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Методика обучения описанию инфографики на иностранном языке с использованием мультимедийных средств : магистерская диссертация / Teaching methods of infographic description in a foreign language with the use of multimedia toolsУшакова, А. Д., Ushakova, A. D. January 2021 (has links)
Международное сотрудничество в различных областях науки и экономики подразумевает наличие не только профессиональных компетенций у современных выпускников высших учебных заведений, но и умение наглядно демонстрировать результаты своей научной и профессиональной деятельности, в том числе, на иностранном языке. Умение описывать различные типы инфографики представляется актуальным направлением в обучении студентов высших учебных заведений. Целью данного исследования является теоретическое обоснование и разработка методики обучения описанию инфографики на иностранном языке с использованием мультимедийных средств. В работе рассмотрены понятие, история, функции и классификации инфографики, определены основные подходы и принципы методики обучения описанию инфографики на иностранном языке, обозначены необходимые мультимедийные средства и цифровые компетенции, разработана поэтапная методика обучения описанию инфографики на иностранном языке с использованием мультимедийных средств. Методика содержит различные типы заданий для каждого этапа. Эффективное применение инфографики на иностранном языке объединяет знания в области инфографики, информационно-коммуникационных технологий и лингвистических особенностей иностранного языка, что и определяет набор заданий на каждом этапе обучения. Методика была апробирована на студентах группы УГИ-104011, обучающихся по образовательной программе 44.03.01 «Методика преподавания иностранных языков». Анализ опросов студентов показал, что после ряда занятий по описанию инфографики изменилось отношение к ее применению для демонстрации результатов своих исследований. / International cooperation in various fields of science and economics implies not only the professional competence of modern graduates of higher education institutions but also the ability to demonstrate the results of their scientific and professional works in a foreign language. The ability to describe different types of infographics seems to be an actual trend in the education of students of higher education institutions. The purpose of this study is to provide a theoretical basis and develop a method of teaching the description of infographics in a foreign language with the use of multimedia tools. The paper considers the definition, history, functions and classifications of infographics, defines the basic approaches and principles of teaching methods for describing infographics in a foreign language, identifies the necessary multimedia tools and digital competencies. A step-by-step method of teaching the description of infographics in a foreign language with the use of multimedia tools has been developed. The method contains different types of tasks for each stage. Effective application of infographics in a foreign language combines knowledge in the field of infographics, information and communication technologies and linguistic features of a foreign language, which defines a set of tasks at each stage of training. The method was tested on the students of the UGI-104011 group studying on the educational programme 44.03.01 "Methods of teaching foreign languages." Analysis of student surveys showed that after a series of lessons on infographics description, the attitude towards its application to demonstrate the results of their research has changed.
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We not me : Informationsgrafik som verktyg i en demokratisk metamorfos / We not me : Informationgraphics as a tool in a democratic metamorphosisBygdén, Maria January 2022 (has links)
Är demokratin i fara? Behövs nya sätt för demokratiska processer i dagens samhälle? Det är frågeställningar som jag har arbetat med i detta projekt. Genom ett spekulativt förhållningssätt inspirerat av designteorier som söker svara mot framtida behov har jag undersökt om informationsgrafik kan vara en möjlighet för att vidare utveckla den kommunala kommunikationen, särskilt i frågor där man använt sig av medborgardialog i processen. Med en utgångspunkt i att information är en grund för delaktighet och möjligheten att göra sin röst hörd har jag funnit att informationsgrafiken har många egenskaper som kan bidra till att underhålla och stärka demokratiska processer. / Is democracy at risk? Are we in need of new ways to make democracy happen in todays society? That is what I have been working with examining in this projekt. Through a speculative approach, inspired by designmethods that seek to answer questions of future needs, I have examined if infographics could be a possibility to futher develop the muncipal communication(in Sweden). Especially in matters where the citizens have been invited to participate in the process of a desicion. With the theory that information is a foundation for participation and the possibility to make your voice heard as an outset I have found that infographics have many traits that can contribute to maintain and develop a democratic process.
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Insights on poster preparation practices in life sciencesJambor, Helena Klara 16 January 2025 (has links)
Posters are intended to spark scientific dialogue and are omnipresent at biological conferences. Guides and how-to articles help life scientists in preparing informative visualizations in poster format. However, posters shown at conferences are at present often overloaded with data and text and lack visual structure. Here, I surveyed life scientists themselves to understand how they are currently preparing posters and which parts they struggle with. Biologist spend on average two entire days preparing one poster, with half of the time devoted to visual design aspects. Most receive no design or software training and also receive little to no feedback when preparing their visualizations. In conclusion, training in visualization principles and tools for poster preparation would likely improve the quality of conference posters. This would also benefit other common visuals such as figures and slides, and improve the science communication of researchers overall.
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Relaunch Hospodářských novin (2009) a Mladé fronty Dnes (2010) - srovnávací analýza / Relaunch of Hospodářské noviny(2009) and Mladá fronta Dnes(2010)-Comparative AnalysisKeményová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
The main aim of this thesis are two Czech nationwide daily newspapers Hospodářské noviny and Mladá fronta Dnes. This thesis focuses on graphics relaunches which these newspapers passed in years 2009 and 2010. It deals with question, how the graphics changes influenced appearance of these newspapers, their content and the position on the media market. This composition responsibly took the opportunity to show the reader in detail, how these newspapers have changed the look of the headlines, elaboration of photos, colors and other graphics components. Along with it the thesis analyses the content changes, such as stylistics or the way of submitting information. Last but not least it gives the comparison of the earning power of these newspapers, position of their publishers Economia and Mafra as well as interviews with publishers representatives.
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Design informací vybrané tématiky / Design of Information of Selected TopicsNovotná, Kateřina January 2012 (has links)
The MA thesis presents the discipline of information design as a large but a compact unit. The chapter about the history in the wider framework of visual communication and the chapter about information age present conditions and context of evolution of information design to its contemporary forms. These chapters are followed by information design characteristic and division into several categories completed by a selection of representative examples. In addition to information design, an area of less constrained production (cases when readability prevails over aesthetics) of information art is presented here. "Web site offers a structured overview of information design and a view of different ways of perception of information through design."
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[pt] A tese discute a relação existente entre a criatividade e o design thinking e o universo da infografia e da visualização de dados, com destaque para a criação de um método de construção de infográficos a partir dos estudos empreendidos nas referidas áreas, baseados em bibliografia compatível e atual. Através principalmente da lógica do visual thinking, é elaborado um método de construção de infográficos. Além disso, o próprio infográfico aparece como possível ferramenta de pensamento visual dentro do design thinking, otimizando as possibilidades desse processo. A infografia e a visualização de dados disponibilizam um novo e vasto campo de trabalho para o designer em parceria com outros profissionais. No entanto, existe uma carência de métodos de construção e desenvolvimento de infográficos. O método de construção proposto pela tese para preencher essa lacuna identificada, até pela minha própria prática profissional de ensino, poderá ser aplicado tanto por designers já atuantes no mercado quanto ensinado a estudantes de Design ou Comunicação. / [en] The thesis discusses the relationship between creativity and design thinking and the universe of infographics and data visualization, proposing a method of construction of infographics from studies in these areas, based on current and compatible bibliography. The method of development of infographics follows the logic that belongs to visual thinking. In addition, the infographics itself appears as a possible tool for visual thinking within the design thinking, optimizing the possibilities of this process. Infographics and data visualization provide a vast new field of work for the designer in partnership with other professionals. However, there is a lack of methods for building and developing infographics. The method of construction proposed by the thesis to fill this gap identified, including my own experience as a professor in this area, can be applied both by designers who are already in the market as can be taught to students of Design and Communication.
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Interpretační hodnota obrazové informace a její význam při tvorbě grafických modelů a infografik / Image interpretation value and its purpose in creation of scientific figures and infographicsPhung, Hyu Nghia January 2012 (has links)
Graphic figures and various types of infographics have become an essential part of the scientific papers, business presentations and study materials. Although, authors of these documents often lack the knowledge of basic rules and principles of graphic design and learn how to create figures by trial and error. Literature addressing the issues of effective verbal (presentation skills) and non-verbal (principles of scientific writing) is available and accessible. Though literature addressing the issues of scientific figure design and general visual design are very few, sometimes non existent, despite the fact that images, figures and various charts are one of the most effective mediums for information sharing. This lack of material knowledge is detrimental to the quality of works of managers, professors and researchers. This thesis attempts to fill in this gap and motivate readers to further development and research of the issue. The thesis addresses the issue of figures from its core, those being the basic principles of image perception and interpretation. Building on concepts of theorists like Peirce, Saussure and Eco the thesis will then define the meaning and purpose of "Image Interpretation Value". Selected principles of figure construction and interpretation will be introduced. These principles will then be further analyzed and applied on the level of business and scientific figures. Each chapter will include various graphic figures and practical examples to enhance further understanding of the issue. The primary purpose and goal of this thesis is to create an easy-to-follow set of instructions and suggestions on how to design effective and intelligible figures to be used in the fields of business communication, scientific research and academic teaching.
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Model / ModelHládeková, Katarína Unknown Date (has links)
The dissertation thesis studies the extension of the context of the term model as a means of interpretation for Czech and Slovak post-conceptual works of art. Based on result of a historical excursion into the history of painting, sculpture and architecture, the thesis offers a new typology of a model which is exemplified on particular work of art of Czech and Slovak post-conceptual era in the first two decades of the 21st century. The historical part of the thesis concludes the following: model in the art is an emancipated form originating from different academic as well as layman discourse; emancipated model has a methaphorical layer and thus it reflects wide historical, cultural and social relations. The categories proposed include: a linear model, a physical model, a cognitive model and an immersive model. The linear model encompases the sketch themes and so-called visualization metaphors (graphs, charts, schemes, etc) and originates as a reaction to information saturation and complicated networks. The physical model is a form to architecture and hobby modelling, it is characterised by a simple, „sketchy“ structure reacting to social themes and individual and collective memory. The cognitive model points to the cognitive turn of the society, it evaluates the materialisation of mental space and explains the emancipated model as an open category. Finally, the immersive model interprets the medium of exhibition as a model form which is articulated by and artisitic manifesto or an architectural interference. Another form of immersion that is being discussed in the chapter about immersive models, is a photographic or 3 D computer illusion as a reaction to society‘s virtualisation. Simultaneously to theoretical-historical research, an artistic research was taking place which became the basis for the creation of different categories and typologies of model. Each proposed category thus includes a so-called author‘s note reflecting the practical part of the dissertation thesis.
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Las infovisualizaciones animadas y su influencia dentro de la transposición didáctica audiovisualVintimilla Ugalde, Óscar Gustavo 05 September 2022 (has links)
[ES] El objetivo de esta investigación es definir a una infovisualización animada y establecer una metodología de análisis para determinar la incidencia de cada uno de sus componentes dentro de una pieza audiovisual. Para ello, se integra un enfoque desde las dos vertientes de las cuales proviene el término: el grafismo informativo y el grafismo animado; lo que ofrece una perspectiva global del fenómeno.
A partir de ahí, se establecen las bases conceptuales necesarias para extrapolar las propiedades comunes de lo informativo, del diseño y del audiovisual, e interpretarlos como un nuevo lenguaje que propone un mensaje concreto, claro, atractivo y efectivo para alcanzar una transposición didáctica entre el productor de contenido y su audiencia.
Posteriormente se presenta un estudio de casos para comprobar la factibilidad de uso de la metodología, convirtiéndose en una propuesta para el desarrollo de la alfabetización visual aplicada al grafismo informativo en movimiento, área de continuo crecimiento y relevancia dentro de la comunicación.
Al final, se despliegan nuevas líneas de investigación que permitan complementar el estudio y contribuyan a consolidar la pertinencia de este lenguaje. / [CA] Aquesta investigació pretén definir el concepte d'infovisualització animada i establir una metodologia d'anàlisi per a determinar la incidència de cadascun dels seus components dins d'una peça audiovisual. Adequarem un enfocament basat en els dos vessants de les quals prové el terme: el grafisme informatiu i el grafisme animat; el que ofereix una perspectiva global del fenomen.
A partir d'ací, s'estableixen les bases conceptuals necessàries per a extrapolar les propietats comuns de l'informatiu, del disseny i de l'audiovisual, i interpretar-los com un nou llenguatge que proposa un missatge concret, clar, atractiu i efectiu per a aconseguir una transposició didàctica entre el productor de contingut i la seua audiència.
Posteriorment es presenta un estudi de casos per a comprovar la factibilitat d'ús de la metodologia, convertint-se en una proposta per al desenvolupament de l'alfabetització visual aplicada al grafisme informatiu en moviment, àrea de continu creixement i rellevància dins de la comunicació.
Al final, es despleguen noves línies d'investigació que permeten complementar l'estudi i contribuïsquen a consolidar la pertinència d'aquest llenguatge. / [EN] This research seeks to define the concept of animated info-visualization and establish an analysis methodology to determine the incidence of each of its components within an audiovisual piece. An approach based on the two aspects from which the terms informative graphics and animated graphics come was applied. This approach offers a global perspective of the phenomenon.
From there on, the necessary conceptual bases were established to extrapolate the common properties of the information content, its design and audiovisual, to interpret them as a new language. Then a concrete, clear, attractive and effective message was proposed to achieve a didactic transposition between the content producer and their audience.
Subsequently, a case study was presented to verify the feasibility of using this methodology, which became a proposal for the development of visual literacy applied to informative graphics in motion. This is an area of continuous growth and relevance within communication.
In the end, new lines of research are deployed to complement the study and help consolidate the relevance of this language. / Vintimilla Ugalde, ÓG. (2022). Las infovisualizaciones animadas y su influencia dentro de la transposición didáctica audiovisual [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186190
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