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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Potenciál příjezdového cestovního ruchu Australanů do České republiky / Potential of Inbound Tourism of Australians to the Czech Republic

Dvořáková, Adéla January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis discusses inbound tourism of Australians to the Czech Republic and weighs its future potential. The theoretical part contains a situation analysis with a brief characterization of inbound tourism of the Czech Republic, marketing activities of the Czech Republic as a tourist destination and a thorough socioeconomic characterization of Australia and its outbound tourism. Furthermore, this paper evaluates what the Czech tourist destinations have to offer to the Australian market. The practical part covers the outcome of the primary survey of Australians´ travelling consumer behaviour and their perception of the Czech Republic.

Motivační faktory zahraničních turistů k cestování do České republiky (s využitím vlastního dotazníkového šetření) / Motivation Factors of Foreign Tourists towards Travelling to the Czech Republic

Straka, Jan January 2008 (has links)
This diploma paper is devoted to the fundamental questions concerning motivation for coming to Prague, Czech Republic, the questionnaire analyses further details about incoming tourism. At the beginning of the paper there is a description of the destination CR. Characteristics of the incoming tourism is coming next. Afterwards a theoretical opening to motivation the questionnaire follows. One hundred respondents replied on questions regarding their stay in Prague. These data are then compared with a similar past questionnaire. The motivation for coming to Prague is researched based on these data.

Zdravotně orientovaný cestovní ruch České republiky - asistovaná reprodukce / Health tourism of the Czech Republic - assisted reproduction

Krucká, Martina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate the position of the Czech Republic in the field of health tourism, particularly assisted reproduction. The theoretical chapters include the definitions of the following topics: health tourism, organization of tourist agents and tour operators, marketing methods and the issue of assisted reproduction. In the analytic part, the offer of the Czech Republic in this field is described, the survey investigating customer behaviour of the patients as tourists is evaluated and SWOT analysis of the Czech Republic and of its offer in the field of assisted reproduction is conducted. In the last part of the thesis, a tourism product including a fertility treatment is created and some distribution channels are suggested.

Analýza podnikatelských příležitostí pro české subjekty cestovního ruchu vzhledem k příjezdovému cestovnímu ruchu z Nizozemského království / Analysis of entrepreneurial opportunities for czech tourist facilities regarding incoming tourism from The Netherlands

Nohejlová, Daniela January 2008 (has links)
The first part of this work describes the Netherlands as a whole -- generally informations, its economical and tourist characterizations. The second part deal with Dutch incoming tourism to the Czech republic -- its development, characterizations, main trends and determinations. Dutch travel customs and reasons for visiting Czech republic are mentioned there. The third part analyse tourist services in detail. In terms of each of tourist service is mentioned, what Netherlanders demand, what situation in the czech marketplace is and in respect of this are sketched possible entrepreneurial opportunities for czech tourist facilities. The last part concretize and point out the greatest uncovered entrepreneurial opportunities.

Lietuvos atvykstamojo turizmo marketingo komunikacijos ypatumai. 2009 m. atvejis / The peculiarities of Lithuanian incoming tourism marketing communication. 2009 case

Kliunka, Kęstutis 02 March 2010 (has links)
Magistrinio darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti ir įvertinti atvykstamojo turizmo marketingo komunikacijos ypatumus ir jos atliekamą vaidmenį šalies įvaizdžio formavime. Darbo objektas yra 2009 m. Lietuvos valstybės lygmeniu vykdyta atvykstamojo turizmo marketingo komunikacija. Teorinėje dalyje analizuojama turizmo reikšmė, samprata ir rūšys; pristatomi turizmą Lietuvoje reguliuojantys teisės aktai ir institucijos. Turizmas identifikuojamas kaip vienas iš veiksnių įtakojantis bendrą šalies įvaizdį, o vykdoma turizmo marketingo komunikacija tiesiogiai didina šalies žinomumą tarptautinėje rinkoje. Pristatomi turizmą populiarinantys informacijos sklaidos kanalai ir priemonės. Akcentuojama kitų su turizmu tiesiogiai ar netiesiogiai susijusių veiksnių įtaka sėkmingai turizmo marketingo komunikacijai. Atliekant „Vilnius – Europos kultūros sostinė 2009“ atvejo analizę buvo nustatyta, jog ši nacionalinė programa nepasiekė visų savo užsibrėžtų tikslų dėl kelių priežasčių: ekonominio sąstingio pasaulyje, sunkaus Lietuvos pasiekiamumo 2009 m. oro keliu, nepakankamo Lietuvos žinomumo pasaulyje, Lietuvos ir užsienio žiniasklaidoje nepalankiai suformuotas VŠĮ „VEKS“ įvaizdis, nepasiektas sinergijos efektas tarp dviejų didžiausių 2009 m. renginių – VEKS ir Tūkstantmečio odisėjos. Verslo misijos „Buy Lithuania 2009“ atvejo analizė parodė, jog šio renginio organizavimo ir svečių aptarnavimo kokybė yra labiau priimtina NVS šalių atstovams. Verslo misijos dalyvių apklausa parodė Lietuvos žinomumo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the master thesis is to examine and evaluate the peculiarities of incoming tourism marketing communication and its role in shaping country's image. The object of the study is cases of Lithuanian marketing communication projects in 2009 in order to promote incoming tourism. The theoretical part analyzes the importance of tourism, the concept and types, presents legal acts and institutions regulating tourism in Lithuania. Tourism is identified as one of the criteria that influence the overall image of the country, and tourism marketing communication directly increase the country's reputation in the international market. The information dissemination channels and means of tourism promotion are presented. Other tourism marketing communication influencing direct and indirect factors are emphasized. ‘Vilnius - European Capital of Culture 2009’ case study pointed out that this national program has not reached all of its stated objectives for several reasons: the world recession, a severe Lithuanian air-reach in 2009, the lack of Lithuanian awareness, Lithuanian and foreign media formed an unfavorable image of VECC, the synergy effect has not been achieved between the two largest events in 2009 – VECC and the Millennium Odyssey. Business mission "Buy Lithuania 2009" case analysis showed that the organization of the event, hospitality and service quality is more acceptable to the CIS representatives. Business mission participants’ survey showed that there is lack of... [to full text]

Lietuvos turizmo pletros raida ir perspektyvos, lyganamoji analize su Baltijos šalimis / Lithuanian tourism development process and prospect, for analisis with the Baltic states

Mekionis, Donatas 23 January 2009 (has links)
Magistro baigiamajame darbe nagrinėjama tema – turizmo sistemos raida Lietuvoje – yra aktuali dėl pokyčių, susijusių su Lietuvos įstojimu į ES ir NATO, įsijungimu į Šengeno erdvę, taip pat dėl pasaulį ištikusios finansų krizės, kuri Lietuvoje susijusi su ekonomine recesija. Tyrimo objektas – Lietuvos turizmo sistemos raida, tikslas – atskleisti jos funkcionavimo ir plėtros ypatumus, suformuluojant bendrąją plėtros koncepciją ir jos vietą eurointegracinių procesų erdvėje. / The topic of this master thesis: the development of tourism system in Lithuania. Notably, this field is highly relevant due to the recent changes regarding our international politics e.g. the integration into the European Union, NATO and accession to the Schengen air zone. Similarly, the current crisis in the financial markets worlwide is the cause of economic reccesion in Lithuania, what is also one of the factors that might reinforce a stagnation in the field of tourism in our nation.

Förbered för invasion från Öst? : En kvalitativ studie om huruvida Sverige kan och bör satsa mer på att attrahera fler kinesiska turister

Widén, Mia-Linn, Johansson, Cecilia January 2013 (has links)
Kina är idag en av världens ledande ekonomier och placerar sig på andra plats gällande landets BNP. Under de senaste åren har tillväxten av Kinas turistnäring ökat i en snabb takt. En av de bidragande faktorerna bakom detta är att regler och gränser har luckrats upp och ger kineserna möjlighet att besöka allt fler destinationer världen över. Från år 2000 till 2012 har Kinas utrikesturism ökat från 10 miljoner resor till 83 miljoner. Med sin stadiga årliga befolkningstillväxt beräknar UNWTO, United Nations World Tourism Organization, att 100 miljoner kineser kommer att resa redan innan år 2015. Frågan är om, och hur Sverige ska satsa på att attrahera det ökade antalet resande kineser. / China is currently one of the world's leading economies and is ranked in second place in terms of GDP. In recent years, the growth of China's outbound tourism has increased rapidly. Contributing factors behind the increase are the new rules and regulations regarding outbound tourism, which gives the Chinese people the opportunity to visit more destinations worldwide. From the year of 2000 to 2012, China's outbound tourism has increased from 10 million travels to 83 million. With China’s steady annual population growth UNWTO, the United Nations World Tourism Organization, estimates that 100 million Chinese will be traveling before the year of 2015. The question is whether, and how, Sweden should attract the growing numbers of Chinese travelers

ES Struktūrinių fondų paramos poveikio įvertinimas Lietuvos atvykstamajam turizmui / EU structural funding for lithuanian incoming tourism sector evaluation of impact

Juškelis, Paulius 26 June 2014 (has links)
JUŠKELIS, Paulius. (2007) ES Struktūrinių fondų paramos poveikio įvertinimas Lietuvos atvykstamajam turizmui. Magistro baigiamasis darbas. Kaunas: Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas. 65 p. SANTRAUKA RAKTINIAI ŽODŽIAI: Europos Sąjungos struktūriniai fondai, ekonominio poveikio vertinimas, atvykstamasis turizmas. 2004 m. Lietuvai tapus Europos Sąjungos nare, ji įgijo teisę gauti ES struktūrinių fondų finansinę paramą. Vienas iš remiamų ūkio sektorių – atvykstamasis turizmas. Esami duomenys rodo, kad turėdama gausius gamtinius ir kultūrinius išteklius, Lietuva galėtų geriau išnaudoti šio sektoriaus potencialą. Naujas finansinis instrumentas – galimybė šių tikslų įgyvendinimui. Siekiant pagrįsti bet kokių investicijų poreikį, būtina nuosekliai įvertinti jų poveikį ir efektyvumą. Tačiau reikia pastebėti, jog šiuo metu tiek Lietuvoje, tiek užsienyje nėra vieningos kompleksinės investicijų į atvykstamojo turizmo sektorių efektyvumo vertinimo metodikos. To pasekoje sudėtinga palyginti šių investicijų efektyvumą su investicijomis į kitus sektorius, pagrįsti jų poreikį visuomenei, patikrinti ar buvo pasiekti užsibrėžti rodikliai. Tyrimo objektas – investicijų į atvykstamojo turizmo sektorių makroekonominis poveikis. Analizuojamas ES struktūrinių fondų paramos Lietuvos atvykstamojo turizmo sektoriui poveikis šalies ekonomikai: užsienio prekybos balansui ir bendrajam vidaus produktui, darbo rinkai bei šalies biudžetui. Tiriamojo laikotarpio trukmė – 2005-2009 m. Pirmoje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / JUŠKELIS, Paulius. (2007) EU Structural Funding for Lithuanian Incoming Tourism Sector. Evaluation of Impact. MBA Graduation Paper. Kaunas: Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University. 65 p SUMMARY KEYWORDS: European Union structural funding, economic impact evaluation, incoming tourism. Lithuania joined the EU in 2004 and received a right for EU structural funding. Incoming tourism is one of the subsidized sectors. Although Lithuania possesses high natural and cultural resources, incoming tourism sector is not developed enough yet. The new financial instrument is a good possibility. In order to prove effectiveness of the investment, there is a need for consecutive evaluation of an economic impact. Today no unified incoming tourism economic impact evaluation model is used. As a result it is difficult to compare investment effectiveness into different sectors, substantiate their need to the society, check if the results were reached. Object of the research – an economic impact of investment into incoming tourism. An impact on trade balance and gross national product, labor market, national budget is analyzed. Period of the research – year 2005 to year 2009. The first chapter analyses the situation of Lithuanian incoming tourism sector. The importance for the economy, possibilities and problems are analyzed. The possibilities of investment are also reviewed. The second chapter is devoted to analysis of tourism impact on economy. An impact on trade balance, gross domestic... [to full text]

Podpora příjezdového cestovního ruchu agenturou CzechTourism ve vybrané oblasti. / Support of incoming tourism by the CzechTourism agency in selected area.

HÁTLEOVÁ, Karolína January 2011 (has links)
This thesis analyses the activity of the agency CzechTourism. The CzechTourism agency has also representation abroad ? 26 branch offices are located around the world. This thesis focuses on the branch office in Italy (Milano). This office has the main aim to introduce the Czech Republic to Italian clients and to awake their needs to travel to our country for a vacation or for a short visit. This branch office has four main segments of support ? golf tourism, scholar tourism, religious tourism and caravanning. Author´s own survey was carried out between October 2010 and February 2011 which analyzed the relation between Italian participants of tourism and the Czech Republic as an important tourism destination in the middle of Europe.

Impactos da votalidade cambial na atividade de turismo receptivo: novos desenhos de contratos

Veiga, Rachel Havas 26 September 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2008-05-13T13:47:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2194.pdf: 259719 bytes, checksum: df2dee8aa9a2da75df6fda3a95950724 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-09-26 / De 2002 a 2006 a moeda nacional brasileira, o real, vem sofrendo crescente valorização, tendência que afeta negativamente o setor exportativo no Brasil. Este trabalho refere-se o impacto desta valorização numa indústria específica do setor de exportação, a de turismo receptivo. São destacados os modelos de contratos atuais e analisada a proposição de um novo modelo de contrato, fechado em moeda nacional para as vendas internacionais, visando minimizar o risco cambial inerente à atividade. Os resultados indicam que a adoção deste novo modelo contratual eliminaria o risco cambial da parte da cadeia de distribuição situada no território nacional, trocando este por risco de demanda em função da flutuação do preço para o cliente final.

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