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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effectivization of white-collarwork through AI applications : A roadmap for future development in production

Boström, Gustav, Parker, Thomas January 2024 (has links)
The demand for products continues to increase in today’s society, and to meet this demandcompanies are searching for new ways to improve the performance of their workers.Therefore, there is a constant push to develop and implement new technological solutionswithin the Industry 4.0 approach. The aim of this study is to research the different pathwaysone could take when implementing these technological solutions and what challenges itwould entail, with a focus on Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is done in collaboration withSaab Surveillance within their production division, who wishes to increase theirperformance within their white-collar environment. In this study, performance is defined andmeasured through productivity. The main indicators of productivity will, therefore, be timededicated to a task as well as the potential to improve the quality of a task. The result of thisstudy is presented with a roadmap framework where seven key areas, i.e., work processes,were discovered that could benefit from AI applications. These areas were uncovered byconducting a contextual inquiry and semi-structured interviews, and were then matched withrelevant AI applications. The discovered key areas are categorized based on a cost-benefitanalysis, with the scale of; low, medium, and high. The roadmap illustrates in which areas itcould be most beneficial to implement the suggested AI applications. Using this study, Saaband other companies can make more informed decisions on the pathways for adopting newtechnological solutions that will improve the performance of their white-collar workers.

State of the Smart Factory : Driving OEM Progress in the Smart Factory Era: A Case Study of an Industrial Supplier to the Motor Vehicle Industry

Sand, Jacob, Bernhardsson, Henric January 2024 (has links)
The concept of industry 4.0 has long been a topic of discussion, research, and cultural impact, it has also rapidly increased effectiveness, profitability, and growth for the involved parties. At the pinnacle of industry 4.0 smart factories have emerged as a concept, describing the factories of competitive manufacturing leaders who best utilize the advanced tools of the era. The journey toward progressing conventional factories, making them smart, requires collaboration with suppliers who are well-equipped to support this transition. Therefore, this thesis aims to take on a supplier perspective through the lens of strategy to gain a deeper understanding of how suppliers should act towards original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) in the smart factory era. Specifically, investigating how suppliers can seize business opportunities in the smart factory maturity (SFM) journey of OEMs.  The study was conducted through a qualitative single case study performed with an industrial supplier towards OEMs in the motor vehicle industry (MVI). Data collection included performing semi-structured interviews with employees at the case company as well as observations such as break room discussions and visits at OEMs. Moreover, thematic analysis was carried out which resulted in three themes which deepens the understanding of the supplier’s role in the context. The discussion of the themes concludes that suppliers should: 1. Understand the state of the OEMs' smart factory journey, by identifying the OEMs SFM and what drives them forward. 2. Use the found enablers in their strategy to assist the journey, i.e. by developing strategic partnerships, expanding the software offering, establishing a smart factory vision, and changing the mindset towards solution selling. 3. Prepare for and manage the identified challenges of the smart factory era, which are factory legacy, new competency needs, cyber security, silo mindset, and change management. The research contributes to industry 4.0 maturity model literature by adding a more managerial view on the area and a supplier perspective. Furthermore, the study contributes to strategic management literature by adding onto the dynamic capabilities framework by providing a practical context on how organizations can seize business opportunities.

Big Data Analytics für die Produktentwicklung

Katzenbach, Alfred, Frielingsdorf, Holger 10 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Aus der Einleitung: "Auf der Hannovermesse 2011 wurde zum ersten Mal der Begriff "Industrie 4.0" der Öffentlichkeit bekannt gemacht. Die Akademie der Technikwissenschaften hat in einer Arbeitsgruppe diese Grundidee der vierten Revolution der Industrieproduktion weiterbearbeitet und 2013 in einem Abschlussbericht mit dem Titel „Umsetzungsempfehlungen für das Zukunftsprojekt Industrie 4.0“ veröffentlicht (BmBF, 2013). Die Grundidee besteht darin, wandlungsfähige und effiziente Fabriken unter Nutzung moderner Informationstechnologie zu entwickeln. Basistechnologien für die Umsetzung der intelligenten Fabriken sind: — Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) — Internet of Things (IoT) und Internet of Services (IoS) — Big Data Analytics and Prediction — Social Media — Mobile Computing Der Abschlussbericht fokussiert den Wertschöpfungsschritt der Produktion, während die Fragen der Produktentwicklung weitgehend unberücksichtigt geblieben sind. Die intelligente Fabrik zur Herstellung intelligenter Produkte setzt aber auch die Weiterentwicklung der Produktentwicklungsmethoden voraus. Auch hier gibt es einen großen Handlungsbedarf, der sehr stark mit den Methoden des „Modellbasierten Systems-Engineering“ einhergeht. ..."

Digitale Geschäftsmodelle in der Industrie 4.0

Lange, Hergen Eilert 22 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Die Industrie 4.0 führt aktuell zu revolutionären Veränderungen und Herausforderungen im Industriesektor, auf die Unternehmen mit neuen Geschäftsmodellen reagieren müssen. Die Masterarbeit gibt mit Hilfe einer Status-Quo Analyse eine Bestandsaufnahme über die aktuellen digitalen Geschäftsmodelle deutscher Industrieunternehmen. Die Erkenntnisse wurden auf Basis von 71 \"Mini-Cases\" erhoben. Dabei wurden Anbieter, sowie Anwender von Industrie 4.0 Technologien untersucht und in neun Muster kategorisiert. Auf Grundlage dieser Ergebnisse wurde ein inkrementeller Transformationsprozess konzipiert, der zur Entwicklung von digitalen Geschäftsmodellen in der Industrie 4.0 genutzt werden kann.

Control 4.0 : Creating a vision for the future of industrial control rooms under Industry 4.0

Sundström, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Today’s industries are facing what some may call a new industrial revolution. Technological developments are heading towards more internet-based system solutions. This movement is often referred to as Industry 4.0 and is said to have the potential for more flexible, autonomous productions capable of managing themselves. With new technologies, however, there is also a demand for new competences and qualification requirements on the workforce. Furthermore, industries of today often have problems with recruiting new competent employees, especially younger people. Industries looking to implement Industry 4.0 would therefore have to manage the education and development of existing employees while also attracting new employees. As part of a larger research project at Luleå University of Technology, this thesis project aims to describe how the control rooms in Swedish metallurgic industries will be affected by Industry 4.0. Furthermore, the project aims to describe what changes that are desirable for achieving a sustainable, effective and equal industry. To better achieve this goal, the project was done in collaboration with the metallurgic industry SSAB, specifically the steel production in Luleå. Through visits, interviews and observations at the control rooms in SSAB’s steel production, the context of today’s control room work was detailed. This context was compared to and analyzed using reviewed literature regarding future technologies under Industry 4.0 along with my own speculations on future possibilities. The analyses consists of my reflections on what problems that existed, what could be improved and what worked well in the control rooms. Furthermore, my analyses included the positive and negative effects that the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies could have on the control room work. The analyses were utilized as the basis for creating a vision of how control rooms can develop under Industry 4.0, and the changes that are desirable. The resulting vision compiled from my analyses consists of two scenarios; a dystopian and a utopian scenario. Each scenario depicts exaggerated depictions of the potential results of implementing Industry 4.0. The dystopian scenario depicts the few operators not made obsolete by an autonomous production and how they’ve been affected. They are constantly tracked and have their health monitored during their work, their equipment isn’t designed with the user in mind and the job no longer feels like qualified work. As a contrast, the utopian operators instead utilize the increased capabilities for communication and data gathering from systems and machines to work with tests, development work and optimization. Furthermore, instead of constant monitoring, tracking sensors are instead used to notify emergency personnel if the operator hurts themselves while out working. With these scenarios I also included recommendations for how the utopian vision can be achieved and the dystopian one avoided. These recommendations include involving operators in development of work tasks and instructions to promote employee involvement and control. Furthermore, their involvement allows for the better utilization of their knowledge and experiences, while also potentially helping with making the control room work better adapted to the operators’ needs. According to the results of this project, this will help improve and support efforts to create more attractive workplaces and promote qualifications development. By following the recommendations made, it is my hope that Swedish metallurgic industries like SSAB can better strive for an implementation of Industry 4.0 that is beneficial for both employer and employees. / Dagens industrier möter idag något som vissa kallar en ny industriell revolution. Inom teknikutvecklingen introduceras fler och fler internet-baserade systemlösningar. Denna utveckling namnges ofta som Industri 4.0 och ska kunna möjliggöra flexibla, autonoma produktionsflöden som kan drivas av sig själva. Med ny teknik kommer dock nya kunskapskrav och ett behov av nya kompetenser för arbetskraften. Vidare har dagens industrier ofta även problem med att rekrytera kompetent ny arbetskraft, speciellt bland yngre generationer. Industrier som vill implementera Industri 4.0 kommer därför att behöva hantera både kompetensutvecklingen och utbildningen av befintliga anställda, samt att attrahera nya anställda. Som en del av ett större forskningsprojekt på Luleå tekniska universitet ämnar detta examensprojekt att beskriva hur kontrollrummen i svenska metallindustrier kommer att påverkas av Industri 4.0. Vidare ämnar projektet att beskriva vilka förändringar som är önskvärda med målet att uppnå en hållbar, effektiv och jämställd industri. För att bättre uppnå detta mål utfördes projektet i samarbete med stålindustrin SSAB i Luleå. Genom besök, intervjuer och observationer i deras produktions kontrollrum kunde det nuvarande kontrollrumsarbetet undersökas. Besöken analyserades genom att använda kvalitetsgranskad litteratur om framtida teknik och system under Industri 4.0, samt genom mina egna spekulationer om framtiden. Vidare inkluderade mina analyser vilka positiva och negativa effekter Industri 4.0 kan ha på kontrollrumsarbete. Analyserna användes som en grund för att skapa en vision hur kontrollrumsarbete kan utvecklas under Industri 4.0 samt vilka utvecklingar som är önskvärda. Den resulterande visionen bestod av två scenarier; ett dystopiskt och ett utopiskt scenario. Varje scenario ger överdrivna beskrivningar av de potentiella följderna av en implementering av Industri 4.0. Det dystopiska scenariot beskriver det fåtal kvarvarande kontrollrumsoperatörerna som inte gjorts överflödiga av den autonoma produktionen och hur de påverkas. De spåras konstant i lokalen medan deras hälsa övervakas, samtidigt som deras utrustning inte anpassas efter deras behov och arbetet inte behöver någon vidare kompetens. Som kontrast till det använder den utopiske operatören de ökade möjligheterna för datainsamling från och kommunikation med system och maskiner för att arbeta mer med test, utvecklingsarbete och optimering. Vidare används spårningstekniken inte för konstant övervakning, utan meddelar istället akutpersonal om deras position och tillstånd om de skadar sig när de arbetar ute i lokalen. Med dessa två scenarier tog jag även upp rekommendationer för hur den utopiska visionen kan eftersträvas och den dystopiska undvikas. Rekommendationerna inkluderar att involvera operatörer i utvecklingen av nya arbetsuppgifter och instruktioner för att främja anställdas medverkan och kontroll över sitt arbete. Utöver det möjliggör deras medverkan att deras kunskap och erfarenheter utnyttjas och används, samtidigt som det potentiellt hjälper anpassa kontrollrumsarbetet bättre efter operatörernas behov. Det kommer att hjälpa förbättra och stödja arbetet med att skapa mer attraktiva arbetsplatser och främja kompetensutveckling. Genom att följa rekommendationerna hoppas jag att svenska metallindustrier som SSAB kan enklare arbeta mot en implementation av Industri 4.0 som är fördelaktig för både anställd och för företaget.

3D Layout Scanning for Smart Manufacturing : Method Development and a Study of Future Possibilities

Nargund, Vijay, Ahmed, Syed Z. January 2018 (has links)
The term ‘Industry 4.0’ leads to many new possibilities like smart factory which is the amalgamation of manufacturing systems in a network to perform tasks more efficiently. It is becoming more and more important for the companies to develop smart factories and integrate the devices within such a facility to meet the demands of the evolving market. The next generation production systems are designed to share the data within the network, plan, and predict the solution for the future problems. One such technology under smart factory is 3D laser scanning resulting in point cloud of the production unit. The traditional way of documenting a layout is usually with the help of 2D computer aided designs which are susceptible to measurement errors and changes that are not updated regularly. With the help of point clouds, an as-is representation of the factories can be recorded which can be easily updated with changes in the real world. With advancements in virtual manufacturing, the need for visualization of the factories is increasing drastically. 3D Laser Scanning is one of the better ways of meeting this need, among many other applications. The focus of the thesis had been to create a method document for 3D laser scanning of factories and to discuss the future possibilities of it. The research approach used in this thesis was conducting observational study, interviews and testing of the method. One such future possibility is autonomous scanning and how it would be beneficial for a company like Scania which is developing smart factories. Based on the study carried out during the thesis, a document presenting the method developed is included in the report. The report also points out the applications and benefits of point cloud over traditional layout planning methods.

Arquitetura para descoberta de equipamentos em processos de manufatura com foco na indústria 4.0. / Architecture to discover equipment in manufacturing processes focused on industry 4.0.

Pisching, Marcos André 08 December 2017 (has links)
A Indústria 4.0, ou quarta revolução industrial, é o atual cenário industrial que estabelece um novo paradigma para os sistemas de produção. A indústria 4.0 é compreendida como a implementação da fábrica inteligente que opera de forma mais autônoma e com menor intervenção humana, cujo propósito é prover serviços e produtos inteligentes que atendam às necessidades individuais dos consumidores. A Indústria 4.0 está amparada nos sistemas ciber-físicos (CPS) e na Internet das Coisas (IoT). Neste cenário máquinas e produtos se comunicam entre si visando automatizar os processos industriais por meio de informações individuais obtidas em tempo real durante os processos de manufatura. No entanto, a Indústria 4.0 e as pesquisas em torno desse assunto ainda são muito recentes e requerem mais investigações no que diz respeito às arquiteturas que suportem a sua implementação, entre elas a comunicação entre produtos e máquinas. Neste quesito, recentemente foi proposto o modelo de arquitetura de referência para a Indústria 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) com o objetivo de nortear a implementação deste tipo de sistema. Contudo, o RAMI 4.0 ainda requer esforços no campo da pesquisa sob diferentes aspectos, entre eles a integração vertical de recursos do sistema de produção. Neste sentido, este trabalho objetiva apresentar uma arquitetura para a descoberta de equipamentos para processar operações conforme as necessidades dos produtos. A arquitetura foi projetada em camadas baseadas no RAMI 4.0 para prover componentes que permitam a comunicação entre equipamentos e produtos, e um mecanismo similar ao sistema de nomes de domínios (DNS - Domain Name System) para realizar a descoberta de equipamentos para processar uma determinada operação. Nessa arquitetura as informações dos equipamentos são armazenadas em uma estrutura organizada hierarquicamente para auxiliar o serviço de descoberta, e os produtos possuem informações das operações necessárias para o processo de manufatura. Para garantir a eficácia do funcionamento dos componentes e suas interações, é necessário a verificação e validação por meio de métodos formais. Neste trabalho a verificação e validação é realizada por meio da técnica PFS (Production Flow Schema)/RdP (Rede de Petri). Por fim, a arquitetura é aplicada em um sistema de produção modular para demonstrar a sistemática de implementação e a sua efetividade. / The Industry 4.0, also known as fourth industrial revolution, is the current industrial scenario that sets a new paradigm for production systems. The Industry 4.0 can be understood as the implementation of the smart factory that operates more autonomously and with less human intervention. The purposes of it is to provide smart products and services that meet the consumer individual needs. The Industry 4.0 is supported by cyber-physical systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT). In this scenario machines and products communicate with each other to automate industrial processes through individual information that are obtained in real time during manufacturing processes. However, the researches around this issue are still very recent and require further investigations with regard of to the architectures that support its implementation, including communication between products and equipment. Taking into account this problem, a Reference Architectural Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI 4.0) was recently proposed with the purpose to guide the implementation of this system type. However, the RAMI 4.0 still requires efforts in different aspects, including the vertical integration of resources of the production systems. In this sense, this work aims to present an architecture for the discovery of equipment to process operations according to the product needs. The architecture was designed based on layers of the RAMI 4.0 to provide components that allow communication between equipment and products and a Web Service that offer a mechanism similar to the Domain Name System (DNS) to locate equipment to process a required operation. In this architecture the capable operations supported by the equipment are stored in a structure organized hierarchically to aid the discovery service, and the products have information of the operation required for the manufacturing process. In order to guarantee the effectiveness of the component functionalities and their interactions it is necessary to verify and validate them by formal methods. In this work the Production Flow Schema (PFS)/Petri Net (PN) technique is used to develop the conceptual and functional modeling of the architecture. Finally the architecture is applied in a modular production system to demonstrate its implementation systematics and its effectiveness.

Concepts for a suitable condition based monitoring system for a planetary gearbox. / Koncept för lämpliga tillståndsövervakningssystem för enplanetväxel

Svensson, Gustav, Huisman, Mischa January 2018 (has links)
In the trends of technical improvements and automatization is it important for companies to keep up with the developments to be competitive on the market. SwePart Transmissions AB is a company that manufacture and develop gearboxes for the currently growing robot arms industry and the main task with this study is to investigate how to apply condition based monitoring on a new gearbox from the company. The work considers vibration analysis and testing new ideas in the oil analysis field. The tests that were performed are based on measuring the difference in impedance or magnetic field due to the increasement of wear. The results of the tests are not clear. This thesis is the beginning of a big project and therefore lies the value of this work in the new ideas and suggestions for further work.

Impacts of Industry 4.0 on Swedish Manufacturing SMEs Context

Chatha, Karandeep Singh January 2019 (has links)
Abstract Purpose- Industry 4.0 as a concept has created a wave of innovation in the manufacturing sector. In Sweden, the goal for the Swedish manufacturing SMEs is to be leaders in digitalization and stay competitive. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to understand the impacts of Industry 4.0 on Swedish manufacturing SMEs. Method- The method used in this research is a multiple case study consisting of three manufacturing SMEs in Sweden. A literature review was conducted in a systematic way to give a background of Industry 4.0 and its technologies. The literature review provided the theoretical base and knowledge about the phenomena which led to preparation of interview guide used for data collection. Data collection was done through semi-structured interviews. Thereafter, the findings were analyzed within case, cross-case and compared with literature. Findings- To analyze the impacts of Industry 4.0 on the manufacturing SMEs, the author developed a framework which included the ten main Industry 4.0 technologies, Porter ́s generic value chain model and industrial performance indicators. During the analysis, it was found that all the companies were users of Industry 4.0; however, they were using mostly robots as the main technologies besides one company using cloud-platform technology. All the companies had impacts on their value chains operation activity. All five performance indicators flexibility, costs, productivity, quality and lead times were found to impact on Swedish manufacturing SMEs. The findings support the same indicators as found in literature. Furthermore, all three case companies confirmed that they have higher profits which shows that the implementation of Industry 4.0 not only improves industrial performance indicators but also can lead to increase in financial performance. Implications- This thesis contributed to both theory and provides suggestions to managers with primary contribution being the framework which itself is a contribution to the theory. The framework can be used both by researchers and managers. Furthermore, the theory provided in the literature review of impacts of different technologies on the value chain can guide the managers to understand which of the technologies are useful in corresponding activities of value chain. The suggestions provided by industry peers are also a major advantage for the managers to prepare their companies for Industry 4.0. Limitations- The research focused only on manufacturing SMEs in Sweden and from industry perspective, only SMEs manufacturing goods were included and not services. Within the case companies, all ten identified Industry 4.0 technologies were not found to be implemented in SMEs, therefore; the analysis and answers to research questions were based on the technologies found. Moreover, there was a constraint of time and resources which led to a small sample of three manufacturing industries. Keywords: Industry 4.0, The fourth Industrial Revolution, Industrie 4.0, Digitization, Value chain, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, SME, Impacts, Barriers

Implementing Full Inventory Control in a Production Facility: A Case Study at Scania CV Engine Assembly

Dipa, Fuad, Ektiren, Erkan January 2019 (has links)
The concept of inventory control has been around since the early 20th century and it’s constantly evolving. The importance of inventory management and supply chain management is clear, and companies are constantly trying to evolve their systems and ways of handling inventory control. By having a proper inventory control system with adequate inventory record audits, a company could potentially have several benefits such as reduced tied-up capital, reduced holding costs, reduced/redistributed work hours, better automation and more. Most organisations and companies have some form of inventory control, however not all have full control of their inventory. This includes automatic inventory balance updates, package traceability, automatic replenishment systems and more. To implement these ideas, a company would need to foremost find what factors are currently hindering them from obtaining this and consequently being able to adjust their factors. Since there are several ways to obtain an automatic inventory record update that is adequate, multiple proposals are discussed in this thesis project. This thesis project assessed what the necessary steps that a company needs to perform are through a case study at Scania CV Engine and a benchmarking at Scania Production Angers. Through a collection of scientific literature and empirical data, an attempt to identify the factors that determine whether a company can implement full inventory control or not was made. As a supplement to this, this thesis project also looked over what type of consequences an implementation of full inventory control could have in a company, both when it comes to purely systemic consequences as well as economic consequences. / Begreppet saldokontroll har cirkulerat sedan början av 1900-talet och teorierna utvecklas ständigt. Betydelsen av lagerstyrning och Supply Chain Management är idag tydlig och företag försöker ständigt utveckla sina system och sätt att hantera saldokontroll på. Genom att ha ordentlig saldokontroll med adekvata lagerregistreringsrevisioner kan ett företag potentiellt få flertalet fördelar som till exempel reducerat bundet kapital, minskade innehavskostnader, reducerade eller omfördelade arbetstimmar, bättre automatisering och mera. De flesta organisationer och företag har någon form av lagerkontroll, men inte alla har 100% kontroll över sina inventeringar. Detta inkluderar automatiska lagerrevisioner, spårbarhet av paket, automatiska påfyllningssystem och mer. För att genomföra dessa idéer måste ett företag framför allt finna vilka faktorer som för närvarande förhindrar dem från att uppnå 100% saldokontroll och följaktligen kunna justera dessa faktorer. Eftersom det finns flera sätt att uppnå automatiska revisioner av inventeringen som är proper så diskuteras flera förslag i denna avhandling. Denna avhandling försöker bedöma vilka nödvändiga steg som ett företag behöver genomföra är genom en utförd fallstudie på Scania CV Engine tillsammans med en benchmarking på Scania Production Angers. Genom en samling av vetenskapliga studier och empiriska data från fallstudien gjordes ett försök att identifiera de faktorer som avgöra om ett företag kan implementera 100% saldokontroll eller inte. Som ett komplement till detta ser denna rapport även över vilken typ av konsekvenser en sådan implementering kan innebära, båda när det gäller rent systematiska förändringar samt ekonomiska förändringar.

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