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The impact of ad, personal, and situational characteristics on positive affect and felt urge to buy impulsively. A quantitative study in the Facebook contextBjuhr, Beatrice, Pham, My Tra January 2015 (has links)
Social media has grown in importance as an advertising communication tool, and companies take advantages of this by using social media marketing to meet their marketing objectives. The research context in this study is chosen to be the social media Facebook, mainly since it is the biggest and most used social media in Sweden but also since Facebook offers companies many different commercial options. We detected a research gap, since there is a lack of theory on Facebook’s customized advertisements on a more specific context that is felt urge to buy impulsively. We could also identify a research gap since there is no study investigating how positive affect and felt urge to buy impulsively are affected by different characteristics in Umeå, Sweden or in the Facebook context among Umeå members. The purpose with this study is to investigate the effects of ad characteristics, personal consumption characteristics, and situational characteristics on positive affect and felt urge to buy impulsively. The characteristics consist of nine constructs; felt urge to buy impulsively, positive affect, promotional effect, atmospheric effect, impulse buying tendency, hedonic consumption, customized advertisement, time availability and money availability. To fulfill the purpose of this thesis, we conducted a quantitative study. In the quantitative study we conducted a web-based self-selected survey. The link to the survey was posted in four different Facebook groups and on our own Facebook pages. The link the survey was also distributed by flyers to randomly targeted people at Umeå University and Umeå center. By conducting a survey we were able to detect effects between the variables. When analyzing the results using regression analysis we concluded there are eight supported hypothesizes. The first multiple regression analysis showed that promotional effect, atmospheric effect, hedonic consumption tendency, customized advertisement and time availability had a significant positive effect on positive affect. In the second multiple regression analysis we concluded that hedonic consumption tendency and customized advertisement had a significant positive effect on felt urge to buy impulsively. The last regression analysis showed that positive affect had a significant positive effect on felt urge to buy impulsively. From the result we could confirm some of previous study’s findings and also contribute with new findings. We also suggest practical recommendations for companies using Facebook as an advertising channel, and how they can improve the advertising to make a good impression on the consumers.
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Köper du, köper jag : En studie om hur influencers påverkar impulsköp genom sociala medierLydin, Elin, Olsson, Sara January 2018 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur interaktion med och bekräftelse av opinion leaders påverkar konsumenters impulshandlande genom företags marknadsföring via s-commerce. Denna studie genomfördes således för att tydliggöra om influencers genom olika faktorer kan påverka impulsköp online. Metod: Metoden som användes för att genomföra denna studie var en kvantitativ studie genom webbaserade enkätundersökningar. Resultatet från denna analyserades sedan i programmet SPSS för att få fram en tydlig bild av hur faktorerna påverkar impulsköp. Populationen innehåller män och kvinnor från åldern 16 år och uppåt som följer en influencer på sociala medier. Urvalet är sedan de som är medlemmar i Facebookgruppen "Fredagspoddens vänner" samt de som följer Jessica Lagergren och Elin Lindqvist på Instagram. Resultat och slutsats: Resultatet visade att påverkan från influencers inte var speciellt stor och att konsumenter tenderar att impulshandla till en större grad om dessa inte var inblandade. Trots att påverkan var liten tydliggjordes det att bekräftelse från influencers var den faktor som påverkade respondenterna mest. Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna studie bidrar till ökad förståelse för hur företag ska använda sig av influencers i sin marknadsföring för att generera impulsköp online och bygger vidare på det gap som tidigare forskning har observerat. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Till fortsatt forskning hade det varit intressant att se hur många impulsköp ett samarbete mellan företag och influencers i snitt genererar. En annan sak att undersöka är vilket socialt medie som genererar flest impulsköp. / Aim: The purpose of this study is to analyze how interaction with and confirmation from opinion leaders affect consumers' impulse buying through companies marketing via social commerce. This study was thus accomplished to clarify whether influencers, through different factors, can influence impulse purchases online. Method: The method that was used in this study was a quantitative study through web-based surveys. The results from these was then analyzed in the program SPSS to get a clear picture of how the factors affect impulse purchases. The population contains men and women from the age of 16 years and upwards that are following an influencer on social media. The selection group is then those who are members of the Facebook group "Fredagspoddens vänner" as well as those following Jessica Lagergren and Elin Lindqvist at Instagram. Result and conclusions: The result showed that the influence of influencers was not particularly great, and consumers tend to impulse buy to a greater extent if they were not involved. Although the impact was small, it was clear that the confirmation from influencers was the factor that affected the respondents the most. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes to increased understanding of how businesses should use influencers in their marketing to generate impulse purchases online as well as it is built on the gap that previous research has observed. Suggestions for future research: For further research, it would be interesting to see how many impulse purchases that on average are generated by collaborations between companies and influencers. Another thing to investegate is what social media that generates the most impulse purchases.
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How do SMIs’ Influence Our Impulsive Buying Behavior? : A consumers’ perspective: A qualitative study on SMIs’ influence on consumers’ impulsive buying behaviorHämäläinen, Liisa, Tigerhielm, Sebastian January 2024 (has links)
With growing social media usage, social media influencers’ (SMIs) are getting more popular within the realm of social media marketing and are widely used by brands. Previous studies have shown SMI marketing influences consumers’ impulsive buying behavior in prominent ways such as by SMI-generated content, trust in SMI and SMI credibility, SMIs’ emotional appeal, SMI visual attractiveness and SMI expertise. Thus, to further elaborate on current knowledge, the purpose of this study is to describe the influence of social media influencers’ on consumers' impulsive buying behavior. A qualitative study including features of both a cross-sectional and a case study approach was conducted. It was found that SMIs’ individual characteristics and personal connections with consumers as well as SMI-generated content and SMIs’ demonstrated knowledge enhance trust and further influence impulsive buying behavior (IBB). Further, key patterns identified the interplay between SMI appearance, inspiration and trust showing that visually attractive SMIs increase trust, thus influencing impulsive buying behavior among consumers. Findings emphasize how characteristics influence each other to influence IBB as well as, how each characteristic recognized, independently influences IBB among consumers.
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Impulsköp : En studie om vilka faktorer som kan påverka när svenska kvinnor utför impulsköpAndersson Weinez, Linnéa January 2017 (has links)
Detaljhandeln förmodas möta en stor utmaning de kommande åren. Detta då digitaliseringen växer i snabb takt och e-handeln konkurrerar allt mer mot de traditionella butikerna. På grund av den hårdnande konkurrensen är det viktigt att företag tänker nytt och är innovativa. För att bemöta utmaningen menar jag att impulsköp kan anses som en konkurrensfördel för detaljhandelsföretag. Denna studie har därför tagit sin utgångspunkt i detta och belyser just fenomenet impulsköp. Då kvinnan är den som tidigare påvisats utföra flest impulsköp valdes det i studien att fokusera på henne. Syftet var att bidra med en ökad kunskap gällande vilka faktorer som kan påverka när svenska kvinnor impulshandlar. Studiens insamling av empiri bestod av en gruppintervju samt tre enskilda intervjuer. Dessa grundades i en analysmodell som utvecklats från studiens litteraturgenomgång. Sammanfattningsvis var det tre faktorer ur studiens analysmodell som kunde påvisas vara påverkande vid impulsköp. Dessa var shoppingmiljö, erbjudande och sällskap. Även merförsäljning och ålder har påvisats kunna vara betydande för impulsköp. / Retail business is expected to face a major challenge in the coming years. This is because digitalization is growing rapidly, and e-commerce is increasingly competing against traditional stores. It requires innovative thinking of companies to be competitive. To meet the challenge, I mean that impulse purchases can be used as a competitive advantage for retail companies. This study has therefore taken its starting point in the phenomenon impulse purchases. The study focuses on a female perspective since women are more inclined to execute impulse purchases. The purpose was to contribute to increased knowledge of the factors that may be crucial when Swedish women do impulse purchases. The study's empirical gathering consisted of a group interview and three individual interviews. These interviews were based on an analysis model developed by the study's literature review. In summary, three factors from the study's analysis model that could be shown to be influential in impulse purchases . These are shopping environments, offers and companies while shopping. Even additional sale and age have been shown to be significant for impulse purchases.
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The Triggers of Buyers Regret of Impulsive PurchasesEsterhammer, Oliver, Huang, Jiahao January 2017 (has links)
Attention on impulsive buying behavior has been increased from both researchers and marketers, as the negative consumption experience resulting from this unplanned buying could harm the business severely in terms of brand building, reputation as well as a loss of customer. By reviewing previous literatures, we have identified that there is still little research about the post-consumer behavior of impulse purchases, namely on consumers’ regret triggered from what they have bought impulsively. The purpose of this study is to discover the triggers of buyer regret from impulse purchase, which is presented by the research question “What are the triggers of buyer regret from impulse purchases?” By conducting a quantitative research, we proposed a conceptual model of impulse purchase regret that consists of six hypotheses. The technical tool that we used to test the conceptual model is a SPSS extension called AMOS, whereas the analysis method uses the application of structural equation modeling. We collected our primary data (187 viable responses) via a questionnaire through convenience sampling. By testing all the data with AMOS, we received the following result: 5 hypotheses are accepted and 1 hypothesis is rejected. This result indicates that upwards counterfactual thinking (CFT) on forgone alternatives, a change in significance, and under consideration are positively related to impulse purchase regret; external stimuli and consumer susceptibility to interpersonal influence (CSII) have indirect influence on impulse purchase regret. By applying our theoretical background to analyze the result, we suggest that consumer’s rational buying thinking still plays an important role in post evaluation stage of impulse purchase, even though it disrupts the rational buying process in the beginning. Lastly, we believe that several parties could benefit from our research, they are marketing, academia as well as consumers.
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Investigating Chinese audience-consumers' responses towards TV character fashion content : a study of second screen communication contextWu, Xiangran January 2018 (has links)
Second-screen viewing - the use of smartphones, tables and laptops while watching television program - has increased dramatically in the last few years, which multi-screen usage could be considered as a new opportunity for marketing communication. This study will investigate the social media (as second screen) communication effects of TV drama series focussing on the effectiveness of characters' fashion content in leading to consumers' impulsive buying. Narrative transportation theory, use and gratification theory, flow theory, social comparison theory and para-social theory are developed and adopted in an S-O-R framework in this study. A quantitative research approach will be used to conduct online survey focusing China second screen marketing phenomenon. Results of the study provide a guide to understand the newly emerging second screen process with theoretical and managerial perspectives.
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Research on ¡uOne Deal a Day¡v Business Model - A Case Study of WOOT!Su, Jo-Chiao 10 August 2011 (has links)
As a result of the prosperous growth of electronic commerce businesses and the rapid progress of the information technologies, various innovative e-commerce business models are emerging. In recent years, there is a new and very successful e-commerce business model called ¡§One Deal a Day.¡¨ It is surprising that the way how the One Deal a Day violates many principles of doing good business in the past. For this reason, the purpose of this thesis is to study why and how One Deal a Day can succeed by analyzing the empirical data collected from WOOT! which is the starter of One Deal a Day business model.
Overall, the unique characteristics of One Deal a Day include single item only at any moment, 24 hours only or even shorter of selling, great discounts, funny story as marketing tactics, and full of uncertainty. Based on these characteristics and literature, we conclude the success of One Deal a Day is resulted from hedonic consumption and impulse buying behaviors.
According to the analysis of empirical data, when the selling time is shorter and more uncertain, or when the price is cheaper, it will encourage more impulse buying. However, the time pressure will negatively moderate the impact of the price on impulse buying. From the aspect of consumer loyalty, we found that One Deal a Day business model is easy to build up consumer loyalty. In addition, when the selling time is shorter and more uncertain, it will attract more consumers with high loyalty, but less new consumers.
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The Effect of Point of Purchase on Impulse Buying Behavior-The Case Study of Western-Style Fastfood IndustryLiu, Yu-Hua 29 February 2012 (has links)
With the change of world economy and the constant innovation of technology, people¡¦s lifestyle and eating habits have changed tremendously. And There are more and more people like to eat out. When they are choosing restaurants, the western-style fastfood will be often taken into account. In fact, eating too much fast food in high calories will cause nutrition disorders and fatness. So consumer should keep careful attitude toward this kind of food.
In Taiwan, every western-style fastfood corporation is in high competition. In order to increase sales and market share, firms adopt different marketing strategies to attract consumers. When new products are launched, the point of purchase advertising will be replaced right away to convey product information to customers. Therefore, the research chooses McDonald¡¦ s, Mos Burger and Burger King because they are top corporations. The main purposes as follows:
1. Among McDonald¡¦ s, Mos Burger and Burger King¡¦s point of purchase advertising, to explore the relevance between impulsive buying behavior and point of purchase advertising.
2. To research the revision effect of impulse buying characteristics and demographics.
This research analysis consumers¡¦ behaviors after seeing point of purchase advertising in Mcdonald, Mos Burger, and Burger King. After analyzing, we found that consumers in Mcdonald, Mos Burger and Burger King has lower ratio of impulsive buying behavior. Thus, point of purchase and impulsive buying behavior are low connected. About revision effect of impulsive buying characteristics, only Mos Burger has revision effect. About demographic variables, age, educational level and monthly income don¡¦t have revision effect in three research objects. And about sex, only Mos Burger has revision effect.
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Research on Immediately Promote E-coupon to Improve Retailer Yield Management ProblemsChang, Cheng-hsuan 16 August 2012 (has links)
As the e-coupon group-buying is getting popular, there are many sellers using e-coupon group-buying as an advertising strategy by providing e-coupon with big discount. However, there were many complaints from consumers saying that they couldn¡¦t reserve the services on peak time as they wished. It turns out that the sellers could not achieve the advertising effect but the negative image. We found the good time for sellers doing advertising by selling e-coupon is on the off-peak time. Based on above observation, this study tried to explore whether the service industry can enhance the impulse buying behavior and thus improve yield management performance by selling e-coupons through mobile devices. An online experiment with questionnaire was implemented to collect research data.
The research results include: (1) The quantity of e-coupon provided by the sellers will not have significant impact on time pressure perceived by the consumers directly. However, if the limited quantity lets consumer recognize its scarcity, it will increase consumer perceived time pressure and perceived value as well. (2) In addition to the perceived scarcity, the e-coupon discount also has positive influence on consumer perceived value. (3) The shorter distance the location of the store is, the better perceived location will be. (4) The consumer impulse buying intention will be impacted by the perceived time pressure, perceived value, perceived location and impulse characteristic of the consumer. Among them, the perceived value has highest influence and the second is consumer impulse characteristic followed by the perceived location.
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An investigation into the sales-advertising relationship : the state lottery caseMunoz, Yuri R. (Yuri Ramiro) 20 January 2011 (has links)
The present investigation aims at modeling the sales response to advertising and, in the process, sheds some light on the sales-advertising relationship subject, which has been at the center of a decades-long controversy due to its inherent complexities. We studied three Colorado Lottery games, Lotto, Powerball, and Scratch, over a four-year period of operation. To synthesize a model that appropriately described the sales-advertising behavior of each one of these games, we addressed three fundamental questions driving the modeling process itself: 1. Is there a relationship between sales and advertising? 2. If such relationship exists, is there an advertising "carryover effect" on sales? And, 3. What is the shape of the sales-advertising relationship? We put forward two general-response models (Current Effects and Koyck's) in combination with eight functional forms (one linear and seven nonlinear forms) to address the above questions and test the respective hypotheses. Employing the available time series data corresponding to game sales, game advertising expenditures, state population, state unemployment rate, and jackpot (for the relevant games), we performed the respective regression analyses. We, then, evaluated the posited relationships and selected the best predictive model for each game, when statistical evidence supported a significant sales-advertising association. Using this final model, we addressed the three research questions at the core of this study. The results of this investigation suggested the existence of a significant positive and nonlinear (concave-downwards) Scratch sales-advertising relationship. No sales-advertising association was found for the Lotto or Powerball games. The data analyzed did not seem to support either the advertising "carryover effect" on sales on any of the games studied. From the theoretical point of view, these findings extend prior empirical research that has generally assumed, for simplification purposes, a linear sales-advertising relationship with its corresponding consequences. From the practical perspective, this study highlights advertising’s contribution to sales, which can help debunk mistaken beliefs frequently stigmatizing advertising as a resource-spending function and quell the long-established skepticism about its financial accountability. / text
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