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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att hålla bibliotekarieprofessionen relevant i en föränderlig värld. : En kvalitativ studie om skolbibliotekariers omvärldsbevakning och samarbete. / To keep the profession of librarians relevant in a changing world. : A qualitative study of school librarians’ external monitoring and cooperation and collaboration.

Baric, Maria, Nilsson, Lotta January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine school librarians’ external monitoring and cooperation and collaboration with teachers, in order to describe it and examine its significance for the relevance to the profession of librarians. The purpose was also to interpret the meaning of the external monitoring, cooperation and collaboration from a professional perspective. For this we used semi structured interviews and qualitative content analysis. The analysis was based on theory on professions (Nolin, 2008) about lifelong vocational training, cooperation and collaboration. The profession perspective explains problems, difficulties and opportunities that can be seen in school librarians external monitoring and when professions cooperate and collaborate. Our conclusion is that external monitoring is part of the lifelong vocational training and can be seen as a strategy together with cooperation and collaboration with teachers to strengthen, develop and change school librarians knowledge and jurisdiction. The study shows that external monitoring is dependent on cooperation and collaboration with teachers and the other way around. Depending on how developed these strategies are, this will affect both their influence on school library practice and the profession.

Autenticitet hos digital information : Blockkedjeteknologi för upprätthållande av trovärdighet

Asplund, Jan January 2017 (has links)
Authenticity and integrity of digital information have been discussed extensively within the record management and archival sectors for several decades. The on-going projects and research in the area have resulted in an understanding of the potential problems when it comes to keeping authenticity in digital information. In recent years the blockchain technologies have gained attention as a potential solution to many of the problems associated with management and storage of digital records. The area of information security is getting more and more focused on preventing manipulation of existing data. The conclusions here is that blockchain technologies have potential to solve several problems associated with the management and storage of digital records. The archival sector can benefit from the use of blockchains to prevent time consuming and expensive work efforts to re-establish authenticity in digital information ones lost.

Det ligger i luften : Utveckling och framställning avutcheckningsprototyp utifrån kvalitativa undersökningsmetoder / It is in the air : Development and production of acheckout prototype based on qualitative research methods

Parisi, Christina, Westergren, Frida January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to identify why customers choose to cancel their purchases in an e-commerce checkout process and then develop a solution to the problem, which is presented in a prototype. The survey methods that are used to find the functional weaknesses is a usability test with think aloud and an interview. The collected data is categorized and grouped to obtain a result of what affects the customer to abandon the checkout. The most important aspects of why the customers choose to leave is that effectiveness, learnability and accommodation of the checkout is not fulfilled, which is a part of the checkout usability. The customers' user experiences should also be in focus in a checkout process, as their feelings about a difficult moment make them leave the checkout. The result indicated that customers prefer a checkout that has more prominent steps and fewer actions, and that sensitive data should not be repeated more than once. When these customizations are made for the target audience, the usability and user experience are increased, which leads to a higher trust for the company. These actions can lead to customers completing their purchases.

En studie av användarfokuserad design gällande startsidor och menyer för museers webbplatser / How to make a good first impression : A study regarding user-centered design for home pages and menus on websites for museums

Drougge, Johan, Eriksson, Anders January 2017 (has links)
People decide within seconds whether or not they are interested in something. It is therefore crucial to deliver a good presentation of a product to provide the consumer with a good first impression. The present study investigates the issues related to Västerås Flygmuseum´s website, focusing on the first impression given by its homepage, and advises for further improvements. The following two are the focuses of the research. First, it is examined how the amount of information in the homepage is related to the first impression of the page itself. The second focus is how to properly convey this information to different audiences. The methodology used was a combination of a quantitative and a qualitative method. A survey was first launched, followed by a usability test on a selected audience. The outcome revealed that visual complexity makes the navigation difficult. Users prefer simple and clear homepages that will guide them to other, more specific sections of the website, in order to acquire all the information needed. Västerås Flygmuseum is therefore advised to present only the essential information on the homepage and to include links to other subsections of the website.

En studie av e-handelskonsumenters behov : Med fokuspå textilindustrin / A study about E-commerce consumers needs : With focuson the textile industry

Josefsson, Kasper January 2017 (has links)
The focus of this paper is to research a general need on E-commerce websites, and a specific need on websites in the textile industry. The purpose is to get an understanding of what consumers find important when shopping online. The research methods include participants who are experienced with either shopping online and/or the textile industry. The results of the research was made into a development proposal for a company in the textile industry. Their goal is to increase sales and explore new tools for selling their products. The development proposal was made to cater the company's needs.

Medicinska bibliotekariers yrkesidentitet : - en kvalitativ studie om hur medicinska bibliotekarier förhåller sig till sin yrkesidentitet / The occupational identity of medical librarians : – a qualitative study on how medical librarians relate to their occupational identity

Almqvist, Anna Karin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine how medical librarians relate to their occupational identity and mediation of information. New technology and new ways of communicating information have influenced the profession of medical librarians and their duties, why it is important to examine their occupational identity. The research questions are: How do medical librarians perceive and relate to their occupational identity and as information intermediaries? How do medical librarians relate to their duties? The method used in this study is semi-structured interviews and the empirical information was analyzed using qualitative content analysis. The theory used for analyzing the results is Anders Øroms theory about six different identites which occurred in line with the development of society. The conclusion is that medical librarians have different and complex perceptions of their occupational identities but quite similar perceptions regarding their duties. One of Anders Øroms identities regarding mediation of information is the identity that suits medical librarians best. After further analysis using Øroms theory the need to add two identities emerged, one identity regarding information service and one about communication. By adding those two identities it is easier to understand the connection to the occupational identity of medical librarians.

Lön för mödan? : – Professionaliseringens betydelse för bibliotekarieyrket och dess status / Efforts worthwhile? : – The implications of the professionalization of librarians and their professional status

Westerdahl, Diana January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor’s thesis is to develop knowledge about the professionalization development of the librarians in Sweden and what it has resulted in, mainly in terms of professional status. What has been the content of the professionalization agenda for the librarians? Is professionalization an efficient way forward in order to enhance the status of the profession? The thesis suggests that probably there are other methods to be explored in order to increase the status of the librarians.

”Ett ställe man kan komma till och bara sätta sig och läsa och komma bort ifrån allt.” : - en kvalitativ studie om vilken syn ungdomar på landsbygden har på nyttan av folkbibliotek / A place you can visit, just to sit down and read and get away from everything : - a qualitative study of young people's views of the public library in a rural community

Svensson, Johanna January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study what views 15-16 years old teenagers, living in the Swedish countryside, have about public libraries. The method chosen for this study is focus group interviews with both library users and none-library users included. A theoretical method called The four spaces (Jochumsen, Hvenegaard Rasmussen & Skot-Hansen, 2012) has been used to analyse the empirical material.15 teenagers were part of this study and the result shows that the teenagers have a traditional view of public libraries, which means that they only see it as a place to borrow books and where one has to be quiet in order to not disturb other visitors. A conclusion is that if teenagers living in the countryside are to change their views about public libraries, the public libraries need to change their activities for this particular age group. Because today they feel like it’s not the most interesting place to visit.

Skolbibliotekariens arbete med elevers informationskompetens / School librarians work with students information literacy

Jönsson, Johan, Nilsson, Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor thesis is to explore how librarians in public schools in Sweden works with the informations literacy of their pupils. The study is done with semistructured interviews conducted with seven school librarians and with help from previous research done on this subject. Focus is also put to the relationship between teacher and librarian when educating elemantary school student about informationseeking and proper source critisism. We also take a further stand by examing how the librarians worked with the digital literacy of their students and what their main challenges and problems are when they are teaching students about searching for informations online. The thesis are built upon the research of Louise Limberg and Lena Folkesson, among others in this field. Our results show that the school librarians struggled. to a large degree with collaborating with the teachers. According to our interviewess they often have to be very asservite in order to schedule lessons in information seeking. There also seemed to be an uncertainty among the teachers as to what the school librarians role in the education system is. The interviewed librarians also found the decreasing ability of information seeking among the students to be a problem in their work.

”Förskolorna i kommunen är väldigt engagerade och vi jobbar nära dem.” : En enkätstudie om samverkan mellan folkbibliotek och förskolor i ett läsfrämjande syfte / ”The preschools in the municipality are very engaged and we work closely with them”. : A survey study on the collaboration between public libraries and preschools in a reading promotional purpose

Johansson, Jennie, Liljemark, Elin January 2017 (has links)
The ability to read and write is essential to be able to live and function as an adult in today’s information and knowledge intensive society. Both public libraries and preschools have a duty to promote reading to children, but how their reading promotional activites are carried out varies. In the autumn of 2016 84 percent of all children in Sweden aged between one and five attended preschool and through collaborations between public libraries and preschools reading can be promoted to the majority of Swedish children. The aim of this study is to map how public libraries and preschools work together with reading promotion and how they view future collaborations, as well as to investigate what organisational factors that affect these partnerships. Surveys have been sent out to all main public libraries in Sweden’s 290 municipalities, and 215 completed surveys have been returned. The results shows that there is a significant amount of collaborations between public libraries and preschools in reading promotional purposes and that the public libraries use several approaches for these activities. The results also show that organisational factors such as financial circumstances and policies are of a big significance and that they affect these partnerships. It is possible to see a great interest amongst the public libraries for collaborations with preschools for reading promotional purposes, both now and in the future. Public libraries and preschools have similar missions regarding the promotion of reading, and this means that there is an opportunity for increased collaborations in the future.

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