Spelling suggestions: "subject:"informationand communication technology"" "subject:"information.and communication technology""
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Ambiente virtual de aprendizagem: reflexões para uma pedagogia on-line / Virtual learning environment: reflexions to on-line pedagogySUZUKI, Juliana Telles Faria January 2007 (has links)
SUZUKI, Juliana Telles Faria. Ambiente virtual de aprendizagem: reflexões para uma pedagogia on-line. 2007. 112f. Dissertação (Mestrado em Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação na Formação de EAD) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação na Formação de EAD, Londrina-PR, 2007. / Submitted by Maria Josineide Góis (josineide@ufc.br) on 2012-06-28T14:55:55Z
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Previous issue date: 2007 / O presente trabalho de dissertação discute questões surgidas na sociedade com o advento da internet, provocando impacto de diferentes naturezas em diversas áreas, sobretudo na educação. O surgimento e a introdução de ferramentas via internet voltadas para o gerenciamento de atividades educacionais suscitou a necessidade de repensar a prática educativa ressignificando os papéis desempenhados pelas instituições de ensino, pelos professores e pelos alunos. Dessa forma, teve por objetivo maior analisar as contribuições do uso de uma interface dentro do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle aplicada à prática pedagógica de professores do ensino superior na modalidade presencial. Para isto buscou-se na literatura questões pertinentes voltadas a este assunto que possibilitaram focalizar o estudo. Desenvolveu-se também uma interface dentro do ambiente Moodle que possibilitou a realização de fóruns de discussão com professores do curso de Letras e Pedagogia que estão em exercício de sua profissão. Por fim realizou-se a tabulação e a análise dos resultados que permitiram considerar a importância da formação contínua na prática docente e a viabilidade de utilizar ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem como suporte ou complemento ao ensino presencia / O presente trabalho de dissertação discute questões surgidas na sociedade com o advento da internet, provocando impacto de diferentes naturezas em diversas áreas, sobretudo na educação. O surgimento e a introdução de ferramentas via internet voltadas para o gerenciamento de atividades educacionais suscitou a necessidade de repensar a prática educativa ressignificando os papéis desempenhados pelas instituições de ensino, pelos professores e pelos alunos. Dessa forma, teve por objetivo maior analisar as contribuições do uso de uma interface dentro do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Moodle aplicada à prática pedagógica de professores do ensino superior na modalidade presencial. Para isto buscou-se na literatura questões pertinentes voltadas a este assunto que possibilitaram focalizar o estudo. Desenvolveu-se também uma interface dentro do ambiente Moodle que possibilitou a realização de fóruns de discussão com professores do curso de Letras e Pedagogia que estão em exercício de sua profissão. Por fim realizou-se a tabulação e a análise dos resultados que permitiram considerar a importância da formação contínua na prática docente e a viabilidade de utilizar ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem como suporte ou complemento ao ensino presencia
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Im Zwiegespräch mit dem Computer : ICT und digitale Kompetenzen zur Förderung und zur Motivation der Sprachentwicklung von Lernern einer Fremdsprache mit Focus auf die mündliche SprachentwicklungAgerberg, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Aim – The paper at hand has three aims which are based on the recent adjustments made to the Swedish curriculum which take effect in summer 2018 and stipulate the implementation of digital competence in all subjects. Firstly, the study examines the effect of ICT and digital media/ aids on the WTC and motivation of second language learners. Secondly, a look is taken at how ICT and digital media/ aids are implemented in teaching today and thirdly, the challenges teachers face by the diverse interpretation and definition of the term digital competence and its realization in the classroom are investigated. Design/methodology/approach – The study is a literature review in which recent literature and research papers in the field of ICT in teaching with focus on second language teaching and learning were examined. Findings – According to the results, the author found that the use of ICT and digital media/ aids have a positive effect on the WTC and motivation of second language learners when used appropriately. The challenges teachers face in this respect is a lack of methods and strategies as well as technical support that are needed to successfully implement ICT in their lessons. Especially the lack of technical support is viewed as a time consuming one as it requires teachers to have a back-up-plan which in effect means more lesson planning on their part. Additionally and in regard to the implementation of digital competences in all subjects, teachers are faced with new challenges which comprise a technical; theoretical and didactical knowledge of the term and its practical realization. Due to the recency of the changes made to the curriculum, the investigation of the challenges that present themselves to the teachers open up for new research that can be made in this field.
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The information and communication technology requirements of the national curriculum statement : implications for implementation in schoolsSerfontein, Carl Pieter 09 1900 (has links)
(D. Ed. (Didactics))
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The integration of computer technology in the Namibian education systemSimataa, Given Mahapelela 04 1900 (has links)
The integration of computer technology in education has been a worldwide issue that has been supported and equally criticized by many. However, the practicability of computer technology in education cannot be overlooked, and this reality led to this study. This qualitative study aimed to explore the extents to which computer technology has been integrated in teaching and learning in Namibian schools, and three central schools in the town of Katima Mulilo (Zambezi Region) were investigated in this regard. The study explored possible benefits of computer technology in education, and sought to understand the way learners perceive computer technology. The study findings showed that teachers were unable to use computers to teach due to lack of resources and skills, whereas learners indicated willingness to embrace computer technology in education. Findings further showed greater need to equip schools with computer technology and training teachers. Based on the findings, recommendations were made to train teachers in integrating computer technology, and that schools should be provided with necessary computer technology resources. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Comparative Education)
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Exploring the idea of the creative class in an African city : a case study of ICT professionals in NairobiRosenberg, Lauren 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is an exploration of Richard Florida’s Creative Class theory within an
African city context. The economic value of the Creative Class is that their work
revolves around innovation, a quality seen as essential to ‘new economy’ urban
growth. Quality of place (that which makes ‘New York, New York’) is said to attract the
Creative Class to certain cities, as lifestyle amenities are valued as much as
employment opportunities. Nairobi is an example of an African city currently attracting
both Kenyan and expatriate Creative Class workers, particularly in the information and
communication technology (ICT) sector. The research aimed to understand why this
group chose to live in Nairobi and to describe Nairobi’s quality of place, with a
particular focus on infrastructure disruption. Overall, the Western city is the reference
point for Creative Class literature and quality of place is embedded within a framework
of urbanisation through industrialisation - a period known as the first urbanisation
wave. The fastest growing cities on the African continent (Nairobi included) are part of
the second urbanisation wave, an urbanisation process spurred by a set of vastly
different dynamics in which industrialisation is virtually inconsequential. Urbanisation
through industrialisation induced concomitant investments into infrastructure and thus
it is unsurprising that the Creative Class literature assumes that urban infrastructure is
‘always on’ – available at all times as an inherent attribute of place. The point of the
study was not to draw modernist comparisons, but rather to emphasise that notions of
quality of place are incomplete given the rise of technological innovation in urban
Africa, where cities often suffer from disruption of basic infrastructure. Until more
recently, African cities did not feature in the Creative Class literature; the
predominantly rural focus of ICT diffusion in the literature is a contributing factor to the
lack of information on the Creative Class in African cities. The case study revealed
that Nairobi’s quality of place is fundamentally different to normative prescriptions
given to urban planners and, in some instances, is highly frustrating and unattractive. Contrary to Florida’s theory, those interviewed were not leaving Nairobi in search of
cities with higher quality of place attributes or better infrastructure provision –
individuals were rooted to the city because of their work and the professional networks
with which they were associated. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is ‘n verkenning van Richard Florida se teorie van Kreatiewe Klas binne
die konteks van ‘n Afrika-stad. Die ekonomiese waarde van die Kreatiewe Klas is dat
hul werk rondom innovasie draai, wat as noodsaaklik beskou word vir die stedelike
groei van die “nuwe ekonomie”. Plekkwaliteit (dit wat ‘New York, New York’ maak) lok
luidens Florida se teorie die Kreatiewe Klas na sekere stede, aangesien hulle
leefstylgeriewe net so hoog soos werksgeleenthede op die prys stel.
Nairobi is ‘n voorbeeld van ‘n Afrika-stad wat tans beide Keniaanse en buitelandse
werkers van die Kreatiewe Klas lok, veral na die plaaslike Informasie- en
Kommunikasietegnologiesektor (IKT-sektor). Die navorsing het gepoog om te
verstaan waarom hierdie groep gekies het om in Nairobi te woon asook om Nairobi se
plekkwaliteit te beskryf, met ‘n spesifieke klem op die onderbreking van infrastruktuur.
Oor die algemeen is die Westerse stad die vertrekpunt vir literatuur oor die Kreatiewe
Klas. Daarby word plekkwaliteit gewoonlik beskou binne die raamwerk van
“verstedeliking deur industrialisering”, wat bekend staan as die eerste
verstedelikingsgolf. Die vinnig groeiendste stede op die Afrika-vasteland (insluitend
Nairobi) is deel van ‘n tweede verstedelikingsgolf wat deur gans ander dinamika
gedryf word, waarvan industrialisering ‘n feitlik weglaatbare faset is. Verstedeliking
deur industrialisering het tot gelyktydige beleggings in infrastruktuur aanleiding gegee,
dus maak dit sin dat literatuur oor die Kreatiewe Klas aanvaar dat stedelike
infrastruktuur “altyd aan” is – dit wil sê, immerbeskikbaar as ‘n onafskeidelike kenmerk
van die plek. Die doel van die studie was nie om modernistiese vergelykings te tref nie, maar om te
beklemtoon dat begrippe van plekkwaliteit onvolledig is gegewe die opkoms van
tegnologiese innovasie in stedelike Afrika, waar stede dikwels ly aan onderbrekings
van basiese infrastruktuur. Tot baie onlangs is Afrika-stede nie genoem in literatuur
oor die Kreatiewe Klas nie; die oorwegend landelike fokus van die verspreiding van
IKT dra ook by tot die gebrek aan inligting aangaande die Kreatiewe Klas in Afrikastede.
Die gevallestudie het onthul dat Nairobi se plekkwaliteit in wese anders is as die
normatiewe voorskrifte wat aan stadsbeplanners voorgehou word en dat dit selfs, in
sommige gevalle, uiters frustrerend en onaantreklik is. In teenstelling met Florida se
teorie was diegene met wie onderhoude gevoer is, nie van plan om Nairobi te verlaat op soek na stede met hoër plekkwaliteitkenmerke of beter infrastruktuur nie – dié
individue was gevestig in die stad weens hul werk en die professionele netwerke
waarmee hul geskakel het.
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Making the connection : the inclusion of information and communication technology in Western Cape Municipal integrated development plansDe Waal, Liezel 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The study examines the Western Cape municipal Integrated Development Plans (IDPs) and questions whether these IDPs include Information and Communication Technology (ICT) initiatives that promote development.
IDPs are used by municipalities as multi-sectoral plans that provide situation analyses of municipal areas and determine development priorities in municipal areas. These development priorities must be met within certain budget and time constraints. Globalisation and the technological revolution have led to the rapid development and convergence of technology. Technology, such as the Internet and cellular telephones, has had various influences on society. One of these influences includes the possible application of ICT for the purpose of development. Therefore both IDPs and ICT can be applied for developmental purposes. The study thus brings together two seemingly unrelated concepts, namely Integrated Development Plans and Information and Communication Technology and aligns them with one another through the concept of development.
The study includes three main objectives. Firstly, the Integrated Development Plans of the municipalities in the Western Cape were examined to ascertain whether these municipalities address ICT in their IDPs. Secondly, the nature of the ICT initiatives was determined. This refers to whether the ICT initiatives are for use in the community or for use in the municipality. Finally, a framework was developed, which includes the classification of the different types of municipalities, together with the different types of ICT initiatives. Recommendations were made based on this framework. The various theoretical issues discussed in this study include the transformation of local government in South Africa and the establishment of developmental local government. Various issues concerning the use of ICT for development are also discussed and they include the ‘Information Society’, the ‘Digital Divide’ and ICT for development. This discussion emphasises that success of ICT initiatives for development depends on the nature of the underlying policy agenda; this agenda must be demand-driven and pro-poor. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die Wes-Kaap munisipale Geintegreerde Ontwikkelingsplanne (GOP’s) en bevraagteken of dié GOP’s Inligting en Kommunikasie Tegnologie (IKT) inisiatiewe wat ontwikkeling bevorder, insluit.
GOP’s word deur munisipaliteite as multi-sektorale planne gebruik wat toestandsontledings van munisipale gebiede voorsien en die ontwikkelingsprioriteite in munisipale gebiede bepaal. Hierdie ontwikkelingsprioriteite moet binne sekere begrotings- en tydsbeperkings bevredig word. Globalisering en die tegnologiese revolusie het tot die spoedige ontwikkeling en samevoeging van tegnologie gelei. Tegnologie, soos die Internet en selulêre telefone, het verskeie uitwerkings op die samelewing teweeggebring. Een van die uitwerkings sluit die moontlike aanwending van IKT vir ontwikkelingsdoeleindes in. Beide GOP’s en IKT kan dus vir ontwikkelingsdoeleindes aangewend word. Die studie bring daarom twee oënskynlik onverwante onderwerpe, naamlik Geintegreerde Ontwikkelingsplanne en Informasie en Kommunikasie Tegnologie deur die konsep van ontwikkeling by mekaar uit.
Die studie bevat drie hoof doelwitte. Eerstens om die Geintegreerde Ontwikkelingsplanne van die munisipaliteite in die Wes-Kaap te ondersoek om vas te stel of hierdie munisipaliteite IKT in hul GOP’s aanspreek. Tweedens is die aard van die IKT inisiatiewe vasgestel. Dit verwys na IKT inisiatiewe wat binne die gemeenskap óf binne die munisipaliteit plaasvind. Laastens is ’n raamwerk ontwikkel. Dit sluit ’n klassifikasie van die verskillende soorte munisipaliteite, asook die verskillende soorte IKT inisiatiewe in. Aanbevelings wat gemaak word, word op hierdie raamwerk gegrond. Verskeie teoretiese kwessies word ook verder in hierdie studie bespreek. Dit sluit die transformasie van plaaslike regering in Suid-Afrika en die totstandkoming van ontwikkelingsgerigte plaaslike regering in. Verskeie kwessies wat die gebruik van IKT vir ontwikkeling betref, word ook bespreek. Dit sluit die ‘Inligting-gedrewe Samelewing’, die ‘Digitale Gaping’ en IKT vir ontwikkeling, in. Hierdie bespreking beklemtoon dat die geslaagdheid van IKT inisiatiewe vir ontwikkeling van die aard van die onderliggende beleidsagenda afhang; dié agenda moet aanvraag-gedrewe en ten gunste van armes wees.
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Towards an improvement of LIS graduates ICT skills and employability needs in KuwaitBuarki, Hanadi J. January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this research was to explore the ICT skills of LIS students in Kuwaiti HE that are potentially defined by the job market. These skills are deemed essential for the employment of LIS graduates in different job market sectors. As a result, the ICT skills of current LIS students, the needs of employers, and the LIS curriculum in Kuwait were all investigated. In addition the factors that had an impact on students ICT skills were also investigated. To fulfil the research aim and objectives, mixed research methods were employed. The research subjects were employers, LIS students, and teaching staff. Their views were sought through qualitative and quantitative methods that included: 54 semistructured interviews; 225 self-administered questionnaires; these were supplemented by three focus groups; and content analysis of relevant web sites, reports, and LIS syllabus to provide further documentation and analysis. The main findings of the research were: (1) overall the students had knowledge and basic ICT skills, but they lacked advanced searching and internet navigation skills. 85% of the students did not have enough ICT skills; their ICT skills level was selfrated as intermediate or beginner ; (2) the research investigated negative factors such as: unsuitable teaching and learning environment, negative attitudes, social influences, and lack of resources; (3) the students most preferred teaching and training method was group training ; (4) the employers identified further ICT skills and non-ICT skills that LIS graduates should possess for employability; (5) gaps were found in the curriculum and in teaching and training the ICT courses such as: course content was inconsistent; did not reflect the needs of the job market and were outdated; an imbalance between theory and practical training, courses had different outline and little use of the English language hindered the students ICT skills improvement and ICT use. In addition, work placement needed careful consideration. Recommendations based on the research findings and conclusions were made to the DLIS in Kuwait and stakeholders. Future ideas were identified for further research.
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The information and communication technology requirements of the national curriculum statement : implications for implementation in schoolsSerfontein, Carl Pieter 09 1900 (has links)
(D. Ed. (Didactics))
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Communication, développement et appropriation des médias émergents en Afrique francophone subsaharienne : approche critiqueCishahayo, Fabien 12 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l’appropriation de l’Internet et du multimédias dans la population universitaire d’Afrique francophone, en l’an 2001. Elle couvre six pays : le Bénin, le Burkina Faso, le Cameroun, la Côte d’Ivoire, le Mali et le Togo. La recherche porte sur le recensement des centres de recherche démographique en Afrique francophone subsaharienne et sur une enquête auprès des universités de Yaoundé II et de Douala au Cameroun.
La problématique de l’accès et de l’usage est centrale dans notre démarche. Elle est traduite dans la question de recherche suivante : « Dans un contexte dominé par les représentations des NTIC comme symboles de modernité et facteurs d’intégration à l’économie mondiale, quelles sont les modalités d’appropriation de ces technologies par les universitaires des institutions de l’enseignement et de la recherche en Afrique considérées dans cette étude ? »
Pour aborder le matériel empirique, nous avons opté pour deux approches théoriques : les théories du développement en lien avec les (nouveaux) médias et la sociologie des innovations techniques.
Enracinées dans la pensée des Lumières, complétée et affinée par les approches évolutionnistes inspirées de Spencer, le fonctionnalisme d’inspiration parsonienne et l’économie politique axée sur la pensée de W. W. Rostow, les théories du développement ont largement mis à contribution les théories de la communication pour atteindre leur objet. Alors que la crise de la modernité occidentale menace de délégitimer ces paradigmes, les technologies émergentes leur donnent une nouvelle naissance : dans la continuité de la pensée d’Auguste Comte, le développement est désormais pensé en termes d’intégration à un nouveau type de société, la société de l’information. Cette nouvelle promesse eschatologique et cette foi dans la technique comme facteur d’intégration à la société et à l’économie en réseau habitent tous les projets menés sur le continent, que ce soit le NEPAD, le Fond de solidarité numérique, le projet d’ordinateur à 100$ pour les enfants démunis ou le projet panafricain de desserte satellitaire, le RASCOM.
Le deuxième volet de notre cadre de référence théorique est axé sur la sociologie des innovations techniques. Nous mobilisons la sociopolitique des usages de Vedel et Vitalis pour ramener la raison critique dans le débat sur le développement du continent africain, dans l’optique de montrer que la prérogative politique assumée par les États a encore sa place, si l’on veut que les ressources numériques servent à satisfaire les demandes sociales et non les seules demandes solvables essentiellement localisées dans les centres urbains. En refusant le déterminisme technique si courant dans la pensée sur le développement, nous voulons montrer que le devenir de la technique n’est pas inscrit dans son essence, comme une ombre portée, mais que l’action des humains, notamment l’action politique, peut infléchir la trajectoire des innovations techniques dans l’optique de servir les aspirations des citoyens.
Sur le plan méthodologique, la démarche combine les méthodes quantitatives et les méthodes qualitatives. Les premières nous permettront de mesurer la présence d’Internet et du multimédia dans l’environnement des répondants. Les secondes nous aideront à saisir les représentations développées par les usagers au contact de ces outils. Dans la perspective socioconstructiviste, ces discours sont constitutifs des technologies, dans la mesure où ils sont autant de modalités d’appropriation, de construction sociale de l’usage. Ultimement, l’intégration du langage technique propre aux outils multimédias dans le langage quotidien des usagers traduit le dernier stade de cette appropriation.
À travers cette recherche, il est apparu que les usagers sont peu nombreux à utiliser les technologies audiovisuelles dans le contexte professionnel. Quand à l’Internet et aux outils multimédias, leur présence et leurs usages restent limités, l’accès physique n’étant pas encore garanti à tous les répondants de l’étude. Internet suscite de grandes espérances, mais reste, là aussi, largement inaccessible en contexte professionnel, la majorité des usagers se rabattant sur les lieux publics comme les cybercafés pour pallier l’insuffisance des ressources au sein de leurs institutions d’appartenance. Quant aux représentations, elles restent encore largement tributaires des discours politiques et institutionnels dominants, selon lesquels l’avenir sera numérique ou ne sera pas.
La thèse va cependant au-delà de ces données pour dessiner la carte numérique actuelle du continent, en intégrant dans la nouvelle donne technologique la montée fulgurante de la téléphonie cellulaire mobile. Il nous est apparu que l’Internet, dont la diffusion sur le continent a été plus que modeste, pourrait largement profiter de l’émergence sur le continent de la culture mobile, que favorise notamment la convergence entre les mini-portables et la téléphonie mobile. / This thesis addresses the appropriation of the Internet and of multimedia in the university population of French-speaking Africa, in the year 2001. It deals with six sub-Saharan countries: Benin and Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Mali and Togo. The research is specifically interested in the inventory of demographic research centers in sub-Saharan French-speaking Africa and the investigation with the universities of Yaoundé II and Douala in Cameroon.
The question of access and use is central to our approach. Articulated as a research question, the focus is as follows: "In a context dominated by the representations of the ICTs as symbols of modernity and ways of integrating the world economy, what are the modalities of appropriation of these technologies by academics within postsecondary institutions of teaching and research in Africa considered in this study?"
Two theoretical approaches were adopted to deal with the empirical data : theories of development tied to the (new) media and the sociology of technological innovations.
Rooted in the thought of the Enlightenment, completed and refined by the evolutionist approaches inspired by Spencer, Parsonian functionalism and the political economy centered on the thought of W.W. Rostow, theories of development have made much use of theories of the communication in order to achieve their objectives. Even as the crisis of Western modernity threatens to delegitimize these paradigms, the emergent technologies give them a new lease on life: in continuity of the thought of Auguste Comte, development is henceforth thought in terms of integration within a new social structure, the information society.
This new eschatological promise and this faith in technology as the factor of integration within society and the network economy animate all the projects undertaken on the continent, whether it is the NEPAD, the Digital Solidarity Fund, the $100 Computer Project for Deprived Children or the Pan-African project of satellite sideboard, the RASCOM.
The second part of our theoretical framework is centered on the sociology of technical innovations. We make use of the socio-political approach to usage developed by Vedel and Vitalis to re-introduce critical reason into the debate on the development of the African continent, with a view to showing how political prerogatives at the State-level still have their place, if we want to develop digital resources that satisfy social demands and respond not only to demands deemed solvent and essentially arising out of urban areas. By refusing the technical determinism so current in thinking about development, we would like to show that the future of technology is not inscribed in its essence, like a shadowy presence, but that human action, notably political action, can reorient the trajectory of technological innovation in the direction of responding to the aspirations of citizens.
Methodologically, our approach combines quantitative methods and qualitative methods. The former will allow us to measure the presence of the Internet and multimedia in the environment of those concerned. The latter will help us to grasp the representations developed by the users in contact with these tools. Within a socio-constructivist perspective, these discourses are constitutive of these technologies, inasmuch as they are so many modalities of appropriation, of the social construction of usage. Ultimately, the integration of the technical language specific to these multimedia tools into the every day language of the users signals the last stage of this appropriation.
Through this research, it became evident that few users utilize audiovisual technologies in a professional context. As for the Internet and multimedia tools, their presence and their use remain limited, physical access not yet being guaranteed to all the respondents of the study. The Internet, while creating large expectations, also remains largely inaccessible in a professional context, the majority of the users making use of public spaces such as cyber-cafes to mitigate the lack of resources within their own institutions. As far as representations go, they remain still widely dependent on the dominant political and institutional discourses, according to which the future will be digital or will not be.
The thesis, however, goes beyond this data in order to draw up the current digital map of the continent, by integrating within the technological landscape the phenomenal rise of mobile cellular technology. It appeared to us that the Internet, the availability of which on the continent has been modest at best, could widely take advantage of the emergence on the continent of the mobile culture, which facilitates in particular the convergence between netbooks and mobile telephones (smartphones).
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L'enseignement des sciences et de la technologie au primaire et les TIC : une analyse didactique des pratiquesLa Madeleine, Catherine 03 1900 (has links)
L’enseignement des sciences et de la technologie (ST) est dans une condition précaire dans les écoles primaires du Québec. Plusieurs recherches ont démontré que les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) peuvent aider les enseignants à favoriser les apprentissages des élèves dans certaines matières dont en ST (Baron, 2001; Becta, 2005; Tardif, 1998). D’ailleurs, Linard (2001) maintient que les TIC, dans le domaine des apprentissages, peuvent faciliter l’exécution de plusieurs tâches cognitives telles qu’agir, interagir, s’informer, explorer, échanger, expérimenter, créer, etc. Cette recherche décrit les pratiques d’enseignement en ST d’enseignants Maîtres-TIC (MTIC) lors de l’intégration des TIC. Nous avons opté pour une recherche heuristique à méthodologie mixte. Des enseignants MTIC et des étudiants de quatrième année MTIC ont répondu à un questionnaire en ligne. Ensuite, une enseignante a été interviewée pour dresser un portrait plus détaillé des pratiques d’enseignement. À l’aide des données obtenues, nous avons réussi à créer une liste d’avantages de l’intégration des TIC en enseignement des ST ainsi qu’une liste des difficultés liées à cette intégration. Une liste des différentes applications TIC réalisées en enseignement des ST par les enseignants et les étudiants questionnés a aussi été ressortie des données de la recherche. De plus, une liste des avantages de la formation Maître-TIC de l’Université de Montréal a été créée en fonction des données recueillies. Puis, nous précisons quelques apports de cette recherche relatifs aux objectifs de départ et à l’évolution de la formation MTIC. / The teaching of science and technology is in precarious condition in Quebec’s elementary schools. The information and communication technologies (ICT) can help teachers to promote students’ learning in their science education. This research first describes « Maître- TIC» teacher’s practice in science and technology then concerns itself with the ICT integration in the teaching of sciences in elementary schools. Our work includes an heuristic research with a mixed methodology. Some « Maître-TIC » teachers and fourth-year « Maître- TIC » students respond to an online survey. Then, a teacher was interviewed in order to provide a more detailed picture of her teaching practices. Using the data obtained, we created a list of the advantages and difficulties inherent to ICT integration in the teaching of science. We also made a list of various applications of ICT realised in science education by the teachers of this study. A final list has been set up with all the advantages of the University of Montreal’s « Maître-TIC » formation as cited by the teachers and the students. Finally, we specify some contributions of this research to the original objectives and to the evolution of the « Maître-TIC » formation.
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