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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stranger in a strange land : a study of the effect of foreignness on perceptions of Latinos

Martinez, Mercedes Shannon 08 September 2015 (has links)
September 11th 2001 led to an increase in the intensity of the already existing discourses surrounding what it means to be an American, with a particular focus on the Southern border of the United States and Mexican immigration as a perceived threat to national security. This study seeks to address the how prejudice towards undocumented Mexican immigrants generalizes to Mexican Americans. This relationship was theorized by Chavez (2008), and is what he calls the Latino threat narrative. Experimental methods will be used to measure how perceptions of Latinos differ as a function of foreignness using a 2 (positive vs. negative scenario) x 4 (Mexican American, undocumented immigrant, Latino and Anglo) X 2 (Group Process: SDO or RWA) between-subjects design. Participants were asked to read scenarios that describes a man (either Mexican American, an undocumented Mexican immigrant, a Latino or White) accidently hitting another car while parking and either leaving a note or not. The results demonstrate that when the immigration status of the man described is unknown, and he does not leave a note, participants high in Social Dominance Orientation attitudes are more likely to identify them as an undocumented Mexican immigrant. The findings of this study contribute to the literature of prejudice through further exploring the mechanisms of prejudice towards immigrant populations. / text

Imigração internacional e cidadania: o problema da ausência de cidadania política para os imigrantes

Camargo, Raquel Peixoto do Amaral 16 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T14:27:08Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 504177 bytes, checksum: abafb46457e18358e2f8a711a6855a22 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-16 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Ce mémoire de fin de cours a pour principal objectif de réfléchir sur le problème de l absence de citoyenneté pour les immigrants internationaux. Penser la citoyenneté pour les immigrants qui se déplacent dans un espace international ou transnational comme une donnée importante, se justifie pleinement. En effet, c est à travers cette même citoyenneté que depuis le début de la modernité avec la Revolution Française, la protection des droits des individus s est construite. De nos jours, quelques évènemments, à l exemple du phénomène communément appellé mondialisation et de l augmentation de l immigration internationale, ont contribué à une série de critiques et d interrogations par rapport au traditionnel concept de citoyenneté. Pourtant, malgré toutes les modifications par lesquelles ce même concept a dû passer, il reste toujours l instrument à travers lequel on peut garantir le droit à avoir des droits . Dans le cas des immigrants internationaux, le déplacement provoque généralement la perte de la nationalité: quand ces immigrants laissent derrière eux leurs pays d origine, ils cessent d appartenir à un État en tant que nationaux, pour devenir résidents dans un État où ils seront étrangers. Dans ce travail, nous allons partir de l hypothèse selon laquelle cette perte de nationalité rend difficile l accès à la citoyenneté, surtout dans sa dimension politique. Pour réfléchir à ce problème, ce travail de conclusion de cours est structuré en quatre chapitres. Les deux premiers chapitres seront dédiés respectivement à la délimitation théorique du phénomène de l immigration internationale et à celle de la citoyenneté moderne. Dans le troisième chapitre, certaines possibilités de séparation entre les notions de citoyenneté et de nationalité seront exposées pour démontrer dans quelle mesure ces différenciations faciliteraient l accès des immigrants internationaux à la citoyenneté. Enfin, le quatrième chapitre permettra de vérifier, à partir de quelques délimitations spatiales et temporelles, de quelle manière le problème de l absence de citoyenneté se présente dans le contexte brésilien. Aussi bien dans le troisième que dans le quatrième chapitre, nous traiterons de la relation entre citoyenneté et nationalité en prenant en compte l existence d une dimension culturelle qui dépasse la dimension polítique et juridique de la nationalité / A presente dissertação tem como principal objetivo a reflexão acerca do problema da ausência de cidadania para os imigrantes internacionais. A importância de pensar a cidadania para os imigrantes que se deslocam em um espaço internacional ou transnacional se justifica porque, desde o início da modernidade com a Revolução Francesa, foi através da cidadania que tomou forma a proteção dos direitos dos indivíduos. No tempo presente, alguns acontecimentos, como o fenômeno convencionalmente chamado de globalização e o aumento contínuo das imigrações internacionais, contribuíram para uma série de críticas e questionamentos ao tradicional conceito de cidadania. Todavia, a despeito de todas as modificações pelas quais vem passando este conceito, acredita-se que ainda é por meio dele que se pode garantir o próprio direito a ter direitos . No caso dos imigrantes internacionais, por via de regra, o deslocamento provoca a perda da nacionalidade, pois aos saírem de seus países de origem, deixam de pertencer a um Estado enquanto nacionais e passam a residir em outro na condição de estrangeiros. Neste trabalho, partir-se-á da hipótese segundo a qual esta perda da nacionalidade por parte dos imigrantes dificultaria o acesso destes mesmos à cidadania, sobretudo em sua dimensão política. Para refletir acerca deste problema, a presente dissertação está estruturada em quatro capítulos. Nos dois primeiros serão delimitados teoricamente o fenômeno da imigração internacional e a cidadania moderna, respectivamente. No terceiro capítulo serão identificadas algumas possibilidades de separação entre cidadania e nacionalidade buscando mostrar em que medida esta empreitada facilitaria o acesso dos imigrantes internacionais à cidadania. Por fim, o quarto capítulo verificará, a partir de alguns recortes espaciais e temporais, de que forma o problema da ausência de cidadania se apresenta no contexto brasileiro. Tanto no terceiro como no quarto capítulo, ao abordar a relação entre cidadania e nacionalidade, será levada em consideração a existência de uma dimensão cultural para além das dimensões política e jurídica da nacionalidade.

The Work Strategies And Experiences Of The Wave Of 1989 Immigrants From Bulgaria Settled In Ankara

Karakilic, Ilhan Zeynep 01 August 2007 (has links) (PDF)
This study focuses on the work strategies of 1989 immigrants who had to move from Bulgaria to Turkey and settled in Ankara. During this immigratio wave, nearly 150,000 people immigrated to Turkey and settled permanently. In this study, the operational definition of the immigrant work strategy is the activities and the attitudes that the immigrants take to find and maintain thier first jobs, immediately after immigration. To learn about the work strategies of the immigrants, I conducted a field research which was based on semi-structured in depth interviews. In my sample, there are fifteen women and fifteen men who have work experience both in Bulgaria and Turkey. During the field research, i asked the respondents questions about their immigration ad settlement processes, their working lives, both in Bulgaria and Turkey and their perceptions about working. Theni to interpret this data, I employ three approaches from the international migration literature: migration system approach, political approach and network aapproach with some important concepts like social capital and work ethic and I tried to connect them with work strategies of the immigrants. As a result of this study, it is suggested that to improve their standards of living, the immigrants developed a work strategy with two main steps: finding a job and maintaining this job. Immigrants follow different patterns in these two steps. While they are trying to find a job, they benefit from existing immigrants&#039 / networks which are products continous immigration waves from Bulgaria to Turkey and Turkish state&#039 / s provisions which are for the accomadation of the immigrants who are privileged in the eyes of the state due to their ethnicity and religion. As a second step of the work strategy, they maintain these jobs with the help of work ethic they gained in Bulgaria and their ignorance about the operation of Turkish labour market. With these characteristics they are distinguished among the non-immigrant workers. The narratives which are widely told by the immigrants and shared by the employers and other employees enviably also emphasize how hardworking they are, how loyal they are to their job, to their employers and to their country and strenthen the immigrants&#039 / position in the labour market.

L'immigration des Azerbaïdjanais en France : histoire et perspectives / Azerbaïjani immigration in France : history and prospects

Asgarov, Vazeh 12 November 2012 (has links)
Au cours du XXème siècle, l'étude de la politique répressive en URSS a été menée sans utilisation des sources statistiques et des données des organismes internationaux. Ces documents étaient tenus strictement secrets et donc inaccessibles. Avec la chute du mur de Berlin en 1989 et l'effondrement de l'URSS en 1991, le monde se trouve complètement modifié. Ce processus engendre la division de certains états en Europe, la création de nouvelles zones de conflit et aussi la proclamation de l'indépendance de certains pays comme l'Azerbaïdjan en octobre 1991. Ces modifications politiques provoquent des mouvements de population. Essentiellement liée à la sécurité, surtout en raison du conflit arrnéno azerbaïdjanais qui a influencé l'économie, les hommes émigrent et s'installent dans les pays de la CEl, particulièrement en Russie et en Ukraine, mais aussi en Allemagne, en Israël, et ailleurs. Aujourd'hui, les raisons de l'émigration du peuple azerbaïdjanais sont différentes. Notre problématique propose d'étudier, de façon historique et sociologique, l'ensemble des courants migratoires azerbaïdjanais vers la France à l'époque contemporaine, c'est-à-dire de la fin du XIXème siècle. au début du XXIème siècle. Cette question est éclairée par l'étude de mouvements migratoires des pays voisins. L'exemple azerbaïdjanais regroupe différents types d'immigration, c'est pourquoi il nous a paru pertinent et judicieux de l'analyser pour comprendre les enjeux actuels des mouvements de population. De plus, l'étude des flux migratoires azerbaïdjanais est intéressant de par ses caractéristiques culturelles, politiques et surtout économiques et permet d'accéder à une meilleure intelligibilité de nos sociétés. / During the twentieth century, the study of political repression in the USSR was conducted without the use of statistical sources and data from international organizations. These documents were kept strictly secret, and therefore inaccessible. With the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 and the collapse of the USSR in 1991, the world is in fact completely altered. This process leads to the division of many countries in Europe, which provokes the arousing of new areas of conflict, and also the proclamation of the in dependence of few countries such as Azerbaijan in October 1991. These political changes caused movements of population. Primarily related to security, mainly due to the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict, which changed the economy in a significant way, population migrate and settle in the CIS countries, more especially in Russia and in Ukraine, or also in Germany, in Israel and elsewhere. Nowadays, the reasons for the emigration of the Azerbaijani people are different. Our research scrutinizes, sociologically and historically, all Azerbaijani migration flows to France at the contemporary times, thal is to say the late nineteenth century to the early twenty-frrst century. This study is enhanced by analyses of migration of neighbouring countries. The example of Azerbaijan gathers different types of immigration that is the reason why we thought it would be relevant and meaningful to analyze the current issues of population movements. In addition, the study of migration of Azerbaijani is thrilling and stimulating because of ils cultural, political and especially economical, facets for a better understanding of our societies

Construction des identités professionnelles chez de jeunes professeurs des écoles issus des immigrations : le rôle des relations interpersonnelles des contextes familial et scolaire. / Construction of professional identity of minority teachers : the role of interpersonal relationships in the family and school contexts

Audebert, Pascale 15 October 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche qualitative, conduite dans un cadre épistémologique socioconstructiviste, a pour objectif d’explorer la construction des identités professionnelles de jeunes professeurs des écoles issus des immigrations. Les données de l’enquête ont été recueillies à l’aide d’entretiens semi-directifs auprès d’une population de 20 professeurs des écoles de la région Aquitaine âgés de 30 à 35 ans (10 issus des immigrations – 10 d’ « origine française »). Une analyse de contenu thématique du verbatim des entretiens a ensuite été réalisée. Des comparaisons entre les 2 groupes ont mis au jour des points communs et des différences au niveau : de l’éducation familiale reçue, des valeurs, du rapport à la religion, du choix du métier (désirabilité relative), des représentations et postures professionnelles. L’analyse du discours des enseignants issus des immigrations a révélé l’apport primordial des relations interpersonnelles dans la construction de leur Soi professionnel : c’est dans les interactions et dialogues avec les autrui significatifs de leurs contextes de vie (notamment familial et scolaire) que ces sujets se sont orientés, ont élaboré et concrétisé leur projet professionnel. Si en tant que descendants de parents immigrants, ils ont à relever des défis spécifiques (se construire dans une identité biculturelle, faire face à la discrimination, etc.), la diversité de leurs parcours d’intégration psychosociale et de leurs processus de personnalisation se manifeste par la construction d’identités professionnelles plurielles. Celles-ci se traduisent notamment par 2 manières d’être au métier : s’investir d’une mission professionnelle interculturelle en jouant un rôle de médiateur auprès d’élèves issus de familles défavorisées et/ou immigrées ; ne mettre en œuvre aucune pratique volontariste. / This study, conducted from a socioconstructivist framework, used qualitative methodology to explore the construction of minority teachers’ professional identity. Data collection consisted of in-depth semi-structured interviews with 20 primary school teachers aged from 30 to 35 years old (10 descendants of immigrants – 10 of French origin). The verbatim was analyzed using content analysis methodology. Comparisons between the 2 groups have shown differences and similarities in their: familial education, values, relationship to religion, career choice, professional representations. The analysis of minority teachers’ interviews has revealed the primordial contributions of interpersonal relationships in the construction of their professional Self (with significant others from family and school contexts, in particular). As descendants of immigrants they have faced specific challenges (face racism and discrimination, build an ethnic identity, etc.), the diversity of their psychosocial integration paths occurs in the construction of contrasted professional identities. Some of them are motivated by a desire of social justice, the goal of creating a bridge between mainstream culture and minority cultures becoming a career mission. Others, don’t do anything in particular for disadvantaged pupils or for those belonging to ethnic minorities.

Construction des identités professionnelles chez de jeunes professeurs des écoles issus des immigrations : le rôle des relations interpersonnelles des contextes familial et scolaire / Construction of professional identity of minority teachers : the role of interpersonal relationships in the family and school contexts

Audebert, Pascale 15 October 2014 (has links)
Cette recherche qualitative, conduite dans un cadre épistémologique socioconstructiviste, a pour objectif d’explorer la construction des identités professionnelles de jeunes professeurs des écoles issus des immigrations. Les données de l’enquête ont été recueillies à l’aide d’entretiens semi-directifs auprès d’une population de 20 professeurs des écoles de la région Aquitaine âgés de 30 à 35 ans (10 issus des immigrations – 10 d’ « origine française »). Une analyse de contenu thématique du verbatim des entretiens a ensuite été réalisée. Des comparaisons entre les 2 groupes ont mis au jour des points communs et des différences au niveau : de l’éducation familiale reçue, des valeurs, du rapport à la religion, du choix du métier (désirabilité relative), des représentations et postures professionnelles. L’analyse du discours des enseignants issus des immigrations a révélé l’apport primordial des relations interpersonnelles dans la construction de leur Soi professionnel : c’est dans les interactions et dialogues avec les autrui significatifs de leurs contextes de vie (notamment familial et scolaire) que ces sujets se sont orientés, ont élaboré et concrétisé leur projet professionnel. Si en tant que descendants de parents immigrants, ils ont à relever des défis spécifiques (se construire dans une identité biculturelle, faire face à la discrimination, etc.), la diversité de leurs parcours d’intégration psychosociale et de leurs processus de personnalisation se manifeste par la construction d’identités professionnelles plurielles. Celles-ci se traduisent notamment par 2 manières d’être au métier : s’investir d’une mission professionnelle interculturelle en jouant un rôle de médiateur auprès d’élèves issus de familles défavorisées et/ou immigrées ; ne mettre en œuvre aucune pratique volontariste. / This study, conducted from a socioconstructivist framework, used qualitative methodology to explore the construction of minority teachers’ professional identity. Data collection consisted of in-depth semi-structured interviews with 20 primary school teachers aged from 30 to 35 years old (10 descendants of immigrants – 10 of French origin). The verbatim was analyzed using content analysis methodology. Comparisons between the 2 groups have shown differences and similarities in their: familial education, values, relationship to religion, career choice, professional representations. The analysis of minority teachers’ interviews has revealed the primordial contributions of interpersonal relationships in the construction of their professional Self (with significant others from family and school contexts, in particular). As descendants of immigrants they have faced specific challenges (face racism and discrimination, build an ethnic identity, etc.), the diversity of their psychosocial integration paths occurs in the construction of contrasted professional identities. Some of them are motivated by a desire of social justice, the goal of creating a bridge between mainstream culture and minority cultures becoming a career mission. Others, don’t do anything in particular for disadvantaged pupils or for those belonging to ethnic minorities.

Héberger des migrants ou gérer des logements ? : l'Aftam et ses "foyers d'Africains noirs" (1962-2012) / Hosting migrants or managing dwellings ? : Aftam and its “Black Africans’” hostels (1962-2012)

Béguin, Hélène 13 February 2015 (has links)
Depuis le milieu des années 1990, les foyers de travailleurs migrants sont progressivement réhabilités dans le cadre d'un Plan de traitement national et transformés en résidences sociales, dispositif de logement d'insertion destiné aux personnes défavorisées. Au cœur de ces transformations qui tendent vers une banalisation des foyers, un objet cristallise les tensions : le « foyer africain » et ses modes de fonctionnement communautaires. Que recouvrent concrètement ces transformations ? Que nous disent-elles de la gestion politique des migrants isolés et du traitement du fait communautaire dans le contexte français ? Pour répondre à ces questions, la recherche est centrée sur un organisme gestionnaire historiquement spécialisé dans l'hébergement des migrants africains : l'Aftam. L'analyse repose sur trois types d'investigation : le premier porte sur les cadres nationaux de l'action publique à travers l'analyse des textes officiels et des discours des acteurs ; le deuxième s'inscrit dans une perspective socio-historique et cherche à retracer la genèse et la trajectoire de l'Aftam ainsi que de ses « foyers africains » ; le troisième repose sur l'observation ethnographique de quatre projets de restructuration de foyers Aftam et en particulier des scènes d'interaction entre résidents et acteurs institutionnels. Cette thèse montre que les modes de vie communautaires propres aux foyers hébergeant des migrants africains, décriés par les pouvoirs publics dans la période contemporaine, ont été construits dans le temps long et dans l'interaction entre les résidents et le gestionnaire, qui les a encouragés à l'origine puis tolérés jusqu'à la période récente. Aussi, la mise en œuvre du Plan de traitement au sein de l'Aftam donne à voir les contradictions de l'action publique et les hésitations du gestionnaire face aux modes de vie communautaires et aux pratiques culturelles spécifiques, en particulier religieuses, des migrants résidant en foyer. Entre traitement spécifique et droit commun, entre approche différentialiste et modèle universaliste, des conceptions idéologiques s'opposent dans les discours. Pour autant, la mise en œuvre de la transformation des foyers, vue à travers le prisme de l'Aftam, met en évidence des positions plus hybrides et plus pragmatiques, qui tendent vers un rapprochement du droit commun, sans jamais vraiment l'atteindre, et vers la tolérance, si ce n'est la reconnaissance, des pratiques communautaires et culturelles spécifiques. Mais cette tolérance s'acquiert généralement au prix de la construction d'un rapport de force entre résidents et institutions / Since the mid-1990s, a national program has been in place in order to renovate migrant workers' hostels (known as foyers), which were built in France mainly in the 1970s. Having been renovated, these hostels are used as “social residences”, a kind of supported and temporary accommodation for “vulnerable groups”. This transformation from hostels for migrant workers to social residences has distracted from the original purpose of providing accommodation to post-colonial immigrants by opening up these residences to non-immigrants as well. What constitutes these transformations and what do they signify? What do they tell us about policies towards migrant workers and ethnic communities in France? In order to address these questions, we have focused our research on a social landlord historically specialized in managing “Black Africans' hostels”: Aftam. The analysis draws from three types of qualitative approach : first, we have analysed the framework of national public policy using official documents and semi-structured interviews with key actors; second, we have investigated Aftam's archives in order to throw new light as the origin and history of this organization and its “Black Africans' hostels”; third, we have conducted ethnographic observation of the renovation project in four different hostels managed by Aftam, focusing on observing the interaction between migrants, representatives from Aftam and representatives from local authorities. This thesis demonstrates that community life, cultural practices and informal economic activities existing in Black Africans' hostels, which are condemned by many national institutions today, have developed through a long-term process, as a consequence both of the migrants living in the hostels and the landlord (Aftam) encouraging them to do so. Moreover, the implementation of renovation projects in Aftam's hostels emphasizes the contradictions of national public policy and also the hesitations of Aftam to address the demands of the communities in question, particularly concerning their cultural and religious practices. The actors involved in the transformation of migrant workers' hostels are from between the contrasting ideologies of multiculturalism and universalism. Nevertheless, the implementation of this policy by Aftam appears more pragmatic than ideological and the collective action of the migrant residents creates a power struggle with the institutions. Ultimately, this has led to a form of tolerance, rather than a total ignorance or absolute recognition of cultural, religious and ethnic minority practices

L'immigration des Azerbaïdjanais en France : histoire et perspectives

Asgarov, Vazeh 12 November 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Au cours du XXème siècle, l'étude de la politique répressive en URSS a été menée sans utilisation des sources statistiques et des données des organismes internationaux. Ces documents étaient tenus strictement secrets et donc inaccessibles. Avec la chute du mur de Berlin en 1989 et l'effondrement de l'URSS en 1991, le monde se trouve complètement modifié. Ce processus engendre la division de certains états en Europe, la création de nouvelles zones de conflit et aussi la proclamation de l'indépendance de certains pays comme l'Azerbaïdjan en octobre 1991. Ces modifications politiques provoquent des mouvements de population. Essentiellement liée à la sécurité, surtout en raison du conflit arrnéno azerbaïdjanais qui a influencé l'économie, les hommes émigrent et s'installent dans les pays de la CEl, particulièrement en Russie et en Ukraine, mais aussi en Allemagne, en Israël, et ailleurs. Aujourd'hui, les raisons de l'émigration du peuple azerbaïdjanais sont différentes. Notre problématique propose d'étudier, de façon historique et sociologique, l'ensemble des courants migratoires azerbaïdjanais vers la France à l'époque contemporaine, c'est-à-dire de la fin du XIXème siècle. au début du XXIème siècle. Cette question est éclairée par l'étude de mouvements migratoires des pays voisins. L'exemple azerbaïdjanais regroupe différents types d'immigration, c'est pourquoi il nous a paru pertinent et judicieux de l'analyser pour comprendre les enjeux actuels des mouvements de population. De plus, l'étude des flux migratoires azerbaïdjanais est intéressant de par ses caractéristiques culturelles, politiques et surtout économiques et permet d'accéder à une meilleure intelligibilité de nos sociétés.

A utilização transnacional e complementar de serviços de saúde por emigrantes de Governador Valadares-MG nos Estados Unidos e no Brasil

Duarte, Norberto de Almeida 22 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:15:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 61080100036.pdf: 581983 bytes, checksum: 471607feba2277442229e73f897f79f0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-22T00:00:00Z / Para explorar as necessidades, o acesso e a utilização dos serviços de saúde dos emigrantes valadarenses nos EUA e em Governador Valadares, assim como a influência desta demanda na oferta de serviços de saúde na cidade mineira, o presente estudo adotou três linhas de investigação. A primeira relacionou a percepção dos emigrantes da amostra, a respeito dos profissionais e dos serviços de saúde utilizados nos EUA e em Governador Valadares. A segunda concentrou-se na percepção dos profissionais de saúde selecionados a respeito das características da demanda do emigrante, assim como da sua influência na oferta de serviços de saúde em Valadares. A última, uma pesquisa documental na Vigilância Sanitária, contabilizou as aberturas anuais de serviços de saúde da localidade. As informações recolhidas junto aos emigrantes valadarenses permitem afirmar a viabilidade do acesso e da utilização dos serviços de saúde subsidiados pelos governos federal, estaduais e municipais nos Estados de Massachusetts e em Connecticut, onde se concentram mais da metade dos valadarenses residentes nos EUA. Seja pelas restrições governamentais ao acesso aos serviços de saúde norte-americanos, pelo custo da assistência em saúde nos EUA, ou mesmo por fatores culturais, o emigrante valadarense, ao retornar ou visitar a cidade de origem, busca os profissionais e os serviços de saúde da localidade. A análise da pesquisa documental, com as informações acerca da abertura de serviços privados de saúde e das entrevistas com os profissionais da área da cidade, revelou a existência de uma relação entre a demanda do emigrante e o crescimento de abertura de serviços privados de saúde ocorrida a partir da segunda metade da década de 90. / In order to examine the needs, the access and the use of health services available to Valadares emigrants in the USA and in the city of Governador Valadares, as well as the influence this demand has on the offer of health services in that Minas town, three investigative lines were adopted in this study. The first looks into the relation between the perception the sample has of the health professionals and services used both in the USA and in Governador Valadares. The second focuses on the perception the selected health professionals have of the characteristics of the demands of emigrants, as well as their influence on health services in Governador Valadares. The last, a documental research with the Vigilância Sanitária - Department of Health and Human Services, shows how many health service facilities are opened in that location annually. The information gathered with the Valadares emigrants, allows us to state that the access and use of health services subsidized by federal, state and city governments in the states of Massachusetts and Connecticut - where over half the Valadares emigrants in the USA reside - is viable. Whether it is due to government restrictions to access American health services or the cost of health care in the USA, or even because of cultural factors, when returning to or visiting their town of origin, the Valadares emigrants seek local health services and professionals. The analysis of the documental research on the opening of private health facilities, as well as interviews with professionals from that part of town, have revealed a relationship between the emigrants´ demand and an increase in the opening of private health facilities as of the second half of the 90´s.

Recortes interculturais: percepções de uma comunidade bilíngue acerca das línguas e culturas norte-americana e brasileira / Intercultural extracts: perceptions of a bilingual community about American and Brazilian languages and cultures

SILVA, Aline Gomes da 19 August 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:18:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aline Gomes da Silva.pdf: 1100746 bytes, checksum: e41c16b042bba41c43fef5214950bc72 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-08-19 / This qualitative study investigates an American immigrant group in the Central-West region of Brazil and its perceptions of the Portuguese and English languages as well as Brazilian and American cultures. More specifically, this research identifies and analyzes both language and cultural domains within the community in order to establish a sociolinguistic profile of the group. Ethnographic theory was the basis for data collection as well as for identification and analysis of the group's main cultural domains, which were evidenced in participants speeches during interviews and social interactions. Language domains were gathered through interviews, questionnaires and field observations. The theoretical section includes works on language and its influence on society (BAKER, 1993; GROSJEAN, 1982; ROMAINE, 1995), conceptions of culture in various areas of study, such as anthropology, sociology and ethnography (LARAIA, 2007; SPRADLEY, 1980; VILA NOVA, 1985), and identity and difference as social products (HALL, 2007; SANTOS, 2007; WOODWARD, 2007). Results revealed that both languages are used in the community, although English is the predominant language in most social domains. Portuguese is used within the family domain in cases of interracial marriage and during social interactions outside the community. English, in turn, is present in the other domains such as the church, the neighborhood, the school and work inside the community. Shortly, English is seen by most participants as the link that connects them to their native country while Portuguese is seen as an instrument to gain access to job and higher education. Results also revealed that faith, conversion and testimony are prominent cultural domains in the participants cultural horizons as well as a varied range of stereotypes about the American and the Brazilian cultures. / Este estudo de natureza qualitativa e interpretativa tem como objetivo geral investigar as percepções sobre as línguas portuguesa e inglesa e as culturas brasileira e norte-americana de um grupo de imigrantes que vivem na Região Centro-Oeste do Brasil. Em termos mais específicos, a pesquisa busca identificar e analisar (a) os domínios de uso do inglês e do português na comunidade, com vistas a delinear o perfil sociolinguístico do grupo, e (b) os domínios culturais da comunidade no que diz respeito às línguas e culturas brasileira e norteamericana. Para tanto, recorremos aos princípios da etnografia para a coleta de dados e também para a identificação e análise semântica dos principais domínios culturais observados na fala dos participantes durante as entrevistas e interações sociais. Com base em entrevistas, questionários e observações de campo, investigamos os domínios de uso do inglês e do português no interior da comunidade. O referencial teórico deste trabalho apresenta estudos que discorrem sobre a língua e sua influência na sociedade (BAKER, 1993; GROSJEAN, 1982; ROMAINE, 1995), os conceitos de cultura veiculados por diversas áreas do saber, como a antropologia, a sociologia e a etnografia (LARAIA, 2007; SPRADLEY, 1980; VILA NOVA, 1985) e, ainda, a identidade e a diferença como produtos do meio social (HALL, 2007; SANTOS, 2007; WOODWARD, 2007). Os resultados mostram que tanto o português quanto o inglês são usadas na comunidade, embora haja predominância do inglês. Ao que se refere aos domínios de uso das línguas, a língua portuguesa é usada no domínio familiar nos casos de casamentos inter-raciais e nas interações sociais, fora da comunidade. A língua inglesa, por sua vez, predomina nos demais domínios, isto é, na igreja, na escola, na vizinhança e no trabalho para aqueles que atuam no interior da comunidade. O inglês é visto pela maioria como o elo que os une ao país de origem enquanto que o português é o instrumento de trabalho. O estudo também mostra que o horizonte cultural dos participantes perpassa domínios culturais tais como a fé, a conversão e o testemunho, além de revelar estereótipos sobre as culturas norte-americana e brasileira.

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