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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lernwelten 4.0 – Ein Open Work Space zur GeNeMe 2017

Schlenker, Lars, Neuburg, Carmen, Jannack, Anja January 2017 (has links)
Der Work Space ist ein Teil eines vom BMBF-Projekt Lehrraum_digital initiierten Kommunikationsraums mit dem Ziel unterschiedliche Experten und Akteure in die Diskussion einzubeziehen. Thema sind digitalisierte Lehr- und Lernumgebungen im Kontext der Anforderungen durch die Industrie 4.0. Der Work Space bietet eine allen Teilnehmenden der GeNeMe offenstehende Feedback- und Beteiligungsmöglichkeit an der Diskussion zur Gestaltung digitaler Wissensräume und Lernwelten.

Průmysl 4.0 jako příklad vertikální vs. horizontální europeizace / Industry 4.0 as an example of a top-down vs. horizontal Europeanization

Nováková, Denisa January 2017 (has links)
Industry 4.0 is a new generation of manufacturing based on robotics, automation and new trends in ICT. It was for the first time introduced at the Hannover Fair in 2011 and has been part of the European, German and Czech discourse since then. This Master thesis deals with the topic of Industry 4.0 in the Czech Republic and assesses to what extent the concept is coming to the Czech Republic as a result of a top-down (EU) or horizontal (Germany) Europeanization. The thesis came to the conclusion that there are two perceptions of Industry 4.0. One is narrow and deals with the industrial policy and the other is broad and deals with society wide implications of the fourth industrial revolution. The debate about Industry 4.0 in the Czech Republic is mainly a result of a horizontal Europeanization based on bilateral agreements and close cooperation between Germany and the Czech Republic in the area of R&D, innovations and business. However, the top-down Europeanization cannot be neglected as the EU provides much broader context where Industry 4.0 is taking place. Moreover, Industry 4.0 gave a new impetus to the digital economy and society in the Czech Republic. It turned into agenda 4.0 and moved forward the debate about digital skills.

Robotizace práce a její dopady / Job Automation and its Impacts

Vlasáková, Klára January 2020 (has links)
This master's thesis explores how job automation has influenced a selected bank branch workplace and what role gender plays in this process. The thesis is based on a case study focused on a team from one anonymized Czech branch of an international bank where robots are being introduced into the work process. Between November 2018 and February 2019, semi-structured interviews were conducted with six members of this team and obtained data were subjected to an analysis, the results of which are presented in this thesis. Interview questions revolved around changes in the workplace and the evaluation of these changes by the employees. The thesis therefore examines, among other things, whether robots have had any impact on working hours or workplace interpersonal relationships, what control tools narrators have had to monitor the work process, how robots have highlighted existing gender inequalities in the workplace and what issues have arisen after their implementation. The case study has pointed out the importance of further, closer inspection of robot implementation cases, each of which may be affected by a number of specific elements. This micro-level investigation may serve as a foundation for a better understanding of robotic process automation as well as a potential source for developing...

Průmysl 4.0 jako součást veřejně-politické agendy v ČR / Industry 4.0 as part of the public policy agenda in the Czech Republic

Bjaček, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the development of the policy of Industry 4.0 in the Czech Republic. The main idea of this initiative is to respond to the coming fourth industrial revolution, which will affect not only the means of production, but also society. The concept of Industry 4.0 is thus very heterogeneous, affecting not only the change in the means of production and changes in the labor market, but also educational policy or the digitization of public administration. It is therefore an important issue that is the focus of the functioning of a wide range of actors in various areas of public policy. The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the agenda of Industry 4.0 with selected main representatives who respond to this topic (from the ranks of formalized institutions). The question that the thesis tries to answer is what we can expect from the coming fourth industrial revolution in the Czech Republic and what threats, and conversely the benefits, can be expected. Especially in the labor market, which poses a specific threat to the Czech Republic, which is a highly industrialized state. The research part is focused on introduction of Industry 4.0 policies in the Czech Republic and its current form. The research was carried mainly through specific policy documents (strategies, action...

Factory2Fit - Empowerment und partizipative Anpassung der Fabrikautomation an die Bedürfnisse der Arbeitnehmer

Bojko, Michael, Riedel, Ralph, Chen, Xiaoli, Müller, Egon January 2017 (has links)
Die europäische Fertigungsindustrie steht vor großen Veränderungen, die durch die zunehmende Nachfrage der Kunden nach maßgeschneiderten und/oder intelligenten Produkten, Industrie 4.0 Lösungen und Öffnung der Produktionsketten für Newcomer getrieben werden sowie durch die Veränderung hin zu Wertschöpfungsketten, in denen die Rollen von Lieferanten, Herstellern und Einzelhändlern verschwimmen. Diese sich dynamisch wandelnde Umwelt erfordert eine Anpassungsfähigkeit der Mitarbeiter, Fertigungswerkzeuge und Prozesse. Neue IKT-basierte Lösungen erleichtern einen Paradigmenwechsel, der Fabrikarbeiter als zukünftige "Wissensarbeiter" in den intelligenten Fabriken sieht, welcher nicht nur durch die Einführung neuer Technologien in die Fabriken gelingen kann. Arbeitsabläufe müssen umgestaltet werden und neue Ansätze zur kontinuierlichen Weiterentwicklung sind erforderlich. Bei der Verschiebung der Arbeitsaufgaben hin zur Wissensarbeit müssen bei der Anpassung der Arbeitsumgebungen zunehmend die Unterschiede bei den kognitiven Fähigkeiten berücksichtigt werden. Das hier vorgestellte Forschungsprojekt Factory2Fit zielt darauf ab, die menschlich zentrierte Fertigung auf ein neues Niveau zu bringen, indem den Mitarbeitern eine führende Rolle bei der Anpassung und Entwicklung ihrer eigenen Aufgaben zukommt. Das Hauptziel des Projektes ist es, adaptive Automatisierungslösungen zu entwickeln und zu pilotieren, die den Arbeitsablauf verbessern, den Arbeitnehmer dabei unterstützen, seine Kompetenzen zu entwickeln und die Mitarbeiter dazu befähigen, Wissen zu teilen und sich an der Gestaltung ihrer eigenen Arbeit zu beteiligen. Das Projekt Factory2Fit wird von Horizon 2020 (H2020/2014-2020), dem Programm für Forschung und Innovation der Europäischen Union, unter der Zuwendungsvereinbarung Nr. 723277 gefördert.

Managing a transformation towards industry 4.0 : A study within the bus manufacturing industry

Ekebring, Oskar, Eriksson, Mattias January 2020 (has links)
Prior research suggests that industry 4.0 could bring numerous benefits to firms manufacturing operations. Despite industry 4.0’s overwhelming popularity, there is considerable confusion surrounding how to approach a transformation, and additionally how it will affect organizations. Bus manufacturing has seen minor advancements in initiating change towards industry 4.0 due to characteristics with low volumes, high product varieties, high complexity and a large variety of customer adaptations. This thesis intends to give clarity to the opportunities and challenges that industry 4.0 technologies entail for bus manufacturing operations. Furthermore, contribute with a roadmap for how to manage a transformation towards industry 4.0 directed for bus manufacturing. The thesis was conducted studying a case using the process of systematic combining. Qualitative methods were applied to address the research questions, collecting data from ten interviews with operational- and manufacturing managers. Empirical findings indicate that the characteristics of bus manufacturing influence the industry 4.0 technologies that are applicable and suited for implementation. The findings suggest opportunities in terms of increased production efficiency, improved flexibility and reduced takt times with data management and real-time capabilities from adapting data management, cloud technology and sensors. Other opportunities such as virtualization with digital twin and virtual training were also suggested to enable factory simulations and virtual representations of manufacturing stations. Prominent challenges identified were lack of knowledge regarding industry 4.0 technologies, data analytics, how to motivate investments, system integration and using robotics in the bus manufacturing operations. Furthermore, the proposed roadmap for how bus manufacturing can manage a transformation towards industry 4.0 consists of eight steps that include important factors identified from the study such as vision, determination, barriers, responsibility, consistency and working in small steps. This study’s theoretical contribution is providing knowledge about industry 4.0 in the context of bus manufacturing operations. The findings suggest that knowledge is a primary factor for managing a transformation towards industry 4.0, where educating and engaging personnel could facilitate the change work. Further, the results of this study lend support to the argument that approaching industry 4.0 is dependent on the organization and industry. The study also emphasizes that future research should focus on establishing a uniform definition of industry 4.0, and further examine what the costs for a transformation towards industry 4.0 could necessitate for bus manufacturing operations. / Tidigare forskning tyder på att industri 4.0 kan ge många fördelar för företag som bedriver tillverkningsverksamhet. Trots industri 4.0’s överväldigande popularitet finns det betydande förvirring kring hur man närmar sig en transformation, samt hur det kommer att påverka organisationer. Busstillverkningsindustrin har sett en obetydlig utveckling i förändringsarbetet mot industri 4.0 på grund av dess egenskaper med låga volymer, stora variationer, höga komplexitet samt många kundanpassningar. Denna uppsats har för avsikt att klargöra de möjligheter samt utmaningar som teknologier inom industri 4.0 innebär för verksamheten inom busstillverkning, då industri 4.0 anses medföra stora förändringar inom produktionen. Studien bidrar vidare till en färdplan för hur man kan hantera en omvandling mot industri 4.0 inriktad för busstillverkning. Studien genomfördes genom att studera ett fall med tillvägagångssätt enligt “systematic combining”. Kvalitativa metoder tillämpades för att kunna behandla forskningsfrågorna med datainsamling från tio intervjuer med operativa- och produktionschefer. Empirin indikerar att kännetecknen för busstillverkning påverkar vilka teknologier inom industri 4.0 som är tillämpbara och lämpliga för implementering. Analys av empirisk data tyder på möjligheter i form av ökad produktionseffektivitet, flexibilitet samt reducerad takttid genom datahantering och real-tidsfunktioner från användning av artificiell intelligens, molnteknik samt sensorer. Ytterligare möjligheter antyddes inom virtualisering med digitala tvillingar samt virtuell träning för att simulera fabriken och produktionsstationer i virtuella miljöer. Framträdande utmaningar som antyddes var brist på kunskap om teknologierna inom industri 4.0, att analysera stora mängder data, att kunna motivera investeringar, systemintegration samt tillämpningen av robotik i produktionen. Den föreslagna färdplanen för hur busstillverkning kan hantera en omvandling mot industri 4.0 består av åtta steg som inkluderar viktiga faktorer som identifierades från studien såsom vision, beslutsamhet, hinder, ansvarighet, kontinuitet samt att arbeta i små steg. Det teoretiska bidraget från studien är kunskap om industri 4.0 i kontexten för busstillverkning. Resultatet tyder på att kunskap är en primär faktor för att hantera en förändring mot industri 4.0, där informera och engagera personal kan underlätta förändringsarbetet. Resultaten av denna studie ger stöd till argumentet att hur man närmar sig industri 4.0 är beroende av organisationen samt inom vilken industri som verksamheten bedrivs inom. Studien understryker även att framtida forskning bör fokusera på att skapa en enhetlig definition av industri 4.0, samt att vidare undersöka de kostnader som bussproduktion kan kräva vid en förändring mot industri 4.0.

Модел за евалуацију организационих и технолошких концепата у прерађивачком сектору из перспективе Индустрије 4.0 / Model za evaluaciju organizacionih i tehnoloških koncepata u prerađivačkom sektoru iz perspektive Industrije 4.0 / A model for evaluation of organizational and technological concepts in themanufacturing sector from the perspective of Industry 4.0

Medić Nenad 10 June 2020 (has links)
<p>Истраживање у докторској дисертацији односи се на примену организационих и технолошких концепата у прерађивачком сектору, са акцентом на њихов допринос савременим трендовима производње, дефинисаним у оквиру Индустрије 4.0. Основни циљ истраживања је да се развије концептуални модел за евалуацију организационих и технолошких концепата у прерађивачком сектору, а након тога да се модел емпиријски примени са циљем утврђивања специфичних концепата који, посматрано из перспективе савремених производних трендова, имају највећи значај за компаније. За сврхе овог истраживања коришћене су методе за вишекритеријумско одлучивање. Развијени модел може се користити у будућим истраживањима, док се резултати могу користити за стратешку оријентацију компанија које су заинтересоване да се прилагоде и да послују у складу са савременим трендовима производње.</p> / <p>Istraživanje u doktorskoj disertaciji odnosi se na primenu organizacionih i tehnoloških koncepata u prerađivačkom sektoru, sa akcentom na njihov doprinos savremenim trendovima proizvodnje, definisanim u okviru Industrije 4.0. Osnovni cilj istraživanja je da se razvije konceptualni model za evaluaciju organizacionih i tehnoloških koncepata u prerađivačkom sektoru, a nakon toga da se model empirijski primeni sa ciljem utvrđivanja specifičnih koncepata koji, posmatrano iz perspektive savremenih proizvodnih trendova, imaju najveći značaj za kompanije. Za svrhe ovog istraživanja korišćene su metode za višekriterijumsko odlučivanje. Razvijeni model može se koristiti u budućim istraživanjima, dok se rezultati mogu koristiti za stratešku orijentaciju kompanija koje su zainteresovane da se prilagode i da posluju u skladu sa savremenim trendovima proizvodnje.</p> / <p>This research is related to the use of organizational and technological<br />concepts in manufacturing companies, highlighting their contribution to the<br />production principles of Industry 4.0. The main purpose of this research is to<br />develop a model for evaluation of organizational and technological concepts<br />in the manufacturing sector from the perspective of Industry 4.0.<br />Consequently, the model was used to determine which organizational and<br />technological concepts are contributing the most to the production principles<br />of Industry 4.0. The developed model could be used in future research, while<br />the results presented in this research could serve for strategic orientation of<br />manufacturers.</p>

Industry 4.0 : Impact on Manufacturing Strategies and Performance

Pehrsson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
The fourth industrial revolution, also known as Industry 4.0, is based on digital industrial technology developments. The purpose of Industry 4.0 is to transform industrial manufacturing through digitalization and new technologies. The introduction of Industry 4.0 has led companies to consider digitalization as essential for company strategies. For decades, companies have aspired to increase performance by using advanced production practices, such as different operation methods and advanced manufacturing technologies. The intention of introducing these practices is to advance companies towards high performance by implementing advanced techniques. One way of utilizing the potential of new technologies is by an adoption of the concept Industry 4.0. This research studies the impact of Industry 4.0 on companies current manufacturing strategies and operational performance. The study is carried out by conducting case studies on two companies with connections to the concept of Industry 4.0 and implementations of Industry 4.0 technologies such as big data, Internet of things, the Cloud concepts, simulations, and autonomous robots. Through theoretical and comparative analysis and discussion, the study found that an adoption to Industry 4.0 as a concept is a long and stepwise process. Successful Industry 4.0 adaption requires integration of Industry 4.0 with current manufacturing strategies. Implementation of certain Industry 4.0 technologies can have an impact on operational performance if these are integrated with advancements of manufacturing practices. The practices of manufacturing strategies are significantly associated with operational performance. In other cases, the impact of implementing new technologies linger, and is not directly noticeable. With this in consideration, the value of these new technologies should not be limited to operational measurements such as financial measures.

Průmysl 4.0 jako součást veřejně-politické agendy v ČR / Industry 4.0 as part of the public policy agenda in the Czech Republic

Bjaček, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is the development of the policy of Industry 4.0 in the Czech Republic. The main idea of this initiative is to respond to the coming fourth industrial revolution, which will affect not only the means of production, but also society. The concept of Industry 4.0 is thus very heterogeneous, affecting not only the change in the means of production and changes in the labor market, but also educational policy or the digitization of public administration. It is therefore an important issue that is the focus of the functioning of a wide range of actors in various areas of public policy. The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the agenda of Industry 4.0 with selected main representatives who respond to this topic (from the ranks of formalized institutions). The question that the thesis tries to answer is what can we expect from the coming fourth industrial revolution in the Czech Republic and what threats, and conversely the benefits, can be expected. The research part is focused on introduction of Industry 4.0 policies in the Czech Republic and its current form. The research was carried mainly through specific policy documents (strategies, action plans and long-term plans), expert interviews and visits to the specialized conferences as Opening days in Testbed for...

Design of a virtual robot cell at IKEA Industry : Digital twin of a packaging robot cell

Larsson, Kevin, Winqvist, Max January 2022 (has links)
This report studies how a digital twin can be utilized through offlinerobot programming and simulation for a robot packaging line;additionally, the advantages and challenges of a robot digital twin arereported. This thesis project and the robot simulation is done incollaboration with Ikea Industry.The obtained result was in form of a digital twin which is a digital copyof a physical robot cell at Ikea Industry’s packaging line. The resultsshow that a digital twin can indeed be utilized for layout planning androbot optimization. An energy consumption chart which depends on thetime taken to package ten boards was created. This chart can be used forfurther optimization of the robot cell.The study also shows that a digital twin can save time and money,especially in the design phase, for medium to small companies that donot have the resources to create a dedicated physical robot cell fortesting.

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