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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Leadership in Open Innovation : An exploratory study on the nature of R&D projects and predominant leadership characteristics in industry-academia collaborations

Wenzlaff, Jana, Singh, Aakriti January 2015 (has links)
This study looks at Open Innovation in Research and Development projects and explores the nature of collaboration and leadership characteristics. Thereby perspectives of both industrial and academic partners are considered, focusing primarily on the project level of the collaboration. It is based on the understanding that leadership plays a crucial role in bringing the partners successfully together, based on the prior understanding that academia and industry are potentially different in the nature, objectives and working dynamics of research and development.   This thesis begins with examining the existing literature on the concept of Open Innovation, including benefits and drawbacks of such projects. This leads to uncovering the managerial challenges that such projects encounter which can be mitigated by effective leadership. For this reason, relevant theories on leadership are explored, especially focusing on leadership in R&D contexts, as these kind of projects have special requirements from leaders that differ from traditional projects.  This research is qualitative in nature and takes an abductive approach to theory. 18 semi-structured interviews were conducted, consulting with heads of R&D departments from industrial companies, professors in charge of research labs at universities and representatives from intermediary organisations. The study is exploratory and cross-sectional in nature, as open innovation collaborations in Sweden, the UK and the Netherlands were in the centre of attention. The process of analysis implied the use of a template analysis, which provided the researchers with enough flexibility to code, categorize, and interpret necessary findings. The results show that the nature of Open Innovation collaborations differs from case to case, from mere contractual relationships to collaborative partnerships with a high level of interaction on a daily basis. The key motive for both partners is finance-based, as the universities gain access to funding and the company can save on research expenses. Additionally, companies benefit from access to academic expertise and from potential governmental funding.  Further, there is not a single leader in an industry-university collaboration, rather each entity has a leader of their own and collaborative working is fostered by them. It is deduced that no single leadership theory fits best in the operational level of R&D open innovation functioning, rather it is a mixture of a few popular theories which were predominant in collaborative relationships. The characteristics of leaders in open innovation were deduced and autonomy, communication and joint problem-solving have a prominent role in furthering the R&D collaborative relationship. As a result, a connection between leadership and Open Innovation collaborations was explored.

La veille technologique comme outil d'anticipation pour les politiques pour la science et l'innovation : rôle des indicateurs technologiques dans la construction des collaborations universités-entreprises au Maroc

Taouil, Fatima-Zohra 21 December 2012 (has links)
Notre recherche a pour objectif de fournir les indicateurs caractérisant l'activité technologique du Maroc. La production technologique a été mesurée à partir des données émanant de deux bases de données sur les brevets : la base de brevets de l'OMPIC qui publie les brevets déposés au Maroc et la base de l'OMPI pour les brevets mondiaux. Notre étude couvre les brevets de priorité marocaine pour une période de 6 ans et son champ d'application concerne l'industrie en tant que marché de l'innovation. Les indicateurs technologiques élaborés s'inscrivent dans le cadre des politiques pour favoriser le transfert des connaissances vers les entreprises. Nous avons puisé dans l'approche systémique et socio-constructiviste les éléments pour étudier le système de la recherche à travers ses aspects historiques, ses inputs, ses relations et son devenir et élaborer des indicateurs technologiques utiles aux décideurs. Nous avons utilisé la bibliométrie des brevets pour rendre compte de la structure des liens entres les producteurs technologiques dans une perspective à la fois sociale et scientifique. Nous avons démontré le peu de structuration en communautés des universités et des entreprises. Les personnes physiques sont à l'origine de 74% des dépôts dont seulement 10% ont une valeur ajoutée. Sur le plan régional, une concentration technologique est observée dans 3 régions. Nous avons soulevé la dépendance technologique du Maroc et proposer une stratégie pour améliorer l'attractivité des territoires à travers des opportunités de collaborations université-entreprise. / The purpose of this work was to provide the indicators characterizing the technological activity in Morocco. The technological production was measured by analyzing patents data extracted from a local and a global database: The OMPIC and WIPO patent database. Our study icludes patents with a moroccan priority for a period of 6 years years (2006-2010) with an application to industry as a potential user of scientific research. Building scientific and technological indicators is placed in the context of public policies to meet the socio-economic needs of the country. This research is based on a systemic and a socio-constructivist approaches to define the structural, functional and historical aspects to provide a comprehensive view of the Moroccan system of scientific and technological research. So, our study has analyzed the technological activity in three segments: companies, universities and individuals. We also studied the structure of collaboration between them and we noted mainly a lack of structuring communities in universities and companies as knowledge producers. The main technological activity emanates from individuals who are responsible for 74% of patenting activity, but only 10% of them are value-added technology. At a regional level, a technological concentration is observed in 3 regions only. we highlight the technological dependence of Morocco and put up a strategy to identify innovative clusters and university-entreprises collaboration.

生技製藥產學合作之研究-以陽明大學新藥中心、寶齡富錦為例 / The Academic-Industrial Collaboration in Biotechnology and Pharmaceuitical Industry

鄭雅文 Unknown Date (has links)
生物科技產業,是一個被預期將於未來使人類在醫學、製藥、材料、糧食乃至於能源、生態等各方面所面臨的問題,獲得重大突破的產業;也是被公認為二十一世紀最具發展潛力的重點產業!世界上各個先進國家莫不競相投入大量資源,積極進行生技產業的培植與發展。研究單位與大專院校,一向被稱為所謂的「知識引擎」。照理說,在良好的智財管理之下,理當成為智慧財產生產之重鎮,並經由技術轉移實際地應用在產業界,協助提昇企業的競爭力,進而強化國家整體的經濟能量。 本研究藉由各方相關之文獻、著作加以分析,先從美國與我國在科技或技術移轉相關法規的介紹,再整理生物技術與生技製藥產業的特性,和我國目前的現況與問題,最後由商品化角度歸納出技術移轉在各階段的組成要素,再參考美國麻省理工學院技術移轉中心實例。與國內產學成功之案例-「寶齡富錦PBF1681專案」及「陽明大學新藥中心」對照,從中比較出國內學校與產業之間的交流,哪一環節出了問題?在探討我國大學生技製藥產學合作機制上,本研究採用的架構主要是從國內外大學負責產學合作單位的「運作流程」開始瞭解在智慧財產權、技術推廣、技術移轉過程與移轉後的回饋監控機制等。 交相比較之後,建議國內大學之技術移轉中心需擬定明瞭易懂之政策 設計簡單易填之表格、重視商品化流程、經驗豐富之授權人才引進、設置「成功故事」區,來激勵想要新創公司之人。另外,也對國內生技製藥產業建議,台灣的切入點以植物藥為迅速且花費少、成功機會高,這是值得投入之領域。而產業之結構也應有所調整,台灣藥廠規模小,無法與國外大廠競爭開發新藥。開發新藥需投入大量時間及金錢,故國外藥廠之產業結構為垂直整合,亦即是將上市前所有試驗及上市後行銷一手包辦。國內藥廠需仿照科技業一般,將整個產業作水平分工,將核心能力保留,其餘皆可外包。這樣不但節省時間,也可減少對不熟悉領域之摸索,由仿製之學名藥廠,走向新藥開發,進而與國外大廠相互抗衡。 / The universities are long taken as the “knowledge engine” for industries. Through a well-designed cooperation or licensing system, that is, the academic-industry liaison, those intellectual property produced from academic researches should be applied in the industry and industrial competency can thus be improved. However, the academic-industry liaison concerning biotechnology and drug in Taiwan is deficient. This thesis compares the cases of “Panion & BF Biotech Inc. PBF1681 Project,” “Research Center for Drug Discovery in National Yang-Ming University” in Taiwan with the Technology Licensing Office (TLO) of MIT in the U.S. Through the comparison, it can be found that techonology transfer office of universities in Taiwan needs to design a more friendly procedesure for licensee applicants and focuses on technology commercialization. Moreover, the pharmaceutical industry needs to invest more in herbal drug development. The industry itself needs corporate reengineering. The structure of the industry should be a horizontal division instead of the vertical integration. They should focus on their core competency and strengthen the mutual cooperation between companies to form a network of efficient production divisions. Key word: academic-industry liaison, biotechnology, drug discovery, pharmaceutical, Technology Licensing Office (TLO)

影響我國大學技術移轉績效因素之研究 / The research on the factors of the performance of technology transfer in the universities and colleges in Taiwan

葛孟堯, Ger, Galland, M.Y. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究目的在探討我國大專院校的技術授權績效影響因素,並探討各變項的中介及調節效果解釋。透過相關文獻的整理,本研究將影響因素可分為五個族群種類,包含:投入資源、智慧財產、專業技轉組織、環境因素及學校因素等五個族群,而觀察指標則採用學校的授權績效,據此五類因素設計出三個主要的研究假設。 本研究收集採用2007年我國大專院校全體164所完整資料,整理出34個變項資料,對於我國技術移轉迴歸模型的有效解釋能力為71.5%至68.0%,認為各校的美國專利數是具有顯著中介效果的變項。具有顯著意義的調節變項中,可以歸納出TTO影響績效的三個主要變項群組,包含:(1)TTO總員工數能增強研發資源產生專利權的解釋;(2)推廣活動辦理能增強研發資源產生專利權與授權績效的解釋,唯發明人引介數與專利權有較顯著相關性;(3)TTO職員的專業背景也是重要的調節變項,當學校研發資源充足時會聘請技術及法律背景的員工。 另學校鄰近科學園區、設置醫學系、公立一般大學,這三項具有調節效果的環境及學校變項,對於解釋能力具有增強的效果,但是因果關係上傾向解釋為資源優勢,本研究認為環境變項具有顯著影響,但相對難以透過管理機制產生績效的實質影響,相對地,TTO影響的因素卻可以透過管理產生績效的實質影響,是當前各學校在發展技術移轉上可參考的重要實證資料。本研究最後提出針對大學技術移轉研究的侷限問題,以及五種能夠修正本研究限制的建議。 / The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors of technology transfer performance in the universities and colleges in Taiwan. Furthermore, this study finds the mediation variables within the factors. This study differentiates the factors into 5 major elements, including investments, intellectual property, TTO, social environments, and the university itself. The annual royalty is the dependent variable. The study builds three hypotheses according to the 5 major elements mentioned. The study collects the complete data in 2007 of 164 universities and colleges in Taiwan. The intervening and mediation variables are taken into the regression model; the higher R-square is 68.0% to 71.5%. The study divides the significant mediation variables into 3 groups, including (1) The TTO scope will increase R-square of the patents. (2) The promotion actives will increase R-square of the patents and royalties. However, there is the high correlation between inventor promotion and patents. (3) When there are sufficient RD resource in the universities, TTO will employ employees of legal and technology background. About the environments and university issues, there are three significant mediation variables, including the distance to Science Park, the faculty of medicine, the public or private universities. The environmental variables were the significant impact on regression model, but the variables were controlled difficultly by universities. Comparatively, the universities controlled the TTO variables easily, and its will be significant impact on the performances of TTO. The study argues that variables are the effect issues with resource advantage. At last, the study recognizes some limits about the research of technology transfer and proposes 5 suggestions for future research.

Future perspectives on Challenge Driven Education : Challenging how we perceive and engage external stakeholders in Tanzania and Sweden / Framtida perspektiv på Challenge Driven Education

Hedvall, Johan, Lindberg, Helena January 2019 (has links)
The engineering education has changed and evolved over decades in harmonywith societies challenges. Today, sustainable development is of great importanceand one way of equipping future engineers with the competencies to tackle these challenges is through Challenge Driven Education (CDE). CDE is a relatively new educational concept which brings together universities andexternal stakeholders to jointly foster the engineers of tomorrow. The research focuses on the challenge owner’s perspective, which is a sub-category of external stakeholder. The challenge owner could be a company or organisation providing the students with challenges and also takes an active role in the students path to solve them. Through qualitative interviews in Sweden and Tanzania this study investigates some aspects of the CDE concept and develops a product in the form of a guide.First, it was investigated which competencies for sustainability that could be considered important in future engineers, according to interviewees. It was also investigated which competencies were developed during CDE projects. Results show that UNESCO’s key competencies correlates well with interviewees views, justifying the legitimacy of the framework. However, some skills and attributes mentioned in interviews lie outside of UNESCO’s framework but where still considered important. This implies the need to supplement orevolve the framework in order to be a more comprehensive tool for improving CDE and the engineering education. Secondly, several differences on how CDE is portrayed and executed where found in the interviews. From the Tanzanian context a somewhat limited view of the challenge owner was identified and findings show possibilities of broadening the perspective of the challenge owner role. Also, findings shows a need to emphasise the importance of sustainable development and societal contributions in the future development of CDE. Lastly, in order to facilitate communication with potential challenge owners in future CDE collaborations in Tanzania, the need for a guide was identified. Using an iterative design method, a guide based on interviewees feedback and the findings from this study was created. The main purpose is to present a widened view of CDE and to inspire potential challenge owners to join. / Ingenjörsutbildningen har, i linje med samhälleliga förändringar, ändrats och utvecklats i årtionden. Idag är arbetet mot hållbar utveckling av hög prioritet och ett sätt att utrusta framtidens ingenjörer med kompetenser för att ta sig an dessa utmaningar är genom Challenge Driven Education (CDE). CDE är ett relativt nytt utbildningskoncept som för samman universitet och externa intressenter för att gemensamt fostra morgondagens ingenjörer. Studien utgår från de så kallade challenge owners perspektiv, vilket är en underkatergori till de externa intressenterna. Challenge owners kan vara företag eller organisationer som förser studenterna med utmaningar och som även tar en aktiv roll i studenternas arbete med att lösa dessa. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer i Sverige och i Tanzania undersöker denna studie några aspekter av CDE-konceptet och utvecklar en produkt i form av en guide:Först undersöktes vilka nyckelkompetenser för hållbar utveckling var relevantaför framtida ingenjörer enligt intervjupersonerna. Det undersöktes ävenvilka kompetenser som utvecklades under CDE-projekt. Resultaten visar att UNESCO’s nyckelkompetenser korrelerar väl med de intervjuades syn på vad som behövs, något som ger legitimitet till ramverket. Dock visar resultaten att några färdigheter och egenskaper som ansågs viktiga ligger utanför UNESCO’s ramverk. Det antyder att det finns ett behov att komplettera eller utveckla ramverket för att göra det till ett mer heltäckande verktyg i syfte att förbättra CDE och ingenjörsutbildningen i stort. I intervjuerna identifierades sedan flera variationer i hur CDE beskrivs och tillämpas. Från den tanzanska kontexten identifierades en något begränsad syn på vad en challenge owner är och resultaten visar på möjligheten att bredda synen på challenge owner-rollen. Resultaten visar också på vikten av att betona hållbar utveckling i CDE-projekt samt att CDE kan bidra till samhällsutvecklingen. Något som ansågs viktigt för att utveckla och ta CDE-konceptet vidare. Slutligen identifierades ett behov att underlätta kommunikation med potentiella challenge owners i framtida CDE-samarbeten i Tanzania. Genom att använda en iterativ design metod skapades en guide. Guiden är baserad på feedback från intervjudeltagarna samt resultat och slutsatser från denna studie. Det övergripande syftet med guiden är att presentera en breddad bild av CDE samt att inspirera potentiella challenge owners att engagera sig i CDE.

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