Spelling suggestions: "subject:"informationsbeteende"" "subject:"informationsbeteenden""
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”Det sitter bara i huvudet” : - instrumentallärares behov och beteende gällande musikmaterial i sin undervisningBoschek, Lillemor January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien undersöker vilka musikrelaterade informationsmaterial som instrumentallärare inom den kommunala musikskolan använder sig av i sin undervisning, var och hur de hittar detta material samt vilka situationer som leder till att de söker efter material. Data samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med fem instrumentallärare. Resultatet visar att informanterna främst använder sig av noter, spelböcker, sångtexter, ljudfiler och det egna gehöret. De kriterier som ofta efterfrågas för materialet är att det har rätt svårighetsnivå, innebär en viss teknisk utmaning, omfattar en viss genre, artist eller typ av melodi, att det liknar något som eleven spelat tidigare, att det fungerar för en viss instrumentuppsättning samt att det är "roligt och bra". Materialet hittar de på den egna arbetsplatsen, på internet samt via gehör. Strategier för att hitta material är förmågan att transponera låtar efter gehör, den egna erfarenheten och kunskapen om låtar, tips från kollegor och forum för musiklärare samt "browsing" (planlöst sökande). Behov av material uppstår i huvudsak då eleven är i behov av viss teknikutveckling, vid önskemål från elever samt vid tristess. Studien bekräftar tidigare forskning om komplexiteten i musikmaterial och visar även att denna komplexitet kräver en stor domänkunskap hos instrumentallärarna samt att kollegialt utbyte, trots internets intåg, ännu är av stor vikt.
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Nyhetsverkstans informationsbehov : en domänanalys av Gefle DagbladMalm, Louise January 2012 (has links)
This two years master’s thesis consists of a domain analysis on the local Swedish newspaper Gefle Dagblad (GD). The domain analysis was developed by the Danish library and information scientist Birger Hjørland. The purpose of this theory is to understand the information behavior of individuals by studying the social and collec-tive context which surrounds this person. According to Hjørland, four different areas need to be studied in order to analyze a domain. These areas consists of the domains information structure and it´s ontological, epistemolog-ical and sociological dimensions. The main goal of this thesis is to examine how these areas are constructed within GD and how this affects the information behavior of the journalists working there.The empirical material gathered for this analysis is based on interviews with seven journalists working at Gefle Dagblad.The study shows that there are common processes within GD which influence the information behavior of the journalists working at GD. The newspapers common goal to produce news that interests their readers drives them to constantly search for information about their ontological dimension, their knowledge area. The episte-mological viewpoint affects how they gather this information and how the journalists relate to their sources. The competition from other media organizations, which is a part of the domains sociological dimension, makes the journalists want to work faster to find information, which can ensure that GD is the first newspaper to publish a specific piece of news.The work process of the journalists gives rise to a never ending information needs. Information is a vital part in managing their work tasks. The investigation of the newspapers information structure shows that the most im-portant information systems in the domain are its digital archive and the editorial system Newspilot, since they gather information that is important for the work done within the domain. Communication with colleagues, sources and the audience also signifies an important exchange of information, and is done through various com-munication channels. The study also shows that colleagues are one of the most important information resources of the domain, because of the accumulated knowledge they collect through their journalistic work tasks.
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Tensions and contradictions in information management : an activity-theoretical approach to information activities in a Swedish youth/peace organisation /Nowé Hedvall, Karen, January 2007 (has links)
Diss. Göteborg : Göteborgs universitet, 2007.
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Infoteket om funktionshinder : Information om funktionshinder som vägen till empowermentAkne, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to investigate a information center called ”Infoteket om funktionshinder”. The purpose of Infoteket is to collect information about disabilities and make it accessible to people with disabilities, their relatives and public. In this survey I will analyze how Infoteket can help people with disabilities to achieve empowerment. I use empowerment as a theoretical framework as Jay A. Conger and Rabindra N. Kanungo describes it in terms of sense of control and self-efficacy. For people with disabilities, empowerment is about ability to control his own destiny. The key to empowerment is information.My second theoretical framework is Carol C. Kuhlthaus’ principle of uncertainty. I’ve found it possible to apply the phases from uncertainty to understanding to the information search process within the process of diag-nostics.The main method has been qualitative interviews where the informants have been selected according to their professional role. I have also studied Meeting Minutes and conducted a quantitative survey of visitor statis-tics.Infotekets’ role to promote empowerment lies in the ability to examine the quality and reliability of infor-mation about disabilities. A close collaboration with authorities makes it possible to ensure the quality. An im-portant criterion for quality is scientific foundation and accessibility. The literature must be readable for the public rather than professional.To promote empowerment it’s also important to reach the target groups. I have discussed if it makes any difference whether the information is available at the library or the habilitation. The results show little differ-ence, but there are some disabilities that are more difficult to reach through habilitation. That’s why I believe that the library is an important complement to habilitation.This is a two years master’s thesis within Library and Information science.
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Informationsbeteende i en industriell miljöLiberg, Martin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Dagens monteringsarbete skiljer sig nämnvärt från det monteringsarbetet som utfördes för 50 år sedan. En stor skillnad är dels att produktionssystemet skiljer sig men även att en montör i dag måste ha ett sätt att förhålla sig till den information som finns om monteringsarbetet. Om inte montörer har ett informationsbeteende som är anpassat till det produktionssystem som är aktivt så föreligger det stor risk att kassaktioner uppstår. För att undersöka hur montörers informationsbeteende ser ut så har en observation genomförts i form av en fallstudie på Volvo Powertrain i Skövde. Observationen gick ut på att studera de montörer som arbetar på en arbetsstation och undersöka hur de förhåller sig till den information som finns tillgänglig om deras arbetsuppgifter. Observationerna har påvisat vilket vikt det är av att montörernas informationsbehov sammanfaller med organisationens mål. Som ett resultat av arbetet så har även ett förslag om ett signalsystem påvisats för att stödja montörernas informationsbehov.</p>
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Sambanden mellan individers förmåga att läsa, förvärva, förstå och använda hälsoinformation och deras informationsbeteenden : – i relation till den egna hälsanJansson, Cissi January 2018 (has links)
Förmågan att läsa, förvärva, förstå och använda hälsoinformation utgör konceptet Health literacy, på svenska hälsolitteracitet. Dessa förmågor blir av allt större vikt i ett intensivt informationssamhälle. Ökade krav ställs på förmågan att kunna välja, värdera och använda sig av information i sitt dagliga liv, hälso- och sjukvården är inget undantag. Hälsolitteracitet är en förutsättning för att kunna göra hälsomedvetna val och ta välgrundade beslut i relation till hälsan. Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om individers Hälsoinformationsbeteenden i relation till egenskattad nivå av hälsolitteracitet och i relation till sociodemografiska bakgrundsfaktorer och subjektiv hälsa, i en svensk kontext. Studiens resultat visar att samband finns mellan koncepten hälsolitteracitet och olika Hälsoinformationsbeteenden. Högre Funktionell hälsolitteracitet är förknippad med lägre frekvens av fem av sex Hälsoinformationsbeteenden. Högre Kommunikativ och kritisk hälsolitteracitet är förknippad med en högre frekvens av Hälsoinformationsbeteenden och då främst med aktiva hälsoinformationsbeteenden. Den huvudsakliga slutsatsen av studien är att nivå av hälsolitteracitet har betydelse för i vilken grad en individ ägnar sig åt ett visst Hälsoinformationsbeteende. Praktiska implikationer: Insikter om Hälsolitteracitet och dess betydelse för Hälsoinformationsbeteenden kan vara användbara för informationsspecialister och bibliotekarier, såväl som för hälso- och sjukvården samt andra som arbetar med hälsoinformation.
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Det ligger en heteronormativ bok i din säng mamma! En intervjustudie av hur några kvinnor i samkönade relationer upplever informationssituationen rörande graviditet och föräldraskap. / Mum, there is a heteronormative book in your bed! An interview study of how some women in same-sexed relationships experience their information situation regarding pregnancy and parenthood.Lundborg, Viktoria, Vardeh Navandi, Maryam January 2007 (has links)
Studies of the information needs of library patrons are necessary in order for the library to serve the community. Alas, studies of non-heterosexual persons are rare in the field of Library and Information Science in Sweden. This study aims at examining the information situation of women in same-sexed parenthood by means of analysing their situation as norm-breaking. The study is done through examining the specific information needs of this group, how they seek and receive information, what barriers they encounter and what function the library has in this information situation. A queer theoretical approach to heteronormativity in combination with McKenzie’s two-dimensional model of information seeking is used to perform a qualitative analysis of the material. The material consists of semi-structured interviews of eight women in same-sexed parenthood. The empirical material is divided first in four categories: Information need, Information source, Information barrier and The library. The results show that the women have a great need for information, because of their norm-breaking family constellation. They need information which is not entirely heteronormative. In order to find this kind of information many different information sources are used, both formal and informal, though the sources intended for parents in general often are inadequate. The barriers the women encounter are a result of heteronormativity and their situation as non-heterosexuals. These barriers are also a problem in the library. They don’t use the library to find information about same-sexed parenthood partly because of the lack of non-heterosexual material, and refrain from asking the librarian for help. / Uppsatsnivå: D
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Information som lindring eller hot : Informationssituationen för föräldrar med funktionshindrade barn / Information as relief or threat : The information situation for parents of children with disabilitiesMalmström, Jonna, Rehn, Annika January 2008 (has links)
This study illustrates, describes and explains the complexity that is included in the information situation for parents of children with disabilities. The main issues are: What does the parents information seeking processes look like? How do the parents experience their information situation, related to the child? How can the information behaviour and the different experiences be understood, seen from a psychological perspective? The empirical material consists of qualitative interviews with six different sets of parents of children with disabilities. The results show that the information needs often deal with questions about medicine, rights to different aids from the society and information that gives the parents a sort of context in their situation, i.e. politically and in the society overall. The informal sources are very significant for the parents. Several barriers are noted in the information process. One example of this is that the information needed often is so specific that the parent must search in several different sources. Another example is the aspect of power related to the parents’ contacts with persons in authority and persons in the medical attendance. The variation in conceptions of the parents’ information situation, experienced by themselves, is described in four different categories of descriptions, developed out of a phenomenographic approach: 1) engagement that gives the parent insights; 2) anxiety and powerlessness; 3) with acceptance and without dramatization; 4) a never ending struggle. The four conceptions are presented in a model, which in a third analysis is explained from a psychological perspective. / <p>Inscannad 2008-05-09 pga tekniska problem med ursprungsfilen</p><p>Uppsatsnivå: D</p>
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Kurslitteraturdilemmat. En undersökning av hur universitetsstudenter söker sig fram till och får tag på sin kurslitteratur. / The textbook dilemma. A study of how university students seek out and access their literature.Leidebrant, Jörgen January 2010 (has links)
This master’s thesis investigates in which ways students seek out and access their textbooks and how they use their university’s library in this process. Data is collected through interviews from six students several semesters into their studies at the University of Stockholm. For the interviews two students each were selected from the fields of law, economics and humanities. The empirical findings were analyzed using T.D Wilson’s model of information behavior (1997). The model is constructed as a flow chart where the individual’s information behavior is clarified in various activities and processes. I conclude that the majority of the students do purchase at least some of the text books they require for their studies. Other texts are acquired through other means and a certain percentage is not acquired at all. The decision making process of whether and in which way to acquire a particular piece of literature is critically influenced by the student´s context (especially their economic situation). To which extent the university library will be used by students varies widely from student to student. It can, however, be noted that it largely depends on the individual student´s context and general attitude towards the library. For at least a small number of students the university library represents the key strategy to acquire literature. As students gain experience during the course of their studies, they will alter their strategy to a certain extent.
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Hur forskare forskar : hur doktorander använder bibliotek i sitt arbete / How researcher research : how Phd.-Students use libraries in their workPorath, Jockum January 2013 (has links)
In this bachelor thesis the aim is to explore how university libraries and researchers function together. I will do this through interviews with phd students and examine how they reason on the use of libraries and other resources available in campus and witch other methods they use to gather information. The graduate students differ in where they are with their research process, but all of them work in the field of social sciences. To help me in my analysis I have adopted Wilsons model of information behaviour and modify this to better suit my purpose. My findings show that they mainly use the library to access materials and avoid use of the librarians, due to perception of low usefulness. Also they rely on their own knowledge of information gathering. / Program: Bibliotekarie
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