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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Supporting social workers transition to remote work : A design concept for tackling communication challanges on social workers digital practices

Oyegun, Caleb January 2021 (has links)
The main theme of this thesis is the impact of the sudden transition on service delivery caused by the COVID 19 pandemic on social workers and career practitioners in related fields. Like most professional careers that the sudden takeover of the virus has obstructed, the field of social work has been one ofthe professions that the global pandemic has negatively impacted because of its heavy reliance on face-to-face interactions. By employing research methods, challenges faced while working remotely by the social workers were identified, and a main design concepts was proposed in supporting the work of the social workers.

Informationsspridning och protester : Hur påverkas protester av ICTs och pressfrihet?

Outinen, Victor January 2022 (has links)
The research on the mobilizing role of ICTs and freedom of the press has been abundant and has specifically focused on how they affect individuals’ participation in protests and the number of protests in different countries. However, research is lacking in how these determinants affect the size of protests. This study aims to contribute to this lack of research as it combines these determinants and investigates how they affect the number and size of protests in 138 countries during the time period 1993 to 2016. The theoretical framework is based on Chenoweth and Stephans theory of informational difficulties combined with contemporary research on the role of ICTs as mobilizing tools and the role of the traditional media as the fourth estate. Furthermore, the method that has been used is ordinary least squares regression where the study expects that the number and size of protests grows along with the availability of ICTs and a higher degree of press freedom. The study then concluded that these expectations were partly correct, it concluded that two out of the three chosen ICTs had no affect at all and the last one had a positive effect on the amount and size of protest. Moreover, a more limited press resulted in higher amount and larger sizes of protests. Finally, this study contributes to the literature as it contradicts earlier findings on this subject and creates new information regarding the effect of these determinants on protest sizes.

Lärarna och IKT

Pernmo, Stefan, Björklund, Kalle January 2005 (has links)
Stefan Pernmo och Kalle Björklund (2005) Lärarna och IKT. The teachers and ICT. Skolutveckling och ledarskap. Lärarutbildningen Malmö Högskola. Syftet med denna undersökning är att försöka förstå ifall lärarna ser några problem med IKT, samt om man känner obehag eller förtrogenhet med IKT. Vi vill även undersöka om lärarna anser att de får en kontinuerlig fortbildning inom den moderna teknologin.För att nå syftet har vi använt en kvalitativ metod med totalt elva intervjuer. Den litteratur som presenteras belyser tidigare undersökningar kring lärarens roll och de samband som finns mellan IKT och pedagogiska mål.Resultatet av vår undersökning visar att ett viktigt hjälpmedel för läraren är att aktivt deltaga i elevernas kunskapsinsamling. Undersökningen visar också att det är viktigt med baskunskaper inom IKT, samt att mycket av lärarnas vidareutbildning sker efter eget behov.Slutsatsen av vår undersökning visar att lärarna har en god baskunskap om IKT samt att de kontinuerligt ser nya behov att kompetensutveckla sig. Förslag på vidare forskning skulle vara hur man bäst går tillväga för att erhålla tillförlitligt material när man söker på Internet. / Stefan Pernmo och Kalle Björklund (2005) Lärarna och IKT. The teachers and ICT.School Improvement and Leadership. The Training of Teachers at Malmö University.The purpose of this study is to try to elucidate if the teachers are experiencing any problems with ICT, and if they feel familiar or ill at ease with ICT. We also want to find out if the teachers consider that they continuously are offered further education within modern technology. In order to attain our object we have used a qualitative method and eleven interviews in all. The literature that is presented sheds light upon earlier research about the teacher’s role and the connections between ICT and pedagogical goals. The result of our study shows that an important teaching aid is to take an active part in the students’ acquisition of knowledge. The study also shows that basic skills are important in ICT, and that a great deal of the teachers’ further training is obtained according to their own needs. The conclusion of our study is that the teachers have good basic knowledge about ICT and that they continuously see new demands for competence development. A suggestion for further research would be how to proceed in order to successfully obtain reliable material when browsing on the Internet.

Hur mellanstadielärare implementerar digitala verktyg i NO-undervisningen

Lantz, Liv, Stjernfelt, Kristofer January 2016 (has links)
This study has two main focuses. The first centers on teacher’s use of digital tools within the Swedish middle-school educational system. The second emphases which purpose and in what situations teachers implement digital tools in their teaching. Hence, chosen research questions are: (I) What are the main determining factors controlling the use of digital tools within science education? (II) With which purposes and in what contexts do teachers use digital tools? This study is based on qualitative interviews on an assorted group of respondents, and the results are analyzed from the socio-cultural and constructivist theories of learning. Collectively our interviews show that the main determining factors controlling the use of digital tools are school resources, the teacher knowledgebase and the teachers approach towards digital tools. Furthermore, this study shows that the use of digital tools is most commonly implemented as a complement to traditional teaching methods, and primarily to increase student motivation.

Teachers’ Use of E-readers in Kenyan Classrooms

Söllwander, Mia January 2016 (has links)
The essay investigates how the e-reader changes the conditions for teaching in a developmentsetting. By applying the theory designs for learning different aspects of the teaching practiceare analyzed. Suzy Peacock Memorial Secondary School in Eldoret, Kenya was used for thecollection of data. The results and the discussion show that while the teachers benefitted to agreat extent from the e-readers while planning their work they did not use them to a greatextent together with their students. Neither did the e-readers change how the teacherscommunicated knowledge nor their idea of what they wanted students to learn. In order forthe e-readers to be implemented in the teaching and for the teachers to use the e-readerstogether with their students more, it is argued that teachers would benefit to a great extentfrom teacher training.

Mobile Communication within Healthcare Environment : A Case Study at Danderyds University Hospital

Söderström, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
Organizations within the healthcare industry are under a constant pressure with a continuousgrowth, resulting in a larger number of patients in need of attention and an increased demandfor healthcare services. The pressure put on the different departments at hospitals challengesthe communication channels within the organization. This in turn prevents the employeesfrom driving change efficiently where a perceived lack of information flow and fragilecommunication is the cause. To facilitate a transition, ICT is acting as a fundamental driverfor a transformation, where emerging technologies are changing the workflow inorganizations. It has contributed with mobile applications to work as solutions to enhancecommunication by improving connectivity and facilitating information flow. Therefore, thepurpose of the report was to investigate how a mobile application could help to enhance theinternal communication in the healthcare sector.For the master thesis, the investigation has been realized by conducting a descriptive casestudy at the infectious disease department. Findings were derived from observations, threeinterviews with representatives from the management and a pilot study consisting of thirteenpeople. The process was to observe existing communication channels, obtain a needs analysisfrom the management regarding improvement factors as well as implement and evaluate amobile application as a new communication channel based on their requirements.From the initial observations and interviews it was possible to identify a gap between themanagement’s information distribution and the employees’ information receiving. This wasaddressed by implementing, testing and evaluating a mobile communication channel in orderto make the information more accessible. It was discovered that by dividing employees intosmaller groups with their own specific purpose, it was possible to direct information andprevent information overload. By establishing a mobile communication channel the workflowat the department could be improved with a facilitation of transmitting information as a result.

A GDPR compliant address infrastructure mobile application for Ugandan and Rwandan users / En GDPR-kompatibel adressinfrastruktur-applikation för mobiltelefoner ämnad för Ugandiska och Rwandiska användare

Modin Larsson, Lina January 2018 (has links)
More than half of the world's population are negatively affected by inadequate addresses. In Uganda and Rwanda, efforts have been done to implement a national address system but the effectiveness of those efforts have been prevented, due to lack of understanding and fears regarding its impact. With the help of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), because of its knowledge-generating foundation and substantial growth in East Africa, traditional address initiatives could be streamlined. However, negative consequences with ICT, such as surveillance, could cause the already existing reluctance to accept a system that not only registers a location but also an identity, to increase. Privacy, security and trust are therefore key factors to consider when developing a system that target areas characterized by distrust in organizations and government. This paper argues that the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) provides a strong framework when accomplishing this. By evaluating the user rights defined in GDPR from an interaction design perspective, this research aims to propose design guidelines that gives users agency of their personal information. This paper argues that redefining the rights as potential user actions gives the users control to manage their personal information, and further, that interest and understanding are important to enable conscious actions. With a Research through Design approach, user studies were conducted in Uganda and Rwanda, to evaluate how to design actions and information in order to enhance interest and understanding, and resulted in three design guidelines: User actions, Action layers and Information layers. / Mer än hälften av världens befolkning är negativt påverkade av bristfälliga adresser. I Uganda och Rwanda har det gjorts insatser för att implementera ett nationellt adressystem, men effektiviteten av dessa insatser har förhindrats på grund av bristande förståelse och rädsla för dess inverkan. Med hjälp av Informations- och Kommunikationsteknik (IKT), på grund av sin kunskapsgenererande struktur och starka ökning i Östafrika, kan traditionella addressinitiativ effektiviseras. Negativa konsekvenser med IKT, såsom övervakning, skulle dock kunna leda till att den redan befintliga motviljan att acceptera ett system som inte bara registrerar en plats utan också en identitet, ökar. Integritet, säkerhet och förtroende är därför viktiga faktorer att tänka på när man utvecklar ett system som riktar sig till områden som karaktäriseras av misstro mot organisationer och myndigheter. Denna artikel argumenterar för att den nya Dataskyddsförordningen (GDPR) utformar ett starkt ramverk för att uppnå detta. Genom att utvärdera de användarrättigheter som definieras i GDPR från ett interaktionsdesignperspektiv, syftar denna forskning till att föreslå designriktlinjer som ger användaren full kontroll över sin personliga information. Detta arbete argumenterar att omdefiniera rättigheterna till potentiella användarfunktioner ger användarna kontroll att hantera sin personliga information, och vidare, att intresse och förståelse är viktiga faktorer för att möjliggöra medvetna handlingar. Med en Research through Design-metod genomfördes användarstudier i Uganda och Rwanda, för att utvärdera hur man bör utforma funktioner och information för att öka intresse och förståelse för användarrättigheterna. Detta resulterade i tre designriktlinjer: Användarfunktioner, Funktionslager och Informationslager.

Jag blir inte snead hela tiden

Tinz, Susse, Eliasson, Vivi-Ann January 2013 (has links)
Eliasson, Vivi-Ann & Tinz, Susse (2012). ”Jag blir inte snead hela tiden” – Gymnasieelever med diagnos dyslexi resonerar kring datorn som lärverktyg i klassrummet [So I won’t be eyeballed all the time – Students in secondary school, diagnosed with dyslexia, reason about the computer as a learning tool in the classroom]. Skolutveckling och ledarskap, Specialpedagogik, Lärarutbildningen, Malmö Högskola. Handledare: Lisbeth Ohlsson. Examinator: Kristian Lutz.ProblemområdeSkolans styrdokument är tydliga i sina ansatser att underlätta för elever i behov av särskilt stöd oavsett om de har diagnos eller inte. Det uppfattas ändå som ett problem att tillgodose alla elevers behov inom ramen för den ordinarie skolan, trots att skolans uppdrag att anpassa sig till elevernas olikheter Den person som inte känner sig delaktig i klassrummet är inte heller en del i gruppens demokratiska process. Syfte Denna studies syfte var att undersöka hur elever med dyslexi upplever att deras specifika situation påverkas i en lärmiljö där samtliga elever har var sin dator, samt hur dessa elever ser på möjligheten till inkludering i denna lärandemiljö. Studien fokuserar på elevers upplevelser av skolans sätt att organisera undervisningen. Detta görs genom att ställa frågor till sju gymnasieelever, med diagnos dyslexi, som går sitt andra eller tredje år på ett teoretiskt program. MetodStudien är kvalitativ och fokuserar på inkludering ur ett individperspektiv. För att öka studiens giltighet användes intervjuer, enkätfrågor samt klassrumsobservationer. Dessa analyserades och tolkades utifrån ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Analysarbetet utgick ifrån de kvalitetskriterier gällande inkludering, som har använts i flera tidigare forsknings-rapporter. Teoretisk ramDet sociokulturella perspektivet är centralt i studien. I tidigare forskning inom området inkludering ges en delvis negativ bild av inkludering för elever med diagnos dyslexi. Inom forskning som riktar sig mot informations- och kommunikationsteknologi, IKT, ges däremot en mer positiv bild av datorn som stöd, dels för lärande och dels för inkludering. Resultat med analysI denna studie, liksom i flera tidigare studier, visar resultaten att eleverna värdesätter kamratrelationer högt. De värdesätter också högt det faktum att de inte är ensamma om att ha en dator som lärverktyg. I denna studie används Farrells (2004) fyra kvalitetskriterier för begreppet inkludering; presence (närvaro), acceptance (acceptans), participation (aktivt deltagande) och achievement (utveckling av en positiv självbild). Resultat från klassrumsobservationer, enkätsvar och intervjuer ger en övervägande positiv bild av elevernas upplevelser i relation till inkludering i denna miljö där samtliga elever har dator som lärverktyg. Studien ger en bild av vilka faktorer som uppfattades som positiva respektive negativa av eleverna samt hur de resonerade kring inkludering. Underlaget är inte tillräckligt omfattande för att kunna dra några generella slutsatser. KonklusionStudien pekar på att det centrala inte är vad man gör för eleven, utan vad det resulterar i för eleven.

“Just search the Internet for facts” – a study of some English teachers’ attitudes towards information literacy

Granberg, Marcus, Hultén, Anton January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this dissertation is to examine how some English teachers in secondary and upper secondary school approach using the Internet as a source for information in their profession. The focus of the investigation is to find out how the teachers perceive the concept of source evaluation and information literacy and what their attitudes are towards teaching it to their students. The aim was to learn about the teachers’ thoughts and views on the possibilities as well as trials and tribulations with using Internet-based information sources in the classroom. Qualitative interviews with three secondary school teachers and three upper secondary school teachers were carried out. The semi-structured interviews we conducted contained guiding questions concerning information literacy, criteria for source evaluation and attitudes. Our results show that all the informants have a positive attitude towards incorporating the use of the Internet when they design tasks. However the respondents indicate several difficulties regarding the teaching of information literacy skills.

Gender differences in cyberbullying victimization among adolescents in Europe. A systematic review

Gustafsson, Elin January 2017 (has links)
Digital technologies has become the leading way for individuals to communicate, but despite its many advances it may also be misused for harmful behaviors. Over the last decade cyberbullying has become a serious social health problem worldwide. It has been estimated that roughly 20 to 40% of all adolescents will experience at least one act of cyberbullying. Even though an extensive amount of research has been carried out some uncertainties remains, for instance whether there are any gender differences in experiences. The overarching aim with the current review was to analyze the role of gender in cyberbullying victimization among European adolescents. The specific aspects explored were gender differences in victimization and misused technological platforms. In order to achieve the aim a systematic review of recent evidence was carried out. Based on established inclusion criteria searches for both published and non-published articles were made in the databases of EBSCOhost, ProQuest and other sources. The selection process identified seven eligible studies that were included for analysis. The prevalence rate of cyberbullying victimization was ranging from 5% to 28%, with one study reporting higher frequencies. The findings implied a slightly higher likelihood among girls. However, the technological platforms used for victimization were similar for both boys and girls, some of the more frequently misused platforms were social networking sites, instant messaging and text messages. The review findings suggest prevention strategies are directed toward the most popular technological environments, with a somewhat stronger emphasis on girls.

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