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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tax incentives for the production and use of sustainable energy - a comparison between South Africa and Brazil

Jeanes, Michael Keith January 2013 (has links)
Sustainability has become an emphasised universal topic in recent years, especially just after the turn of the second millennium. Leaders from a wide range of disciplines and geographic locations have congregated to discuss their very real energy concerns and the potential solutions available to address them. Various notable conferences have been held from the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg, South Africa in August 2002 to the more recent annual World Future Energy Summit held in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates in January 2013. South Africa and Brazil form part of the BRICS group of nations which is characterised by emerging and rapidly-growing economies. South Africa and Brazil both are favoured by sustainable energy environments with an abundance of sustainable energy resources. Both countries also have various tax incentives that are aimed at encouraging the production and use of sustainable energy. Despite these facts, a large disparity still exists between South Africa and Brazil pertaining to their sustainable energy usage as a percentage of their total primary energy usage. South Africa’s sustainable energy usage is extremely small compared to that of Brazil, and therefore this study aims to determine improvements for South Africa. Brazil’s tax related policies and legislation are instructive in this regard. The benefits of sustainable energy as opposed to energy generated from fossil fuels are evident from an analysis of their economic, environmental and social impacts. Tax incentives can take on various forms and although not the only factor, they would appear to be an important consideration in encouraging investments in sustainable energy. Numerous barriers are identified that directly affect both the ability and desirability of the production and use of sustainable energy. Some of the more significant barriers include high initial capital costs, regulatory frameworks and intellectual rights, the long term nature and payback period of sustainable energy projects and the availability of alternative fossil fuels. Tax incentives are one of the measures that, if appropriately used, could significantly reduce many sustainable energy related barriers. The study concludes that South Africa can learn from Brazil and implement improvements to its tax incentives and related policies and legislation. This would assist in addressing some of its key sustainable energy related barriers. Possible improvements noted include regulatory policies in which South Africa could consider implementing a sustainable energy obligation and mandate; improved certainty regarding South Africa’s research and development incentives; and improved benefits resulting from the research and development incentives. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / am2014 / Taxation / unrestricted

The Motivational Impact of Incentive Programs on Young Adult Employees in Corporate Casual Restaurants

Hirsch, Gregory S. (Gregory Seymour) 08 1900 (has links)
This study was conducted to determine which incentive programs best influence young workers in corporate casual restaurants. The server and bar staff of the Chili's division of Brinker International, Inc. were surveyed in 18 stores in the Dallas area. From the sample. 356 usable surveys were received. The study was designed to obtain feedback about existing and future incentive programs that will enhance development of a positive working environment, along with higher productivity and a lower turnover rate.

A critical comparison of tax incentives for small, medium and micro enterprises between South Africa and Australia

Moholola, Johannes Makgokolla 26 July 2011 (has links)
The South African Revenue Service (SARS) introduced tax incentives for the small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in 2001. These incentives were introduced to assist small business in stimulating economic activity, creating jobs and alleviating poverty. This policy decision is not unique to South Africa. Many other countries offer incentives to small businesses for a variety of reasons, which may differ from country to country. However, it is generally understood that small businesses often face challenges which require the State to intervene in the form of tax incentives. South Africa operates on a global economic platform. It is imperative that its efforts are comparable against those of its counterparts so that it can assess its situation and be able to channel resources in the right direction. This study uses a qualitative systematic literature review to compare the tax incentives offered to SMMEs in South Africa and Australia .Australia has been chosen because it is a developed country and also because it has a mature and simplified legislation. The findings of this study show that South Africa has provided good incentives, particularly in the area of attracting small businesses into the tax base but once these small businesses are in the base, there is nothing to ensure that they grow. On the other hand, Australia has not done much to bring small businesses into the tax base, but it provides good incentives, sufficient to enable business growth for those already in the system. One of the challenges faced by many small businesses is cash flow resources. This study has found that Australia’s tax incentives empower small businesses in the area of cash flow, as compared with the situation in South Africa. Future research studies should investigate the extent to which the respective small businesses are aware of the tax incentives available to them. That is, it must be established how far each country has gone in ensuring that small businesses are familiar with all the incentives at their disposal. / Die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens (SAID) het belastingaansporings skemas vir die klein, medium en makro-ondernemings (KMMOs) in 2001 ingestel. Hierdie aansporings is ingestel om die klein besighede te help om ekonomiese aktiwiteite te stimuleer, werk te skep, asook om armoede te verlig. Hierdie beleidsbesluit is nie uniek aan Suid-Afrika nie. Menige ander lande bied aansporings aan die klein ondernemings vir ‘n verskeidenheid van redes. Alhoewel hierdie redes kan verskil van land tot land, word dit algemeen verstaan dat klein ondernemings dikwels uitdagings ervaar wat vereis dat die staat ingryp in die vorm van belasting-aansporings. Suid-Afrika werk in ‘n wêreldwye ekonomiese platform. Dit is noodsaaklik dat Suid-Afrika se pogings met die van sy eweknieë vergelyk word om sodoende die huidige situasie te evalueer en in staat te wees om hulpbronne in die regte areas beskikbaar te stel. Hierdie studie maak gebruik van ‘n kwalitatiewe sistematiese literatuur oorsig om die belastingaansporings in beide Suid-Afrika en Australië vir KMMO’s te vergelyk. Australië is gekies weens die feit dat dit ‘n ontwikkelde land is en ook omdat dit oor goed ontwikkelde en eenvoudige wetgewing beskik. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie toon dat Suid-Afrika goeie belastingaansporings het, veral op die gebied om die klein ondernemings in die belastingbasis in te trek, maar wanneer hierdie klein ondernemings in die basis is, is daar niks in plek om te verseker dat hulle verder groei nie. Aan die ander kant, het Australië nie veel gedoen om klein besighede in die belastingbasis belastingbasis in te bring nie, maar Australië bied goeie voordele wat tot besigheidsgroei lei vir diegene wat reeds in die belastingsbasis ingeskakel is. Een van die uitdagings van baie klein besighede is kontantvloeibronne. Hierdie studie het bevind dat, Australië se belastingaansporings, die klein ondernemings se kontantvloei bevorder in teenstelling met die posisie in Suid-Afrika. Toekomstige Toekomstige navorsingstudies moet die mate waartoe die onderskeie klein ondernemings bewus is van die belastingaansporingsskemas wat beskikbaar is, ondersoek. Dit wil sê, daar moet vasgestel word hoe ver elke land gegaan het om te verseker dat kleinondernemings vertroud is met al die moontlikhede tot hulle beskikking. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Taxation / Unrestricted

An Analysis of the Financial Incentives Impact on the Utility Demand-Side Management Programs

Prastawa, Andhika 30 July 1998 (has links)
Many utilities implement the financial incentive plans in promoting their Demand-Side Management (DSM) programs. The plans are intended to reduce the customer investment cost for a high efficiency equipment option, so that to make the investment more attractive. Despite its potential to increase customer participation, the financial incentives could cause a considerable increase in program cost to the utility. An analysis of financial incentive impact on the utility DSM program is conducted in this thesis. The analysis uses the combination of the customer participation modeling and the cost-benefit analysis of a DSM program. A modeling of customer participation by a discrete choice model is presented. The model uses the logistic probability functions. The benefit and cost of DSM programs are explored to develop the analysis methodology. Two typical energy conservation options of DSM programs are taken for case studies to demonstrate the analysis. The analysis is also conducted to see the effect of financial incentives on the performance of DSM programs in a fluctuating marginal energy cost. The result of this research shows that the financial incentive could induce the customer participation, thus provide an increase of benefit and costs. However, this research also reveals that, in certain circumstances, the financial incentive may result in a decrease of net benefit due to significant increase of cost. These imply that utilities must carefully evaluate the financial incentive plan in their DSM programs, before the programs are implemented. / Master of Science

Ankarskenor i byggandet

Alkrdi, Bashar, Lindberg, Jonas January 2020 (has links)
Vårt examenarbete om ankarskenor i byggandet omfattar implementering av en ny teknik i byggandet i form av föringjutna ankarskenor för installationer av VS rör, ventilation, sprinkler och EL. I en allt mer globaliserad värld råder en allt högre konkurrensutsatt marknad, vilket gör att det också ställs högre krav på entreprenörerna inom byggsektorn. Att man inom produktionen ägnar sig åt aktiviteter som inte tillfört något värde till slutprodukten klassas som slöseri. Konsten att effektivisera sina arbetsmetoder för att därmed uppnå en mer effektiv produktion, samt minska rådande slöseri anses inte vara en enkel uppgift inom byggindustrin. Byggindustrin har uppfattningen om att branschen är unik i sitt slag då förutsättningarna ständigt förändras. En betydande del av detta slöseri är aktiviteter knutna till internhanteringen av material. Slöseriet kan visa sig i form av väntan, materialspill, skador och produktionsstörningar.Byggbranschen anmäler fler arbetsolyckor med sjukfrånvaro än genomsnittet för samtliga branscher. Byggbranschen har i jämförelse med många andra branscher även en betydligt mer fysiskt påfrestande arbetsmiljö. Det handlar då bland annat om tunga lyft, buller och vibrationer. Alla de intervjuade var eniga om att de besparingar som görs med ankarskenor i förhållande till traditionell montering är att momenten borrning och montering av skruvankare eller slagankare försvinner. Analysen visar att tiden för montering har reducerats för alla yrkesgrupper förutom EL. Det visar sig att sprinkler har mest att vinna på monteringen av ankarskena, då de får en reducering på 66% av tiden för montering. VS och ventilation får en minskning på 50% vardera för tidsåtgången vid montering. En våning på vårdbyggnad BY 35 i norra sjukhusområdet är 3480m2. De tidsmässiga besparingarna med ankarskenor är 45,41h per våning. Vilket ger en total tidsmässig besparing för installationerna med ankarskenorna på 0,013 h/m2. Arbetsmomenten för en montering och utmätning på ett Peri skydeck normalvalv på 2200m2 med skenor tar cirka 30 timmar att utföra. I tillägg kommer sedan en rengöring av skenorna där gummiskyddet ska plockas ut och betongrester tas bort maskinellt med en mejselhammare. Den processen tar armerarna cirka 50 timmar att utföra, vilket ger en tidsåtgång för utsättning och rengöring på 0,036h/m2. Utsättningen äter därför upp besparingarna som görs med ankarskenorna i förhållande till traditionell montering.Alla nya metoder har sina utmaningar när de implementeras på arbetsplatsen Även ankarskenorna har detaljer som behöver förbättras enligt brukarna. Arbetare som använder dem eller är involverade har följande förslag på hur ankarskenorna kan förbättras med hänsyn till tid och arbetsmiljö. På de stråken där det hänger mycket rör bör avstånden och placering ses över. Projektörerna måste vara uppmärksamma på vad där ligger. Skenorna skulle varit lika höga som distanserna för armeringen. Då skulle de kunna användas som distanser för att få ett bättre tryck när armeringen pressar ner skenan på armeringen. Skenorna spikas på plats vilket kan ses som en nackdel. Skenorna hade suttit bättre om de hade skruvats på plats. Momentet som inte har tittats på är när det väl är gjutet ska skumgummilisten som sitter i tas bort. Man bör finna ett smidigare sätt att göra det på. När den dras kommer mycket betongvatten. Ett tunt betongskikt på en millimeter som spjälkas loss när den dras bort leder till att det kommer mycket smuts på golvet eller armeraren som drar bort det. Man borde använda sig av heltäckande skyddsglasögonen av typen goggles, vilket skulle reducera risken för damm och partiklar i ögat vid borrning och rengöring av ankarskena.Noggrannheten och precisionen av hur ”korrekta” tiderna som uppgetts är kan ifrågasättas även om det är projektledare och ledande montörer med flera års erfarenhet som kalkylerat tiderna. Det bör tänkas att det vid upphandling oftast är entreprenörer som ger det lägsta priset som vinner. En sådan upphandling leder till att det är en låg vinstmarginal. Det finns således ett vinstintresse för projektledarna och ledande montörer när de kalkylerar tiderna för montering. Slutsatsen är att tiden för ankarskenorna blir längre än för den traditionella tiden för montering. Det är utsättning och rengöring som bidrar till att det blir en tidsförlust i förhållande till traditionell montering. De tidsmässiga vinsterna i form av mindre städning och hämtning av material kan inte mätas och jämföras per m2. De vinster som ankarskenorna bidrar med tidsmässigt är av mer teoretiskt slag om hur arbetsmomenten kan förändras vid montering. Arbetsmiljön för montörerna förändras och förbättras i form att risken för arbetsskador minimeras eller elimineras. För montörerna försvinner de tunga lyften de måste utföra under borrningen när ankarskenan inte kan användas. Buller, vibrationer, flygande partiklar och kvartsdamm elimineras helt med ankarskenan. För armerarna blir arbetsmiljön sämre då de måste rengöra ankarskenan efter gjutning, risker som rengöringen medför är att arbeta med tunga maskiner som ger buller och vibrationsskador. / Our thesis on anchor rails in construction comprises the implementation of a new technology in construction in terms of precast anchor rails for the installation of VS pipes, ventilation, sprinkler, and electrical equipment. The purpose of the study is to critically evaluate the differences between the traditional installations of VS pipes, ventilation, sprinklers, and electricity in relation to installations with precast anchor rails. Our methods include literature studies, semi-structured interviews, and observations. Our study is a field case study that comprises the implementation of anchor rails in the construction project for the two new care buildings in Malmö hospital area for Region Skåne. The result is based on interviews from fitters of the installations, senior installers and project managers.The analysis shows that sprinklers reduces its time by 66%, pipefitters and ventilation by 50% by eliminating the drilling when installing. The time saved with mounted anchor rails is 45,41hrs per floor which gives a time saving, for installations with anchor rails, of 0,036h/m2. The work activities to mount, measure and clean on a 2200m2 Peri skydeck normal vault with rails, take about 80 hours to carry out. The time spent on placement and cleaning is 0,036m2.The accuracy and precision as to how “correct” the times stated are can be questioned even if they have been calculated by project managers and senior installers with years of experience.The conclusion is that the amount of time required to mount anchor rails is greater than that for traditional mounting. It is placement and cleaning that contribute to a time loss in relation to traditional mounting. The installers’ working environment changes or improves as the risk for work related injuries is minimized or eliminated. Noise, vibrations, flying particles and quartz dust is eliminated when using the anchor rail. For concrete workers, the working environment becomes worse when they must clean the anchor rail after molding as the risks include working with heavy machinery that can cause noise and vibration damage.

Les effets des politiques d’incitations au déploiement de pratiques RSE : le cas de l’emploi des personnes handicapées dans les organisations des secteurs médico-social et pharmaceutique / Impact of incentive policies on deployment of CSR commitments : The case of disabled people employment in social and pharmaceutical sectors

Gandillot, Estelle 13 December 2018 (has links)
Initialement, l’emploi des personnes handicapées était une pratique volontaire des organisations du secteur ordinaire – soit un engagement RSE pour le bien-être sociétal durable. Cependant, en raison d’un manque de résultats, le législateur a renforcé le corpus législatif existant en introduisant une obligation d’emploi de travailleurs handicapés, avec la loi 2005-102. Pour comprendre l’impact des incitations - au travers de la taxe incitative de 2005 – sur les pratiques RSE liées à l’emploi des personnes. handicapées, nous avons réalisé des études de cas issues des secteurs médico-social et pharmaceutique. Nous avons d’abord identifié un large panorama de pratiques dans les organisations - normées et non-normées, ayant pour finalité l’intégration des travailleurs handicapés. Nous avons constaté que les organisations expliquent leurs engagements davantage par des moteurs internes qu’externes – bien qu’elles identifient le système incitatif actuel et le trouvent utile de manière générale. Enfin, cette thèse met en évidence la coexistence de trois terreaux d’organisations – chêne, tournesol et roseau – qui n’ont pas la même sensibilité aux incitations. Il en résulte différents comportements d’organisations en matière d’emploi de travailleurs handicapés en contexte incitatif : volontaire, stratège, et détaché. / Initially, the employment of disabled people represented a voluntary practice for ordinary environment organisations - a CSR commitment for sustainable societal welfare. However, due to insufficient outcomes, an obligation to employ disabled people was introduced with the law 2005-102, strengthen the existing body of laws. Our work aims to understand the effects of this incentive-based tax scheme on the integration of disabled people employment quality in organizations, and in a broader manner on CSR commitments. To understand the impact of incentives – in this case the 2005 incentive tax – on CSR practices related to the employment of disabled people, we have conducted different case studies focusing on the medico-social and pharmaceuticl sector. We identified a wide range of practices in organisations - both standard and non-standard - that aim to integrate disabled workers. We observed that organisations point out more often internal rather than external drivers to explain their commitments - although they identify the current incentive system and find it useful in general. Finally, this thesis has outlined the coexistence of three specific climates which had various sensibilities – oak, sunflower and reed - to incentive policies. Appears three forms of organisational behaviour as regards to the employment of disabled people in an incentive context: voluntary, strategic and detached behavior.

Uncovering the Keys of Success In The Utah Medicaid Work Incentive Program: A Grounded Theory Study

Nolan, Renee H. 01 May 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this grounded theory research was to determine what differentiates people with disabilities who leave Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits due to increased income from those who cannot. Fifteen individuals, former and current participants in a Medicaid Buy-In program, were interviewed. Within the context of health and disability, four theoretical propositions were identified: education, opportunity to work, interpersonal support, and secure housing. Higher benefit levels were also found to be an effective barrier for many.

Essays on Voluntary Mechanisms for Private Land Conservation and Management / 私有地保全及び管理における自発的メカニズムの研究

Suzuki, Kohei 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第20435号 / 農博第2220号 / 新制||農||1049(附属図書館) / 学位論文||H29||N5056(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科生物資源経済学専攻 / (主査)教授 栗山 浩一, 教授 福井 清一, 教授 伊藤 順一 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Differences in Neural Responses to Reward and Punishment Processing between Anorexia Nervosa Subtypes: An fMRI Study / 神経性やせ症の下位分類における報酬や罰に対する脳活動の違い:fMRIを用いた研究

Murao(Toyoda), Ema 25 September 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第20666号 / 医博第4276号 / 新制||医||1024(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 伊佐 正, 教授 富樫 かおり, 教授 髙橋 良輔 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

Analyses of user behavior and social incentives in Q&A communities / Q&Aコミュニティにおけるユーザ行動と社会的インセンティブの分析

Andrew, William Vargo 25 September 2018 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(情報学) / 甲第21398号 / 情博第684号 / 新制||情||118(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院情報学研究科社会情報学専攻 / (主査)准教授 松原 繁夫, 教授 吉川 正俊, 教授 西田 豊明 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Informatics / Kyoto University / DFAM

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