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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Couple Implicit Rules for Facilitating Disclosure and Relationship Quality with Romantic Relational Aggression as a Mediator

Meng, Karl Nathan 16 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This study examines the association between couple implicit rules related to facilitating disclosure and marital quality with husband and wife romantic relational aggression as potential mediators. Couples (N-353 couples) who participated in the Flourishing Families Project, reported on their use of couple implicit rules related to disclosure. Results indicated that implicit rules for couple disclosure were positively related to marital quality for both husbands and wives. Those couples who reported more use of implicit rules related to disclosure were also likely to use less romantic relational aggression. In turn, both husband and wife romantic relational aggression was negatively related to their own as well as their partner's marital quality. Romantic relational aggression was a significant mediator between couple implicit rules for disclosure and marital quality for both husbands and wives. Implications for marital therapy are discussed.

The Effect of Explicit and Implicit Instruction and Native Language Exposure for Advanced L2 Learners in Chinese Pragmatics: Apologies

Liao, Yu-Fang 01 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Pragmatics is part of communicative competence. In order to communicate successfully, pragmatic competence is of vital importance. Although pragmatics has played a significant role in L2 learners' communicative competence, pragmatics still has not been commonly taught in the classroom. The present research investigates the efficacy of instruction in pragmatics in the advanced Chinese language class has on the production and appropriate use of apology strategies, and examines the correlation between exposure in a Chinese Speaking Community (CSC) and pragmatics development. The subjects include 55 students in their third-year of college-level Chinese, divided into four classes at Brigham Young University. The study uses an experimental design in which the participants are assigned either to an explicit instruction group or an implicit instruction group. Participants in both groups also report their experience in a CSC. Results of this study show which as a whole improved their apology performance over the 8-week instruction, as rated by Chinese native speakers. Results reveal no significant difference between the explicit and implicit instruction groups, suggesting that explicit and implicit approaches were both effective methods in facilitating pragmatic competence. In addition, we also found no statistically significant difference between the CSC and Non-Chinese Speaking Community (NCSC) group in their pragmatic development. The findings of the present study indicate that pragmatic knowledge may emerge from classroom instruction, regardless of explicit or implicit instructional approaches; and living in a Chinese speaking communities do not necessary aid or accelerate the development of pragmatic competence.

My Jesus Vs. Yours: Morality Salience Increases Positivity in Implicit and Explicit Images of Christ

Johnson, Desiree 25 April 2023 (has links)
To examine how awareness of death (cues) influences believers with implicit and explicit images of Jesus with terror management theory. Previous research has found with terror management theory (TMT), that a persons view of their God provides an understanding of their worldviews and motivations. There is much evidence to suggest that character assessments, or individual differences in personality, are closely tied to people’s facial appearance and their trustworthiness. In this study using TMT, we are able to relate death thoughts to their visual perceptions of Jesus. In over 30 years, empirical research has demonstrated that reminders of morality leads people to defend their worldviews. The purpose of this research was to understand if specific words alluding to death would change how Christian individuals mentally see their Christ in comparison with no priming. We specifically have hypothesized that people who were reminded of death words would illustrate a more positive, empathetic Christ and a more neutral Christ with the lack of priming.


Bertleff, Amy J. 12 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Volatilitetsprognoser på den amerikanska aktiemarknaden : En kvantitativ studie om den implicita volatilitetens prognosförmåga på realiserad volatilitet / Volatility forecasts on the American stock market

Lindahl, Robert, Kylberg, Carl January 2022 (has links)
Bakgrund: För att kunna ta välgrundade finansiella beslut, behöver aktörer göra prognoser om vad som kommer ske i framtiden. Detta har medfört att både forskare och praktiker har byggt olika modeller som syftar till att prognostisera framtiden. Ett centralt mått i många finansiella modeller är tillgångens volatilitet, som är ett mått på prisförändringen under en tidsperiod. Den implicita volatiliteten, härledd via derivatmarknaden och prissättningsmodeller, är en marknadsprognos för en tillgångs framtida volatilitet. Tidigare forskning pekar på att den implicita volatiliteten är bättre på att prognostisera den framtida volatiliteten jämfört med modeller som använder historisk volatilitet. Däremot finns det osäkerheter kring hur variabler som handelsvolym och löptid påverkar dessa volatilitetsprognoser. Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur prognosförmågan hos den implicita volatiliteten för den framtida realiserade volatiliteten förhåller sig vid olika löptider samt vid olika handelsvolymer. Metod: För att uppnå syftet med studien har vi använt oss av en kvantitativ metod samt en deduktiv ansats. Urvalet består av 100 bolag som varit noterade på S&P 500 mellan 2017 och 2021. Vidare har regressioner utförts i syfte till att fastställa den implicita volatilitetens prognosförmåga. Två modeller har använts varav en heterogeneous autoregressive modell (HAR) och en enkel linjär regression (ELR). Slutligen analyseras regressionerna utifrån kategoriseringar baserat på löptid samt olika handelsvolym. Slutsats: Studien finner inga signifikanta skillnader bland förklaringsgraderna med avseende på olika löptider. Däremot finner vi att den implicita volatiliteten från kortare optioner tenderar att underskatta den realiserade volatiliteten till högre grad än för längre löptider. I kontrast till tidigare forskning finner vi att prognoser blev sämre vid högre handelsvolymer men att underskattningar är vanligare för lägre handelsvolymer.

Kunskapsöverföring med hjälp av internationella arbetstagare i skenet av coronapandemin

Thersthol, Jonathan, Swanmark, Eric January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka hur coronapandemin kan ha påverkat multinationella organisationer, deras arbetssätt kring och inställning till internationella arbetstagare. Uppsatsens fokus ligger på internationella arbetstagare och deras bidrag till kunskapsöverföring inom den multinationella organisationen samt hur digitala kommunikationsmedel kan utgöra en komplementerande roll. Uppsatsen är av kvalitativ karaktär och empirin samlades in genom sex stycken semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att pandemin har haft en viss påverkan på villigheten att ta utlandsuppdrag. En stor påverkan på arbetssätt genom hela organisationen har noterats tack vare övergången till digitalt hemarbete. Dock har ingen påverkan på behovet av internationella arbetstagare för långtidsuppdrag utomlands eller någon märkbar påverkan på kunskapsöverföring inom organisationer noterats. Resultatet visar också att digitala kommunikationsmedel till stor del kunnat ersätta kunskapsöverföring genom fysiska möten med digitala möten under pandemin och kan komma att ha en bestående påverkan på korttidsuppdrag utomlands.

The implicit and explicit memory of static and interactive objects in virtual reality

Olsson, Petra January 2019 (has links)
Virtual reality applications are developing fast and break new grounds every day in new industries. In today's market, most of the virtual reality projects are funded by venture capitalists and are yet to produce any revenue. For an advertiser to be willing to advertise they must see some sort of value or possibility to receive revenue out of the intended commercial. Memory is a common measure of influence from a commercial. Therefore, this thesis aim was to investigate if the memory, in terms of implicit and explicit memory, was affected by objects with different levels of interaction in virtual reality. A user study was conducted where the participants were instructed to go through several virtual rooms, where they were exposed to static, semiinteractive and interactive objects in the categories fruits/vegetables and beverage cans. The static objects were presented as pictures on instruction boards, the semi-interactive objects were presented through point-and-click tasks, and the interactive objects were presented through tasks that utilized body movements in virtual reality.When the participants were finished with the virtual reality application, they conducted a survey regarding their experiences and was asked to fill out three memory tests; a word-fragment completion task, a cued recall test, and a recognition task. Results show that interactive and semi-interactive objects in virtual reality did have a significant impact on explicit memory, and that the static objects did not. For implicit memory a conclusion could not be drawn whether the objects in the virtual environment had any impact due to no significant difference between the study participants and the control group without influence of the study as a result of not enough data. The results from the study were vastly different for fruits/vegetables and beverage brands, where results for the fruits/vegetables had a clear distinction and the beverage brands had almost no significant data, which could be due to “Inattentional blindness”. / Virtuella verklighets (Virtual reality) applikationer utvecklas snabbt och bryter ny mark varje dag i nya industrier. På dagens marknad, så är de flesta virtuella verklighets projekten finansierade av riskkapitalister och är fortfarande i ett läge där de inte producerar intäkt. For att marknadsförare ska vara villiga att investera måste de se någon potential i att få intäkter från den avsedda reklamen. Minne, är ett vanligt mått för att mäta påverkan av en reklam. Därav var avsikten for denna avhandling att undersöka om minnet, i form av implicit och explicit minne, blev påverkat av objekt med olika nivåer av interaktion i en virtuell verklighet. Ett användartest utfördes där deltagare blev instruerade att gå genom flera virtuella rum, där de blev exponerade för statiska, semi-interaktiva och interaktiva objekt i kategorierna frukter/grönsaker och dryckesmärken. De statiska objekten representerades som bilder på en statisk instruktionstavla, dom semi-interaktiva objekten representerades genom en peka-ochklicka uppgift, och de interaktiva objekten var representerade genom uppgifter som utnyttjade kroppsrörelser i en virtuell verklighet.När deltagarna fullföljt den virtuella verklighets applikationen fick de fylla i en enkät angående deras upplevelser, samt fylla i tre minnes test; ett ord-fragmentkompletterings test, ett indikation återkallelsetest, och ett igenkännings test. Resultaten visar på att de interaktiva och de semi-interaktiva objekten i den virtuella verkligheten hade en signifikant påverkan på det explicita minnet, samt att de statiska inte hade det. För de implicita minnet kunde inga slutsatser dras huruvida objekten i den virtuella verkligheten hade någon inverkan på grund av ingen signifikant skillnad mellan studiedeltagarna och kontrollgruppens resultat som en efterföljd av otillräckliga data. Resultaten från studien hade olika utfall för frukter/grönsaker och dryckesmärken, där resultaten för frukter/grönsaker hade en klar distinktion, medan dryckesmärkena hade nästan ingen signifikant data, vilket kan bero på ”Ouppmärksam blindhet” (Inattentional blindness).

Investigating The Mechanisms That Drive Implicit Coordination In Teams

Hoeft, Raegan 01 January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to empirically test the oft-noted hypothesis that shared mental models lead to implicit coordination. Specifically, this dissertation investigated the underlying mechanisms of implicit coordination and how different aspects of shared mental models affect the process. The research questions tested in this study were (a)how perceptions of sharedness affect the initiation of implicit coordination, (b) how actual levels of sharedness affect the process of implicit coordination, and (c) how quality of task mental models affects successful implicit coordination. Sixty same-gender, two-person teams engaged in a complex military reconnaissance planning task in which the team members were required to work together by exchanging information to plan routes for one unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) and one unmanned ground vehicle (UGV). The results provided partial support for the influence of different facets of shared mental models on the process of implicit coordination. Specifically, individual mental model quality, not perceptions of sharedness or actual mental model sharedness, was the biggest predictor of the initiation of implicit coordination. Additionally, perceptions of sharedness and actual mental model sharedness interacted with one another, such that teams in mismatched conditions (high perceptions of sharedness but low actual sharedness [false consensus], or low perceptions of sharedness and high actual sharedness, [pluralistic ignorance]) tended to increase their communications. The implications and recommendations for future research on implicit coordination and shared mental models are discussed. Additionally, the implications for operators of unmanned vehicles are also discussed.

Initial Testing Of The Continuous Employee Development Model: Outcome Expectations And Work-related Implicit Theory

Garofano, Christina 01 January 2006 (has links)
Understanding and promoting lifelong learning in employees is important for employees' future marketability (Robinson & Rousseau, 1994) and for creating learning organizations (Senge, 1990). To further this understanding, components of a model of the motivation to engage in continuous employee development (Garofano & Salas, 2005) were tested. New scales were created for work-related implicit theory and outcome expectations and the validity of these scales and these variables in the model were investigated. Alternate models were also contrasted with the Garofano and Salas model (2005). The study used self-report surveys administered to staff and faculty recruited from training classes in higher learning institutions in a three month longitudinal investigation. The results suggest that work-related implicit theory is a valid contributor in this model but that modifications to the model may be beneficial, including a more complex central motivational component. Implications of these results for organizational practice are discussed along with study limitations and future research implications

Reasoning Tradeoffs in Implicit Invocation and Aspect Oriented Languages

Sanchez Salazar, Jose 01 January 2015 (has links)
To reason about a program means to state or conclude, by logical means, some properties the program exhibits; like its correctness according to certain expected behavior. The continuous need for more ambitious, more complex, and more dependable software systems demands for better mechanisms to modularize them and reason about their correctness. The reasoning process is affected by the design decisions made by the developer of the program and by the features supported by the programming language used. Beyond Object Orientation, Implicit Invocation and Aspect Oriented languages pose very hard reasoning challenges. Important tradeoffs must be considered while reasoning about a program: modular vs. non-modular reasoning, case-by-case analysis vs. abstraction, explicitness vs. implicitness; are some of them. By deciding a series of tradeoffs one can configure a reasoning scenario. For example if one decides for modular reasoning and explicit invocation a well-known object oriented reasoning scenario can be used. This dissertation identifies various important tradeoffs faced when reasoning about implicit invocation and aspect oriented programs, characterize scenarios derived from making choices regarding these tradeoffs, and provides sound proof rules for verification of programs covered by all these scenarios. Guidance for program developers and language designers is also given, so that reasoning about these types of programs becomes more tractable.

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