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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lärande i matematik : Om resonemang och matematikuppgifters egenskaper / Learning Mathematics : On the Features of Reasoning and Mathematical Tasks

Liljekvist, Yvonne January 2014 (has links)
Since mathematical tasks are central to the teaching of mathematics, it is crucial to extend our knowledge of the characteristic features of tasks that are conducive to student development of problem-solving and reasoning abilities as well as conceptual understanding.   The aim of the dissertation is to investigate how different types of mathematical tasks affect student learning and choice of learning strategies. This is done through a twofold approach: 1) to test the hypothesis that tasks affording students the opportunity and responsibility for constructing knowledge are more effective learning tools than tasks for which the solution is presented, and 2) to analyse the educational message embedded in the teacher’s formulation of the mathematical tasks on the Internet.   The main conclusion is that the type of task students engage with is important for their learning of new things. The participants who were engaged in creating their own solutions were less successful during practice but performed better on the tests in comparison with the participants who were involved in solving the tasks with a given method. The results of the sub-studies indicate that in a learning situation consisting of repeated practice of a solution method, the results are closely related to the students’ cognitive ability. The investigation shows that tasks inviting the opportunity to be solved through creative reasoning, to a certain extent serve a compensatory function in relation to students’ cognitive resources. This means that the participants need not put in so much effort in the test situation if they have practiced creative reasoning.   One conclusion to be drawn from the study of the educational message in Internet documents, when it comes to teachers’ formulation of tasks, is that there are many teachers who design tasks that encourage young students’ creative reasoning. However, the educational message in the documents shows that the teachers demand relatively little of the students in the majority of the tasks. The result indicates that there is some uncertainty about how to formulate and use tasks to support the older student’s mathematical development. The way the tasks are formulated indicates a lack of discursive tools to clarify the intended educational situation. Thus, the qualities in the tasks are hidden resources. / Det övergripande syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka hur olika typer av matematikuppgifter påverkar elevers möjligheter till lärande och val av lärandestrategi. Resultaten visar att i en lärandesituation som består av upprepad träning av en lösningsmetod är elevernas resultat starkt beroende av deras kognitiva förmåga. Uppgifter som ger eleverna möjligheter att lösa dem med kreativa resonemang verkar i viss mån kompensatoriskt i förhållande till elevers kognitiva resurser. Testdeltagare som tränat via kreativa resonemang har en lägre kognitiv belastning. Studien av lärarkonstruerade uppgifter på internet visar exempel på uppgifter som upplevs som användbara i undervisningen. Uppgiftskonstruktörerna tenderar att ställa förhållandevis låga krav på eleverna i merparten av uppgifterna. Resultatet tyder även på en osäkerhet inför hur uppgifter skall kommuniceras för att stötta elevers matematiska utveckling. De kvalitéer som finns i uppgifterna kommer därför i skymundan. Matematikuppgifter är centrala i matematikundervisningen. Det är därför viktigt att öka kunskapen om matematikuppgifter och hur dessa kan bidra till elevers möjligheter att utveckla sin matematiska kompetens. Väl utformade matematikuppgifter kan bidra till att minska elevers utantillärande.

Elevers matematiska resonemang vid uppgiftslösningar i grupp : En fallstudie om hur imitativa och kreativa resonemang kan framträda i matematikklassrum

Fritz, John, Latvalehto, Alexander, Lindholm, Ellen January 2023 (has links)
Den här studien syftar till att undersöka vilka matematiska resonemang som framträder när elever löser uppgifter i grupp. Det resultat som framkommit baseras utifrån fallstudie där elevers användning av matematiska resonemang har observerats i två klassrum. I studiens resultat visade det sig att imitativa matematiska resonemang framträdde när de löste uppgifter i grupp. Det visade sig även att kreativt matematiskt resonemang användes, men endast vid ett fåtal tillfällen. Slutsatsen utifrån studiens resultat är att uppgifter som främjar kreativa matematiska resonemang borde få en given plats i undervisningen, utan att imitativa resonemang försvinner. När det kommer till studiens resultat och dess relevans för vårt yrke så är det viktigt att skapa en medvetenhet kring matematiska resonemang och att ge elever möjlighet till att använda såväl imitativa som kreativa resonemang. Vidare forskning utifrån studiens resultat kan vara att undersöka öppna uppgifters påverkan på imitativa och kreativa resonemang.

Elevers arbete med matematiska resonemang / Students' work with mathematical reasoning

Shokfah, Aichah January 2024 (has links)
Abstrakt Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka faktorer som kan påverka elevers matematiska resonemang. Detta gjordes genom att undersöka vilken typ av resonemang elever i årskurs 9 använde när de löste olika uppgifter och även elevernas uppfattningar om matematik. Teoretiska perspektiv för studien är baserad på Lithners teoretiska ramverk som skiljer på två huvudtyper av matematiska resonemang: den första är imitativt resonemang, där eleven imiterar lösningsalgoritmer som hen känner till, och kreativt matematiskt resonemang, där eleven skapar en lösning för att lösa en uppgift. Metoderna som användes i studien var observation och ostrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten visar att elever använde imitativa resonemang för att lösa uppgifter och sällan använde kreativa matematiska resonemang. Det är rimligt att anta att arbetssättet hade en roll för vilken typ av matematiska resonemang elever använde för att lösa olika övningsuppgifter. Resultatet tyder även på att elevens träning på att lösa uppgifter som krävde användning av kreativt matematiskt resonemang påverkade betyget eleven fick i det skriftliga provet. Eleverna indikerade uppfattningar om att uppgifter som krävde användning av kreativa matematiska resonemang för att lösas var svåra, särskilt svåra att förstå. De slutsatser som dras är att antalet uppgifter som kräver användning av kreativt matematiskt resonemang för att lösas bör utökas och eleverna behöver utveckla sitt matematiska språk.

Sob a ordem da mistura: a palavra literária renovada na enunciação e pelas coerções da leitura graduada em língua espanhola / Under the mixing order: the literary word renewed in the utterance act, and by Spanish language abridged editions coercions

Elias, Neide 13 March 2017 (has links)
Em nossa tese estudamos as chamadas leituras graduadas (LGs), especificamente reformulações de obras clássicas da literatura espanhola voltadas para o ensino/aprendizagem de espanhol como língua estrangeira. Procuramos problematizar as relações que se estabelecem na intertextualidade entre o discurso literário e o discurso didático. Adorno (1985), García Canclini (2015) e Jameson (1991) possibilitaram ver as reformulações dentro da lógica da indústria cultural, que responde, oportunamente, a discursos recentes de difusão do espanhol como língua transnacionalizada e supostamente com valor econômico a ser explorado (ARNOUX, 2008). O diálogo entre Compagnon (2012) e o conceito de literatura pósautônoma de Ludmer (2007, 2010, 2012) favoreceu uma abordagem que relativizou o lugar dos textos literários na relação com as LGs. Consideramos estas produções como uma forma de reescrita do texto literário que o transforma em outra coisa, buscamos regularidades discursivas, interdiscursivas e intertextuais nessa nova situação de enunciação que pudessem funcionar como vetores do estilo das LGs. Os estudos bakhtinianos sobre gêneros discursivos, as reflexões de Brait (2005) e os fundamentos de Atorresi e Zamudio (2000) permitiram reconhecer e identificar, em diferentes níveis da organização das leituras graduadas, procedimentos na sua construção que respondem a uma enunciação predominantemente explicativa. Esta presença dominante é uma das responsáveis por desestabilizar na reformulação a intenção de reproduzir o efeito de ficção e a concentração estésica do texto-fonte que afeta a percepção do sensível. As consequências da tentativa de intersecção do discurso didático e do discurso literário configuram um gênero que tem como princípio a mistura, gerando forças em tensão entre o viés sensível e o inteligível. O diálogo polêmico entre o discurso literário e o discurso didático estimulou a problematização a partir dos conceitos como cena englobante, cena genérica e cenografia, de Maingueneau (2008); reformulação parafrástica, (FUCHS, 1985); reformulação explicativa e imitativa (FUCHS, 1994), além de contribuições da historiografia em Chartier (2002, 2014, 2015), para discutir como as reformulações literárias negociam discursivamente com os textos-fonte e que enunciatário projetam. Na reformulação, agem forças involuntárias à didatização e na predominância da enunciação explicativa habita, também, o viés sensível que produz efeitos de sentido que não recuperam aqueles do texto-fonte, não somente porque a enunciação é sempre nova cada vez que se enuncia, mas também porque a LG está submetida a coerções que podemos reconhecer a partir de uma interpretação genérica discursiva e glotopolítica. As categorias de análise da semiótica, com Greimas e Courtés (2012), Discini (2015), Fontanille (1999), Merleau- Ponty (1991) e Zilberberg (2011), contribuem para identificar como se desestabiliza a estesia na transposição do texto literário e que percepções e efeitos de sentido provocam quando cotejados textos-fonte e suas respectivas reformulações. A comparação entre as cenas genéricas do texto-fonte e texto reformulado evidencia continuidades entre as textualidades, não apenas nos recorrentes recursos de imitação, mas também na presença da estesia, inerente a qualquer arranjo da linguagem, que se apresenta de forma concentrada na obra literária e tende a diluirse em diferentes graus de intensidade na retomada da palavra literária nas LGs. / In our thesis we studied the so called leituras graduadas (LG), specifically reformulations of classic Spanish literary works aimed at the teaching and learning of Spanish as a foreign language. We attempted to discuss the relationships estalblished between literary and pedagogical discourses. Adorno (1985), GarcÌa Canclini (2015), Jameson (1991) made it possible to see the LGs inside the logical of the cultural industry which responds, opportunely, to recent discourses of dissemination of the Spanish language as a transnational language, and supposedly with an economic value to be explored. (ARNOUX, 2008). The dialogue between Compagnon (2012) and the idea of post-autonomy by Ludmer (2007, 2010, 2012) allowed us to flexibilize the place of literary works in their relationship with the LGs. We considered the LG as a kind of re-written literary work that became another thing, we looked for discursive, interdiscursive and intertextual regularities within that new utterance situation that could work as vectors for LGs style. Bakhtinian studies about discursives genres, resumed by reflections by Brait (2005) and principles by Atorresi and Zamudio (2000) allowed to recognize and to identify in diferent levels of organization of the LGs, procedures for the construction of the text which respond to a predominantly explanatory utterance.That dominant presence is one of the responsible factors for destabilizing, in the reformulation, the intention of reproducing the ficction effect and the esthesic concentration of the source text which affects the perception of the sensitive. The consequences of the didactic discourse and literary discourse intersection attempt set up a genre which has the mixture as principle, generating tensing forces between the the sense and sensitive biases. The controversial dialogue between literary discorse and didactic discorse stimulated the problematization from the concepts of ìencompassing sceneî, ìgenre sceneî e ìsceneryî, by Maingueneau (2008); ìparaphrastic reformulationî, (FUCHS, 1985); ìimitative and explanatory reformulationî (FUCHS, 1994), and also the contributions about historiography by Chartier (2002, 2014, 2015) to discuss how reformulation works negotiate discursively with source-texts and which enunciatee they assume of. In the reformulation process, involuntary forces to didactization take place, and in the predominance of the explanatory utterances also inhabits the sensitive bias which produces meaning effects apart from those of the source text, not only because the utterance is always new every time it is uttered, but also because the LG is submitted to coertions which can recognized by one generic, discursive and glotopolytic interpretation. The semiotic analysis categories, by Greimas and CourtÈs (2012), Discini (2015), Fontanille (1999), Merleau-Ponty (1991) and Zilberberg (2011) contribute to identify how esthesia is destabilized in the transposition of the literary text and which perceptions and effects of meaning it provokes when confronted with the source-text and its respective reformulations. The comparison between generic scenes from the source text and the reformulated one shows continuities between textualities. Not only in the recurrent imitative resources, but also within the presence of the esthesia, inherent to any language arrangement, which shows itself in a concentrated way in the literary work and has the tendence to attenuate itself in different degrees of intensity during the recapture moment of the literary word in the LGs.

Sob a ordem da mistura: a palavra literária renovada na enunciação e pelas coerções da leitura graduada em língua espanhola / Under the mixing order: the literary word renewed in the utterance act, and by Spanish language abridged editions coercions

Neide Elias 13 March 2017 (has links)
Em nossa tese estudamos as chamadas leituras graduadas (LGs), especificamente reformulações de obras clássicas da literatura espanhola voltadas para o ensino/aprendizagem de espanhol como língua estrangeira. Procuramos problematizar as relações que se estabelecem na intertextualidade entre o discurso literário e o discurso didático. Adorno (1985), García Canclini (2015) e Jameson (1991) possibilitaram ver as reformulações dentro da lógica da indústria cultural, que responde, oportunamente, a discursos recentes de difusão do espanhol como língua transnacionalizada e supostamente com valor econômico a ser explorado (ARNOUX, 2008). O diálogo entre Compagnon (2012) e o conceito de literatura pósautônoma de Ludmer (2007, 2010, 2012) favoreceu uma abordagem que relativizou o lugar dos textos literários na relação com as LGs. Consideramos estas produções como uma forma de reescrita do texto literário que o transforma em outra coisa, buscamos regularidades discursivas, interdiscursivas e intertextuais nessa nova situação de enunciação que pudessem funcionar como vetores do estilo das LGs. Os estudos bakhtinianos sobre gêneros discursivos, as reflexões de Brait (2005) e os fundamentos de Atorresi e Zamudio (2000) permitiram reconhecer e identificar, em diferentes níveis da organização das leituras graduadas, procedimentos na sua construção que respondem a uma enunciação predominantemente explicativa. Esta presença dominante é uma das responsáveis por desestabilizar na reformulação a intenção de reproduzir o efeito de ficção e a concentração estésica do texto-fonte que afeta a percepção do sensível. As consequências da tentativa de intersecção do discurso didático e do discurso literário configuram um gênero que tem como princípio a mistura, gerando forças em tensão entre o viés sensível e o inteligível. O diálogo polêmico entre o discurso literário e o discurso didático estimulou a problematização a partir dos conceitos como cena englobante, cena genérica e cenografia, de Maingueneau (2008); reformulação parafrástica, (FUCHS, 1985); reformulação explicativa e imitativa (FUCHS, 1994), além de contribuições da historiografia em Chartier (2002, 2014, 2015), para discutir como as reformulações literárias negociam discursivamente com os textos-fonte e que enunciatário projetam. Na reformulação, agem forças involuntárias à didatização e na predominância da enunciação explicativa habita, também, o viés sensível que produz efeitos de sentido que não recuperam aqueles do texto-fonte, não somente porque a enunciação é sempre nova cada vez que se enuncia, mas também porque a LG está submetida a coerções que podemos reconhecer a partir de uma interpretação genérica discursiva e glotopolítica. As categorias de análise da semiótica, com Greimas e Courtés (2012), Discini (2015), Fontanille (1999), Merleau- Ponty (1991) e Zilberberg (2011), contribuem para identificar como se desestabiliza a estesia na transposição do texto literário e que percepções e efeitos de sentido provocam quando cotejados textos-fonte e suas respectivas reformulações. A comparação entre as cenas genéricas do texto-fonte e texto reformulado evidencia continuidades entre as textualidades, não apenas nos recorrentes recursos de imitação, mas também na presença da estesia, inerente a qualquer arranjo da linguagem, que se apresenta de forma concentrada na obra literária e tende a diluirse em diferentes graus de intensidade na retomada da palavra literária nas LGs. / In our thesis we studied the so called leituras graduadas (LG), specifically reformulations of classic Spanish literary works aimed at the teaching and learning of Spanish as a foreign language. We attempted to discuss the relationships estalblished between literary and pedagogical discourses. Adorno (1985), GarcÌa Canclini (2015), Jameson (1991) made it possible to see the LGs inside the logical of the cultural industry which responds, opportunely, to recent discourses of dissemination of the Spanish language as a transnational language, and supposedly with an economic value to be explored. (ARNOUX, 2008). The dialogue between Compagnon (2012) and the idea of post-autonomy by Ludmer (2007, 2010, 2012) allowed us to flexibilize the place of literary works in their relationship with the LGs. We considered the LG as a kind of re-written literary work that became another thing, we looked for discursive, interdiscursive and intertextual regularities within that new utterance situation that could work as vectors for LGs style. Bakhtinian studies about discursives genres, resumed by reflections by Brait (2005) and principles by Atorresi and Zamudio (2000) allowed to recognize and to identify in diferent levels of organization of the LGs, procedures for the construction of the text which respond to a predominantly explanatory utterance.That dominant presence is one of the responsible factors for destabilizing, in the reformulation, the intention of reproducing the ficction effect and the esthesic concentration of the source text which affects the perception of the sensitive. The consequences of the didactic discourse and literary discourse intersection attempt set up a genre which has the mixture as principle, generating tensing forces between the the sense and sensitive biases. The controversial dialogue between literary discorse and didactic discorse stimulated the problematization from the concepts of ìencompassing sceneî, ìgenre sceneî e ìsceneryî, by Maingueneau (2008); ìparaphrastic reformulationî, (FUCHS, 1985); ìimitative and explanatory reformulationî (FUCHS, 1994), and also the contributions about historiography by Chartier (2002, 2014, 2015) to discuss how reformulation works negotiate discursively with source-texts and which enunciatee they assume of. In the reformulation process, involuntary forces to didactization take place, and in the predominance of the explanatory utterances also inhabits the sensitive bias which produces meaning effects apart from those of the source text, not only because the utterance is always new every time it is uttered, but also because the LG is submitted to coertions which can recognized by one generic, discursive and glotopolytic interpretation. The semiotic analysis categories, by Greimas and CourtÈs (2012), Discini (2015), Fontanille (1999), Merleau-Ponty (1991) and Zilberberg (2011) contribute to identify how esthesia is destabilized in the transposition of the literary text and which perceptions and effects of meaning it provokes when confronted with the source-text and its respective reformulations. The comparison between generic scenes from the source text and the reformulated one shows continuities between textualities. Not only in the recurrent imitative resources, but also within the presence of the esthesia, inherent to any language arrangement, which shows itself in a concentrated way in the literary work and has the tendence to attenuate itself in different degrees of intensity during the recapture moment of the literary word in the LGs.

Le clair-obscur dans le répertoire d'opéra seria magique du compositeur Georg Friedrich Haendel / The chiaroscuro in the repertoire of magic opera seria of the Composer George Friedrich Haendel

Queiroz de Albuquerque Filho, Severino 08 June 2016 (has links)
George Friedrich Haendel fut l'un des artistes des arts imitatifs. Durant sa production d'opéra seria, il inventa, disposa ses œuvres artistiques, suivant les principes de ces arts. On y observe une ordonnance du tout-ensemble et de ses parties liées entre elles en établissant une alternance des masses d'ombres et de lumières sonores. Ce placement averti de clair-obscur fut l'un des composants incontournables pour maintenir l'intérêt du public, en lui apportant une variété incessamment renouvelée et des repos pour l'âme. Ses récitatifs terminaient invariablement par des notes instrumentales seules aux fins de mesures et leurs decrescendo inévitables obscurs et/ou par des silences représentatifs de l'obscurité. Ceci contrastait avec les airs plus clairs avec des densités sonores importantes. Également, ce compositeur y indiqua des fortes et des pianos instrumentaux pour rehausser les reliefs sonores des clair-obscur spécifiques à chaque partie de ses opéras. Concernant les densités sonores, Haendel disposa habituellement des parties A longues, denses instrumentalement en contraste aux parties B courtes, peu denses instrumentalement et habituellement avec des pianos instrumentaux dès les débuts des parties B, renfonçant l'obscurité de ces parties-ci. Musicalement, le placement du clair-obscur sonore s'y faisait sur des longues tenues vocales et/ou instrumentales avec le développement musical de celles-ci sur des crescendos, des decrescendos et/ou des messa di voce. Les parties d'agilité vocale et/ou instrumentale suivait ces dynamiques sonores, en mettant en valeur les parties de bravoure en contraste de clair-obscur des airs pathétiques. / George Friedrich Haendel was one of the artists of the imitative arts. During his opera seria production, he invented, laid out his artistics works, according to the principes of these arts. One observes there an ordinary of the entier opera and its parts dependend between them by estabilishing an alternation of shades and lights sounds. This placement of schiaroscuro xas one of the composants to curcumvent to maintien the interest of the public, while bringing a without delay renewed variety. His recitatives finished invariably by instruments notes only for purposes of dark inevitable measurements and their decrescendo and/or by silences representatives of the darkness. This contrasted with the clearer airs with important sound densities. Also, this composer indicated to it the fortes and pianos instrumentals to raise the depths of sound of the chiaroscuro of each part of his operas. Concerning the sound densities, Haendel usually had long, dense parts A instrumentaly contrasts about it with the short parts B, not very dense instrumentaly and usually with instrumental pianos as of the beginnings of the partie B, recessing the darkness of these parts. Musically, the placement of the chiaroscuro was done there on long vocal and/or instrumental behavious with the musical developpement of those on crescendo, decrescendos and/or messa di voce. The parts of vocal and/or instrumental agility followed these dynamic sound, by emphasizing the parts of bravery in contrast of the pathetic airs.

Pratet och räknefärdigheten : Från det procedurala mot det konceptuella / The talk and the numeracy : From the procedural towards the conceptual

Fodorpataki, László January 2023 (has links)
I identify a recent trend in school mathematics as well as in some of the research literature in mathematics education: an emphasis on creative uses of mathematics and an increased emphasis on verbalizations, reasoning and conceptualization as opposed to numerical and computational skills. With tools provided by a qualitative textual analysis of several Swedish curricula from the past from which I trace a shift of focus from the classical towards the conceptual aspects of mathematical knowledge, I examine the common research framework for discussing mathematical knowledge in terms of the procedural and the conceptual. I investigate whether the shift towards a conceptual approach to mathematical knowledge has occurred and how this presumed shift reveals itself. A close reading and comparison of the historical guidance documents' purpose descriptions and grading criteria concerning the mathematics subject is carried out. Commentary materials for the various course plans are examined. Here I conclude that a shift has occurred during the last decades in the mathematics curricula that may have severely affected the mathematical education in schools. I argue that this shift needs to be acknowledged in order to halt a tendency that seems to gravitate towards a decreasing mathematical competency among the Swedish students.

Assessing mathematical creativity : comparing national and teacher-made tests, explaining differences and examining impact

Boesen, Jesper January 2006 (has links)
<p>Students’ use of superficial reasoning seems to be a main reason for learning difficulties in mathematics. It is therefore important to investigate the reasons for this use and the components that may affect students’ mathematical reasoning development. Assessments have been claimed to be a component that significantly may influence students’ learning.</p><p>The purpose of the study in Paper 1 was to investigate the kind of mathematical reasoning that is required to successfully solve tasks in the written tests students encounter in their learning environment. This study showed that a majority of the tasks in teacher-made assessment could be solved successfully by using only imitative reasoning. The national tests however required creative mathematically founded reasoning to a much higher extent.</p><p>The question about what kind of reasoning the students really use, regardless of what theoretically has been claimed to be required on these tests, still remains. This question is investigated in Paper 2.</p><p>Here is also the relation between the theoretically established reasoning requirements, i.e. the kind of reasoning the students have to use in order to successfully solve included tasks, and the reasoning actually used by students studied. The results showed that the students to large extent did apply the same reasoning as were required, which means that the framework and analysis procedure can be valuable tools when developing tests. It also strengthens many of the results throughout this thesis. A consequence of this concordance is that as in the case with national tests with high demands regarding reasoning also resulted in a higher use of such reasoning, i.e. creative mathematically founded reasoning. Paper 2 can thus be seen to have validated the used framework and the analysis procedure for establishing these requirements.</p><p>Paper 3 investigates the reasons for why the teacher-made tests emphasises low-quality reasoning found in paper I. In short the study showed that the high degree of tasks solvable by imitative reasoning in teacher-made tests seems explainable by amalgamating the following</p><p>factors: (i) Limited awareness of differences in reasoning requirements, (ii) low expectations of students abilities and (iii) the desire to get students passing the tests, which was believed easier when excluding creative reasoning from the tests.</p><p>Information about these reasons is decisive for the possibilities of changing this emphasis. Results from this study can also be used heuristically to explain some of the results found in paper 4, concerning those teachers that did not seem to be influenced by the national tests.</p><p>There are many suggestions in the literature that high-stake tests affect practice in the classroom. Therefore, the national tests may influence teachers in their development of classroom tests. Findings from paper I suggests that this proposed impact seem to have had a limited effect, at least regarding the kind of reasoning required to solve included tasks. What about other competencies described in the policy documents?</p><p>Paper 4 investigates if the Swedish national tests have had such an impact on teacher-made classroom assessment. Results showed that impact in terms of similar distribution of tested competences is very limited. The study however showed the existence of impact from the national tests on teachers test development and how this impact may operate.</p>

Assessing mathematical creativity : comparing national and teacher-made tests, explaining differences and examining impact

Boesen, Jesper January 2006 (has links)
Students’ use of superficial reasoning seems to be a main reason for learning difficulties in mathematics. It is therefore important to investigate the reasons for this use and the components that may affect students’ mathematical reasoning development. Assessments have been claimed to be a component that significantly may influence students’ learning. The purpose of the study in Paper 1 was to investigate the kind of mathematical reasoning that is required to successfully solve tasks in the written tests students encounter in their learning environment. This study showed that a majority of the tasks in teacher-made assessment could be solved successfully by using only imitative reasoning. The national tests however required creative mathematically founded reasoning to a much higher extent. The question about what kind of reasoning the students really use, regardless of what theoretically has been claimed to be required on these tests, still remains. This question is investigated in Paper 2. Here is also the relation between the theoretically established reasoning requirements, i.e. the kind of reasoning the students have to use in order to successfully solve included tasks, and the reasoning actually used by students studied. The results showed that the students to large extent did apply the same reasoning as were required, which means that the framework and analysis procedure can be valuable tools when developing tests. It also strengthens many of the results throughout this thesis. A consequence of this concordance is that as in the case with national tests with high demands regarding reasoning also resulted in a higher use of such reasoning, i.e. creative mathematically founded reasoning. Paper 2 can thus be seen to have validated the used framework and the analysis procedure for establishing these requirements. Paper 3 investigates the reasons for why the teacher-made tests emphasises low-quality reasoning found in paper I. In short the study showed that the high degree of tasks solvable by imitative reasoning in teacher-made tests seems explainable by amalgamating the following factors: (i) Limited awareness of differences in reasoning requirements, (ii) low expectations of students abilities and (iii) the desire to get students passing the tests, which was believed easier when excluding creative reasoning from the tests. Information about these reasons is decisive for the possibilities of changing this emphasis. Results from this study can also be used heuristically to explain some of the results found in paper 4, concerning those teachers that did not seem to be influenced by the national tests. There are many suggestions in the literature that high-stake tests affect practice in the classroom. Therefore, the national tests may influence teachers in their development of classroom tests. Findings from paper I suggests that this proposed impact seem to have had a limited effect, at least regarding the kind of reasoning required to solve included tasks. What about other competencies described in the policy documents? Paper 4 investigates if the Swedish national tests have had such an impact on teacher-made classroom assessment. Results showed that impact in terms of similar distribution of tested competences is very limited. The study however showed the existence of impact from the national tests on teachers test development and how this impact may operate.

Le Petit Prince et ses deux traductions en suédois

Ekerot, Cecilia January 2016 (has links)
L’objectif de ce mémoire est une analyse et une évaluation de la retraduction en suédois de « Le Petit Prince » d’Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (T2), parue chez Modernista, en 2015, en relation avec le texte source en français et en relation avec la traduction classique, parue chez Rabén&amp;Sjögren, en 1952 (T1 ; la version révisée de 2015, actuelle au moment de la retraduction). L’analyse se base sur quelques concepts de Lita Lundquist, notamment la distinction entre stratégie de traduction « imitative » et « fonctionnelle », et la cohérence entre la stratégie « globale » et les stratégies « locales ». De plus, notre analyse nous mène à la distinction entre « traduction » et « révision », comme présentée par Philippe Bouquet (2012), et à la distinction entre une définition linguistique de traduction – approche principale de ce travail – et une définition socio-culturelle selon Toury (1995). Les résultats principaux sont 1) la découverte d’un manque de stratégie globale cohérente dans la T2 – à la différence de la T1– et 2) une dépendance forte de la T1 dans la T2. Aussi, dans la retraduction, nous avons remarqué une stratégie locale remarquable de suppression totale du pronom personnel suédois de man. Ces résultats sont brièvement discutés sous la lumière des aspects socio-culturels et dans une section sur l’applicabilité de l’hypothèse de la retraduction (Tegelberg 2014). / The aim of this paper is an analysis and an evaluation of the re-translation into Swedish of "Le Petit Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (T2), published by Modernista in 2015, and its relation to the original French text as well as to the classical Swedish translation published by Rabén&amp;Sjögren in 1952 (T1; the 2015 version, contemporary with the re-translation). The analysis is based on some concepts of Lita Lundquist (2007): the distinction between "imitative" and "functional" translation strategies, and the coherence between a "global strategy" and "local strategies". Furthermore, this analysis leads us to a distinction between "translation" and "revision" as presented by Philippe Bouquet (2012), and to a distinction between a linguistic definition of translation – the main approach of this work – and the scoiolinguistic definition by Toury (1995). The main results are 1) the discovery of a lack of a coherent global strategy in T2 – as opposed to T1 - and 2) the strong reliance of T2 on T1. Also, we found a remarkable local strategy in T2, a total removal of the Swedish personal pronoun man. These results are briefly discussed in the light of socio-cultural aspects and in a section on the applicability of the retranslation hypothesis (Tegelberg 2014).

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