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Work Can Suck but Offices Don’t Have To: An Analysis of the Office Design Trends & Strategies of Corporate AmericaCheledinas, Christina 01 January 2018 (has links)
This thesis presents a comprehensive analysis of workplace design and strategy solutions that have evolved over the last century. It will discuss the various factors which have prompted companies to take significant interest in the design and layout of their office space today. Additionally, this paper will discuss controversies over open office space design as well as the cubicle. I will further explore the possible direction corporate offices are headed in the future, and the prominent organizational trends that will reconstruct the way we understand the functions of the office and the buildings that house them. As the nature of work is evolving and people are spending more time in offices, it is vital that we find the best solutions to enhance their experiences and meet the physiological and psychological needs of the workforce.[1]This paper provides recommendations for improvement of office space and suggestions for combating past mistakes.
[1] "Psychology Of The Office Space." Facility Executive - Creating Intelligent Buildings. February 09, 2016. Accessed April 22, 2018. https://facilityexecutive.com/2016/01/psychology-of-the-office-space/.
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Análise do gerenciamento de resíduos da construção civil oriundos da arquitetura de interiores na ótica dos profissionais arquitetos em Caxias do SulRissi, Nadime Saraiva 22 September 2017 (has links)
A urbanização acelerada e o rápido adensamento das cidades de médio e grande porte são fatores que vêm contribuindo para o aumento da quantidade de Resíduos da Construção Civil (RCC) nas cidades brasileiras. A problemática aumenta não somente pelo fato destes constituírem a maior fração em massa dos resíduos gerados nas cidades, mas também pela imprudência ou desconhecimento dos profissionais responsáveis que acompanham as obras. Como consequência ocorre a disposição inadequada dos RCC em locais clandestinos, terrenos baldios, praças, ruas ou encostas de rios. O descarte irregular destes é uma das principais causas da degradação do meio ambiente, com potencial de afetar a qualidade de vida da população, comprometer os recursos naturais e os ecossistemas. Nesse ínterim, este trabalho tem por objetivo investigar como os resíduos vem sendo gerenciados pelos profissionais que atuam com Arquitetura de Interiores no município de Caxias do Sul. A natureza do projeto de pesquisa classifica-se como exploratória, cujos dados primários são de natureza qualitativa, enquanto uma pesquisa posterior é feita para quantificar os dados iniciais obtidos, ambas as etapas envolvendo a elaboração de questionários. Assim, o processo de levantamento de dados necessários à realização da análise desse trabalho, sustentou-se por meio de uma entrevista de profundidade, seguida de uma pesquisa Survey, construída na forma estruturada e aplicada via computador. Ambas direcionadas à uma amostra de Arquitetos e Urbanistas que atuam no município. Os resultados obtidos da Pesquisa de Profundidade sugerem que os profissionais reconhecem a importância do meio ambiente para o bem-estar da sociedade como um todo, porém desconhecem sobre aspectos ligados à gestão, gerenciamento e atribuições legais relacionadas aos RCC. A análise dos resultados da pesquisa Survey reforça essa informação inicial, mapeando dados que mostram o baixo aproveitamento de resíduos na própria obra, a falta de segregação de resíduos, a prática de aterramento de RCC e a deposição irregular em terrenos baldios. Estes dados são fortes indicadores de que o segmento está operando em inconformidade com a legislação brasileira, carecendo de atenção, fiscalização e ações de educação ambiental. Tais medidas se fazem necessárias para se combater a degradação das áreas urbanas e se obter uma consequente melhoria da qualidade de vida da sociedade. / The fast urbanization and intensification of medium and large-size cities have increased the quantity of Construction and Demolition Waste (CDW) in Brazilian cities. The problem is not only because the largest waste fraction of CDW generated by cities, but also by imprudence or lack of knowledge of professionals that monitor construction works. The inappropriate placement of CDW occurs in illegal sites, wastelands, squares, streets or river slopes. The irregular disposal of CDW is one of the main causes of the environment degradation since it has the potential to affect the quality of life of the population, compromising natural resources and ecosystems. This study aims to investigate how wastes are being treated by professionals working with interior design in Caxias do Sul. The nature of the research project is explanatory, whose primary data are qualitative while a later research is done to quantify the initial data, involving the preparation of surveys in both stages. Hence, the data collection process required to perform the analysis started with an in-depth interview following by a survey research, which was structurally developed and applied via computer. Both processes were applied to a sample of architectures and planners from Caxias do Sul. The in-depth interview results suggest that professionals recognize the importance of the environment to the welfare of society, but ignoring aspects of operation, management and legal responsibilities to the CDW. The survey analysis enhances the initial information, mapping data that shows low achievement of wastes in civil constructions, lack of waste segmentation, practice of CDW grounding and irregular disposal of CDW in wastelands. These findings are strong evidences that the segment is not in accordance with the Brazilian law, lacking attention, inspection and environmental education. These actions are needed to tackle the degradation of urban areas and achieve improvements in society’s life quality.
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Kloak eller oas? : En omformulering av den offentliga toaletten / Sewer or oasis? : Reformulating the public toiletWerner, Isabella January 2020 (has links)
Offentliga toaletter kan ofta vara ofräscha, tråkiga och utformade med kalla material och utan intresse för att skapa en trevlig miljö utöver att strikt tillgodose nödvändigheter. I mitt examensarbete har jag försökt ge liv åt den offentliga toaletten. Här vill jag låta färg, form och lekfullhet ta plats i funktionen. Vare sig du kom- mer för att ensam pausa en stund, eller om du passerar i all hast och bara söker en vanlig (men bra!) toalett, ska du finna en plats gjord med omsorg. Med grund i feministisk stadsplanering har jag försökt svara på be- hov som ofta förbises i utformandet av offentlig miljö, t.ex genom att planera barntoaletter och amningsrum. Toaletten har jag placerat i Slussens tunnelbanestation, eftersom det där idag inte finns en gratis offentlig toalett, trots att tusentals passerar här dagligen. Slussens kakel, konstutsmyckningar och estetik har påverkat toalettens uttryck, i sammanflätning med känslan och arkitekturen i antika bad, hammam och japansk bad- kultur. Färgglada, udda och omsorgsfullt utformade toaletter jag stött på, i många fall utomlands och gjorda under tidigare delen av 1900-talet, har inspirerat mitt designförslag, men också lagt grunden för mitt val av tema i detta examensprojekt. / Public toilets are often unclean, dull and designed with cold materials with no interest in creating a pleasant environment other than strictly satisfying needs. In my degree project, I have tried to bring life to the public toilet. Here, I want to let colour, form and playfulness be a part of the functionality. Whether you come to pause alone for a moment, or if you are in a hurry and just looking for an ordinary (but good!) toilet, you should find a place made with care. Based on feminist urban planning, I have tried to provide for needs that are not always included in the design of the public environment, for example by planning children’s toilets and a breastfeeding room. I have placed the toilet in Slussen’s metro station, where today there is no free public toilet, even though thousands of people pass here daily. Slussen’s tiles, art decorations and aesthetics have influenced the expression of the restroom, intertwined with the feeling and architecture of antique baths, hammams and Japanese bathing culture. The colourful, odd and carefully designed toilets I have come across, in many cases abroad and made during the early part of the 20th century, have inspired my design proposal, and also laid the foundation for my choice of theme in this degree project.
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This research examines the design of tiny homes and the importance they play in the lives of those that would usually have not been able to afford a house. The research will also focus on designing a tiny home with the use of design software to fully understand the extent of the characteristics of a tiny home. The design of these small dwellings, usually about 400-500 square feet, allows for a minimalist lifestyle that can be very low cost. The same materials that are used in traditional constructed homes are used for tiny homes because it makes them more durable and more valuable. Therefore, engineers and architects take great strides to think of clever designs for these small spaces to include everyday necessities while providing pleasing aesthetics. The popularity of tiny homes is rising, but they are still illegal in many parts of the country because they do not meet standard building codes. If further research is provided about the wonderful designs that these homes can provide, and the ways in which they give individuals a desired lifestyle, regardless of income, it could be possible that the flourishing tiny house movement could eventually lead to the legalization and legitimization of tiny homes nationwide.
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När det tysta talar : En kvalitativ studie om socialsekreterares upplevelser av samtalsrummen på socialkontoret / When silence speaks : A qualitative study of social workers' experience of the meeting room at the social services officeDornell, Tove, Rosati, Gabriella January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie är att få ökad kunskap om socialsekreterares upplevelse av den fysiska miljön i samtalsrummet på socialkontoret, och dess betydelse för det professionella mötet med klienter. Genom kvalitativa intervjuer med åtta socialsekreterare har vi besvarat frågeställningar om socialsekreterarens upplevelse av den fysiska miljön i samtalsrummet, vilka ramverk den fysiska miljön skapar för interaktionen med klienten samt hur makt yttrar sig i den fysiska miljön. Intervjuerna genomfördes med hjälp av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide och den insamlade empirin har sedan tematiserats och analyserats i relation till tidigare forskning, samt med hjälp av miljöpsykologi och Foucaults teori om makt. Resultatet visar att fysiska aspekter i rummet så som möbler, färg, fönster och annan utrustning kan fylla olika funktioner i förhållande till mötets syfte, säkerhetsaspekter samt vilken relation socialsekreteraren har till klienten. Dessa aspekter kan även förstärka eller hjälpa till att jämna ut den maktobalans som finns inbyggd i relationen mellan klient och socialsekreterare, samt ge en känsla av vem man blir när man kliver in i rummet. Resultatet visar även att upplevelsen av den fysiska miljön varierar utifrån personliga preferenser, tidigare erfarenheter, socialsekreterarnas bemötande och det sammanhang som ligger till grund för mötet. Utifrån insamlad empiri kan vi se att samtalsrummen många gånger inte är optimalt anpassade till de behov som finns i mötet med klienter. Trots svårigheter i att uppfylla och bejaka alla aspekter som är av betydelse i ett samtalsrum så ser vi att det finns många mindre, samt större förändringar som skulle göra nytta i en bred bemärkelse. Det finns även ett behov av en större variation av rum för att skapa bättre förutsättningar för både socialsekreterare och klient i det professionella mötet. Detta sett utifrån den kunskap som finns inom miljöpsykologi, maktteori, tidigare forskning samt socialsekreterares kunskap och erfarenheter. / The aim of this study is to gain increased knowledge about social secretaries' experience of the meeting rooms at the social services office, and its significance for the professional meeting with clients. Through qualitative interviews with eight social secretaries, we have answered questions about the social secretary's experience of the physical environment in the meeting room, what frameworks the physical environment creates for interactions with the client and how power manifests itself in the physical environment. The interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview guide. The collected empirical data has been thematized and analyzed in relation to previous research and with the help of environmental psychological and Foucault's theory of power. The results show that physical aspects of the room such as furniture, colours, windows and other equipment can fulfil different functions in relation to the purpose of the meeting, security aspects and what relationship the social secretary has with the client. These aspects can also strengthen or even out the power imbalance that exists between clients and professionals, as well as they give a sense of who you become when you step into the room. The results also show that the experience of the physical environment varies based on personal preferences, previous experiences, the approach of the social secretaries and the context that underlies the meeting. Our collected material shows that the meeting rooms are often not optimally adapted to the needs that exist in meetings with clients. Despite difficulties in fulfilling and affirming all aspects that are of importance in a meeting room, we see that there are many smaller as well as major changes that would be useful in a broad sense. There is also a need for a greater variety of rooms to create better conditions for both the social secretary and the client in the professional meeting. This is seen on the basis of the knowledge that exists in environmental psychology, power theory, previous research and the knowledge and experiences of the social secretaries.
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Gradient HouseDimock, Robert M 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
This design explores an alternative approach to New England home construction which emphasizes construction efficiency as well as ease of maintenance, renovation, and reconfiguration throughout the structure’s lifetime. The structure’s efficiency and flexibility is achieved by using the Bosch-Rexroth framing system and strategic placement of building systems. The reconfigurable structure paired with a changeable cladding system anticipates necessary seasonal and programmatic changes. The buildings systems are concentrated together for increased accessibility and serviceability. The design proposes a house that is inexpensive and easily maintained and adapted by the occupants throughout its lifetime.
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Revitalizing Mumbai Textile Mill Lands for the CitySurve, Vinay 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cities are always in transition and so the city’s Architecture should respond to it. Transition brings opportunities of growth, expansion, improvement in social and urban fabric along with new development strategies. My thesis explores the current trend of textile mills development in the heart of the city of Mumbai, its drawbacks and proposes a development plan for a mill premise for the benefit of the city. It is an attempt to preserve the city’s old fabric, which at one time was a city in itself and merge its fabric with the new development in a cohesive manner.
I was looking at the response to the historic city and how you add new work to it by superimposing or juxtaposing. The success of the building is in its layering, its discovery by the visitor and its ability to make a public building truly public. My ideas come from observation: of the site, of nature, of people moving in the city.
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Passenger Rail and Development in Small Cities, Towns, and Rural Areas: 21st Century Transit in Holyoke, MassachusettsLaidlaw, W. Scott 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The intent of this thesis is to explore the design challenges and opportunities presented by the reintroduction of passenger rail to a small economically challenged New England city. Central to my thesis is that the advent of more efficient transportation options is not, in itself, enough: the infrastructure built to support those options must provide users with a comfortable, safe, and welcoming experience. The architecture of the rail station is critical in influencing that behavior and moving our society toward greater energy efficiency.
Holyoke is a small mill city in western Massachusetts whose fortunes peaked in the early twentieth century and today struggles with decaying buildings and infrastructure, high unemployment, and significant poverty. The city also has many strengths, including relatively inexpensive hydro-electric power, sturdy adaptable mill buildings, an excellent location, strong neighborhood and civic pride, and a rich history on which to build. The city’s boosters feel that it is ripe for a renaissance already being driven by industry, the creative economy, telecommuters escaping the region’s major cities, and tourism.
This research component of this thesis will explore: Current and historical demographic, industrial, and commercial context of the city and its passenger rail service, including usage projections, connections with various parts of the city, and Transit Oriented Design implications The needs of the adjacent Flats neighborhood for basic services and community space; strategies for attracting more consistent use of the station throughout its hours of operation by meeting the neighborhood residents’ needs Potential requirements for a station’s future capacity and adaptability – it will consider strategies for creating a flexible and adaptable building so as to meet the needs of the station and city as it changes over time Precedents that include rail stations and public buildings – it will investigate strategies used by effective public buildings
The design component of this thesis incorporates the above research in developing site and program plans with a specific focus on design strategies that address accessibility, wayfinding, relevant services, and creating a welcoming gateway into the residential, industrial, and commercial heart of the city.
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Adaptive (Re)purpose of Industrial Heritage Buildings in Massachusetts A Modular Strategy for Building a CommunityPremani, Riya D 09 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
A significant portion of a building’s carbon emission comes from the materials used to construct it, primarily through fabrication and assembly. According to the World Green Building Council, this is called embodied carbon, and it makes up to 49% of the total emissions from global construction. Thus, new energy-efficient buildings can take from 10-80 years of time to offset just the carbon used in construction. Combined with such amounts of construction and demolition waste, new construction can be viewed as a wasteful or even destructive practice. Adaptive reuse presents a promising alternative method for creating new space, without the emissions and waste that would be generated by building something new. This thesis identifies challenges in the adaptability of existing buildings and provides instances which show why reuse and mixed-use spaces are significant. A literature review will be used to provide the concepts and strategies of sustainability. ix Case studies will help identify the real world issues and how they are addressed in different ways to show various functional spaces. Adaptive reuse is also being explored as a means to fulfill the socio-cultural, economic and environmental sustainability goals while keeping the character of the city intact.
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Responding Objects – Poetic Design and Healing SpacesHjort, Ebba January 2021 (has links)
Today's social climate and working environments expose us to excessive expectations and demands and more and more people are diagnosed with stress-related illnesses. My degree project is an investigation of poetic design, healing spaces and fatigue syndrome and the importance of adapted health care environments that strengthen treatment and recovery. My mother has fatigue syndrome, she has been ill for over six years, and she still has severe symptoms that probably never fully will go way. So, the purpose of this project is, on the one hand an attempt to get a deeper understanding of her situation, and on the other, to shed some light on this illness that is getting more and more common, especially amongst women. Research shows that spending time in nature has healing effects for those with mental illness. Using my definition of poetic design as a method, I have transposed qualities of nature into an indoor environment that reconnects to humans deep and genetic relationship to nature. I am proposing a new type of health care space with a much-needed holistic approach. Focus is on treatments such as mindfulness, basal body awareness and yin yoga as well as different kinds of therapy and activities in a space close to nature. A holistic space including a garden, an indoor space and a piece of furniture that are designed to respond to the non-measurable and invisible symptoms of fatigue syndrome.
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