Spelling suggestions: "subject:"skolbibliotekarie"" "subject:"skolbibliotekarier""
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Skolbibliotekariens yrkesroll : Hur fem skolbibliotekarier i olika kommuner uppfattar sin yrkesroll / The School Librarian role of profession : Five school librarians in different municipalities picture their professional roleGustafsson, Cecilia January 2015 (has links)
Although the different roles of the school library have beenresearched, the research on the roles of school librarians isfragmented. In 2011 new regulations regarding school librarieswere enforced and the role of school librarians was discussed inboth culture policy issues and in education policies. The aim of thisthesis is to gain insight into how school librarians themselvesexperience their professional role.The results are based on semi-structured interviews. Five schoollibrarians were interviewed in different municipalities. The schoollibrarians described their various assignments and conditions in theirschool libraries. The theoretical framework and analysis is based ondifferent roles identified by Anders Ørom and Trine Schreiber inpublic library contexts combined with Carol Kuhlthau´s identificationof the school librarian´s pedagogical role.The empirical data revealed that the librarians experience theirprofessional role mostly as cultural intermediators and to someextent as pedagogical. The informants all found it important to beincluded as part of the school organization, which was not alwaysthe case. It is concluded that from a developmental perspective,more work need to be done to better integrate school librarians inschools, in particular by establishing the school librarian as amember of the school staff.
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Tre skolor i en mindre kommun : En kvalitativ studie av grundskolerektorers syn på skolbiblioteksverksamhet / Three elementary schools in a smaller county : A qualitative study of elementary school administrator’s view on library media centersNilsson, Rebecca, Salmi, Therese January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine what attitudes the administrators of the selected elementary schools have towards school library media centers in general but also towards their own respective library media centers. Furthermore, it is to examine the administrators’ views on their school librarian’s role in the library media center as well as an integrated part of the school activities. A branch in this purpose is to examine if there is any differences in staffing the library media centers with a library media specialist or a teacher-librarian. To fulfill these purposes seven qualitative interviews were made with four administrators and three school librarians at three different elementary schools. Loertscher’s taxonomies of the school library media program were then used to analyze the interviews. The result of the study shows that even though the administrators have visions for the library media center, they do not have enough time or funding to act on them. Therefore the conclusion is that it is not what kind of school librarian that the administrators staff their library media center with that mainly will affect the outcome of the library media center, but rather what qualifications they have and if their visions correlates with the administrator’s. Also, the size of the staffing is a key factor to whether or not the library media center will advance so that it will be able to help increase the academic achievement at the school. But most importantly the school librarian needs the administrator’s support to develop the library media center.
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Skolbiblioteket i undervisningen : Uppfattningar om skolbiblioteket av några lärare i förskoleklass och grundskolans senare år / The school library in teaching : Perceptions of the school library by some teachers in preschool and secondary schoolBrickarp, Maja, Nilsson, Elin January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Skolbibliotekets funktion : En studie av fyra skolbibliotek 2013Ahlgrimm, Lena January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka och analysera vilken funktion skolbibliotek kan ha i skolorna 2013 i förhållande till skollagen och utifrån frågeställningar där skolbiblioteket analyseras utifrån fyra områden: rummet, medierna och informationssystemet, personalen samt eleverna. Metoderna som används för att genomföra denna studie är kvalitativa. Det innebär att fyra varianter av skolbibliotek undersöktes genom samtalsintervjuer med skolbibliotekspersonal, enkätfrågor till elever i årskurs nio samt enkätfrågor till rektorerna på de aktuella skolorna. Resultaten analyseras och jämförs i förhållande till hur ett skolbibliotek kan definieras. Resultaten visar att det är när områdena ovan är kompletta och sätts samman som skolbiblioteket får den funktion som efterfrågas i skollagen. Studien av de fyra skolbiblioteken visar bristande förståelse för vilka funktioner som bildar ett skolbibliotek och avsaknad av ekonomiska resurser.
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Skolbiblioteket : en del av undervisningen / School library : part of the teachingLindhé Ljungdahl, Madelene January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to figure out what school librarians, teachers and students want from the school library. I have studied essays from other students and compared their results to find out the different groups experience.
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Skolbiblioteket : Ett rum för lärandeHedgrund, Sanna, Sabel, Cim January 2013 (has links)
Forskning visar att svenska barns läsförmåga sjunkit ordentligt i internationella jämförelser. Vilken roll kan samverkan mellan läraren och skolbibliotekarien spela i det pedagogiska skolarbetet? En intressant fråga som är väldigt aktuell i dagens debatt om skolbibliotekets vara eller inte vara. Kanske kan vår studie ge en inblick i vikten av att bemannade skolbibliotek är en nödvändighet för elevernas läsutveckling i dagens skolor. Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att undersöka skolbibliotekets betydelse i undervisningen hos en grupp lärare i svenska som undervisar på grundskolan. Våra frågeställningar behandlar hur läraren uppfattar sin samverkan med skolbibliotekarien och skolbibliotekets roll i svenskundervisningen. Resultatet av denna studie är baserad på 8 intervjuer som gjorts med lärare i svenska i två grundskolor där vi haft det sociokulturella perspektivet på lärande som vår teoretiska utgångspunkt. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten att de deltagande lärarna menar att skolbiblioteket och skolbibliotekarien spelar en viktig roll för elevernas inspiration och läslust, att det saknas tillgång till datorer och internetsökning på skolbiblioteken samt lärarens önskan om en mer utvecklad samverkan med skolbibliotekarien. Utifrån detta är det viktigt att ett samarbete utvecklas mellan läraren och skolbibliotekarien, för att på så sätt stödja det pedagogiska utvecklingsarbetet av undervisning och lärande i skolan.
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Elevers läsvanor : En undersökning om skolbibliotekens betydelse för grundskoleelevers läsvanorGiertz, Madeleine January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka läsvanor hos elever i år 3-5 och vad som påverkar dessa samt om närheten till ett skolbibliotek gör att de läser mer. Särskild vikt har lagts vid skolbibliotekens roll, Undersökningen har skett genom en enkätundersökning där eleverna har fått redogöra för sina läsvanor. Tre klasser i skolår 3, 4 och 5 fick 15 olika frågor omkring deras läsvanor. Eleverna fick veta att de skulle läsa och svara på frågor omkring deras läsvanor med hjälp av att använda datorn. Två skolbibliotekarier har intervjuats för att komplettera bilden. Undersökningen visar att förekomsten av skolbibliotek har betydelse, men att också andra faktorer spelar in.</p>
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"Folk kan ju påstå vad fan som helst" : En studie om elevers källkritiska förmåga och skolbibliotekets rollHammarsten, Therese, Fritsch, Josefine January 2013 (has links)
Purpose: This thesis aims to study how students in upper secondary school evaluate sources in their everyday school work and how the role of the school library and librarian officiate in this context. Methodology: A web questionnaire was conducted and 155 students from different schools, with or without school library and school librarian, participated. We coded and aggregated the questionnaires according to the strategies that are used when evaluating sources, identified by Francke, Sundin and Limberg. Cognitive authority, a theory by Patrick Wilson, was also a part of our analysis. Conclusions: The study shows that students use different strategies, separately or combined, as a way to evaluate sources. The teacher is regarded as a cognitive authority and is the main influence concerning source evaluation. It also shows that the role of school libraries and school librarians, in this context, seem to be non-existent. The fact that not all students have access to school libraries makes it difficult to come to any conclusions regarding this matter. It also seems to be an uncertainty regarding the students’ knowledge about their school library and its resources.
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Skolbibliotekarier och läroplanen i grundskolan : En studie ur ett nyinstitutionellt perspektiv / School librarians and elementary school curriculum. : A study in a new institutional perspective.Schedvin, Maria January 2016 (has links)
The study aims to examine how school librarians at elementary school work with the curriculum and the difficulties they experience in the work with the curriculum.Five themes were distinguished in how school librarians work with the curriculum: Curriculum as target documents, Curriculum as working in partnership, Curriculum as control tools for working with source criticism, Curriculum as control tool for working with fiction, Curriculum as a support for defining profession. Three themes were distinguished in the difficulties of the work on the curriculum; Lack of time, Lack of knowledge and availability and Lack of formulation of goals around school library activities. The study uses the new institutional theory as method to analyze the result.In all themes, there were examples of coercive, mimetic and normative forces as a way to explain how school librarians and teachers within the same organizational field tend to resemble each other.
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”We kind of read books” : en kvalitativ studie av vad elever i fjärde klass gör på sitt skolbibliotek / ”We kind of read books” : a qualitative study of fourth grade students’ conduct at their school libraryClaesson, Jennie January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this study was to contribute with knowledge that complements research on the design and development of school libraries. This has been achieved through field studies from a sociocultural perspective using the theories of Vygotsky. Previous research shows a gap between how a school library is said to function and how it is in fact used. To investigate actual conduct the author performed observations and focus group interviews with fourth-grade students at ISGR, The International School of the Gothenburg Region. The results reveal a wide range of activities in the school library, such as information retrieval, reading, browsing for books, talking, hanging out, borrowing and returning books, receiving education and working on projects. One interesting discovery was that a visit to the school library appeared to be a collective action, and not solitary as one could suspect. Students browsed together with classmates or the librarian, read out loud toeach other and sat together reading, writing, talking and playing games. When enabled, the higher psychological processes in Vygotsky’s theory can roam free in the school library. The author concludes that it is not possible to generalise from this study, but that the value of a place where you can do all the above in a calmand stress-free environment should not be underestimated. The school library can be a place not only for silent studies, but for social exchange among carefully chosen books, furniture, technology and personnel to support all actions, including personal growth.
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