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Enhancing Operational and Environmental Performance through Supply Chain Integration: The Moderating Role of Industry 4.0 and Supply Uncertainty in Swedish ManufacturingTööj, Gustaf, Pihl, Isac January 2024 (has links)
Background: Digitalization is transforming organizations by enhancing operational and environmental performance through improved data utilization and innovation. Stakeholders and regulatory bodies are increasingly demanding sustainable practices, compelling firms to align their operations with eco-conscious principles. Meanwhile, due to global and complex supply chains, SupplyUncertainty has become a frequent issue for firms to deal with to remain competitive. SupplyChain Integration is crucial for managing these demands, uncertainties, offering enhanced efficiency, cost reduction, and competitive advantage by coordinating resources and activities across the value chain. Purpose:This study aims to bridge the research gap regarding the impact of Supply Chain Integration on Environmental and Operational Performance. Additionally, it seeks to identify external factors, specifically Industry 4.0 technologies and Supply Uncertainty, that influence the relationship between Supply Chain Integration and firm performance. Method:To achieve this purpose, a quantitative study was conducted using a questionnaire administered to manufacturing firms in Sweden. The proposed conceptual framework and developed hypotheses were tested using Moderated Multiple Regression Analysis. Additionally, ConfirmatoryFactor Analysis and subsequent model fit evaluation were performed. Conclusion:We conclude that Supply Chain Integration positively affects both Operational and Environmental Performance. Industry 4.0 technologies enhance the relationship between Supply Chain Integration and Environmental Performance, but do not significantly affect its relationship withOperational Performance. Conversely, Supply Uncertainty strengthens the relationship betweenSupply Chain Integration and Operational Performance, with no significant impact on Environmental Performance.
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Implementation and integration of a collaborative robot in a production lineBafounis Kottas, Emmanouil January 2019 (has links)
Scope of this thesis is the integration and implementation of a collaborative robot in the production line. In the first chapter, the project is described, and its objectives, purpose, boundaries and requirements are defined. Moreover, the project management tools and techniques are presented. All the steps and procedures followed before the initiation of the project are analysed. In the second chapter, the basic theoretical background necessary for a better understanding of the content of this thesis is presented. The history and development of collaborative robots, as well as the industrial evolutions are mentioned. The different types of collaborative robots and their importance in Industry 4.0 and current production are analysed. The third chapter deals with the detailed description of the project. All the devices and equipment are presented thoroughly. The programming logic and working flow is explained. In the last chapter according to the initial objectives, boundaries and requirements the success of the project is assessed. An analysis of how the installation of automate corrugate loader affected the production process is performed. Future changes, improvements and technical suggestions are discussed. The ultimate goal of this thesis project is that the content in the thesis report will be used as a guide for future installations of same or similar type of robots. The aim is to avoid many of the mistakes made, due to rush decisions, lack of experience and communication between team members. The leaning curve obtained during the implementation of the project, can lead to more effective projects in the future. / Fokus för denna avhandling är integrering och implementering av en interaktiv robot i en produktionslina. I det första kapitlet beskrivs projektet, och dess mål, syfte, gränser samt krav definieras. Dessutom presenteras verktyg och tekniker för projektledning. Alla de steg och procedurer som använts/följts innan projektet påbörjades har analyserats. I det andra kapitlet presenteras den grundläggande teoretiska bakgrunden för att ge en bättre förståelse av innehållet i denna avhandling. Historien och utvecklingen av interaktiva robotar, liksom de industriella evolutionerna nämns. De olika typerna av interaktiva robotar och deras betydelse i Industri 4.0 och nuvarande produktion analyseras. Det tredje kapitlet innehåller en detaljerad beskrivning av projektet. Alla enheter och utrustning presenteras noggrant. Programmeringslogiken och arbetsflödet förklaras. I det sista kapitlet utvärderas projektets framgång utfrån de ursprungliga målen, gränserna och kraven. En analys utförs av hur installationen av den automatiska laddaren för veckmaskinen påverkar produktionsprocessen. Framtida ändringar, förbättringar och tekniska förslag diskuteras. Det slutliga målet för detta exjobbsarbete är att innehållet i avhandlingen ska användas som en vägledning för framtida installationer av samma eller liknande typ av robotar. Syftet är att undvika många av de misstag som gjorts, på grund av brådska beslut, brist på erfarenhet och kommunikation mellan lagmedlemmar. Lärandekurvan som uppnåtts under genomförandet av projektet kan leda till effektivare projekt i framtiden.
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Industry 4.0 : Cyber-Physical Systems and their impact on Business Models. / Industri 4.0 : Cyber-Physical Systems och deras påverkan på Affärsmodeller.Åkeson, Linus January 2016 (has links)
Industry 4.0 is one of the fastest growing topics amongst both practitioners and academics. To this day, no definition of Industry 4.0 has reached consensus. However, some definitions can be considered more correct than others and the most accurate one is summarized as “Industry 4.0 is a concept for creating value throughout the whole value-chain”. This has been made possible through digital solutions, advanced technologies, which often are associated with Industry 4.0. This thesis started off finding the key aspects of Industry 4.0 and through a literature review it was concluded to be Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) which will bring new innovative Business Models. The fundamental aspect of Industry 4.0 is data, data which has become available through the usage of CPS, data which will transform how business are conducted. This thesis aims to develop a better understanding for how CPS affects the Business Model. The thesis started with a literature review, investigating the value of information in a digitalized era. It was established that the value is found in the capability to monitor, remote control, optimize, and automate products and machines. Furthermore, it was also established through the literature review that manufacturing industries are becoming more services-focused and that value-creation is done through networking. Moreover, the Business Model Canvas was embraced as theoretical framework for what a business model should consist of. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with experts on the subject of Industry 4.0 and digitalization. The data was then compared to the theoretical framework. The results showed that CPS will not affect business models in any direct way as it is very well founded that the business model always should be based on the customer segment. However, CPS did have an indirect impact on business models i.e. through expected changes in customer relationships and distribution channels, but foremost, through changes regarding specialization and partnerships.
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Designing Traceability - The Effects On Production Personnel : A Case Study of a Swedish Steel Manufacturer / Utveckling av spårbarhet och dess påverkan på produktionspersonal : En fallstudie av en svensk ståltillverkareNilsson, David, Olandersson, Ted January 2016 (has links)
This study sets out to investigate the connection between digitally achieved traceability and the production personnel's view of traceability. The results presents a number of factors to consider when designing traceability solutions in a manufacturing setting. The study was conducted in a qualitative manner, with the main data collection done through interviews. The results show that the production worker's stand point towards traceability is based on three factors: performance measurement, surveillance, and increased workload. Each of these factors should be taken in to consideration when designing traceability solutions. These factors, and suggestions for how to work with them, is put into the context of a steel manufacturer that is in the process of implementing traceability in their production process.
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Purchasing 4.0: An Exploratory Multiple Case Study on the Purchasing Process Reshaped by Industry 4.0 in the Automotive IndustryGottge, Simon, Menzel, Torben January 2017 (has links)
Title: Purchasing 4.0: An Exploratory Multiple Case Study on the Purchasing Process Reshaped by Industry 4.0 in the Automotive Industry Authors: Simon Gottge, Torben Menzel Background: Rapidly transforming technologies and changing customer expectations trigger the fourth industrial revolution. This development, often referred to as ‘Industry 4.0’, is characterized by autonomously communicating and interacting technologies throughout the supply chain. Simultaneously, the importance of efficient purchasing processes in the automotive sector keeps growing as outsourcing and globalization tendencies increase. While Industry 4.0 publications are on the rise, little research is carried out on the impact on related supply chain functions, especially purchasing, calling for scientific investigations. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore the influence of Industry 4.0 on purchasing at automotive manufacturers and further derive a visionary model of the reshaped purchasing process within the adjusted Purchasing 4.0 context. Method: The deductive research is carried out as exploratory multiple case study. In three cases, qualitative data from four dyads is analyzed. Interviews hereby were conducted with 23 participants representing different perspectives, also including case-independent experts. Findings & conclusion: Considering the influence of Industry 4.0 on purchasing, the research reveals, that new technologies and changes in manufacturing, integration and business context will impact the purchasing scope, collaboration, structure, and infrastructure. These changes include new components and different suppliers, a cross-functional and deeper supplier integration as well as collaboration platforms, holistic networks and assisting IT-systems. In the reshaped purchasing process, strategic sub processes will become highly integrated and technology supported, leading to a co-creation of specification, explorative supplier selection, parameter-based quotations and negotiations, and autonomous re-negotiations of changes. The operative purchasing process on the other hand is strongly shaped by real-time data usage, creating interactive call-offs, real-time tracking, proactive trouble shooting and holistic supplier evaluations. Keywords: Purchasing; Industry 4.0; Purchasing 4.0; Purchasing Process; Automotive
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A latency comparison of IoT protocols in MESLindén, Erik January 2017 (has links)
Many industries are now moving several of their processes into the cloud computing sphere. One important process is to collect machine data in an effective way. Moving signal collection processes to the cloud instead of on premise raises many questions about performance, scalability, security and cost.This thesis focuses on some of the market leading and cutting edge protocols appropriate for industrial production data collection. It investigates and compares the pros and cons of the protocols with respect to the demands of industrial systems. The thesis also presents examples of how the protocols can be used to collect data all the way to a higher-level system such as ERP or MES.The protocols focused on are MQTT and AMQP (in OPC-UA). The possibilities of OPC-UA in cloud computing is of extra interest to investigate in this thesis due to its increasing usage and development.
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Personal Resource Management (PRM) in der modernen ProduktentwicklungSchleidt, Bettina 10 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Zunächst wird ein Überblick über berufliche Herausforderungen für Menschen in der modernen Produktentwicklung (-> Industrie 4.0) gegeben. Anschließend wird ein allgemeines Rahmenmodell beschrieben, in dem (nicht nur) psychologische Faktoren dargestellt werden, die menschliches Fühlen, Denken und Handeln beeinflussen. Im dritten Abschnitt wird ein Blick über den Tellerrand geworfen: In der Luftfahrt sind sogenannte Crew Resource Management Seminare für Besatzungen von Verkehrsflugzeugen gesetzlich verpflichtender Teil der Personalentwicklung und Weiterbildung. Es wird der Frage nachgegangen, in wieweit Zielsetzung und Inhalte dieser Seminare auf das Setting und die Bedürfnisse eines in der modernen Produktentwicklung tätigen Menschen übertragen werden können. Diese Überlegungen münden in den Ansatz des sogenannten Personal Resource Management, der den in der Produktentwicklung tätigen Menschen dabei unterstützen kann, sich der ihm zur Verfügung stehenden Ressourcen bewusst zu werden und Wege zu finden, diese Ressourcen in einem komplexen Umfeld zielorientiert abzurufen und ntsprechende Leistungen zu erbringen und gesund zu bleiben.
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Classificação e processo de implantação de fábrica de aprendizagem voltada para aspectos da Indústria 4.0: Estudo de caso Fábrica do Futuro 4.0 USP. / Classification and implementation process of a learning factory focused on Industry 4.0: case study Fábrica do Futuro 4.0 USP.Grotti, Marcelo Vinicius Di Favari 29 May 2019 (has links)
Com o advento da Internet às indústrias, um novo cenário industrial conhecido como Indústria 4.0 ou Internet Industrial entra na agenda de pesquisa com potencial de ser entendido como uma nova revolução industrial. Impactos são tidos como certos no projeto, manufatura e na função do produto. Produtos inteligentes, dotados de identificação individualizada e cuja introdução envolve a geração, armazenamento, recuperação e uso de dados sobre os mesmos, estarão completamente integrados aos recursos de produção, levando ao estabelecimento dos cyber-physical production systems - CPPS, ou sistemas de produção físico-cibernéticos. A transição para o cenário industrial descrito demanda por qualificação dos profissionais envolvidos, por meio de estratégias adequadas de promoção do aprendizado. A demanda por estratégias adequadas de promoção do aprendizado remete a outro tema atual na agenda de pesquisa, que é relacionado ao momento de transição da educação profissional de engenheiros na direção da introdução de inovações focadas em maior exposição dos alunos a atividades práticas, o mais próximo possível da realidade das indústrias. Dentre as inovações as Fábricas de Aprendizagem, conceito que de forma sucinta é definido a partir das duas palavras do termo, fábrica e aprendizagem, e que trata de instalações dotadas de elementos de ambos, destacam-se ao endereçar problemas de falta de habilidades práticas entre engenheiros recém formados, com eficácia comprovada e documentação de casos bem-sucedidos de implantação na América do Norte e Europa. Lacunas foram por esta dissertação de mestrado consideradas além das já abordadas demanda por qualificação de profissionais envolvidos com a Indústria 4.0, e do cenário de introdução de inovações na formação de engenheiros. Foram também consideradas a demanda por análise conjunta da literatura relacionada a abordagem sistêmica para desenvolvimento de Fábricas de Aprendizagem, e de classificação das mesmas, assim como chamada por documentação de casos práticos de implantação. Esta dissertação de mestrado se insere, então, nas duas agendas de pesquisa mencionadas, ao realizar um estudo de caso de implantação de uma Fábrica de Aprendizagem, uma das inovações na formação de engenheiros, dedicada ao novo cenário industrial da Indústria 4.0. Três questões de pesquisa foram consideradas e estabeleceram um roteiro de classificação, descrição do processo de implantação e proposição de recomendações, roteiro este tomado como base para o estudo. Partindo de uma revisão de literatura focada na exposição de características industriais se tornando realidade nas indústrias e no histórico de inovações na formação de engenheiros que deu origem ao conceito de Fábricas de Aprendizagem, foram estabelecidos os padrões de referência para a condução da pesquisa. O estudo de caso fez uso de três fontes de dados (entrevistas, análise de documentos e observação de eventos) e traz como resultados a exposição da classificação alcançada e a descrição do processo de implantação, em comparação aos padrões resultantes da revisão de literatura, complementados por recomendações direcionadas à aderência aos mesmos. Como resultados adicionais podem também serem citados a proposta de análise conjunta dos requisitos envolvidos com a abordagem sistêmica de implantação identificada na literatura, assim como o questionário de pesquisa derivado do mesmo. A expectativa é de que os resultados contribuam com gestores, docentes e pesquisadores de instituições de ensino perseguindo inovações na formação de engenheiros e que estejam voltados para o desenvolvimento e implantação de instalações de Fábricas de Aprendizagem derivadas e/ou adaptadas a partir do modelo original. / From the advent of Internet in the shop floor, a new industrial scenario known as Industry 4.0 or Industrial Internet enters in the research agenda with potential to be taken as a new industrial revolution. Impacts are taken for granted in the project, manufacturing and function of the products. Intelligent products, gifted with individual identification and whose introduction involves the generation, storage, retrieval and use of data about themselves, will be completely integrated to the manufacturing resources, leading to the establishment of the Cyber Physical Production Systems- CPPS. The transition for the described industrial scenario demands qualification of the involved professionals, by means of suitable strategies of learning promotion. The demand for suitable strategies to promote learning refers to another current topic in the research agenda, which is related to the moment of transition of professional education of engineers towards the introduction of innovations focused on greater exposure of students to practical activities, the closest the reality of industries. Among the innovations, the Learning Factories, a concept that is succinctly defined from the two words of the term, factory and learning, and which deals with facilities with elements of both, stand out in addressing problems of lack of practical skills between newly trained engineers, with proven efficacy and documentation of successful deployment cases in North America and Europe. Gaps were by this master\'s dissertation considered beyond to the already discussed demand for qualification of professionals involved with Industry 4.0, and of the scenario of introduction of innovations in the training of engineers. It also considered the demand for joint analysis of the literature related to the systematic approach to development of Learning Factories, and their classification, as well as the call for documentation of practical cases of implantation. This dissertation is then part of the two research agendas mentioned above, when conducting a case study of the implantation of a Learning Factory, one of the innovations in the training of engineers, dedicated to the new industrial scenario of Industry 4.0. Three research questions were considered and they established a script of classification, description of the implantation process and proposal of recommendations, script that was taken as basis for the study. Starting from a literature review focused on the exposition of the industrial characteristics that are becoming a reality in the industries and the history of innovations in the training of engineers that gave rise to the concept of Learning Factories, the reference standards for conducting the research were established. The case study made use of three data sources (interviews, documents analysis and events observation) and brings as results the exposure of the classification achieved and the description of the implantation process, in comparison to the standards resulting from the literature review, complemented by recommendations leading towards to adherence to them. As additional results, the proposal of joint analysis of the requirements involved with the systemic approach of implantation identified in the literature, as well as the research questionnaire derived from it, can also be cited. The expectation is that the results contribute to managers, teachers and researchers from educational institutions pursuing innovations in the training of engineers and that are also focused on the development and implantation of facilities of Learning Factories derived and / or adapted from the original model.
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Using Motion Capture and Virtual Reality to test the advantages of Human Robot CollaborationRivera, Francisco January 2019 (has links)
Nowadays Virtual Reality (VR) and Human Robot Collaboration (HRC) are becoming more and more important in Industry as well as science. This investigation studies the applications of these two technologies in the ergonomic field by developing a system able to visualise and present ergonomics evaluation results in real time assembly tasks in a VR Environment, and also, evaluating the advantages of Human Robot Collaboration by studying in Virtual Reality a specific operation carried at Volvo Global Trucks Operation´s factory in Skövde. Regarding the first part of this investigation an innovative system was developed able to show ergonomic feedbacks in real time, as well as make ergonomic evaluations of the whole workload inside of a VR environment. This system can be useful for future research in the Virtual Ergonomics field regarding matters related to ergonomic learning rate of the workers when performing assembly tasks, design of ergonomic workstations, effect of different types assembly instructions in VR and a wide variety of different applications. The assembly operation with and without robot was created in IPS to use its VR functionality in order to test the assembly task in real users with natural movements of the body. The posture data of the users performing the tasks in Virtual Reality was collected. The users performed the task without the collaborative robot and then, with the collaborative robot. Their posture data was collected by using a Motion Capture equipment called Smart Textiles (developed at the University of Skövde) and the two different ergonomic evaluations (Using Smart Textiles’ criteria) of the two different task compared. The results show that when the robot implemented in this specific assembly task, the posture of the workers (specially the posture of the arms) has a great improvement if it is compared to the same task without the robot.
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Transformação digital na indústria: indústria 4.0 e a rede de água inteligente no Brasil. / Digital transformation in the industry: industry 4.0 and the smart network water on Brasil.Azevedo, Marcelo Teixeira de 10 March 2017 (has links)
Atualmente vive-se uma transformação digital na indústria, que está sendo referenciada como uma nova revolução e conhecida como a quarta revolução industrial. Essa nova revolução foi precedida por três anteriores, sendo que a primeira foi baseada no carvão como fonte de energia, impulsionando, assim, as máquinas a vapor e transformando o trabalho artesanal em automatizado; posteriormente, houve a segunda revolução industrial, baseada em conceitos de eletricidade para atingir a produção em massa; já a terceira revolução industrial baseou-se em sistemas eletrônicos e computacionais, tendo como o seu maior expoente os sistemas Supervisory Control and Data Aquisition (SCADA), que foram utilizados para aprimoramento e eficiência da linha de produção. Hoje, vive-se no limiar da quarta revolução industrial, que se apoia fortemente nas tecnologias habilitadoras, tais como: Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, big data analytics, cyber-physical systems (CPS), machine-to-machine (M2M) e cloud computing. Essas tecnologias, trabalhando cooperativamente, são utilizadas para promover a transformação digital descrita nas visões ao redor do mundo, entre as quais se destacam: Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet Consortium e Manufatura Avançada. A presente pesquisa visa caracterizar as tecnologias habilitadoras, as visões da transformação digital e o cenário Brasil para esta nova realidade. O objetivo central é a definição de uma plataforma de transformação digital aplicada ao cenário da indústria de Utilities. Para a identificação do setor industrial, optou-se pela aplicação de um questionário direcionado às indústrias da região metropolitana de Campinas. Esse questionário serviu para traçar o nível de conhecimento, aderência e perfil profissional desejado pelas empresas relacionadas com a transformação digital. Na análise do questionário para o grupo estudado, verificou-se desconhecimento estratégico sobre a transformação digital e resistência para aplicação dos novos conceitos na cadeia de suprimentos existente. Para suprir esta necessidade e como prova de conceito foi proposta uma plataforma para transformação digital para a questão da água, com o objetivo de alcançar uma gestão eficiente dos recursos atrelada ao uso racional da água. Para a definição da plataforma foi realizado o levantamento de todo o processo de uma planta de tratamento de água, implantada nos moldes da terceira revolução industrial, de modo a melhorar o processo aplicando-se os conceitos da transformação digital na nova plataforma definida. Como resultado, o estudo de caso contribuiu para o projeto PURA-USP juntamente com o projeto SafeCity, do convênio Huawei-USP no âmbito do conceito de cidades inteligentes, integrando a transformação digital na gestão eficiente dos recursos hídricos no campus USP da capital. Adicionalmente, inseriu-se a capacitação técnica também no projeto Huawei-USP, denominada Centro de Internet do Futuro, habilitando e capacitando os profissionais para as novas tecnologias. / Nowadays, there´s a digital transformation in the industry, which is being referred to as a new revolution, known as the fourth industrial revolution. This new revolution was preceded by three previous ones, the first one was based on coal as a way of source energy, boosting the steam engines and turning the manual labor into automated; posteriorly the second industrial revolution was based on electricity concepts to achieve mass production; and the third industrial revolution, which was based on electronics and computer systems, having as its greatest exponent the systems Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and programmable logic controllers (PLC), which were used for improvement and production line efficiency. Today we are on the bound of the fourth industrial revolution, which strongly supports itself at enabling technologies, such as: Internet of Things (IoT), big data analytics, cyber-physical systems (CPS), machine-to-machine (M2M) and cloud computing. These technologies are working cooperatively used to promote digital transformation described in the sights around the world, between them are: Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet Consortium and Advanced Manufacturing. This research aims to characterize the enabling technologies, the visions of the digital transformation and Brazil scenario for this new reality. The main objective is the definition of a digital transformation platform applied in the industry scenario. To identify the industry it was chosen the application of a questionnaire targeting the industries at the metropolitan region of Campinas. This questionnaire was used to trace the level of knowledge, adherence and professional profile required of companies related to digital transformation. In the questionnaire analysis for the group in the scope there was strategic unfamiliarity about the digital transformation and resistance to application of new concepts in the existing supply chain. To meet this need and as a proof of concept, a platform for digital transformation for the water issue was proposed with the objective of achieve an efficient management of resources linked to the rational use of water. For the platform definition was performed a survey of the whole process of a water treatment plant that was implemented along the lines of the third industrial revolution and improved the process by applying the concepts of digital transformation in the new set platform. The case study aimed to contribute to the PURA-USP project, integrating the digital transformation in the efficient management of water resources on campus USP capital. Additionally, technical training was also included in the Huawei-USP project, denominated the Future Internet Center, enabling and training professionals for new technologies.
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