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Seleção genética da exploração dos braços abertos por ratos albinos e seu efeito na emocionalidade e aprendizagem / Genetic selection of an elevated plus-maze open arms by albino rats and its effect in emotion and learning.Brito, Thiago Marques de 30 January 2015 (has links)
A seleção genética de comportamentos relacionados a um componente emocional do tipo ansiedade, associada ao estudo das possíveis influências desse traço sobre outros componentes emocionais como o medo, impulsividade e tarefas de aprendizagem aversiva, podem contribuir para o entendimento da ansiedade, bem como, fornecer uma base sólida para investigações neurofisiológicas, bioquímicas e moleculares da mesma. Assim, o presente trabalho selecionou duas linhagens de ratos da linhagem Wistar: uma com característica de alta exploração dos braços abertos do labirinto em cruz-elevado (Filô-HE) e outra com baixa exploração desses braços (Filô-LE), e comparou os efeitos da seleção dessas duas linhagens sobre comportamentos associados à ansiedade, medo, impulsividade e aprendizagem aversiva. Para isso, um lote de animais fornecidos pelo Biotério Central da USP-RP foram distribuídos em dois grupos distintos: (1) os que apresentavam maior exploração dos braços abertos do Labirinto em Cruz Elevado (LCE) - (Filô-HE) e (2) os com menor exploração desses braços (Filô-LE) ao longo de doze gerações (de S1 a S12, sem contar o grupo inicial do qual derivam as gerações). Na sexta, nona e décima segunda gerações, os animais foram submetidos aos seguintes testes comportamentais: LCE, Campo Aberto (somente na décima segunda), esquiva passiva, labirinto aquático de Morris (somente na décima segunda), sobressalto (que avalia a resposta de medo), e gradiente de aversão elevado (desenvolvido em nosso laboratório para medir impulsividade). Os dados indicaram a seleção de duas linhagens de ratos Wistar com características distintas para a exploração dos braços abertos do LCE. De um lado, foi selecionada a linhagem Filô-HE, que possui como principal característica, altos índices de exploração de ambientes que geralmente são evitados por outros animais. De outro, foi selecionada (até a oitava geração), a linhagem Filô-LE, que explorava muito pouco ambientes potencialmente aversivos. Tais resultados podem ser interpretados, respectivamente, como (a) baixa e alta frequência de comportamentos associados à ansiedade e medo, (b) baixa e alta frequência de comportamentos associados à impulsividade, (c) altos e baixos níveis de dificuldade na aprendizagem relacionada a memórias emocionais, ou (d) até mesmo o efeito conjunto de todas essas características comportamentais. Porém, para um conhecimento mais confiável, é necessário que os estudos supracitados passem a explorar aspectos neurofisiológicos, psicofarmacológicos, bioquímicos e genéticos, ampliando a investigação dos componentes emocionais selecionados. Bem como, promovendo um controle mais rígido dos traços selecionados e de suas relações com outros componentes que possam interferir na seleção / The genetic selection of behaviors related to an anxiety-like emotional component, associated to the study of the possible influences of this trait over other emotional components like fear, impulsivity and aversive learning, can contribute to the understanding of anxiety as well as supply a solid basis for its neurophysiological, biochemical and molecular investigation. Thus, the present work selected two strains of Wistar rats: one characterized by a high exploration of the open arms of an elevated plus-maze (Filô-HE) and another with a low exploration of these arms (Filô-LE), and compared the effects of such a selection on behaviors associated with anxiety, fear, impulsivity and aversive learning. For this, a batch of animals supplied by the animal house of the USP at Ribeirão Preto were distributed into two distinct groups: (1) one presenting more exploration of the open arms of an elevated plus-maze (EPM) Filô-HE and (2) one with less open arm exploration Filô-LE along twelve generations (from S1 to S12, not counting the initial group from which all generations derived). On the sixth, ninth and twelfth generations the animals were submitted to the following behavioral tests: LCE, open-field (only in the twelfth generation), passive avoidance, Morris aquatic maze (only in the twelfth generation), startle (which evaluates a fear response), and elevated aversion gradient (developed in our laboratory to measure impulsivity). The data indicated a selection of two Wistar rats strains with distinct characteristics concerning the exploration of the open arms of and EPM. On the one hand, the strain Filô-HE was selected exhibiting as the main characteristic high measures of exploration of environments which are usually avoided by other animals. On the other hand, the strain Filô-LE was selected (up to the eighth generation) exhibiting very little exploration of potentially dangerous environments. These results may be interpreted as, respectively, (a) low and high frequency of behaviors associated to anxiety and fear, (b) low and high frequency of behaviors associated to impulsivity, (c) high and low levels of difficulty in learning related to emotional memories, or (d) even the joint effect of all these behavioral characteristics. However, for a more reliable knowledge it is necessary that the studies above begin to explore neurophysiological, psychopharmacological, biochemical and genetic aspects, broadening the investigation ot hte selected emotional components, as well as promoting a more strict control of the selected traits and of its relations with other components that may interfere in the selection
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Modelo de avaliação de eficácia terapêutica em jogadores patológicos: a contribuição da neuropsicologia / An assessment model of treatment for pathological gambling: a neuropsychological contributionRossini, Danielle 13 March 2009 (has links)
Avaliou-se como o tratamento de jogadores patológicos (JP) impacta processos mentais através de medidas neuropsicológicas associadas à impulsividade (tarefas tradicionais, computadorizadas e comportamentais) e a relação destas com variáveis tradicionais de tratamento (fissura, distorções cognitivas e comportamento de jogo). Compararam-se os resultados pré e pós-tratamento de 72 JP (56% homens) em tratamento ambulatorial. Observaram-se melhoras significativas em medidas neuropsicológicas de amplitude atencional, controle inibitório e adiamento de gratificação, bem como em medidas de auto-relato de comportamento de jogo, fissura, distorções cognitivas, afetividade negativa e impulsividade. Estas variáveis foram introduzidas em um modelo de análise de componentes principais (ACP) e os três fatores obtidos foram comparados entre respondedores e não respondedores a tratamento. Mostraram-se capazes de distinguí-los os fatores Distorções Cognitivas/Afetos Negativos e Fissura/Controle Inibitório, mas não o fator Inquietação Motora; indicando quais medidas clínicas e aspectos neuropsicológicos podem contribuir para avaliação da eficácia terapêutica, auxiliando na distinção entre JP recuperados e não recuperados. Descritores: neuropsicologia/métodos, jogo de azar/psicologia, impulso/psicologia, questionários, resultado de tratamento / It was assessed how pathological gamblers (PG) treatment impact mental processes investigated by neuropsychological measures associated to impulsivity (traditional, computer and behavioral tasks) and their relation with traditional treatment variables (craving, cognitive distortions and gambling behaviour). The data of 72 PG (56% of man) undergoing outpatient treatment were analyzed. Statistically significative differences were observed in neuropsychological measures as attentional span, inhibitory control and reward delay, as well in self report scores as craving, cognitive distortions, negative affect and impulsivity, indicating positive changes. The variance of all data that varied significantly along gambling treatment were introduced to a principal component analysis (PCA). The three factors obtained were compared between recovered and non recovered gamblers. Recovered and non-recovered differed by the Cognitive Distortions/Negative Affect and Craving/Inhibitory Control, but not by Motor Restlessness factor; indicating that clinical measures and neuropsychological aspects could contribute to the assessment of therapeutic efficacy, helping to distinguish between recovered and non recovered PG
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Impulsivité et distractibilité chez des adultes TDAH : évaluation, potentiels évoqués et remédiation. / Impulsivity and distractibility in adults with ADHD : testing, training and evoked response potentialsMarcastel, Agathe 09 April 2019 (has links)
My objectives are twofold: 1/ investigating the cognitive and electrophysiological mechanisms of response inhibition in healthy or ADHD adults, 2/ providing a training program to reduce impulsivity. According to Braver (2012), action regulation permits to control impulsivity in two ways: proactive inhibition, effected before motive commands and reflected in an event related potential (ERP) in the N2 wave, and reactive inhibition, a rapid correction mechanism interrupting a motor process already well underway, reflected by the P3 wave. / My objectives are twofold: 1/ investigating the cognitive and electrophysiological mechanisms of response inhibition in healthy or ADHD adults, 2/ providing a training program to reduce impulsivity. According to Braver (2012), action regulation permits to control impulsivity in two ways: proactive inhibition, effected before motive commands and reflected in an event related potential (ERP) in the N2 wave, and reactive inhibition, a rapid correction mechanism interrupting a motor process already well underway, reflected by the P3 wave.
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Emotionale Modulation von Impulsivität bei Patientinnen mit Borderline PersönlichkeitsstörungBader, Kerstin 01 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Exekutivfunktionen sind die Grundlage der Aufmerksamkeitssteuerung, Handlungsplanung, Impulskontrolle, und notwendig für zielgerichtetes Handeln. Impulskontrolle bedeutet dabei die Fähigkeit, behaviorale Impulse und Gedanken zu unterdrücken (Evenden, 1999). Erkrankungen, wie die Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung (BPS) oder die Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS), die sich durch Einschränkungen der Impulskontrolle auszeichnen, gehören zu den häufigsten psychiatrischen Erkrankungen unserer Zeit und sind schwer zu behandeln. Klinische Beobachtungen (Linehan, 1996) wie auch aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse (Silbersweig et al., 2007) zur BPS lassen einen engen Zusammenhang der affektiven und impulsiven Symptomatik vermuten.
Ziel der Studie war zum einen, die gestörte Impulskontrolle bei BPS mit Hilfe psychometrischer und neuropsychologischer Verfahren zu bestätigen und zum anderen die komplexe Interaktion affektiver und inhibitorischer Netzwerke mit Hilfe funktioneller Magnetresonanztomographie zu untersuchen. Dazu wurde ein fMRI-Paradigma entwickelt, dass Emotionsinduktion (Ärger, Freude, Neutral) mit einer Impulskontrollaufgabe (Go/NoGo) verband. Neben dem Vergleich mit einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe wurden zur störungsspezifischen Abgrenzung auch Frauen mit ADHS untersucht.
Patientinnen mit BPS gaben dabei in Selbstbeurteilungsmaßen höhere Impulsivitätswerte als gesunde Kontrollen und ähnlich hohe Werte wie Patientinnen mit ADHS an, waren aber in den Aufgaben behavioraler Impulskontrolle nicht beeinträchtigt. In allen drei Versuchsgruppen ergab sich eine emotionale Modulation durch die vorher induzierten Emotionen. Während aber gesunde Kontrollen für erfolgreiche Inhibition v. a. den inferioren Präfrontalkortex verstärkt rekrutieren, war sowohl in der BPS- als auch in der ADHS eine Modulation im Nucleus subthalamicus zu beobachten. Während Patienten mit BPS entsprechend früherer Befunde mit verstärkter Amygdalaaktivierung auf die Emotion Ärger reagierten, zeigten die Patientinnen mit ADHS veränderte Aktivierungen des affektiven Netzwerkes bei der Emotion Freude. Emotionsunabhängig zeigten sich in der ADHS-Gruppe Hypoaktivierungen im mittleren Cingulum und dorsolateralen Präfrontalkortex.
Zusammengefasst entsprechen die Ergebnisse der Annahme eines hyperaktivierten limbischen affektiven Systems und eines hypoaktivierten präfrontalen Kontrollsystems bei Borderline Persönlichkeitsstörung (Depue & Lenzenweger, 2005; Dinn et al., 2004; Posner et al., 2003). Eine emotionale Modulation scheint zu einer kompensatorischen Aktivierung von Hirnregionen des Hemmungsnetzwerkes zu führen. Eine generell beeinträchtige neutrale Impulskontrollfähigkeit scheint in Abgrenzung zur ADHS jedoch nicht vorzuliegen.
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Preschool predictors of social competence in first grade. A prospective community studyZahl, Tonje January 2013 (has links)
Background: Developing a well-adept social competence in preschool years is considered important and seems to play a pivotal role in later social functioning like school readiness and academic competence. Due to the individual development in children, establishing potential early markers of early social problems has been difficult. Although parent, peer, and contextual factors may be important to children’s development of social competence, the present study addressed the range of individual differences in children that may facilitate or impede social skills development. Method: The paper is based on data from the comprehensive longitudinal Trondheim Early Secure Study (TESS) of a screen-stratified community sample of 2475 children who were assessed at 4 year of age (T1) and followed up at the age of 6 (T2) (n=797). General linear modeling weighting data back to yield true population estimates of the predictive value of Social Competence, Gender, Negative Affectivity, Surgency, Effortful Control, Inattention, Hyperactivity, Impulsivity, Peer Problems, Disorganized Attachment and Callous-Unemotional traits assessed at T1 in predicting Social Competence at T2, when adjusting for Social Competence at T1. Results: Analysis indicates that Social Competence, Surgency, Inattention, Peer Problems high levels of Callous-Unemotional traits and Disorganization were unique predictors of Social Competence when adjusting for all variables. Negative Affectivity failed to predict Social Competence. Conclusions: Beyond a sizable continuity in social competence a range of child characteristics may enhance social skills development in young children . The identification of such child factors, when controlling for other potential factors, may inform health promotion efforts towards increasing young children’s social competence.
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Étude longitudinale des caractéristiques individuelles associées à la pratique de sports extrêmes et rôle modérateur de facteurs socio-familiauxMorin, Marie-Ève January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
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Effects of pharmacotherapies for Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on cocaine abuse liability in ADHD are not understood. Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHR), an ADHD model, exhibited greater cocaine self-administration than control Wistar-Kyoto and Wistar rats. Methylphenidate, but not atomoxetine during adolescence enhanced cocaine self-administration in adult SHRs compared to controls. The mesocortical dopaminergic system, including medial prefrontal (mPFC) and orbitofrontal (OFC) cortices, is important for ADHD and cocaine addiction. Dopamine and norepinephrine transporter (DAT and NET) are molecular targets for methylphenidate, atomoxetine and cocaine action.
In the current studies, SHR, Wistar-Kyoto and Wistar were administered methylphenidate (1.5 mg/kg/day, p.o.), atomoxetine (0.3 mg/kg/day, i.p.) or vehicle during adolescence (postnatal day 28-55). During adulthood (>77 days), DAT and NET functions in mPFC and OFC were determined as neurochemical mechanisms and locomotor sensitization to cocaine, and impulsivity under differential reinforcement of low rates 30-second (DRL30) schedule were evaluated as behavioral mechanisms associated with greater cocaine self-administration in methylphenidate-treated SHRs.
Maximal velocity of [3H]dopamine uptake (Vmax) by DAT and DAT cellular distribution in mPFC and OFC did not differ between vehicle-control, adult SHR, Wistar-Kyoto and Wistar. Methylphenidate increased DAT Vmax, but not cell-surface expression, in SHR mPFC. In contrast, atomoxetine decreased Vmax and cell-surface expression in SHR OFC. Compared to control strains, norepinephrine uptake by NET in the OFC was increased in vehicle-administered SHR; methylphenidate during adolescence normalized NET function in SHR OFC. Locomotor sensitization was greater in SHR compared to control, and was not altered by methylphenidate. Under DRL30, methylphenidate increased burst responses in adult SHR compared to vehicle control as well as methylphenidate-treated Wistar-Kyoto and Wistar, indicating increased impulsivity.
Increased OFC NET function, increased impulsivity and cocaine sensitivity may be the neurobehavioral mechanisms associated with the increased cocaine self-administration in SHR. Increased mPFC DAT function may underlie the enhanced impulsivity and cocaine self-administration in SHR administered methylphenidate during adolescence. Decreased OFC DAT function from atomoxetine-treated SHR may explain the reduced cocaine self-administration relative to methylphenidate. Thus, methylphenidate during adolescence in ADHD may increase risk for cocaine abuse, while atomoxetine may represent a therapeutic alternative for at-risk adolescents with ADHD.
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Avaliação da impulsividade, controle inibitório e uso de álcool em pré-adolescentes e adolescentesWillhelm, Alice Rodrigues January 2015 (has links)
As fases da pré-adolescência e adolescência são complexas porque englobam diversas mudanças nos indivíduos, se passa por rápido crescimento físico, alteração hormonal, mudanças no ambiente social e nas exigências. Estas fases são caracterizadas por comportamentos de risco por falta de controle inibitório, que está relacionado ao córtex pré- frontal, última área a se desenvolver do sistema nervoso. Há também a experimentação de álcool e drogas durante a adolescência e puberdade. Este trabalho realizou três estudos que abrangeram a temática do controle inibitório na pré-adolescência e adolescência. O primeiro foi uma revisão sistemática a respeito da avaliação do controle inibitório na adolescência e uso de neuroimagem. O segundo investigou a relação do consumo de álcool na adolescência com uso excessivo de bebidas alcóolicas dos pais. E o terceiro objetivou avaliar a impulsividade, controle inibitório e consumo de álcool em indivíduos de 10 a 16 anos. Os três artigos sugeriram um padrão de maior controle inibitório ao longo do desenvolvimento na fase da adolescência. Ainda foi possível observar que as bebidas alcóolicas têm sido consumidas cada vez mais precocemente e em maiores quantidades. Além disso, o consumo excessivo de álcool dos pais de adolescentes pode influenciar no consumo dos filhos nesta fase. / Stages of pre-adolescence and adolescence are complex because they involve several changes in individuals, they pass through a fast physical growth, hormonal changes, changes in the social environment and the requirements. These phases are characterized by risk behavior for lack of inhibitory control, which is related to the prefrontal cortex, the last area to develop the nervous system. There are also experimenting with alcohol and drugs during adolescence and puberty. This work conducted three studies which approached the inhibitory control in preadolescence and adolescence. The first was a systematic review regarding the inhibitory control assessment in adolescence and use of neuroimaging. The second investigated the relationship of alcohol consumption in adolescence with excessive use of alcohol from parents. And the third was aimed at evaluating impulsivity, inhibitory control and alcohol consumption in individuals 10-16 years. The three articles suggested a pattern of greater inhibitory control over development in adolescence. Although it was observed that the alcoholic beverages have been consumed ever earlier and in larger quantities. In addition, excessive alcohol consumption of parents of teenagers can influence the consumption of children at this stage.
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DESVALORIZAÇÃO POR ATRASO: UM ESTUDO SOBRE O COMPORTAMENTO IMPULSIVO E PROCRASTINADOR NA TOMADA DE DECISÃO FINANCEIRA / Delay disconting: impulsive and procastinator behavior in financial decisionFerrari, Andre Tonin 22 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Noeme Timbo (noeme.timbo@metodista.br) on 2016-09-01T16:54:41Z
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Previous issue date: 2016-06-22 / Studies have been conducted on the delay discouting, which seek to demonstrate the existence of factors that influence financial decision making considering an aversive scenario. Some of these factors with impulsive behavior and the procrastinator behavior, can be critical for the individual to accept or not to devalue certain value. This study analyzed the impulsive behavior and procrastinator that may influence financial decision making. Through a quantitative research approach, data were collected through a survey tool to obtain 410 questionnaires response. The results of this research confirm the influence of procrastination in making the individual financial decision. It concludes that the procrastinator behavior affects decision making, leading the individual to not devalue the delay. But it was found that impulsive behavior was not observed in this study as a component that can impact the financial decision of the individual aversive scenarios. / Estudos tem sido realizados sobre a desvalorização por atraso que buscam demonstrar a existência de fatores que influenciam a tomada de decisão financeira considerando um cenário aversivo. Alguns destes fatores como o comportamento impulsivo e o comportamento procrastinador, podem ser fundamentais para que o indivíduo aceite ou não desvalorizar determinado valor. Este estudo analisou os comportamentos impulsivo e procrastinador que podem influenciar na tomada de decisão financeira. Através de uma abordagem de investigação quantitativa, os dados foram coletados por meio de um instrumento de pesquisa com obtenção da resposta de 410 questionários. Os resultados obtidos por esta pesquisa confirmam a influência da procrastinação no processo de tomada da decisão financeira individual. Conclui-se que o comportamento procrastinador afeta a tomada de decisão, conduzindo o indivíduo a não desvalorizar o atraso. Porém constatou-se que o comportamento impulsivo não ficou evidenciado neste estudo como componente que possa impactar na decisão financeira do indivíduo em cenários aversivos
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Tomada de decisão mediada por tempo e probabilidade em ratos expostos ao álcool antes do nascimento / Decision making mediated by time and probability in rats prenatally exposed to ethanolJohann, Stéfano Pupe January 2011 (has links)
Fatores como o tempo de espera ou o risco a ser enfrentado por uma recompensa maior têm um efeito importante e, por vezes, paradoxal no processo de tomada de decisão. O Capítulo I apresenta uma discussão teórica sobre a tomada de decisão mediada por esses dois fatores, bem como sua interligação com o conceito de impulsividade e o Transtorno de Déficit de Atenção e Hiperatividade (TDAH). O Capítulo II oferece uma aplicação desses conceitos em um modelo animal do espectro da Síndrome Alcoólica Fetal, condição que apresenta algumas características semelhantes ao TDAH. Utilizando ratos expostos ao álcool no período pré-natal, duas tarefas de tomada de decisão mediada por tempo ou probabilidade foram usadas para testar se esses animais apresentam diferenças em seus padrões de escolha. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas entre grupos controle e experimentais. Futuros estudos com outros protocolos, espécies e/ou linhagens são desejáveis. / Factors such as the time to wait, or the risk to be faced for a bigger reward have an important and, sometimes, paradoxical effect on the decision making process. Chapter I presents a theoretical discussion about decision making mediated by these two factors, as well as how they relate to the concept of impulsivity and the Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Chapter II offers a practical application of these concepts in an animal model of the spectrum of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, a condition that presents some similar characterstics in comparison to ADHD. Using rats prenatally exposed to ethanol, two decision making tasks, mediated by time or probability, were used to test if these animals show any difference in their patterns of choice. No significant differences were found between control and experimental groups. Future studies with other protocols, species and/or strains are desirable.
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