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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Technological Innovation in Mobile Payment Solutions : A study on factors affecting the adoption rate of mobile payment solutions / Teknologisk Innovation inom Mobila Betalningslösningar : En studie på faktorer som påverkar anammandet av mobila betalningslösningar

Kavak, Welat, Anwar, Kalid January 2019 (has links)
The advent of mobile payment solution has brought a mixed reaction on the mind of potential consumers on whether to adopt or not. Also, the mobile payment has elicited discussion about its future. The major question is on whether the technology will replace traditional banking processes, or if it will act as a compliment. The thesis seeks to promote the adoption of mobile payment by improving available information for stakeholders. The advent of mobile payment technology shows that it has a high number of benefits, but it does not match with the current adoption rate. The statistics show that the majority of users of mobile payment uses it to for smaller transactions such as the purchase of books and food. The slow uptake of mobile payment adoption vis a vis immense benefit of the platform. The disparity motivated the study on factors that influence solution adoptions. The thesis provides a clear linkage of factors such as environmental risk, reputation, trust, perceived usefulness, ease of use and mobility in influencing potential consumer attitude and intention to use a specific payment solution. / Potentiella konsumenter av mobila betalningslösningar har gett en blandad reaktion på huruvida de ska ta sig an innovationen eller inte. De nya betalningslösningarna har även väckt diskussioner huruvida innovationen ska ersätta traditionella bankprocesser eller om de kommer komplettera varandra. Arbetet har i syfte att främja upptagande av mobila betalningar genom att förbättra tillgänglig information för intressenter. Det visar sig att mobila betalningar har större antal förmåner än traditionella betalningslösningar, dock speglar detta inte graden av användningen av teknologin. Statistiken visar att majoriteten av användare av mobila betalningar använder sig av teknologin för mindre transaktioner som exemplvis köp av böcker och mat. Faktorer som påverkar upptagandet av nya innovationer är framförallt säkerhetsrisk, rykte, förtroende, uppfattad användbarhet, uppfattad användarvänlighet samt flexibiliteten av betalningslösningen.

Determinants of Intention to Use New Technology: An Investigation of Students in Higher Education

DuPree, Yolanda 01 January 2015 (has links)
The federal government continues to monitor the cost of paper texts as an essential component of postsecondary education expenses. The Higher Education Act (HEA), which was initially passed in 1965, was created to buttress the educational resources of colleges and universities. Along with addressing the benefits of financial aid in postsecondary and higher education, the act referenced the projected financial burdens of paper texts. The last 2008 reauthorization suggested that colleges and universities develop plans to reduce the costs of college. Congress is currently working to reauthorize the legislation. Based on this information, the problem identified in this study explored how to use the results of the study to develop a framework that may be used by universities. This framework could be used to consider the success (or failure) of the intention to use e-texts in student learning, given how the cost of textbooks contributes to the perceived high cost of college attendance. The primary goal of the study was to evaluate students’ perceptions of the usefulness of e-texts. The subordinate goal was to address the financial benefits of e-texts. In this study, the author has explored the perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and computer self-efficacy involved in the actual use of new technology such as textbooks in electronic format among undergraduate, postsecondary or university students. The main research questions for the study were: “How do the variables perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and computer self-efficacy impact the intention to use, which may be a predictor of actual use of new technology?” and “How will the results of this study assist institutions of higher education in planning for the successful acceptance of new technologies, which may or may not be a predictor of actual use?” The researcher used a Web-based survey and selected a sample of 5,600 undergraduate students from two universities. There were 482 complete responses to the survey. The context of the study included two traditional, land-based, universities. This was an exploratory, quantitative, qualitative research study. The research study measured the level of impact of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and computer self-efficacy on the intention to use that may or may not lead to the actual use of new technology. The researcher investigated the topic and provided a framework for identifying factors that may lead to the intention to use new technology, which may determine the actual use of technology (i.e., technology acceptance). The higher levels of students’ perceived ease of use, and perceived usefulness of the e-texts, the more apt the student is to choose an e-text as opposed to a paper text. The lower costs of e-texts in comparison to paper texts would be a positive predictor of financial benefits for the students that choose to use e-texts. The financial gains in the purchasing of e-texts could lead to a positive impact on the total of college and education costs. The author also concluded that the market for recreational reading continues to grow for e-texts usage. Academic use of e-texts still represents a lesser portion of the market place. This study contributed to the body of knowledge, profession, and overall literature in the field of study regarding intentions to use new technology, user acceptance research, and information systems. The results of the study have provided a framework for launching new technology within a postsecondary school environment.

The effects of culture, values, diffusion of innovation and technology acceptance on attitudes towards digital banking adoption / Uitwerking van kultuur, waardes, die diffusie van innovering en die aanvaarding van tegnologie op ingesteldhede rakende die aanvaarding van digitale bankwese / Umphumela wosiko, amagugu, ukusabalala kobuqambi Kanye nokwamukelwa kwetheknoloji kwimibono mayelana nokusebenzisa ibhangi ngendlela yedijithali / Efeito da cultura, valores, aceitacao de tecnologias e difusao da inovacao nas atitudes em relacao a banca electronica / Vuyelo ra ndhavuko, mikhuva, ku amukeriwa ka thekinoloji ni ku haxiwa ka switirhisiwa swinswha eka malangutelo yo yelana ni ku tirhisa bangi ya internet

Macamo, Monica Aniceto 08 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Tsonga and Portuguese / The purpose of the study was to develop a model of attitudes toward digital banking, by exploring the relationship between values, culture, the diffusion of innovation and the Technology Acceptance. In addition, actual behaviour in the use of digital banking, as well as the moderating effects of gender, age, education level, income, and urban versus rural backgrounds, was included to provide additional insights into the financial services market in Maputo, Mozambique. A quantitative survey with a convenience sample (n = 403) of bankable individuals (male and female) between the ages of 21 and 60, was conducted from 2015–2018. The findings revealed significant relationships between the variables included in the empirical model. Structural equation modelling indicated that the data were a good fit, resulting from the use of a correlations-derived measurement model. These findings provide new insights into the development of tailor-made digital banking actions to drive usage in different segments, which will contribute to the body of knowledge on consumer behaviour and digital banking adoption and use. / Hierdie studie se doel was om ’n model van ingesteldhede teenoor digitale bankwese te ontwikkel deur ondersoek in te stel na die verband tussen waardes, kultuur, die diffusie van innovering en die aanvaarding van tegnologie. Werklike gedrag wanneer digitale bankwese gebruik word, asook die modererende effek van gender, ouderdom, onderwysvlak, inkomste en stedelike teenoor plattelandse agtergrond, is ingesluit om bykomende insigte te verkry in die finansiëledienstemark in Maputo, Mosambiek. ’n Kwantitatiewe opname met ’n gerieflikheidsteekproef (n = 403) van bankbare individue (manlik en vroulik) tussen die ouderdomme 21 tot 60, is in die tydperk 2015 tot 2018 onderneem. Die bevindinge toon dat daar beduidende verbande is tussen die veranderlikes wat by die empiriese model ingesluit word. Die modellering van strukturele vergelykings toon dat die data goed gepas het omdat ’n korrelasie-afgeleide metingsmodel gebruik is. Hierdie bevindinge lei tot nuwe insigte in die ontwikkeling van pasgemaakte digitalebankwese-aksies om gebruik in verskillende segmente aan te dryf. Dit sal bydra tot die bestaande kennis van verbruikersgedrag en die aanvaarding en gebruik van digitale bankwese. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukwenza imodeli yendlela yokubona mayelana nokusebenzisa ibhangi ngendlela yedijithali, ukuhlola ubudlelwane phakathi kwama-value, usiko, ukusabalala kobuqambi kanye nokwamukelwa kwetheknoloji. Nangaphezu kwalokho, indlela yokuziphatha ekusebenziseni ibhangi ngendlela yedijithali, kanye nemiphumela ethobayo yobulili, iminyaka yobudala, izinga lemfundo, ingeniso, kanye nokuqhathanisa abasemadolobheni nabasemakhaya, kwabandakanywa ukuhlinzeka ngemibono engezelelekile kwimakethe yamasevisi ezezimali eMaputo eMozambique. Kwenziwe inhlolovo ngobuningi ngesampuli ye-convenience (n = 403) wabantu abasebenzisa ibhangi (abesilisa nabesimame) abaphakathi kweminyaka engu 21 kanye nengu 60 kwenziwe ukusukela ku 2015–2018 Imiphumela iveza ubudlelwane obubalulekile phakathi kwezinto ezehlukene ezibandakanya imodeli yobufakazi obubambekayo. I-structural equation modelling ikhombise ukuthi ulwazi belungoluhambisana kahle, ngokuvela kumphumela wokusebenzisa i-correlations-derived measurement model. Okutholakele kunikeza imibono emisha ngokukuthuthukiswa kwezinyathelo zokusebenzisa ibhangii ngendlela yedijithali okuhlinzekelwa abantu ngokuhambisana nabo, ukuphakamisa ukusetshenziswa ngabantu bemikhakha ehlukene, lokhu okuthela esivivaneni kumthamo wolwazi ngendlela yokuziphatha kwabasebenzisi, kanye nokwamukelwa kokusebenzisa ibhangi ngendlela yedijithali kanye nokusetshenziswa. / O presente estudo tinha como objectivo desenvolver um modelo de atitudes em relação à banca electrónica explorando a relação entre os Valores, a Cultura e a Difusão da Inovação e Aceitação de Tecnologias. Além disso, o comportamento real relacionado com o uso de serviços da banca electrónica, assim como o efeito moderador do género, idade, nível de escolaridade, rendimentos e os contextos urbano versus rural foram incluídos para permitir melhor compreensão do mercado de serviços financeiros de Moçambique (Maputo). De 2015 a 2018, fez-se um inquérito quantitativo em uma amostra de conveniência (n = 403) de indivíduos bancáveis (masculinos e femininos) com idades compreendidas entre os 21 e os 60 anos. Os resultados revelaram relações significativas entre as variáveis incluídas no modelo empírico. A modelagem de equações estruturais indicou um bom número de dados, o que resultou num modelo canónico de medição derivada de correlações. Ademais, faz-se uma exposição e interpretação de achados sensíveis sob o ponto de vista ético no contexto de banca electrónica baseado no consumidor. Estes achados servirão de base para um novo conhecimento para o desenvolvimento de acções de banca electrónica personalizadas com vista a incentivar o uso em diferentes segmentos, o que acrescentará valor ao conhecimento actual sobre o Comportamento do Consumidor e a utilização de serviços de banca electrónica. / Xikongomelo xa dyondzo leyi a ku ri ku hlamusela malangutelo ya vanhu ehenhla ka ku tirhisiwa ka bangi ya internet hi ku kambisisa vuxaka lebyi nga kona exikarhi ka Mikhuva, Ndhavuko ni ku Haxiwa ka Switirhisiwa Swintswha ni leswi thyiwaka ku amukeriwa ka thekinoloji. Ku engetela kwalaho, ku katsiwile mikhuva ya vhanu ehenhleni ka ku tirhisa bangi ya internet, ku katsa ni vuyelo leri ringaniselaka ro va munhu a ri wanuna kumbe wansati, ntanga, dyondzo, muholo, ni leswaku u tshama dorobeni kumbe emakaya, leswaku ku twisisiwa hi vuenti leswaku mintirho ya swa timali yi tshamise ku yini eMozambique (Maputo). Nxaxamelo wa swivutiso swo teka tinhlayo wu tirhisiwile eka ntlawa lowu voniweke wu ringana (n = 403) wa vanhu lava nga tirhisaka bangi (va xinuna ni va xisati), lava nga ni 21 ku ya ka 60 wa malembe ku sukela 2017 ku ya ka 2018. Tinhlamulo ti kombe leswaku ku ni ku yelana lokukulu exikarhi ka swivutiso leswi katsiweke eka xivumbeko xo hlamusela ha xona. Structural equation modelling yi kombe leswaku ku ni mihandzu yo tala, leswi endleke leswaku ku va ni xivumbeko lexi se xi tiviwaka xa mpimo lowu taka hi ka ku yelana ka swilo (correlations-derived measurement model). Mihandzu leyi yelanaka ni swilo leswi khumbaka mahanyela lamanene leswi lavaka ku voniwa hi vukheta na yona ya vikiwa yi tlhela yi hlamuseriwa hi ku landza matirhelo ya bangi ya internet hi ku ya vatirhisi va yona. Mihandzu leyi yi ta tisa vutisi byintswha leswaku ku makiwa mintirho ya bangi ya internet leyi tivaka ku tsakisa mutirhisi leswaku ku engeteriwa ku tirhisiwa ka yona exikarhi ka mintlawa yo hambana, leswi na swona swi nga ta engetela vutivi ehenhleni ka Mikhuva ya Vatirhisi ni matirhiselo ya bangi ya internet. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Ph. D. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

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