896d41 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-11-28T18:25:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 rogrio dias de arruda.pdf: 3083244 bytes, checksum: f523aa88755b7fe778321cb31b896d41 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Este trabalho investiga a presença das Tecnologias da Informação e Comunicação (TIC) no processo de formação docente em dois programas de pós-graduação em Educação Ambiental: da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande (Furg), no Brasil, e do Doctorado Interuniversitario en Educación Ambiental (DIEA), na Espanha. O objetivo deste estudo, que tem suas bases na perspectiva qualitativa e configura-se como um estudo de caso, consiste em analisar as concepções que têm professores e alunos de pós-graduação em Educação Ambiental sobre o uso das TIC em suas práticas e se isso está presente na formação que praticam. Para tanto, o percurso metodológico constitui-se de três fases. Na primeira, realizou-se o contato com professores e alunos dos dois programas indagando se eles poderiam colaborar concedendo uma entrevista ou respondendo a um questionário semiestruturado enviado pela Internet. Na segunda fase ocorreram as entrevistas e o envio e recepção dos questionários. E na terceira fase, utilizou-se a técnica da Análise de Conteúdo para proceder à análise dos dados, que foi realizada em duas etapas, uma para cada programa. O referencial teórico que dá suporte a este estudo abarca três áreas do conhecimento: a da Educação Ambiental, numa perspectiva crítica; a das TIC; e a da formação docente. O diálogo entre essas três áreas do conhecimento, bem como a análise dos dados, foi permeado por contribuições do pensamento de Bakhtin. Contemplou-se também o espaço onde ocorre a formação docente investigada neste estudo. Para isso, abordou-se tanto a constituição da pós-graduação no Brasil quanto na Espanha, inclusive com as diretrizes do Processo de Bolonha, adotadas pela Espanha para participar do Espaço Europeu de Educação Superior (EEES). Dentro dessa abordagem, realizou-se a apresentação dos dois programas investigados. Os resultados das análises revelaram que há pontos convergentes e divergentes entre os programas e mesmo dentro de cada um deles. Entre os pontos convergentes estão: a necessidade de reflexão crítica sobre o uso das TIC; a consciência de que a prática pedagógica inovadora vai além da utilização das TIC; que a capacitação dos sujeitos para o uso das TIC é variada; que a motivação com o uso das TIC vincula-se às estratégias de ação utilizadas pelos docentes, bem como da postura dos sujeitos (professores e alunos) ante as TIC. Entre os pontos divergentes estão: as condições de uso das TIC oferecidas pelos programas; se é a qualidade ou a inovação que o uso das TIC propicia ao processo educativo; se as TIC podem se constituir em elemento motivador; se o aproveitamento educativo no curso do doutorado foi potencializado com o uso das TIC; e o uso das TIC na prática futura dos alunos como educadores ambientais. A unidade de análise “Exclusão digital” foi objeto de análise somente do PPGEA/Furg, que revelou que a exclusão digital no Brasil tem como fator determinante a desigualdade social. A conclusão do estudo aponta que as TIC têm grande importância na formação de educadores ambientais nos programas de pós-graduação investigados, mas ainda é o professor, com suas crenças, necessidades e atitudes, o maior responsável pelo êxito na formação. / Este trabajo investiga la presencia de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en el proceso de formación de profesores en dos programas de estudios de posgrado en Educación Ambiental: Universidade Federal de Rio Grande (FURG), en Brasil, y Doctorado Interuniversitario en Educación Ambiental (DIEA), en España. El objetivo de este estudio, que se basa en un análisis cualitativo y se configura como un estudio de caso, es analizar los conceptos que tienen los profesores y estudiantes de posgrado en Educación Ambiental en el uso de las TIC en sus prácticas y si se incluye en la formación que practican. Para ello, hay tres etapas que constituyeron el enfoque metodológico. Al principio, hubo un contacto con profesores y estudiantes de ambos programas preguntándose si podrían colaborar en tener una entrevista o responder a un cuestionario semi-estructurado enviado por Internet. En la segunda fase se produjeron entrevistas y envío y recepción de cuestionarios. Y en la tercera fase se utilizó la técnica de análisis de contenido para el análisis de los datos, que fue realizado en separado, para cada programa. El marco teórico que apoya este estudio incluye tres áreas de conocimiento: la Educación Ambiental, en una perspectiva crítica; las TIC; y la formación de profesorado. El diálogo entre estas tres áreas de conocimiento y el análisis de los datos se impregnó de las contribuciones del pensamiento de Bajtín. También se refiere al espacio donde la formación de profesorado es investigada en este estudio: el posgrado. Para ello, se trató de la constitución del posgrado, de Brasil y de España, incluyendo las directrices del Proceso de Bolonia, aprobada por España para participar en el Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES). Se presentaron los dos programas. Los resultados de los análisis revelaron convergencias y divergencias entre los programas e incluso dentro de cada uno de ellos. Entre las similitudes están: la necesidad de una reflexión crítica sobre el uso de las TIC; la conciencia de que la práctica pedagógica innovadora va más allá del uso de las TIC; la capacitación de profesores y estudiantes para el uso de las TIC es muy variada; la motivación para uso de las TIC está ligado a las estrategias de acción utilizadas por los profesores, así como la postura de los sujetos (profesores y estudiantes) ante las TIC. Entre los puntos conflictivos están: las condiciones de uso de las TIC ofrecida por los programas; si el uso de las TIC propicia calidad o la innovación al proceso educativo; si las TIC pueden constituir un factor de motivación; si el aprovechamiento educativo en el curso de doctorado fue aumentado con el uso de las TIC; y el uso de las TIC en la práctica futura de los estudiantes como educadores ambientales. La unidad de análisis “brecha digital” se ha considerado sólo desde PPGEA/FURG, que reveló que la brecha digital en Brasil es un factor importante de desigualdad social. La conclusión muestra que las TIC tienen una gran importancia en la formación de los educadores ambientales en el postgrado, pero es el docente con sus creencias, necesidades y actitudes el responsable del éxito en la formación. / This paper investigates the presence of Information and communication technologies (ICT) in the process of teacher training in two programs of graduate studies in Environmental Education: Federal University of Rio Grande (Furg) in Brazil and Doctorado Interuniversitario en Educación Ambiental (IDEA), Spain. This study, which is based on a qualitative study and appears as a case study is to analyze the concepts that have teachers and students in Environmental Education on the use of ICT in their practices and that training is provided. So, there were three stages that were the methodological approach. First, there was contact with teachers and students of both programs asking collaboration with interviews or responding to a semi-structured questionnaire sent by Internet. In the second phase occurred interviews and sending and receiving the questionnaires. And in third stage was used the technique of content analysis, which data of each program. The theoretical framework that supports this study includes three areas of knowledge: the Environmental Education, a critical perspective, the ICT, and teacher training. The dialogue between these three areas of knowledge and data analysis was permeated by contributions of Bakhtin's thought. Also covered was the space where the teacher is investigated in this study. For that, we dealt with both the constitution of post-graduate studies in Brazil and in Spain, including the guidelines of the Bologna Process, adopted by Spain to participate in the European Higher Education Area. Within this approach, were also presented the two programs investigated. The analysis results revealed that there are convergences and divergences between programs and even within each one of them. Among the similarities are: the need for critical reflection on the use of ICT; innovative pedagogical practice goes beyond the use of ICT, training for the use of ICT is varied, the motivation to use of ICT is linked to the strategies of action used by teachers, as well as the posture of teachers and students before ICT. Among the sticking points are: the conditions of use of ICT offered by programs; the use of ICT gives quality or innovation to the educational process; if ICT can constitute a motivating factor; if the educational use in the course of doctorate was augmented with the use of ICT and the use of ICT in students' future practice as educators. The unit of analysis "Digital divide" has been considered only from PPGEA / Furg, which revealed that the digital divide in Brazil is an important factor in social inequality. The conclusion shows that ICT has great importance in the preparation of environmental educators in the post-graduate investigated, but it is the teacher with their beliefs, needs and attitudes, the most responsible for success in training.

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