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Wristband Design for Pool Safety System : Redesign of Multifunctional Wearables for Drowning DetectionLarsson, Jonas, Carlén, Johan January 2017 (has links)
Every year, people are injured or even drowns in pools all over the world. Even in pools with monitoring lifeguards, accidents happen. One reason for submerge injuries or drownings is that they often are silent, which make incidents hard to detect. Lately, more reliable systems for pool surveillance have entered the market: Technology ranging from camera monitoring systems to wearables that detects if a person lying lifeless in the pool. This to, ensure good safety for bathing visitors around the world and make the work of the lifeguards easier. This master thesis project regards the development of a new wristband for a Pool Safety and Drowning Detection System. This involved studying the system, investigate the involved stakeholders, gather information about the current wristband and analyse the current situation. However, the primary focus for this master thesis project has been to create and design a; “One-size fit all” wristband, based on human measures, a more robust design, and with a higher resistance against wear. The master thesis project is done with Sentag AB as clients together with third party developers. Sentag´s system includes three sizes of wristband, sensors in the water to pick up signals, and a central unit from where the system is operated. When the alarm is triggered the wristband sends a signal in the water which the sensors pick up, and pass the information to the central unit, which notifies the lifeguards. Also, the wristbands contain a RFID tag which allows the user to use the wristband as a key card which can be used for lockers, make payments, and passing gates. Sentag aims to be a leader in high quality drowning detection technology on an international market. They want to improve their product to reach a broader market and prevent accidents. The project has followed a human-centred design process to understand the perspective of the lifeguards who operate the system, and also to better understand the users wearing the wristband. The project was performed in five phases, starting with a Project Plan and Research, followed by Context Immersion, Ideation, and Implementation. The work is based on demands form Sentag and third party consultants and findings from the Context Immersion phase where the team interviewed and observed stakeholders, analysed the system, and investigated materials. The team worked iterative within each phase, meaning the methods were repeated if necessary. In the Ideation phase the creative work was performed, and in Implementation phase were prototypes and evaluations performed to find a final solution. The project resulted in a “one-size fit all” wristband concept, which can be worn by people from three years upwards. The new design consists of several parts, most of which is a soft wristband casing, which protects the technology unit against wear and scratches. It is now possible to replace the bracelet without tools, which previously required and exposed electronics. The work presented in 3D visualizations and 3D printed prototype. / Varje år skadas eller till och med drunknar människor i pooler världen över. Även i poolområden med övervakning händer olyckor. En orsak till detta är att drunkning ofta sker helt ljudlöst, vilket gör att incidenter är mycket svåra att upptäcka. På senare tid har mer tillförlitliga system för poolövervakning kommit in på marknaden. Allt från kameraövervakningssystem och personliga larm som upptäcker om en person ligger livlös i poolen. Detta för att säkerställa en god säkerhet för besökare och göra arbetet som badvakt lättare. Detta examensarbete handlar om utveckling av ett nytt armband för ett säkerhetssystem i poolmiljöer. I arbetet studerades nuvarande poolbevakningssystem, intressenter, information om de aktuella armbanden och arbetet omfattade analysering av nuläget. Huvudfokus under detta projekt har varit att skapa och designa ett armband som passar alla och som baseras på människors kroppsmått. Det nya armbandet skulle vara mer motståndskraftig mot slitage. Detta examensarbete utförs med Sentag AB som klienter tillsammans med tredjepartsutvecklare. I Sentags system ingår tre storlekar av armband, sensorer i vattnet för att plocka upp signaler, och en central enhet där systemet styrs ifrån. När larmet utlöses sänder armbandet en signal i vattnet, som sensorerna plockar upp, sensorerna vidarebefordrar informationen till centralenheten, som meddelar badvakterna. Armbanden innehåller också en RFID-tagg som tillåter användaren att använda armbandet som ett passerkort, nyckel till skåp, göra betalningar, och passera grindar. Sentag strävar efter att vara ledande i högkvalitativa drunkningslarm på en internationell marknad. Nu vill de förbättra sin produkt för att nå en större marknad och förebygga olyckor. Projektet har följt en designprocess som är centrerad kring människan för att förstå badvakternas perspektiv som använder systemet, och även för att bättre förstå användarna som bär armbandet. Projektet genomfördes i flera faser där processen började med en projektplan och litteraturstudie, följt av informationsinsamling, Idégenerering och Implementation. Arbetet bygger på önskningar från Sentag och tredjepartskonsulter och den information som framkom under informationsinsamlingen, där gruppen intervjuade och observerade intressenter, analyserade systemet och sökte efter lämpliga material. Processen var iterativ, vilket innebär att metoder som användes inom faserna repeterades efter behov. I idégenereringsfasen skedde det kreativa arbetet och i implementeringsfasen gjordes prototyper, 3D modeller och utvärderingar för att finna en slutgiltig lösning. Projektet resulterade i ett armband med en storlek som kan bäras av alla. Det kan bäras av personer från tre år och uppåt. Den nya designen består av flera delar, varav huvuddelen är ett mjukt armbandshölje, som skyddar teknikenheten mot slitage och repor. Det är nu möjligt att byta ut armbandet utan verktyg vilket tidigare krävdes samt exponerade elektroniken. Arbetet presenterades i 3D visualiseringar och en 3D printad prototyp.
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L’influence du développement durable à travers la formation universitaire en design industrielDionne, Geneviève 06 1900 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, nous savons qu’environ 75 à 80% des impacts environnementaux
des produits sont déterminés lors de la conception. Le rôle du designer
industriel est donc crucial pour arriver à une forme de développement plus
viable. Cette recherche tente de cibler les champs de connaissances qui
devraient faire partie de la formation des professionnels du développement de
produits pour y intégrer les aspects environnementaux.
Après une recension de la littérature en design industriel, en pédagogie et en
environnement, l’étude de terrain a été conduite en deux temps. Selon des
critères prédéfinis, des programmes universitaires « spécialisés » en
environnement/développement durable, au Québec, ainsi que des formations en
éco-conception, offerts en France, ont été analysés. L’étude de terrain a été
complétée par un entretien en profondeur semi-dirigé avec un consultant, qui
aide des entreprises québécoises à intégrer l’environnement en développement
de produits.
L’analyse des informations recueillies met en évidence la nécessité de
transformer rapidement les formations universitaires en conception de produits.
Le nouveau cursus de design industriel devrait;
1. Intégrer les connaissances relatives aux impacts environnementaux;
2. Encourager le travail en équipes multidisciplinaires pour enrichir la collecte
d’informations relative aux projets de développement;
3. Établir une collaboration étroite entre les établissements d’enseignement et
les industries, ce qui est essentiel à la compréhension des enjeux de
développement de produits et services (culture de l’entreprise, coût, délais,
logistique, réglementation, etc.). / Today, the experience accumulated in the field of environmental design has put
into perspective that approximately 75 to 80% of the environmental impacts of a
product are determined during the design process. The role of the industrial
designer is therefore crucial for achieving a better management of
environmental impacts. In Quebec, the university curriculum in product design
does not address sustainable development in a comprehensive manner; the
introduction of this paradigm remains weak.
This research seeks to target those areas of knowledge that should be part of the
curriculum for training professionals in product development for environmental
design. As a first step, we studied the curriculum of academic programs that
"specialize" in environmental and sustainable development in Quebec, and then,
the training programs in eco-design available in France. The field work was
completed with an in-depth interview with a Quebec speaker who focuses on
addressing environmental aspects in product development for enterprises.
The information collected during these three phases of the field study was
analyzed and highlighted the need for a major transformation of the university
curriculum regarding the ways in which the environmental issues are addressed
in industrial design as to:
1. Introduce the knowledge related to environmental issues;
2. Promote multidisciplinary team work;
3. Create collaboration between schools and industries for a better
understanding of design processes (business culture, economic aspects,
schedule, laws, etc.).
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La réception d’un nouveau produit écoconçu durant la commercialisation dans un contexte de PME québécoise par les détaillants : le cas d’un meuble de salle de bainBellemare, Marie 06 1900 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, il existe très peu de nouveaux produits écoconçus (NPE) mis sur le marché par les PME du Québec et les réussites commerciales sont encore plus rares. Dans ce contexte, il semble pertinent de se pencher sur la manière dont le processus d’écoconception pourrait être à la fois mieux et plus utilisé dans les PME québécoises en étudiant spécifiquement la réception des NPE auprès des détaillants pendant la commercialisation. La question à laquelle se propose de répondre ce mémoire est la suivante : comment un produit conçu selon une approche cycle de vie est-il reçu par le réseau de détaillants d’une PME? Aussi, cette recherche explore le rôle du designer, qui normalement s’achève au début de la commercialisation, que pourrait jouer durant cette phase afin de favoriser la réception positive d’un NPE.
Cette recherche s’appuie sur une étude de cas de la première phase de commercialisation d’un meuble de salle de bain écoconçu par une PME manufacturière québécoise en 2010 et 2011. La chercheuse a observé la réception d’un NPE, c’est-à-dire la perception et l’appréciation de celui-ci, par des personnes œuvrant dans une PME de fabrication d’ameublement de salle de bain et par ceux qui agissent dans son réseau de distribution.
Nous avons relevé que la compréhension des notions liées à l’écoconception est un enjeu important dans la réception d’un NPE. C'est pourquoi la formation des détaillants et l’éducation des consommateurs deviennent essentielles pour la réception positive d’un NPE. Dans cette perspective, le designer pourrait intervenir durant la commercialisation. / There are still very few new eco-designed products (NEP) commercialized by SMEs and commercial successes are even more rare in Quebec. In this context, this study examines how the eco-design process could be integrated more easily with people working in SMEs in Quebec, specifically studying the retailer’s reception of NEP during the commercialization. Therefore, a major question from this dissertation in learning research is: how a product designed according to the life cycle approach is received by the SMEs’ network of retailers? Also, our research explores how the role of designer, which normally ends at the beginning of the commercialization, could evolve during this phase to help receive a NEP.
This case study, examines the first phase of the commercialization of bathroom furniture eco-designed by a Quebec manufacturing SME in 2010 and 2011. The researcher observed the reception of a NEP, which in summary translates in the perception and appreciation of NEP. These observations were lead with people working in an SME manufacturing bathroom furniture and with people working in his network of retailers.
It was observed that the understanding of the notion of eco-design is an important issue in the reception of a NEP. For this reason, the training of the retailers and the education of the consumers are an essential part for the positive reception of a NEP. Also, because of his/her knowledge of eco-design, the designer could become a major contributor during the phase of commercialization.
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Designed around you : User Friendly Replenishment of Washer FluidBrorsson-Pierre, Hampus, Åhlund, Kristoffer January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis concerns the development of a refilling position and solution, for washer fluid. As well as a study and development of the use of a secondary washer fluid for winter and summer use. The focus of this work, however, has been on the development of the regular washer fluid with regards to creating a user-friendly ergonomic solution with a premium feel, that improves the user experience and simplifies the refilling process for the user. The automotive industry today is constantly evolving and always strive to improve their products in most areas when it comes to the environment and their clients, etc. Despite this, the process of refilling washer fluid has not been developed in the modern automotive history. The refilling of washer fluid today, looks the same as it ”always” has done. This takes place under hood in a small dirty compartment, with a relatively small tube opening where the user must aim the washer fluid when pouring. To get there, the user must carry out several unnecessary steps to get under the bonnet, where the user does not necessarily have anything to do. This, even though other areas around the washer fluid has evolved a lot, in terms of wiper blades and washer fluid nozzles. The work is done with Volvo Cars Cooperation as clients. Volvo Cars is a Swedish car manufacturer that manufactures passenger cars, which they have done since 1927, when the company started. They are aiming to become the world’s most modern and attractive premium car brand, a leader in innovation and people-centered development. They strive to make the life easier and more enjoyable for their users. Since Volvo has the intention to always improve their products to their users and make life easier for them, this project has used a human-centered design process. The work was done together with the demands and requests from the involved departments at Volvo Cars as well as customer surveys and interviews with mechanics. To find a solution that satisfies all stakeholders and Standards it required an iterative approach and design work. The work resulted in two concepts where both ordinary and secondary washer fluid can be filled, these prototypes were made and built into a Volvo XC60, 3D renderings of these, as well as an interface for the secondary washer fluid. These solutions have made the process of refilling washer easier with less steps for the and gives a feeling of a premium and innovative solution.
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Vybrané aspekty práva módního průmyslu / Selected aspects of the law of fashion industryKamaleeva, Renata January 2016 (has links)
This thesis defines fashion law as a specific horizontal legal field that relates to the protection of design, materials, manufacturing processes, technology, shapes, lines, colours, finishing and labelling, trademark infringement and copyright protection. Moreover, it deals with crucial topics in the field of fashion law including licensing and enforcement of rights to the products available to retailers, manufactures, and fashion designers. In addition, the thesis studies the establishment and development of fashion law abroad, particularly in the United States of America, as well as in the Czech Republic. In this thesis, the definition of fashion design includes its features and unique remarks in comparison to other types of design. Further, the thesis thoroughly examines and analyses the protection of fashion design available to retailers, fashion designers and manufactures under Czech law, especially trademark protection, copyright protection, competition law and trade dress protection. It studies various sources of law, including case law, statutes, international treaties and soft law that relate to the protection given by the Czech and other legal systems. Moreover, it analyses the concurrence of the copyright protection of design and industrial design protection. Finally, the thesis studies...
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Control 4.0 : Creating a vision for the future of industrial control rooms under Industry 4.0Sundström, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Today’s industries are facing what some may call a new industrial revolution. Technological developments are heading towards more internet-based system solutions. This movement is often referred to as Industry 4.0 and is said to have the potential for more flexible, autonomous productions capable of managing themselves. With new technologies, however, there is also a demand for new competences and qualification requirements on the workforce. Furthermore, industries of today often have problems with recruiting new competent employees, especially younger people. Industries looking to implement Industry 4.0 would therefore have to manage the education and development of existing employees while also attracting new employees. As part of a larger research project at Luleå University of Technology, this thesis project aims to describe how the control rooms in Swedish metallurgic industries will be affected by Industry 4.0. Furthermore, the project aims to describe what changes that are desirable for achieving a sustainable, effective and equal industry. To better achieve this goal, the project was done in collaboration with the metallurgic industry SSAB, specifically the steel production in Luleå. Through visits, interviews and observations at the control rooms in SSAB’s steel production, the context of today’s control room work was detailed. This context was compared to and analyzed using reviewed literature regarding future technologies under Industry 4.0 along with my own speculations on future possibilities. The analyses consists of my reflections on what problems that existed, what could be improved and what worked well in the control rooms. Furthermore, my analyses included the positive and negative effects that the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies could have on the control room work. The analyses were utilized as the basis for creating a vision of how control rooms can develop under Industry 4.0, and the changes that are desirable. The resulting vision compiled from my analyses consists of two scenarios; a dystopian and a utopian scenario. Each scenario depicts exaggerated depictions of the potential results of implementing Industry 4.0. The dystopian scenario depicts the few operators not made obsolete by an autonomous production and how they’ve been affected. They are constantly tracked and have their health monitored during their work, their equipment isn’t designed with the user in mind and the job no longer feels like qualified work. As a contrast, the utopian operators instead utilize the increased capabilities for communication and data gathering from systems and machines to work with tests, development work and optimization. Furthermore, instead of constant monitoring, tracking sensors are instead used to notify emergency personnel if the operator hurts themselves while out working. With these scenarios I also included recommendations for how the utopian vision can be achieved and the dystopian one avoided. These recommendations include involving operators in development of work tasks and instructions to promote employee involvement and control. Furthermore, their involvement allows for the better utilization of their knowledge and experiences, while also potentially helping with making the control room work better adapted to the operators’ needs. According to the results of this project, this will help improve and support efforts to create more attractive workplaces and promote qualifications development. By following the recommendations made, it is my hope that Swedish metallurgic industries like SSAB can better strive for an implementation of Industry 4.0 that is beneficial for both employer and employees. / Dagens industrier möter idag något som vissa kallar en ny industriell revolution. Inom teknikutvecklingen introduceras fler och fler internet-baserade systemlösningar. Denna utveckling namnges ofta som Industri 4.0 och ska kunna möjliggöra flexibla, autonoma produktionsflöden som kan drivas av sig själva. Med ny teknik kommer dock nya kunskapskrav och ett behov av nya kompetenser för arbetskraften. Vidare har dagens industrier ofta även problem med att rekrytera kompetent ny arbetskraft, speciellt bland yngre generationer. Industrier som vill implementera Industri 4.0 kommer därför att behöva hantera både kompetensutvecklingen och utbildningen av befintliga anställda, samt att attrahera nya anställda. Som en del av ett större forskningsprojekt på Luleå tekniska universitet ämnar detta examensprojekt att beskriva hur kontrollrummen i svenska metallindustrier kommer att påverkas av Industri 4.0. Vidare ämnar projektet att beskriva vilka förändringar som är önskvärda med målet att uppnå en hållbar, effektiv och jämställd industri. För att bättre uppnå detta mål utfördes projektet i samarbete med stålindustrin SSAB i Luleå. Genom besök, intervjuer och observationer i deras produktions kontrollrum kunde det nuvarande kontrollrumsarbetet undersökas. Besöken analyserades genom att använda kvalitetsgranskad litteratur om framtida teknik och system under Industri 4.0, samt genom mina egna spekulationer om framtiden. Vidare inkluderade mina analyser vilka positiva och negativa effekter Industri 4.0 kan ha på kontrollrumsarbete. Analyserna användes som en grund för att skapa en vision hur kontrollrumsarbete kan utvecklas under Industri 4.0 samt vilka utvecklingar som är önskvärda. Den resulterande visionen bestod av två scenarier; ett dystopiskt och ett utopiskt scenario. Varje scenario ger överdrivna beskrivningar av de potentiella följderna av en implementering av Industri 4.0. Det dystopiska scenariot beskriver det fåtal kvarvarande kontrollrumsoperatörerna som inte gjorts överflödiga av den autonoma produktionen och hur de påverkas. De spåras konstant i lokalen medan deras hälsa övervakas, samtidigt som deras utrustning inte anpassas efter deras behov och arbetet inte behöver någon vidare kompetens. Som kontrast till det använder den utopiske operatören de ökade möjligheterna för datainsamling från och kommunikation med system och maskiner för att arbeta mer med test, utvecklingsarbete och optimering. Vidare används spårningstekniken inte för konstant övervakning, utan meddelar istället akutpersonal om deras position och tillstånd om de skadar sig när de arbetar ute i lokalen. Med dessa två scenarier tog jag även upp rekommendationer för hur den utopiska visionen kan eftersträvas och den dystopiska undvikas. Rekommendationerna inkluderar att involvera operatörer i utvecklingen av nya arbetsuppgifter och instruktioner för att främja anställdas medverkan och kontroll över sitt arbete. Utöver det möjliggör deras medverkan att deras kunskap och erfarenheter utnyttjas och används, samtidigt som det potentiellt hjälper anpassa kontrollrumsarbetet bättre efter operatörernas behov. Det kommer att hjälpa förbättra och stödja arbetet med att skapa mer attraktiva arbetsplatser och främja kompetensutveckling. Genom att följa rekommendationerna hoppas jag att svenska metallindustrier som SSAB kan enklare arbeta mot en implementation av Industri 4.0 som är fördelaktig för både anställd och för företaget.
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Det post-antibiotiska köket : En dystopisk designspekulation om framtidens köksobjekt / The Post-Antibiotic Kitchen : A dystopic design speculation about the future objects of the kitchenGrahn, Ebba January 2019 (has links)
I examensarbetet Det post-antibiotiska köket har samhällsfrågan om antibiotikaresistens undersökts ur ett designperspektiv. Detta för att uppmärksamma och sprida kunskap om problemet med den ökande resistensen och den nutida konsumtionen av läkemedlet. Designmetoden som använts är spekulativ design och syftet har varit att tillverka fem objekt som skall påverka och motivera en publik till att förändra den aktuella användningen av mirakelmedicinen. Genom grundliga efterforskningar om problematiken och om en framtid utan antibiotika har ett scenario formulerats. Detta scenario utspelar sig 30 år framåt i tiden, år 2049, i en värld där det inte längre finns fungerande antibiotika. Hur utförs en vardagsaktivitet, som att laga spagetti och köttfärssås, när ett litet sår kan leda till en dödlig infektion? Baserat på efterforskningar, workshops och samtal kunde köksobjekten fastställas; en kniv som minskar risken för stick- och skärskador, skyddande handskar, halkfria skor, en ansiktsmask och bakteriekryddor. Objekt som kan bli en del av det post-antibiotiska köket och vardagslivet om vi inte ändrar vårt nutida beteende. / In the degree work The Post-Antibiotic Kitchen the societal issue concerning antibiotic resistance has been explored through design. The purpose of the project has been to bring attention and spread knowledge about the growing resistance and current consumption of antibiotics. Speculative design has been the used design method and the goal has been to create five objects that will influence and motivate an audience to change the present usage of antibiotics. Through thorough research on the issue and on a future without antibiotics, a scenario has been formulated. The scenario takes place 30 years in the future, in 2049, in a world where there are no longer any functioning antibiotics. How will a day to day activity, such as cooking a meal, be performed when a small cut could lead to a deadly infection? Based on research, workshops and conversations five objects were created; a knife to prevent cut- and stab injuries, protective gloves, non-slip shoes, a face-guard and bacteria spices. Five objects that could be a part of the post-antibiotic kitchen and the daily life unless we change our current behavior today. / <p>Posten kompletterad 20190813 med uppdaterad version av uppsatsen.</p>
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Understanding the past to imagine the future : the history of industrial design practice in AlbertaProchner, Isabel 03 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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String trimmers or weed cutter or strimmer is one of the inevitable tool for a professional gardener. They are helping gardeners for maintaining the lawn and farmland. These machines have been used by human for a quite long time. Professionals normally uses the bike handle type string trimmer and the amateurs who has small gardens normally uses loop handle one. The bike handle models are more powerful and gives more comfort for long time working. While performing the trimming process users are using the handles to steer and control the machine. Handle is the main touch point of the machine and it needs to provide enough comfort and assist the functions.Cramer, a German garden tools brand owned by The Globe Group, is focusing on researching and developing Garden power tools for amateurs as well as professional users. For them it is important to satisfy the customer and improve the user experience of their products.This project is focused only on the handle of the string trimmer to improve the overall user experience. This project mainly deals with the ergonomic aspects of the handle for a larger percentile of population. It is very important to make a handle were the professional users are going to use longer period of time. Along with the comfort this project put stress on increase the user experience by giving modern, friendly and premium expression visually as well as physically. Even though the project is to develop a handle concept, it needs to go along with the overall brand language.
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Invisible Aesthetics of NoiseMijouin, Lola January 2019 (has links)
Sound in our human world is broken down into two general types : desirable and undesirable. Unwanted sounds in our lives, that we also call “noises”, induce diverse kinds of physical and psychological reactions, many of them unhealthy. As humans living in the Anthropocene, we bring noise with us everywhere we go, creating soundscapes of random sources that we either enjoy or find annoying, while masking more aesthetically resonant sounds. As our modern society is moving faster, the urban soundscape becoming noisier, and our attention taken by technology, we forget to pay attention to our surrounding world. By questioning noise and collaborating with it, this present work aims to give other qualities, sonorities and colors to sound, to change our perception of noise pollution within an urban acoustic context. How does our perception of noise impact our behaviors ? Our social and spatial interactions and our attention towards our surrounding environment ? Could we find oher qualities that used to be invisible if we would approach the world with our sense of hearing ?
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