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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Höja kompetens och medvetenhet inom miljöfrågor : En utveckling av ett utbildningsmaterial för Sandvik AB / To increase competence and awareness regarding environmental issues : A development of a training material for Sandvik AB

Jägbrandt, Sanna, Lindqvist, Sofia January 2019 (has links)
Sandvik AB bedriver en verksamhet som ger upphov till störningar på miljö och människors hälsa och innefattas därför av lagkrav och andra bestämmelser för att göra dessa störningar så små som möjligt. Företaget arbetar mot visionen ”we set the industry standard” (”vi sätter industristandarden”) som visar på att de även inom hållbarhetsområdet siktar mot att överträffa lagkraven och uppnå högre satta mål för att kunna vara en ledande aktör på marknaden. På Sandvik i Sandviken har ett behov av en internmiljöutbildning uppmärksammats för att säkerställa företagets fortsatta arbete mot att uppfylla kraven och att öka kunskaper och kompentenser hos medarbetarna. Detta för att främja företagets fortsatta arbete mot att bli konkurrenskraftiga, såväl gentemot kunder som på arbetsmarknaden. Med detta som bakgrund syftar arbetet till att skapa en bild och förståelse av de anställdas kunskaper och kompetenser inom yttre miljö. Arbetet utgörs av en undersökning som återfinns i rapporten, som ligger till grund för den produkt som sedan utvecklats i form av ett utbildningsmaterial. Undersökningen har genomförts med hjälp av intervjuer med chefer och medarbetare vars arbetsuppgifter innefattar ansvar för miljöarbete. Intervjumaterialet har analyserats tematiskt utifrån de didaktiska frågorna vad, varför, för vem och hur. I analysen av intervjuerna framkommer teman för vad en miljöutbildning för företaget ska innehålla, varför detta innehåll är relevant och varför en miljöutbildning behövs, vilka det är som arbetar på företaget och deras förutsättningar samt hur en miljöutbildning kan utföras. Enligt produktutvecklingsprocessen har resultatet av undersökningen tillsammans med dokument- och litteraturstudier och fokusgrupper med medarbetare i sin tur legat till grund för utbildningsmaterialet. Det framlagda förslaget är uppdelat i sex olika block (introduktion, avfall, energi, vatten och avlopp, utsläpp till luft samt buller, utsläpp tillmark) som alla behandlar miljöaspekter som framkommit som viktiga i undersökningen. Blocken rekommenderas att genomföras ett i taget, kontinuerligt under en längre tid. Dessutom föreslås fokus ligga på deltagarnas interaktion med varandra för att främja lärandet. / Sandvik AB conducts a business which can cause harm on the environment as well onthe human health. In order to decrease these disturbances, the company is controlled by legal requirements and regulations. The company strives against the vision “we set the industry standard” which can be interpreted as if they aim to exceed the legal requirements, also in the sustainability area. These intentions seek to make the company a leading actor in the field. At Sandvik in Sandviken attention was paid to the need of an  environmental education, in order to ensure the continuous environmental work of the company. But also, to be able to meet the requirements and increase the knowledge and competences of the employees. This would be done to support the company’s continued work towards becoming competitive, both against customers and the labor market. The project was aiming to create an image and understanding of the employees’ knowledge and competencies in the external environment. At first, a study was conducted to form the basis of the product which has been developed in the form of an educational material. To complete the study, interviews have been held with employees whose duties include responsibility for environmental work at their unit. A thematical analysis has been done based on the interview material, using the didactic questions what, why, for whom and how. In the analysis of the interviews, themes emerge for what an environmental education for the company should contain, why this content is relevant and why an environmental training is needed. The analysis also showed who is working at the company, their prerequisites and how an environmental training could be carried out. According to the product development process the result of the study, together with documents and literature studies and focus group interviews with employees has been the basis for the educational material. The proposal presented is divided into six different blocks (introduction, waste, energy, water and sewage, emissions to air together with noise and emissions to land) which all deal with environmental aspects that have emerged as important in the study. The blocks are recommended to be carried out one at a time, continuously for a long time. In addition, it is proposed to focus on the participants’ interaction with each other to promote learning.

Effektivisering av kedjesågning / Streamlining of chain sawing

Haziri, Pajtim January 2023 (has links)
Logosol AB i Härnösand, Sverige är en sågverkstillverkare som bland annat utvecklar bandsågar och kedjesågverk. Målet med detta examensarbete är att effektivisera kedjesågning i längsgåendesågning genom att justera skärtänderna på sågkedjor. För att åstadkomma detta undersöktes mätningar på sågsnitt där mått togs på hastighet och effekt. Mätningarna utfördes på träslaget gran i två olika tjocklekar där befintliga original sågkedjan jämfördes med modifierade sågkedjor. Utifrån detta identifierades några faktorer som påverkar hastigheten positivt. Faktorerna är att det går fortare att såga på längden med större avstånd mellan skärtänderna på en sågkedja. En betydande ökning av hastigheten vid sågning kan observeras där större avstånd mellan skärtänder visar sig ge bättre resultat vid längsgåendesågning av tjockare stockar. Hastigheten ökar betydligt mer i modifierade sågkedjor jämfört med effektökningen vilket i sin tur ger en minskad energiförbrukning också. Det finns ingen synlig skillnad på snittytans utseende mellan original sågkedjan och modifierade sågkedjor. De lämnar inga ränder efter sig, skapar inga rester från virket på kanten utan går rakt och fint genom hela sågsnittet. / Logosol AB in Härnösand, Sweden is a sawmill manufacturer that develops, among other things, band saws and chainsaw mills. The aim of this thesis project is to enhance the efficiency of chainsaw milling in longitudinal sawing by adjusting the cutting teeth on the saw chains. To accomplish this, measurements were conducted on saw cuts, capturing data on speed and power. The measurements were performed on spruce wood of two different thicknesses, comparing the existing original saw chain with modified saw chains. Based on this, several factors that positively affect speed were identified. It was found that sawing longitudinally is faster with larger distances between the cutting teeth on a saw chain. A significant increase in speed during sawing can be observed where larger distances between the cutting teeth yield better results in longitudinal sawing of thicker logs. The speed increases significantly more in modified saw chains compared to the increase in power, resulting in reduced energy consumption as well. There is no visible difference in the appearance of the cut surface between the original saw chain and modified saw chains. They leave no marks, create no residue from the wood on the edge, but rather cut straight and smoothly through the entire saw cut.

Effektivisering av tillverkningsprocess med mjukvara för nesting / Effectivizing a manufacturing process with nesting software

Lundgren Akbarzadeh, André January 2023 (has links)
Rapporten presenterar ett examensarbete vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, utfört på ett företag i skylttillverkningsindustrin. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka om produktionen på det uppdragsgivande företaget kan effektiviseras genom att ersätta ett manuellt arbetsmoment med en automatiserad lösning i form av en mjukvara. Det undersöks även om, och i sådant fall hur stora förbättringar som kan göras i processen sett till ekonomisk, ekologisk och social hållbarhet. Genom att undersöka marknadens utbud av mjukvaror för nesting och jämföra mjukvarornas egenskaper mot definierade krav kunde en handfull mjukvaror konstateras vara relevanta. Testprogramvaror begärdes för dessa, och i de fall de erhölls så testades mjukvarorna på rådata från projekt som företaget tidigare tillverkat i syfte att jämföra resultaten. Skillnaderna i resultat beräknades och jämfördes med resultaten av det manuella arbetssättet. Det konstaterades att användning av den bäst presterande mjukvaran kan spara företaget i snitt 481 kronor per projekt i minskad material- och tidsåtgång. Vidare beräknades att företaget hade kunnat spara drygt 28 kg material på de fem projekten som tillverkades i aluminium, för vilka bara återvinningen hade kostat ca 2,25 kg koldioxidekvivalenter per projekt. Nyproduktionen av denna aluminium uppskattas motsvara mellan 16,6 – 36,2 kg koldioxidekvivalenter per projekt. / This paper presents a bachelors thesis at the Royal Institute of Technology, performed at a company in the sign manufacturing industry. The aim of the thesis is to investigate if the production at the company can be made more effective by replacing a part of the process that requires manual work with an automated solution in the form of a software. It is also investigated whether changes in the process can result in improvements in economical, ecological and social sustainability, and in that case the greatness of the improvements. By conducting market research of nesting software and comparing the properties of the software to pre-determined requirements, a handful of different software were considered potentially applicable. Software for testing were requested for these, and tests were conducted with those that were obtained. The tests were conducted on raw data from previously manufactured projects at the company in order to compare the results. The differences in results were calculated and compared with those of the manual process. It was concluded that the top performing software could render the company an average of 481 kronor saved per project in terms of time saved and material usage. Furthermore, calculations showed that the company could have saved over 28 kg worth of material for the five projects where aluminium was used. For these projects, the recycling of the aluminium would be equivalent to 2,25 kg carbon dioxide equivalents per kg, per project. The production of new aluminium for these projects would equate to an estimated 16,6 – 36,2 kg carbon dioxide equivalents per kg, per project.

Effektivisering i användandet av fjärrvärme : En teoretisk studie / Increasing efficiency in the use of district heating : A theoretical study

Nyman, Marcus January 2022 (has links)
I den här rapporten har fokus varit att undersöka och identifiera förbättringsområden i användandet av  fjärrvärme inom dagens fjärrvärmesystem. Rapporten är huvudsakligen en teoretisk studie som är kombinerad med egna simuleringar via programvaran NetSim.  Användningen av fjärrvärme utvecklas ständigt och i dagsläget används främst tredje generationens fjärrvärme med en pågående utveckling av fjärde generationens fjärrvärme. Fjärrvärme kan produceras via olika anläggningar  där kraftvärme har  valts att avgränsa och fokusera på. Den producerade fjärrvärmen inom Sverige består av en framledningstemperatur med ett medelvärde av +86 ̊C och +47,2 ̊C i returledningen. Rapporten inriktar sig specifikt på användning av fjärrvärme inom bostads-  och service sektorn där fjärrvärme stod för 31% av uppvärmningsbehovet år 2019. Detta skapar en bra grund för argumentet att effektivisera dess användning vilket kan möjliggöras utanför byggnaden i fjärrvärmenätet men även inuti byggnaden.   Genomförandet har varit att ta fram slutsatser via simuleringar, tidigare forskning samt litteratur. Programvaran NetSim som är utvecklat för fjärrvärmesimuleringar användes för att simulera och undersöka hur fjärrvärmenätet påverkas utifrån tre olika scenarion (i) referensscenario (ii) lägre nättemperatur (iii) lägre nättemperatur vid högre påfrestning i fjärrvärmenätet.  Scenarierna  reflekterar  dagens fjärrvärmenät och vilken potential som finns inom framtida fjärde generationens fjärrvärmenät.   De resultat rapporten visar är att det finns potential för ett antal förbättringar inom fjärrvärmesystemet, första förbättringen är kring ändring av kopplingsprincip i fjärrvärmecentralen. Olika kopplingar har potential att uppnå olika returtemperatur utifrån dess utformning. De principer som studerades var parallell-, tvåstegs-, trestegs- och seriekoppling, där trestegskoppling åstadkom lägst returtemperatur på bekostnad av ökad komplexitet, miljöpåverkan och pris. Andra förbättringen är att frångå användningen av varmvattencirkulation då det estimeras att det stå för omkring 10 – 20% av flödet i fjärrvärmesystemet, det leder till en ökad returledningstemperatur vilket är ej något som eftersträvas. Lösningen är introduktionen av en tredje ledning som återcirkulerar varmt vatten från framledningen tillbaka till framledningen igen fast i ett tidigare skede.   Framtidens fjärde generation för med sig stora förbättringar vilket visades i litteratur, tidigare forskning och egna simuleringar men det är i ett tidigt skede än. Endast tio projekt kring fjärde generationen hade startat eller planerades i Sverige år 2020. Fjärde generationen medför lägre nättemperatur med en framledningstemperaturen kring +50 ̊C till +55 ̊C och en returtemperatur på omkring +20 ̊C. Den lägre nättemperatur ger möjlighet till användning av lägenhetsväxlare i flerbostadshus i stället för en gemensam fjärrvärmecentral på botten-  eller källarplan, det eliminerar användningen av varmvattencirkulation och risk för Legionella. Lägre nättemperatur möjliggör även att större mängd elektricitet i kraftvärmeverk kan produceras vid samma värmebehov samtidigt som högre effekt uppnås med rökgaskondensering ifall kraftvärmeverket använder sig av det.  Det noteras även  att  det bör finnas  större initiativ  för  fjärrvärmekunder  att sänka dess returledningstemperatur antingen via ekonomiska medel eller alternativa lösningar. I dagsläget finns det ej tillräckligt stort incitament för kunden att vilja genomgå en förändring, en förändring som har potential att påverka nätet positivt ur ett ekonomiskt och miljömässigt perspektiv. / The focus of this report has been to investigate and identify areas for improvement in the use of district heat  within  our  current  district heating system. The report is mainly a theoretical study combined with own simulations via the software NetSim.   The use of district heating is constantly evolving and currently mainly third generation district heating is used with ongoing development of fourth generation district heating. District heating can be produced by different plants, where  CHP-plants  has been chosen to be delimited and focused on. The district heat produced within Sweden consists of a supply temperature with an average value of +86 ̊C and +47.2 ̊C in the return line. The report focuses specifically on the use of district heating in the residential and service sector where district heating accounted for 31% of the heating demand in 2019. This creates a good basis for the argument to make its use more efficient which can be made possible outside the building in the district heating network but also inside the building.    The methodology  has been to  develop  conclusions via simulations, previous research, and literature. The NetSim software developed for district heating simulations was used to simulate and investigate the impact on the district heating network based on three different scenarios (i) reference scenario (ii) lower network temperature (iii) lower network temperature at higher demand in the district heating network. The scenarios reflect the current district heating network and the potential of the future fourth generation district heating network.    The results of the report show that there is potential for a number of improvements in the district heating system, the first improvement is around the change of the coupling principle in the district heating plant. Different couplings have the potential to achieve different return temperatures depending on their design. The principles studied were parallel, two-stage, three-stage and series coupling, where three-stage coupling achieved the lowest return temperature at the cost of increased complexity, environmental impact, and price. The second improvement is to abandon the use of hot water circulation as it is estimated to account for around 10 - 20% of the flow in the district heating system, leading to an increased return line temperature which is not desirable. The solution is the introduction of a third pipe that recirculates hot water from the supply line back to the supply line again but at an earlier stage.    The fourth generation of the future brings great improvements  which has been  shown in literature, previous research, and own simulations but it is in an early stage yet. Only ten fourth generation projects had started or were planned in Sweden in 2020. Fourth generation brings lower net temperature with a supply temperature around +50 ̊C to +55 ̊C  and a return temperature of around +20 ̊C. The lower net temperature allows the use of apartment exchangers in apartment buildings instead of a collective  district heating  substation  on the ground or basement level, it eliminates the use of hot water circulation and the risk of Legionella. Lower net temperature also allows a larger amount of electricity to be produced in CHP-plants for the same heating demand, while higher output can be achieved with flue gas condensation if the CHP-plant uses it.   It is also noted that greater initiative should be given to district heating customers to lower their return line temperature either through financial means or alternative solutions. At present, there is not enough incentive for the customer to want to undergo a change, a change that has the potential to positively impact the network from an economic and environmental perspective.

Effekter av spelifiering : På lärplattformen PING PONG / Effects of gamification : On the learning management system PING PONG

Odisho, Sankhero, Rylander Nordberg, Kevin January 2017 (has links)
Spelifiering definieras som användningen av speldesignelement inom icke-spelsammanhang. Detta är ett koncept vars popularitet har ökat och fortsätter att öka. På senare år har spelifiering tillämpats inom utbildning men även andra områden som: marknadsföring, politik och interaktiva system. Studier har visat märkbar inverkan av spelifiering på användares beteende men trots detta finns det en brist på tillämpningar och forskning av spelifiering på informationssystem och undervisning. Avsikten med denna studie är att redogöra för vilka känslor studenter upplever när de använder sin primära lärplattform samt hur en spelifierad lärplattform skulle påverka studenters känslor och därmed deras studieupplevelse. Detta utförs genom en kvalitativ forskningsansats som baseras på semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem studenter vilket innehar en aktiv utbildning vid Högskolan i Borås. I samband med de semistrukturerade intervjuerna presenterades en interaktiv IT-artefakt i form av en prototyp där spelelement har tillämpats på studenternas primära lärplattform. Prototypen användes för att informanterna skulle kunna få en djupare förståelse kring vad spelifiering innebär och hur det skulle kunna se ut i praktiken tillämpat vid lärplattformen. Slutsatserna som presenteras tyder på att studenters studieupplevelse förbättras till viss del då det framkommer mer positiva känslor i samband med användningen av den spelifierade lärplattformen. Detta till skillnad från vad det gjorde i samband med användningen av den primära lärplattformen där spelifiering inte var tillämpat. De positiva känslor som uppstod bland studenterna var främst en ökad motivation, ett förbättrat självförtroende och en ökad gemenskap. Vissa delar av den spelifierade lärplattformen har framkallat negativa känslor såsom stress och prestationsångest. Slutsatserna tyder även på vad man som utvecklare behöver ta i åtanke för att undvika stress och prestationsångest bland studenterna. Vi finner i övrigt att slutsatserna är väsentliga för utvecklare till följd att lyckas med en praktisk tillämpning av spelifiering på en lärplattform där studenternas studieupplevelse ligger i huvudfokus. / Gamification is defined as the use of game design elements in non-gaming context. This is a concept whose popularity has increased and continues to increase. In recent years, gamification has been applied in education but also other areas such as: marketing, politics and interactive systems. Studies have shown a noticeable impact of gamification on user behavior, but despite this, there is a lack of applications and research of gamification applied on information systems and teaching. The purpose of this study is to describe what feelings students experience when using their primary learning management system and how a gamified learning management system would affect students' feelings and thus their study experience. This is done through a qualitative research assignment that is based on semi structured interviews with five students, which holds an active education at the University of Borås. In connection with the semi structured interviews, an interactive IT artefact was presented in the form of a prototype where game elements have been applied to the students' primary learning management system. The prototype was used to enable the informants to gain a deeper understanding of what gamification involves and what it could look like in practice applied to the learning management system. The conclusions presented indicate that students' study experience is improved to some extent as there are more positive feelings in connection with the use of the gamified learning management system. This is unlike what it did in connection with the use of the primary learning management system where gamification was not applied. The positive emotions that arose among the students were primarily an increase of motivation, improved self-esteem and an increased community. Some parts of the gamified learning management system have caused negative feelings such as stress and performance anxiety. The conclusions also indicate what developers need to keep in mind in order to avoid stress and performance anxiety among the students. We also find that the conclusions are essential for developers to succeed in the practical application of gamification on a learning management system where the students' study experience is the main focus.

Educators' experience of transformation and change in a full service primary school

Feldman, Beverley Antoinette 06 1900 (has links)
In the nineteen years of South Africa’s democracy, its education system, as a vehicle for political, economic and social reform, has been characterised by transformation and change. Educators, as policy implementers, have been integral to that process. For the educators at the school selected for this study, changes have included, among others, frequent curriculum revision; a different approach to assessment; changes in school management as well as making a transition from a mainstream to a full service school, focused on the inclusion of learners who experience mild to moderate barriers to learning. Against this background the purpose of this study was to explore the subjective experience of educators in this particular school, and the subsequent impact that aspects of curriculum change and educational reform may have had on them; then secondly to put practices in place that would enable them to positively embrace new ideas, create knowledge and share ideas as educators. The study was conducted with 21 educators at a full service school. The research findings show them to be overloaded with administrative tasks as pressure is put on them to present evidence of their competence and functionality; many of them were tired, confused or angry. They felt rushed and obligated to implement a curriculum that they perceive to compromise effective teaching and learning; and ultimately, the learners. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed. (Guidance and Counselling)

Chemical Derivatization in Combination with Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Detection and Structural Investigation of Glucuronides

Lampinen Salomonsson, Matilda January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents novel approaches for structural investigation of glucuronides using chemical derivatization in combination with liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS<sup>n</sup>).</p><p>Today, LC-ESI-MS<sup>n</sup> is the dominant technique for quantitative as well as qualitative analyses of metabolites, due to its high sensitivity and selectivity. However, for compounds without an easily ionizable group, e.g., steroids, the sensitivity is limited. In the work presented in this thesis, a derivatization procedure forming a basic oxime significantly increased the detection sensitivity for the altrenogest glucuronide. </p><p>Furthermore, in structural evaluations of glucuronides, the limitation of LC-MS<sup>n</sup> becomes evident due to the initial neutral loss of 176 u, i.e. monodehydrated glucuronic acid, which often makes it impossible to elucidate the structures of the conjugates. To solve this problem, the main part of the work described in this thesis was devoted to chemical derivatization as a means of facilitating the determination of the site of conjugation. </p><p>For the first time, the isomeric estriol glucuronides were evaluated using a combination of three reagents 2-chloro-1-methylpyridinium iodide (CMPI), 1-ethyl-3-(3-dimethyl- aminopropyl)-carbodiimide (EDC), and 2-picolylamine (PA). Interestingly, the derivatization gave a selective fragmentation pattern leading to differentiation of the isomers. </p><p>Another derivatization reagent, 1,2-dimethylimidazole-4-sulfonyl chloride (DMISC), was also tested for the first time in structural investigations. The isomeric glucuronides of morphine, formoterol, and hydroxypropranolol were evaluated. They can all be conjugated in aliphatic as well as aromatic positions. DMISC was proven to be useful in two ways. Firstly, the morphine and formoterol glucuronides that contained a free phenol could be differentiated from those that were conjugated in the aromatic position based on different reactivity. Secondly, for the aromatic <i>O</i>-glucuronide of 4’-hydroxypropranolol, DMISC was proven to react with the amine. This product gave a different fragmentation pattern compared to the corresponding derivative of the aliphatic glucuronide. </p>

論專利侵害之損害賠償計算-─從美國、中國大陸與台灣之專利修法談起 / Damages calculation in patent infringement-perspectives of patent reforms in the United States, China and Taiwan

李柏靜, Lee, Po Ching Unknown Date (has links)
為了專利法制現代化,美國、中國大陸與台灣均進行專利修法,並修訂損害賠償計算。本文試圖以三者修法目的為思考評析損害賠償計算之修訂,並類型化分析三者相關規範。本文探討美國司法實務所發展的分攤法則及整體市場價值法則,而在建立更有效率之專利制度的目標下,美國專利法第284條並不適合納入上述法則。本文歸納美國專利懲罰性損害賠償制度之三種認定故意的標準。第一,傳統的故意侵害論,Underwater Devices案「充分注意之確切義務」之標準為故意侵害設立了一個較低的門檻,比較類似過失。第二,Seagate案的故意侵害論,為客觀的輕率。第三,專利改革的故意侵害論,三種故意樣態下之客觀的輕率;但可能因此限制法官的裁量權。中國大陸在提高自主創新能力與建設創新型國家之知識產權戰略目標下,第三次專利法修正將於2009年施行。新專利法第65條將現行最高人民法院司法解釋規定的定額賠償提高到專利法層次,且提高法定額度。從訴訟成本考量,由法院定額不失為較經濟的方法;然而,此方法亦有可能會有因非根據證據而落入主觀判斷賠償數額的缺點。新專利法第65條並明訂賠償數額還應當包括權利人為制止侵權行為所支付的合理開支,惟其計量方法仍不明確。雖然新專利法沒有納入懲罰性損害賠償,於提高法定賠償額度與加重其他相關民事與行政責任之配套修改下,新專利法有提高侵權人金錢負擔的效果,應有較大的嚇阻功能,進而鼓勵創新。台灣在因應國內科技政策與國際規範發展,及配合智慧財產法院設立的背景下,提出專利法修正草案,其中建議現行專利法第85條新增「以相當於實施該發明專利所得收取之權利金數額為其損害」規定。然而,針對權利金的合理性及是否以合理權利金作為補償底限,修正草案並沒有明確規定。此外,修正草案建議刪除懲罰性損害賠償,以回歸我國民事損害賠償制度。台灣專利侵害民事訴訟的成本與賠償金額並不高,也沒有敗訴方負擔對方律師費用的規定,在專利侵害全面除罪化之後,懲罰性損害賠償對侵害人可能形成一種「實質上額外的風險」,而非「僅是一種商業上的成本」,因而有其一定的功能意義。以專利法促進產業發展的目的考量,若沒有相關配套措施,實可考慮繼續保留現行懲罰性損害賠償制度。 / For modernization of patent laws, the United States, China and Taiwan are undergoing patent reform, each amending its damages provision. This thesis categorized forms of damages calculation in three countries, and tried to analyze its amendment from the perspective of patent reform in each country. This thesis analyzed the possible impact of specifying the apportionment rule and entire market value rule in Section 284, 35 United State Code. In addition, three standards of willful infringement with enhanced damages were concluded. First, the traditional willfulness doctrine in Underwater Devices case is the affirmative duty of due care which sets a lower threshold of willing infringement that is more akin to negligence. Second, willfulness in Seagate case requires at least an objective recklessness. Third, willfulness in Patent Reform Act of 2009 requires an objective recklessness in three different conditions; such proposal may restrict the discretion of the court. With national intellectual property strategy to improve the domestic capacity of innovation and to build an innovative country, the third amendment to Patent Act of the People's Republic of China becomes in effect in 2009. Article 65 in the new Chinese Patent Act codifies the statutory damages in the range of RMB 10,000 to 1,000,000, compared to the current range of RMB 5,000 to 500,000 provided by the Supreme People’s Court judicial interpretation. In the perspective of litigation costs, statutory damages award may be a more economic approach but subjective judgment could have implication caused by lack of factual evidence for damages calculation. Article 65 also codifies that the amount of compensation shall include reasonable cost for ceasing patent infringement by the right holder, however, how to measure the reasonable cost is not clear. Although the new Chinese Patent Act does not include punitive damages, the maximum statutory damages, other related civil liability and administrative penalty are increased. Such amendments may increase the pecuniary burden of the infringer and expect to lead to more deterrent effect on patent infringement and encourage innovation. In the context of international regulation change, national technology policy change and establishment of professional Intellectual Property Court, comprehensive review of Taiwanese Patent Act is ongoing. The proposed bill adds “equivalent amount of royalty for implementing the patent invention as damages” into Article 85 of current Taiwanese Patent Act. However, it is not clearly codified that a reasonable royalty must be justified and such royalty calculation is to set a floor for damages award. The proposed bill abandons punitive damages for willful infringement. In such proposal, the result of willful infringement may not be a substantial additional risk but only a cost of doing business, because the litigation cost and damages award are not so high, and there is no attorney fee award or criminal penalty in Taiwanese patent regulation system. Hence, reconsideration of retaining punitive damages is suggested.

Možnosti pracovního uplatnění pro osoby se zdravotním postižením a pro další vybrané skupiny osob vyžadujících zvýšenou péči při zprostředkování zaměstnání / Employment possibilities for disabled people and for some other selected groups of people requiring increased care by mediation of employment

Dorňáková, Eva January 2013 (has links)
107 ABSTRACT The aim of this master's degree thesis is to analyse the situation of people who are in a disadvantageous position on the labour market and because of that belong, pursuant to Act No. 435/2004 Coll., Employment Act, to the group of job seekers, who "require special care by mediation of employment". The author is particularly focused on people with disabilities. The intent is also to inform readers about government subsidies and alternative methods designed to facilitate the position of job seekers on the labour market. This thesis is divided into an Introduction, six Chapters (further divided into subsections) and a Conclusion. It contains a Table of contents, a czech and english Abstract and a List of references and other sources. Chapter One is devoted to the definitions of the "right to work" and the "right to employment" and the obligation to ensure equal treatment of all people exercising these rights. Following that, I mention the legal sources containing the aforementioned rights, first international, then the European and finally the national sources. Chapter Two is subdivided into four subchapters which correspond to the categories of citizens requiring special care by mediation of employment. Subchapter One concerns people with physical disabilities. Included within is the definition...

Acompanhamento pré e pós-natal dos casos com translucência nucal fetal aumentada / Prenatal and postnatal Follow-up of cases with increased fetal nuchal translucency thickness

Saldanha, Fatima Aparecida Targino 15 December 2004 (has links)
Objetivo: analisar o resultado das gestações e pós-natal dos fetos com translucência nucal (TN) aumentada. Método: Duzentos e setenta e cinco fetos com TN aumentada foram avaliados no setor de Medicina Fetal da Clínica Obstétrica do HC-FMUSP, com análise do cariótipo, ultra-sonografia seriada, ecocardiografias fetal e pós-natal e avaliação clinica genética pós-natal. Resultados: 14,2% apresentaram cariótipos alterados e 85,8% normais. A ultra-sonografia morfológica esteve alterada em 73,1% dos casos com cariótipo anormal e em 24,7% dos normais, destes, um terço apresentou malformações estruturais maiores, sendo 35,7% cardíacas. Resultados gestacionais adversos, como abortamento, óbitos intra-útero e neonatal ocorreram em 76,5% dos fetos com anomalias cromossômicas e em 10,2% com cariótipos normais. A avaliação pós-natal foi realizada em 72,7% das crianças, mostrando-se alterada em 14,8% dos casos. A freqüência de criança viva e saudável diminuiu com a medida da TN, que variou de 37,5%, nos casos com cariótipos normais, a 18,8% com cariótipos desconhecidos, quando a TN foi igual ou maior que 4,5 mm. Conclusão: Quanto maior a TN maior o risco de anomalias cromossômicas e, nos casos com cariótipos normais, maior a freqüência de malformações estruturais, em especial defeitos cardíacos, resultados gestacionais adversos e alterações à avaliação pós-natal / The aim of this study was to evaluate pregnancy and postnatal outcomes in fetuses with increased nuchal translucency thickness (NT). Two hundred seventy five fetuses with increased NT were examined with karyotyping analysys, serial ultrasound scans, ecocardiography and postnatal clinical and genetic evaluation at the Fetal Medicine Unit - Departament of Obstetrics - São Paulo University. The karyotype was abnormal in 14.2% of the cases and normal in 85.8%. At the anomaly scan, 73.1% of the abnormal karyotype and 24.7% of the normal fetuses presented structural abnormalities, one third of these were major malformations with 35.7% of cardiac defects. Adverse pregnancy outcome as miscarriages, intrauterine and neonatal deaths occurred in 76.5% of the abnormal karyotype group and in 10.2% of the normal. 72.7% of the infants with normal karyotype had postnatal examination with 14,8% presenting abnormalities. The chances of having a live and healthy child decreased with increased NT thickness. For NT above 4.5mm this varied from 18.8%, for an unknown karyotype result, to 37.5% for a normal karyotype. The chances of abnormal karyotype increased with NT thickness. In addition, when the karyotype was normal, the frequency of fetal malformations, specially heart defects, adverse pregnancy outcome and postnatal abnormalities increased with NT thickness

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