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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

American Feminist Manifestos and the Rhetoric of Whiteness

Adams, Elliot C. 27 June 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Varför individer väljer att påbörja studier på högre nivå : En kvantitativ studie av inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer

Hammarlund, Therese January 2018 (has links)
Motivation beskrivs som ett tillstånd som förklarar vilken benägenhet individen har att handla i en specifik situation. För att en individ ska ta ett beslut att studera på universitet eller högskola krävs det att denne är motiverad att göra detta. Motivation kan delas in i typerna, inre och yttre motivation. En ytterligare indelning kan göras i sex motivationsfaktorer; to know, toward accomplishment, to experience stimulation samt identified, introjected och external regulation. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka motivationsfaktorer som påverkar en individs val att studera på universitetet, och om motivationsfaktorerna i sin tur påverkar prestationen. Även eventuella skillnader mellan könen och mellan filosofisk och teknisk fakultet undersöktes. Data samlades in via en webbenkät, baserad på Academic Motivation Scale (Vallerand et al., 1992), där deltagarna fick skatta till vilken grad de ansåg sig ha motiverats av respektive påstående, i sitt val att studera. Resultatet visade att yttre motivationsfaktorer hade störst påverkan på valet att studera, där introjected regulation var den mest betydande motivationsfaktorn. För motivationsfaktorer och prestation noterades inget samband, förutom för faktorn to know. Ingen interaktion noterades mellan motivation och biologiskt kön eller fakultet. Kvinnor var dock mer motiverade än männen. / Motivation is described as a state that explains the propensity of the individual to act in a specific situation. In order for an individual to make a decision to study at university, he or she must be motivated to do so. Motivation can be divided into two types, internal and external motivation. An additional division can be made into six motivational factors; to know, towards achievement, to experience stimulation, identified, introjected and external regulation. The purpose of this study was to investigate wich motivational factors that influence an individual's choice to study at the university, and if this in turn affects performance. Possible differences between the sexes and between the Faculty of Philosophy and Engineering were also investigated. Data was collected via a web-based survey based on the Academic Motivation Scale (Vallerand et al.,1992), where the participants were asked to estimate to what extent they considered themselves motivated by each claim, in their choice to study. The result showed that external motivational factors had the greatest impact on the decision to study, where introjected regulation was the most significant motivational factor. For motivational factors and performance no relation was noted, except for the factor to know. No interaction was noted between motivation and biological gender or the faculties. However, women were more motivated than men.

Motivation till högskolestudier : en kvantitativ studie kring studenters inre och yttre motivation / Motivation for college studies : a qualitative study about students internal and external motivation

Johansson, Mikaela, Toresson, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
Att behålla sin anställningsbarhet genom hela livet blir allt viktigare i dagens föränderliga arbetsmarknad. De ökande krav som läggs på individen gällande anställningsbarhet kan vara en anledning till att antalet studenter på Sveriges högskolor stadigt ökar. Men frågan är hur viktigt anställbarhet är för studenters studiemotivation. Motivation delas i huvudsak in i två kategorier, inre och yttre motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2000). I en mer detaljerad indelning skiljer man på sex motivationsfaktorer; to know, toward accomplishment, to experience stimulation samt identified, introjected och external regulation (Vallerand m.fl, 1993). Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka motivationsfaktorer som påverkar en individs val att börja studera på högskola. Vi har även undersökt om motivationen ser annorlunda ut beroende på respondenterna kön och ålder. Empirin samlades in via en webbenkät som var baserad på Academic Motivation Scale (Vallerand m.fl, 1992), där deltagarna fick skatta till vilken grad de ansåg att respektive påstående motiverat dem i valet att börja studera. Även om marginalerna var små så visade vårt resultat att yttre motivationsfaktorer hade störst påverkan på valet att studera. Identified var den motivationsvariabeln som fick högst värde vilket innebär att man gör någonting för att man har bestämt det, även fast det inte är kul. Att man istället ser handlingen som en nödvändighet eller för att man tror att man kan ha nytta av det i framtiden. Vi fann inga signifikanta skillnader mellan könen. Dock visade vår analys att de fanns signifikanta skillnader i motivationen, men dessa hängde samman med respondenternas ålder. / Maintaining one’s employability throughout their lives is becoming increasingly important in today's labor market, which is in constant change. The increasing demands placed on the individual regarding one´s employability can be a reason why the number of students at Swedish colleges is steadily increasing. But the question is how important is the factor employability for students' student motivation. Motivation can be divided into two categories, internal and external motivation (Deci & Ryan, 2000). In a more detailed division, six motivational factors are distinguished; to know, toward accomplishment, to experience stimulation as well as identified, introjected and external regulation (Vallerand et al., 1992). The purpose of this study was to investigate which motivational factors affect an individual's choice to study at college. We have also investigated whether the motivation appears different depending on the respondents' gender and age. The empirical data was collected via a web survey that was based on Academic Motivation Scale (Vallerand et al., 1992), where the participants estimated in what extent they considered each claim to have motivated them in their choice to start studying. Even though the margin was small our result showed that external motivational factors had the greatest impact on the choice to study. Identified was the motivational variable ranked highest, which means to do something because one has decided to do it although it is not fun. That the activity is seen as necessary or because one believes that doing an activity will be useful in future. We found no significant differences between the sexes. However, our analysis showed that there were significant differences in motivation, but these were related to the respondents' age.

La evaluación de las incorrecciones identificadas durante la realización de la auditoria (NIA 450) y su impacto en el sistema de control interno en el sector de cooperativas de ahorro y crédito asociadas a la FENACREP en los distritos de Jesús María y Pueblo Libre, 2017 / The evaluation of the inaccuracies identified during the audit (NIA 450) and its impact on the internal control system in the credit union sector associated to the FENACREP in the districts of Jesús María and Pueblo Libre, 2017

Aranda Veramendi, Jackeline Shane, Gómez Prado, Devy 10 November 2018 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo demostrar la importancia de la evaluación de las incorrecciones identificadas durante la realización de la auditoria (NIA 450) y su impacto en el sistema de control interno en el sector de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito asociadas a la FENACREP en los distritos de Jesús maría y pueblo libre. Para el desarrollo del presente trabajo, hemos realizado una investigación cualitativa y cuantitativa. Por ello, se utilizó encuestas aplicadas a los Gerentes Financieros o auditores internos de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito que se encuentran ubicadas en el área de nuestro punto de investigación y entrevistas para recopilar las opiniones de los Auditores Financieros de las principales firmas de gran reconocimiento en el país. Asimismo, desarrollamos un caso integrador donde se evaluó el efecto de las incorrecciones identificadas y su impacto en el sistema de control interno de las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito. Los resultados de la investigación demuestran que las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito si tienen un impacto significativo después de realizada la auditoría externa, debido a los cambios positivos que se generan en la obtención de mejores procedimientos y controles. Todo ello, nos ha permitido concluir que la evaluación de las incorrecciones identificadas durante la auditoria tiene influencia en el sistema de control interno, ya que, después de pasar por un proceso de auditoría externa e identificar las falencias, estos han generado un impacto significativo positivo sobre el control interno, debido a que, las áreas en las que se identificaron los errores pudieron ser analizadas y evaluadas, tanto la reestructuración como la implantación de mejores controles internos para la compañía. / This research aims to demonstrate the importance of the evaluation of the improprieties identified during the completion of the audit (ISA 450) and their impact on the system of internal control in the field of savings and credit cooperatives associated with FENACREP district of Jesus Maria and Pueblo Libre. For this reason, then for the development of this work, we conducted a qualitative and quantitative research. For this reason, we used surveys applied to the financial managers of cooperatives such as credit unions, which are located in the area of our point of research and interviews to collect the views of the financial auditors of the major auditing firms of the world. In addition, we develop a case Integrator where evaluated the effect of the improprieties identified and its impact on the system of internal control of savings and credit cooperatives. The results of the investigation show that the cooperatives of savings and credit if they have a significant impact after the external audit, due to the positive changes they generate in obtaining better procedures and controls. All, has allowed us to conclude that the assessment of the improprieties identified during the audit has influence in the internal control system, because after going through an audit process and identify the flaws, these have generated a Significant impact on internal control because areas identified with errors were able to analyze and evaluate the restructuring and implementation of better internal controls for the company. / Tesis

An archaeozoological and ethnographic investigation into animal utilisation practices of the Ndzundza Ndebele of the Steelpoort River Valley, South Africa, 1700 AD – 1900 AD

Nelson, Cindy 01 October 2009 (has links)
Focussing on Archaeozoological faunal analysis, this dissertation aims to investigate the animal food utilization practices of the Ndzundza Ndebele by combining archaeozoologcial methods, archaeological data, ethnographic and historic information. The Ndzundza Ndebele inhabited three different sites in the Steelpoort River Valley during c. 1700 AD – 1900 AD. They were forced to relocate from KwaMaza and Esikhunjini to KoNomtjarhelo as a result of continual fighting between themselves and contemporary Iron Age/Historic communities, the British and the Boers during this period. I aim to identify the animal species utilized by the Ndzundza Ndebele in addition to whether or not the hostile and politically unstable period had any effect on Ndzundza animal food procurement, use and discard. Additionally I investigate whether the faunal remains recovered from the three sites can be used to identify ethnic affiliations, gender roles and ritual use with regards to animals and/or animal parts. Ultimately, I aim to demonstrate that faunal remains cannot be fully understood and interpreted without incorporating relevant ethnographic and/or historic information and as comprehensive an archaeological context as possible. Copyright / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Anthropology and Archaeology / unrestricted

Effekten av identifierat och oskyldigt offer för intention att bli organdonator / Identified and innocent victim effects on intentions to donate organs

Blomberg, Ida, Ling, Samuel January 2022 (has links)
Antalet organdonatorer i Sverige räcker inte för att täcka behovet för dem som är i behov av organtransplantation. För att kunna bli organdonator krävs att vården vet om den avlidnes vilja. Det säkraste sättet att meddela sin vilja är genom donationsregister. Denna uppsats beskriver en förregistrerad experimentell mellangruppstudie som undersökte om deltagarnas (N = 348) intention till att registrera sig som organdonator påverkas av att få information om en person som är i behov av ett organ, jämfört med statistisk information. Dessutom undersöktes om intentionen påverkas av om det identifierade offret framställs som oskyldig eller icke-oskyldig. Datainsamlingen skedde via pappersenkäter. De mått som användes för intention att registrera sig som organdonator var dels självskattad intention, dels ett beteendemått där deltagarna fick svara på om de ville ha mer information. Resultaten av analysen av datan visade varken stöd för att ett oskyldigt identifierat offer skulle påverka deltagare till högre intention, eller att ett icke-oskyldigt identifierat offer skulle påverka deltagare till lägre intention. Någon signifikant skillnad fanns inte mellan grupperna för något av måtten. Studien gjordes inom ett område som inte är välbeforskat och mer forskning behövs för att kunna dra säkra slutsatser av resultatet. / The number of organ donors in Sweden is not enough to support the demand for those in need of organ transplants. To be able to become an organ donor the health services needs to know the will of the deceased. The surest way to announce one's will is through a donation register. This essay describes a pre-registered experimental between-group study that examined whether the participants’ (N = 348) intention to register as an organ donor is affected by receiving information about a person who is in need of an organ, compared with statistical information. In addition, it was examined whether the intention is affected by whether the identified are presented as innocent or non-innocent. Data gathering was done via paper surveys. The measures used for intention to register as an organ donor were partly a self-assessed intention, and partly a behavioral measure where the participants were to answer if they wanted more information. The results of the analysis of data neither supported that presentation of an innocent identified victim would influence participants to higher intention, nor that a non-innocently identified victim would influence participants to lower intention. There was no significant difference between the groups for any of the measures. The study was conducted in a field that is not well researched. More research is needed to be able to draw any absolute conclusions from the results.

Neural Correlates of Adaptive Responses to Changing Load in Feeding <i>Aplysia</i>

Gill, Jeffrey Paul 29 May 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Art-making and Wellbeing with Professional Artists During a Pandemic

Lindsey, Ilyse, Mahammadie-Sabet, Schelsey, Rademacher, Nicole 01 April 2021 (has links) (PDF)
This research project aims to explore the relationship between art-making and wellbeing in professional artists during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study involves 14 respondents who were invited to complete a Qualtrics survey as well as a process of arts-based inquiry. Researchers analyzed participants’ survey and art responses using an iterative collaborative process to identify emergent themes. These themes included a non-optional and internally-located drive to create; positive emotional, social, and physiological impacts associated with art-making and art-sharing; and, positive impacts on art practice associated with the pandemic. These findings emphasized the unique strengths and challenges associated with the professional artist identity.

Treating gambling addiction : a psychological study in the South African context

Bulwer, Miranda 06 1900 (has links)
The objectives of this study were to provide a detailed biopsychosocial description of the characteristics of a sample of 100 individuals screened and referred by the National Responsible Gaming Programme helpline for their outpatient treatment programme over an eighteen month period, and, importantly, to measure the success of this specific treatment programme at set intervals, up to a one year follow-up period. While 80% of the sample did not relapse during the six-week treatment programme, the number of treatment seekers without any gambling relapses during each follow-up period declined, and those falling back into gambling increased as time went on. After one year 47% of treatment seekers managed not to revert back to gambling &#8211; total abstinence. A further 28% reported having relapsed once or twice or that their gambling was controlled. 25% of treatment seekers reported that they reverted back to gambling fulltime which leaves the success rate of the treatment at 75%. Treatment seekers reported an overall reduction in gambling participation, debt and expenditure and an overall improvement in social and vocational functioning. There is evidence in this study to support the perspective that pathological gambling is a multidimensional disorder and that certain sub-groups of gamblers have distinct gambling behaviour. / Psychology / M.Soc.Sc.


Lowerre, Robert 29 November 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this research was to determine teachers’ perceptions of the degree to which research-based characteristics exist in alternative high schools and programs in the Commonwealth of Virginia and the importance of these characteristics to effective education. In addition, this research investigated whether or not these perceptions were related to the teachers’ perception of efficacy. These seven characteristics were (a) clearly identified enrollment criteria, (b) low ratio of student to teachers, (c) one-to-one interactions between staff and students, (d) social skills instruction, (e) effective academic instruction, (f) parental involvement and parental support programs, and (g) specific training for teachers who are working with at-risk youth. Alternative school teachers were also administered the short form of the Tschannen-Moran and Woolfolk Hoy (2001) Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy Scale that is specifically designed to assess the respondents’ perceptions of their self-efficacy as teachers. The data show that alternative school teachers in Virginia ranked “low student to staff ratio” as the most important and “parental involvement and parental support programs” as the least important research-based characteristics for the academic focus of their schools. It was also evidenced by the data that none of the research-based characteristics were shown to have “strong evidence” of existence in Virginia’s alternative schools and programs. Finally, the data showed that there is a positive correlation between the existence of the research-based characteristics and the reported self-efficacy of the alternative school teachers.

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