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Migračná kríza v Európe a implikácie vyplývajúce pre štát blahobytu: Švédsko / The migration crisis in Europe and subsequent implications for Swedish welfare stateLacková, Dominika January 2015 (has links)
In general, migration is one of the most important global challenges. The topic of regulating migration flows came to the fore in relation to the current Europe's migration, or more precisely, refugee crisis. It has been described as the most massive migrant's crisis since the WW2. Unprecedented influx of immigrants and refugees in 2015 resulted in that even the best prepared European countries, such as Sweden, have reached a tipping point with regard to respect EU standards related to reception and processing of asylum applications. Master thesis covered two main analyses - the relevance of the refugee crisis in the EU in regards to the Swedish welfare state and the subsequent implications arising from the refugee crisis for the Swedish welfare state.
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Socioekonomické aspekty integrace cizinců v Německu / Socioeconomic aspects of the integration of immigrants in GermanyNěmejc, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
In the last decade, integration of immigrants into the German society has become a major topic in both political and public discussion in Germany. The goal of this paper is to analyze the current state of the main socioeconomic fields of integration in Germany and evaluate the successfulness of government's integration policy. The first chapter of the paper explains the significance of integration and its general principles on the background of selected cultural and economic theories and studies. The second chapter focuses on the historic foundations of integration specific for Germany with an emphasis on the post-war development. The third chapter is dedicated to the analysis of the situation in the main fields of integration and integration policy, i.e. the related legislation, education and working life of immigrants. The analysis makes use of case studies and information acquired during personal interviews with experts on integration.
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Imigrační politika a pracovní migrace v Ruské federaci: případ Petrohradu / Immigration policy and labor migration in the Russian Federation: the case of St. PetersburgMayorova, Natalia January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the problem of legal and illegal labor migration in the Russian Federation, both at federal and local levels, namely in St. Petersburg. The thesis has two main objectives and firstly focuses on the federal level. There it attempts to map current migration trends in the Russian Federation with an emphasis on labor migration, its legislation and rights and the status of working migrants in Russian society. It examines the development of migration policy of the Russian Federation from the collapse of the Soviet Union to the present towards a particular group of people. The author of this thesis tries to analyze it critically and to evaluate the effectiveness and the adequacy of taken measures. In order to fulfill the first objective, some additional questions were put. An integral part of the thesis is an analysis of the integration policy of the Russian Federation vis-à-vis working migrants and problems faced by labor migrants on Russian territory. The second objective is to monitor development and current migration situation in the second largest city of the Russian Federation - St. Petersburg. This is a case study, where the emphasis is placed on labor migration and the way how the amendments to federal immigration laws affect the situation in the regions.
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Rettungsszenarien im Widerstreit- / massenmediale Herausforderungen und feministische Positionierungen zum Thema Islam im deutsch-niederländischen Vergleich / Antagonistic Rescue Scenarios - / A Comparison of German and Dutch Feminist Discourses on Islam in the Context of Mass MediaMarx, Daniela 23 July 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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Švédsko a evropská integrace v bezpečnostní sféře / Sweden and European Integration in the Field of SecurityBurda, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The thesis "Sweden and European Integration in the Field of Security" deals with the Swedish role in the military dimension of the EU"s Common Security Policy. The thesis applies the concept of "Integration Dilemma" that forms the basis of the theory of national integration policy formulated by Nikolaj Petersen. The thesis draws on Petersen"s premise that all states involved in integration sooner or later experience an integration dilemma constituted by difficult choices between preserving autonomy and exercising influence on other participants. According to Petersen the salience of the integration dilemma differs among states depending on their influence capability, stress sensitivity and degree of identification with ideological sources of integration. Petersen argues that to handle the dilemma, national governments will most likely use adaptive strategies typical for the "balancing policy" mode. Petersen also predicts that countries characterised by high stress sensitivity, limited influence capability and aloofness from the ethos of European integration will perceive the dilemma as highly salient. Petersen assumes that integration policies of those countries will also include strategies characteristic for the "acquiescent" or "quiescent" mode. Petersen"s hypotheses are tested in the analysis of...
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Islam und Integrationspolitik deutscher Bundesregierungen nach dem 11. September 2001 / eine Politikfeldanalyse der ersten Deutschen Islam Konferenz und ihrer Implikationen für die nationale IntegrationspolitikKlinge, Marcel 22 June 2012 (has links)
Bei der dieser Studie handelt es sich um eine sozialwissenschaftliche Untersuchung der ersten Deutschen Islam Konferenz (DIK). Ausgangspunkt der Analyse ist die Beobachtung, dass sich der deutsche Integrationsdiskurs trotz des seit 2006 intensivierten Dialogs zwischen Staat und muslimischen Repräsentanten weiterhin als kontrovers darstellt und eine Reihe von integrationspolitischen Problemfeldern ungelöst sind. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht die Abhandlung die Funktion und Reichweite der DIK und ihre Implikationen für die Integrationspolitik in Deutschland. Die Betrachtung nimmt außerdem eine Einordnung der Islam Konferenz in die Integrationspolitik deutscher Bundesregierungen im Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2009 vor und ermöglicht es damit nicht nur, spezifische Policy-Charakteristika der Einrichtung zu identifizieren, sondern ebenso ihre Rolle im politischen Gesamtkontext unter Einbeziehung der islamistischen Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001 zu erfassen. Die Betrachtung der ersten Islam Konferenz ist methodisch als quantitative Einzel-fallstudie konzipiert und hat mehrere Adressaten: die politischen Akteure, die autochthone deutsche Gesellschaft als auch die muslimische Gemeinschaft. Als Analysegrundlage fungieren neben einer detaillierten Dokumentenanalyse zwölf Expertenbefragungen mit Teil-nehmern und Beobachtern der DIK. Für die Untersuchung und Bewertung des Konferenzre-sultate kommen die Auswertungskategorien des akteurzentrierten Institutionalismus zum Einsatz, der den theoretisch-analytischen Bezugsrahmen der Studie bildet. Die zentralen Ergebnisse und Befunde der Untersuchung werden in Form von sieben zusammenfassenden Thesen dargestellt. Hierbei wird ein durchweg ambivalentes Bild des dreijährigen Dialogprozesses gezeichnet. / The present study is a social science-focussed research paper on the first German Islam Conference (DIK). The starting point of the analysis is the observation that the recent German integration discourse is still controversial and that a series of integration problems remain unresolved – despite the intensified dialogue between the national government and Muslim representatives. Against this background, the study analyses the function and scope of the DIK as well as its implications on Germany''s integration policy. The investigation reviews the Islam Conference in the context of the integration policy of the German Federal government in the period from 1998 to 2009, identifies specific policy characteristics of the institution, and evaluates the conference within the overall political context, including the Islamist terrorist attacks of September 11th, 2001. Form a methodical point of view, this analysation of the first Islam Conference is considered a quantitative individual case study addressed towards: the political actors, the autochthonous German society as well as towards the Muslim community. Apart from a detailed document analysis, the study is based upon twelve expert interviews among DIK participants and observers. For researching and evaluating the conference’s results, the evaluation categories of actor-centered institutionalism are used, which provides the theoretical and analytical framework of the study. The study''s crucial results and findings are represented in the form of seven summarizing theses. Here, a consistently ambivalent picture of the three-year dialogue process is drawn.
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Migration et accès au marché du: les effets émancipateurs sur la condition des femmes issues de l'immigration / Immigration and access to the labour market: effects on women migrant emancipationOuali, Nouria 10 September 2008 (has links)
La thèse a pour objet l'émancipation des femmes issues de l'immigration. Elle propose d'évaluer les effets de la migration et de l'accès au marché du travail sur l'émancipation des filles de migrantes d'origine marocaine en Belgique francophone.<p>L'étude tente d'abord de mettre en lumière le rôle des femmes immigrées dans l'histoire de la Belgique en le ré-articulant à l'histoire sociale, l'histoire des femmes et l'histoire de l'immigration. Ensuite, elle montre que l'approche dominante des travaux sur les migrations ne prend pas en compte la dimension du genre, ce qui a pour conséquence de masquer la différenciation des expériences migratoires selon le sexe. Enfin, elle replace l'analyse du statut des femmes immigrées et de leurs descendantes dans la complexité des rapports sociaux de sexe, de race et de classe afin de mieux rendre compte des réalités concrètes et de sortir du simplisme des approches culturalistes.<p>La thèse développe une analyse des politiques d'intégration (politiques éducative, de l'emploi et de lutte contre les discriminations) visant l'émancipation des immigrées et en évalue l'impact sur les filles de migrant-es d'origine marocaine. Elle présente enfin les trajectoires individuelles des filles de migrant.es marocain.es et examine les facteurs individuels et collectifs favorisant leur émancipation.<p> / Doctorat en sciences sociales, Orientation sociologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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La politisation des partis à caractère ethnique dans les pays postcommunistes d’Europe Centrale et Orientale : une comparaison des trajectoires de la Bulgarie, la Serbie, le Monténégro et le Kosovo / The politicization of ethnic parties in post-communist countries of Central and Eastern Europe : a comparison of the trajectories of Bulgaria, Serbia, Montenegro and KosovoBa, Oumar 12 December 2013 (has links)
Les révolutions de l’Est ont induit la fragmentation des Etats qui s’est accompagnée, sur le plan interne par une renaissance des partis ethniques ; ce qui ne va pas sans poser de problèmes à la démocratie politique. Les transitions et a fortiori les consolidations démocratiques font émerger un double phénomène d’interaction entre les acteurs et le système, dans la recherche d’un nouvel équilibre. Les partis ethniques se politisent alors que le système s’ouvre à l’acteur ethnique. On assiste donc à un réajustement évolutif du système devant la nouvelle donne. Le système s’ouvre aux nouvelles demandes à caractère ethnique de différentes façons et à différents degrés : entre la légalisation et la tolérance. Côté acteurs, les partis ethniques rentrent progressivement dans le jeu politique ; de différentes façons et à différents degrés. Dans notre champ problématique les relations interactives se déploient entre acteurs multi-niveaux (partis-Etats) et dans les divers champs (politique, sociétal et juridique). Leurs connexions sont croisées entre l’espace étatique et internationale, public et civil, politique et sociétal ; avec les Etats d’accueil ou d’origine, mais aussi, les Etats-tiers. Ils sont à velléités indépendantistes ou simplement des lobbies politiques. Nous avons essayé de mettre en lumière les principaux aspects de la complexité de la question ethnique dans les jeunes démocraties politiques ‘‘en consolidation’’. La problématique ethnique des PECO peut-elle nous aider à compléter en actualisant certaines visions généralistes des sciences politiques ? Les acteurs impliqués sont ainsi invités à éviter les pièges des nationalismes perçus comme ‘‘mesquins’’, voire ‘‘chaotiques’’ tout en servant la cause d’une plus souple intégration politique alias la ‘‘paix démocratique’’. / The revolutions of Eastern induced fragmentation of States were accompanied internally by a revival of ethnic parties, which is not without its problems in political democracy. Transitions and even more democratic consolidation are emerging a double phenomenon of interaction between actors and the system in search of a new equilibrium. Ethnic parties then politicize the system opens the ethnic actor. We are witnessing an evolutionary adjustment of the system to the new situation. The system opens to the new demands ethnic ways and to different degrees: between legalization and tolerance. Side actors, are gradually returning ethnic parties in the political game, in different ways and to different degrees. In our problem the field deploy interactive relationships between multi-level actors (parties-States) and in the various fields (political, societal and legal). Their connections are crossed between the State and international space, public and civil, political and social, with host countries or origin, but also the third States. They are separatist ambitions or simply political lobbies. We tried to highlight the main aspects of the complexity of the ethnic issue in young democracies political '' in consolidation ''. The ethnic problem of CEEC can help us to complete updating some general visions of political science? The actors involved are invited to avoid the pitfalls of nationalism perceived as '' petty '' or '' chaotic '' while serving the cause of a more flexible policy integration to the ‘‘democratic peace’’.
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Vliv imigrační a integrační politiky na podmínky života cizinců ze třetích zemí žijících v České republice / The influence of the immigration and the integration policy on the living conditions of third-country nationals living in the Czech RepublicZELENKOVÁ, Barbora January 2013 (has links)
The work deals with the impact of immigration and integration policies on the living conditions of third-country nationals in the country. It is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part defines related terms and types of migration. Further describes the causes and effects of migration in the economic, social and demographic. This work also introduces the current migration theories. The work also reflects the integration and integration policy of the state to receive and foreigners living in the Czech Republic. The thesis introduces the living conditions of foreigners living in the Czech Republic, with their position in the labor market, with their terms of health and social security. The work is also given view of immigration and immigration policy, Christian social ethics. The practical part of the thesis research by talking to strangers, employees of the state administration and employers who employ foreigners and thus actively contribute to the successful integration of foreigners into Czech society, to verify the facts mentioned in the theoretical part, the search for the causes of these facts, respectively. possible solutions.
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