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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cost-Efficiency in Swedish Defence Procurement : Comparing the view of the Swedish Defence Material Administration and the Swedish Ministry of Defence

Leek, Tobias, Hassel, Johan January 2007 (has links)
<p>The Swedish defence has, during the last couple of years, been under major restructuring that has influenced defence procurements as well. Cost-efficiency has become increasingly important in defence procurement due to higher demand from shrinking defence budgets. The purpose of this study has been to compare the view on cost-efficiency between Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) and the Swedish Ministry of Defence and to discuss the potential differences. In order to compare the views, the study has looked at what is considered as cost-efficiency in Swedish defence procurement and how it could be achieved. The study has also considered the importance of Swedish defence industry in achieving cost-efficient procurements. For collecting data to make the comparison, focus group interviews were used as data collecting method. The use of focus groups has the advantage of allowing discussion and interaction between the participants. The study includes three focus group interviews, two were made at FMV and the third one was made at the Ministry of Defence.</p><p>When comparing the view on cost-efficiency in Swedish defence procurement between the three groups, there are no clear definition of what cost-efficiency is. However, a definition is suggested that combines the view of the three groups into the following definition; cost-efficient procurements should be good enough in order to satisfy the demand of the Armed Forces throughout the systems entire lifecy-cle. The study also concludes that the objective of becoming more cost-efficient is shared between the Defence Materiel Administration and the Ministry of Defence. However, there are differences on how this objective is to be achieved. The Ministry of Defence wants to use economical measures to make the organization around defence procurement more efficient and thus more cost-efficient procurement. The Defence Materiel Administration on the other hand would like to increase the per-sonnel since that would make it possible to utilize the market in a better way through competitive procurement.</p><p>The role of the Swedish defence industry is considered by all three groups as important for international cooperation and is said to contribute to cost-efficiency in procurements since the defence materiel market is characterised by barter transactions. With the intention of involving the industry in more parts of the system lifecycle through Public Private Partnerships, the importance of the defence industry will in-crease in order to make cost-efficient procurements.</p>

Consumer Benefit and Anti-trust : A Studie on Microsoft’s Anticompetitive Behavior

Runnberg, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsatts ämnar ge bättre förståelse för företagsstrategier som kan, och har blivit be-visade, strida mot konkurrenslagarna i USA samt Europa. Konkurrenslagarna har skapats för att upprätthålla perfekt konkurrens på marknaden. Konsumentnytta står ofta i fokus när vi ska definiera den perfekta marknadsplatsen. Vi kommer att se hur perfekt konkur-rens är skapad och sedan krossat med fusioner, kombinationsförsäljning och försök att bygga monopolistiskt övertag. För att vinna marknadsandelar och differentiera från kon-kurrenter på marknaden använder sig företag av olika strategier. Här kommer vi att se kvantitetsättade strategier samt produktbindande strategier.</p><p>Denna studie fokuserar på Microsoft fallet där vi får följa företaget genom rättsprocesserna i USA och Europadomstolen, där företaget har använt sig av tekniska inställningar för att tvinga konsumenter fortsätta använda deras produkter. Microsoft har större delen av marknaden för persondatorer och har bevisligen utnyttjat sin monopolistiska position på marknaden för att exkludera konkurrenter från marknaden. Många ekonomer har påstått att Shermanakten är tillräckligt utförlig för att döma alla konkurrensfall, medan andra påstår att man inte kan applicera konkurrenslagarna vid Microsoft fallet då nätverkseffekter skapar en odefinierbar marknad.</p><p>Utmaningen visar sig vara att jämföra värdet och standardiseringsfördelarna med skadan mot marknadskonkurrenter. De nuvarande konkurrenslagarna förutsätter, i de flesta avse-enden, att det är fler än en aktör som tillsammans agerar för att bestämma prissättningen på marknaden. Det har därför varit svårt att se hur Microsoft skulle kunna bryta mot dessa la-gar som en ensam aktör. Konkurrenslagarna är skapade för kunders nytta, och det finns inga bevis att Microsoft hämmar detta, tvärtom har Microsoft bara främjat konsumentnyt-tan.</p>

Dags att öppna ögonen? : Nulägesanalys av trafikmätningsuppdraget ÅDT

Olsson, Jonas, Eliasson, Simon January 2007 (has links)
<p>ÅDT-uppdraget tillhör Väg & Trafik, ett affärsområde inom Vägverket Konsult som i sin tur ägs av myndigheten Vägverket. Uppdraget innebär trafikmätning på de statliga vägarna, resultatet benämns ÅrsmedelDygnsTrafik (ÅDT). Kund och beställare är Vägverkets respektive regionkontor.</p><p>Idag har problem börjat uppmärksammas som drabbar medarbetarna och verksamheten i ÅDT-uppdraget. Det finns antydningar till missnöje kring hur uppdraget drivs samt oro för framtiden och en eventuell konkurrensutsättning. Uppdragets status har sjunkit både intern och externt.</p><p>Syftet med denna studie är att visa hur ÅDT-uppdragets faktiska organisationsstruktur ser ut och vilka effekter den har på medarbetarna och verksamheten. Genom en sådan koppling kan uppdraget stärkas och bli mer konkurrenskraftigt.</p><p>Därför riktas denna nulägesanalys mot kommunikationen i ÅDT-uppdraget, uppdragsstrukturen samt den kringliggande organisationskulturen. Dessa tre ämnesområden blir den teoretiska referensramen.</p><p>Informationsinsamling gjordes genom en serie direktintervjuer med fem personer samt telefonintervjuer som riktade sig till ytterligare tolv. Tillvägagångssättet var kvalitativt.</p><p>Resultatets helhet visar en grundläggande missuppfattning. Uppdragets organisationsstruktur beskrivs och förväntas fungera bäst som en matrisorganisation. Men förut-sättningarna för att en sådan struktur skall fungera finns ej idag. Istället syns tydliga kommunikations- och samordningsbrister samt att tendenser till motsättningar finns. Slutsatsen är därför att uppdragsstrukturen inte passar ihop med verksamhetsorganisationen i Vägverket Konsult. Problemlösningen innebär att antingen behålla nuläget men att hantera förutsättningar som geografisk spridning och samordning bättre, eller en tydlig strukturell förändring.</p><p>Avslutningsvis presenteras tre konkreta åtgärdsförslag som innebär olika organisationsstrukturer och grader av centralisering för ÅDT-uppdraget.</p>

Alternativa Inköpsmetoder

Nilsson, Alexander, Hasagic, Selmir January 2009 (has links)
<p>Detta examensarbete är utfört på AB ORWAK i Sävsjö. Företaget producerar balpressar som komprimerar kundernas avfall på ett säkert och smidigt sätt. Kunderna består enbart av andra företag. Arbetet är koncentrerat på endast sex utav företagets artiklar som ingår i olika grupper.För tillfället använder sig företaget utav inköpsmetoder som är baserade på intuition och erfarenhet. Syftet med arbetet har varit att beräkna olika partiformningar och beordringssystem på de sex olika artiklarna både med ett jämnt fördelat behov och med det verkliga fördelade behovet. Intervjuer, litteraturstudier och uppgifter från företagets databas har möjliggjort arbetets genomförande. Inköpsmetoderna har tagits fram med den breda litteraturstudien som stöd där gruppen har jämfört de olika inköpsmetoderna mot varandra.Resultatet visar vilken inköpsmetod som lämpar sig bäst för varje grupp. Det visar även hur stor kvantitet som ska köpas hem, när inleverans ska ske och hur stort säkerhetslagret ska vara för de sex olika artiklarna både för ett jämnt fördelat behov och för ett verkligt fördelat behov. Resultatet av beräkningarna visas i bilagorna.Beräkningarna på de sex olika artiklarna kan företaget använda som mall ifall de vill gå vidare med arbetet. A-klass artiklarna är de artiklar som först och främst bör ses över eftersom de är de dyraste artiklarna att köpa in och ta hand om. Vissa metoder kan inte användas på vissa artiklar i företaget pga. faktorer som volymvärde, behov, begräsningar i tid, resurser samt leverantörernas krav på minsta inköpskvantitet.</p>

Flerpartslogistik med fokus på rutter, fyllnadsgrad och miljö

Olofsson, Kristin, Zec, Marijana January 2009 (has links)
<p><p>The globalization has increased the trade between different places and countries. Products are now available from all over the world, but this requires transports that have consequences in the environment as well as the economy. New professions are creates that do formality, organize, administrate and implement other businesses transports. Their operations are between the business and customer and they are called logistics companies. The purpose of this report was to study third-party logistics and why more and more companies use this logistics services. A literature study was done to research This. The study is based on a literature work in the field of logistics by using books, articles and the Internet. The report also studied whether there are differences between terms within third-party logistics from 1980-90s and today. In third-party logistics it is emphasize to there is focus on using a logistics company as a good alternative for the companies who aren´t able to have a high quantity in their own vehicle. The purpose with route planning is to use the availability in the vehicle and try to have as high filling degree as possible. The filling degree is usually calculated on how much of the total area, volume or weight that is used.</p><p>Since the origin of the term third-party logistics in the 80-90s, the positive and negative aspects have been the same. But during the years more positive aspects have appeared. There are more positive aspects about third-party logistics than negative. Companies’ use and dependence of what third-party logistics can offer, have provided the companies with mostly positive aspects.</p><p>The logistics concept is more complex today that it was at its origin and it includes more activities. In the 90s, the concept forwarder was used to describe a person who coordinated the transports while the transporter was the one who executed the transports. By looking at outdated literature, we can presume that the future will bring more changes and that the role of respective parties will become even more unclear than they are today.</p><p>From the theory a deeper analysis was done in form of interviews with four third-logistics companies, to find out how transports work out in real life. The questions were classified in three groups; routes, filling degree and environment. The four companies worked constantly to improve the filling degree by different types of coordination and better loading, but also to by having goods in the return transport. Three of four companies thought that the transports were too cheap. A large number of goods are transported long distances back and forth. The logistics companies tried to offer their customers good customers service with cheap, fast and close transports in order to be competitive. We think that the logistics companies must take more responsibility and shouldn’t drive empty trucks, no matter the price they get. By a high filling rate the environments can be saved, because it will take fewer transports and it improves the company’s economy. The logistics companies of tomorrow have big challenges to overcome if they should continue a sustainable development that benefits their economic situation and the environment.</p></p>

Leadership at different levels : A case study at PaperPak Sweden AB

Timén, Peter, Hess, Elin, Gustafsson, Marcus January 2007 (has links)
<p>The business climate of today demands high flexibility and quick responsiveness from suppliers.</p><p>It has become essential for organizations to have effective leaders in all hierarchal</p><p>levels, which understand and are able to work under these conditions. As the market requirements</p><p>have changed, a new paradigm of leadership has evolved (Bryman, 1992). This</p><p>paradigm puts more focus on charisma and how to motivate followers, which is the essential</p><p>part of transformational leadership. According to Burns (1978), transformational leadership</p><p>is a process between leader and follower rather than exchanges. This leads to the</p><p>question of what effective leadership is and if it can be measured in some way. One</p><p>method is the use of the Multifactor leadership questionnaire, the MLQ-test, developed by</p><p>Bass 1985 from the full range model.</p><p>The conducted research for this thesis is done at PaperPak Sweden AB, a manufacturer of</p><p>disposable incontinence products located in Aneby, Småland.</p><p>The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate if any differences and/or similarities in leadership</p><p>can be found between or within the hierarchical levels. The intent with the report is also to</p><p>investigate those variances and if they are positive or negative for an organization.</p><p>A theoretical framework focusing on leadership has been collected, to enable the fulfillment</p><p>of the thesis purpose. This framework will act as support for the analysis of the quantitative</p><p>investigation, based on the MLQ-test. From this analysis, the authors have made</p><p>conclusions and recommendations. The degree of transformational, transactional and laissez-</p><p>faire leadership has been measured for the three leadership levels top, middle and low</p><p>management. It could be argued that the top management should show the highest degree</p><p>of transformational leadership, and low management the least, due to their positions and</p><p>work tasks. The result of the analysis supported that theory to a large extent. However,</p><p>lower management showed a significantly higher degree of transformational leadership</p><p>than middle management. One explanation could be that middle management lives in a</p><p>more stressful situation, working between top and low management, compared to the other</p><p>two, which is supported by Grout (1994).</p><p>Since the theoretical findings mean that leadership can be learnt and developed, the authors</p><p>suggest that organizations always have to follow up and try to develop their leaders and</p><p>managers towards higher degrees of transformational leadership. Finally the authors suggest</p><p>that further studies of the MLQ-test should investigate the possibilities to include measurements</p><p>of the technical side of leadership, since the test currently does not take those</p><p>factors into consideration.</p>

Beläggning - Ett planeringssystem / Load – A Planning System

Carlson, Mattias, Gynnerstedt, Sofia January 2009 (has links)
<p>Inriktningen på detta examensarbete är kapacitetsbeläggning och uppdragsgivaren är System Andersson som utvecklar, tillverkar och installerar verkstadssystem. Detta arbete är ett led i skapandet av förslag på verkstadssystem som är under utveckling och bakgrunden är att kraven från marknaden har ökat.</p><p>Syftet med arbetet har varit att ge förslag på hur beläggningsdelen i ett alternativt system kan se ut. Som utgångspunkt har ett antal frågeställningar använts. Exempelvis vad som händer om kapaciteten eller planeringen inte håller samt hur kunskapen om planerarens vardag kan användas.</p><p>För att genomföra arbetet har författarna använt sig av litteraturstudie som grundar sig på tidigare kurslitteratur på programmet, intervjuer av personal på System Andersson samt egna idéer.</p><p>System Anderssons kunder är främst små och medelstora svenska tillverkande företag. Det vanligaste är att de arbetar efter principen funktionell verkstad och tillverkning mot order. Inom detta segment, som System Andersson vill fortsätta verka inom, är det viktigt att verkstadssystemet kan ändra operationsföljden och optimera kapacitetsutnyttjandet hos maskinparken och personalen. För att produkten ska bli konkurrenskraftigt måste den även vara anpassad efter de personer som använder sig av det.</p><p>En del av resultatet består av två versioner av beläggningsmodulen,</p><p>Det som är nytt i detta förslag mot tidigare såld version är: fler funktioner, dagsplanering, kapacitetstak och grafiskt planeringsverktyg. Författarna har kommit med idéer i programmet om hur detta skall vara lösbart.</p><p>Programmet ska ur planerarens synvinkel hjälpa till med det dagliga arbete och de problemen som skall lösas innan de uppkommer eller vara smidigare att hantera. Ur System Anderssons synvinkel skall detta kunna användas i marknadsförings- och säljarsyfte när de samtalar med kunder.</p><p><em>Light och <em>Advanced. Den förstnämnda är inriktad mot de små företagen och innehåller därför endast de viktigaste funktionerna för beläggningsplanering, i övrigt är den så avskalad som möjligt. Den sistnämnda versionen, Advanced, är anpassad för de något större företagen och kan därför utföra ett större antal uppgifter. Det ska vara lämpat för en heltidsanställd planerare med allt som det innebär. Som komplement till dessa två versioner har författarna utformat en <em>stämpelklocka och en <em>körplan för att skapa en bättre helhetsbild av beläggningsplaneringen. Stämpelklockan används för att samla in information om tillgänglig personalkapacitet och körplanen för att kommunicera med produktionen och uppdatera den tillgängliga maskinkapaciteten. Författarnas fokus har varit att rita upp de övergripande skisserna och inte programmeringen som ligger bakom. </em></em></em></em></p> / <p>This thesis has been carried out in cooperation with System Andersson that develops, manufactures and installs engineering system. This is a proposal on how a system can be designed because the market has become more demanding.</p><p>This thesis subject is to come with ideas on how a system might look like. As a starting point, a number of questions were made. For example, what happens if the capacity or planning does not agree with the plane, and how does a planner’s normal day look like.</p><p>To carry out the work the authors have used the literature review based on previous literature in their program, interviews of personnel at System Andersson and own ideas.</p><p>System Anderssons customers are mainly small and medium-sized, Swedish manufacturing companies. The most common is that the customers work in a job shop and manufacturing that order. In this segment, that System Andersson will continue to work in, it is important to the engineering system can change the operation sequence and optimize the capacity utilization of machinery and personnel. For the product to be competitive, it must also be designed for the people who use the program.</p><p>Some of the results consist of two versions of the coating module,</p><p>What is new in this proposal to the version they are selling today are: more features, daily planning, capacity planning and graphic. The authors have come up with ideas in the program on how this should be soluble.</p><p>The program is from the scheduler point of view to help with the daily work and solve the problems before they arise or be more flexible to manage. From System Anderssons point of view, this could be used in marketing and promoting their programming when they talk with customers.</p><p><em>Light, and <em>Advanced. The first is targeted to small businesses and therefore contains only the most important functions for the coating design; the remainder is as scaled as possible. The latter version, Advanced, is adapted to the somewhat larger firms and can therefore perform a wider range of tasks. It should be suitable for a full-time planner with all that that implies. In addition to these two versions the authors have designed a <em>time clock and a <em>dispatch list to create a better overall picture of occupancy planning. The time clock is used to collect information on available staff capacity and dispatch list to communicate to the manufacturing and update the available machine capacity. The authors' focus has been to draw up the overall sketches and not the program behind. </em></em></em></em></p>

Achieving competitiveness through externally oriented capabilities : an empirical study of technology-based small firms

Parida, Vinit January 2010 (has links)
Small firms are regarded as the growth engine of the European economy. They are a major source of employment, entrepreneurial spirit, and innovation. However, many small firms also fail or struggle to survive. A common reason is a lack of internal resources which reduces the ability of small firms to meet increasing competition and market fluctuations. Based on a resource-based view (RBV), this study pursues an argument that small firms with externally oriented capabilities can achieve competitiveness through gaining access to external resources. In particular, this study focuses on two distinct externally oriented capabilities; network capability which represents a firm's ability to utilize inter-firm collaboration for accessing external resources, competences and knowledge; and information and communication technology (ICT) capability denoting a firm's ability to strategically use ICT functions or applications for communication and collaboration. This study also highlights that the relationship between firm capabilities and competitiveness is complex and there is a need to consider two important components which may influence this relationship. First, the mediating role of entrepreneurial strategy is investigated as it can provide an explanation for how capabilities are transformed into competitiveness. Second, the moderating role of network structure is examined as it relates to the context necessities related to the proposed relationship. Thus, the purpose of this study is to develop and test a model to assess how externally oriented capabilities influence the competitiveness of small firms. This study includes qualitative data from three technology-based small firms and quantitative data from 291 technology-based small firms in Sweden. The results can be summarized in five points. First, network capability and ICT capability are two important externally oriented capabilities, which allow small firms to gain from external collaborations and reach competitiveness. Second, network capability and ICT capability have different roles for small firm competitiveness. Network capability holds a strategic value that can directly lead to competitive advantage, while ICT capability is necessary for small firms to avoid competitive disadvantage. Third, both capabilities facilitate the deployment of an entrepreneurial strategy through developing the small firm's potential to identify and exploit opportunities. Fourth, entrepreneurial strategy has a strong influence on firm performance, as it allows small firms to leverage its externally oriented capabilities. Finally, network structure influences the relation of capabilities on competitiveness indicating that small firms need to work with its externally oriented capabilities differently based on their situation. The study's results hold several implications for small firm management and for policymaking which is discussed at length in the final section. / Godkänd; 2010; 20100325 (vinpar); DISPUTATION Ämnesområde: Entreprenörskap/Entrepreneurship Opponent: Professor Mats Magnusson, Indek, Kungliga Tekniska högskolan Ordförande: Professor Håkan Ylinenpää, Luleå tekniska universitet Tid: Torsdag den 29 april 2010, kl 13.00 Plats: A 109, Luleå tekniska universitet / Fastelaboratoriet - VINNEXC

Två börsnoterade industriföretag : Om och hur de använder sig av personalen som innovativ kraft

Björklund, Terese January 2010 (has links)
<p><em>Sammanfattning:</em></p><p><em>Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka om och hur stora industriföretag använder sig av personalen som en innovativ kraft. Olika teoretiker beskriver innovation på olika sätt. Bland annat så hävdar Parker och Kerrie (2003) att det är ett proaktivt beteende som leder till innovationer, och att det är tillvägagångssättet i sig som är en innovation. Drucker (2000) och Dobni (2005) tycks vara ense om att en innovation är ett tankesätt. Jag fann ett intresse i att undersöka hur mina valda företag tycks uppleva innovationer. Undersökningen har skett på två industriföretag med liknande förutsättningar och valet av företagen är delvis ett bekvämlighetsurval då personlig kontakt finns till ett av företagen. Empirin grundar sig utifrån djupintervjuer med personer i ledningsgruppen inom respektive företag. Efter en analys av båda företagen med koppling mellan teori och empiri tycks det finnas en viss begränsning i hur mycket företagen inom en industribransch finner intresse i att ta tillvara på personalen som en innovativ kraft. Ingen tydlig modell på hur företagen går tillväga med innovationer finns och företagen tycks uppleva innovationer mer som ett tankesätt, precis som Drucker (2000) och Dobni (2005) hävdar. </em></p>

Exploring the Use of Balanced Scorecards in a Swedish Health Care Organization

Kollberg, Beata January 2003 (has links)
<p>Due to an extensive decentralization in the County Council of Östergötland during the 1980s, the demands on follow-up reports have increased on the production units. In order to support the units in following up their organizations, the board of the County Council decided to implement Total Quality Management in the beginning of the 1990s. As a part of the program, the QUL concept was introduced to provide the County Council with a comprehensive description of the production units’ activities. In 2001 the County Council decided to implement the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) as a new way of following up the units’ results. The BSC implementation has led to that all production units write their follow-up reports according to the perspectives suggested in the BSC framework. The head of the production units are responsible for the dissemination and implementation of the BSC in their own units.</p><p>The present research is conducted on commission from the Federation of Swedish County Councils. The purpose of the thesis is to increase the understanding of the use of the BSC in an organization in the Swedish health care and medical services. Two research questions derive from the purpose: (1) How is the BSC designed, implemented and used in the organization? (2) What factors enable or constrain the use of the BSC in the organization?</p><p>Findings from the case study show that the BSC is used in the annual planning, in reporting measures to superiors and in following up the activities in the health care organization. The BSC is also used in discussions between employees, to disseminate information within and outside the organization, to create orderliness and understanding of the annual activities, and in developmental activities. The findings indicate that the BSC has been adapted to the current conditions of the organization with regard to the existing terminology and organizational structures. The BSC is not primarily used as a strategic management system, but rather as an information system that aims to communicate measurable information within and outside the organization.</p><p>Several categories of factors that enable or constrain the use of the BSC in a health care organization are identified. The autonomy of the department and units enables people to develop their own scorecards without considerable influence from superiors. The emphasis on employees’ participation is also identified as an important aspect in making people accept the new concept. The way the introduction of the BSC was dealt with and the department’s prior experiences with the Swedish Quality Award have influenced the acceptance and use of the BSC. In addition, the case shows that change agents play a major role in how the BSC is used in the organization today. Several adaptations have been made to current conditions, that both enable and constrain the use of the BSC in the health care organization.</p> / ISRN/Report code: Liu-Tek-Lic-2003: 41

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