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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the Relative Utility of 3D Interfaces

Tavanti, Monica January 2004 (has links)
<p>Three-dimensional (3D) interfaces are made with the ambition to reinvent traditional two-dimensional (2D) displays into intuitive 3D environments that allow natural interactions and guarantee users’ satisfaction. However, reality is far from the expectations and 3D interfaces remain experimental. The results of empirical studies comparing 2D and 3D interfaces are incoherent and do not indisputably endorse the development of 3D applications. The reason behind this incoherency is that empirical comparisons often discard several factors that go beyond the specific style of the interface itself although they play a major role in human performance. Specifically: perceptual factors, factors related to semantics, contextual factors.</p><p>The identification of these factors was carried out through a set of empirical studies tackling two applications domains: information management (namely, the retrieval of data and on spatial memory tasks) and Air Traffic Control. Concerning the first domain, the results suggest that 3D interfaces can support spatial memory if the 3D interface is provided with a spatial structure that has also a semantic function. Also, the specific content of the objects disseminated in the 3D structure seem to affect performance. It is argued that when there is a strategic coupling of the semantics of the spatial structure with the meanings of the objects, 3D interfaces could enhance spatial memory. Concerning the second domain, the results indicate that 3D interfaces could support controllers’ tasks only for a limited set of activities. These do not include standard monitoring tasks where the presence of 3D would actually cause detriment to the performance due to perceptual biases. Finally, it is claimed that the idea of familiarity with an interface style can affect the way people interact with it and, despite the fuzziness of the concept, familiarity may represent a real challenge in users’ acceptance of 3D interfaces. </p>

In Romance with the Materials of Mobile Interaction : A Phenomenological Approach to the Design of Mobile Information Technology

Fällman, Daniel January 2003 (has links)
This thesis deals analytically and through design with the issue of Human­Computer Interaction (HCI) with mobile devices; mobile interaction. Specifically, it is an investigation into and a capitalization on the multistable kinds of relations that arise between the threefold of human user, artifact, and world, and how dealing with this kind of technology and these relations in many ways must be regarded as different from mainstream HCI. This subject matter is theoretically, methodologically, and empirically approached from two to HCI unconventional outlooks: a phenomenological and a design-oriented attitude to research. The main idea pursued in this work is that while HCI for historical reasons follows a tradition of disembodiment, its opposite—embodiment—needs to come into view as an alternative design ideal when dealing with mobile interaction. The tradition of disembodiment in HCI, how it is applied within mobile interaction, and the conceptual switch in focusing on embodiment and human, technology, world relations are thoroughly analyzed and discussed. A proper understanding of these issues are seen as necessary for the primary purpose of this book: to provide designers of mobile interaction with the conceptual means needed to construct new and better styles of mobile interactions. To equip designers and researchers with the possibility of choosing an alternative path, the book provides a range of alternative conceptualizations for design, modeled primarily around phenomenological concepts such as embodiment, meaning, and involvement. In order to minimize the distance between these new notions and how they may be practically applied for design, four research prototypes are presented and discussed that all in different ways capitalize on these conceptualizations. The thesis concludes with an empirical-style study, which uses the Repertory Grid Technique to elicit the participants’ experiences of using a number of mobile information technology devices, including the research prototypes presented in this work.

On the Relative Utility of 3D Interfaces

Tavanti, Monica January 2004 (has links)
Three-dimensional (3D) interfaces are made with the ambition to reinvent traditional two-dimensional (2D) displays into intuitive 3D environments that allow natural interactions and guarantee users’ satisfaction. However, reality is far from the expectations and 3D interfaces remain experimental. The results of empirical studies comparing 2D and 3D interfaces are incoherent and do not indisputably endorse the development of 3D applications. The reason behind this incoherency is that empirical comparisons often discard several factors that go beyond the specific style of the interface itself although they play a major role in human performance. Specifically: perceptual factors, factors related to semantics, contextual factors. The identification of these factors was carried out through a set of empirical studies tackling two applications domains: information management (namely, the retrieval of data and on spatial memory tasks) and Air Traffic Control. Concerning the first domain, the results suggest that 3D interfaces can support spatial memory if the 3D interface is provided with a spatial structure that has also a semantic function. Also, the specific content of the objects disseminated in the 3D structure seem to affect performance. It is argued that when there is a strategic coupling of the semantics of the spatial structure with the meanings of the objects, 3D interfaces could enhance spatial memory. Concerning the second domain, the results indicate that 3D interfaces could support controllers’ tasks only for a limited set of activities. These do not include standard monitoring tasks where the presence of 3D would actually cause detriment to the performance due to perceptual biases. Finally, it is claimed that the idea of familiarity with an interface style can affect the way people interact with it and, despite the fuzziness of the concept, familiarity may represent a real challenge in users’ acceptance of 3D interfaces.

On knowing who knows : An alternative approach to knowledge management

Groth, Kristina January 2004 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is how computer applications can support knowledge sharing between individuals in an organization. The thesis particularly focuses on solutions that facilitate for people to find other persons to share knowledge with, rather than solutions where information is stored in some kind of database for the purpose of being reused by other persons. The thesis describes one shorter and one longer ethnographic study about information and knowledge sharing in two different settings. The studies have shown that what actions people take when they search for information and knowledge depends on the problem itself, and on the situation in which the problem occurs. The results from the studies indicate that supporting people in knowing about others’ activities and availability would be more important when supporting knowledge sharing, than a specific knowledge system with the purpose of storing information to be reused as knowledge. This awareness can be supported in a number of different ways, some based on social activities, and some based on technical solutions. Social activities involve supporting the development of social networks, communities of practice, and other kinds of social activities that facilitate for people to get to know each other and get an opportunity to talk to each other. There exists many technologies that can support people’s knowledge about others’ activities and availability. Awareness systems focus on collecting and presenting information about, for example, where a person is located and how busy a person is. Some awareness systems collect such information automatically using, for example, sensor technology or electronic calendars, while others require the user to enter the information by him- or herself. It is more difficult to get the second kind of systems to work in practice because it requires that the time a user spends on supporting the system is also returning a benefit in the end. Ordinary information systems may also contribute to supporting people’s knowledge about others’ activities and availability, but they need to be structured and searchable in a way that fulfils this purpose. Also, there usually exist more than one documentation repository in an organization among which some may be structured and some not. Based on the studies that have been conducted a number of prototypes supporting knowledge sharing have been developed and evaluated. The technologies focused on are notification systems including mobile solutions to communicate with others, awareness systems focusing on activities and availability, and information management to make already existing written documentation structured and searchable. These prototypes have been evaluated using video recorded scenarios, based on the studies conducted, and focus groups in a medium sized consultancy organization. The results from the evaluation show that the suggested prototypes in the large fulfil the purpose of supporting knowledge sharing in an organization. Based on the three field studies conducted within the work of this thesis, a framework for supporting knowledge sharing through computer support is suggested. The framework focuses on issues such as annoying interruptions, platform independent communication, privacy aspects, and how the information can be presented. / QC 20100609

Behovsbaserad framtagning av informationssystemet ReFlex : Verksamhetsanalys och systemutveckling / Requirement based development of the      information system ReFlex : Business study and system development

Bjerkstig, Jenny, Carlsson, Anna January 2008 (has links)
Flextronics Design i Linköping tillverkar prototypskretskort till telekomindus-trin. Examensarbetet tog de fram eftersom de upplever att de har problem medolika områden inom den funktion där själva tillverkningen sker, SMA (SurfaceMount Assembly). De var inte säkra på exakt vilka problemen var men de vis-ste att de rör rutiner, kommunikation, samt materialtillförsel. Genom att i ettexamensarbete definiera och lyfta fram problemen samt ta fram åtgärdsförslag,hoppades företaget att vissa av problem skulle kunna uppmärksammas ochlösas och på det sättet skulle kvaliteten i processerna öka. Genom att förbättravissa områden hoppades de även kunna bli effektivare i sitt arbetssätt vilketi sin tur skulle kunna frigöra värdefull kapacitet, något som är mycket viktigtför Flextronics i Linköping, eftersom de har hög beläggning.Syftet med examensarbetet var att genom en kartläggning tydligt definieraproblemen och ta fram förbättringsområden. Fokus lades sedan på det om-råde som ansågs viktigast att ta tag i. Målet var att ta fram ett konkret åtgärds-förslag, som löser de mest angelägna problemen, och som kan implementeraspå företaget.Kartläggningen bygger främst på ett stort antal intervjuer som gjordes med oli-ka personer som är involverade i SMA och dess stödprocesser. Det visade sigatt det var inom områdena strategier, kommunikation och informationssprid-ning, ansvarsområden, materialrutiner samt personalfrågor som problemenfrämst finns. Inom dessa områden definierades ett stort antal problempunkter,som var och en kategoriserades efter vilket ursprungligt problem de härstam-mar ur, alltså vad som skulle behöva förbättras för att få respektive problem-punkt åtgärdad. Det resulterade i åtta olika förbättringsområden, nämligenåterrapportering, kommunikation, spårbarhet, spill, sårbarhet, plock check, SMA-fel och ansvarsfördelning.Det förbättringsområde som ansågs viktigast att ta tag i var återrapportering.För att kunna förbättra den, och lösa de problem som fanns knutna till detproblemområdet, låg fokus under andra halvan av examensarbetet på att tafram ett informationssystem. Först togs strategier för både utveckling och im-plementering fram och därefter utvecklades systemet med hjälp av program-varan Microsoft SharePoint. Resultatet av arbetet blev informationssystemetReFlex som kommer att implementeras och börja användas på företaget.Med hjälp av ReFlex finns nu möjligheten att effektivisera arbetet på en radpunkter. Tack vare en effektiv återanvändning av informationen kan de frånoch med nu på ett bra sätt utnyttja tidigare erfarenheter, vilket gör att misstaginte behöver upprepas. Problem kommer inte behöva lösas flera gånger, vilketsparar mycket värdefull tid och frigör kapacitet. Kvaliteten i processerna kanöka, då problem kan uppmärksammas på ett smidigare sätt och därmed åtgär-das snabbare. / Flextronics Design in Linköping is an Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS)company and manufactures printed circuit boards assemblies (PCBAs) for thetelecommunication industry. The site in Linköping is focused on prototypingPCBAs. They have problems regarding their SMA (Surface Mount Assembly)line, where the PCBAs are manufactured. The problems were not clearly de-fined in the beginning, but regarded routines, communication and materialsupply. By defining exactly where the major problems were and by solvingsome of these, they hoped that both the quality of their processes and the effi-ciency regarding their methods of working could improve. That could increasetheir capacity, something that would be valuable to Flextronics, since they areoften working above their capacity level.The purpose of this master thesis was to clearly define the problems through asurvey and suggest different ideas about which areas that should be improved.The area considered most important was then chosen for further work. Theobjective was to create a solution that solves as many problems as possible, asolution that could be implemented at Flextronics.The survey that was carried out is based on interviews with people involvedin the processes concerning SMA. The problems showed to involve strategies,communication and information sharing, management of responsibilities, rou-tines regarding material supply, and human resource issues. Within these ar-eas a large number of problem matters were defined. Each of these were cate-gorised based on what type of action that could solve that particular problem.The result was eight different action areas, that each could be the solution todifferent kinds of problems. The areas were; improving possibilities for report-ing and giving feedback, improving communication, improving traceability,decrease waste, decrease the vulnerability, improve routines for plock check,reduce the number of defect PCBAs due to SMA-problems and make the re-sponsibiliies more clear.The action area that was considered most important was increasing the possi-bilities for giving feedback. To make that happen, an information system wasdeveloped. First strategies for development and implementation was formu-lated and after that, the system was developed in Microsoft SharePoint. Thework resulted in the system ReFlex, that will be implemented at Flextronics.ReFlex will give the possibility to make work more efficient in many ways.Thanks to improved feedback possibilities they can now reuse information andtake advantage of prior experiences when starting a new build. The risk ofmaking the same mistake twice will decrease, which will save a lot of timeand thereby increase their capacity. The quality of the processes can also beincreased, since mistakes are more likely to be paid attention to and can therebybe solved faster.

User-Centred Systems Design : Designing Usable Interactive Systems in Practice / Användarcentrerad systemdesign : Design av användbara interaktiva system i praktiken

Göransson, Bengt January 2004 (has links)
Have you ever been frustrated with that IT system at work that does not behave the way you expect it to? Or had problems with using the features on your new mobile phone? When systems and appliances do not support us in what we are doing, and do not behave the way we expect them to, then usability is neglected. Poor usability may be frustrating and irritating when trying out your mobile phone, but in a critical work situation poor usability may be disastrous. In this thesis, user-centred systems design (UCSD) is advocated as an approach for facilitating the development of usable interactive systems. Systems that suit their intended use and users do not just “emerge”. They are the result of a UCSD process and a user-centred attitude during the development. This means in short that the real users and their needs, goals, context of use, abilities and limitations, drive the development – in contrast to technology-driven development. We define UCSD as: a process focusing on usability throughout the entire development process and further throughout the system life cycle. I argue that this definition along with a set of key principles do help organisations and individual projects in the process of developing usable interactive systems. The key principles include the necessity of having an explicit focus on users and making sure that users are actively involved in the process. The thesis provides knowledge and insights gained from real-life situations about what UCSD is and how it can be put into practice. The most significant results are: the proposal of a clear definition of UCSD and a set of key principles encompassing UCSD; a process for usability design and the usability designer role. Furthermore, design cases from different domains are provided as examples and illustrations.

A Dynamic Resource Allocation Framework for IT Consultancies

Västfält, Anders, Erll, Matthias January 2011 (has links)
This Master thesis provides a framework for analysis of the resource planning and allocation processes within an IT consultant firm. The aim is, to identify information, which can be reflected in an information system. The framework has been developed using multi-grounded theory method, considering theories from the areas of information systems design, project business performance, enterprise planning, and project planning. Based on a main process view and hypothesized information requirements, the dynamic processes of sales, project resource planning, miscellaneous activity planning, project portfolio planning, resource allocation and general management are discussed, along with their underlying concepts. A case study has been conducted, to test the validity of the framework and to evaluate its applicability. The findings are compared and contrasted to our frame of reference during analysis. From a reflection on the analysis, changes are proposed to the firm under study, as well as our framework.

Konstruktion av en databas till stöd för kassaflödesvärdering : Construction of a database to support information management for discounted cash flow valuation of corporations

Algotsson, Daniel January 2005 (has links)
När en kassaflödesvärdering genomförs prognostiseras företagets värde genom att summera framtida kassaflöden och diskontera dem med företagets kapitalkostnad. På grund av att prognostiserade kassaflöden är uppskattningar inför framtiden karaktäriseras en värdering alltid av hög osäkerhet. Till underlag för prognoserna används en omfattande mängd information. För att ett tillförlitligt värde ska kunna beräknas är det viktigt att relevant och pålitlig information samlas in och hanteras på ett effektivt sätt. I dagsläget är det problematiskt att hantera omfattande mängder information och ett tillräckligt datorstöd saknas. Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att konstruera ett förslag till en databas till stöd för informationshantering vid kassaflödesvärdering. Uppsatsen är skriven utifrån en kvalitativ metod. En omfattande referensram presenteras till syfte att ge läsaren möjlighat att bekanta sig med både kassaflödesvärderingar och databaser. Vidare används ett fallföretag för att exemplifiera hur en kassaflödesvärdering går till, vad den kännetecknar och vilka informationshanteringsbehov som föreligger. Uppsatsens resultat består av en konceptuell samt en logisk och fysisk databasmodell utvecklad i Microsoft Access. Den logiska och fysiska databasmodellen består av 20 tabeller där relationerna sammankopplar olika faktorer som påverkar företagets kassaflöde. Möjligheter som databasen ger upphov till är bland annat en förenklad härledning av företagets prognostiserade värde. Vidare kan en större mängd information lagras och hanteras i samband med värderingen. En databas kan också skapa en högre grad av flexibilitet och möjlighat att anpassa värderingen till företagets specifika dynamik. Det finns också möjlighet att lättare identifiera företagets risker och hur riskerna påverkar kassaflödena. Tänkbara problem med databasen är risk för lagring av irrelevant information och att det kan vara problematiskt att påvisa en tillräcklig validitet för databasen. I uppsatsen argumenteras också för att det finns möjlighet att även använda den föreslagna databasen vid kassaflödesvärdering av andra företag. Det är dock viktigt att påpeka att flera attribut i den föreslagna databasen är specifika för fallföretaget och kan bli irrelevanta för andra företag. / When a discounted cash flow valuation is performed, the value of the asset is determined by summarising the predicted cash flows and discounting them with the cost of capital. Due to the fact that the future cash flows are predictions, a valuation is always affected by uncertainty. In order to improve the accuracy of the predictions, an extensive amount of information is used. To be successful, it is important to collect reliable and relevant information and manage the information in an efficient way. At present it is difficult to gather and manage information and sufficient computer aid is missing. The purpose of this master thesis is to construct a proposal for a database to support information management for discounted cash flow valuation of corporations. The thesis is conducted with a qualitative research method. An extensive frame of reference is presented in order to give the reader the possibility to get to know both databases and cash flow valuations. The result of the study is a conceptual model as well as a logical and physical database model. The proposed database consists of 20 tables where the database relationships connect the value creating factors of the corporation. Possible positive effects of the database are simplified deriving of the corporate value and capacity to store and manage greater amounts of information in a logical manner. The database can also improve the flexibility and adjust the valuation to the dynamic nature of the corporation. Furthermore, the identification of risks and risk factors can be improved. A potential problem with the database is the risk of storing irrelevant information. It can also be difficult to prove a sufficient validity for the database since no user valuation has been carried out. In the thesis, the author also argues that the database can be utilised for discounted cash flow valuation of any corporation. However, some tables, attributes and relationships need to be changed and adjusted to the specific nature of the corporation.

Framtidens meny för ett IT-system

Kvarnström, Dan, Jonsson, Mathias January 2008 (has links)
<p>The mission was to create a prototype of a menu system for the company</p><p>System Andersson AB. The instructions were that it has to be as interesting and</p><p>modern now as in 20 years. We had to look at technology from the cutting edge</p><p>of development to make our prototype survive in the future. Windows</p><p>Presentation Foundation (WPF) was the technique we focused on. There are</p><p>only a few applications that take advantage of WPF today, but it is predicted</p><p>that WPF will be the next generation method for developing applications to the</p><p>Windows platform.</p><p>To make our menu visually appealing, easy to use and at the same time</p><p>functional, we followed the clear path and guidelines that are available in</p><p>interaction design. Those guidelines tell us how the design process should be</p><p>executed. Through usage of the six basic ideas of interaction design and taken</p><p>the principles of richer user experience further, we were able to build a menu</p><p>system that will be as modern in 20 years as it is now. We took the thoughts of</p><p>physical design into account to make the menu understandable and easy to use.</p> / <p>Examensarbetets uppdrag var att skapa en prototyp av ett menysystem åt</p><p>System Andersson AB, som enligt instruktioner ska vara intressant och</p><p>modernt, även om 20 år. För att lyckas med detta tittade vi på "cutting edge" av</p><p>vad som används idag för att inte systemet skulle riskera att bli föråldrat i</p><p>framtiden. Tekniken som vi undersökte och använde oss av var Windows</p><p>Presentation Foundation (WPF). I dagsläget är det endast ett fåtal applikationer</p><p>som använder WPF men utvecklingsmetoden spås vara morgondagens sätt att</p><p>programmera windowsapplikationer.</p><p>För att vår meny skulle bli estetiskt tilltalande, enkel att använda och samtidigt</p><p>funktionell så finns det inom interaktionsdesign klara riktlinjer om hur</p><p>designutvecklingen bör gå till väga. Genom att nyttja de sex grundtankarna: att</p><p>ett system ska vara effektivt, ha hög verkningsgrad, säkert att använda, vara</p><p>användbart, enkelt att förstå samt okomplicerat; i designen och att bygga vidare</p><p>med principerna så anser vi att vi har kunnat åstadkomma ett menysystem som</p><p>kommer att se lika intressant och modern ut om 20 år som det gör nu. För att</p><p>menyn skulle uppfylla de sex grundtankarna, bland annat att vara klart</p><p>förståelig och enkel att använda så använde vi oss av de tankar och teorier som</p><p>framgår i fysisk design.</p>

Behovsbaserad framtagning av informationssystemet ReFlex : Verksamhetsanalys och systemutveckling / Requirement based development of the      information system ReFlex : Business study and system development

Bjerkstig, Jenny, Carlsson, Anna January 2008 (has links)
<p>Flextronics Design i Linköping tillverkar prototypskretskort till telekomindus-trin. Examensarbetet tog de fram eftersom de upplever att de har problem medolika områden inom den funktion där själva tillverkningen sker, SMA (SurfaceMount Assembly). De var inte säkra på exakt vilka problemen var men de vis-ste att de rör rutiner, kommunikation, samt materialtillförsel. Genom att i ettexamensarbete definiera och lyfta fram problemen samt ta fram åtgärdsförslag,hoppades företaget att vissa av problem skulle kunna uppmärksammas ochlösas och på det sättet skulle kvaliteten i processerna öka. Genom att förbättravissa områden hoppades de även kunna bli effektivare i sitt arbetssätt vilketi sin tur skulle kunna frigöra värdefull kapacitet, något som är mycket viktigtför Flextronics i Linköping, eftersom de har hög beläggning.Syftet med examensarbetet var att genom en kartläggning tydligt definieraproblemen och ta fram förbättringsområden. Fokus lades sedan på det om-råde som ansågs viktigast att ta tag i. Målet var att ta fram ett konkret åtgärds-förslag, som löser de mest angelägna problemen, och som kan implementeraspå företaget.Kartläggningen bygger främst på ett stort antal intervjuer som gjordes med oli-ka personer som är involverade i SMA och dess stödprocesser. Det visade sigatt det var inom områdena strategier, kommunikation och informationssprid-ning, ansvarsområden, materialrutiner samt personalfrågor som problemenfrämst finns. Inom dessa områden definierades ett stort antal problempunkter,som var och en kategoriserades efter vilket ursprungligt problem de härstam-mar ur, alltså vad som skulle behöva förbättras för att få respektive problem-punkt åtgärdad. Det resulterade i åtta olika förbättringsområden, nämligenåterrapportering, kommunikation, spårbarhet, spill, sårbarhet, plock check, SMA-fel och ansvarsfördelning.Det förbättringsområde som ansågs viktigast att ta tag i var återrapportering.För att kunna förbättra den, och lösa de problem som fanns knutna till detproblemområdet, låg fokus under andra halvan av examensarbetet på att tafram ett informationssystem. Först togs strategier för både utveckling och im-plementering fram och därefter utvecklades systemet med hjälp av program-varan Microsoft SharePoint. Resultatet av arbetet blev informationssystemetReFlex som kommer att implementeras och börja användas på företaget.Med hjälp av ReFlex finns nu möjligheten att effektivisera arbetet på en radpunkter. Tack vare en effektiv återanvändning av informationen kan de frånoch med nu på ett bra sätt utnyttja tidigare erfarenheter, vilket gör att misstaginte behöver upprepas. Problem kommer inte behöva lösas flera gånger, vilketsparar mycket värdefull tid och frigör kapacitet. Kvaliteten i processerna kanöka, då problem kan uppmärksammas på ett smidigare sätt och därmed åtgär-das snabbare.</p> / <p>Flextronics Design in Linköping is an Electronics Manufacturing Services (EMS)company and manufactures printed circuit boards assemblies (PCBAs) for thetelecommunication industry. The site in Linköping is focused on prototypingPCBAs. They have problems regarding their SMA (Surface Mount Assembly)line, where the PCBAs are manufactured. The problems were not clearly de-fined in the beginning, but regarded routines, communication and materialsupply. By defining exactly where the major problems were and by solvingsome of these, they hoped that both the quality of their processes and the effi-ciency regarding their methods of working could improve. That could increasetheir capacity, something that would be valuable to Flextronics, since they areoften working above their capacity level.The purpose of this master thesis was to clearly define the problems through asurvey and suggest different ideas about which areas that should be improved.The area considered most important was then chosen for further work. Theobjective was to create a solution that solves as many problems as possible, asolution that could be implemented at Flextronics.The survey that was carried out is based on interviews with people involvedin the processes concerning SMA. The problems showed to involve strategies,communication and information sharing, management of responsibilities, rou-tines regarding material supply, and human resource issues. Within these ar-eas a large number of problem matters were defined. Each of these were cate-gorised based on what type of action that could solve that particular problem.The result was eight different action areas, that each could be the solution todifferent kinds of problems. The areas were; improving possibilities for report-ing and giving feedback, improving communication, improving traceability,decrease waste, decrease the vulnerability, improve routines for plock check,reduce the number of defect PCBAs due to SMA-problems and make the re-sponsibiliies more clear.The action area that was considered most important was increasing the possi-bilities for giving feedback. To make that happen, an information system wasdeveloped. First strategies for development and implementation was formu-lated and after that, the system was developed in Microsoft SharePoint. Thework resulted in the system ReFlex, that will be implemented at Flextronics.ReFlex will give the possibility to make work more efficient in many ways.Thanks to improved feedback possibilities they can now reuse information andtake advantage of prior experiences when starting a new build. The risk ofmaking the same mistake twice will decrease, which will save a lot of timeand thereby increase their capacity. The quality of the processes can also beincreased, since mistakes are more likely to be paid attention to and can therebybe solved faster.</p>

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