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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Det är någonting mer än det vi har gjort tidigare” : En kvalitativ studie om bibliotekariers reflektioner kring data literacy / “It's something more than we've done before” : A qualitative study about librarian reflection on data literacy

Risberg, Cajsa-Stina Erica January 2018 (has links)
The development of digitization and technology has brought new opportunities to produce and access research data. This has generated the need to be able to use and manage data. Data literacy has been listed as one of the great current trends in the library world as a result of new opportunities for spreading and managing data. The purpose of the present thesis has thus been to investigate librarians’ reflection on data literacy. Five librarians at a university library have been interviewed through semi-structured interviews. Interviewees view data literacy as a concept that is closely related to information literacy. Data literacy is said to be about saving, analyzing, citing and reusing data. At the university library, data literacy is viewed through both skills’ development and activities. Since the phenomenon is relatively new, the staff has been given the opportunity to develop skills through workshops in data analysis tools. In addition, the university library has opened two digital labs at two libraries that aim to contribute to creative learning environments for data management and data usage. The library has offered workshops in data analysis programs for users. Data literacy has not been fully implemented in the library’s teaching yet. One of the major challenges in implementing data literacy is to find time to develop skills but at the same time prioritize the library’s core functions. However, informants believe that data literacy will entail new roles for university libraries in the future and that it will affect more than just teaching librarians.

Sambanden mellan individers förmåga att läsa, förvärva, förstå och använda hälsoinformation och deras informationsbeteenden : – i relation till den egna hälsan

Jansson, Cissi January 2018 (has links)
Förmågan att läsa, förvärva, förstå och använda hälsoinformation utgör konceptet Health literacy, på svenska hälsolitteracitet. Dessa förmågor blir av allt större vikt i ett intensivt informationssamhälle. Ökade krav ställs på förmågan att kunna välja, värdera och använda sig av information i sitt dagliga liv, hälso- och sjukvården är inget undantag. Hälsolitteracitet är en förutsättning för att kunna göra hälsomedvetna val och ta välgrundade beslut i relation till hälsan. Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om individers Hälsoinformationsbeteenden i relation till egenskattad nivå av hälsolitteracitet och i relation till sociodemografiska bakgrundsfaktorer och subjektiv hälsa, i en svensk kontext. Studiens resultat visar att samband finns mellan koncepten hälsolitteracitet och olika Hälsoinformationsbeteenden. Högre Funktionell hälsolitteracitet är förknippad med lägre frekvens av fem av sex Hälsoinformationsbeteenden. Högre Kommunikativ och kritisk hälsolitteracitet är förknippad med en högre frekvens av Hälsoinformationsbeteenden och då främst med aktiva hälsoinformationsbeteenden. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen av studien är att nivå av hälsolitteracitet har betydelse för i vilken grad en individ ägnar sig åt ett visst Hälsoinformationsbeteende. Praktiska implikationer: Insikter om Hälsolitteracitet och dess betydelse för Hälsoinformationsbeteenden kan vara användbara för informationsspecialister och bibliotekarier, såväl som för hälso- och sjukvården samt andra som arbetar med hälsoinformation.

HBTQ på bibliotek - de anställdas ansvar och motivation : en analys av hur bibliotek hanterar hbtq-kompetens

Johansson, My January 2018 (has links)
The prevalence of rainbow flags and rainbow shelves, shelves with LGBTQ literature, makes one wonder if it is a sign of a seemingly ubiquitus LGBTQ-knowledge among librarians at public libraries. My thesis is a theme-based analysis using knowledge management as theory with the aim to capture how libraries mangage their LGBTQ-knowledge and why they do it in these certain ways. After categorizing the data according to the SECI-model I found that a certain way of managing knowledge is used in excess by the librarians I interviewed. The SECI-model describes it as ´socialisation´ which means to use tacit knowledge and creating new tacit knowledge. In my analysis of why that is the case it becomes apparent that the managing of LGBTQ-knowledge is a responsibility taken by individual librarians with interest in the LGBTQ-question. With what seems to be insufficient support by the management it is up to the individuals to manage LGBTQ-knowledge through ´socialization´ which is a fast and effective way of transferring knowledge.

Utvärdering av offentlig verksamhet : begrepp kontext, motiv, strategier, användningen och aktörerna / Evaluation of public activitities : concepts, context, motives, strategies, use and actors

Zetterlund, Angela January 1997 (has links)
Based on a review of literature on evalution of public activities and in purpose to introduce amore general framework, this study describes a picture of the concept, context, motives,strategies, use and actors in Evaluation as these are experienced outside the field of libraryand information. The background is the increased need for" evaluations in public libaries and aneed for new LIS knowledge about it. The reviewed literature has its origin in differentdisciplinary contexts and the study include contributions from policy studies, sociologi,education research, business administration, philosophy and anthropology. The focus, though,is not placed upon differences in the literature but on similarities.The review is organised in six parts. In the first part a presentation is given of how evaluationsare conceptualized and its meaning in a historical perspective. In the second the focus is uponthe context of public descision making, implementation and public programming. Different ·purpuses of evaluation is discussed in the third part followed by a description of strategies andmodels in the fourth. Issues of evaluation use is discussed in part five and finally is a presentationof those actors of particular-importance in evaluations given in part six. In the reviewedliterature the -author finds some general patterns, who are assembled and described in acomprehensive discussion. In the contusion some claimes are made about the nature ofevaluation. One claim is that evaluations are of great complexity and given several functions.This complexity is explained by the fact that evaluative activities are of increased concern andimportence for numeorous actors and their relevance for many fields of practice.Future research is suggested to focus on the role of evaluation in the perspective of politicalandadminstrative governance, program change and development, scientific knowledge andin the perspective of negotiations and communication in social and political conflicts.

Digital marknadsföring och dess olika annonseringsformer / Digital marketing and it’s different methods of advertising

Sjöblom, Tim January 2018 (has links)
In this study banner ad’s was compared with company’s ads published on company Facebook pages to see how their design may differentiate and what their design might have in common. This study also aimed to answer which of these marketing techniques users prefer. This study focused on ads containing gaming peripherals and retailers that sold gaming peripherals Facebook pages. To gather the data two data collection methods were used, these methods were a survey and a content analysis. Regarding the design aspects the result showed that banner ads usually used more color contrasts and images containing a lot of effects compared to the Facebook ad although there were a few similarities between them. The result showed that the Facebook ads instead used more subtle images and instead of focusing more on using text elements. When it came to the user’s relation to the different ads the result showed that users generally liked company Facebook ads better then banners ads result show that banner ads have their place in the digital landscape.

Att bli en tänkande läsare : En studie om folkbibliotekariers arbete kring bokcirklar med barn i åldersgruppen 9-12 år / To Become a Reflective Reader : A study of public librarians work with book clubs for children aged 9-12 years

Savnäs, Lavina January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine how public librarians inspire children aged 9-12 years through book clubs. The study is based on five semi-structured phone interviews with leaders of book clubs. I made a qualitative content analysis of the interviews. In the interviews we focused on how they planned, performed their work, possibilities they could see, and finally challenges to be considered. This was later analysed from the perspective of Chambers theory of the reading circle, which he presents in his study Tell me : children, reading and talk . This theory shows the process of how children, with the adult’s support, can choose, read and react to literature. My conclusions based on the study are that the public librarians want the children's experience of the book club to be fun and not remind them of school. It’s a place where they can meet others and discuss literature they’ve been reading.

Man vill ju inte bli tagen på sängen : Svenska folkbibliotekariers upplevelser av påverkan på urvalet, samt strategier för hanteringen av den / You don't want to get taken by surprise : Swedish public librarians experience of pressures on the selection as well as their strategies for managing it

Sandhu, Alice January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor thesis examines public librarian’s views on collection development and selection censorship in the public libraries today and how they work to raise awareness so that it does not constrain the selection. The subject belongs to collection management in the public library field. The study aims to investigate the librarian’s perception of different pressures on Swedish public libraries collections today and where they come from. The three questions posed in this study are: what pressures and controversies can public librarian’s experience in their work with selection? Where and in what way does pressure on Swedish public libraries selection arise from, according to Jacobsen and Thorsviks model: from above, below or sideways? How does the public librarians rise awareness in the selection process to cope with subjective and outward pressure? The method is based on four interviews with operating public librarians, and their thoughts and experiences on the subject. The theory used in this thesis is a model by Dag I. Jacobsens and Jan Thorsvik, called Features for the three institutional pillars. It is used to trace where pressure originates from within an organization. Here it is applied to public libraries and the impact on the selection, studied from three perspectives; above, below and sideways. The results show that the selection is guided by democratic laws about diversity, laws against offensive content as well as libraries mission to purchase on demand. The librarians seldom or never experience any oppression, aggression or organized that challenge the libraries selection or censorship. The main pressures are of individual origin, they are library users that challenge both the librarian’s expertise and the selection principles. In the selection process librarians discuss that they are subjective beings and that they hence can affect the selection with their own involvement through subconscious values. Being aware of this process makes it less problematic. The librarians rarely have anything substantial to go by in the selection process, like a formal strategic media plan, it tends to be either inadequate to use, outdated or not practically useful. The informants for this study experience mediaplanning takes time and effort, at the same time they have less resources and time to do so. Which makes it problematic to examine and have quality selections, for example it could lead to oppression on the professional role of the librarian.

Bibliotek bortom regnbågen : Analys av HBTQ-certifierade folkbibliotek / Library beyond the rainbow : Analysis of LGBTQ-certificated public libraries

Falkman, Anna January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to comprehend RFSL’s concept of LGBTQ-certification, and how different public libraries all around Sweden perceive this certificate and later on applies it to their actual work. Also, my thesis will examine the ways in which RFSL’s certification and education is portrayed by the libraries referred to. This will mainly be done by an analysis of the libraries social media (here:Instagram) but also how the full concept is conveyed in daily press. The notion of certification as a social regulation will be deconstructed and construed as well. The thesis discovers three recurring themes in articles from the Swedish daily press. The three recurring themes are identity, treatment and expense. The first theme, identity, illustrates how the journalists and the library staff are talking and forming the LGBTQ identity. The second theme, treatment of library patrons, shows how the librarians are concerned about how to meet LGBTQ-people who visits the library. Hence the LGBTQ-people need a different approach the “the ordinary library user”. The third and last theme, expense, discusses how a majority of the articles talks about the certification like an investment. From the libraries Instagram accounts another three themes were discovered. These themes were celebrating the certification, books with LGBTQ-themes and Pride. The first theme, celebrating the certification, is portraited with rainbow cakes, balloons and a festive atmosphere. The second theme found from the libraries Instagram accounts are pictures of books with a LGBTQ-theme. The third theme from Instagram is Pride. Here the libraries are po

Biblioteket i Sillvik : Uppsökande verksamhet på stranden / The library in Sillvik : Outreach on the beach

Tigård, Pia January 2019 (has links)
The library on the beachThe library has been awarded special funding from the government. The goal for this outreach library is to support children in their leisure time and to encourage their reading. The aim has been to investigate the relationship between the purpose of outreach library activities and actual user behavior.The main purpose of the essay is how the relation is between the purpose of outreach library and how the visitors’ behaviors corresponds to the purpose. Is it possible to create a Library on the beach? How the relation is between the purpose of the outreach library and how the visitor’s behaviors corresponds to the purposes? Is it possible through the investigation to get an indication if it is the right way for people to build relations to library on their leisure time?The investigation was conducted through interviews with library staff, rooting the results of the research in theories.The assessment of the results of this study through observations and interviews is that the Beach Library is more than just playing with children.The children use the library for reading and participating in various activities that can provide knowledge. The beach library is a contact creating activity, and as the visitors express and their visits show, it is experienced as an appreciated meeting point. Jochumsen et al (2012) and their model fills all four rooms, indicating that the visitors and especially the children are given a richer leisure time where each individual possibly can grow and achieve empowerment. The result also shows that adults gather around the library and use it for conversations in a social aspect but also look at the contents of magazines, movies, books and borrow them. The study has a weakness since it does not answer the question whether the visitors think that the library's content and activities raise needs and require a continuation, or if they are just happy that something happens on the beach.

Folkbibliotekens utveckling : En analys av tio biblioteksplaner / Development of public libraries : A analysis of ten library plans

Davidsson, Clara, Goude, Ellinore January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate what ideas there are about the future role of the public libraries in society, what challenges the public libraries may face and how the public libraries will continue to be a place to meet. The future of the public libraries has been, and still is, a discussed topic and many believe that public libraries have an obvious place in society. The thesis focuses on library plans from the ten largest municipalities in Sweden. The theory used to analyze the source material in the study is The Four Space Model made by Henrik Jochumsen, Casper Hvenegaard Rasmussen and Dorte Skot‐Hansen. This model consists of four “spaces”, learning, meeting, inspiration and performative space that represents different aspects of how to manage a library, these spaces were more or less represented in the library plans. The results of the thesis showed that the library is a popular meeting place and that the public library has an important role, as an institution, to play in the society. Results also showed that cooperation between the libraries in the same municipality, but also cooperation with public libraries in other municipalities is important for the future.

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