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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ill-health in Sweden : A regional Perspective

Berntsson, Karin January 2005 (has links)
I denna uppsats behandlas ohälsans regionala utveckling och syftet är att analysera vad som påverkar den svenska ohälsan. Teori angående hushållens val mellan fritid och arbete används för att analysera resultaten från den empiriska undersökningen. Bakgrunden till denna uppsats bottnar i utvecklingen av ohälsotalen som har ökat med 5,1 dagar mellan åren 2000 och 2004. De empiriska resultaten påvisar att arbetslösheten har ett positivt samband med ohälsa och att kvinnor tenderar att vara mer sjuka än män. Vidare bekräftar resultaten att inkomsten har ett negativt samband med ohälsa och detta är även sant för stora företag. Följaktligen har små företag en positiv inverkan på ohälsotalen och en analys av kommuner belägna i den norra delen av Sverige påvisar ett högre ohälsotal än övriga kommuner. Vidare är individernas ålder en faktor som kan förklara utvecklingen av öhälsotalen. Dessa resultat bekräftar att arbetslöshet, kön, inkomst, företagsstorlek, ålder och kommuner belägna i den norra delen är faktorer som kan förklara ohälsotalens utveckling, men även andra faktorer är av betydelse. / This thesis examines the regional development of ill-health and the purpose is to analyse factors that tend to influence the Swedish ill-health. Theory of household choice between work and leisure is used when analysing the results of the empirical study. The background for this thesis is derived from the development of ill-health that has increased with 5.1 days between the years 2000 and 2004. The empirical findings show that unemployment has a positive relationship with ill-health and that women tend to be more ill than men. Furthermore, the results confirm that income has a negative relationship with ill-health and this is also true for large companies. Consequently, small companies have positive influence on ill-health and an analysis of the municipalities in the northern part of Sweden points out a higher number of ill-health than the other municipalities. Moreover, the individuals’ age is also a factor that can explain the development of ill-health. These findings confirm that unemployment, gender, income, size of company, age, and the municipalities in the north-ern part are factors that can explain the development of ill-health. However, other factors are important in the process as well.

Vad är hälsa och ohälsa på arbetsplats? / What is health and illhealth in a workplace?

Engström, Lou January 2013 (has links)
Introduction: Increased ill health in the workplace in terms of increased workload, stress and pressure from employers is common in Sweden today, which may lead to a future variety of medical conditions and disabilities. Aim: The aim of the present study was to describe what employees at companies in the health industry experienced as a health and illhealth on a workplace. Method: A qualitative approach was used in which the interviews were based on an interview guide. The method of analysis was thematic analysis in which three themes emerged. Results: Tree themes emerged; a social interaction with colleagues, good leadership, and access to health care and movement. The findings of the study indicated that the tasks themselves were not as important as the social interaction and the leadership so that the workplace was perceived as healthy. Implication: Suggestions for further research is to try to get more equal number of men and women engaged in further study and to develop the questions in the interview more to answer the purpose better. Furthermore, the health factors reported in the results could still be a good foundation to refer to, for interventions in the workplace or for the overall development of a healthy workplace within a specific company.

Ill-health in Sweden : A regional Perspective

Berntsson, Karin January 2005 (has links)
<p>I denna uppsats behandlas ohälsans regionala utveckling och syftet är att analysera vad som påverkar den svenska ohälsan. Teori angående hushållens val mellan fritid och arbete används för att analysera resultaten från den empiriska undersökningen. Bakgrunden till denna uppsats bottnar i utvecklingen av ohälsotalen som har ökat med 5,1 dagar mellan åren 2000 och 2004. De empiriska resultaten påvisar att arbetslösheten har ett positivt samband med ohälsa och att kvinnor tenderar att vara mer sjuka än män. Vidare bekräftar resultaten att inkomsten har ett negativt samband med ohälsa och detta är även sant för stora företag. Följaktligen har små företag en positiv inverkan på ohälsotalen och en analys av kommuner belägna i den norra delen av Sverige påvisar ett högre ohälsotal än övriga kommuner. Vidare är individernas ålder en faktor som kan förklara utvecklingen av öhälsotalen. Dessa resultat bekräftar att arbetslöshet, kön, inkomst, företagsstorlek, ålder och kommuner belägna i den norra delen är faktorer som kan förklara ohälsotalens utveckling, men även andra faktorer är av betydelse.</p> / <p>This thesis examines the regional development of ill-health and the purpose is to analyse factors that tend to influence the Swedish ill-health. Theory of household choice between work and leisure is used when analysing the results of the empirical study. The background for this thesis is derived from the development of ill-health that has increased with 5.1 days between the years 2000 and 2004. The empirical findings show that unemployment has a positive relationship with ill-health and that women tend to be more ill than men. Furthermore, the results confirm that income has a negative relationship with ill-health and this is also true for large companies. Consequently, small companies have positive influence on ill-health and an analysis of the municipalities in the northern part of Sweden points out a higher number of ill-health than the other municipalities. Moreover, the individuals’ age is also a factor that can explain the development of ill-health. These findings confirm that unemployment, gender, income, size of company, age, and the municipalities in the north-ern part are factors that can explain the development of ill-health. However, other factors are important in the process as well.</p>

Arbetsplatsers behov av företagshälsovård ur ett chefsperspektiv : – Kan arbetsterapeuter möta behoven? / Workplaces need of occupational health services from a manager perspective : - Can occupational therapists meet the needs?

Brunberg Hammarstedt, Sandra January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet är att beskriva hur chefer upplever sina arbetsplatsers behov av företagshälsovård, samt att utifrån detta försöka svara på om arbetsterapeuter kan möta dessa behov. Metod: En kvalitativ induktiv ansats antogs med öppna intervjuer. Fem chefer rekryterades genom ett avsiktligt typiskt urval via kontakter från en företagshälsovård i Jönköping. Intervjuerna bandades, transkriberades och analyserades genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: Övergripande tema: ”Arbets- och privatlivets krav – Att få ihop livspusslet”. Fem huvudkategorier: ”Arbetslivets förutsättningar i förändring”, "Riskgrupper bland anställda”, ”Balansgången mellan arbetsgivarens och personalens ansvar över hälsan”, ”Hälsoinsatser som görs idag” och ”Förhoppningar kring det framtida samarbetet med företagshälsovården” och 14 underkategorier identifierades. Slutsatser: Ur ett chefsperspektiv är företagshälsovården en viktig, behövd aktör och expertresurs för arbetsplatsers och medarbetares hälsa. Arbetslivets förutsättningar är i förändring vilket ställer nya krav på såväl arbetsgivare, anställda som företagshälsovården för att möta behoven. Arbetsterapeuter har resurser att kunna möta de behov som beskrivits. Förhoppningen är att examensarbetet kan verka som vägvisare i praxis så att arbetsrelaterad ohälsa kan förebyggas och reduceras. / Objective: The aim was to describe how managers perceive their workplaces need of occupational health services, and try to answer whether occupational therapists can meet these needs. Methods: A qualitative inductive approach was adopted with open interview form. Five managers were recruited through a typical purposive sampling through contacts from an occupational health service in Jönköping. Interviews were analyzed by a qualitative content analysis. Results: Overall theme: "Work and private life demands - to bring together the puzzle of life". Five main categories: "Working life conditions in change", “Risk groups among employees", “The balance between employers and employees responsibilities for health", "Health measures done today" and "Hopes for the future cooperation with the occupational health services" and 14 subcategories were identified. Conclusions: From a manager's perspective, occupational health services are an important, needed actor and an expert resource for workplaces and employees' health. Working life conditions are changing, which puts new demands on employers, employees as well as occupational health services to meet the needs. Occupational therapists have resources to meet the identified needs. Hopefully this study can serve as guidance in practice so that work-related ill health can be prevented and reduced.

Stärk självkänslan : En grupp kuratorers preventiva arbete kring ungdomar som upplever psykisk ohälsa / Strengthen the self-esteem : A group of counsellors’ preventive work around young people who experience mental illness

Nyström, Sofia, Nilsson, Emma January 2015 (has links)
This thesis investigates how a group of counsellors work in a preventive and supportive manner with youths suffering from mental ill-health, as well as the obstacles and difficulties that can arise from their work and the possibility for coaching available to them. The investigation is based on accounts from four informants on their experience working with youths, as well as scientific data on the subject. The study is based on a qualitative investigation and semi-structured interviews to collect empirical material. The forms of mental ill-health that have been the focus of this investigation are stress, worry and anxiety, at a time when they become an obstacle in daily life. Factors that are shown to affect the mental health of youths include pressure to perform in all parts of life and social networks. Parental shortcomings are also found to affect the mental health of youths. The difficulties and obstacles of counselling which are highlighted by the investigation include a lack of time and resources, as well as the difficulty for those working with youths to coordinate their work.  The results show the importance of preventive work with youths, and of coordination and the creation of alliances. The study also show that mental ill-health often stem from a lack of self-esteem among youths. / Denna uppsats undersöker hur en grupp kuratorer arbetar preventivt och stödjande kring ungdomar som upplever psykisk ohälsa, dessutom vilka hinder och svårigheter som kan uppkomma i arbetet samt möjligheten till handledning för dessa kuratorer. Undersökningen grundar sig på fyra infomanters berättelser om deras erfarenheter kring arbetet med ungdomar, samt vetenskaplig data kring ämnet. Studien bygger på en kvalitativ undersökning, samt semistrukturerade intervjuer för att samla in empiriskt material. Den psykiska ohälsa som fokuserats på i undersökningen är stress, oro och ångest och när de blir till ett hinder i vardagen. De faktorer som visar sig påverka ungdomens psykiska hälsa är bland annat den egna pressen att man ska prestera i alla lägen i livet och sociala nätverk. Man kan även se att bister i föräldraskapet kan påverka ungdomens psykiska hälsa. De svårigheter och hinder i kuratorns arbetsuppgifter som framkommer i undersökningen är bland annat brist på tid och resurser samt svårigheten för yrkesverksamma inom målgruppen att samverka mellan varandra. Resultatet visar på betydelsen av preventivt arbete med ungdomar, samverkan och skapande av allianser. Studien visar även på att den psykiska ohälsan ofta grundas i en bristande självkänsla hos ungdomen.

Upplevelsen av hopp vid olika tillstånd av ohälsa : En litteraturöversikt / The experience of hope in various states of ill health : A literature overview

Ferm, Sara, Holmertz, Anna January 2014 (has links)
Om eller när en person drabbas av ohälsa, orsakad av exempelvis sjukdom eller olyckshändelse kan känslan av hopp vara en styrka som bidrar till att klara av situationer som kan upplevas svåra eller krävande. Hopp beskrivs som ett mångdimensionellt begrepp och kan vara en nödvändig del i anpassningen till en ny situation. Transition innefattar processen i en förändring hos människor som av olika anledningar drabbas av ohälsa, där hoppet är en väsentlig del. Hopp kan upplevas på olika sätt, därför finns det ett värde om vårdpersonal kan ge personcentrerad omvårdnad, en individuellt utformad vård. Litteraturöversiktens syfte är att beskriva personers upplevelser av hopp vid olika tillstånd av ohälsa. En kvalitativ ansats valdes där 10 artiklar inkluderades. En analys genomfördes av datan enligt Fribergs fem analyssteg. Huvudfynden visar hoppet som en livskraft, dels som aktivt hopp men också passivt och realistiskt hopp. Dessutom kan en drivkraft inom hoppet vara att återfå förlorade förmågor. Det framkommer också att källor till hopp kan vara fysisk utveckling, stöd från omgivningen och en andlig tro. I diskussionen belyses hur sjuksköterskan kan använda realistiskt hopp i omvårdnaden samt hur sjuksköterskan kan anpassa informationen till en person med ohälsa. Upplevelsen av hopp behöver inte vara kopplat till vilken typ av ohälsa en person lider av. Hopp upplevs på liknande sätt av olika människor. / People affected by ill health (caused by sickness, or injury) can believe that the feeling of hope is a strength that contributes to their coping of the situation. Hope can be defined as a multidimensional concept and is often a necessary part of the adjustment or transition process to a new situation. Transition involves the process of change or development in an individual who is suffering from ill health, where hope is an essential part of the process. Hope can be experienced in different ways. Therefore it is of value that health care professionals can provide person-centered care, or also known as individual designed care. The purpose of this literature overview was to present individual’s experiences of hope in various states of ill health. A qualitative approach was chosen with 10 studies examined. After data collection, analysis of these studies, according to Friberg’s  five-step analysis, was undertaken. The main findings of the literature overview show that hope for some, is a life force, and is an active condition/state. It has also been shown to be passive and realistic. In addition, having hope can also provide individuals with the opportunity to regain lost abilities. It also appears that the sources of hope can be from; personal physical development, environmental support and spiritual beliefs. The implications for clinical practice highlight how nurses can use realistic hope, to assist in the care of their clients. It also demonstrates how nurses can adapt information to a person with ill health.  The clients’ experiences of hope need not be linked to any specific type of illness. Finally, hope is experienced in a similar way by many individuals.

Ohälsa hos barn med dyslexi : - en angelägenhet för skolsköterskor / Ill-health in children withdyslexia : – an issue for school nurses

Troilius, Christin January 2014 (has links)
Dyslexi innebär problem med att läsa och skriva. Problemet är vanligt och cirka fem till tio procent av alla skolbarn beräknas ha dyslexi. Dyslexi är ett funktionshinder som ofta leder till ohälsa hos skolbarn. Ohälsan är svårtolkad och skolsköterskan har en viktig roll i att förebygga, upptäcka samt minska konsekvenserna av funktionshindret. Syftet med studien var att identifiera tecken på ohälsa hos barn med dyslexi och vilka faktorer som påverkar ohälsan. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där 11 vetenskapliga artiklar granskades. Resultatet visade att barn med dyslexi hade betydligt fler emotionella, psykosociala och beteende problem. Barnens självkänsla var låg, de blev ofta mobbade och skolsituationen upplevdes som jobbig. För att må bra utvecklade barnen mer eller mindre bra strategier. Positivt för barnen var att ha kamrater, föräldrar och lärare som förstod dem, ha en egen positiv attityd samt att vara duktig på något som inte hade med läsning att göra. För att förebygga ohälsa bör barnen tidigt och med hjälp av specialpedagogiska metoder för dyslektiker lära sig att läsa och skolsköterska bör utveckla rutiner för att snabbt och tidigt upptäcka ohälsa. / Dyslexia implicates problems with reading and writing. The problem is common and approximately five to ten percent of all schoolchildren are estimated to have dyslexia. Dyslexia is a disability that often leads to ill-health among schoolchildren. Ill-health is difficult to interpret and the school nurse has an important role to prevent, detect and to reduce the impact of the disability. The purpose of this study was to identify signs for ill-health seen in children with dyslexia and what factors that affect the ill-health. This study was conducted as a literature review in which 11 scientific articles were reviewed. The results showed that children with dyslexia had significantly more emotional, psychosocial and behavioural problems. The children's self-esteem was low, they were often bullied and the school situation was perceived as annoying. In order to feel good have the children developed more or less successful strategies. Positive for the children was to have friends, parents and teachers who understand them, have a positive attitude and be good at something that not had to do with reading. In order to prevent ill-health should the children early get help of special teaching methods for dyslexics and the school nurse would develop procedures for a rapid and early detection of ill-health.

Children in play therapy: what significance does this have for their parent´s perceived health?

Eriksson, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
Abstract Background: World Health Organization highlights an increasing world-wide problem regarding mental ill health, disorders and difficulties among children and adolescent. Research has found that health-related impairments do not only affect the children suffering from it, but their parents as well who report negative influences on their own health and burdens of different kinds. Play therapy is suitable when treating children with mental ill health, disorders and difficulties. To improve the parents´ health as well, there is a need for research looking into which kinds of interventions that is beneficial for both children and their parents. Purpose: The aim with this study was to investigate whether children´s participation in play therapy also could be beneficial for their parent´s perceived health. It was also of interest to investigate if these parents experienced the intervention as stress-reducing and social support increasing. Method: Four parents whose children had been treated or were currently treated in play therapy participated in an individual, semi-structured interview. The collected material was processed through a thematic analysis and interpreted based on the Theory of social support. Result: Four out of four participants considered themselves at better perceived health since the child´s participation in play therapy. All participants also experienced a stress-reducing effect and three out of four considered the intervention as considerably social support increasing.

Work wellness in a university of technology in South Africa / Jozua Petrus Viljoen

Viljoen, Jozua Petrus January 2006 (has links)
Change and transformation in higher education institutions worldwide are advancing at a rate that institutions and individual employees find hard to comprehend. During the past two decades, complex changes challenging institutions' mandates, traditional practices, authority and organisational structures have surfaced. It is widely acknowledged that stable and productive higher education institutions are vitally important to any country in order to ensure sustainable economic, social and political reconstruction and development. In the South African context, higher education institutions have an additional duty to contribute to the consolidation of democracy and social justice as well as the growth and development of the economy and redress the imbalances institutionalised by apartheid. The responsibility to execute the institutional strategies and plans to adapt to changes and to transform rests primarily with the staff of these institutions. However, the above-mentioned changes present major challenges for staff as it results in a multiplicity of roles, expectations to make paradigm shifts, implementation of new policies and practices as well as constant innovation. These challenges may be considered a healthy diversification leading to eustress and engagement, or a toll. which may well be an important cause of distress and burnout. Consequently. staffs' experience of distress/burnout and eustress/engagement, i.e. their work-related well-being, is crucially important to the success of the institution. The general objective of this research was to assess the work wellness of staff at a university of technology, and to understand the relationships between factors contributing to the experience of distress/burnout and eustress/engagement and how these relate to employees' levels of commitment and ill health. Furthermore, the study aimed to develop and test a comprehensive structural model of work related well-being to determine the effect of job demands and (lack of) job resources on distress. eustress. ill health and commitment of employees at a university of technology in South Africa. The findings are presented in three research articles, each consisting of a brief literature review and an empirical study. A cross-sectional survey design was used. The study included 353 participants (132 academic staff members and 221 support staff members). The questionnaire used in the empirical study comprised the Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), the Cognitive Weariness Scale (CWS). the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES). An Organizational Stress Screening Tool (ASSET), the Life Orientation Test- Revised (LOT-R), the Job Demands-Resources Scale (JDRS) and a biographical questionnaire. Structural equation modelling confirmed a four-factor structure of burnout, and a two-factor structure of work engagement. Principal component analysis indicated that work-related wellbeing consists of a dual bipolar structure namely Eustress/Engagement (vigour, dedication, professional efficacy) and Distress/Burnout (exhaustion. cynicism, cognitive weariness). It was found that language \vas the only reliable background variable to predict differences in levels of distress/burnout and eustress/engagement between subgroups. Different organisational stressors were found to contribute significantly to psychological and physical ill health and low organisational commitment. The comprehensive structural model that was tested showed that job demands lead to distress, which in turn leads to ill health. Furthermore. job resources contributed to work wellness and organisational commitment whilst dispositional optimism has a limited effect on staffs distress. Recommendations for the institution and future research are made. / Thesis (Ph.D. Thesis (Ph.D. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

Job and home characteristics, negative work-home interaction and ill-health of employed females in South Africa / Zoe Roux

Roux, Zoe January 2007 (has links)
In the last few years, many more women than before have entered the labour force. Consequently, employed women are confronted with demanding aspects at work and at home and experience difficulty in combining obligations in both of these domains. The pressure of the demands in their work place and family lives combined with managing the responsibilities from their work and personal lives can have a negative impact on the health of employed females. The objective of this research was to investigate the effects of work characteristics, borne characteristics and negative work-home interaction on the ill-health of employed females in South Africa. An availability sample (N = 500) was taken from six provinces of South Africa, including the Eastern Cape, the Free State, Gauteng, KwaZulu Natal, the North West and Western Cape. A job characteristics questionnaire, a home characteristics questionnaire, the 'Survey Work-Home Interaction Nijmegen' (SWING), and an ill health questionnaire were administered. Exploratory factor analyses were used to determine the construct validity of the questionnaires, Cronbach alpha coefficients were used to determine the reliability, while multiple regression analyses were used to identify significant predictors of ill-health. The results indicated that physical ill health could be predicted by a lack of role clarity and pressures at home. Predictors of anxiety were work overload, a lack of support from colleagues, uncertain roles in the workplace, home pressure as well as negative Work-home interaction (WHI) and negative Home-work interaction (HWI). Fatigue was predicted by work pressure, work overload, a lack of autonomy at work, a lack of instrumental support at work, a lack of role clarity, pressure at home and negative WHI. Predicting factors of depression were found to be job insecurity, a lack of autonomy and clearly defined roles at work, pressure at home, a lack of autonomy at home as well as negative HWI. / Mini-dissertation (M.Com. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

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