Spelling suggestions: "subject:"incarceration""
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Are The[se] Kids Alright?: States of Incarceration and Subordination in the Learning and Lived Experiences of Youth in a Juvenile Detention FacilityArendt, Jonathan 20 August 2012 (has links)
This study examines the dynamics and implications of trans-spatial subordination in/across the lived experiences of six incarcerated participant youths in a secure custody facility for juveniles in Louisiana. Five male teenagers (four African American, one White) and one female teenager (African American) discuss the limitations, harassment, and confinement in various aspects of their lives and speak about the impact on their expectations for the future.
The author employs several methodologies in order to develop a multimedia, multifaceted representation of their lives. The narratives elicited through interviews provide the bulk of the data as the participants describe this perpetual subordination. The photographs, resulting from the implementation of a visual ethnographic methodology, provide images that serve as catalysts for introspection and analysis of significance in the mundane and routine, particularly as they apply to the carceral facilities, structures, and policies themselves. Film viewing and discussion offer an array of depictions of youth and criminality to which the youths responded, granting a simultaneous peek at how these marginalized youths viewed themselves and how mainstream media productions depict them.
After a particularly provoking viewing session of an animated film, the author expands the preliminary boundaries of the work beyond cells and the walls of the prison. The expanding focus examines subordinating elements in their lives with their families and in their neighbourhoods. The challenges, harassment, and obstacles experienced in their communities continued in their schools and during their encounters with law enforcement, the latter of which often led directly to imprisonment. Finally, the youths reflected on the confining subordination that existed in the facilities, the product of the combination of: their discomfort with the surveillant structure, their perceived arbitrariness of privilege, and the lack of any relevant education. They also identified opportunities for voicing their opinions and recognized the relative safety of this facility compared to others.
As the participants conceptualized their futures and articulated their relatively narrow and often ambiguous hopes, the sobering influence of such perpetual subordination is evident. The author closes with a discussion of the study’s importance to future research with marginalized youth in a society of increasing surveillance and security as well as implications for teacher education.
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”Varför kan man inte klä in metalldetektorn i papp och måla den i massa färger?” : En studie om Bryggan och Kriminalvårdens stöd till barn med frihetsberövade föräldrar / “Why not cover the metal detector in cardboard and paint it with lots of colours?” : A study of how Bryggan and The Prison and Probation Service support children with incarcerated parentsSjöberg, Malin, Wennström Nylöw, Moa January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka hur den ideella föreningen Bryggan och Kriminalvården ger stöd till barn med frihetsberövade föräldrar. Vi ville undersöka hur de yrkesverksamma tar barnets bästa i beaktning och hur de använder och definierar begreppet “barnperspektiv” i sin verksamhet. Studien genomfördes med en kvalitativ metod genom fem intervjuer med yrkesverksamma inom Bryggan och Kriminalvården. Analysen av materialet gjordes med empowerment som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Resultatet visar att Bryggan och Kriminalvården definierar barnperspektiv på olika sätt, men att de båda verksamheterna har en ambition att ha ett bra bemötande i möte med barnen. Som ideell organisation jobbar Bryggan mer direkt med barnen och kan då i större grad tillgodose deras behov jämfört med Kriminalvården som begränsas av lagar och regler. / The purpose of this study was to explore how the non-profit organization Bryggan and The Prison and Probation Service support children with incarcerated parents. We wanted to research how the professionals in these organizations have the best interest of the child at hand, and how they use and define “children’s perspective” in their daily work. The qualitative study involved interviewing professionals that worked in the chosen organizations. The analysis was made with empowerment as the theoretical frame of reference. The result of the study shows that Bryggan and the prison service define “children’s perspective” differently. However both organizations aim to meet the children with a good treatment. As a non-profit organization, Bryggan works more towards the children, and can therefore satisfy their needs in a greater extent than the prison service, which are more bound by laws and rules.
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Age Differences in Substance Use and Social Support among Recently Incarcerated Adult FemalesYoung, Tiffany Lenell 21 April 2009 (has links)
While men retain the highest rates of incarcerations, the female prison population has tripled in the last decade (Covington, 2007; Henderson, 1998). The goal of this study was to examine micro-level forces, such as social support, substance use, and childhood trauma, in a sample of 188 recently incarcerated women, aged 18-58. Using an ANOVA with ages grouped 18-29, 30-39, and 40-58, age differences in substance use were identified, with the 30-39 year old group reporting more alcohol and drug use than the 18-29 year old group. There were no age differences on social support or childhood trauma. Multiple regression analyses revealed that older age and less social support predicted more alcohol use and older age alone predicted drug use. These results illustrate a need for deeper exploration of these micro forces across the life course of incarcerated women and the need for age-specific programs with at-risk populations to address different use patterns.
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Psychopathology of Youth in Custody and Detention: The impact of socialization of emotionBelfon, Kofi-len 05 September 2012 (has links)
This study profiled the mental health needs of youth incarcerated in southern Ontario. The objectives were three-fold. 1) To demonstrate that incarcerated youth endorsed more externalizing than internalizing difficulties on a self-report measure of psychopathology. 2) To demonstrate that incarcerated youth had cognitive vulnerabilities consistent with anxiety and depression, despite their general lack of overt endorsement of internalizing symptoms. 3) To demonstrate that socialization practices in the home and community predicted the endorsement of psychopathology, and to provide a possible explanation for this relationship by considering alexithymia as a mediating variable.
The Adolescent Psychopathology Scale – Short Form, Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale, Toronto Alexithymia Scale, Family Expressiveness Questionnaire, Street Codes Questionnaire, Cultural Mistrust Inventory, and a Dot Probe task were administered to 91 adolescents incarcerated in Southern Ontario. Results indicated that incarcerated youth endorsed significantly greater externalizing than internalizing symptoms. Youth demonstrated significant attentional biases toward threatening, but not depressive faces. Negative dominant socialization practices in the home predicted the endorsement of both externalizing and internalizing symptoms, and there was partial support for alexithymia mediating these relationships. Youth who embraced community practices that socialized violence endorsed externalizing but not internalizing difficulties. These results challenge clinicians to consider the internalizing difficulties of incarcerated youth more carefully during assessment.
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Nuteistųjų asmenų požiūris į paauglių asocialų elgesį sąlygojančius veiksnius / Incarcerated offender of perception of contributing factors of juvenile antisocial behaviorSteponavičiūtė, Viktorija 01 August 2013 (has links)
Informatikos ir ryšių departamento prie Vidaus reikalų ministerijos duomenys rodo, kad nepilnamečių nusikalstamumas – vis aštrėjanti socialinė problema, kuriai nepakankamai skiriama dėmesio. Remiantis Lietuvos statistikos departamento duomenimis, sulig kiekvienais metais pastebimas nepilnamečių, padariusių nusikaltimus mažėjimas, tačiau kaip vienas iš nepalankių tendencijų pastebimas sunkėjantis nepilnamečių padarytų nusikalstamų veikų pobūdis, jaunėjantis nusikaltėlių kontingentas ir ryškėjanti recidyvizmo problema, tarp nepilnamečių teisės pažeidėjų. Atliekant tyrimą naudoti struktūruoto ir nestruktūruoto interviu apklausos metodai, nuteistųjų asmens bylų analizė ir kokybinė turinio analizė. Parengtas struktūruoto interviu klausimynas su iš anksto numatytais klausimais griežtai laikantis iš anksto nustatytos jų eilės ir formulavimo. Nestruktūruotas interviu buvo vykdomas siekiant patikslinti struktūruoto interviu gautus atsakymus. Gautų tyrimo duomenų validumui ir patikimumui tikrinti buvo analizuojamos nuteistųjų asmens bylos (teismo nuosprendžiai). Kokybine turinio analize buvo siekiama išryškinti struktūruoto ir nestruktūruoto interviu turinio esmę. Tyrimo imtį sudaro 8 nuteistieji, atliekantys laisvės atėmimo bausmę Pravieniškių pataisos namuose – atviroje kolonijoje, 3-iojoje valdyboje. / The data provided by Information Technology and Communications Department under the Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania show that juvenile crime is a constantly growing social problem which lacks sufficient attention. According to the data of the Statistics Department of Lithuania, every year witnesses the reduction in the number of crimes committed by minors. However, there is a negative tendency that the very nature of the criminal activities committed by minors is getting more and more aggressive and severe, also the contingent of criminals is getting younger and the problem of recidivism among the minor criminals is becoming more conspicuous. Carrying out the study, the following methods were used: the methods of structural and non-structural interview interrogatory, the analysis of the convicts’ personal files and the qualitative analysis of the content. A questionnaire of structural interview interrogatory was prepared beforehand with aforethought questions and strictly following their order and formulation. A non-structural interview was performed in order to specify the obtained answers of the structural interview. The convicts’ files (adjudgements) were analysed in order to ensure the validity and the reliability of the received data of the study. The qualitative analysis of the content had to highlight the essence of the content of the structural and non-structural interview interrogatory. The sample of the study consists of 8 convicts serving... [to full text]
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“Doin’ Whatever I Had to Do to Survive”: A Study of Resistance, Agency, and Transformation in the Lives of Incarcerated WomenSandoval, Carolyn L 03 October 2013 (has links)
The number of women who are incarcerated has increased significantly in the past few decades. Originally designed to manage male offenders, jails and prisons are ill-equipped to address the unique needs of women inmates whose paths to incarceration often include histories of trauma, abuse, and addiction. This qualitative study investigated the lives of 13 women who while incarcerated at Dallas County Jail, participated in an educational program, Resolana. The purpose of this study was to understand the women’s lives prior to incarceration, as well as the impact of the program and changes they experienced, if any, as a result of what they were learning. Data were collected using semi-structured, life history interviews, and by engaging in field observations as a volunteer for each class for a period of one week.
An in-depth analysis through a critical lens, using a holistic-content narrative analysis method, was done with one participant’s life history. The findings are presented as an ethnodrama illuminating the cultural, social, personal, and legal systems of oppression that she survived and that contributed to her path to incarceration.
Analyzed through a lens of agency and resistance, the findings that emerged from an analysis of all the participant’s life histories reveal that the women’s criminalized actions were often survival responses. The women employed various strategies, both legal and illegal, in response to people or situations involving control, power or domination over their lives.
An analysis of the women’s experiences with Resolana through a transformative learning theoretical framework indicates that the women experience transformation in various ways and to varying degrees. The learning environment served as a container in which transformative learning could be cultivated through opportunities for interpersonal and intrapersonal engagement.
The results of this study reveal the need for more and targeted advocacy and education for incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women. The results also indicate that the process and content of Resolana’s programming had a transformative impact on participants, and for some, the transformation was enduring. Finally, the results challenge definitions of criminal behavior in the context interlocking systems of oppression, and encourage thinking about alternatives to incarceration.
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Hard Time and Hard Love: Issues and Challenges of Visitation for Men of Incarcerated WomenJanuary 2011 (has links)
abstract: The United States prison population is rapidly rising. Consequently, more families are losing loved ones to the system. While many researchers have focused on women of incarcerated men and children of incarcerated parents, none have looked at the partners of incarcerated women. This paper explores the issues and challenges of prison visitation for the significant others of women incarcerated at Perryville Prison in Goodyear AZ. It is known that prison visitation is important for supporting and maintaining romantic relationships. It is also beneficial to the prison institution. Visitation assists in social control and high inmate morale; both of which lower the instances of violent acts. However, it has been reported that visitation is a daunting task for the visitors. Many sources of information and data were used for this study; formal and informal interviews with family members and others with prison visitation experience, government websites that contain visitation policies, online forums for family and friends of inmates to discuss their concerns, existing research literature, direct observations, and discussions with scholar experts and prison activists. These resources act as a window to visitation at Perryville. With insights derived from symbolic interactionism and previous research guiding the project, it was found that visitation is a good experience for the significant others, incarcerated women, and Perryville. However, the troubles the significant others have with money, the institution and social support strongly suggest that these men encounter hurdles that make the positive act of visitation at times nearly impossible. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Justice Studies 2011
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[pt] O presente trabalho tem com objetivo investigar a
existência ou não de
projetos futuros em mulheres encarceradas. Partindo do
pressuposto de que as
instituições totais têm como característica principal a
dessubjetivação do sujeito,
buscou-se analisar a fala de 154 presas em suas
singularidades. A maternidade e a
família apresentaram-se como o fio condutor na fala da
grande maioria das
entrevistadas. A religião surgiu como uma categoria
importante no que tange a
apropriação que as presas fazem desta para minimizar as
mazelas do cotidiano
carcerário e estabelecer uma convivência amistosa com as
companheiras e com as
agentes penitenciárias. O culto ao corpo aparece como uma
outra categoria no
cerne da experiência de encarceramento, uma vez que se
transforma numa
resistência a maciça institucionalização. Os projetos
futuros são construídos a
partir do valor dado a família, em especial a maternidade.
A religião, em especial
a evangélica, é apropriada como construção de táticas de
sobrevivência dentro
da prisão. O culto ao corpo serve como uma linha de fuga
aos processos de
serialização instituídos no cárcere feminino. Como
conclusão apontamos a
especificidade do encarceramento feminino: a maternidade.
O encarceramento
feminino atinge a sobrevivência dos filhos que, ante a
enorme precariedade em
que vivem, são destinados a abrigos do Estado ou enviados
burocraticamente a
familiares consangüíneos da presa. Assinalamos, neste
estudo, a necessidade de
construção de políticas públicas que se responsabilizem
pelo bem estar de filhos e
filhas de mulheres encarceradas. / [en] The current work is intended to investigate the existence
or not of future
projects for incarcerated women. Starting from the
assumption that the total
institutions have as their main characteristic the de-
subjectivation of the subject,
we sought to analyze the talk of 154 convicts in the
uniqueness. Motherhood and
family were presented as the lead in the talk of the great
majority of those that
were interviewed. Religion appeared as an important
category in regard to the
appropriation that the convicts make of it to minimize the
afflictions of the day to
day in jail and to establish a friendly companionship with
their fellow inmates a
with the prison agents. The cult to the body appears as
another category in the
core of the incarceration experience, since it transforms
into a resistant to the
massive institutionalization. The future projects are
built from the value given to
family, motherhood in particular. The religion,
particularly the evangelical, is
appropriated as the construction of survival tactics
inside the prison. The cult to
the body appears as escape route to the serialization
processes established in the
feminine incarceration. As a conclusion we point out the
specificity of the
feminine incarceration: motherhood. The feminine
incarceration hits the survival
of the children who, in view of the huge precariousness in
which they live, are
destined to State shelters, or burocratically sent to
blood relatives of the convict.
We stress, in this study, the need for building public
policies which become
responsible for the well-being of the sons ands daughters
of incarcerated women.
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Primeira escola prisional do Ceará: a avaliação da aprendizagem / Ceara first prisional school: learning assessment of the incarcerated studentsSOARES, Carla Poennia Gadelha January 2015 (has links)
SOARES, Carla Poennia Gadelha. Primeira escola prisional do Ceará: a avaliação da aprendizagem. 2015. 258f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação Brasileira, Fortaleza (CE), 2015. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2015-03-30T16:29:02Z
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Every prisoner has the opportunity to benefit from education. Education in prison can provide access to broader learning opportunities for prisoners to enhance their chances of building a better life after release. Therefore, they are far less likely to return to prison and significantly more likely to find employment after their release. Education is an indispensable contribution for their resocialization (AGUIAR, 2012; ANDRIOLA, 2008, 2010, 2011; JULIÃO, 2009). Nevertheless, an exhausting study of the state of the art revealed a lack of a larger discussion on the theme concerning to assessment in education in prison. The main purpose of the current research was to accomplish an investigation about the practice of assessment for incarcerated students registered in High School at EEFM Aloísio Leo Arlindo Lorscheider, first school of education in prison in Ceará-Brazil. Specifically, this study aimed: i) knowing the teacher’s conceptions about assessment in the context of education in prison; ii) describing the procedures and instruments of assessment used by teachers for captive students; iii) presenting the difficulties in the daily practice of assessment for imprisoned students; iv) gathering suggestions of school managers, teachers and students for the improvement of assessment’s practice in the context of jail. Thus, a qualitative research was accomplished, as a case study, at Instituto Penal Feminino Desembargadora Auri Moura Costa (IPF). The instruments used for data collection were semi-structured interview, questionnaire and analysis of documents. A content analysis of the collected data was accomplished. The intentional samples were composed by: i) 10 incarcerated female students registered in adult education, at High School level; ii) 2 teachers of High School level at prison school; iii) 3 coordinators e 1 member of school management, 16 subjects altogether. The results revealed the need of an assessment able to certify and use grades to register the situation of students\' learning, as well as the need of development of a Political Pedagogical Project for the school. Besides, it is necessary to create a model of assessment specific for the context of classrooms in prison school. The suggestions point to the importance of investment in pedagogic and human resources as well as an appropriate teacher’s formation. / Todo prisioneiro deve ter a oportunidade de se beneficiar da Educação. A educação prisional pode prover acesso a oportunidades de aprendizagem mais amplas a fim de que o encarcerado aumente as chances de construir uma vida melhor depois de cumprir a sua pena. Por conseguinte, a reincidência se torna menos provável e encontrar um emprego se torna significativamente mais provável. A Educação é uma contribuição imprescindível para a ressocialização (AGUIAR, 2012; ANDRIOLA, 2008, 2010, 2011; JULIÃO, 2009). Após exaustivo levantamento do estado da arte, constatou-se a escassez de uma maior discussão no que concerne à avaliação da aprendizagem na educação prisional. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo geral realizar uma investigação da prática de avaliação da aprendizagem escolar de alunos privados de liberdade matriculados no Ensino Médio da EEFM Aloísio Leo Arlindo Lorscheider, primeira escola de educação em prisões do estado do Ceará. Especificamente, tencionou-se: i) conhecer as concepções dos professores sobre a avaliação da aprendizagem escolar no contexto da educação em prisões; ii) descrever os procedimentos e instrumentos avaliativos utilizados pelos professores junto aos discentes encarcerados; iii) expor as dificuldades que se apresentam no cotidiano; iv) coletar sugestões do núcleo gestor, professores e alunos para a melhoria das práticas avaliativas no contexto do cárcere. Para esse propósito, foi realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, realizada no Instituto Penal Feminino Desembargadora Auri Moura Costa (IPF), na forma de estudo de caso. Os instrumentos utilizados para a coleta de dados foram a entrevista semiestruturada, o questionário e a análise de documentos. Foi realizada uma análise de conteúdo dos dados coletados. As amostras foram intencionais e compostas por: i) 10 alunas privadas de liberdade matriculadas na modalidade EJA, na etapa do Ensino Médio; ii) 2 professoras que atuam no Ensino Médio da escola prisional; iii) 3 coordenadoras escolares e 1 diretor-geral do núcleo gestor, perfazendo um total de 16 sujeitos. Os resultados revelaram a necessidade de uma avaliação com poder certificador e do uso das notas escolares para registrar a situação da aprendizagem das alunas, bem como a formalização desses parâmetros no Projeto Político-Pedagógico da escola. Além disso, urge planejar um modelo de avaliação da aprendizagem direcionado ao contexto da sala de aula em espaços privativos de liberdade. As sugestões apontam para a importância de investimento em recursos pedagógicos e humanos, bem como para uma formação docente adequada.
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Características biossociodemográficas, motivações do comportamento infractor e perspectivas do futuro de jovens em situação de reclusão da cidade de Maputo - MoçambiqueNiquice, Fernando Lives Andela January 2013 (has links)
A dissertação compreendeu dois estudos sobre jovens dos 16 aos 25 anos em situação de reclusão em Maputo, Moçambique. O Estudo 1 foi documental e descreveu as características biossociodemográficas dos jovens. O Estudo 2 integrou seis participantes e investigou as motivações do comportamento infractor e as perspectivas após o cumprimento da pena. No Estudo 1 foram analisadas informações de 172 “Certidões de Sentença e Liquidação da Pena” arquivadas entre 2009 a 2011 em três penitenciárias. Usou-se o delineamento quantitativo, com base em estatísticas descritivas e testes estatísticos. Constatou-se que maior parte dos jovens era do sexo masculino. Os jovens praticaram em grande escala crimes contra a propriedade, com destaque para os homens. A prevalência de mulheres verificou-se nos crimes contra a integridade física e a saúde das pessoas. Registou-se um aumento do número de jovens condenados à medida que se progredia nas faixas etárias. Parte significativa dos jovens cumpriu penas correccionais, era condenada pela primeira vez, não tinha ocupação ou trabalhava no sector informal, e provinha dos bairros suburbanos da cidade de Maputo. O Estudo 2 foi qualitativo e analisou o conteúdo das entrevistas de seis jovens reclusos. Destes, quatro eram do sexo masculino e duas do sexo feminino. Os resultados indicaram que o cometimento dos crimes esteve relacionado à satisfação de necessidades básicas de sobrevivência no contexto das limitações socioeconómicas e afectivas vividas no momento. Os jovens mostraram interesse em reintegrarem-se à sociedade e desenvolverem projectos pessoais. Estes resultados sugerem a necessidade de implementação de programas estruturados de acompanhamento psicossocial no período posterior ao cumprimento da pena. / The dissertation consisted of two studies on youth 16 to 25 years in reclusion situation in Maputo, Mozambique.The Study 1 was documentary and described the biosociodemographic characteristics of these youth. In the Study 2 participated six youth and it was investigated the reasons for their delinquent behavior and their prospects after serving the sentence. In the Study 1 were analyzed information from 172 "Certificates of Award and Liquidation of Penalty" filed between 2009 to 2011 in three prisons. It was utilized the quantitative design, based on descriptive statistics and statistical tests. It was found that most youth were male. The crimes against property were committed in large scale, especially by male. The prevalence of women was found in crimes against physical integrity and health of people. It was observed that the number of youth offenders increased as they progressed in the age. Furthermore, significant proportion of youth fulfilled correctional sentences, were convicted for the first time, had no occupation or worked in the informal sector, and came from the suburban neighborhoods of Maputo. The Study 2 was qualitative and analyzed the content of the interviews of six incarcerated youth. Of these, four were male and two female. The results indicated that the committing of the crimes was related to meeting basic survival needs in the context of socioeconomic and emotional limitations experienced in the moment . The youths showed an interest in reintegrate into society and to develop personal projects. These results suggest the need for implementation of structured psychosocial programs for those people after release from prison.
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