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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Trovärdigheten till influencers - en fråga om följarantal? : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om unga kvinnors upplevda trovärdighet till micro- respektive macro-influencers på Instagram / The credibility of influencers - a question of number of followers? : A qualitative interview study on young women's perceived credibility to micro- and macro- influencers on Instagram

Wennerholm, Emma, Nilsson, Frida, Pettersson, Tilda January 2022 (has links)
I dagsläget använder allt fler företag influencer marketing, i form av betalda samarbeten, för att marknadsföra sina produkter och tjänster. Influencers kan idag skapa unika och framgångsrika varumärken på sociala medier. Företag använder både micro- och macro-influencers, men det saknas forskning kring hur den upplevda trovärdigheten är till dessa. Uppsatsen undersöker konsumenters upplevda trovärdighet gentemot små respektive stora influencers på plattformen Instagram. För att analysera konsumenters upplevda trovärdighet tillämpas Ohanian (1990) Source Credibility (SC) modell. Empirin består av 15 djupgående semistrukturerade intervjuer med unga kvinnor i åldrarna 21–26. För att uppnå studiens syfte har empirin analyserats i relation till tidigare forskning och teori. Uppsatsen behandlar områden som influencer marketing, Instagram samt trovärdighet i teorin och tidigare forskning. Studiens slutsats är att macro-influencers uppfattas som mer trovärdiga än micro-influencers. Resultatet visade att även andra faktorer än influencers följarantal spelade in. Betalda samarbeten, som speglade en genuinitet och transparens och även ett uppvisande av en allsidig personlighet, var de främsta faktorerna som visade sig vara avgörande för den upplevda trovärdigheten. Resultaten i denna studie antyder även att de olika begreppen, med utgångspunkt i Source Credibility modellen, visade olika resultat. Macro-influencers ansågs som mer pålitliga, tillförlitliga och trovärdiga, medan micro-influencers ansågs som mer uppriktiga och ärliga. Det finns således fördelar att använda sig av båda inriktningarna av influencers. Valet bör dock betraktas noga beroende på vad företagen vill kommunicera. För att ett företag ska kunna göra rätt val vid användningen av influencers bör de vara medvetna om dessa skillnader mellan micro- och macro-influencers. / Today, companies are increasingly using influencer marketing, in the form of paid collaborations, to market their products and services. Influencers can create unique and successful brands on social media. Companies use both micro- and macro-influencers, but there is a gap in the existing research where influencers with different numbers of followers in relation to credibility are studied. Therefore, this study examines consumers' perceived credibility towards small and large influencers on the platform Instagram. This is investigated by analyzing consumers' perceptions of influencers with different numbers of followers. To analyze consumers' perceptions, the Ohanian (1990) Source Credibility (SC) model is applied. The empiric material consists of 15 in-depth semi-structured interviews with young women in the ages 21-26. To achieve the purpose of the study, the empirical data have been analyzed in relation to previous research and theory. The thesis deals with areas such as influencer marketing, Instagram and credibility in theory and previous research. The study concludes that macro-influencers are perceived as more credible than micro-influencers. The results indicated that factors other than influencers' quantity of followers also were important. Paid collaborations reflected by a genuineness and transparency and also a display of a multifaceted personality proved to be crucial for credibility. The results of this study also suggest that the different concepts, based on the Source Credibility Model, indicated different results. Macro-influencers were considered more reliable, trustworthy and credible, while micro-influencers were considered more sincere and honest. Thus, there are advantages to using both parts of influencers. However, the choice should be carefully reviewed depending on what the companies want to communicate. In order for a company to be able to make the right choice of the use of influencers, companies should be aware of these differences between micro- and macro-influencers.

Moderna nyanser av klassiska allianser : En kvalitativ studie kring digitala influencer-samarbeten

Karlström, Felicia, Söderström, Linda January 2016 (has links)
Problemformulering och  syfte: The  growth of new channels has increased the amount of sales messages vying for consumers' attention, changing the conditions for marketing communications. Marketing in social media channels has become a way to keep up with the consumers. However, recent indications points towards a weariness regarding advertising in these channels as well. This has led to new marketing methods emerging, influencer marketing being on these. Previous studies have  often examined certain parts of the phenomenon, such  as product placement in social media, brand alliances, celebrity endorsers or the message process between opinion leader and  receiver. This study intends to build upon this type of research, from a communicative perspective, to get a better understanding of this type of marketing. The main purpose of this study is to, from a communicative transmitter’s perspective, increase the understanding of digital influencer-collaborations, by examining six companies within the Swedish apparel and accessory retail market. Metod och  material: This study has a qualitative approach, since we wanted to acquire a deeper understanding of the phenomenon by examining how companies view  and  make use of influencer marketing, as a way of communicating with the market. We gained information through eight interviews, in person and  over the  phone. The  interviews are conducted with six Swedish companies within the apparel and  accessory market as well as two additional interviews with an influencer-marketing bureau and  a lawyer with knowledge of the marketing laws in Sweden. Huvudresultat: The  main conclusions we’ve drawn from this study is that influencer-collaborations are hard to define, in the sense that the underlying purpose and  the way it’s looked upon seem to differ at this point. This seem to effect the way  companies handles influencer-collaborations, some having a greater focus on product promotion while others use the influencers as a way  of strengthen the  brand. However, regarding the reasons this  kind of marketing method is being used  on Instagram, the companies appear unanimous, meaning it’s a great way  to reach a wider or more specific target audience. We’ve also found that the companies seem to share similar thoughts on what factors are most vital to a successful influencer-collaboration, the credibility being one  of those. Moreover, the juridical aspect is of great interest, as it appears to be somewhat of a gap between what the law states and  how the companies handles it, possible due  to the  different opinions on how evident these collaborations should appear.

Att förstärka sitt varumärke via influencer marketing : En studie om hur och varför företag använder sig av influencer marketing för att förstärka sitt varumärke / To strengthen brands through influencer marketing

Gravert, Sofia, Cutic, Stefanija January 2019 (has links)
Influencer originally comes from the English word influence which means that you influence someone, for example in different purchases. Influencer marketing has over the years become a popular marketing strategy that companies use to strengthen and spread their brand. A person with a large network creates an influence with their followers and can influence their lifestyle decisions. The purpose of this study is to find out how and why companies use influencer marketing to strengthen their brand. Furthermore, the authors study how the companies choose the right influencers in order to best strengthen the brand. To answer the question, the authors have made a qualitative study and interviewed three different companies that use influencer marketing: Boostified who is the intermediary between companies and influencers, Oscar Jacobson which is a clothing company and finally iDeal of Sweden who sells trendy phone accessories. The study shows that companies market themselves through influencer marketing in order to spread brand awareness and to strengthen their brand. For the brand to be strengthened, it is important that influencers can stand behind the brand and genuinely like and feel connected to the product or service.

E-Sports: la relación entre los influencers y la intención de compra de periféricos de computadora en jóvenes de 18 a 30 años del NSE B residentes de Lima Metropolitana / E-Sports: The relationship between the influencers and the intended purchase of computer peripherals in young people from 18 to 30 years of the socioeconomic level B residents of Metropolitan Lima

Varé Gaitán, Diego Alberto 04 July 2019 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación tiene como principal objetivo mostrar la relación entre los influencers en el ámbito de los e-Sports y la intención de compra de periféricos para computadoras en jóvenes de 18 a 30 años del NSE B residentes en Lima Metropolitana. Este tema de investigación ha sido escogido dado el creciente fenómeno de los e-Sports que se da alrededor del mundo, el cual es un incentivo para los jóvenes a adquirir cierto tipo de periféricos y a su vez, es un incentivo para algunas empresas a empezar a vender este tipo de productos y a empezar a realizar otras estrategias de marketing como el marketing de Influencers. Con este trabajo de investigación se quiere llegar a entender de qué manera el marketing de Influencers orientado a los e-Sports motivaría al público peruano a adquirir productos periféricos, y a su vez entender qué factores motivan a los jóvenes a involucrarse cada vez más en el proceso de compra. Para este estudio se realizará una serie de acciones que faciliten la obtención de información por parte del público involucrado en el fenómeno, entre estas tenemos entrevistas a profundidad y encuestas, que serán de ayuda para determinar qué es lo que motiva a estas personas a convencerse de comprar determinada marca para cierto tipo de periféricos. / The main objective of this research work is to show the relationship between the influencers in the field of e-Sports and the intention to purchase peripherals for computers in young people between 18 and 30 years old from NSE B, residents of Metropolitan Lima. This research topic has been chosen given the growing phenomenon of e-Sports that occurs around the world, which is an incentive for young people to acquire certain types of peripherals and in turn, is an incentive for some companies to start sell this type of products and start to perform other marketing strategies such as Influencers marketing. With this research work we want to understand how Influencers marketing oriented to e-Sports would motivate the Peruvian public to acquire peripheral products, and in turn understand what factors motivate young people to become more involved in the process shopping. For this study a series of actions will be carried out to facilitate the obtaining of information by the public involved in the phenomenon, among these we have in-depth interviews and surveys, which will be of help to determine what motivates these people to be convinced of Buy certain brand for certain type of peripherals. / Trabajo de investigación

Influencer marketing – En avdragsgill kostnad eller gåva? : En utredande uppsats om svenska aktiebolags skatterättsliga konsekvenser till följd av produktutskick till influencers. / Influencer Marketing – A Tax-deductible Expense or Gift? : An investigative essay on the tax law consequences for Swedish limited companies following product dispatches to influencers.

Nordström, Filippa, Istephansson, Tania January 2019 (has links)
Sociala medier har på senare år blivit allt mer populära och användandet av olika sociala medier har följaktligen ökat. Även företags intresse av att marknadsföra sig på sociala medier har ökat och såväl viral marknadsföring som influencer marketing är numera väl använda marknadsföringsmetoder av olika företag. Influencer marketing är en marknadsföringsmetod som innebär att bolag marknadsför sina produkter via så kallade influencers sociala kanaler. I samband med att fler och fler företag använder sig av influencer marketing har det blivit allt vanligare med produktutskick från företagen till influencers. När ett bolag skickar ut produkter till en influencer utan att något uttryckligt avtal mellan bolaget och influencern föreligger, har influencern dock ingen skyldighet att marknadsföra produkten å bolagets vägnar. Fråga uppstår i de fallen hur bolaget skall klassificera kostnaderna som uppstår i samband med sådana produktutskick. En annan fråga som måste besvaras är om bolaget, till följd av ett utskick av produkter, riskerar att bli uttagsbeskattat. I uppsatsen kommer således bolagets skatterättsliga konsekvenser till följd av sådana utskick av produkter, när avtal mellan parterna saknas, att utredas. Inledningsvis har begreppen sociala medier, influencers och influencer marketing definierats och klargjorts. Därefter har gåvorekvisitet samt olika skatterättsliga aspekter och lagregler behandlats i uppsatsen. Vidare har reklamgåva, personalkostnader samt reklam- och PRkostnader berörts innan reglerna om uttagsbeskattning slutligen har beskrivits. Den information som har redogjorts för har sedan legat till grund för uppsatsens analys. I uppsatsen konstateras att klassificeringen av bolagets kostnader är beroende av dels vilket inkomstslag som influencern skall beskattas i, dels vilken motprestation som utskicket motsvaras av. Full avdragsrätt föreligger emellertid oavsett för bolaget, förutsatt att bolagets syfte med utskicket är att influencern skall marknadsföra produkterna från utskicket och förutsatt att influencern inte skickar tillbaka produkten eller produkterna. Vad gäller frågan om uttagsbeskattning kan bolaget endast bli uttagsbeskattat för produktutskicket i de fall som det kan ses som att det är bolagets aktieägare som har skickat produkterna till influencern, och inte bolaget självt.

Influenceri na sociálnych sieťach a ich využitie v marketingu / Influencers on social networks and their Use in Marketing

Petrovčíková, Lucia January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis called "Influencers in Social media and their Use in Marketing" deals with the new current trend in which, instead of well-known celebrities, star just ordinary people. Despite of this, they managed to conquer the masses through social networks thanks to their unique personality and authenticity. The first chapter focuses on online marketing and explains the basic concept of it, its tools and communication mix, along with data on the structure of the Czech Internet population. The second chapter is devoted to the social media and it also explains Word-of-mouth marketing, as it is one of the ways in which awareness of influences is spread. The third chapter aims to familiarize the reader with the YouTube portal and it also includes statistics about the Czech YouTube. The last chaptermedia. The aim of this master thesis is to give a comprehensive overview of the phenomenon of influencers, with particular regard to YouTubers who represent the influencers of the present. The practical part of this thesis is the to identify target group of influencers (YouTubers) and the subsequent characteristic of this target group.

Influencer marketing: Hur det påverkar unga kvinnor i generation Z / Influencer marketing: How it influences young women in generation Z

Axelsson, Sofie, Hollén, Karolina January 2020 (has links)
I takt med att reklamtröttheten ökar i västvärlden växer sig marknadsföringsstrategin influencer marketing allt starkare. Influencers, vilka i grund och botten är helt vanliga människor, har en stor makt på sina sociala medier med tusentals till miljoner följare. De gör reklamsamarbeten med företag mot pengar och gratis produkter, och i gengäld hjälper de företagen nå ut till enormt stora målgrupper. Utöver betalda samarbeten lägger de ut fina bilder vilka stärker deras varumärken, vilket vanligtvis innebär att framhäva sig själva som snygga, roliga och fina personer med ett fantastiskt och åtråvärt liv. Att influencer marketing är en effektiv form av marknadsföring har nog gått få förunnat, men utöver att påverka konsumenters köpbeteende påverkas konsumenter på ett djupare plan. Givet tidigare forskning som undersöker en något äldre kvinnlig målgrupp valdes unga kvinnor i generation Z som målgrupp för studien. Målgruppen är uppvuxna med sociala medier och är därför intressanta att undersöka. Således är studiens syfte att undersöka hur unga kvinnor i generation Z påverkas av influencer marketing på Instagram. För att svara på syftet har två frågeställningar formulerats. Studien har utförts med en kvalitativ metod som bestod av intervjuer med en urvalsgrupp på unga kvinnor i åldrarna 15-20 år samt med hjälp av bildanalyser av en influencers Instagramflöde, för vilket influencern Bianca Ingrosso valts. Studiens resultat visade att influencers påverkar unga kvinnor i generation Z i deras identitetsskapande och konsumentbeteende, bland annat genom att måla upp påhittade problem vilka de förstärker med ouppnåeliga, perfekta idealbilder samtidigt som de skapar starka relationer till sina följare. Detta gör att målgruppen, trots att de är kritiska till influencers och medvetna om att allt inte är så perfekt som det verkar på Instagram, jämför sig själva -– framförallt sina utseenden och sina liv – och ifrågasätter sin identitet. De konsumerar i hopp om att stärka identiteten samt för att lösa de uppmålade problemen och i försök att uppnå idealbilden. Detta bidrar till stress och press, och i vissa fall psykisk ohälsa. Att tillhöra en grupp är viktigt för målgruppens identitetsskapande och de upplever att Instagram bidrar till en rädsla för utanförskap, samtidigt som dyrkande av influencers och att hålla sig uppdaterade hjälper dem känna grupptillhörighet. De är dock generellt positiva till influencers i aspekten att de bidrar till underhållning och inspiration samt tycker sig se en positiv trend bland vissa influencers att allt inte längre måste vara perfekt, vilket får dem att känna starkare förtroende för dem. / As advertising fatigue increases in the western world, influencer marketing is growing ever stronger as a marketing strategy. Influencers, who are basically ordinary people, earn great power on their social media platforms with thousands to millions of followers. They partner with companies for money and free products, and in return, they help companies by reaching huge target groups. In addition to paid partnerships, they publish beautiful images that strengthen their brand, which usually means to emphasize themselves as good looking, funny and nice people with fantastic and desirable lives. The fact that influencer marketing is an effective form of marketing has probably been gaining ground, but in addition to influencing consumers' purchasing behavior, they also have some influence on them on a deeper level. Given previous research examining a slightly older female target group young women in generation Z were selected as the target group for this study. The target group hass grown up with social media and is therefore interesting to investigate. Thus, the purpose of the study is to investigate how women in generation Z are influenced by influencer marketing on Instagram. To answer the purpose, two questions at issue were formulated, and the study was conducted using a qualitative method that consisted of interviews with a sample group of young women aged 15-20 and with the help of image analyzes of an influencer's Instagram feed. The results of the study showed that influencers affect young women in generation Z by painting up inventive problems, which they reinforce with unattainable, perfect ideal images while creating strong relationships with their followers. This means that the audience, despite being critical of influencers and aware that everything is not as perfect as it seems on Instagram, compares themselves - their looks and their lives - and thus questions their identity and consumes in hopes of strengthening it and to solve the painted problems as well as trying to achieve the ideal image. This contributes to stress and pressure, and in some cases mental illness. Belonging to a group is important for the target group when creating their identity and they feel that Instagram contributes to a fear of exclusion, while cultivating influencers and staying up to date on social media helps them feel group affiliation. However, they are generally positive to influencers in the aspect that they contribute to entertainment and inspiration. They find themselves seeing a positive trend among some influencers that everything no longer has to be perfect, which makes them feel like they are able to trust them more.

Risker med influencer marketing ur ett företagsperspektiv / Risks with influencer marketing from a business perspective

Lind Tränman, Hedvig, Larsson, Mathilda, Söderberg, Emma January 2023 (has links)
Det kan vara riskfyllt att externt involvera en influencer med syfte att representera ett varumärke. En influencers levnadssätt, agerande eller handlingar riskerar att leda till negativa utfall för ett företag. Många företag som använder sig av influencer marketing idag, är medvetna om de risker som finns och hur det kan påverka ett varumärke negativt. Det har däremot inte gjorts många studier om hur företag resonerar kring dessa risker och hur de arbetar med att förebygga risker inför samarbeten med influencers. Med utgångspunkt i tidigare forskning om riskhanteringsstrategier samt influencer-kommunikation syftar studien till att undersöka risker samt analysera riskhantering vid influencer marketing. Studiens resultat ska bistå med en modifierad modell som kan användas av företag som önskar utveckla sitt arbete med riskhantering i anknytning till nyttjandet av influencer marketing. Metoden som tillämpats i denna studie är en kvalitativ ansats med sju semistrukturerade intervjuer. Intervjuerna har gjorts på svenska företag i olika storlekar och i olika branscher där samtliga använder sig av influencer marketing som marknadsföringsstrategi. Intervjuerna har genomförts med personer på företagen som har en arbetsroll på marknadsavdelningen och som är insatta i företagets arbetssätt vad gäller influencer marketing. Resultatet visar att den främsta risken med nyttjandet influencer marketing, ur ett företagsperspektiv är ryktesrisken. Den mest framträdande riskhanteringsstrategin för att minimera denna risk är utförandet av inofficiella samt officiella bakgrundskontroller på influencers som de syftar till att engagera. Vidare beskriver företagen ytterligare risker som kan uppstå vid användandet av marknadsföringsmetoden, vilket beskrivs som politiska risker, agerande från en influencer som företaget således inte står bakom samt att influencern kan förmedla en felaktig bild av företaget och som inte går i linje med varumärkets värderingar. Företagen använder ytterligare riskhanteringsstrategier i form av goda relationer och upprättanden av avtal för att minimera dessa risker. Graden av risk påverkas av olika faktorer. Studiens riskhanteringsmodell tar hänsyn till dessa faktorer och ämnar hjälpa företag att öka sannolikheten och effekten av positiva utfall samt att reducera sannolikheten och inverkan av negativa utfall vid ett influencer samarbete. / It can be risky to externally involve an influencer with the purpose of representing a brand. An influencer's lifestyle, actions, and behavior can potentially have a negative impact on a company. Many of the companies that currently utilize influencer marketing are aware of the risks involved and how it can negatively impact a brand. However, there haven't been many studies conducted on how companies reason about these risks and how they work to prevent them before entering into collaborations with influencers. Based on previous research on risk management strategies and influencer communication, the study aims to investigate risks and analyze risk management in influencer marketing. The results of the study are intended to provide a modified model that can be used by companies wishing to enhance their risk management practices related to the use of influencer marketing. The method applied in this study is a qualitative approach involving seven semi-structured interviews. The interviews were conducted with Swedish companies of various sizes and industries, all of which utilize influencer marketing as a marketing strategy. The interviews were conducted with individuals within the companies who hold roles in the marketing department and have knowledge of the company's practices regarding influencer marketing. The results indicate that the primary risk associated with the use of influencer marketing, from a company's perspective, is reputational risk. The most prominent risk management strategy to minimize this risk is the execution of both informal and formal background checks on influencers that the company intends to engage with. Furthermore, the companies also describe additional risks that may arise from the use of this marketing method, such as political risks, influencers acting in a manner that the company does not endorse, and the potential for the influencer to convey an inaccurate image of the company that does not align with the brand's values. Companies employ additional risk management strategies, including fostering good relationships and establishing contracts, to mitigate these risks. The degree of risk is influenced by various factors. The study's risk management model takes these factors into account and aims to assist companies in increasing the likelihood and impact of positive outcomes while reducing the likelihood and impact of negative outcomes in influencer collaborations.

Fake Existence, Real Influence? : Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) Influencers' Impact on Consumers' Purchase Intentions

Arusell, Mattias, Pettersson, Magdalena January 2022 (has links)
In the light of the digitalization and the emergence of social media, the concept of influencer marketing has increased significantly in importance on a global scale and is now considered one of the most effective, powerful and cost-effective marketing tools for businesses in today’s society. Nevertheless, despite the effectiveness of influencer marketing, the growing worldwide marketing trend of Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) influencers, also described as human-like influencers, is currently revolutionizing today’s influencer marketing and is expected to become the new way of marketing from a future perspective. With millions of followers on social media, CGI influencers are quickly gaining three times higher follower engagement than prominent celebrities and human influencers, even though their existence is not real. As a result, the organizational use of CGI influencer marketing has intensified markedly on a global scale from several world-leading brands. Although CGI influencers are expected to increase significantly within marketing, the current knowledge and understanding of CGI influencers as a marketing strategy for brands and products is insufficient and is in essential need of further exploration. This thesis contributes to the yet very limited empirical research by focusing on the research gap of differences between CGI influencers and human influencers from a consumer perspective, with the following research question: “How do CGI influencers differ from human influencers in terms of its impact on consumers’ purchase intentions?”  The research purpose of this thesis is to explore whether there is any difference in the impact of CGI influencers and human influencers on consumers’ purchase intentions in order to increase the understanding of the effectiveness of virtual influencer marketing in comparison to influencer marketing on consumer behavior. The research purpose was fulfilled by undertaking a qualitative inductive research approach and performing ten semi-structured interviews with respondents which both follow at least one macro- or mega human influencer and CGI influencer on Instagram. The thesis focuses on CGI influencers in relation to the aspects of motivations to follow, opinion leadership and parasocial relationships, since these are closely linked to purchase intentions. By increasing the understanding of consumers’ view, attitude and behavior, this thesis has discovered multiple key aspects in how CGI influencers differ from human influencers in terms of its impact on consumers’ purchase intentions. The results show that CGI influencers are generally seen as more or less the same as human influencers in terms of inspiration. Followingly, it is possible for consumers to create parasocial relationships with CGI influencers. Nevertheless, this thesis has identified a dominant perspective that CGI influencers affect purchase intentions to a lesser extent than human influencers at present, which is primarily based on higher-developed parasocial relationships, a greater perceived genuineness and higher consumer trust for human influencers. The core theoretical implications are the expanded scientific research on CGI influencers as a marketing phenomenon, and the perceived differences and similarities between CGI influencers and human influencers from a consumer perspective. The key practical implications are the increased understanding of the effectiveness of virtual influencer marketing in comparison to influencer marketing on consumer behavior, and how to implement CGI influencers in the marketing strategy successfully. On a societal level, the most central societal implications are several ethical issues of CGI influencers within marketing.

Influencer Marketing : the characteristics and components of fashion influencer marketing

Zietek, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
The ad blocking hype has brought new challenges for fashion brands to be seen and heard. Therefore new marketing strategies have to be found. Since the usage of mobile devises increased and consumers spend more time on online social networks - influencer marketing had been found as a authentic marketing channel to reach the consumers. Therefore this thesis aims on providing fashion brands a guideline of the components and characteristics of influencer marketing. To accomplish this research objective the qualitative method approach of expert interviews had been chosen and four experts from the fashion influencer marketing were questioned about their daily work with influencers to elaborate their needs and the challenges they are facing. The interviews lead to four core components of influencer marketing: authenticity, long-term relations, co-creation and micro-influencers. Underneath these core components the following sub-components were found: brand fit, exclusivity, visual language, passion, trust, price, creative freedom, and frequent communication. The main conclusion of this study is that working with micro influencers is key a component of influencer marketing. These influencers tend to have high authenticity, are experts in a certain niche and are not motivated by monetary reasons.

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