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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Las nuevas tecnologías de Información y Comunicación en las concepciones de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los profesores del área de Educación Física de la III Etapa de Educación Básica de los Municipios Torbes e Independencia del estado Táchira-Venezuela

Moreno Florez, Pascual Alberto 16 December 2005 (has links)
El propósito de la investigación se centró primordialmente en elaboración de una propuesta para que el profesorado de educación física adquiera las competencias básicas de las TICs en el desarrollo de su actividad profesional; Caso: profesores de educación física de la III Etapa de Educación Básica de los Municipios Torbes e Independencia del Estado Táchira-Venezuela, El diseño de la investigación se basó en el paradigma interpretativo y un estudio de caso. La población que se utilizó, fue de 40 docentes de Educación Física de la III Etapa de Educación Básica de los Municipios antes mencionados. La recolección de datos se realizo a través de una encuesta tipo escalar, que contiene 28 ítems, con varias opciones para seleccionar la adecuada según su criterio. La validación del instrumento fue a través del juicio de expertos. La confiabilidad del instrumento, se realizó a través del paquete estadístico SPSS, con el propósito de calcular el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach. No obstante los resultados arrogaron que dichos profesionales poseen una escasa formación en las TICs y desean adquirirla. Sin embargo el 85% no esta conectado a Internet desde su casa, como también el 100% considera que las TICs son un recurso necesario para mejorar el proceso de enseñanza. En el empeño de buscar opciones exitosas para dar soluciones a las dificultades encontradas, se da paso a la posibilidad o factibilidad de desarrollar una propuesta que pretenda el desarrollo de las competencias básicas en TIC para el desarrollo de las actividades profesionales del profesor de educación física, además, se dará lugar a la creación de nuevas líneas de investigaciones. Por último, se pretende que las autoridades pertinentes se aboquen a formar parte activa de esta propuesta, que servirá para la formación de los docentes de Educación Física que laboran en la Educación Venezolana.Descriptores: Profesorado de Educación Física , TIC, propuestas para el sistema educativo / The purpose of the investigation tube centred fundamental in elaboration of a proposal for the physical education acquire competence basic of the TICs in the development of their activity professional; Case: teaching staff of area physical education of the III Phase of Basic Education of the council Torbes, Independence of state Táchira-Venezuela. The design of the investigation to be based on in the interpretative paradigm and a study of case. The poblation that have utilized, were of forty teaching institution of physical education of the III Phase of Basic Education of the councils before mentioning. The collection of data has realized to across of an inriquy type scale that contain twenty-eight items witch various option for to select the suitable according to its criterion. The validation of instrument was across judgement of expert confidenely of instrument, has realized across of packet statistic SPSS, with the purpose to calculate the coefficient alpha de cronbach. Nevertheless the result arrogance that sagging lecturer to have a scarce formation en la TICs and will want to acquire. However el eighty-aver (85%) not isn't connected to internet from their home, as also the 100% to consider that the TICs are a resort necessary for improve ding the teaching process. In the determination of search successful options for giving solutions to the conflicting trouble, to give step to the possibility u feasibly of development a purpose that to try the development of the competence basic in TIC for the development of the activities texture of teaching staff of physical education, besides will give place to the creation of new lines of investigation for last, to try than the pertinent authority to be heading to form active part to proposal, that will be used for the formation teaching institution of physical education than is working in the Venezuelan education.Write: Teaching staff of physical education, TIC, proposal for the educational system

Estrategias didácticas semipresenciales mediadas por las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación

Bassani, Alicia del Rosario 19 June 2009 (has links)
Las estrategias de enseñanza combinada, se constituyen en modalidad distinta a la tradicional, con uso de mediación tecnológica, con instancias en donde la presencia y comunicación docente/alumno implica un proceso interactivo. Objetivos: -Establecer y valorar la incorporación de las Nuevas Técnicas de Información y Comunicación, NTIC, como mediatizadoras del proceso de enseñanza y de aprendizaje en sistemas semipresenciales en una carrera universitaria de grado.-Identificar las particularidades pedagógicas relevantes del proceso de aprendizaje con estrategias multivariadas. Metodología: Combinación metodológica que buscó una adecuada interpretación cuantitativa/cualitativa y no la convergencia de resultados, las que se vigorizaron mutuamente para brindar percepciones que ninguno de las dos podría haber conseguido independientemente. Se centró en un estudio de caso. Resultados: a) La mediación de las NTIC surgió como un sistema educativo cooperativo y democrático. b) Escasa conexión domiciliaria a Internet. c) La página Web aportó valor agregado a la docencia y autonomía al estudiante. d) En el foro, a pesar de las dificultades, los alumnos participaron en trabajo colaborativo. e) El docente/tutor, actuó como facilitador y actor de apoyo, aún cuando las tutorías no fueron aprovechadas como tal por los estudiantes. g) La utilización de las tutorías electrónicas fue escasa y la incorporación muy lenta. g) La proximidad docente/alumno interactuó con un feedback más inmediato. h) El cambio obtenido por el alumno, con la mediación fue importante dentro de su contexto. Conclusiones: 1) La semipresencialidad con incorporación de las NTIC en carrera universitaria de grado, fue aceptada por docentes y estudiantes; experiencia positiva por la cultura y diversidad regional. 2) La relación docente/estudiante, con temor al comienzo, se transformó en curiosidad ante el conocimiento de lo tecnológico. 3) El aumento de la motivación por el uso de las NTIC entre los docentes, fue positivo. 4) Esta modalidad benefició a grupos numerosos con la aplicación de estrategias multivariadas. 5) La página Web docente sirvió al alumno como fuente de información de interés, más aún para los que trabajan y viven lejos. 6) La participación de un técnico y un programador, significó una experiencia favorable y eficaz para la creación de la página Web y la asistencia técnica a docentes y estudiantes. 7) El correo electrónico, insuficientemente utilizado, favoreció la comunicación con el tutor. 8) Desde la óptica de los actores, son mayores las ventajas alcanzadas porque permitieron autonomía, interacción y fácil aprendizaje. 9) Una desventaja fue la insuficiente formación previa del alumnado en el manejo de las herramientas tecnológicas e Internet. 10) El foro no llegó a constituirse en un foro de discusión. 11) Ésta experiencia constituyó un paso decisivo para proyectar futuros cambios educativos y marcó una diferencia entre lo puramente presencial y lo a distancia. Recomendaciones: -Es preciso dar continuidad a la modalidad con apoyo político, con mayor participación docente evitando la aparición de zonas débiles como: relación docente/alumno, actitud del docente hacia el alumno y la modalidad, presupuesto y apoyo administrativo e institucional. -Las acciones tutoriales deben desarrollarse con enfoque psicosociológico, rescatando el sistema de creencias, opiniones, ideologías y actitudes de los estudiantes, fomentando el trabajo colaborativo e interactivo. -En los documentos impresos deben integrarse los distintos mensajes. -Esta propuesta debe ser persistente y solucionar las demandas educativas a pesar de las transiciones históricas y socioeconómicas desfavorables. -Es preciso contar con un buen sistema de conexión y coordinar acciones futuras para el uso masivo y continuo de las NTIC. -Es necesario incorporar nuevos cambios con mayores espacios tutoriales, y analizar la modalidad en su contexto cultural, educativo y su potencial inserción en la construcción del conocimiento. / Combined teaching strategies are distinct from the traditional methods, where the use of mediation technology and the presence and communication of the teacher/student implies an interactive process. Objectives: -Establish and assess the incorporation of the New Information and Communication Techniques, NICT, as mediators in the teaching and learning process in semi-presential systems in a university career. -Identify relevant pedagogical characteristics of the learning process with multivariable strategies. Method: Methodological combination that sought an adequate cuantitative/cualitative interpretation, and not a convergence of results, mutually vigorize each other to offer perceptions that each one could not have arrived at independently. -Based on a study case. Results: a) The mediation of the NICT arose as an educational, cooperative and democratic system. b) Limited home connections to Internet. c) The Web page contributed giving added value to teachers and autonomy to the student. d) In spite of difficulties in the forums, the students participated in collaborative work. e) The teacher/tutor acted as a facilitator and support giver, although this was not taken advantage of by the students. f) The use of the electronic tutorials was scarce and its' incorporation was slow. g) The proximity teacher/student interacted with fast feedback. h) The changes obtained by the student, through the mediation, were important. Conclusions: 1) The semi-presentiality with the use of the NICT, in university careers, was accepted by teachers and students, resulting in a positive experience for culture and regional diversity. 2) The teacher/student relation, frightening in the beginning, changed to curiosity after incorporating the technology. 3) Increase in motivation with the use of NICT, amongst teachers. 4) Large groups were benefited by the use of the modality with application of multi variation strategies. 5) The students used the teacher's Web page as a source of interesting information, especially for those who worked or lived far away. 6) The participation of a technician and a programmer was of benefit to the creation of the Web site and technical assistance for teachers and students. 7) The e-mail favoured communication with the tutor although it was insufficiently used. 8) From the actor's point of view, the advantages are numerous because they allowed autonomy, interaction and easy learning. 9) A disadvantage was the students' lack of former knowledge in the use of technological tools and Internet. 10) The forum was not used as a discussion forum. 11) This experience was a decisive step for future educational changes and marks the difference between purely conventional classes and distance education.Recommendations: -It is precise to continue the modality with political backing, teacher's participation, avoiding weak areas such as: the teacher/student relationship, the teacher's attitude towards the student and the modality, the budget and administrative- institutional aid. The tutorial actions should be developed with a psychosocial approach, rescuing student's beliefs, opinions, ideologies and attitudes, while encouraging collaborative and interactive work. -Messages should be included in printed matter. -This proposal should be persistent and answer the educational demands, despite unfavourable historic and socio-economical transitions. -It is precise to count with a good connection system and to coordinate future actions for the massive and continuous use of the NITC. -It is necessary to include new changes in the mode with more tutorial space and to analyse the mode in its' cultural and educational context for insertion in the construction of knowledge.

Escola e redes sociais: diálogos possíveis, saberes e inversões / School and social networks: possible dialogues, knowledge and inversions

Santos, Alexandre Ramos dos 09 November 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as possibilidades das redes sociais da Internet, a partir dos usos e aplicações feitos por alunos e professores. Partindo da observação e análise das relações e interações, desenvolvidas nos grupos virtuais das redes sociais Facebook e WhatsApp, buscou-se verificar se as redes sociais na Internet possibilitaria uma inversão da hierarquia do saber e, se a presença de professores e alunos nesses grupos possibilitaria aquilo que o educador Paulo Freire denominou de educação dialógica. Ao longo da pesquisa foram observados grupos no Facebook, criados por alunos ou professores. A partir disso, foram observados os diálogos, a quantidade e os tipos de postagens, além da participação dos atores sociais envolvidos. Em seguida, comparou-se os grupos do Facebook, com os usos do aplicativo WhatsApp no qual alunos do ensino médio criaram grupos específicos para elaboração de uma atividade da disciplina de sociologia. A pesquisa concluiu que, não é possível afirmar uma inversão da hierarquia do saber, mas, sobretudo, relações de troca, onde, por meio das interações via grupos do Facebook, alunos e professores compartilhavam, em sua maioria, questões ligadas ao cotidiano vivenciadas no dia a dia. Sobre as possibilidades de uma dialogia no sentido proposto por Paulo Freire, a pesquisa apontou que no caso da utilização do WhatsApp, para elaboração de um trabalho em grupo, algumas práticas se mostraram satisfatórias, apresentando caminhos possíveis, porém, a dialogia presente nas redes sociais da Internet, ainda depende do trabalho desenvolvido em sala de aula no espaço off-line / This study aimed to analyze the possibilities of social Internet networks, from the uses and applications made by students and teachers. Starting from the observation and analysis of the relationships and interactions developed in the virtual groups in social network Facebook and WhatsApp, it sought to verify that social networking sites would allow a reversal of the hierarchy of knowledge and the presence of teachers and students in these groups would allow what the educator Paulo Freire called the dialogic education. Throughout the study, we observed groups created on Facebook, created by students or teachers. From this, the dialogues were observed, as well as the amount and types of posts, as well as participation of social actors involved. Then he compared the Facebook groups, with the WhatsApp application uses in which high school students created specific groups for developing a sociology discipline activity. The research concluded that it is not possible to say that there is an inversion of the hierarchy of knowledge, but, above all, terms of trade, which, through the interactions via Facebook groups, students and teachers shared, mostly issues related to daily life the experienced on a daily basis. On the possibilities of a dialogical in the sense proposed by Paulo Freire, the survey found that in the case of using WhatsApp, for the preparation of a working group, some possibilities seem to be satisfactory, presenting options, however, dialogy present in social networks Internet, still depend on the work done in the classroom, in the offline space

Escola e redes sociais: diálogos possíveis, saberes e inversões / School and social networks: possible dialogues, knowledge and inversions

Alexandre Ramos dos Santos 09 November 2015 (has links)
O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar as possibilidades das redes sociais da Internet, a partir dos usos e aplicações feitos por alunos e professores. Partindo da observação e análise das relações e interações, desenvolvidas nos grupos virtuais das redes sociais Facebook e WhatsApp, buscou-se verificar se as redes sociais na Internet possibilitaria uma inversão da hierarquia do saber e, se a presença de professores e alunos nesses grupos possibilitaria aquilo que o educador Paulo Freire denominou de educação dialógica. Ao longo da pesquisa foram observados grupos no Facebook, criados por alunos ou professores. A partir disso, foram observados os diálogos, a quantidade e os tipos de postagens, além da participação dos atores sociais envolvidos. Em seguida, comparou-se os grupos do Facebook, com os usos do aplicativo WhatsApp no qual alunos do ensino médio criaram grupos específicos para elaboração de uma atividade da disciplina de sociologia. A pesquisa concluiu que, não é possível afirmar uma inversão da hierarquia do saber, mas, sobretudo, relações de troca, onde, por meio das interações via grupos do Facebook, alunos e professores compartilhavam, em sua maioria, questões ligadas ao cotidiano vivenciadas no dia a dia. Sobre as possibilidades de uma dialogia no sentido proposto por Paulo Freire, a pesquisa apontou que no caso da utilização do WhatsApp, para elaboração de um trabalho em grupo, algumas práticas se mostraram satisfatórias, apresentando caminhos possíveis, porém, a dialogia presente nas redes sociais da Internet, ainda depende do trabalho desenvolvido em sala de aula no espaço off-line / This study aimed to analyze the possibilities of social Internet networks, from the uses and applications made by students and teachers. Starting from the observation and analysis of the relationships and interactions developed in the virtual groups in social network Facebook and WhatsApp, it sought to verify that social networking sites would allow a reversal of the hierarchy of knowledge and the presence of teachers and students in these groups would allow what the educator Paulo Freire called the dialogic education. Throughout the study, we observed groups created on Facebook, created by students or teachers. From this, the dialogues were observed, as well as the amount and types of posts, as well as participation of social actors involved. Then he compared the Facebook groups, with the WhatsApp application uses in which high school students created specific groups for developing a sociology discipline activity. The research concluded that it is not possible to say that there is an inversion of the hierarchy of knowledge, but, above all, terms of trade, which, through the interactions via Facebook groups, students and teachers shared, mostly issues related to daily life the experienced on a daily basis. On the possibilities of a dialogical in the sense proposed by Paulo Freire, the survey found that in the case of using WhatsApp, for the preparation of a working group, some possibilities seem to be satisfactory, presenting options, however, dialogy present in social networks Internet, still depend on the work done in the classroom, in the offline space

O \"Estado da Arte\" da produção de teses e dissertações sobre games - entendidos como forma de comunicação - no banco de dados Capes realizadas entre 1987 e 2010 / The \"State of the Art\" at Thesis e Dissertation Production about Games - understood how comunication form - on CAPES\'s database between 1987 e 2010.

Lourenço, Carlos Eduardo 07 August 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação estabelece um \"Estado da arte\" sobre os Games a partir do banco de teses e dissertações da CAPES entre os anos de 1987 e 2010, e tem como principal objetivo mapear e discutir a produção acadêmica brasileira cujo objeto de estudo ou tema central são estes recursos tecnológicos, em seu estatuto comunicacional, lúdico e educacional. A problematização da pesquisa propõe a discussão sobre a forma em que os games são entendidos nessas práticas educacionais, meios de comunicação na sua mediação tecnológica com os distintos setores do conhecimento. A hipótese levantada diz respeito a se o Game, como objeto de pesquisa, pode se constituir como uma estratégia de comunicação relevante para formação, no que se refere aos estímulos e motivações considerados em tais processos. Portanto, a principal contribuição deste trabalho consiste em estabelecer uma base informacional que responda aos aspectos e dimensões que vêm sendo destacadas e privilegiadas no período assinalado e nos lugares em que têm sido produzidas. A metodologia subjacente toma como princípio uma análise bibliográfica e documental, assim como uma exaustiva análise quantitativa dos dados oferecidos. Deste modo, a estrutura da dissertação contempla um primeiro capítulo que aborda o surgimento do game no contexto da \"sociedade em rede\", contextualizada na era digital da informação em tempos de globalização, assim como, no conceito de interatividade mediada pelo computador diante da eminência da tecnologia no mercado brasileiro. Em um segundo capítulo trata-se do game a partir das diferentes classificações tomando como referência principal suas finalidades no âmbito social, psicológico e comunicacional. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo trata especificamente do \"estado da arte\" da pesquisa dos Games no Brasil. Configurando assim, a sistematização e categorização dos resultados: como crítica aos meios de comunicação digital; à relação entre games e saúde físico-motora; aos elementos constitutivos do jogo; à sua inserção nos processos educacionais; e, à conectividade com as redes mundiais. Por fim, discute-se a produção científica stricto sensu no Brasil que cruza o Game com a educação. / This dissertation establishes a \"state of the art\" on the Games from the database of theses and dissertations from CAPES between the years 1987 and 2010, and has as main objective to map and discuss the Brazilian academic production, whose object of study or theme is these technological resources, their status in communication, entertainment and education. The problematic of research proposes a discussion about the way games are understood in these educational practices, the media in its technological mediation with the distinct sectors of knowledge. The hypothesis relates to the game, as a research subject can be constituted as a communication strategy relevant to training, with regard to incentives and motivations considered in such cases. Therefore, the main contribution of this paper is to establish an information base that responds to the aspects and dimensions that have been highlighted and privileged in the indicated period and in places that have been produced. The principle underlying methodology takes as a literature review and documentary, as well as a comprehensive quantitative analysis of the data provided. Thereby, the structure of the dissertation includes a first chapter that discusses the rise of the game in the context of the \"network society\", contextualized in the digital age of information in times of globalization, as well as the concept of computer mediated interactivity on the brink technology in the Brazilian market. In a second chapter covers up the game from different classifications with reference to their main purposes in the social, psychological and communicational. Finally, the third chapter deals specifically with the \"state of the art\" research of the Games in Brazil. Setting thus the systematization and categorization of results such as criticism of digital media, the relationship between games and health-physical fitness; the constituent elements of the game, its inclusion in the educational processes, and connectivity to global networks. Finally, we discuss the strictly scientific production in Brazil which crosses the Game with education.

O \"Estado da Arte\" da produção de teses e dissertações sobre games - entendidos como forma de comunicação - no banco de dados Capes realizadas entre 1987 e 2010 / The \"State of the Art\" at Thesis e Dissertation Production about Games - understood how comunication form - on CAPES\'s database between 1987 e 2010.

Carlos Eduardo Lourenço 07 August 2012 (has links)
Esta dissertação estabelece um \"Estado da arte\" sobre os Games a partir do banco de teses e dissertações da CAPES entre os anos de 1987 e 2010, e tem como principal objetivo mapear e discutir a produção acadêmica brasileira cujo objeto de estudo ou tema central são estes recursos tecnológicos, em seu estatuto comunicacional, lúdico e educacional. A problematização da pesquisa propõe a discussão sobre a forma em que os games são entendidos nessas práticas educacionais, meios de comunicação na sua mediação tecnológica com os distintos setores do conhecimento. A hipótese levantada diz respeito a se o Game, como objeto de pesquisa, pode se constituir como uma estratégia de comunicação relevante para formação, no que se refere aos estímulos e motivações considerados em tais processos. Portanto, a principal contribuição deste trabalho consiste em estabelecer uma base informacional que responda aos aspectos e dimensões que vêm sendo destacadas e privilegiadas no período assinalado e nos lugares em que têm sido produzidas. A metodologia subjacente toma como princípio uma análise bibliográfica e documental, assim como uma exaustiva análise quantitativa dos dados oferecidos. Deste modo, a estrutura da dissertação contempla um primeiro capítulo que aborda o surgimento do game no contexto da \"sociedade em rede\", contextualizada na era digital da informação em tempos de globalização, assim como, no conceito de interatividade mediada pelo computador diante da eminência da tecnologia no mercado brasileiro. Em um segundo capítulo trata-se do game a partir das diferentes classificações tomando como referência principal suas finalidades no âmbito social, psicológico e comunicacional. Por fim, o terceiro capítulo trata especificamente do \"estado da arte\" da pesquisa dos Games no Brasil. Configurando assim, a sistematização e categorização dos resultados: como crítica aos meios de comunicação digital; à relação entre games e saúde físico-motora; aos elementos constitutivos do jogo; à sua inserção nos processos educacionais; e, à conectividade com as redes mundiais. Por fim, discute-se a produção científica stricto sensu no Brasil que cruza o Game com a educação. / This dissertation establishes a \"state of the art\" on the Games from the database of theses and dissertations from CAPES between the years 1987 and 2010, and has as main objective to map and discuss the Brazilian academic production, whose object of study or theme is these technological resources, their status in communication, entertainment and education. The problematic of research proposes a discussion about the way games are understood in these educational practices, the media in its technological mediation with the distinct sectors of knowledge. The hypothesis relates to the game, as a research subject can be constituted as a communication strategy relevant to training, with regard to incentives and motivations considered in such cases. Therefore, the main contribution of this paper is to establish an information base that responds to the aspects and dimensions that have been highlighted and privileged in the indicated period and in places that have been produced. The principle underlying methodology takes as a literature review and documentary, as well as a comprehensive quantitative analysis of the data provided. Thereby, the structure of the dissertation includes a first chapter that discusses the rise of the game in the context of the \"network society\", contextualized in the digital age of information in times of globalization, as well as the concept of computer mediated interactivity on the brink technology in the Brazilian market. In a second chapter covers up the game from different classifications with reference to their main purposes in the social, psychological and communicational. Finally, the third chapter deals specifically with the \"state of the art\" research of the Games in Brazil. Setting thus the systematization and categorization of results such as criticism of digital media, the relationship between games and health-physical fitness; the constituent elements of the game, its inclusion in the educational processes, and connectivity to global networks. Finally, we discuss the strictly scientific production in Brazil which crosses the Game with education.

O sapato à um martelo: usos e apropriaÃÃes das novas tecnologias de informaÃÃo e comunicaÃÃo por professores da rede pÃblica de ensino / The shoe is a hammer: use and appropriations of new technologies of information and communication (NTIC) for public school teachers

Ives Manuel de Carvalho Albuquerque 30 August 2010 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de NÃvel Superior / CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Com o objetivo de analisar como os professores de escolas pÃblicas relacionam-se com as NTIC no seu cotidiano e quais as apropriaÃÃes que efetuam delas em sua aÃÃo educacional, foram aplicados vinte um (21) questionÃrios, com base nos quais foram selecionados e entrevistados treze (13) professores de duas escolas pÃblicas municipais, de Fortaleza e MaracanaÃ. A pesquisa nos mostrou que estes professores consideram que entre a sua geraÃÃo, quando adolescentes, e a geraÃÃo de seus alunos, ocorreram mudanÃas significativas estimuladas pelas novas tecnologias de informaÃÃo e comunicaÃÃo (TIC). Os professores identificam tambÃm que sua aÃÃo na escola à permeada por problemas, desde comportamentais a estruturais, e consideram as novas tecnologias como elementos influenciadores ou possibilitadores de muitos desses problemas. A tecnologia hoje assume uma dimensÃo constitutiva da sociedade contemporÃnea, definida por Martin-Barbero como "tecnicidade-mundo". Isto tensiona e ressignifica todos os espaÃos sociais, entre eles, a escola. Analisamos, porÃm, que a inserÃÃo dessas NTIC no espaÃo escolar nÃo se processa de maneira passiva, ordeira, sem ruÃdos, mas integra um intenso movimento de negociaÃÃo, rupturas, distanciamento e aproximaÃÃes que, positiva ou negativamente, tem potencial para provocar uma re-elaboraÃÃo do sistema escolar. Categorizamos as TIC pelo estabelecimento do que chamamos de experiÃncia sensÃrio-relacional com o sujeito comunicante, assim definimos quatro nÃveis de TIC: as presenciais; as teleativas; as interativas e as imersivas. Com base nesta definiÃÃo, identificamos que ocorriam profundas diferenÃas na inserÃÃo dessas TIC na vida dos professores, conforme se analisava o espaÃo da escola e fora dela. Identificamos, ainda, que as dinÃmicas desenvolvidas com essas novas tecnologias, articulam vÃrios modos de interaÃÃo entre professor e aluno, mesmo quando se trata da mesma TIC analisada. Isto evidencia que nÃo sÃo apenas os meios comunicacionais, os definidores da experiÃncia educacional que se desenvolve na sala de aula. A maneira como os professores entendem as possibilidades das NTIC, influencia nos sentidos e intensidades dos fluxos comunicativos em sala de aula. As condiÃÃes que permitem entender estas possibilidades dizem respeito diretamente à compreensÃo que os professores possuem das sociabilidades instauradas pelas NTIC na sociedade contemporÃnea, em paralelo com suas percepÃÃes sobre o sentido de escola e de educaÃÃo, podendo assim interiorizar, ou nÃo, essas novas formas de ser e de estar na sua prÃpria vida. Identificamos, portanto, dois modos de interaÃÃes em que os professores desenvolvem com as TIC: a interaÃÃo por apropriaÃÃo das TIC e a interaÃÃo por uso das TIC. Na interaÃÃo por apropriaÃÃo das NTIC, o professor percebe as mudanÃas instauradas pelas novas tecnologias como processos socializadores legÃtimos que reconfiguram tambÃm os processos educacionais e, portanto, tornam estas tecnologias prÃprias tambÃm de seu cotidiano escolar. No caso das interaÃÃes por uso das NTIC, os professores desenvolvem claramente um discurso funcionalista e tecnicista para o uso desses meios comunicacionais na sua prÃtica educacional, geralmente vinculados ao apelo imagÃtico que provocam nos alunos ou Ãs facilidades instrumentais que possibilitam no trato com o conteÃdo, sem explorar de modo mais amplo seus potenciais comunicativos. / Our objective here is to analyze how is the relationship of public school teachers with the New Technologies of Information and Communication (NTIC) in their daily activities and what do they retain from them in their educational efforts. To do so, we selected from the application of 21 questionaires, 13 teachers whom were interviewed. These teachers were from two municipality public schools in the cities of Fortaleza and MaracanaÃ. The research has shown that these teachers perceive a significant change between their generation and that of the adolescent students, because of the new informational and communications technologies. These teachers also identified that their efforts at school is permeated by behavioral and structural problems and they consider the new technologies as influencing or enabling factors for many of these problems. Technology, today, has a constitutive dimension in the contemporary society, defined by Martin-Barbero as the âworld-technicityâ. This makes social spaces, such as the school, tense and with new meanings. We also noted, however, that the insertion of these NTICs in the school space is not processed in a passive way, where order and silence would prevail. Instead it integrates itself in an intense negotiation movement, with ruptures, distances and closures that, good or bad, have the potential to provoke a new elaboration of the space of the school. We categorize the TICs by the establishment of what we call the sensuous-relational experience which happens with the communicating subject, and therefore we define four levels of TIC: present, teleactive, interactive and immersive. Based on this definition, as we analyzed the space of the school, inside and out of it, we identified that there were profound differences that occurred in the insertion of the TICs in the life of teachers. We also identified that the dynamics developed with these new technologies articulate several interaction ways between teacher and student, even when it comes to the TIC analyzed. We therefore were able to conclude that the communication media are not the only defining factors of the educational experience developed inside the classroom. The way teachers understand the possibilities of the NTIC influences the communication flows in different senses and intensities operating in the classroom. The conditions that allow us to understand these possibilities are directly related to the comprehension that the teachers have their social aspects molded by the NTICs in the contemporaneous society, besides their own perceptions of the school and of education, this way having a deep understanding or not of these new ways of being in their own lives. We therefore came to the conclusion that there are two ways of interactions that involve the teachers with the TIC: the interaction by appropriation of the TIC and that by the use of the TIC. When the teacher appropriates the NTIC, he or she can perceive the changes made by the new technologies and, therefore, make these technologies their own, and their schooling environmentâs also. In the case of interaction by use of the NTICs, teachers clearly develop a functionalist and technicist discourse for the use of these communications media in their educational practice, generally linked to the imagery appeal that they provoke in the students, or the instrumental enabling that they make possible in the content of studies, without exploring, in a broader way, their communicational possibilities.

Protection du consommateur et commerce électronique : droit français, européen et tunisien. / Consumer protection and e-commerce : French, European and Tunisian law.

Chemlali, Laroussi 29 November 2011 (has links)
Le commerce électronique B to C se popularise de plus en plus et le nombre de ses adeptes ne cesse de croître d'année en année. Ses avantages, pour les consommateurs, en termes de rapidité, de commodité et de proximité ne sont plus à prouver. Néanmoins, la particularité du medium utilisé pour effectuer des transactions en ligne et les spécificités de l'environnement électronique, notamment l'immatérialité, l'interactivité et l'internationalité influent considérablement sur la confiance des cyberconsommateurs en même temps qu'elles accroissent leur vulnérabilité, d'où la nécessité d'un cadre juridique adapté afin que l'essor du commerce électronique B to C ne néglige pas la protection des cyberconsommateurs. Conscients de cet impératif, les législateurs communautaire, français et tunisien, ont mis en place un certain nombre de mesures de nature à rassurer ces derniers et leur permettre de s'engager dans des transactions de commerce en ligne en toute confiance. Ces mesures sont de deux ordres : les unes sont destinées à assurer au cyberconsommateur une protection intrinsèque au processus de la transaction en ligne ; cette protection se manifeste en amont de la transaction, lors de la phase précontractuelle, mais également pendant la période contractuelle, c'est-à-dire au moment de la finalisation de la transaction en ligne et de son exécution. Les autres ont pour objectif de garantir au consommateur une protection extrinsèque au processus de la transaction du commerce électronique. Deux aspects sont, à cet égard, pris en compte : la protection des données à caractère personnel traitées dans le cadre d'une transaction en ligne et les aspects du droit international privé de la protection du cyberconsommateur. / B to C e-commerce is increasingly gaining popularity. The number of its followers has seen a drastic surge throughout the few recent years. Its advantages in terms of speed, convenience and proximity are not any more questionable by consumers. Nevertheless, the characteristic of this medium used to carry out online transactions as well as the specificities of the electronic environment - in particular the immateriality, the interactivity and internationality - influence considerably cyber-consumers confidence. Simultaneously, they increase their vulnerability. Thus, the need for an appropriate legal framework to regulate the rise of B to C e-commerce and protect cyber-consumers. Taking into account these requirement, community, French and Tunisian legislators set up a number of measures to reassure the latter and allow them to engage confidently in online commerce transactions. These measures have two targets: some of them were intended to grant cyber-consumers an intrinsic protection in the process of the online transaction. This protection is set to be an upstream transaction protection at the pre-contractual phase as well as during the contractual period; i.e. at the level of on line transaction finalization and execution. The others aim to guarantee the consumer an extrinsic protection throughout the process of e-commerce transaction. In this respect, two aspects are taken into account, namely: personal data processed during transactions and the aspects of private international law of cyber-consumer protection.

Employeur, salarié et vie privée / Employer, employee and private life

Dirrenberger, Géraldine 21 December 2012 (has links)
La frontière entre vie privée et vie professionnelle tend vers la confusion. La notion de vie privée est variable par l'importance que chaque individu lui accorde, elle suit également l'évolution de la société. Au sein de la relation de travail, caractérisée par le lien de subordination, quelle place doit-on lui assigner ? S'il est admis qu'il existe bel et bien une sphère privée résiduelle dans l'entreprise, comment la conjuguer efficacement avec les impératifs de productivité du monde du travail ? Malgré une forte protection de la vie privée du travailleur, l'empiètement de la sphère professionnelle sur la sphère privée est un risque supplémentaire de voir la notion se vider de sa substance. Notre étude s'attache à mettre en exergue les mutations intervenues dans l'entreprise notamment par l'usage des nouvelles technologies et les difficultés qu'elles occasionnent au regard de l'impératif de respect des libertés individuelles du salarié. Dans ce contexte, nous envisagerons des solutions pour faire coexister les deux sphères au regard de l'exigence de proportionnalité qui doit présider à la relation de travail. / The border between private and professional life can be confusing. The notion of private life differs from the importance each individual allows it, it follows as well the evolution of the society. Inside the working relationship, distinguished among the subordination connection, which priority should we assign it ? If there is agreement that in the working place a remaining private sphere truly exists, how can we efficiently unite it with the productivity requirements of the working environment ? Despite a strong protection of the employee's private life, the professional sphere stepping into the private one is an additional risk to see this idea to lose its meaning. The goal of our study is to point out the changes that occurred at work especially with the use of new technologies and the difficulties experienced due to the requirements to respect the employee's personal freedom. In this context we are considering some solutions to have those two spheres working together despite the balance requirement that must oversee the working relationship.

L'image et le procès pénal / The image and the french criminal process

Siber, Jonas 31 August 2017 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, du fait de l’essor des nouvelles technologies, l’image a pris une place prépondérante dans notre société. Si son évolution au sein du grand public est significatif, le droit a lui aussi eu à connaître du développement de cet outil. L’avènement de l’image a touché l’ensemble des branches du droit, y compris le droit pénal et, plus particulièrement, la procédure pénale. Pour autant, dire qu’elle serait désormais présente au niveau de l’ensemble de cette procédure semble presque relever de la méprise, tant les images de cette dernière sont rares. On en vient alors à s’interroger sur la place réellement occupée aujourd’hui par cet outil protéiforme au sein de ce vaste ensemble. L’image englobe en réalité l’ensemble du procès pénal pris dans sa définition la plus large, des premiers stades de l’enquête, jusqu’au prononcé d’un verdict de culpabilité. Plus encore, l’image déborde ce cadre par sa présence en amont de la commission d’une infraction et en aval de l’audience. C’est par la multiplicité de ses formes que l’image se retrouve à toutes les étapes de la procédure. Toutefois, la diversité des usages de l’image n’est pas la seule raison à son utilisation récurrente. À cela s’ajoute sa faculté à servir différentes finalités. Les différentes formes que peut revêtir l’image lui permet de servir des ambitions et des usages différents, parfois complémentaires, d’autres fois très différents. Néanmoins, se dessine une distinction fondamentale entre une image à vocation probatoire et une image servant la bonne administration de la justice. Présente tout au long du procès pénal, il est manifeste que l’image va se voir confrontée à l’ensemble des grands principes qui gouvernent la matière pénale, particulièrement dans son aspect procédural. Dans une période où une réforme globale de la procédure pénale est sans cesse mise en avant, l’étude d’une notion transversale, au service à la fois de la manifestation de la vérité et de la bonne administration de la justice, pourrait s’avérer nécessaire si d’avenir une évolution devait intervenir. L’image servirait alors de fil d’Ariane sur le « chemin menant à la peine » / Today, with the rise of new technologies, the image is playing a leading role in our society. If it has been incrementally utilised by the general public, the field of law has also increasingly developed and put this tool to use. The advent of the image has impacted all areas of law, including criminal law and more specifically criminal proceedings. However, it would be wrong to say that it is currently present throughout the whole procedure, where its appearances are surprisingly rare. This leads us to question the place and role of this multiform tool within this wide system. In reality, the image covers all aspects of the criminal trial in its entirety, from the first stage of the investigation to the delivery of the judgement. And even more, as the image goes beyond this framework, by its upstream presence before a criminal act is committed, and downstream from the hearing. In this way, the image appears in a multiplicity of forms throughout all steps of the procedure. However, the diversity of its uses is not the only explanation to its recurring presence, as it also has the ability to serve different purposes. The different forms of an image allow for a variety of uses and purposes, sometimes complementary, but other times very diverse. We can notice, nevertheless, a fundamental distinction between an image serving probationary purposes and used for the proper administration of justice. Present throughout the criminal proceedings, the image will clearly be confronted with all the main principles that govern criminal matters, particularly in its procedural aspect. At a time when a comprehensive reform of criminal proceedings is constantly put forward, the study of a transversal notion, simultaneously serving the establishment of the truth and the good administration of justice, may be necessary if the system needed to evolve. The image would then be considered as the breadcrumb trail on the « path leading to the sentence »

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