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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Läsfrämjande insatser för barn och unga på lov : möjligheter och utmaningar

Mårtensson, Mia, Rosenborg, Jeanette January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Projektet Från tanke till handling : Läsfrämjande i utveckling / The project From thought to action : Reading promotion in progress

Johansson, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the possibilities for children’s librarians to extend their competence in the area of reading promotion. The study is carried out within an ongoing reading promotion project directed towards small children from 0-7 years. The study aims to answer the following questions: How do children’s librarians develop new skills in a reading promotion project? How do children’s librarians view a broadening of the concept of reading and how does their approach affect which skills that are acknowledged?The study is mainly based on qualitative interviews with five children´s librarians who all participate in the project. The theory used is Etienne Wenger´s social theory of learning where he defines learning as a process of social participation in Communities of Practice. The result shows that librarians value the sharing of experiences with colleagues in both informal and more formal discussions. Lectures, workshops and interaction with other professionals also contribute to new competencies according to the librarians. The interviewees emphasize the importance of understanding that children develop an interest in reading in different ways. The printed book is central when working with children but the interview subjects stress that reading can be further stimulated by using pictures, sound, singing and movement in activities that promote reading / Program: Bibliotekarie

Biblioteket och läshundar : Läshundar som en metod för bibliotekets arbete inom lässtimulans / The library and reading dogs : Reading dogs as a method for the library´s work within encouraging reading

Eriksson, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
There is a growing interest among libraries for using assistance of dogs in reading training for children. Many Swedish school libraries and public libraries are already today using this kind of pedagogy. From study results we can see that humans feel relaxed and calm together with kind animals. This affects humans physically and psychologically in different ways for example; lowering the blood pressure and set off calming hormones oxytocin. As we all know that reading out loud can be a very stressful situation so taking assistance of a reading dog or an assisting dog can be very helpful. Designed as a qualitative interview study, by interviewing project leaders, school and children’s librarians working with this kind of reading activity, this study examines the questions: how is reading stimulation using reading dogs depicted in practice? How does the projects and how function and how does the Project’s librarians experience this kind of pedagogy? Finally how do reading dogs affect reading activities in the school libraries and public libraries looking through the sociocultural view and the literacy concept? The interviews made in this study suggest that research in the field is needed and financial help is crucial for them to survive so the ongoing or finished projects with assistance or reading dogs can continue in the future. Though the positive results from trying the method gave a wanting for a continuation but sometimes there is no clear plan how to proceed. The guidance from research and financial help could make a huge difference for the librarians working with this pedagogy.

Bokprat: en traditionell arbetsmetod med stora utvecklingsmöjligheter för barnbibliotekarier? / Booktalk: A Traditional Method with Great Potential for Children's Librarians?

Leijon, Ida, Persson, My January 2012 (has links)
Children's library's primary task is to encourage children to read. Promoted readingleads to increased reading skills. A common method for this purpose is booktalk. This studyaims to examine how children’s librarians work with booktalk aimed towards children andhow it can be developed as a working method to support the library's reading promotionactivities. By conducting five qualitative interviews with the intension of investigating howvarious children’s librarians within a municipality works with booktalk and by making use ofthe theoretical framework of the thesis (which consist of literacy, child perspective and AidanChambers “The Reading Circle”) we could examine development opportunities for themethod. The results of this study show that children’s librarians in the studied municipality iskeen to adapt their booktalk for its target audience reading levels but where the book is itsprimary medium. What also occurred was that the various children’s librarians have differentconditions for development, depending on their workplace but all emphasized the importanceof booktalk. In accordance with the thesis theoretical framework the importance ofconversation about books where children's participation is equal was stated as a developmentopportunity. With an emphasis that those methods just as easily could include other mediathan the printed book, with the help of a broader concept of text to reach the child's cultureand media use and consider it to be a step in the right direction when developing the booktalkas a method.

Skolbibliotekariens strategier och praktiker : Att bemöta utmaningar i det läsfrämjande arbetet / The School librarians strategies and practices : Meeting challenges in reading promotion work

Johansson, Emma January 2023 (has links)
School librarians working with reading promotion daily meet challenges regarding literature and reading from students. This requires for school librarians to know how to handle these daily challenges. This thesis aims to examine what challenges boys and girls respectively express regarding the school librarians work with reading promotion. This thesis also aims to examine what strategies and/or practices school librarians apply to meet these challenges. Seven semi-structured interviews were carried out with school librarians working in Swedish public and private schools. The results were analyzed using the sociocultural perspective on learning by Roger Säljö. The conclusion shows that a few school librarians see differences in the challenges presented by boys in comparison to girls while the other school librarians don’t notice any specific differences in challenges. The conclusion also states that the strategies and practices applied depends on the challenges presented and that there are some common strategies and practices among the school librarians. Some of these strategies and practices include involving the students in the library and reading promotion work, book talks, and reading focused projects.

”Fandom is a legitimate hobby” : En netnografisk studie om användares erfarenheter kring deltagandet i fanfiction och fangemenskaper

Åkesson, Moah January 2015 (has links)
Uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte är att undersöka de erfarenhetersom medlemmar i fangemenskaper fått genom sitt deltagande i dessagrupper, med ett specifikt fokus på fanfiction. Den underliggande avsiktenär att dra lärdom av dessa upplevelser, och att utifrån dem utforma ettantal riktlinjer som biblioteken kan använda i den läsfrämjandeverksamheten. Metoden som använts är netnografi, ett etnografiskttillvägagångssätt som används på internet. Det empiriska materialet somanvänts i studien kommer från diskussioner i forum och från blogginlägg. Materialet har därefter analyserats med hjälp av kvalitativ textanalys.Resultatet visar att gemenskap, deltagande, engagemang ochfördjupning är viktiga aspekter, men även att det förekommer mångafördomar kring fangemenskaper och fanfiction

Förskolebiblioteken i Lund : En kvalitativ studie av ett läsfrämjande projekt

Mörkberg, Isabella January 2016 (has links)
Författare/Author Isabella Mörkberg Svensk titel ”Förskolebiblioteken i Lund” – En kvalitativ studie av ett läsfrämjande projekt English Title ”Förskolebiblioteken i Lund” – A qualitative study of a reading promotion project Handledare/Supervisor Anne-Christine Norlén Abstract This master thesis is written in the scientific field of library – and information science. The purpose of the study is to investigate how the project Förskolebiblioteken i Lund helps promote reading among preschool children. The project is a collaboration between pedagogues in the preschool, children’s librariens and the children’s perents. The preschools that I invested are located in different socioeconomic areas in Lund. The idea of the essay is based on the falling figures in reading comprehension and how to get children in the preschool interested in literature.The theoretical framework is based om Aidan Chambers circle of reading and the three different approches of reading. The methods used are qualtative interwievs with pedagogues and children's librarians and cause studies with observations of preschool libraries. The project Förskolebiblioteken i Lund is working to promote reading through reading literature, dramatization and storytelling. The pedagogues and children’s librarians think it is important to let the children read for pleasure and not for constraint. Promoting literature reading should be a given part in the preschool and the literature needs to be available. The pedagogues have noticed that the children more often asks about reading books after the library established in the preschool. Ämnesord läsfrämjande, bibliotek och förskola, språkutveckling, barnbibliotekarier, förskollärare   Key words Reading promotion, Libraries and preschool children, Language development, Children's librarians, Preschool teachers

Augmented reality-tekniken och dess tillämpning i en kontext av barnböcker, museer och kulturarvsplatser

Eriksson, Ellen January 2016 (has links)
KASTiS, Kulturarv och spelteknologi i Skaraborg

Att stimulera pojkars läslust. Bibliotekariers läsfrämjande arbete inom ramarna för den ordinarie verksamheten. / Stimulating the joy of reading in boys. How librarians work to stimulate the joy of reading in the context of their ordinary work.

Rimner, Anna-Kristina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to examine the ways in which librarianswork to stimulate the joy of reading in boys. Four children- andschool librarians were chosen for interviews in which they wereasked questions about boys' reading and the approaches they usedto help boys. The librarians were asked if they perceived boys'reading as problematic, what methods they used to stimulate thejoy of reading and if they thought it would be helpful to work withboys and girls in different ways. They were asked what theythought was the biggest challenges in changing the boys’ attitudestowards reading and what they would do if they could choosefreely without any constraints in time or money.Aidan Chambers' "The circle of reading" was used to compare atheory about reading to the ways in wich the librarians worked andtheir thoughts about how to initiate reading. All the librariansshowed awareness about the situation with boys' decreasingreading abilities and they had all developed approaches to helpstimulate boys’ reading in slightly different ways. Theirapproaches included carefully planned media acquisition and booktalks as well as displaying the books according to different themessuch as genres and organising special book shelves for popularbook series. / Program: Bibliotekarie

Elevers uppfattning om en bokslukartävling : Didaktisk analys

Svensson, Ann-Christin January 2007 (has links)
<p>Bokslukartävlingen har genomförts i Gävle Kommuns grundskolor sedan år 2002. Den vänder sig till elever i skolår 3-4 och den går ut på att tävla i läsning mot sig själv, andra elever och andra klasser/skolor. Tävlingen pågår under sex månader, det vill säga större delen av läsåret och där syftet är att försöka få alla eleverna att känna läslust. Denna studie består av en undersökning om vad eleverna tycker om Bokslukartävlingen och den läsning som ett deltagande innebär. Det har varit intressant och viktigt då större delen av eleverna inom Gävle Kommun deltar, mellan 1400-1500 elever varje år.</p><p>För att undersöka vad eleverna tycker om Bokslukaren och dess läsning har enkäter som elever svarat på, som ursprungligen varit underlag i en magisteruppsats Bokslukaren 2006/07- En utvärdering av ett läsfrämjande projekt i Gävles grundskolor, analyserats utifrån ett didaktiskt perspektiv. I studien redogörs det, som en bakgrundsinformation, för Bokslukartävlingen och vad den har för mål och vad den kan innebära. Det redogörs också för aktuell forskning och litteratur som handlar om möjliga faktorer som kan påverka och forma elevers läsning.</p><p>Resultaten visar att en majoritet av eleverna tycker att projektet var bra. Många elever uttryckte att de tyckte att det var roligt att läsa. En del elever tyckte att det var viktigt att kunna läsa och ytterligare andra elever uttryckte att det var roligt med tävlingen och att de kunde vinna. Utifrån deras svar kunde tydas att det fanns ett bokintresse, att de fick läsa mer i skolan under Bokslukaren än tidigare, och att det troligen hade förts samtal om läsningens betydelse. Några få elever tyckte Bokslukartävlingen var dålig för att de tyckte att det var tråkigt att läsa.</p>

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