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En guide till tjänstedesign : Utforskning av tjänstedesignmetodikens värdeskapande potentialWidgren, Ebba, Wredendal, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
Design är ett mångfacetterat område som handlar om att medvetet forma vår omgivning till det bättre. Det är ett strategiskt verktyg för att identifiera och lösa problem med människor som utgångspunkt. Tjänstedesign är en tvärvetenskaplig disciplin vars metodik främjar utforskandet av verkliga behov genom att aktivt involvera människor i samskapande. Metodiken strävar efter att identifiera och adressera de rätta problemen för att designa attraktiva produkter och tjänster. Detta examensarbete har utförts i syfte att introducera tjänstedesign till en kommunikations- byrå med målet att undersöka och förmedla värdet metodiken kan tillföra genom att tillämpa de kunskaper vi erhållit från vår utbildning i teknisk design vid Luleå tekniska universitet. För att förverkliga vårt mål har vi utgått från en designtänkandeprocess i fem faser: empatisera, definiera, idégenerera, prototypa och testa. Varje fas inkluderade centrala metoder inom både teknisk design och tjänstedesign, såsom intervju, fokusgrupp och observation, för att utforska och förstå intressenterna i den rätta kontexten. Den insamlade informationen definierades till behov och nyckelinsikter med metoder som personas, Service Blueprint och Developing Key Insights. Nyckelinsikterna resulterade i att öka designmedvetenheten och främja samskapande både inom byrån och gentemot deras kunder. Vi anordnade därtill workshops för kreativt skapande vilket resulterade i idéer som iterativt testades och justerades baserat på användarnas feedback. Denna process möjliggjorde designandet av ‘En guide till tjänstedesign.’ ‘En guide till tjänstedesign’ är en interaktiv prototyp bestående av två delar: den ena fokuserar på förhållningssätt inom tjänstedesign medan den andra vägleder användaren genom en designprocess. Förhållningssätten innehåller teoretiska aspekter av tjänstedesign, värdeskapande, människor i centrum, verkliga behov, samskapande, visuell kommunikation, helhetsupplevelsen och en iterativ process. Dessa teorier syftar till att introducera användaren till området. Processguiden vägleder i sin tur användaren genom designprocessen med hjälp av sex utvalda faser; planera, empatisera, definiera, skapa idéer, utveckla och leverera. Varje fas demonstrerar hur det praktiska genomförandet kan gå till genom aktiviteter, metoder samt tips och trix. Genom att kombinera teoretiska aspekter med konkreta exempel ger guiden användaren möjlighet att effektivt genomföra och tillämpa tjänstedesignmetodiken i verkliga projekt. / Design is a multifaceted field that involves intentionally shaping our environment for the better. It is a strategic tool for identifying and solving problems with humans at its core. Service Design is an interdisciplinary discipline whose methodology promotes the exploration of real needs by actively involving people in co-creation. The methodology aims to identify and address the right problems to design attractive products and services. This thesis was carried out to introduce Service Design to a communication agency with the goal to explore and convey the value of the methodology; by applying the knowledge we have gained from our education in Industrial Design Engineering at Luleå University of Technology. To achieve our goal, we followed a Design Thinking process in five phases: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and testing. Each phase included key methods from both Industrial Design Engineering and Service Design, such as interviews, focus groups, and observations, to explore and understand our stakeholders in the right context. The collected information was defined into user needs and key insights using methods like Personas, Service Blueprint, and Developing Key Insights. The key insights resulted in increasing design awareness and promoting co-creation both within the agency and with their clients. Additionally, we organized workshops for creative creation, which resulted in ideas that were iteratively tested and adjusted based on user feedback. This process enabled the design of ‘A Guide to Service Design.’ ‘A Guide to Service Design’ is an interactive prototype consisting of two parts: one focusing on service design approaches and the other guiding the user through a design process. The approaches cover theoretical aspects of Service Design, Value Creation, Human-centeredness, Real Needs, Collaborative, Visual Communication, Holistic Experience, and An Iterative Process. These theories aim to introduce the user to the field. The process guide, in turn, leads the user through the design process with the help of six selected phases: plan, empathize, define, ideate, develop, and deliver. Each phase demonstrates how practical implementation can be carried out through activities, methods, tips and tricks. By combining theoretical aspects with concrete examples, the guide enables the user to effectively execute and apply the Service Design methodology in real projects.
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Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben - Technisches Design in Forschung, Lehre und Praxis04 October 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Entwerfen – Entwickeln – Erleben. Drei zentrale Begriffe aus dem Alltag der Produktentwicklung stehen als Motto über den Beiträgen dieses Buches und sind das verbindende Element zwischen den differenzierten Sichtweisen der einzelnen Autoren zu einem gemeinsamen Gegenstand: Dieser umspannt das weite Feld der Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Produkten von der ersten Idee bis zu deren Benutzung. Dabei ist für den Designer das Ziel allen Entwerfens und Entwickelns das positive Erleben des Produktes durch dessen Benutzer. Aber bereits beim Entwerfen, d. h. dem Schaffen von Neuem, bei dem Ideen generiert und Wege zur Umsetzung in ein Produkt gesucht werden und beim Entwickeln, dem Ausarbeiten, Erproben, Verändern und detaillierten Festlegung aller Produkteigenschaften, möchte der Designer vorwegnehmen, wie das künftige Produkt auf den Nutzer wirken wird. Doch der Designer tut das nicht allein. Die integrierte Produktentwicklung ist ein sehr komplexer Prozess, in dem viele verschiedene Fachdisziplinen eng zusammenarbeiten müssen, um am Markt erfolgreiche Produkte platzieren zu können. Zum Thema Industriedesign in komplexen und interdisziplinären Entwicklungsprozessen wird durch dieses Buch ein weiterer Baustein hinzugefügt.
Dieses Buch enthält die Beiträge zum Technischen Design (Industriedesign, Transportation Design und Produkterleben) der Konferenz Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2012. Ein separater Band, herausgegeben von Ralph Stelzer et al. (ISBN 978-3-942710-80-0) enthält die Textfassungen der Fachvorträge zu den thematischen Schwerpunkten Virtuelle Produktentwicklung (CAD-Einsatzszenarien, Virtual Reality und Product Lifecycle Management), Konstruktion (Konstruktionstechnik und -methodik, Reverse Engineering und Maschinenelemente).
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Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2016 - Beiträge zum Industrial Design20 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Konferenz »Entwerfen – Entwickeln – Erleben« bietet ein besonderes Podium zum Austausch von Wissenschaft und Praxis entlang des Produktentwicklungsprozess mit einem Schwerpunkt Industrial Design. Der vorliegende Band enthält Beiträge der Sessions zum Industrial Design sowie ausgewählte Posterveröffentlichungen der Konferenz 2016. Darin werden Themen und Ansätze von der Anwenderintegration, neuen Prototypen, Service Design, User Experience und der Gestaltung von Emotion über Design in der Digitalen Revolution und für eine nachhaltige Zukunft, Design in mobilen und für Sicherheitsanwendungen bis hin zu Designmanagement, Feasibilitydesign und Reengineering vorgestellt und diskutiert.
Die Technische Universität Dresden und technischesdesign.org ermöglichten in Kooperation mit der Gruppe Virtuelle Produktentwicklung der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Produktentwicklung (WiGeP) und dem Rat für Formgebung die fachübergreifende Diskussion des Schwerpunkt-Themas inmitten der interdisziplinären Dresdner Wissenschaftslandschaft. Ein zweiter Band »Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2016« (ISBN 978-3-95908-062-0, herausgegeben von Ralph Stelzer) fasst die Beiträge zur Konstruktionstechnik und zur Virtuellen Produktentwicklung zusammen.
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Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2016 - Beiträge zum Industrial Design: Dresden, 31. Juni – 1. Juli 2016Krzywinski, Jens, Linke, Mario, Wölfel, Christian January 2016 (has links)
Die Konferenz »Entwerfen – Entwickeln – Erleben« bietet ein besonderes Podium zum Austausch von Wissenschaft und Praxis entlang des Produktentwicklungsprozess mit einem Schwerpunkt Industrial Design. Der vorliegende Band enthält Beiträge der Sessions zum Industrial Design sowie ausgewählte Posterveröffentlichungen der Konferenz 2016. Darin werden Themen und Ansätze von der Anwenderintegration, neuen Prototypen, Service Design, User Experience und der Gestaltung von Emotion über Design in der Digitalen Revolution und für eine nachhaltige Zukunft, Design in mobilen und für Sicherheitsanwendungen bis hin zu Designmanagement, Feasibilitydesign und Reengineering vorgestellt und diskutiert.
Die Technische Universität Dresden und technischesdesign.org ermöglichten in Kooperation mit der Gruppe Virtuelle Produktentwicklung der Wissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft für Produktentwicklung (WiGeP) und dem Rat für Formgebung die fachübergreifende Diskussion des Schwerpunkt-Themas inmitten der interdisziplinären Dresdner Wissenschaftslandschaft. Ein zweiter Band »Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2016« (ISBN 978-3-95908-062-0, herausgegeben von Ralph Stelzer) fasst die Beiträge zur Konstruktionstechnik und zur Virtuellen Produktentwicklung zusammen.:Hybride Prototypen im Design
Sebastian Lorenz · Maria Klemm · Jens Krzywinski 11
Anwenderintegration in strategische Designprozesse von Industriegütern
Frank Thomas Gärtner 23
Die Relevanz semiotischer Dimensionen als „System der möglichen Fehler“ für die Usability
Klaus Schwarzfischer 37
Service Design = Kognitives Design – Über die Gestaltung von Berührungspunkten und Perzeption in analogen und digitalen Benutzungskontexten
Oliver Gerstheimer 51
Design und User Experience in der Flugsicherung – Assistenzsystem zur Fernüberwachung im Multi-Airport-Betrieb
Rodney Leitner · Astrid Oehme 63
Die Gestaltung in Zeiten der Digitalen Revolution
Gerhard Glatzel 79
Designing a Sustainable Future with Mental Models
Anke Bernotat · Jürgen Bertling · Christiane English · Judith Schanz 91
Design in globalen Industrien – Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen von Dräger
Herbert Glass · Matthias Willner 105
Untersuchung von emotionalen Wirkungsmechanismen im Produktdesign
Mareike Roth · Oliver Saiz 115
Strak als Schnittstelle zwischen Design und Konstruktion – Ergebnisse einer Prozessberatung bei Miele
Norbert Hentsch · Matthias Knoke 127
Feasibility Design – „Designqualität in Serie bringen“
Knut Lender 139
Experimenteller Ansatz zu Effekten subjektiven Erlebens in VR-basierter Risikobeurteilung
Patrick Puschmann · Tina Horlitz · Volker Wittstock · Astrid Schütz 153
Simulation komplexer Arbeitsabläufe im Bereich der digitalen Fabrik
Thomas Kronfeld · Guido Brunnett 169
Vom Wert der designerischen Perspektive des Erlebens beim Re-Engineering von Produkten: ein Best-Practice-Project
Philip Zerweck 183
Vorgehensweisen zum Einsatz universitärer Produktentwicklung als Innovationstreiber
Bernd Neutschel · Martin Wiesner · Michael Schabacker · Sandor Vajna 197
Considering emotional impressions in product design: Taking on the challenges ahead
Susan Gretchen Kett · Sandro Wartzack 215
Methode zur Verbesserung der Usability durch gezielte Förderung mentaler Modelle
Marcus Jenke · Karoline Binder · Thomas Maier 233
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Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben - Technisches Design in Forschung, Lehre und PraxisLinke, Mario, Kranke, Günter, Wölfel, Christian, Krzywinski, Jens January 2012 (has links)
Entwerfen – Entwickeln – Erleben. Drei zentrale Begriffe aus dem Alltag der Produktentwicklung stehen als Motto über den Beiträgen dieses Buches und sind das verbindende Element zwischen den differenzierten Sichtweisen der einzelnen Autoren zu einem gemeinsamen Gegenstand: Dieser umspannt das weite Feld der Entwicklung und Gestaltung von Produkten von der ersten Idee bis zu deren Benutzung. Dabei ist für den Designer das Ziel allen Entwerfens und Entwickelns das positive Erleben des Produktes durch dessen Benutzer. Aber bereits beim Entwerfen, d. h. dem Schaffen von Neuem, bei dem Ideen generiert und Wege zur Umsetzung in ein Produkt gesucht werden und beim Entwickeln, dem Ausarbeiten, Erproben, Verändern und detaillierten Festlegung aller Produkteigenschaften, möchte der Designer vorwegnehmen, wie das künftige Produkt auf den Nutzer wirken wird. Doch der Designer tut das nicht allein. Die integrierte Produktentwicklung ist ein sehr komplexer Prozess, in dem viele verschiedene Fachdisziplinen eng zusammenarbeiten müssen, um am Markt erfolgreiche Produkte platzieren zu können. Zum Thema Industriedesign in komplexen und interdisziplinären Entwicklungsprozessen wird durch dieses Buch ein weiterer Baustein hinzugefügt.
Dieses Buch enthält die Beiträge zum Technischen Design (Industriedesign, Transportation Design und Produkterleben) der Konferenz Entwerfen Entwickeln Erleben 2012. Ein separater Band, herausgegeben von Ralph Stelzer et al. (ISBN 978-3-942710-80-0) enthält die Textfassungen der Fachvorträge zu den thematischen Schwerpunkten Virtuelle Produktentwicklung (CAD-Einsatzszenarien, Virtual Reality und Product Lifecycle Management), Konstruktion (Konstruktionstechnik und -methodik, Reverse Engineering und Maschinenelemente).
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Designing for rapid manufactureGerber, Guillaume 07 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech.) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2008 / As the tendency to use sol id freeform fabrication (SFF) technology for the manufacture of end use parts grew, so too did the need for a set of general guidelines that would aid designers with designs aimed specifically for rapid manufacture. Unfortunately, the revolutionary additive nature of SFF technology left certain fundamental principles of conventional design for manufacture and assembly outdated. This implied that whole chapters of theoretical work that had previously been done in this field had to be revised before it could be applied to rapid manufacturing. Furthermore, this additive nature of SFF technology seeded a series of new possibilities and new advantages that could be exploited in the manufacturing domain, and as a result drove design for rapid manufacturing principles even further apart from conventional design for manufacture and assembly philosophy.
In this study the impact that rapid manufacture had on the conventional product development process and conventional design for manufacture and assembly guidelines were investigated. This investigation brought to light the inherent strengths and weaknesses of SFF, as well as the design for manufacture and assembly guidelines that became invalid, and consequently lead directly to the characterization of a set of design for rapid manufacture guidelines.
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Facilitating sustainable material selection in the industrial design of mass-manufactured productsDeakin, Rose January 2014 (has links)
Sustainable materials are prevalent within design, but industrial design lacks mass-manufactured product examples. This research explores this gap in knowledge to understand the influences affecting the selection of sustainable materials and how UK industrial designers could be better supported. A comprehensive literature review explores the selection of sustainable materials within the context of industrial design. Existing tools and resources designed to support industrial designers are analysed to understand the support provision and requirements. The research approach explores individual attitudes, and the influences towards and against selecting sustainable materials. Four UK companies were studied to understand how sustainable materials are considered and utilised for mass-manufactured products. Two frameworks were designed to support and facilitate sustainable material selection. The first depicts the overarching support requirements whilst the second presents the considerations and strategies. Both frameworks were evaluated by experts and previous participants. A workshop with designers evaluated the efficacy of the second framework when used as a tool The majority of industrial designers were aware of general issues of sustainability but rarely considered selecting sustainable materials. All four companies had experienced significant changes recently, including increasing resources and internal initiatives towards the use of sustainable materials. The market for sustainable materials is improving, but risks exist, such as fluctuating availability and market instability. A lack of awareness and understanding has meant that, in order to succeed, some companies have designed methods to educate stakeholders whilst designers have requested support to educate clients. Personal interest of the individual is a key driver, creating champions who raise awareness and boost confidence amongst colleagues. There is a need, not only for greater education and support, but also to improve engagement with sustainable material selection amongst industrial designers and others involved in the process.
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Establishing design characteristics for the development of stab resistant Laser Sintered body armourJohnson, Andrew January 2014 (has links)
Stab resistant body armour had been used throughout history, with examples ranging from animal hide construction to the moulded Polycarbonate units typically used by United Kingdom (UK) Police Officers. Such protective articles have historically, and continue to present a number of issues which have shown to impair the operational performance of its wearer including but not exclusive to poor thermal regulation, large masses, and reduced manoeuvrability. A number of developments have been made in an attempt to minimise the effects of such issues. One potential solution yet to be fully explored is the utilisation of Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies. In recent years the use of such manufacturing technologies, particularly Laser Sintering, has successfully demonstrated their suitability for a range of high performance applications ranging from Formula 1® to aerospace. Due to the fundamental additive nature of AM build processes, the utilisation of such technologies have facilitated the realisation of design concepts that are typically too expensive, difficult or impossible to create using traditional manufacturing processes. In order for AM technologies to be used for the generation of stab resistant body armour a number of historical issues and performance characteristics fundamental to ensure stab resistance is achieved must be satisfied. This body of research firstly evaluated the stab resistive performance of two of the most common materials suitable for Laser Sintering as highlighted by an initial review of AM technologies. Once an appropriate material had been highlighted it was used as the basis for further experimental testing. Such tests focussed on minimising the material thickness required to maintain an appropriate level of stab resistance within United Kingdom Home Office Scientific Development Branch (HOSDB) KR1-E1 requirement of 24 Joules of stab impact energy. Test results demonstrated that specimens manufactured from Duraform EX® required a minimum single layer thickness of 11.00 mm, and a dual layer total thickness of 9.00 mm to provide an appropriate level of stab protection within the HOSDB KR1-E1 standard. Coupled with the results generated from an investigation identifying the overlapping/imbricated assembly angle required to maintain an appropriate level of coverage across a scale structure, the stab resistant characteristics initially identified were used for the development of an imbricated scale-like assembly. Additional design features were also investigated to further minimise the total thickness of the final element design and corresponding assembled imbricated structure such features included angling strike surfaces and integrating a dual layered structure within individual elements. When the finalised imbricated assemblies were stab tested, they successfully demonstrated levels of stab resistance to the UK HOSDB KR1-E1 impact energy of 24 Joules.
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A better world by design? : an investigation into industrial design consultants undertaking responsible design within their commercial remitsStevenson, Norman January 2013 (has links)
Growing recognition of the profound topics affecting society; including population changes, social issues, and environmental crisis; is emphasising the need for industrial designers to address additional goals beyond those associated with purely commercial targets. Industrial design consultants, however, have a myriad of complex and inter-related elements influencing their work. This thesis investigates those influences and offers a portrayal of what affects industrial design consultants addressing more responsible design goals within their commercial remits. It reviews the literature relating to the nature and role of industrial design, and its relationship with society s larger needs. From this, it expounds the methodology underpinning the investigation, and describes the phases involved. Two main studies were undertaken to pursue the research objectives: an explorative workshop involving 19 participants from design practice and academia; and a series of semi-structured in-depth interviews involving a total of 31 industrial design consultants, leading academics, and design-related strategic consultants. From the analysis of the data, three sets of key observations and theory are presented in the thesis. The first set of findings examines the range of influencing factors acting on the consultant and their work by depicting the characteristics of the main elements constructing the product creation context. The second and principal set of findings identifies what determines the possibility for consultants to incorporate responsible design goals within their work. Using a framework derived from the analysis, and drawing on interview data for empirical backing, it expands on six key areas, identifying a critical determining factor for each. The third set of outcomes combines the findings from the primary data with existing knowledge on design actions and behavioural theory, to depict the formation of an industrial design consultant s behaviour and their tendencies towards responsible design. In this way, the research offers a thorough investigation of what affects industrial design consultants addressing more responsible design goals, by considering the characteristics of their circumstances; the determination of their possibility to act; and what shapes their individual behaviour.
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Printing Prosthetics : Designing an additive manufactured arm for developing countriesCarlström, Mikael, Wargsjö, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
De traditionella armproteser som tillverkas i utvecklingsländer står inför stora problem i att leverera patienter med lämpliga hjälpmedel. Processen är inte bara tidskrävande eftersom varje enhet måste anpassas för varje enskild användare men vissa komponenter kan inte produceras lokalt vilket driver upp priset ytterligare. Syftet med detta examensarbete var att utveckla en armprotes för utvecklingsländerna med hjälp av additiv tillverkning (3D Printing) för klienten 3D Life Prints som baseras i Nairobi, Kenya. En protes är ett hjälpmedel som används för att underlätta en amputerad människa i dagliga aktiviteter och med hjälp av additiv tillverkning kan även en lokal tillverkningsprocess utvecklas och förbättras vilket skulle kunna minska tiden för tillverkning och distribution av proteser. Den initiala protesen, som låg till grund för designarbetet, var en underarmsprotes som fortfarande var i utvecklingsstadiet hos klienten. Protesen tillverkades med hjälp av tillverkningsmetoden Fused Deposit Modelling (FDM), som har den fördelen att den använder sig av relativt billiga 3D skrivare. För att sammanfatta syftet med projektet utvecklades följande frågeställningar 1. Hur tillverkas, distribueras och används konventionella proteser i jämförelse med additivt tillverkade proteser i Nairobi, Kenya? 2. Vem är den primära användaren av proteser i utvecklingsländer, vilka problem upplevs hos dagens lösningar och vilka faktorer anses vara den viktigaste hos användaren? Och varför? 3. Hur ska additivt tillverkade proteser utformas för optimal användning i utvecklingsländer? Förutom att besvara frågeställningarna var målet att utvecklingen av systemet skulle leda till förbättrad funktionalitet för användaren och underlätta tillverkningen för organisationen. För att få en allmän översikt över det vetenskapliga området av additivt tillverkade proteser studerades kontexten för utvecklingsländer, användarcentrerad design (eftersom syftet var att förbättra en produkt för en specifik användare), armproteser och additiv tillverkning. Resultatet, från de olika stadier av designprocessen, var den slutgiltiga designen av "3D Life Arm". Det slutliga systemet bestod av fyra huvudkomponenter, Kroppsselen, Inlägget, Proteshanden och Hylsan. Komponenterna använde sig utav additiv tillverkning i både styvt material (Kroppsselen, Hylsan och Inlägget) och flexibelt material (Proteshanden). Lokalt tillgängliga komponenter användes där additiv tillverkning inte var möjligt till exempel fisketråd och skruvar. En slutsats drogs att de två faktorer som ansågs viktigast för användaren var att produkten skulle vara estetiskt tilltalande och billig. Även sociala stigman spelar en stor roll och enligt användare och experter i Nairobi, måste protesen efterlikna den saknade armen så mycket som möjligt för att kunna smälta in. Författarna konstaterade att kostnaden var den viktigaste faktorn när man utformar proteser för utvecklingsländerna, eftersom användaren i dagsläget inte har råd med de proteser som tillverkas i Nairobi. Sammanfattningsvis utfördes en kostnads- och tidsanalys för att kontrollera tillverkningskostnaderna för hela systemet. Med tre skrivare kunde alla delar tillverkas för 282 kronor och skulle ta cirka 15 timmar och 15 minuter att skriva ut som är betydligt lägre än de funktionella proteser som tillverkades i Nairobi. Ytterligare utvärderingar krävs för att fastställa att protesen kommer att klara av påfrestningarna från dagliga aktiviteter hos användaren och en fungerande strategi för passning måste utvärderas ytterligare. Författarna tror dock att med hjälp av en fullt utbildad protestillverkare finns det en framtid för additiv tillverkning av armproteser. / The traditional prosthetic arms that are being fitted in developing countries are facing major issues in suppling patients with proper assistive aids. Not only is the process time consuming with every single unit having to be customized for the user but some parts can’t be locally produced which drives up price even further. The objective of this master thesis was to develop a prosthetic arm for developing countries with the help of additive manufacturing (3D printing) for the client 3D Life Prints which are based in Nairobi, Kenya. A prosthesis is used to aid an amputee in daily living activities. With additive manufacturing the intention is that a local manufacturing process could be developed and improved which would reduce the time of fitting and distributing a prosthesis. The initial prosthesis, that was the origin of the design, was a below elbow prosthetic arm that was being developed by the client. The prosthesis was fabricated with the additive manufacturing process fused deposition modelling (FDM) which has the advantage of providing the cheapest printers. To summarize the aim of the project the research questions that was established was as followed 1. How are conventional prosthetic arms generally being manufactured, distributed and used compared to additive manufactured prostheses in Nairobi, Kenya? 2. Who is the primary user of prosthetic arms in developing countries, what problems are they facing with current solutions and what factors are considered as the most important? And why? 3. How should additive manufactured prostheses be designed for optimal usage in developing countries? In addition to answer the research questions the aim was that the development of the system would lead to enhanced functionality for the user and to facilitate manufacturing for the organization. To get a general overview of additive manufacturing prostheses the fields theories that was studied included context of developing countries, user centred design (since the aim was to approve on a product which needed to suit a specific user), upper limb prostheses and additive manufacturing. As a result, from different stages of the design process a final design was reached called the “3D Life Arm”. The final system was comprised of four main components, the Harness system, the Insert, the Cover and the Socket. These components used additive manufacturing in both rigid material (Harness parts, Socket and Insert) and flexible material (the Cover). Locally available components were used for parts not feasible to additive manufacture e.g. fishing wire and screws. The two factors that were concluded to be the most important for the user were the aesthetic appeal and cost. With social stigmas playing a major part according to users and experts in Nairobi, the prosthesis needs to resemble the missing limb as much as possible. It was concluded that cost was the major factor when designing prostheses for developing countries since user just wasn’t able to afford the prostheses that was being manufactured in Nairobi. In the end a cost and time analysis was conducted to verify what price the complete system would need to be manufactured. With three printers all parts could be printed for the price of 282 SEK and would take approximately 15 hours and 15 minutes to print which is considerably lower than that of the functional prosthesis being distributed in Nairobi. Further evaluations need to be done to establish that the prosthesis will manage the strains and stresses of daily living activities of the user and a complete fitting strategy needs to be evaluated further. It’s the authors belief however, that with the help of fully educated prosthetist there is a future for additive manufacturing of upper limb amputees.
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