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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Percepções maternas sobre a alimentação de pré-escolares que frequentam instituição de educação infantil" / Maternal perceptions of the nourishment of pre-school children that attend infant education institution.

Silvia Sanches Marins 31 August 2005 (has links)
A alimentação na fase pré-escolar constitui-se um processo complexo devido aos fatores relacionados ao desenvolvimento próprio dessa fase e aos referentes às condições ambientais. Visto que os hábitos alimentares adquiridos na infância tendem a se solidificar na vida adulta, é de suma importância atitudes assertivas durante esta fase do desenvolvimento infantil, estimulando assim, precocemente, a formação de hábitos saudáveis. Assim, é fundamental que o enfermeiro conheça as dificuldades e atitudes das mães diante da alimentação de seus filhos, para que possa atuar de maneira efetiva, promovendo desta forma a saúde das crianças a médio e longo prazo. Este estudo teve como objetivo conhecer as percepções de mães sobre a alimentação de seus filhos de 3 a 6 anos que freqüentam Instituição de Educação Infantil (IEI). Trata-se de pesquisa qualitativa, utilizando entrevistas semi-estruturadas para coleta de dados. A população deste estudo compreendeu mães de pré-escolares matriculados em uma IEI, sendo 10 mães de crianças em período integral e 11 em período parcial. A análise de conteúdo possibilitou a identificação de seis unidades temáticas: a importância da alimentação da criança; como é a alimentação da criança; as estratégias utilizadas durante as refeições; alimentação da criança na instituição; influência da IEI no hábito alimentar dos pré-escolares e expectativas das mães referentes à alimentação. Identificou-se que a alimentação dos pré-escolares assume grande importância para as mães, sendo que estas preocupam-se com a qualidade e quantidade de alimentos ingeridos, além de suas conseqüências para a saúde de seus filhos. Os fatores que influenciam na alimentação dos pré-escolares, segundo suas mães, são: influência do ambiente familiar, influência da IEI e influência da etapa do desenvolvimento infantil, sendo este último o grande causador das dificuldades maternas devido ao desconhecimento das mães acerca das mudanças no comportamento alimentar próprias da fase pré-escolar. As mães utilizam várias estratégias durante a alimentação de seus filhos: barganha, castigo, coação, persuasão, “camuflar” ou misturar os alimentos recusados com os aceitos, as brincadeiras, a conversa e oferecer os alimentos preferidos das crianças. As mães deste estudo desconheciam como eram os momentos de alimentação na IEI, porém perceberam mudanças em seus filhos após estes freqüentarem a IEI: mudança nos horários das refeições, autonomia para servir-se à mesa e mudanças no hábito alimentar, sendo que esta última foi observada em sua maioria pelas mães de crianças em período integral. Salienta-se que essas mudanças positivas aconteceram mesmo ao se levar em conta que a instituição não tinha um programa de promoção da alimentação que pudesse ser considerado plenamente adequado. As mães deste estudo esperam que haja mudanças no hábito alimentar e na quantidade de alimentos ingeridos por seus filhos em casa. Quanto à instituição, esperam: receber informações quanto ao cardápio e ingesta de seus filhos na instituição; que a instituição influencie no hábito alimentar de seus filhos e uma alimentação mais nutritiva nos lanches e mudança no horário destes. Conclui-se que deve haver maior comunicação entre as famílias e a IEI, e esta deve amparar as mães em suas preocupações, trocando experiências e elaborando conjuntamente com as famílias estratégias para lidar com as dificuldades. Finalmente, recomenda-se que as instituições de educação infantil brasileiras implementem seus programas de saúde, e especialmente os de cuidado alimentar, foco deste trabalho, e que tal implementação se dê com o auxílio dos profissionais de enfermagem. / Nourishment in the pre-school phase constitutes a complex process due to the factors related to the development peculiar of this phase and regarding the environmental conditions. Since eating habits acquired in childhood tend to solidify in the adult life, assertive attitudes during this child development phase are essential to stimulate the formation of healthy habits at an early age. Thus, it is important that the nurse knows the difficulties and the mothers’ attitudes regarding their children nourishment, so that he or she can effectively work to make an important contribution to these children’s health at medium and long term. The objective of this study is to know the mothers’ perceptions of the nourishment of their children aged 3 to 6 years that attend an infant education institution (IEI). It is a qualitative research, using semi-structured interviews for data gathering. The population of this study comprised mothers of pre-school children enrolled in an infant education institution (IEI), of which 10 were mothers of children enrolled in full-time class and 11 part-time. The content analysis enabled the identification of six thematic units: the importance of the child nourishment; how the child nourishment is made; the strategies used during the meals; the child nourishment in the institution; IEI influence on eating habits of pre-school children and the mothers’ expectations regarding nourishment. The study identified that the nourishment of pre-school children is very important for the mothers, who are concerned with the quality and quantity of ingested food, besides their consequence for their children’s health. The factors that influence the nourishment of pre-school children according to their mothers are: influence of the family environment; influence of the IEI and influence of the child development phase, the latter being the mothers’ major concern because of their lack of knowledge of the changes in the eating behavior peculiar of pre-school phase. The mothers use several strategies during their children meals, such as: bargain, punishment, coercion, persuasion, disguise or mixture of refused food with the one accepted, play, talk and offer their favorite food. The mothers of this study did not know how the meals or snacks were served at the IEI, however they noticed changes in their children after the IEI attendance, such as: change in the meal times, autonomy to help themselves and changes in eating habits, the latter being noticed by most mothers of children enrolled in full-time course. It is important to highlight that these positive changes happened even taking into account that the institution did not have a nourishment program that would be considered fully appropriate. The mothers of this study expect that there are changes in the eating habits and in the quantity of food eaten by their children at home. Regarding the institution, they expect to receive information about the menu and the quantity of food eaten by their children in the institution, expect that the institution influence the eating habits of their children and expect more nutritive food in the snacks and change in their time schedule. One of the conclusions reached is that there should be a better communication between the families and the IEI, and the latter should help the mothers regarding their concerns, exchanging experiences and creating strategies together with the families to deal with the difficulties. Finally, it is recommended that Brazilian infant education institutions implement health programs, especially of healthy eating, focus of this study, the implementation of which should be supported by nursery professionals.

Avaliação dos efeitos da utilização do Manual de Apoio ao Tutor no contexto de implementação da Estratégia Amamenta e Alimenta Brasil / Evaluation of the use of the Manual to Support Estratégia Amamenta e Alimenta Brasil Tutors

Gláubia Rocha Barbosa Relvas 08 August 2018 (has links)
Introdução: Intervenções educacionais que preparam as equipes de saúde para a promoção e apoio a práticas alimentares saudáveis na infância podem ser efetivas na melhoria dos desfechos relacionados à saúde, nutrição e desenvolvimento infantil. Objetivo: Avaliar se a utilização de um material de educação permanente, elaborado para apoiar o tutor da Estratégia Amamenta e Alimenta Brasil (EAAB), é efetivo em melhorar indicadores de implementação da EAAB e indicadores de alimentação infantil em crianças menores de um ano. Métodos: Estudo de intervenção do tipo antes e depois realizado no município de Embu das Artes, SP. A intervenção consistiu em disponibilizar o Manual como material de apoio às atividades educativas sobre aleitamento materno e alimentação complementar que poderia ser usado por tutores da EAAB. Os tutores realizaram atividades de treinamento com as equipes de saúde durante oito meses. A coleta de dados ocorreu nos momentos pré e pós intervenção e em ambos foram aplicados: teste de conhecimentos sobre aleitamento materno (AM) e alimentação complementar (AC) aos tutores e profissionais de saúde; questionário auto aplicado junto aos gerentes para caracterização das UBS quanto às ações de promoção do AM e AC e entrevistas junto às mães sobre as práticas de alimentação da criança. Análise de dados: a tese gerou 3 manuscritos: No primeiro com o objetivo de avaliar as práticas de alimentação complementar das crianças de 6 a 12 meses utilizou-se análise de regressão de Poisson com modelagem hierarquizada para determinar os fatores associados ao consumo de alimentos ultra processados. O segundo e o terceiro manuscritos avaliaram os efeitos da intervenção. O segundo teve como foco a aplicação do Manual e sua influência na implementação da EAAB, utilizando duas abordagens: na quantitativa foram analisados dimensões e indicadores do processo de implementação com base no modelo lógico da intervenção e na qualitativa foi avaliada a percepção dos tutores acerca do processo de utilização do Manual. O terceiro manuscrito avaliou a efetividade do Manual na melhoria dos indicadores de alimentação infantil e para tanto utilizou-se análise de regressão de Poisson multinível com modelagem hierarquizada. Resultados: Manuscrito 1. A prevalência de consumo de alimentos ultra processados foi de 43,1% entre os menores de um ano. Baixa escolaridade materna e falta de atendimento na primeira semana de vida da criança foram fatores associados ao consumo de alimentos ultra processados. Manuscrito 2. O Manual foi utilizado por 9 dos 13 tutores do município e a intervenção em algum grau foi realizada em 11 de 13 UBS. Em média foram realizadas 3,5 [0-5] atividades complementares por UBS. A média de acertos dos tutores no teste de conhecimentos inicial foi 31,43 ± 5,25 e final 34,86 ± 4,45; p= 0,021. Entre os trabalhadores a média no pré-teste foi 26,09 ± 4,45 e no pós-teste 30,28 ± 3,55; p= 0,002. Em média o número de critérios de certificação alcançados pelas UBS foi maior depois da intervenção (pré 3 [1-6] versus pós 5 [3-6]) e apresentou consistência com a percepção de mudanças dos gerentes assim como com o número de atividades conduzidas pelos tutores. A avaliação da intervenção sob a ótica dos tutores revelou contribuições do uso do Manual para sua atuação. Manuscrito 3. A intervenção foi efetiva para a redução da falta de diversidade alimentar mínima e da falta de adequação alimentar, indicador que avalia a frequência, consistência e diversidade da AC. Porém, não se verificou efeito sobre a interrupção do AME. Conclusões: A investigação das práticas de alimentação infantil na população estudada evidenciou um alto consumo de alimentos ultra processados, reforçando a necessidade de intervenções que promovam práticas alimentares saudáveis na infância. O uso do Manual de Apoio ao Tutor melhorou o conhecimento dos tutores e trabalhadores da atenção básica e promoveu mudanças no processo de trabalho das equipes, refletidas no alcance dos critérios de certificação na EAAB, evidenciando o potencial de uma intervenção educativa usando metodologia crítico-reflexiva. Além disso, a intervenção mostrou-se efetiva para melhorar as práticas de alimentação complementar na população estudada. / Introduction - Educational interventions that prepare healthcare teams to promote infant feeding practices can be effective in improving outcomes related to health, nutrition and child development. Objective - To evaluate whether a continuing education tool (the Manual to Support Estratégia Amamenta e Alimenta Brasil (EAAB) Tutors) can improve EAAB implementation indicators and feeding practices in infants under one year of age. Methods - A before and after study was conducted at 13 primary healthcare units (PHU) in Embu das Artes, São Paulo. The intervention consisted in providing the Manual to support educational activities on breastfeeding and complementary feeding that could be used by tutors of EAAB. Tutors performed comprehensive training activities with healthcare teams over eight months. In both cross-sectional studies (pre and post intervention) a questionnaire was applied to the managers from the 13 PHU to characterize the healthcare service and actions to promote breastfeeding and complementary feeding; knowledge tests were also applied to tutors and health workers indicators of breastfeeding and complementary feeding practices were assessed by interviewing 1,159 mothers. Analysis: the thesis resulted in three manuscripts - The first one aimed to evaluate the complementary feeding practices of children from 6 to 12 months with a focus on the consumption of ultraprocessed foods (UPF) and multiple hierarchical models were performed. The second and third manuscripts evaluated the effects of the intervention. The second evaluated the application of the Manual and its influence on the implementation of EAAB, with two approaches: in the quantitative, the dimensions and indicators of the implementation process were analyzed based on the logical model of the intervention; in the qualitative approach the perception of the tutors about the process of manuals\' use was evaluated. The third manuscript evaluated the effectiveness of the Manual in improving indicators of infant feeding practices. Multivariate analysis was performed using Poisson multilevel regression Results: Manuscript 1: The prevalence of UPF consumption was 43.1% among children. Lower maternal education and lack of early assistance at the PHU were factors associated with higher UPF consumption. Manuscript 2: The Manual was used by 9 of 13 tutors and the intervention was performed in 11 of 13 PHU. In average, 3.5 [0-5] comprehensive training activities (CAs) were performed by PHU. The mean scores of tutors in the initial knowledge test were 31.43 ± 5.25 and final 34.86 ± 4.45; p = 0.021. Among health workers, the mean in the pre-test was 26.09 ± 4.45 and in the post-test 30.28 ± 3.55; p = 0.002. In average, the number of certification criteria fulfilled by the PHS was higher after intervention (before 3 [1-6]; after 5 [3-6]) and was consistent with the changes perceived by managers as well as with the number of CAs carried out by tutors. Tutors\' perception revealed contributions of the Manual for their action. Manuscript 3: The intervention was effective in reducing the lack of minimum food diversity and the lack of food adequacy, an indicator that evaluates the frequency, consistency and diversity of complementary feeding. However, there was no effect on interruption of exclusive breastfeeding. Conclusions: The investigation of infant feeding practices in the study population evidenced a high ultra-processed foods consumption, reinforcing the need of interventions to promote healthy eating practices in childhood. The use of the Manual to Support EAAB Tutors improved the knowledge of tutors and primary healthcare workers and promoted improvements in the work process of healthcare teams, reflected in the achievement of the EAAB certification criteria, evidencing the potential of an educational intervention using problem-based learning methodology. In addition, the intervention proved to be effective in improving complementary feeding practices in the study population.

Effects of peer counselling on feeding practices of HIV positive and HIV negative women in South Africa: a randomised controlled trial

Dana, Pelisa January 2011 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / Promotion of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF), (giving breast milk only without any solids or liquids), has proved to be very challenging in the South African context, although this infant feeding practice has been found to protect babies against diarrhoea and respiratory tract infections and to carry a lower risk of HIV infection than mixed feeding (breastfeeding combined with formula or solids). Study design: The PROMISE-EBF study is a multi-country cluster randomised trial to examine peer support to promote exclusive breastfeeding in Africa. For the South African site in the PROMISE-EBF study, three sites, Paarl, Rietvlei and Umlazi, were selected because of their different geographic settings and each site operated as a separate stratum for cluster selection and randomisation purposes. The clusters were then randomised into intervention and control arms making a total of 17 clusters in each arm. HIV positive and negative women in the intervention arm received support on their choice of infant feeding from the peer supporters who visited them at their homes while the women in the control group only received the standard infant feeding counselling and support provided by health care workers at health facilities. Data collection: Mothers were interviewed at recruitment during the antepartum period to establish eligibility, obtain informed consent and data on socio-economic status. Home visits were scheduled for data collection by trained data collectors at 3, 6, 12 and 24 weeks after birth. Analysis of results: This mini-thesis was a secondary analysis of the PROMISE-EBF data focusing on the South African data only. The data was adjusted for clustering and analysed using SAS. Comparison of variables between the intervention and control groups within sites was done. Results: A significant difference, regarding counselling and infant feeding practices, was observed among all women who received peer support compared to those who received the standard antenatal counselling, with more women in the intervention group (20.5%) practising EBF than those in the control group (12.8%) by Week 3. When the women's HIV status was considered, more than 65% of HIV positive and 40% of HIV negative women practised MF and EFF (giving formula milk only with no breast milk) throughout the study, respectively, regardless of the group they were in. For women who hadintended to practise EBF at recruitment, 33% in the control group and 20% in the intervention group actually practised EBF by Week 3. Regarding disclosure and feeding choice, 77.4% of women who had disclosed their HIV status actually practised MF versus 8.6% who practised EBF by Week 3.Conclusion: Community peer counselling should be strengthened as the results from this study showed that a high percentage of women who practised EBF were those who had received counselling, irrespective of their HIV status. The high percentage of HIV positive women who practised high risk feeding, despite receiving infant counselling, is of concern. Disclosure of the women's HIV status did not translate to them practising low risk infant feeding methods, which may suggest that there are other issues that determine the women's choice of infant feeding. / South Africa

Challenges faced by nurse-counselors in the implementation of HIV and infant feeding policy in Amathole District, Eastern Cape

Sogaula, Nonzwakazi January 2008 (has links)
Magister Public Health - MPH / This study explores the challenges faced by nurse counselors in the implementation of HIV and Infant Feeding Policy in Amathole District of the Eastern Cape. Objectives: (i) To describe the demographic characteristics of the study population; (ii) To explore the challenges faced by nurse counselors in the implementation of current HIV and infant feeding policy and guidelines; (iii) To establish the nurse counselors perspectives on the infant feeding policy and guidelines for HIV positive mothers; (iv) To examine the support system available to the nurse counselors who give infant feeding advice to HIV positive mothers. / South Africa

Analysis of the Endogenous Peptidomes of Different Infant Formula Types and Human Milk

Wölk, Michele, Gebauer, Corinna, Hoffmann, Ralf, Milkovska-Stamenova, Sanja 04 May 2023 (has links)
Infant formula (IF) is a commonly used replacement whenever mother’s own milk is not available. Most IFs are based on cow milk (powders, liquids). Alternatives, based on other sources such as goat milk or plants, exist. Independent of the source, IF production and composition are strictly regulated. Besides proteins, minerals, and lipids, milk contains a variety of endogenous peptides. Whereas the human milk peptidome has been studied intensively, the peptidomes of IFs have been mostly neglected. This study investigated the peptidomes of different types of first stage IF, including cow milk-based powders and liquids, and powdered goat milk-based IF, highlighting major similarities and differences to human milk. Extracted native peptidomes were analyzed by nanoRPC-ESI-MS/MS using two different fragmentation techniques allowing the confident identification of 1587 peptides. β-Casein peptides dominated in all samples. Interestingly, powdered and liquid cow milk-based IFs differed in the numbers of β- and αS1-casein peptides, indicating processing-derived variations. However, the peptidomes of cow and goat milk-based IF appeared to be more comparable to each other than to human milk. Despite an overlap in the major source proteins, many peptide sequences were different, i.e., species-specific. Remarkably, the data indicate that the human milk peptidome might be donor-specific as well.

Guidelines for promoting supplementary infan feeding techniques among HIV-positive mothers

Chaponda, Armelia Stephanie 05 March 2013 (has links)
Vertical transmission of HIV is still a growing concern in South Africa. Breastfed infants are still at risk as HIV is present in breast milk, leaving HIV-positive mothers unsure of the best feeding option for their infants. However, there are various infant feeding techniques that HIV-positive mothers can use to supplement breastfeeding and flash-heat is one of them. Flash-heat is heat treating expressed breast milk to deactivate HIV for infant feeding. This study explored the possibility of HIV-positive mothers to practice flash-heating method for their infants exclusively for four months as a strategy to prevent vertical transmission of HIV. A descriptive, explorative and contextual design using a mixed method was used to obtain data from mothers in a post natal ward at Tembisa hospital. The mixed method used was useful in identifying the number of HIV-positive mothers who would adopt the flash-heat technique, the characteristics of mothers whom the technique could be promoted to, the factors that influence/affect the choice of infant feeding for these mothers, as well as their feelings associated with the feeding technique. Most (74%) mothers had a positive response to the flash-heat technique compared to 10% who were uncertain. They believed that heat treating their breast milk would result in their infants being HIV-free. In addition they believed that this method was cheaper than formula feeding and expressed positive feelings about touching their breast milk while expressing with no adverse feelings of expressing into a glass jar. Furthermore, findings of this study indicated that HIV-positive mothers in a public health facility would adopt flash-heat as an alternative infant feeding method. Thus practical guidelines to promote this feeding method were proposed. The proposed draft guidelines which promote the use of the flash-heat infant feeding method for HIV-positive mothers in public sector facilities will be communicated to relevant authorities such as the National Department of Health. These guidelines support the new policy shift to exclusive breastfeeding as a child survival strategy in South Africa. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

L'allaitement autour de 1800 : discours, enjeux et expériences rendus évidents à l'aide d'études de cas situées à Munich et Nuremberg

Chumova, Martina 08 1900 (has links)
Dans l’Europe du 18ème siècle, plusieurs médecins, pédagogues et moralistes conçoivent la maternité comme un enjeu politique. À l’intérieur de leurs discours, l’allaitement maternel devient le ciment reliant bonheur individuel, harmonie sociale et intérêts de l’État. L’examen de traités médicaux et moraux nous permet d’expliciter les significations que les médecins, pédagogues et moralistes rattachent à l’allaitement, et nous pouvons retracer la popularisation de leurs idées dans certains médias de l’époque tels que les périodiques. Toutefois, ces sources ne nous en disent pas long sur les significations que les femmes concernées elles-mêmes accordaient à l’allaitement. C’est précisément ce point que nous tentons d’élucider, à l’aide d’études de cas. Nous nous basons sur la correspondance d’une mère, sa fille et son beau-fils habitant Nuremberg et Munich au tournant du 18ème au 19ème siècle, afin de reconstituer les discours, enjeux, et pratiques autour de l’allaitement. Nous nous intéressons d’abord aux différentes émotions suscitées par plusieurs expériences d’allaitement, heureuses et moins heureuses. Ensuite, nous explicitons les arguments, relations et autorités mises en scène lors de discussions conflictuelles sur l’allaitement et le sevrage. Nous montrons aussi quelles personnes étaient déterminantes dans la pratique de l’allaitement, pour finalement tenter d’atteindre les expériences et représentations du corps allaitant. / The eighteenth century sees the rise of influential discourses treating motherhood as a political matter. Breastfeeding is at the heart of these discourses. Represented as a way to increase the health and vigor of citizens necessary to the state’s power, breastfeeding is therefore linking individual happiness, social peace, and state’s interests. We can reconstruct the web of meanings physicians and moralists gave to breastfeeding from moral and medical treatises where their ideas are first exposed; new media like periodicals show us how these discourses were popularised. The meanings breastfeeding women gave to this practice is a lesser studied object: it will build the core of this master study. With the help of a case study located in Nuremberg and Munich around 1800, I highlight the meanings breastfeeding bourgeois women and their relatives linked to breastfeeding. The sources used, mainly letters between a woman, her daughter and her son-in-law, allow me first to differentiate some of the emotions generated by happy and unhappy breastfeeding situations. Then I investigate a conflict about the issues of breastfeeding and weaning; this leads me to show that relations between the protagonists, as well as health concerns, are used as arguments in this matter. I also portray the concrete context in which breastfeeding is taking place and the people assisting to this practice. Finally, I try to assess the underlying perceptions and representations of the breastfeeding body. / Während des 18. Jahrhunderts kamen mehrere Ärzte, Pädagogen und Moralisten dazu, sich für Mutterschaft als eine politische Frage zu interessieren. Die von diesen Männern entworfenen Diskurse stellten das mütterliche Stillen in den Mittelpunkt: als Mittel, das Glück des Einzelnen, die gesellschaftliche Harmonie und die Interessen des Staates zu verbinden. Das von den Ärzten, Pädagogen und Moralisten entworfene Beziehungsnetz ist in verschiedenen Traktaten sichtbar, und es wird durch neue Medien wie Zeitschriften popularisiert. Die Bedeutungen, die die Frauen und ihre Umgebung mit dem Stillen verbanden, können allerdings nicht anhand der Untersuchung dieser Medien erschlossen werden. Genau dieser Frage gilt das Interesse dieser Masterarbeit. Am Beispiel einer Fallstudie werde ich die Bedeutungen des Stillens für die Frauen und ihre Umgebung erläutern. Untersucht wird die Korrespondenz zwischen einer bürgerlichen Mutter, ihrer Tochter und ihrem Schwiegersohn, die in Nürnberg und München um 1800 lebten. Zuerst werde ich mich den durch verschiedene Stillerfahrungen ausgelösten Emotionen zuwenden; danach werden die Kenntnisse und Beziehungen, die in den Debatten über das Stillen und Entwöhnen als Argumente benutzt werden, untersucht. Darüber hinaus wird gezeigt, welche Leute konkret den Verlauf des Stillen beeinflussten. Zum Schluß wird eine Annäherung an die Erfahrungen des stillenden Körpers gewagt.

Method of Infant Feeding as a Predictor of Maternal Responsiveness

Drake, Emily Eiwen 01 January 2005 (has links)
Infants need to develop effective, secure attachment to their primary caregivers in the first year of life. Researchers have not been able to identify all the factors that may influence the development of infant attachment. Most of the studies in this area have been done without regard to infant feeding as a potential factor. Maternal responsiveness appears to be key in the child's development of secure attachment behaviors, yet even after decades of research on infant attachment and maternal responsiveness, there is little evidence available to assist with early identification of families at risk and few interventions known to be effective in promoting maternal responsiveness.The research questions for this study were: 1) Do mothers who exclusively breastfed their infants for at least 6 weeks report more maternal responsiveness behaviors 2-4 months after delivery compared to mothers who exclusively formula feed their infants? 2) How well does breastfeeding duration predict self-reported maternal responsiveness at 2-4 months once socio-demographics and maternal characteristics (i.e., self-esteem, satisfaction with life) are statistically controlled?A cross-sectional survey design was used to assess the variables of maternal responsiveness, feeding patterns, and maternal characteristics in a convenience sample of 200 mothers in the first 2-4 months after delivery. The 60-item instrument included scales to measure maternal responsiveness (MIRI: Amankwaa et al., 2002), self-esteem (RSE: Rosenberg, 1965), and satisfaction with life (SWLS: Diener et al., 1985) as well as infant feeding and socio-demographic questions. A mixed mode data collection strategy was used combining Internet data collection with traditional paper-and-pencil survey methods.Somewhat surprisingly, mothers who exclusively breastfed for at least 6 weeks did not report any more maternal responsiveness behaviors compared to mothers who formula fed their infants. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis revealed that satisfaction with life, self-esteem, and parity, but not breastfeeding, explained a significant portion of the variance in self-reported maternal responsiveness scores. Further research in this area is needed. It should be noted that this is one of few studies of maternal responsiveness using a self-report instrument and may also be the first study of maternal responsiveness using Internet data collection.

Influence of Maternal Psychosocial Health on Infant Feeding Practices

Aguzie, Tessy Linda 01 January 2018 (has links)
Choice of nutrition has a great effect on the early development of human growth. Despite increased knowledge on the benefit of breastfeeding to both mother and child, some mothers still choose to formula feed. The purpose of this study is to explain how maternal health contributes to choices. The theory of maternal role attainment and the social cognitive theory are used to evaluate these feeding choices. This study tests for the association between maternal weight status and choice of infant feeding practices, the association between postpartum depression and choice of feeding and finally, if depression mediates the relationship between maternal weight gain and infant feeding choices. This retrospective cohort study employed a quantitative approach, utilizing secondary data with a sample size of 4902, retrieved from Infant Feeding Practices Study II. The data contained information on pregnant women in their third trimester until the first year of infants' life. Logistic regression was employed to answer these research questions. The result indicated that compared to those who are obese, mothers with normal weight are 29.6% more likely to breastfeed. Depressed mothers are 45.9% less likely to breastfeed. There is no possible mediation effect identified in this study. Further studies may need to collect mother's depression status prior to conception. Based on the outcome of this study, there is a need for caregivers to identify at-risk mothers prior to delivery while offering solutions that contribute to better feeding choices. For social change, mothers who are overweight or those experiencing depression prior to conception will make better feeding choices if they receive adequate support and counseling on the implication of their health condition on their infants.

Health and Nutrition in the Tarahumara of Northern Mexico : Studies among Women and Children / Hälsa och nutrition hos Tarahumara indianer i Norra Mexiko : Studier på kvinnor och barn

Monárrez-Espino, Joel January 2004 (has links)
<p>Belonging to an indigenous group in Mexico is usually associated with poor health, mainly as the result of social isolation from the mainstream society. The Tarahumara are no exception. They constitute the largest indigenous group in northern Mexico and one of the most marginalized ethnic minorities in North America. Health conditions are precarious, yet very little data are available to facilitate the design and implementation of programs to prevent and manage the main public health problems affecting this people. This thesis aims at overcoming part of this information gap. It presents and discusses the results from studies focusing on the nutrition of women and children carried out between 1997 and 2002.</p><p>A survey in a representative district sample of Tarahumara women of reproductive age found the highest prevalence of anemia among pregnant women in their third trimester (38.5%) and those lactating during the first 6 months after delivery (42.9%), along with a high prevalence of iron deficiency. In this study a technique was developed to collect capillary serum samples spotted onto filter paper to measure serum ferritin in remote settings. In the same study, 52.5% of adult women were overweight, suggesting a process of ‘de-Indianization’ of their traditional diet and activity patterns. This issue was followed-up in a later study based on perceptions of food and body shape using cognitive anthropological methods. Speaking Spanish emerged as a clear indication of acculturation that could be associated with an increase in the prevalence of obesity and its consequences. A nutrition survey among Tarahumara children at boarding schools found evidence of zinc, vitamin B<sub>12</sub>, iron, and iodine deficiencies but found similar anthropometric status to other rural Mexicans. Finally, a qualitative assessment was carried out to identify culturally accepted foods to redesign a food aid basket aimed at alleviating malnutrition among young Tarahumara children.</p><p>The results from this thesis provide relevant data for an improved design of interventions to combat and prevent some of the nutritional problems that affect the Tarahumara. These data could also constitute a baseline to which future changes can be compared if similar sampling strategies are used. Overall, the findings highlight the importance and challenge of achieving modernization in a way that not only improves health but at the same time supports, maintains and encourages traditional cultural values. These are not only the foundations of the Tarahumara society, but in some cases also contribute to a better diet and health.</p> / <p>Die Zugehörigkeit zu einer eingeborenen Volksgemeinschaft Mexikos wird gewöhnlich mit einem schlechten Gesundheitszustand, aufgrund sozialer Isolation von der allgemeinen Gesellschaft, verbunden. Die Tarahumara-Indianer sind dabei keine Ausnahme. Sie stellen eine der größten Eingeborenengruppen im Norden des Landes dar und sind eine der ausgeschlossensten ethnischen Minderheiten in Nordamerika. Der Gesundheitszustand ist prekär, da sehr wenige Daten existieren, um die Gestaltung und Einführung von Programmen zur Prävention und Handhabung der, diese Menschen betreffenden, hauptsächlichen Probleme im Gesundheitswesen, zu ermöglichen. Diese Dissertation beabsichtigt, Teil dieses Informationsdefizits zu beseitigen. Sie präsentiert und diskutiert die Ergebnisse von im Zeitraum 1997 bis 2002 durchgeführten Studien, welche die Ernährung der Tarahumarafrauen und -kinder fokussieren.</p><p>Eine Umfrage mit einer repräsentativen Stichprobe von Frauen im gebärfähigen Alter, im größten Tarahumara-Bezirk, ergab das höchste Vorkommen von Anämie bei schwangeren Frauen im dritten Trimester (38,5%) und bei solchen, die während der ersten 6 Monate nach der Geburt stillten (42,9%), bedingt durch Eisenmangel. Bei dieser Studie wurde eine Feldtechnik für weit entfernte Gebiete entwickelt, um die Ferritin-Konzentration in Kapillar-Serum auf Filter Papier zu messen. Dieselbe Studie zeigte eine Übergewichtsprävalenz von 52,5% bei erwachsenen Frauen, was auf einen Prozess einer „Entindianisierung“ ihrer traditionellen Diät und Aktivitätsmuster zurückzuführen ist. Dieses Thema wurde bei einer späteren Studie herangezogen, bei welcher der Eindruck von Nahrung und Körperumfang mit kognitiven anthropologischen Methoden evaluiert wurde. Spanisch zu sprechen erschien als eindeutige Indikation für Akkulturation, welche mit einer Zunahme des Vorhandenseins von Übergewicht und seiner Folgen assoziiert werden könnte. Eine Studie zu Schulkindern in Eingeboreneninternaten zeigte Beweise für Zink-, Vitamin B<sub>12</sub>-, Eisen- und Jodmangel, fand aber ähnliche anthropometrische Status wie bei ländlichen Mexikanerkindern. Schließlich wurde eine qualitative Studie durchgeführt, mit dem Ziel, kulturell akzeptierte Lebensmittel für die Neuentwerfung eines Warenkorbes zu identifizieren, um den Ernährungszustand von Kleinkindern zu verbessern.</p><p>Die Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation liefern relevante Daten für eine Verbesserung der Gestaltung von Programmen zur Bekämpfung und Prävention von Ernährungsproblemen, welche die Tarahumaras betreffen. Diese Informationen können auch als „Baseline“ benutzt werden, mit der zukünftige Veränderungen verglichen werden könnten, wenn ähnliche Stichprobenstrategien angewandt würden. Vor allem betonen die Ergebnisse, die Wichtigkeit und Herausforderung, eine Modernisierung zu erreichen, die nicht nur eine Verbesserung der Gesundheit mit sich bringt, sondern gleichzeitig auch, traditionelle Werte unterstützt, aufrechterhält und anregt, da diese Werte nicht nur die Grundlagen der Tarahumara- Gesellschaft sind, sondern in vielen Fällen zu einer besseren Diät und Gesundheit beisteuern.</p> / <p>Att tillhöra en infödd folkgrupp i Mexiko associeras oftast med ett dåligt hälsotillstånd, framför allt på grund av social isolering från det konventionella samhället. Tarahumara indianerna utgör inget undantag. De utgör den största gruppen av infödda i norra Mexiko och är en av de mest utsatta etniska minoriteterna i Nord Amerika. Det finns anledning att oroa sig för de rådande hälsovillkoren då mycket lite information finns tillgänglig för att underlätta utformandet och tillämpningen av program för att förebygga och handskas med de huvudsakliga hälsoproblemen som drabbar denna folkgrupp. Denna avhandling syftar till att försöka täcka upp delar av den informations brist som råder. I den presenteras och diskuteras resultaten från de studier, som inriktar sig på näringstillståndet hos tarahumara kvinnor och barn, genomförda mellan åren 1997 och 2002. </p><p>En studie i ett representativt distrikt med ett representativt urval av Tarahumara kvinnor i fertil ålder fann man högst prevalens av anemi bland de gravida kvinnorna som befann sig i sista trimestern (38,5 %) samt i gruppen ammande kvinnor under de 6 första månaderna efter förlossning (42,9 %), detta tillsammans med en hög prevalens av järnbrist. I denna studie utvecklades en metod för insamling av kapillära serum prover som droppades på filter papper för att därefter analysera serum ferritin halten vid avsides liggande sättningar. I samma studie fann man även att 52,5 % av de vuxna kvinnorna var överviktiga, vilket skulle kunna antyda om en “avindianiserings-process” av deras traditionella diet och aktivitets mönster. Detta fynd följdes upp i en senare studie som grundade sig på föreställningar om mat och kroppsform, genom att använda kognitiva antropologiska metoder. Att vara spansktalande framträdde som ett tydligt tecken på kulturförändring som skulle kunna sammankopplas med en ökning i prevalensen av övervikt och dess konsekvenser. En skolbaserad nutritions studie bland Tarahumara barn vid internatskolor visade brist på zink, vitamin B<sub>12</sub>, järn och jod, dock var dessa fynd likvärdiga med uppmätta värden bland barn på den mexikanska landsbygden. Slutligen genomfördes en kvalitativ studie med avsikt att identifiera kulturellt accepterade maträtter och därigenom kunna omforma regeringens rådande sammansättning av livsmedelsbistånd, med syfte att mildra undernäringen bland unga Tarahumara barn.</p><p>Resultaten från denna avhandling ger relevanta data för en förbättrad utformning av interventionsprogram för att bekämpa och förhindra en del av de nutritions problem som drabbar Tarahumara indianerna. Dessa data skulle också kunna utgöra en referenslinje med vilken framtida förändringar kan jämföras med såvida liknande provtagnings rutiner används. Generellt, belyser resultaten vikten och utmaningen att uppnå modernisering på ett sätt som inte enbart förbättrar hälsoläget men som samtidigt upprätthåller och uppmuntrar till att behålla traditionella värderingar. Dessa utgör inte enbart grunden för Tarahumara samhället utan bidrar även därigenom i en del fall till en bättre kosthållning och bättre hälsa.</p> / <p>La pertenencia a un grupo indígena en México se asocia frecuentemente a una salud pobre principalmente como resultado del aislamiento social de la sociedad Mexicana. Los Tarahumaras no son la excepción. Constituyen el grupo indígena más grande del norte del país y una de las minorías étnicas más marginadas de Norteamérica. A pesar de que sus condiciones de salud son precarias, existe muy poca información disponible que facilite el diseño e implementación de programas para prevenir y tratar los problemas de salud pública más importantes que les aquejan. Así pues, esta tesis tiene por objeto cubrir parte de esta falta de información. Presenta y discute resultados de estudios enfocados a la nutrición de mujeres y niños llevados a cabo entre 1997 y 2002.</p><p>Una encuesta en una muestra municipal representativa de mujeres Tarahumaras en edad reproductiva mostró la más alta prevalencia de anemia en las embarazadas en el tercer trimestre (38.5%) y las lactantes durante los primeros 6 meses después del parto (42.9%) paralelamente a una alta prevalencia de deficiencia de hierro. En este estudio, se desarrolló una técnica para la toma de muestras de suero capilar en papel filtro para medir los niveles de ferritina sérica en zonas remotas. Asimismo se encontró un 52.5% de sobrepeso en las mujeres adultas, sugiriendo un proceso de “deindigenización” de los patrones dietéticos y de actividad física tradicionales. Este tópico fue seguido en un estudio posterior sobre percepciones de la alimentación y apariencia corporal de la mujer Tarahumara utilizando métodos de antropología cognoscitiva. Hablar español emergió como un claro indicio de aculturación que podría estar asociado a un incremento en la prevalencia de obesidad y sus consecuencias. Una encuesta nutricional con niños Tarahumaras de albergues escolares mostró evidencia de deficiencia de cinc, vitamina B<sub>12</sub>, hierro y yodo pero encontró un estado antropométrico similar al de otros niños mexicanos del medio rural. Finalmente, se condujo una evaluación cualitativa para identificar alimentos culturalmente aceptables para rediseñar una canasta de ayuda alimentaria con el objeto de aliviar la desnutrición infantil.</p><p>Los resultados de esta tesis ofrecen información relevante para el mejoramiento del diseño de intervenciones para combatir y prevenir algunos de los problemas nutricios que afectan a los Tarahumaras. De utilizarse estrategias muestrales similares, esta información podría además constituir el punto de comparación para evaluar cambios futuros. Pero sobre todo, los hallazgos apuntan a la importancia y el desafío para alcanzar una modernización que no solo mejore la salud de los indígenas, sino que además apoye, mantenga y promueva los valores culturales tradicionales, pues estos, además de conformar los cimientos de la sociedad Tarahumara, pueden en varios casos contribuir a una mejor nutrición y salud.</p>

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