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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Psicoterapia breve operacionalizada em gestantes diabéticas 1 com mau controle glicêmico / Operationalized Brief Psychotherapy in diabetic 1 pregnant women with deficient glycemic control

Livia Maria Ramos Batista 10 December 2015 (has links)
O Ministério da Saúde adverte que o Diabetes Mellitus é um problema de saúde pública devido sua alta taxa de prevalência. Estudos demonstram a correlação entre o funcionamento psicodinâmico de pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 e o controle glicêmico. Considerando que o controle glicêmico adequado minimiza os riscos para a mãe, o feto e o futuro bebê, salienta-se a importância de um atendimento psicoterápico na fase gestacional. Contudo, não existem pesquisas sobre Psicoterapia Breve Operacionalizada (PBO) enquanto técnica terapêutica para este tipo de população. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar possibilidades e limites da PBO no atendimento a gestantes portadoras de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) com mau controle glicêmico. A metodologia utilizada para a pesquisa foi o clinico-qualitativo. O estudo envolveu quatro gestantes portadoras de DM1 com mau controle glicêmico. As gestantes foram encaminhadas pela Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, local onde as mesmas são atendidas. Foram utilizados como instrumentos: entrevista clínica psicológica; Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada; e Psicoterapia Breve Operacionalizada. As gestantes que concordaram em participar assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido que após lido e explicado, foi assinado pela pesquisadora e gestante. Foram realizadas duas ou três entrevistas inicias para o diagnóstico adaptativo operacionalizado e planejamento da PBO. O número de sessões utilizadas para PBO foi definido conforme o diagnóstico adaptativo da gestante e sua situação-problema. As entrevistas e as sessões psicoterápicas tiveram duração de 45 minutos e frequência de uma vez por semana. A análise dos resultados foi realizada através da comparação entre o diagnóstico adaptativo operacionalizado realizado antes e depois da PBO. Foi verificado se ocorreu nas gestantes, durante estes períodos, mudanças adaptativas; além da averiguação das alterações no controle glicêmico, antes e após a PBO. A pesquisa expôs que houve mudanças de grupo adaptativo da qual as gestantes pertenciam. Cecília e Beatriz obtiveram melhora no diagnóstico adaptativo. Por intermédio do acompanhamento da evolução do controle glicêmico, pode-se verificar alterações com o decorrer da PBO: a porcentagem de hipoglicemias e hipoglicemias graves melhoraram; as porcentagens de valores alterados e de hiperglicemias, por sua vez, tiveram piora com o decorrer da gravidez, e, mesmo com a PBO, o rigoroso controle alimentar e insulinoterapia, inclusive em internações, foram dificilmente controlados. Das quatro gestantes estudadas duas tiveram crise adaptativa e as soluções encontradas por elas foram satisfatórias. O que pode restringir o processo psicoterapêutico é a transferência negativa persistente, contudo, ela pode ser trabalhada e minimizada. As possibilidades da PBO no atendimento às gestantes com DM1 encontradas na pesquisa foram: melhorar a eficácia da adaptação; auxiliar as pacientes em crise a solucionarem-na sem a queda da eficácia da adaptação; e, possibilitar as pacientes encontrarem soluções mais adequadas para suas situações-problema / The health ministry adverts that Diabetes Mellitus is a public health concern due to its high prevalence rate. Studies demonstrate the existing relation between the psychodynamic functioning of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and the glycemic control. Considering that the adequate glycemic control minimizes risks for the mother, fetus and the future baby, it reinforces the importance of psychotherapeutic treatment during the pregnancy. However, there arent any researches on Operationalized Brief Psychotherapy (OBP) as a therapeutic technique for this kind of population. The aim of the research was to investigate the possibilities and the limits of OBP in the treating of pregnant women with type 1 diabetes mellitus with deficient glycemic control. The methodology used for the research was the clinical-qualitative method. The study involved four pregnant women with DM1 with deficient glycemic control. The women were appointed by the Obstetric Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina from the University of São Paulo, place where they were already being treated. The instruments employed were Psychological Interviews, the Operationalized Adaptive Diagnosis Scale and Operationalized Brief Psychotherapy. The women who agreed to take part in the research signed a consent form that, after read and explained, was then signed by the research agent and the subjects. Two or three initial interviews took place for the Operationalized Adaptive Diagnosis and the planning of the. The number of sessions employed for the OPB was defined in accordance to the adaptive diagnosis of the subject and their problem-situation. The interviews and the psychotherapeutic sessions lasted 45 minutes with the frequency of once a week. The analysis of the results was made through the comparison between the operationalized adaptive diagnosis done before and after the OPB. During these periods, it was verified if there were any adaptive changes in the subjects and, moreover, the analysis of any alterations in the glycemic control before and after the OPB. The research showed that there were changes in the adaptive group to which the subjects belonged. Cecília and Beatriz had an improvement in the adaptive diagnosis. Through the analysis of the evolution of the glycemic control, it was possible to verify alterations during the OPB: the percentage of both hypoglycemia and severe hypoglycemia showed improvement; however, the percentage of altered rates and of hyperglycemia showed a downturn throughout the pregnancy and, even with the OPB, a strict diet control and insulin therapy, including during admissions, were hardly controlled. From the four pregnant women in the study, two of them had an adaptive crisis and the solution found by them was satisfactory. What can restrict the therapeutic process is the persisting negative transference, however, it can be minimized. The possibilities of the OPB in the treatment of pregnant women with DM1 found with the research were: improving the efficiency of the adaptation, assisting patients in crisis to resolve them without losses in adaptation efficiency and, make patients more able to find more adequate solutions to their problem-situations

Implication of mitochondria endoplasmic-reticulum interactions in the control of hepatic metabolism / Implication des interactions mitochondrie-réticulum endoplasmique dans le contrôle du métabolisme hépatique

Theurey, Pierre 16 July 2015 (has links)
Le foie est un organe indispensable dans le contrôle de l'homéostasie énergétique du corps humain. En particulier, le métabolisme hépatique est crucial pour l'homéostasie glucidique et lipidique. Les voies cataboliques et anaboliques sont en équilibre constant et régulées de façon synergique en fonction de la disponibilité en nutriments et de la demande en énergie. La perturbation de cet équilibre, notamment en cas d'obésité, peut conduire à l'accumulation intra-hépatique de lipides, qui est une des causes principales de la survenue de l'insulino-résistance hépatique (IRH), conduisant à l'hyperglycémie chronique et au diabète de type 2 (DT2). La cellule eucaryote est une structure hautement compartimentée, et à ce titre la compartimentalisation des processus cataboliques et anaboliques est une part intégrante de la gestion des voies métaboliques. Dans cet ensemble, la mitochondrie est un organite clef, qui abrite l'oxydation des lipides, le cycle de l'acide citrique (CAC) et la respiration cellulaire. De cette manière, la fonction mitochondriale est un élément crucial dans le maintien de l'état énergétique et d'oxydation-réduction de la cellule dans une gamme physiologique, ainsi que dans la régulation de l'activité du métabolisme du glucose et des lipides pour l'homéostasie du corps entier. La fonction mitochondriale est directement régulée par son interaction avec le réticulum endoplasmique (RE) via des zones de proximité entre les organites appelées Mitochondria-Associated-Endoplasmic-Reticulum-Membranes ou MAM. Dans ce contexte, j'ai participé au cours de mon travail de thèse à une étude qui a montré l'importance des interactions mitochondrie-RE dans la signalisation de l'insuline et mise en lumière la perturbation des MAM comme acteur principal dans l'IRH. De plus, j'ai étudié la régulation des MAM dans le contexte physiologique de la transition nutritionnelle dans le foie sain et insulino-résistant (IR) / The liver is an essential organ in the control of energetic homeostasis of the human body. Particularly, hepatic metabolism is crucial for glucose and lipid homeostasis. Catabolism and anabolism of both substrates are in constant equilibrium and synergically regulated in regard of nutrient availability and energetic demand. Disruption of this equilibrium, especially in the case of obesity, can lead to hepatic accumulation of lipids, which is a major cause of hepatic insulin resistance (HIR) leading to chronic hyperglycaemia and type 2 diabetes (T2D). The eukaryotic cell is a highly compartmented structure, and in this respect compartmentation of anabolic and catabolic processes is an integral part of managing metabolic pathways together. In this context, the mitochondrion is a key organelle, housing oxidation of lipids, the tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and cellular respiration. In this way, mitochondrial function is a crucial element in maintaining energetic and reductionoxidation state of the cell within physiological ranges, as well in regulating the proper activity of glucose and lipid metabolism for the all body homeostasis. Mitochondrial function is directly regulated by its interaction with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) via proximity points between the organelles called Mitochondria-Associated-ER-Membranes (MAM). In this context I have participated during my Ph.D. in a work that has shown the importance of mitochondria-ER interactions in insulin signalling and highlighted MAM disruption as a main actor in HIR. Furthermore, I have studied the regulation of MAM in the physiological context of nutritional transition in the healthy and insulin resistant (IR) liver. Particularly, we have shown that MAM disruption induces impaired insulin signalling, while their reinforcement protects against its appearance and restore insulin sensitivity in lipid-induced IR condition. Moreover, we have pointed out a consistent decrease of MAM quantity in the IR liver of ob/ob, high-fat high-sucrose diet (HFHSD) and Cyclophilin D - knock-out (CypD-KO) mice

Psicoterapia breve operacionalizada em gestantes diabéticas 1 com mau controle glicêmico / Operationalized Brief Psychotherapy in diabetic 1 pregnant women with deficient glycemic control

Batista, Livia Maria Ramos 10 December 2015 (has links)
O Ministério da Saúde adverte que o Diabetes Mellitus é um problema de saúde pública devido sua alta taxa de prevalência. Estudos demonstram a correlação entre o funcionamento psicodinâmico de pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 1 e o controle glicêmico. Considerando que o controle glicêmico adequado minimiza os riscos para a mãe, o feto e o futuro bebê, salienta-se a importância de um atendimento psicoterápico na fase gestacional. Contudo, não existem pesquisas sobre Psicoterapia Breve Operacionalizada (PBO) enquanto técnica terapêutica para este tipo de população. O objetivo da pesquisa foi investigar possibilidades e limites da PBO no atendimento a gestantes portadoras de diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1) com mau controle glicêmico. A metodologia utilizada para a pesquisa foi o clinico-qualitativo. O estudo envolveu quatro gestantes portadoras de DM1 com mau controle glicêmico. As gestantes foram encaminhadas pela Clínica Obstétrica do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, local onde as mesmas são atendidas. Foram utilizados como instrumentos: entrevista clínica psicológica; Escala Diagnóstica Adaptativa Operacionalizada; e Psicoterapia Breve Operacionalizada. As gestantes que concordaram em participar assinaram o Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido que após lido e explicado, foi assinado pela pesquisadora e gestante. Foram realizadas duas ou três entrevistas inicias para o diagnóstico adaptativo operacionalizado e planejamento da PBO. O número de sessões utilizadas para PBO foi definido conforme o diagnóstico adaptativo da gestante e sua situação-problema. As entrevistas e as sessões psicoterápicas tiveram duração de 45 minutos e frequência de uma vez por semana. A análise dos resultados foi realizada através da comparação entre o diagnóstico adaptativo operacionalizado realizado antes e depois da PBO. Foi verificado se ocorreu nas gestantes, durante estes períodos, mudanças adaptativas; além da averiguação das alterações no controle glicêmico, antes e após a PBO. A pesquisa expôs que houve mudanças de grupo adaptativo da qual as gestantes pertenciam. Cecília e Beatriz obtiveram melhora no diagnóstico adaptativo. Por intermédio do acompanhamento da evolução do controle glicêmico, pode-se verificar alterações com o decorrer da PBO: a porcentagem de hipoglicemias e hipoglicemias graves melhoraram; as porcentagens de valores alterados e de hiperglicemias, por sua vez, tiveram piora com o decorrer da gravidez, e, mesmo com a PBO, o rigoroso controle alimentar e insulinoterapia, inclusive em internações, foram dificilmente controlados. Das quatro gestantes estudadas duas tiveram crise adaptativa e as soluções encontradas por elas foram satisfatórias. O que pode restringir o processo psicoterapêutico é a transferência negativa persistente, contudo, ela pode ser trabalhada e minimizada. As possibilidades da PBO no atendimento às gestantes com DM1 encontradas na pesquisa foram: melhorar a eficácia da adaptação; auxiliar as pacientes em crise a solucionarem-na sem a queda da eficácia da adaptação; e, possibilitar as pacientes encontrarem soluções mais adequadas para suas situações-problema / The health ministry adverts that Diabetes Mellitus is a public health concern due to its high prevalence rate. Studies demonstrate the existing relation between the psychodynamic functioning of patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus and the glycemic control. Considering that the adequate glycemic control minimizes risks for the mother, fetus and the future baby, it reinforces the importance of psychotherapeutic treatment during the pregnancy. However, there arent any researches on Operationalized Brief Psychotherapy (OBP) as a therapeutic technique for this kind of population. The aim of the research was to investigate the possibilities and the limits of OBP in the treating of pregnant women with type 1 diabetes mellitus with deficient glycemic control. The methodology used for the research was the clinical-qualitative method. The study involved four pregnant women with DM1 with deficient glycemic control. The women were appointed by the Obstetric Clinic of the Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina from the University of São Paulo, place where they were already being treated. The instruments employed were Psychological Interviews, the Operationalized Adaptive Diagnosis Scale and Operationalized Brief Psychotherapy. The women who agreed to take part in the research signed a consent form that, after read and explained, was then signed by the research agent and the subjects. Two or three initial interviews took place for the Operationalized Adaptive Diagnosis and the planning of the. The number of sessions employed for the OPB was defined in accordance to the adaptive diagnosis of the subject and their problem-situation. The interviews and the psychotherapeutic sessions lasted 45 minutes with the frequency of once a week. The analysis of the results was made through the comparison between the operationalized adaptive diagnosis done before and after the OPB. During these periods, it was verified if there were any adaptive changes in the subjects and, moreover, the analysis of any alterations in the glycemic control before and after the OPB. The research showed that there were changes in the adaptive group to which the subjects belonged. Cecília and Beatriz had an improvement in the adaptive diagnosis. Through the analysis of the evolution of the glycemic control, it was possible to verify alterations during the OPB: the percentage of both hypoglycemia and severe hypoglycemia showed improvement; however, the percentage of altered rates and of hyperglycemia showed a downturn throughout the pregnancy and, even with the OPB, a strict diet control and insulin therapy, including during admissions, were hardly controlled. From the four pregnant women in the study, two of them had an adaptive crisis and the solution found by them was satisfactory. What can restrict the therapeutic process is the persisting negative transference, however, it can be minimized. The possibilities of the OPB in the treatment of pregnant women with DM1 found with the research were: improving the efficiency of the adaptation, assisting patients in crisis to resolve them without losses in adaptation efficiency and, make patients more able to find more adequate solutions to their problem-situations

Avaliação da atividade osteoblástica e osteoclástica em diabéticos tipo 2 em tratamento com pioglitazonas / Evaluation of osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity in type 2 diabetics under treatment with pioglitazone

Himelfarb, Silvia Tchernin 15 August 2008 (has links)
O diabete melito é uma doença metabólica com alta prevalência na população e quando no estado descompensado pode causar diversas complicações metabólicas e clínicas, entre elas a osteoporose. Entretanto, ainda não foram completamente esclarecidos os mecanismos pelos quais o diabete diminui a densidade mineral óssea e aumenta o risco a fraturas. Recentemente foram descritos alguns genes que estão envolvidos no turnover ósseo: OPG, RANK e RANKL. Além disso, o uso de hipoglicemiantes orais como as tiazolidinedionas (TZD), pode influenciar negativamente o metabolismo ósseo. Com a finalidade de identificar marcadores sensíveis de alteração do metabolismo ósseo foram investigadas as relações entre a expressão dos genes OPG, RANK e RANKL em células do sangue periférico e a resposta a TZDs em pacientes com DM2. Foram selecionados 52 indivíduos (36 diabéticos e 16 normoglicêmicos), no Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia. Os indivíduos diabéticos foram tratados com pioglitazona (15, 30 e 45 mg/ dia/ via oral) por 16 semanas. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue, antes e após o tratamento para determinação de exames laboratoriais e extração de RNA total. A expressão de mRNA dos genes OPG, RANK e RANKL foi quantificada e avaliada por RT-PCR em tempo real, empregando-se o GAPD como controle endógeno. Observou-se que nos pacientes DM2 após o tratamento com pioglitazona, houve diminuição da glicemia de jejum, glicemia pós-prandial, insulina, Hb1Ac, índices HOMA-IR e HOMA-β e aumento nas concentrações séricas de HDL, demonstrando a eficácia do tratamento. Ao comparar a expressão dos genes entre o grupo DM2 (sem tratamento) e o grupo normoglicêmico (NG), foi evidenciado um aumento da expressão de OPG no grupo NG em relação ao grupo DM2, e ao analisar a expressão entre as mulheres, constatou-se aumento da expressão de RANK no grupo DM2 em relação ao grupo NG. Além disso, ao correlacionar a expressão dos genes com as dosagens dos parâmetros bioquímicos, constatou-se que o aumento da expressão de RANK e RANKL está relacionado com o aumento das concentrações de cálcio ionizado e diminuição da expressão de OPG. Esses dados sugerem que a atividade osteoclástica está aumentada nos pacientes DM2 e com o tratamento o quadro osteoporótico pode ser agravado. / The diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease with high prevalence in the population and can cause various metabolic and clinic complications, including osteoporosis, when it is decompensated. However, the mechanisms by which diabetes decreases bone mineral density and increases the risk of fractures are not completely clarified. Recently some genes which are involved in bone turnover were described: OPG, RANK and RANKL. Moreover, the treatment using oral hypoglycemic drugs such as thiazolidinediones (TZD), may negatively affect the bone metabolism. In order to identify sensitive markers related to the bone metabolism, were investigated the relationship between the expression of genes OPG, RANK and RANKL in peripheral blood leukocytes and the response to TZDs treatment in patients with DM2. Fifty-two individuals were selected (36 diabetics and 16 normoglycemics) at Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology. Diabetic patients were treated with pioglitazone (15, 30 and 45 mg I day I oral) during 16 weeks. Blood samples were collected for biochemical analyses and total RNA extraction, before and after treatment. Gene expression of the genes OPG, RANK and RANKL in peripheral blood mononuclear cells was evaluated by Real Time PCR, using the GAPD housekeeping gene as the endogenous reference. In DM2 patients after treatment with pioglitazone there was reduction in their fasting glycemia, postprandial glycemia, insulin, Hb1Ac, HOMA-IR and HOMA-β indices, and their serum concentrations of HDL increased, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the treatment. The bone profile markers have not altered after treatment, suggesting an anabolic action of the insulin in bone metabolism of these patients. Normoglycemics (NG) group gene expression, when compared with DM2 group (with no treatment), had increased OPG expression. Besides, RANK expression in group DM2 was higher than NG group when it was analyzed among women. Furthermore, having correlated the expression of the genes with the biochemical parameters data, the increase on RANK and RANKL gene expression is related to increased concentrations of ionized calcium and to decreased expression of OPG gene. These results are suggestive that osteoclastic activity is higher in DM2 patients, the treatment can exacerbate osteoporosis severity and the bone markers does not have enough sensibility to differentiate changes in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

De la gouttelette lipidique aux adipocytes intramusculaires : vers un lien causal avec l'insulino-résistance ? / From lipid droplet to intramuscular adipocytes : towards a causal link with insulin resistance

Laurens, Claire 23 September 2016 (has links)
Mon travail de thèse a été axé sur l'étude du rôle des lipides musculaires dans la régulation du métabolisme énergétique et la sensibilité à l'insuline. Les lipides sont présents sous deux formes au sein du muscle squelettique : soit sous forme d'adipocytes insérés entre les fibres/faisceaux musculaires, soit sous forme de gouttelettes lipidiques à l'intérieur des fibres musculaires (i.e. triglycérides intramyocellulaires ou IMTG). Ces deux dépôts de lipides, lorsqu'ils sont présents en excès, sont associés à la mise en place de l'insulino-résistance musculaire chez l'homme, via l'accumulation intracellulaire d'espèces lipidiques lipotoxiques altérant la signalisation insulinique pour les IMTG, et par un mécanisme inconnu pour les adipocytes. Dans un premier temps, nous avons isolé et mieux caractérisé, à partir de biopsies musculaires humaines, deux populations de cellules progénitrices. La première population présente un potentiel de différenciation myogénique en culture, il s'agit des cellules satellites (cellules progénitrices musculaires). La deuxième population est composée de cellules capables d'acquérir les propriétés phénotypiques et métaboliques d'adipocytes blancs matures, il s'agit des progéniteurs fibro/adipocytaires (FAPs). Grace à ces modèles d'étude, nous avons mis en évidence que les sécrétions des adipocytes dérivés des FAPs sont capables d'altérer la voie de signalisation et les effets de l'insuline sur des fibres musculaires humaines in vitro. Cet effet paracrine pourrait en partie expliquer la corrélation négative observée entre le contenu en adipocytes intramusculaires et la sensibilité à l'insuline chez l'homme. Dans un second temps, nous avons étudié le rôle de deux protéines, G0/G1 Switch Gene 2 (G0S2) et la périlipine 5 (PLIN5), dans la dynamique des gouttelettes lipidiques ainsi que leur impact sur le métabolisme des lipides et la sensibilité à l'insuline. Nous avons montré in vitro que ces deux protéines jouent un rôle clé dans le contrôle de la lipolyse musculaire (i.e. hydrolyse des IMTG) via l'adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL, enzyme limitante de la lipolyse musculaire), et que G0S2 et PLIN5 inhibent l'activité de l'ATGL par des mécanismes directs et indirects, respectivement. Par ailleurs, nos données ont montré que l'invalidation de G0S2 et PLIN5 dans le muscle squelettique active la lipolyse, augmente la lipotoxicité et diminue la sensibilité à l'insuline in vivo chez la souris. Nous avons également démontré un rôle important de PLIN5 dans la régulation de l'oxydation des acides gras en ajustant finement leur disponibilité aux besoins énergétiques des cellules. En résumé, ces travaux démontrent d'une part qu'une communication entre adipocytes et fibres au sein du muscle peut entraîner une altération de la sensibilité à l'insuline musculaire chez l'homme, et d'autre part que G0S2 et PLIN5, deux protéines de la gouttelette lipidique, sont au centre du contrôle de l'homéostasie lipidique et du maintien de l'insulino-sensibilité musculaire. Ces données permettent ainsi d'élargir les connaissances existantes sur le lien entre les lipides musculaires et la sensibilité à l'insuline chez l'homme. / My PhD research work was focused on the role of muscle lipids in the regulation of energy metabolism and insulin sensitivity. Lipids can be found under two different forms in skeletal muscle: adipocytes located between muscle fibers/bundles and lipid droplets inside muscle fibers (i.e. intramyocellular triacylglycerols or IMTG). These depots, when present in excess, have both been associated with insulin-resistance in humans, mainly because of intracellular lipotoxic lipid accumulation known to impair insulin signaling for IMTG, and through a yet unknown mechanism for adipocytes. First, we isolated and characterized two distinct populations of progenitor cells from human muscle biopsies. The first population is composed of satellite cells (muscle progenitor cells) and display a myogenic differentiation potential in vitro. The second population is composed of cells that acquire the phenotypic and metabolic properties of functional white adipocytes, called fibro/adipogenic progenitors (FAPs). By using these cell models, we showed that FAPs-derived adipocytes secretions are able to impair insulin signaling and action in human skeletal muscle fibers in vitro. This paracrine effect could explain, at least partly, the inverse relationship observed between intramuscular adipocyte content and insulin sensitivity in humans. Secondly, we studied the role of two proteins, G0/G1 Switch Gene 2 (G0S2) and perilipin 5 (PLIN5), in lipid droplets dynamics as well as their impact on lipid metabolism and insulin sensitivity. We showed in vitro that these two proteins play a key role in the control of muscle lipolysis (i.e. IMTG hydrolysis) via the adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL, catalyzing the limiting step of muscle lipolysis), and that G0S2 and PLIN5 inhibit ATGL activity through direct and indirect mechanisms, respectively. Furthermore, our data showed that G0S2 and PLIN5 invalidation in vivo in mouse skeletal muscle activates lipolysis, increases lipotoxicity and impairs insulin sensitivity. We have also highlighted an important role for PLIN5 in the regulation of fatty acids oxidation, by finely adjusting their availability to energy demand. Overall, these results clearly show on one hand that a crosstalk between adipocytes and fibers within skeletal muscle can lead to an alteration of insulin sensitivity in humans, and on the other hand that G0S2 and PLIN5, two lipid droplet proteins, play a central role in the control of muscle lipid homeostasis and insulin sensitivity. These data help to develop our current understanding of the link between muscle lipids and insulin sensitivity in humans.

Avaliação da atividade osteoblástica e osteoclástica em diabéticos tipo 2 em tratamento com pioglitazonas / Evaluation of osteoblastic and osteoclastic activity in type 2 diabetics under treatment with pioglitazone

Silvia Tchernin Himelfarb 15 August 2008 (has links)
O diabete melito é uma doença metabólica com alta prevalência na população e quando no estado descompensado pode causar diversas complicações metabólicas e clínicas, entre elas a osteoporose. Entretanto, ainda não foram completamente esclarecidos os mecanismos pelos quais o diabete diminui a densidade mineral óssea e aumenta o risco a fraturas. Recentemente foram descritos alguns genes que estão envolvidos no turnover ósseo: OPG, RANK e RANKL. Além disso, o uso de hipoglicemiantes orais como as tiazolidinedionas (TZD), pode influenciar negativamente o metabolismo ósseo. Com a finalidade de identificar marcadores sensíveis de alteração do metabolismo ósseo foram investigadas as relações entre a expressão dos genes OPG, RANK e RANKL em células do sangue periférico e a resposta a TZDs em pacientes com DM2. Foram selecionados 52 indivíduos (36 diabéticos e 16 normoglicêmicos), no Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia. Os indivíduos diabéticos foram tratados com pioglitazona (15, 30 e 45 mg/ dia/ via oral) por 16 semanas. Foram colhidas amostras de sangue, antes e após o tratamento para determinação de exames laboratoriais e extração de RNA total. A expressão de mRNA dos genes OPG, RANK e RANKL foi quantificada e avaliada por RT-PCR em tempo real, empregando-se o GAPD como controle endógeno. Observou-se que nos pacientes DM2 após o tratamento com pioglitazona, houve diminuição da glicemia de jejum, glicemia pós-prandial, insulina, Hb1Ac, índices HOMA-IR e HOMA-β e aumento nas concentrações séricas de HDL, demonstrando a eficácia do tratamento. Ao comparar a expressão dos genes entre o grupo DM2 (sem tratamento) e o grupo normoglicêmico (NG), foi evidenciado um aumento da expressão de OPG no grupo NG em relação ao grupo DM2, e ao analisar a expressão entre as mulheres, constatou-se aumento da expressão de RANK no grupo DM2 em relação ao grupo NG. Além disso, ao correlacionar a expressão dos genes com as dosagens dos parâmetros bioquímicos, constatou-se que o aumento da expressão de RANK e RANKL está relacionado com o aumento das concentrações de cálcio ionizado e diminuição da expressão de OPG. Esses dados sugerem que a atividade osteoclástica está aumentada nos pacientes DM2 e com o tratamento o quadro osteoporótico pode ser agravado. / The diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease with high prevalence in the population and can cause various metabolic and clinic complications, including osteoporosis, when it is decompensated. However, the mechanisms by which diabetes decreases bone mineral density and increases the risk of fractures are not completely clarified. Recently some genes which are involved in bone turnover were described: OPG, RANK and RANKL. Moreover, the treatment using oral hypoglycemic drugs such as thiazolidinediones (TZD), may negatively affect the bone metabolism. In order to identify sensitive markers related to the bone metabolism, were investigated the relationship between the expression of genes OPG, RANK and RANKL in peripheral blood leukocytes and the response to TZDs treatment in patients with DM2. Fifty-two individuals were selected (36 diabetics and 16 normoglycemics) at Dante Pazzanese Institute of Cardiology. Diabetic patients were treated with pioglitazone (15, 30 and 45 mg I day I oral) during 16 weeks. Blood samples were collected for biochemical analyses and total RNA extraction, before and after treatment. Gene expression of the genes OPG, RANK and RANKL in peripheral blood mononuclear cells was evaluated by Real Time PCR, using the GAPD housekeeping gene as the endogenous reference. In DM2 patients after treatment with pioglitazone there was reduction in their fasting glycemia, postprandial glycemia, insulin, Hb1Ac, HOMA-IR and HOMA-β indices, and their serum concentrations of HDL increased, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the treatment. The bone profile markers have not altered after treatment, suggesting an anabolic action of the insulin in bone metabolism of these patients. Normoglycemics (NG) group gene expression, when compared with DM2 group (with no treatment), had increased OPG expression. Besides, RANK expression in group DM2 was higher than NG group when it was analyzed among women. Furthermore, having correlated the expression of the genes with the biochemical parameters data, the increase on RANK and RANKL gene expression is related to increased concentrations of ionized calcium and to decreased expression of OPG gene. These results are suggestive that osteoclastic activity is higher in DM2 patients, the treatment can exacerbate osteoporosis severity and the bone markers does not have enough sensibility to differentiate changes in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

Régulation de protéine C-réactive vasculaire dans le diabète de type 2

Mugabo, Yves 08 1900 (has links)
Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont la principale cause de mortalité dans les pays occidentaux et représentent une complication majeure du syndrome métabolique. Il est maintenant largement admis que l’athérosclérose est une maladie inflammatoire chronique et que l’inflammation joue un rôle pathogénique majeur dans l’initiation et la progression de la maladie athéromateuse. Il a été démontré qu’une augmentation des niveaux sériques de la protéine c-réactive (CRP), une protéine de la phase aigüe et un important constituant de la réponse immunitaire de type inné, est associée à un risque cardiovasculaire accru. Ainsi, il a été documenté qu’une augmentation de CRP, tant chez les sujets sains que chez les sujets diabétiques, était associée à une augmentation du risque de morbidité et de mortalité cardiovasculaires. De multiples évidences suggèrent que la CRP puisse non seulement constituer un marqueur de risque des maladies cardiovasculaires mais aussi représenter un facteur pro-athérogénique direct. La dysfonction endothéliale représente un des stades les plus précoces du processus athérosclérotique et un rôle de la CRP dans la pathogenèse de la dysfonction endothéliale est postulé. Outre son origine systémique, la CRP est produite dans la lésion athérosclérotique et par diverses cellules vasculaires, dont les cellules endothéliales. Afin d’élucider le rôle de la CRP vasculaire dans l’altération de la fonction endothéliale associée au syndrome métabolique, nous avons étudié la régulation de l’expression endothéliale de la CRP par les acides gras libres (AGL) et le rôle de la CRP endothéliale dans l’inhibition de la synthèse d’oxyde nitrique (NO) par les AGL. Nos résultats démontrent que :1) l’acide palmitique (PA) induit l’expression génique de CRP au niveau de cellules endothéliales aortiques humaines (HAECs) en culture et, augmente, de manière dose-dépendante, l’expression protéique de la CRP; 2) La pré-incubation des HAECs avec des antioxydants et des inhibiteurs de la i) protéine kinase C (PKC), ii) du facteur nucléaire-kappa B, iii) des Janus kinases et des protéines de transduction et de régulation de la transcription et iv) des protéines kinases activées par les mitogènes prévient l’effet stimulant du PA sur l’expression protéique et génique de la CRP; 3) Le traitement des HAECs par le PA induit une augmentation de la production des espèces réactives oxygénées, un effet prévenu par les inhibiteurs de la PKC et par l’AICAR(5-amino-4-imidazole carboxamide 1-β-D-ribofuranoside), un activateur de la protéine kinase activée par l’AMP; 4) L’incubation des HAECs en présence de PA résulte enfin en une diminution de la production basale endothéliale de NO, un effet abrogé par la préincubation de ces cellules avec un anticorps anti-CRP. Dans l’ensemble, ces données démontrent un effet stimulant du PA sur l’expression de la CRP endothéliale via l’activation de kinases et de facteurs de transcription sensibles au stress oxydatif. Ils suggèrent en outre un rôle de la CRP dans la dysfonction endothéliale induite par les AGL. / Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in western countries and the major complication of metabolic syndrome. It is now widely accepted that atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease and that inflammation plays a major pathogenic role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerotic disease. It has been demonstrated that increased serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a protein of the acute phase and a major constituent of the innate immune response, is associated with increased cardiovascular risk and that, in both healthy subjects and diabetic patients, high CRP enhances the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Several evidences suggest that CRP may not only be a cardiovascular risk marker but may also represent a direct pro-atherogenic factor. Endothelial dysfunction is a characteristic feature of early-state atherosclerosis and a role of CRP in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction has been proposed. In addition to its systemic origin, CRP is produced in atherosclerotic lesions and by various vascular cells, including endothelial cells. To elucidate the role of CRP in endothelial dysfunction associated with the metabolic syndrome, we studied the regulation of endothelial CRP expression by free fatty acids (FFA) and the role of endothelial CRP as mediator of the inhibitory effect of FFA on nitric oxide (NO) production. Our results demonstrated that: 1) Palmitic acid (PA) induced CRP gene expression in cultured human arterial endothelial cells (HAECs) and increased CRP protein expression in a dose-dependent manner; 2) Pretreatment of HAECs with antioxidants and inhibitors of i) protein kinase C (PKC), ii) nuclear factor-kappa B, iii) Janus kinase and signal transducer and activator of transcription and iv) mitogen-activated protein kinases prevented the stimulatory effect of PA on CRP protein and gene expression; 3) Treatment of HAECs by PA led to an increased production of reactive oxygen species, an effect prevented by PKC inhibitors and by AICAR (5-amino-4-imidazole carboxamide 1-β-D-ribofuranoside), an AMP- activated protein kinase activator; 4) Decreased production of NO was finally observed in PA-treated HAECs, an effect prevented by preincubating endothelial cells with an anti-CRP. Overall, these data indicate a stimulatory effect of PA on endothelial CRP expression through the activation of oxidative stress-sensitive kinases and transcription factors. They further suggest a role of CRP in FFA-induced endothelial dysfunction.

Validation des effets antidiabétiques de Rhododendron groenlandicum, une plante médicinale des Cri de la Baie James, dans le modèle in vitro et in vivo : élucidation des mécanismes d’action et identification des composés actifs

Ouchfoun, Meriem 12 1900 (has links)
Le diabète est un syndrome métabolique caractérisé par une hyperglycémie chronique due à un défaut de sécrétion de l’insuline, de l’action de l’insuline (sensibilité), ou une combinaison des deux. Plus d'un million de canadiens vivent actuellement avec le diabète. La prévalence de cette maladie est au moins trois fois plus élevée chez les autochtones que dans la population canadienne en général. Notre équipe vise à étudier les effets potentiellement antidiabétiques de certaines plantes médicinales utilisées par les Cris d'Eeyou Istchee (Baie James, Québec) où l’adhérence aux traitements médicamenteux est faible, en partie à cause de la déconnection culturelle de ces derniers. Grâce à une approche ethnobotanique, notre équipe a identifié 17 plantes médicinales utilisées par cette population pour traiter des symptômes du diabète. Parmi ces plantes, l’extrait éthanolique de Rhododendron groenlandicum (Thé du Labrador) a montré un fort potentiel antidiabétique chez plusieurs lignées cellulaires, notamment les adipocytes (3T3-L1). Cette plante induit la différenciation adipocytaire probablement par l’activation du peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR γ). Cette stimulation améliore la résistance à l’insuline et constitue un mécanisme privilégié pour une classe de médicaments antidiabétiques, les thiazolidinediones. Le but de la présente étude est de valider l’efficacité et l’innocuité de R. groenlandicum in vivo, dans un modèle animal de résistance à l’insuline, d’élucider les mécanismes par lesquels cet extrait exerce ses effets antidiabétiques et d’identifier les principes actifs responsables de son activité. L'isolation et l'identification des constituants actifs ont été réalisées à l’aide d'une approche de fractionnement guidé par bioessai; en l'occurrence, l'adipogénèse. Cette approche, réalisée dans la lignée adipocytaire 3T3-L1, a pour but de mesurer leur teneur en triglycérides. Des études in vivo ont été réalisées sur le modèle de souris DIO (diet induced obesity). L'extrait éthanolique du R. groenlandicum a été incorporé à la nourriture grasse (35% d’apport calorique lipidique) à trois doses différentes (125, 250 et 500 mg / kg) sur une période de 8 semaines. Des tissus cibles de l’insuline (foie, muscle squelettique et tissus adipeux) ont été récoltés afin de faire des analyses d’immunobuvardage de type western. La quercétine, la catéchine et l’épicatéchine ont été identifiées comme étant les composés actifs responsables de l'effet antidiabétique du R. groenlandicum. Seules la catéchine et l’épicatéchine activent l’adipogénèse uniquement à forte concentration (125-150 M), tandis que la quercétine l’inhibe. L’étude in vivo a montré que le traitement avec R. groenlandicum chez les souris DIO réduit le gain de poids de 6%, diminue l'hyperglycémie de 13% et l’insulinémie plasmatique de 65% et prévient l’apparition des stéatoses hépatiques (diminution de 42% de triglycéride dans le foie) sans être toxique. Les analyses d’immunobuvardage ont montré que R. groenlandicum stimule la voie de l’insuline via la phosphorylation de l’Akt et a augmenté le contenu protéique en Glut 4 dans les muscles des souris traitées. Par contre, dans le foie, le R. groenlandicum passerait par deux voies différentes, soit la voie insulino-dépendante par l’activation de l’AKT, soit la voie insulino-indépendante par la stimulation de l’AMPK. L’amélioration observée des stéatoses hépatiques chez les souris DIO traitées, a été confirmée par une baisse du facteur de transcription, SREBP-1, impliqué dans la lipogénèse de novo, ainsi qu’une diminution de l’inflammation hépatique (diminution de l’activité d’IKK α/β). En conclusion, l’ensemble de ces résultats soutiennent le potentiel thérapeutique de Rhododendron groenlandicum et de ses composants actifs dans le traitement et la prévention du diabète de type 2. Nous avons validé l'innocuité et l'efficacité de cette plante issue de la médecine traditionnelle Cri, qui pourrait être un traitement alternatif du diabète de type 2 dans une population ayant une faible adhérence au traitement pharmacologique existant. / Diabetes is a metabolic syndrome characterized by chronic hyperglycemia due to a defect in insulin secretion, insulin action (sensitivity), or both. More than one million Canadians are currently living with diabetes. The prevalence of this disease is at least three times higher among indigenous people than in the general Canadian population. Our team studied the potential effects of certain anti-diabetic medicinal plants used by the Cree nation of Eeyou Istchee (James Bay, Quebec) where compliance to western treatment is low due in part to the cultured disconnect of the latter. Using an ethnobotanical approach, we identified 17 medicinal plants used by this population to treat symptoms of diabetes. Among these plants, the ethanol extract of Rhododendron groenlandicum (Labrador Tea) showed strong anti-diabetic potential in several cell lines, including adipocytes (3T3-L1) where it induced differentiation probably by stimulating the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPAR γ). Such stimulation has been shown to improve insulin resistance, a mechanism used by a class of anti-diabetic drugs, the thiazolidinediones. The aim of the present study is to validate the effectiveness and the safety of R. groenlandicum in vivo in a mouse model of insulin resistance, to elucidate the mechanisms by which it exerts its effects and to identify the active principles responsible for its activity. Isolation and identification of active constituents of R. groenlandicum were performed using a fractionation approach guided by the increase of triglyceride content in the adipocyte (3T3-L1). In vivo studies were performed on a DIO (diet induced obesity) mouse model. The ethanolic extract of R. groenlandicum was incorporated into the high fat diet (35% energy derived from lipids) at three different doses (125, 250 and 500 mg / kg) over a period of 8 weeks. Western immunoblot analysis was performed on different tissues (liver, skeletal muscle, adipose tissue) collected at the end of the study. Quercetin, catechin and epicatechin were identified as the active compounds responsible for the anti-diabetic effect of R. groenlandicum. Alone, catechin and epicatechin activate adipogenesis only at high concentrations (125-150 M) while quercetin inhibits it. In vivo, treatment of DIO mice with R. groenlandicum diminished weight gain by 6 %, reduced blood glucose by 13%, insulin plasma by 65% and prevented hepatic steatosis (triglycerides levels decreased by 42%) without significant toxicity. Western blot analysis showed that R. groenlandicum increased Glut 4 protein content in skeletal muscle by activating the insulin dependent pathway implicating Akt. Effects of R. groenlandicum on hepatic steatosis seems to involve both pathways; the insulin dependent Akt and insulin independent AMPK pathways. This correlated with decreased SREBP-1 hepatic content, a transcription factor involved in de novo lipogenesis, and with a reduction of inflammation (decrease in the activity of IKK alpha / beta). Taken together, these results support the therapeutic potential of Rhododendron groenlandicum and its active compounds in the treatment and prevention of type 2 diabetes. We validated the safety and efficacy of this plant from traditional Cree medicine. It could represent an alternative treatment of type 2 diabetes in a population that has a poor compliance to pharmacological treatments.

Ilhotas pancreáticas humanas viáveis para o transplante através do aumento da massa de células e do imunoisolamento com microcápsulas biocompatíveis / Obtention of human pancreatic islets for transplantation through an increase in cell mass and an immunoisolation with biocompatible microcapsules

Campos-Lisbôa, Ana Carolina Vale 06 March 2009 (has links)
O transplante de ilhotas pancreáticas humanas representa uma estratégia promissora para a cura do diabetes mellitus tipo 1 (DM1), mas a aplicação a todos os pacientes diabéticos ainda é impraticável devido à limitada disponibilidade de ilhotas ou células β e à necessidade de utilização de drogas imunossupressoras pelo paciente transplantado. O tratamento com imunossupressores após o transplante de ilhotas pode ser abolido quando se realiza o microencapsulamento das ilhotas pancreáticas. Neste trabalho investigou-se um novo biomaterial, Biodritina® (alginato/sulfato de condroitina) adequado ao microencapsulamento que gelifica na presença de íons de cálcio ou bário. A biocompatibilidade das microcápsulas tem sido avaliada segundo o grau de pureza do alginato utilizado na sua confecção. Amostras de alginato comercial purificado foram analisadas, comprovando-se a presença de impurezas (polifenóis, endotoxinas, proteínas) em níveis elevados, que impedem sua aplicação clínica. Optou-se, portanto pela utilização do alginato comercial ultrapurificado nos experimentos descritos neste trabalho. Das formulações de biomateriais avaliadas, as microcápsulas de bário-Biodritina apresentaram o melhor desempenho em testes de estabilidade físico-química. Estas microcápsulas mantiveram sua morfologia e estabilidade estrutural após permanecerem 30 dias na cavidade peritoneal de camundongos, conforme demonstrado por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV). Análises histológicas mostraram que microcápsulas de bário-Biodritina explantadas, não possuíam adesão celular em sua superfície. Estudos de permeabilidade demonstraram que o tamanho médio dos poros das microcápsulas de bário-Biodritina permite passagem de proteínas de até 70 kDa, enquanto os poros daquelas de cálcio-Biodritina comportam proteínas de até 100 kDa. Experimentos de coResumo | x cultivo de macrófagos peritoneais com ilhotas de rato microencapsuladas demonstraram uma capacidade imunoprotetora maior das microcápsulas de bário-Biodritina em relação às de cálcio- Biodritina, sendo que as primeiras não ativaram os macrófagos. A manutenção da viabilidade e função de ilhotas humanas microencapsuladas com bário-Biodritina foi confirmada através de ensaio funcional in vitro, no qual ilhotas microencapsuladas apresentaram níveis de secreção de insulina idênticos aos de ilhotas nuas. A prova de conceito do biomaterial foi realizada através do implante de ilhotas humanas microencapsuladas em bário-Biodritina em camundongos com DM1 induzido por estreptozotocina. A hiperglicemia desses animais foi corrigida pelo implante por um período superior a 60 dias, durante os quais o teste oral de tolerância à glicose mostrou-se normal, demonstrando completa funcionalidade e eficiência das ilhotas microencapsuladas com bário-Biodritina. Partindo de observações de que animais inoculados com a peçonha do escorpião Tityus serrulatus apresentam nesidioblastose, foi realizado o fracionamento do veneno por HPLC de fase reversa e 24 frações obtidas foram submetidas a ensaios de proliferação celular através da incorporação de 3H-timidina em células de insulinoma de rato RINm5F. Uma dessas frações foi capaz de induzir a proliferação das células RINm5F e quando aplicada a ilhotas humanas isoladas, elevou o índice de secreção de insulina e induziu um aumento da expressão dos mRNAs de insulina e PCNA. Portanto, demonstrou-se que o biomaterial bário-Biodritina possui as características necessárias para microencapsular células/ilhotas com eficiência e que a \"fração ativa\" do veneno do escorpião T. serrulatus induz proliferação de células RINm5F e melhora a secreção de insulina de ilhotas humanas. / Islet transplantation has been proposed as a promising therapeutic strategy for the cure of type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM), however, its application to all diabetic patients is still not possible due to the limited source of islets or β cells and to the need of an immunosuppressive treatment of the recipient to avoid graft rejection. The use of immunosupressors may be abolished when pancreatic islets are microencapsulated prior to transplantation. Here, we investigated the use of a new biomaterial suitable for cell microencapsulation, namely, Biodritin®, composed of alginate and chondroitin sulphate, which is capable of gelation in the presence of barium or calcium ions. Microcapsules biocompatibility has been evaluated according to the purity of the alginate used in its production. Samples of purified commercial alginate were analyzed, but the high levels of contaminants (proteins, endotoxins and polyphenols) detected prevented its use in clinical applications. On the other hand, also commercially available ultrapure alginate fulfills the requirements for this application, therefore, this biomaterial was chosen for our experiments. Among the different biomaterial formulations evaluated, barium-Biodritin microcapsules displayed the best performance in the physico-chemical tests. Scanning electronic microscopy revealed that barium-Biodritin microcapsules maintained their morphology and structural stability after being implanted for 30 days in the peritoneal cavity of mice. No cellular adhesion was detected on the surface of explanted barium-Biodritin microcapsules by histological analysis. Permeability studies determined the medium pore size of barium-Biodritin microcapsules, which allows proteins of up to 70 kDa to pass through the biomaterial, while calcium-Biodritin pores accomodate proteins of up to 100 kDa. Co-culture of peritoneal macrophages with microencapsulated rat islets, revealed a superior immunoprotective capacity of barium-Biodritin microcapsules, which were capable of protecting the islets with no macrophage activation. Microencapsulated and naked human islets presented identical insulin secretion levels upon stimulation with glucose in vitro, confirming that barium-Biodritin microencapsulation maintains the function and viability of human islets. Proof-of-concept experiments in which barium-Biodritin microencapsulated human islets were implanted into chemically-induced diabetic mice, showed that these animals maintained normal blood glucose levels for more than 60 days, during which oral glucose tolerance tests were normal, demonstrating the complete functionality and efficiency of barium-Biodritin microencapsulated human islets. From the observation that animals inoculated with the venom of the scorpion Tityus serrulatus presented nesidioblastosis, we decided to fractionate the venom to isolate the active principle. The venom was fractionated by reversed phase HPLC and 24 fractions were obtained and submitted to cellular proliferation assays, in which rat insulinoma RINm5F cells evaluated for 3H-timidina incorporation. One of these fractions was capable of inducing cell proliferation and was also applied to isolated human islets. Treated islets presented a higher insulin secretion index and an increase in insulin and PCNA mRNA expression. In conclusion, we demonstrated that the barium-Biodritin biomaterial possesses all characteristics required for efficient cell/islet microencapsulation and that the active fraction of Tityus serrulatus venom induces the proliferation of RINm5F cells and improves insulin secretion in human islets.

Régulation de protéine C-réactive vasculaire dans le diabète de type 2

Mugabo, Yves 08 1900 (has links)
Les maladies cardiovasculaires sont la principale cause de mortalité dans les pays occidentaux et représentent une complication majeure du syndrome métabolique. Il est maintenant largement admis que l’athérosclérose est une maladie inflammatoire chronique et que l’inflammation joue un rôle pathogénique majeur dans l’initiation et la progression de la maladie athéromateuse. Il a été démontré qu’une augmentation des niveaux sériques de la protéine c-réactive (CRP), une protéine de la phase aigüe et un important constituant de la réponse immunitaire de type inné, est associée à un risque cardiovasculaire accru. Ainsi, il a été documenté qu’une augmentation de CRP, tant chez les sujets sains que chez les sujets diabétiques, était associée à une augmentation du risque de morbidité et de mortalité cardiovasculaires. De multiples évidences suggèrent que la CRP puisse non seulement constituer un marqueur de risque des maladies cardiovasculaires mais aussi représenter un facteur pro-athérogénique direct. La dysfonction endothéliale représente un des stades les plus précoces du processus athérosclérotique et un rôle de la CRP dans la pathogenèse de la dysfonction endothéliale est postulé. Outre son origine systémique, la CRP est produite dans la lésion athérosclérotique et par diverses cellules vasculaires, dont les cellules endothéliales. Afin d’élucider le rôle de la CRP vasculaire dans l’altération de la fonction endothéliale associée au syndrome métabolique, nous avons étudié la régulation de l’expression endothéliale de la CRP par les acides gras libres (AGL) et le rôle de la CRP endothéliale dans l’inhibition de la synthèse d’oxyde nitrique (NO) par les AGL. Nos résultats démontrent que :1) l’acide palmitique (PA) induit l’expression génique de CRP au niveau de cellules endothéliales aortiques humaines (HAECs) en culture et, augmente, de manière dose-dépendante, l’expression protéique de la CRP; 2) La pré-incubation des HAECs avec des antioxydants et des inhibiteurs de la i) protéine kinase C (PKC), ii) du facteur nucléaire-kappa B, iii) des Janus kinases et des protéines de transduction et de régulation de la transcription et iv) des protéines kinases activées par les mitogènes prévient l’effet stimulant du PA sur l’expression protéique et génique de la CRP; 3) Le traitement des HAECs par le PA induit une augmentation de la production des espèces réactives oxygénées, un effet prévenu par les inhibiteurs de la PKC et par l’AICAR(5-amino-4-imidazole carboxamide 1-β-D-ribofuranoside), un activateur de la protéine kinase activée par l’AMP; 4) L’incubation des HAECs en présence de PA résulte enfin en une diminution de la production basale endothéliale de NO, un effet abrogé par la préincubation de ces cellules avec un anticorps anti-CRP. Dans l’ensemble, ces données démontrent un effet stimulant du PA sur l’expression de la CRP endothéliale via l’activation de kinases et de facteurs de transcription sensibles au stress oxydatif. Ils suggèrent en outre un rôle de la CRP dans la dysfonction endothéliale induite par les AGL. / Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in western countries and the major complication of metabolic syndrome. It is now widely accepted that atherosclerosis is a chronic inflammatory disease and that inflammation plays a major pathogenic role in the initiation and progression of atherosclerotic disease. It has been demonstrated that increased serum levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a protein of the acute phase and a major constituent of the innate immune response, is associated with increased cardiovascular risk and that, in both healthy subjects and diabetic patients, high CRP enhances the risk of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. Several evidences suggest that CRP may not only be a cardiovascular risk marker but may also represent a direct pro-atherogenic factor. Endothelial dysfunction is a characteristic feature of early-state atherosclerosis and a role of CRP in the pathogenesis of endothelial dysfunction has been proposed. In addition to its systemic origin, CRP is produced in atherosclerotic lesions and by various vascular cells, including endothelial cells. To elucidate the role of CRP in endothelial dysfunction associated with the metabolic syndrome, we studied the regulation of endothelial CRP expression by free fatty acids (FFA) and the role of endothelial CRP as mediator of the inhibitory effect of FFA on nitric oxide (NO) production. Our results demonstrated that: 1) Palmitic acid (PA) induced CRP gene expression in cultured human arterial endothelial cells (HAECs) and increased CRP protein expression in a dose-dependent manner; 2) Pretreatment of HAECs with antioxidants and inhibitors of i) protein kinase C (PKC), ii) nuclear factor-kappa B, iii) Janus kinase and signal transducer and activator of transcription and iv) mitogen-activated protein kinases prevented the stimulatory effect of PA on CRP protein and gene expression; 3) Treatment of HAECs by PA led to an increased production of reactive oxygen species, an effect prevented by PKC inhibitors and by AICAR (5-amino-4-imidazole carboxamide 1-β-D-ribofuranoside), an AMP- activated protein kinase activator; 4) Decreased production of NO was finally observed in PA-treated HAECs, an effect prevented by preincubating endothelial cells with an anti-CRP. Overall, these data indicate a stimulatory effect of PA on endothelial CRP expression through the activation of oxidative stress-sensitive kinases and transcription factors. They further suggest a role of CRP in FFA-induced endothelial dysfunction.

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