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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cytroconnect – a cloud-based IOT-service as connectivity solution for electrohydraulic systems

Laube, Martin, Günder, Andreas, Bierod, Jan, Jesberger, Volker, Rauch, Stefan 25 June 2020 (has links)
Conventional electrohydraulic solutions integrate easily into modern machine concepts by utilizing field bus technology. Nevertheless, most use cases are limited to machine automation concepts. Integration into higher-level data and IoT systems is the key for positioning of electrohydraulic solutions within the factory of the future. CytroConnect is a new approach for the integration of electrohydraulic systems into IoT environments and the corresponding market offerings. Bosch Rexroth decided not only to integrate IoT-ready features like pre-installed sensor packages but also a modular automation concept providing decentralized intelligence with an open multi-ethernet interface. An edge-to-cloud connectivity stack operated by Bosch turns the target into a Connected Product. The convergence of physical and digital product can be realized. Based on that the digital service CytroConnect solves concrete holistic use cases like visualization and condition monitoring by offering a web-based dashboard of all relevant sensor data that is accessible everywhere. Modular paid add-ons offered as risk-free monthly subscriptions address further smart maintenance and prediction use cases.

The umbrella term Industry 4.0 and the digitization of the industry : A qualitative study on the progress of Swedish companies

Hellberg, Tim, Ström, Filip January 2021 (has links)
The umbrella term industry 4.0 stands for the ongoing integration of modern smart technologies in industrial settings. The implementation of the technologies it covers has been an ongoing process for a decade. However, there is a huge variation in companies adaptation of these technologies and progress is slow. This master’s thesis is conducted in collaboration with Cybercom Group and aims to investigate what is keeping the adaptation of Industry 4.0 technologies from taking of. This study was mainly tackled through qualitative interviews with nine different Swedish industry companies. In these interviews their opinions and thoughts on the current state of their factory in contrast to the industry 4.0 vision were discussed. This study reveals that limitations such as high costs on IoT sensors, unsure return of investment, battery constraints on IoT devices, unstable availability on IoT devices connected to the cloud and a general lack of knowledge hampers the adaptation of Industry 4.0 technologies. Finally we provide a price approximation for the monthly cost of streaming data to the three biggest cloud providers (AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud) for a use case of 8 sensors monitoring a blasting machine. This case shows that the price models of AWS and Google cloud is better suited for smaller cases than Azures while both AWS and Azures price models outperforms Google clouds price model at larger scales.

Applying information security to the operational technology environment and the challenges it brings

Holmström, Anton January 2021 (has links)
Information security risks in the operational technology (OT) environment is becoming legitimate challenges for businesses pursing an industrial digitalisation. IT and OT di˙erences reach across managerial, technical and operational aspects, creating unique challenges in developing a suÿcient security posture. The goal of the study is to gain an understanding of the challenges businesses face when applying information security in the operational technology environment in the context of an increased connectivity to the IT environment. In order to understand how information security is adapted to an OT environment, semi-structured interviews was conducted with respondents working with information security in process and production industries. These findings suggest that businesses tends to view the interconnection of IT and OT as two separate environments rather than one shared, which is causing managerial challenges when adapting an information security strategy to cover both the IT and the OT aspect of an organisation.

Enhancing IoT Security Using 5G Capabilities

Makkar, Ankush January 2021 (has links)
Internet of Things (IoT) is an ecosystem comprises CT (Communication Technology),IT (Information Technology) and sometime OT (Operational Technologies) wheredifferent machines and devices can interact with each other and exchange useful datawhich can be processed using different IoT applications to take decisions and performrequired actions. Number of IoT devices and IoT networks are growing exponentially.Security is of utmost importance and without proper security implementation, IoTNetworks with billions of devices will be hacked and used as botnets which can createdisaster. The new IoT use cases cannot be realized using the current communicationtechnologies due to the QoS (Quality of Service) and business requirements. 5Gnetwork are designed keeping IoT use cases in mind and with the development of 5Gnetwork, it will be easier to implement more secured IoT network and enable differentIoT use cases which are not feasible today.To build the future IoT networks with 5G, it’s important to study and understand 5Gsecurity features. Security is perceived as one of the most important considerationwhile building IoT solutions and to implement 5G network for IoT solutions require anoverall understanding of 5G security features. In the thesis, work have been done toidentify the gap in the current research with respect to 5G security features anddescribe 5G features that will enhance IoT security. After identifying key 5G securityfeatures, the implementation of the identified 5G security features will be describedwith the 5G based smart grid and smart factory use cases. The key finding is howdifferent 5G security capabilities secure IoT communication and another importantfinding is that not all security capabilities are applicable to all IoT use cases. Hence,security capabilities to be used based on the 5G use case requirement.

Organizational readiness for the implementation of robots in collaborative environments: a case study

Eriksson, Anders, Music, Anes January 2021 (has links)
The concept Industry 4.0 brings several technologies that could be useful for the factories and manufacturers to become more competitive. One of these technologies is the robots in collaborative environments which operate fenceless together with the operators. The interest of these robots in the manufacturing sector has been getting more attention in recent years. These implementation types require the organizations to determine their readiness levels to have success with the robot. Currently, the successful implantations of the robots in collaborative environments in industry are few, and the success factors must be mapped. Therefore, investigating the potential barriers, enablers and establishing a road map for a case company could be useful to fill this gap and assist the organizations with what is necessary to accomplish a successful implementation. A case study was conducted at a manufacturing company in Sweden, which allowed for insights into how an actual organization approaches the situation. The case company organization was in the process of acquiring a robot in a collaborative environment, hence, the data from the case company was relevant to answer the research questions. Furthermore, the data was collected using interviews, observations, and documents at the case company. A literature review was performed to provide information regarding the common factors within a RCE implementation, which also was a base for the interview guide. The data was analysed by comparing the theoretical framework and with the empirical findings to bring forth a conclusion and to establish a road map for the case company. A road map was created with sets of questions to address the identified barriers and enablers found in both literature and at the case company. The constructed road map contains questions concerning the areas of knowledge about the robot in collaborative environments, communication & information, organizational aspects, and resistance towards the change. By addressing the questions developed in the framework, the organization could get an advantage when considering the implementation of the robot. For the case company, as they are further along in the process, the road map could indicate how well they have performed in current projects. Furthermore, it could generate a more successful project the next time.

How to overcome the challenges of Internet of Things to ensure successful technology integration : A case study at an Aerospace manufacturer

Berger, Viktor, Chowdhury, Sakib January 2021 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to investigate how the challenges of Internet of Things that manufacturers can influence can be overcome. Theoretical foundation - This study conducted an extensive literature review to identify and understand the challenges to Internet of Things and actions to overcome them. 11 technical challenges, 13 organisational and 6 resource availability challenges were identified. 4 actions were identified. Method - To fulfil the purpose, an embedded multiple case study at a global Aerospace manufacturer was conducted. 7 unstructured interviews, 12 semi-structured interviews and a survey were conducted. Respondents were picked due to their experience in Internet of Things projects and relevant technologies. The survey was conducted to evaluate the challenges’ relevance to high-technology manufacturers, on a 7-point Likert scale. The semi-structured interviews aimed to find actions to overcoming the challenges relevant to high-technology manufacturers. Findings - The evaluation of the challenges relevance to high-technology manufacturers resulted in 10 common, 9 occasional and 2 uncommon challenges. 12 actions to overcoming the challenges and their tasks were identified. Theoretical contribution - The study provides a comprehensive list of potential challenges to Internet of Things. It evaluated the challenges’ impact on high-technology manufacturers, thus challenging and validating Internet of Things challenges presented in literature. It provides a set of actions and a framework which aids in overcoming challenges that impact high-technology manufacturers’ Internet of Things initiatives, thus contributing to digital change management. Finally, it aids in the progress towards concretising Industry 4.0 and its trends toward connectivity, intelligence, and flexible automation. Practical contribution - The study provides an increased understanding of potential challenges of Internet of Things, and recommendations to how high-technology manufacturer can overcome the challenges. A framework is provided which gives an overview of which actions, and subsequent tasks, to take to overcome a specific challenge.

Production line optimization featuring cobots and visual inspection system

Gisginis, Alexandros January 2021 (has links)
This study examines the automatization potential for two production lines at Scania Transmission workshop in Södertälje using Industry 4.0 technologies. In order to do so, the capabilities of the operational performance and safety features of cobots and an Automated Visual Inspection System is theoretically investigated and intended to substitute CNC operators on certain tasks such as loading of conveyors and quality controls. The purpose of the study is to generate a realistic approach and give insight to the benefits of a future practical implementation.Previous research around these technologies as well as the actual data recordings and several interviews that took place during on-site visits is presented. The results show that a significant amount of time can be saved and allocated differently. Based on the findings of the study, a layout for the cobots and AVIS placement is proposed, aiming for CNC operator’s better control over the critical parts of the production lines, thus contributing to a much more manageable workflow.

Framework For Enabling Structured Communication of Security Vulnerabilities in the Production Domain in Industry 4.0

Michel, Hannes, Christensson, Emil January 2021 (has links)
As industries are increasingly adapting to new technological trends for data collection and production efficiency, they are fulfilling the description of being part of the industry 4.0 (I4.0) paradigm. This swift development has led to unforeseen consequences concerning managerial and strategic aspects of security. In addition, threats and sophisticated attacks have increased, emphasizing a greater demand for information security management in the industrial setting. For smaller industrial manufacturers, information security management is not always available due the cost of resources, placing them in a challenging position. In addition, I4.0 introduces the area of OT/IT (Operational Technology and Information Technology) convergence, which is often heavily complex, creating the need for cross-competence. Furthermore, consequences from cyber attacks in the production domain can be catastrophic as they may endanger the safety and health of personnel. Thus, smaller manufacturing industries need to utilize existing resources to enable the prerequisites of managing security issues that may come with I4.0. Structuring and effectivizing the communication of security issues is needed to ensure that suitable competence can address security issues in a timely manner. The aspects of communication and competence are not addressed by current security standards and frameworks in the industrial context, nor are they equally applicable for smaller industrial organizations.  This study aims to contribute to the research field of information security in I4.0 by investigating how security vulnerabilities should be communicated at a smaller manufacturing industry that does not have an information security management system. The framework is based on a traditional incident response information flow and was designed at a Swedish manufacturing industry through the narrative of OT or production personnel.

Data driven support of production through increased control of information parameters : A case study

Cavallin, Petter January 2020 (has links)
The current manufacturing business environment becomes more dependent of digital tools to increase business opportunities and customer value. The organizations ability to embrace the digital tools is dependent of a its digital maturity position. The organization structure, information systems, and communication are variables affecting the position and enables or disables possibility of data-based decisions-making (DBDM). To determine the ability information system and information flow is analyzed through a case study at one of the production departments. The areas studied in the case study are information flow of metal powder and compression tools.  The case study is performed to study the organizations ability to connecting information, study information flow and assess potential information disruption. It is assessed by using digital maturity assessments. This result provides an insight of how it affects the DBDM abilities within the department. These areas are common in a general production setting. The metal powder area is analyzed by an experiment where the metal powder containers is manually measured and evaluate the real weight compared to the depreciated weight in the information system. The compression tool analysis is performed by extracting and analyzing structured- and unstructured machine data from the production. This analytical angle is dependent of reliable data, and information disruption between the production processes and the servers is noticed during the extraction of data. This extraction process and analysis resembles the need when implementing machine learning and other automatic applications.  The 360DMA assess a general view of the organizations position and follow up with a method how to reach certain goals to increase one of the five levels. The Acatech-model is used to assess two structural areas, resources and information systems. The metal powder container analysis shows that there is a problem between the information stored in the systems regarding weight of the metal powder containers. The compression tool analysis result is that the stored data about the compression tools and the count of the different components is not correct. This and difficulties with manually- and automatically extracting data from server’s cause information disruptions and decrease the production process information reliability and validity. This decrease the ability to use the production data to make data driven decisions and gain insights about the production. The digital maturity assessment position the organization on a connectivity level (Acatech model) regarding information systems and resources means that data is unreliable and once its reliable the next level is in reach. The varying position within the 360DMA model call for management to synchronize development between processes by introducing strategies, define responsibilities and understand the information flow.

Context-aware augmented reality experiences using cloud-based systems

Igelmo, Victor January 2020 (has links)
The new reality is about connectivity. From social media to collaborative tools in work environments, people and their devices are highly intercommunicated. This reality also affects the manufacturing industry, which has been developing standards to keep up with technology and take advantage of it. These technologies are encompassed in what has been called Industry 4.0. Out of all the technologies, apart from artificial intelligence, the main drives of Industry 4.0 are considered by many studies augmented reality (AR) and industrial internet of things (IIoT). This thesis suggests that these drivers have been mostly tested either in an isolated fashion or with limited connectivity. The main objective is to explore the advantages of connecting AR, IIoT, and the main source of information in the manufacturing process: product lifecycle management (PLM) systems. Two sub-objectives are extracted from the main one: to study of value created from real-time role-dependent AR information displaying, and to study how the connection AR-IIoT-PLM can affect developing and deploying times of AR experiences. To achieve the mentioned objectives, a case of study is built, and the combined system implemented on it. Following design and creation methodology, an artefact is created, and conclusions are extracted from the design, implementation, and usage stages. Main results are an improvement in developing and deploying time of AR experiences, along with guidelines to extract as much value as possible from the implementation of a combined system of this sort. This thesis includes a discussion section, where the potential of the system is explained and framed within the near future of manufacturing companies.

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