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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La fin de carrière en Belgique. Analyse des facteurs déterminant les départs volontaires. Analyse des solutions.

Bertrand, Francoise 05 May 2010 (has links)
Lintérêt pour le maintien dans lemploi des travailleurs âgés est de plus en plus présent dans les préoccupations politiques européenne et belge en particulier. Nous nous sommes penchés sur les raisons qui poussent les travailleurs à vouloir quitter volontairement leur entreprise, cest-à-dire les facteurs expliquant lintention de quitter. Notre but était didentifier pourquoi les plus âgés décident de prendre leur retraite prématurément, mais aussi ce qui les différencie des plus jeunes ayant envie de changer dentreprise. Suite à une étude exploratoire sur une population denseignants âgés, nous nous sommes intéressés à une population plus large, composée de 1772 travailleurs appartenant à 11 entreprises de différents secteurs dactivités. Ensuite, nous avons cherché à identifier des pistes de solutions au départ anticipé des employés et cadres dune entreprise spécialisée dans les produits de santé. Suite à une phase diagnostique, soit lenquête à large échelle sur les 1772 travailleurs (évaluation des niveaux de stress, de lintention de quitter et des facteurs dinsatisfaction), vingt travailleurs dune des 11 entreprises ont été interviewés afin didentifier quelles solutions ils suggèrent par rapport aux différents problèmes soulevés dans lenquête préalable. Un questionnaire exploratoire rempli en fin dinterview permet de mesurer lavis des travailleurs par rapport aux différentes solutions suggérées dans la littérature. En dautres termes, nous cherchions à voir si les solutions souhaitées concernent la gestion du changement, la revalorisation ou les conditions de travail. Il sagit donc dune investigation exploratoire. Une dernière étude visait à généraliser les résultats issus de la précédente. En effet, sur base de la grille dentretien et des résultats obtenus, un questionnaire à large échelle a pu être mis au point. Différents secteurs dactivités étaient ici concernés et la population choisie était le groupe des travailleurs âgés uniquement. Finalement, les implications de ce travail pour le futur rejoignent tout à fait les conclusions du small group meeting on Aging and Work qui sest déroulé à Tilburg en Janvier 2007 (Shalk, 2009). En effet, dans nos études, comme dans la plupart des études, peu de différences sont constatées entre les âges. Cela est en contradiction avec les attitudes stéréotypées des employeurs à lheure actuelle. On compte trois implications pour les chercheurs et les praticiens en ressources humaines. Premièrement, il faut promouvoir une égalité entre les âges jusquà preuve du contraire et ainsi lutter contre les stéréotypes et discriminations à légard des plus âgés. Deuxièmement, on sait dorénavant que les pratiques RH doivent concerner toutes les classes dâges et quil faut adopter une perspective de gestion des âges. Troisièmement, on remarque limportance dune perspective life-span, considérant la diversité individuelle dans le groupe des plus âgés et lexpérience de vie plutôt que de considérer uniquement lâge chronologique comme critère. Au-delà des différentes recherches scientifiques possibles sur les causes de départs ou les stimulants, il faut encourager chaque entreprise à mener son propre diagnostic afin de mettre en place les actions les plus efficaces mais en se focalisant sur limportance du développement professionnel et la communication et pas ou plus seulement sur les conditions temporelles ou matérielles de travail.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder : circles of healing, transformation and reconciliation, Ke-ge-na-thee-tum-we-in

Mitten, H. Rae 24 August 2011
The Ph.D. dissertation encompasses an interdisciplinary study exploring qualitative, holistic strategies for individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in integrated areas of law, medicine, education, psychology and justice, through both inductive analysis of field research as well as through relevant documentary analysis, incorporating a global or comparative component. Compliance with Guidelines for Research Involving Aboriginal Peoples has been sustained through community partnerships with various First Nations and Métis Communities, Elders and Parents, as well as with an FASD Parental Advocacy Group, advised by a team of interdisciplinary researchers in the academy. Accordingly, emergent research protocols were co-constructed through ongoing collaboration with the various community partners. In Aboriginal research, it is essential not to parachute in and out of communities with the data, but rather to forge genuine, collaborative, long term partnerships, and to build capacity in those communities.<p> The dissertation format approved by the Student Advisory Committee is Manuscript Style, a format approved by the University of Saskatchewans College of Graduate Studies and Research (formerly referred to as X-Format) similar to a self-edited book or collection of articles with introduction, sub-text, intra-text and general discussion to link the manuscripts. The various manuscripts comprising the present thesis include:<p> 1.Framing the Research Anthology: A Vision Quest, Ékehohksimoht Ke-kiss-see Muya<p> Section One situates the research style, process, approach, substance and rationale of the dissertation. It is largely situated within holistic Indigenous epistemologies, which may require a paradigm shift, in contrast to more bounded western world views.<p> Interdisciplinary, holistic, community-based research on the topic of FASD, including a search for solutions, extends globally, across the lifespan, and across sectors.<p> II. Indigenous Disadvantage and Despair, An Evaluation of Recent Strategies and Alternatives: Healing and Transformation, Pluralism and Reconciliation, Ne wah kuma ka tik<p> Section Two explores historical and contextual factors leading to a high prevalence of FASD, as well as strategies to overcome disadvantage, including Reconciliation, Treaty Processes, and Research as Reconciliation. Local Narratives are privileged over Meta-narratives, to counter the power of global market forces usurping the sphere of family, community and culture.<p> III. Disjunctures and Discontinuities in the Law of Mental Intent: FASD as a Site of Resistance and Transformation, Esquiskuit<p> Section Three examines the disconnect between medical knowledge of FASD, on the one hand, and the Laws of Mental Intent, on the other, inspiring a search for a unified, integrated theory of mental disorder and criminal responsibility that takes into account modern neurocognitive conditions like FASD. Section Three further explores the present piecemeal and compartmentalized rules for fitness, responsibility, various levels of mental intent, and a resultant rationale, substance and process of law reform and systemic change.<p> IV. FASD and Holistic Literacies: A Talking or Sharing Circle, Wa-sa-cam-e-be-ke-skue<p> Section Fours inductive themes comprise model practice guidelines for the gestalt of Literacy and FASD, derived from inductive analysis of qualitative data collected in the field research. The data was collected using Sharing Circles with Aboriginal Elders, Parents, and Mentors of Individuals with FASD; Conversational Interviews with Parents and Children with FASD; as well as Interviews and Focus Groups with various Professionals who support individuals with FASD and their Families. Special protocols were followed in creating and participating in the Indigenous Research, Sharing Circles and Conversational Interviews. Meta-paradigmatic analysis situates Indigenous Research Methodologies among emerging, multi-disciplinary, inductive methodologies suitable for understanding the infinite complexity of natural phenomena, such as FASD.<p> V. Epilogue: An Honour Song, Kethou-ne-ka-mon<p> Circles of healing, transformation and reconciliation heal wounds, reconcile differences, and transform paradigms of justice, health, education and governance, through the incorporation of models of equitable, holistic relationships with one another and with Mother Earth. Multidisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, dialogues between local and global, and particular and universal, become matrices to support new paradigms embodying broader reflections of reality.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder : circles of healing, transformation and reconciliation, Ke-ge-na-thee-tum-we-in

Mitten, H. Rae 24 August 2011 (has links)
The Ph.D. dissertation encompasses an interdisciplinary study exploring qualitative, holistic strategies for individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) in integrated areas of law, medicine, education, psychology and justice, through both inductive analysis of field research as well as through relevant documentary analysis, incorporating a global or comparative component. Compliance with Guidelines for Research Involving Aboriginal Peoples has been sustained through community partnerships with various First Nations and Métis Communities, Elders and Parents, as well as with an FASD Parental Advocacy Group, advised by a team of interdisciplinary researchers in the academy. Accordingly, emergent research protocols were co-constructed through ongoing collaboration with the various community partners. In Aboriginal research, it is essential not to parachute in and out of communities with the data, but rather to forge genuine, collaborative, long term partnerships, and to build capacity in those communities.<p> The dissertation format approved by the Student Advisory Committee is Manuscript Style, a format approved by the University of Saskatchewans College of Graduate Studies and Research (formerly referred to as X-Format) similar to a self-edited book or collection of articles with introduction, sub-text, intra-text and general discussion to link the manuscripts. The various manuscripts comprising the present thesis include:<p> 1.Framing the Research Anthology: A Vision Quest, Ékehohksimoht Ke-kiss-see Muya<p> Section One situates the research style, process, approach, substance and rationale of the dissertation. It is largely situated within holistic Indigenous epistemologies, which may require a paradigm shift, in contrast to more bounded western world views.<p> Interdisciplinary, holistic, community-based research on the topic of FASD, including a search for solutions, extends globally, across the lifespan, and across sectors.<p> II. Indigenous Disadvantage and Despair, An Evaluation of Recent Strategies and Alternatives: Healing and Transformation, Pluralism and Reconciliation, Ne wah kuma ka tik<p> Section Two explores historical and contextual factors leading to a high prevalence of FASD, as well as strategies to overcome disadvantage, including Reconciliation, Treaty Processes, and Research as Reconciliation. Local Narratives are privileged over Meta-narratives, to counter the power of global market forces usurping the sphere of family, community and culture.<p> III. Disjunctures and Discontinuities in the Law of Mental Intent: FASD as a Site of Resistance and Transformation, Esquiskuit<p> Section Three examines the disconnect between medical knowledge of FASD, on the one hand, and the Laws of Mental Intent, on the other, inspiring a search for a unified, integrated theory of mental disorder and criminal responsibility that takes into account modern neurocognitive conditions like FASD. Section Three further explores the present piecemeal and compartmentalized rules for fitness, responsibility, various levels of mental intent, and a resultant rationale, substance and process of law reform and systemic change.<p> IV. FASD and Holistic Literacies: A Talking or Sharing Circle, Wa-sa-cam-e-be-ke-skue<p> Section Fours inductive themes comprise model practice guidelines for the gestalt of Literacy and FASD, derived from inductive analysis of qualitative data collected in the field research. The data was collected using Sharing Circles with Aboriginal Elders, Parents, and Mentors of Individuals with FASD; Conversational Interviews with Parents and Children with FASD; as well as Interviews and Focus Groups with various Professionals who support individuals with FASD and their Families. Special protocols were followed in creating and participating in the Indigenous Research, Sharing Circles and Conversational Interviews. Meta-paradigmatic analysis situates Indigenous Research Methodologies among emerging, multi-disciplinary, inductive methodologies suitable for understanding the infinite complexity of natural phenomena, such as FASD.<p> V. Epilogue: An Honour Song, Kethou-ne-ka-mon<p> Circles of healing, transformation and reconciliation heal wounds, reconcile differences, and transform paradigms of justice, health, education and governance, through the incorporation of models of equitable, holistic relationships with one another and with Mother Earth. Multidisciplinary and cross-cultural perspectives, dialogues between local and global, and particular and universal, become matrices to support new paradigms embodying broader reflections of reality.

An Examination of Online Volunteers' Organizational and Work-Group Identification and Intent to Leave: A Case Study of OCEF

Huang, Wei 01 August 2013 (has links)
This study examined the relationships among organizational identification,work-group identification and intent to leave of online volunteers in a nonprofit organization—OCEF. A total of 245 participants completed the online questionnaire. Consonant with previous research findings, organizational identification and work-group identification has positive relationships; however, the hypothesis that both organizational identification and work-group identification negatively predict intent to leave of online volunteers was not supported in the present study. Furthermore, the level of organizational identification and work-group identification of online volunteers were high, but did not have difference in this study.

Internationella bolagsförvärv och fusioner : – Innebörden av ett Letter of Intent

Wangson, Niklas January 2009 (has links)
Dagens affärsklimat ställer höga krav på bolag beträffande strategiska val på en allt mer globaliserad marknad. I uppsatsen föreslås att denna eskalerande globalisering kan vara associerad med bolagens framgång. Internationella bolagsförvärv och fusioner samt de initiala avsiktsdeklarationer som förkommer vid dessa transaktioner blir då centrala faktorer att beakta för bolagen, i sökandet efter förbättrade resultat. Baserat på detta skildrar uppsatsen innebörden av en initial avsiktsdeklaration, närmare bestämt ett Letter of Intent (LOI). Uppsatsen belyser innebörden av ett LOI ur ett strukturellt, juridiskt och praktiskt perspektiv. Den strukturella och praktiska innebörden av ett LOI återges genom två, för uppsatsen, exklusiva undersökningar. Den första undersökande delen beskriver strukturen för ett LOI genom att betrakta praktiska exempel som använts, vid bolagsförvärv och fusioner, i publika aktiebolag. Resultatet visar att strukturen samt de klausuler som ingår i ett LOI till viss del varierar. Oräknat det återfinns generaliserat, i undersökningen, följande klausuler i ett LOI: Bakgrund, Syfte, Villkor, Förbehåll, Sekretess, Exklusivitet, Due Diligence (DD), Tidplan, Avslut, Ersättning, Lagval samt Skiljedom. Den andra undersökande delen, om den praktiska innebörden av ett LOI, är baserad på intervjuer med personer som är aktiva ledamöter i bolagsledningen för större publika aktiebolag. Undersökningens sammanvägda resultat pekar på att ett LOI bör innehålla klausuler och preciserade villkor för en tilltänkt affär. I praktiken torde ett LOI innebära en framtida utfästelse om att ingå avtal eller samarbete mellan bolag. Vidare kan den juridiska innebörden emellertid antas vara begränsad till att en part som medvetet bryter mot villkoren eller uppträder svekligt kan ådra sig ett skadeståndansvar. I näringslivet anser respondenterna att ett LOI allmänt innebär en första signal om att två parter avser att söka träffa ett avtal. Sammanfattningsvis kan ett LOI effektivisera processerna i samband med bolagens globalisering, därigenom kan ett LOI dessutom främja bolagens presumtiva framgång i dagens affärsklimat.

An ethnographically informed analysis of design intent communication in BIM-enabled architectural practice

Abdelmohsen, Sherif Morad Abdelkader 05 July 2011 (has links)
The building information model (BIM) is assumed to encompass all the required parameters, rules and attributes about a design product and process for Architecture-Engineering-Construction (AEC) practitioners in a way that is comprehendible by all participants sharing the model and that communicates their needs and intentions. The socio-cognitive day-to-day interactions that occur in the workplace imply however that there are discrepancies between what is exchanged as design information when sharing a model and what is exchanged as goals, needs and possibly conflicting intentions and interests when sharing a common ill-structured problem. The findings of an ethnographic study are presented. The study investigates affordances and limitations in BIM-enabled practice regarding the communication of design intent among design teams in the context of an architectural project. Grounded theory coding was used as a basis for analytic induction through constant comparison and examination of data from field observation, interviews and design meetings, to identify emergent conceptual categories central to the research inquiry. A "thick description" was provided that took into account the dynamic interactions among teams, including interdisciplinary, intradisciplinary and non-disciplinary interaction. By dissecting hypothetical models of shared project information offered by BIM, the dissertation identified interfaces of information exchange, states of the BIM model as a boundary object, and emergent and overlapping communities of practice that delineate the degree of completeness and correctness of a BIM model and describe its effectiveness in capturing and conveying the intent of participants upon interaction. To draw parallels to other contexts, the assumptions central to the study were discussed in relation to a spectrum of possible scenarios within the larger population of AEC firms. In light of the findings and "persona" descriptions identified in the study, the dissertation examined and proposed amendments and richer descriptions to existing surveys and market reports that address the use and benefits of BIM in the AEC industry, including topics such as the internal business value of BIM, top ways to improve value of BIM, and impact of project factors on BIM value.


Mamaril, Natasha Johanna A 01 January 2014 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate engineering self-efficacy measures for undergraduate students (N = 321) and to examine whether students' engineering self-efficacy differed by gender, year level, and major. The relationships between engineering self-efficacy and academic achievement and intent to persist in engineering were also investigated. Data from engineering students from two southeastern universities were collected in spring 2013. Exploratory factor analyses resulted in a unidimensional general engineering self-efficacy scale and a three-factor (i.e., research skills, tinkering skills, and engineering design) engineering skills self-efficacy scale. Multivariate analyses of variance revealed that self-efficacy did not differ by gender or year level. Students in different engineering sub disciplines reported different levels of tinkering self-efficacy. Multiple regression analysis showed that engineering self-efficacy measures predicted academic achievement outcomes but not intent to persist in engineering. Engineering self-efficacy significantly contributed to the prediction of achievement after controlling for prior achievement. Research funded by the National Science Foundation, EEC Award No.1240328.

Formation of click-wrap and browse-wrap contracts / Sutarčių sudarymas spragtelėjimu ir naršymu

Kamantauskas, Povilas 17 June 2014 (has links)
In a time of rapid development of technologies, new forms of contracting online emerge. Two of these are analyzed in this thesis: click-wrap agreements (where an offer is accepted by way of clicking on an icon “I agree”) and browse-wrap agreements (where the offeree supposedly accepts the offer by browsing on a website, while the terms to the contract are accessible through an inconspicuous hyperlink). Click-wrap agreements are formed, they are accepted in a manner recognized as binding and the offeree knows the terms she assents to. Browse-wrap agreements are generally not formed. Even though the action of browsing on a website could indicate assent, the offeree must know that the act of browsing will be construed as acceptance. But the offeree is generally not made aware of the terms to the contract and thus cannot assent to what she is not aware of. However, if the offeree is in fact aware of the terms to the contract and still knowingly performs the action of browsing, a contract is formed and the offeree is bound. There are some doctrinal problems with an element of an offer – intent to be bound. E-contracting involves a great deal or recklessness by the offerors as well as offerees, leading to the conclusion that the action of clicking “I agree” does not really indicate the intent of the party who performs the act, to actually agree. There is no adequate answer to this problem presently. To sum up, the enforceability of click-wrap contracts is settled in courts, it is a... [to full text] / Besivystant technologijoms keičiasi ir sutarčių sudarymo būdai: dėl mažesnių kaštų ir patogumo populiarėja sutartys elektroninėje erdvėje. Prie to turi prisitaikyti ir teisinė aplinka, todėl šiame magistro darbe yra aptariamos dvi sąlyginai naujos sutarčių sudarymo formos. Viena jų – spragtelėjimu sudaroma sutartis (angl. – click-wrap agreement). Čia oferentas akceptuoja sutarties sąlygas, paspausdamas monitoriaus ekrane ikoną „Sutinku“ ar pan. O situacija, kai sutartis turėtų būti sudaroma naršymu (angl. – browse-wrap agreement) – kiek sudėtingesnė, čia oferentas turėtų išreikšti savo sutikimą vien naršydamas internetinėje svetainėje, tačiau informacija, apie tai, jog naršymas bus laikomas sutikimu galima rasti spragtelėjus ant saito (angl. – hyperlink), kuris neretai būna pateikiamas puslapio apačioje, bet apie nuorodą su sutarties sąlygomis ir akceptavimo būdu oferentas nėra informuojamas, dažnai apie ją net nežino. Šiame darbe spragtelėjimu ir naršymu sudaromos sutartys analizuojamos kaip abstrakčios teisės koncepcijos, aptariamas jų pagrįstumas, tinkamumas. Lietuvos ir Jungtinių Amerikos Valstijų nacionalinės teisės sprendimai darbe aptariami lyginamuoju aspektu. Pirmiausia privalu išsiaiškinti ar galima sudaryti sandorius elektroninėmis (ne tik ryšio) priemonėmis. Nors elektroninėmis ryšio priemonėmis perduodama informacija prilyginama rašytiniams dokumentams (taigi, taip sudaromos sutartys tikrai galioja), spragtelėjimu ar naršymu sudaromų sutarčių atveju, ši teisinė... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Utilisation of traditional and indigenous foods in the North West Province of South Africa / Sarah Tshepho Pona Matenge

Matenge, Sarah Tshepho Pona January 2011 (has links)
AIM AND OBJECTIVES The main aim of this thesis was to explore the possibilities of promoting the cultivation, utilisation and consumption of indigenous and traditional plant foods (ITPF) among urban and rural communities in the North West Province of South Africa that could possibly lead to increased IK and dietary diversity. The objectives were the following: Assess consumption of TLV in the rural and urban communities. Compare nutritional status of consumers and non-consumers of TLV using data obtained from the Prospective Urban and Rural Epidemiology (PURE-SA) study. Assess the availability, cultivation and consumption patterns of ITPF. Assess indigenous knowledge (IK) within the rural and urban communities. Assess consumers’ views of ITPF in the rural and urban communities. Assess consumers’ acceptance of, preference for and consumption intent of dishes made from cowpea leaves. To compile recipes for the most important ITPF commonly consumed in the study areas in order to promote the cultivation and consumption of ITPF (see Addendum D). STUDY DESIGN Health profile study: For the health profile study, a comparative study was conducted on the baseline data of the population that participated in the PURE-SA study (1004 urban and 1006 rural participants) which follows the health transition in urban and rural subjects over a 12 year period. The baseline data for the North West Province of South Africa were collected from October to December 2005. Utilisation of ITPF study: The study on the utilisation of ITPF used a sequential explanatory study design which involved the collection of quantitative and qualitative data and analyses. The consumer acceptance study consisted of an explorative and experimental phase. Participants were male and female, aged older than 20, residing in the selected communities and knowledgeable on the indigenous and traditional foods of the area. METHODS A variety of quantitative and qualitative research techniques were used. Data were generated through questionnaires, focus groups and individual - and group interviews. Health profile study: Demographic characteristics and frequency of consumption of TLV data were collected by the researcher from 396 randomly selected subjects from participating subjects in the PURE-SA study. An extensive nutritional profile of these subjects was compiled including blood samples, blood pressure, anthropometric measurements and total dietary intake by means of a quantitative food frequency questionnaire. Utilisation of ITPF study: A comparative study was conducted in rural and urban populations of the North West Province. Data were collected by the researcher using a questionnaire (n=396 households), key informant interviews (n=4), and four focus groups. Consumer study: Four focus groups were conducted by the researcher, two in rural and two in urban communities, to investigate consumers’ views about ITPF. Eighty-seven participants were recruited based on a specific purpose rather than randomly. Consumers’ acceptance of, preference for and intended consumption of products made with cowpea leaves were assessed. A 5-point hedonic scale and a 7-point food action rating scale were used for sensory evaluation. RESULTS Health profile study: As expected, rural inhabitants were more likely to consume TLV. However, no household reported to consume TLV more than ten times a month. Factors such as price (affordability) and availability and easy-to-get-to points of purchase were found to be major constraints in the consumption of TLV, especially in urban communities. Urban respondents had significantly higher macronutrient intakes than rural subjects. There was no significant difference between the selected micronutrient intakes between consumers and non-consumers of TLV. Non-consumers of TLV had higher blood lipid levels than consumers from both the rural and urban areas. In the urban subjects the relative risk to develop high blood pressure was higher in non-consumers of TLV than in the consumers. However, the risk ratios of raised serum cholesterol and triglycerides were not significantly different. Utilisation of ITPF study: More plant foods were available and consumed in the rural area than the urban area. However, fewer species were available than expected due to insufficient rainfall, poor soil quality, deforestation and over harvesting. Consumption of indigenous foods was influenced by price, culture, seasonality/availability, accessibility and diversity in markets. A lack of markets for indigenous crops, insufficient rainfall and diseases and pests were cited as the major cultivation problems, followed by a lack of capital to buy farming implements, veld fires and poor soil quality. Consumer study: Based on the qualitative focus group discussions, factors that influence the consumption of ITPF were identified. These factors included benefits and barriers of ITPF consumption. Ways to increase ITFP consumption were also identified. Health and nutrition; tradition and culture; and food safety emerged as drivers for ITPF consumption. A lack of knowledge and skills of food preparation and negative images and unfamiliarity of ITPF acted as barriers. Differences in views existed between older and younger consumers. In general younger consumers found ITF rather revolting and undesirable, humiliating to consume. Sensory evaluation of food samples for the pooled data of the total study population showed that significant differences existed between the acceptability of all attributes, overall acceptance and consumption intent. Socio-demographic backgrounds such as place of residence (urban or rural), levels of education and age were shown to influence the acceptability of food samples and consumption intent. There was no positive association between acceptability of food and gender. CONCLUSIONS Health profile study: This study showed the possibility of beneficial effects of rural diets, however, the lack of knowledge concerning the bioavailability of nutrients from TLV and lack of information on food consumption database, of these vegetables constitute main barriers to obtaining information on nutrient intake. The low frequency of consumption of TLV is of concern. Taking into consideration safe agricultural practices, the promotion of TLV might be a solution towards healthier diets and combating poverty. More research is needed to investigate the health effects of these vegetables. Utilisation of ITPF study: It is evident that there was a limited number of ITPF species cultivated and consumed. Consumers, especially older people, were found to possess extensive knowledge regarding the availability of ITPF species, their habitat and uses, seasonality and potential health benefits. There is a need to intensify education on conservation of natural resources and more studies should be undertaken to document and disseminate traditional food systems. In addition, there is a need to integrate existing health and nutrition interventions with traditional food promotion. Consumer study: The results highlighted the importance of making use of a mixed method approach which made it possible not only to identify factors that influence the consumption of ITPF but also to understand the dynamics thereof from focus group discussions and how they influence acceptability, preference and consumption intent. Important benefits (drivers) of and barriers to ITPF consumption as well as suggestions on how to increase ITPF consumption were identified. Barriers to ITPF consumption and low scores of acceptability provided by younger participants can be connected to misconceptions about ITPF and lack of familiarity with the products. Therefore, a combination of strategies aimed at enhancing individual awareness of the health benefits of ITPF, decreasing barriers and conducting more acceptability studies may have a positive impact on the younger segment of the population. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Consumer Science))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2012

Unsupervised Identification of the User’s Query Intent in Web Search

Calderón-Benavides, Liliana 27 September 2011 (has links)
This doctoral work focuses on identifying and understanding the intents that motivate a user to perform a search on the Web. To this end, we apply machine learning models that do not require more information than the one provided by the very needs of the users, which in this work are represented by their queries. The knowledge and interpretation of this invaluable information can help search engines to obtain resources especially relevant to users, and thus improve their satisfaction. By means of unsupervised learning techniques, which have been selected according to the context of the problem being solved, we show that is not only possible to identify the user’s intents, but that this process can be conducted automatically. The research conducted in this thesis has involved an evolutionary process that starts from the manual analysis of different sets of real user queries from a search engine. The work passes through the proposition of a new classification of user’s query intents; the application of different unsupervised learning techniques to identify those intents; up to determine that the user’s intents, rather than being considered as an uni–dimensional problem, should be conceived as a composition of several aspects, or dimensions (i.e., as a multi–dimensional problem), that contribute to clarify and to establish what the user’s intents are. Furthermore, from this last proposal, we have configured a framework for the on–line identification of the user’s query intent. Overall, the results from this research have shown to be effective for the problem of identifying user’s query intent. / Este trabajo doctoral se enfoca en identificar y entender las intenciones que motivan a los usuarios a realizar búsquedas en la Web a través de la aplicación de métodos de aprendizaje automático que no requieren datos adicionales más que las necesidades de información de los mismos usuarios, representadas a través de sus consultas. El conocimiento y la interpretación de esta información, de valor incalculable, puede ayudar a los sistemas de búsqueda Web a encontrar recursos particularmente relevantes y así mejorar la satisfacción de sus usuarios. A través del uso de técnicas de aprendizaje no supervisado, las cuales han sido seleccionadas dependiendo del contexto del problema a solucionar, y cuyos resultados han demostrado ser efectivos para cada uno de los problemas planteados, a lo largo de este trabajo se muestra que no solo es posible identificar las intenciones de los usuarios, sino que este es un proceso que se puede llevar a cabo de manera automática. La investigación desarrollada en esta tesis ha implicado un proceso evolutivo, el cual inicia con el análisis de la clasificación manual de diferentes conjuntos de consultas que usuarios reales han sometido a un motor de búsqueda. El trabajo pasa a través de la proposición de una nueva clasificación de las intenciones de consulta de usuarios, y el uso de diferentes técnicas de aprendizaje no supervisado para identificar dichas intenciones, llegando hasta establecer que éste no es un problema unidimensional, sino que debería ser considerado como un problema de múltiples dimensiones, donde cada una de dichas dimensiones, o facetas, contribuye a clarificar y establecer cuál es la intención del usuario. A partir de este último trabajo, hemos creado un modelo para la identificar la intención del usuario en un escenario on–line.

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