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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo longitudinal para explorar as rela??es entre os dom?nios da Classifica??o Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Sa?de (CIF) em pacientes com Diabetes Mellitus

Pinhal, Kaio Cesar 13 April 2018 (has links)
?rea de concentra??o: Aspectos f?sico-funcionais e reabilita??o. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-10-29T20:42:51Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) kaio_cesar_pinhal.pdf: 2523263 bytes, checksum: 1b6ff2e9b6897955304c8b0b2a3cd96b (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2018-11-10T11:42:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) kaio_cesar_pinhal.pdf: 2523263 bytes, checksum: 1b6ff2e9b6897955304c8b0b2a3cd96b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-11-10T11:42:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) kaio_cesar_pinhal.pdf: 2523263 bytes, checksum: 1b6ff2e9b6897955304c8b0b2a3cd96b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018 / As mudan?as observadas no perfil de morbimortalidade da popula??o refletem no aumento do n?mero de casos de doen?as cr?nicas n?o transmiss?veis (DCNT). Devido a sua magnitude, ? importante focalizar o debate sobre a epidemia das DCNT no contexto do Diabetes Mellitus (DM). A evolu??o do DM ? marcada pelo surgimento de complica??es e agravos, como tamb?m por um comprometimento da capacidade funcional do indiv?duo. Em 2001, a OMS cria a Classifica??o Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Sa?de (CIF), introduzindo um novo paradigma para se pensar e trabalhar a defici?ncia e a incapacidade. Os dom?nios da CIF s?o descritos com base na perspectiva do corpo, do indiv?duo e da sociedade, sendo divididos estruturalmente em duas partes: funcionalidade/incapacidade e fatores contextuais. A funcionalidade/incapacidade divide-se em dois componentes: estruturas e fun??es do corpo e atividades e participa??o. Os fatores contextuais abrangem os fatores pessoais e os fatores ambientais. Mesmo com a publica??o de pesquisas recentes, estudos que utilizam a CIF de maneira quantitativa ainda s?o escassos. O impacto dos fatores contextuais sobre a atividade e participa??o em indiv?duos om DM e an?lises longitudinais envolvendo os dom?nios da CIF tamb?m carecem de reflex?es mais aprofundadas. Entender a evolu??o das consequ?ncias funcionais do DM ao longo do tempo ? fundamental, n?o s? por compreender os seus determinantes, mas por permitir a??es preventivas antes do surgimento de agravos, al?m de contribuir para a elabora??o de interven??es com vistas a desenvolver mudan?as no autocuidado, qualidade de vida e mobilidade em indiv?duos com DM, aumentando tamb?m o conhecimento e aceita??o sobre a doen?a e incentivando a busca por h?bitos mais saud?veis. Sendo assim, o objetivo geral desse estudo foi realizar uma avalia??o funcional tr?s anos ap?s a linha de base em indiv?duos com Diabetes Mellitus acompanhados nas unidades b?sicas de sa?de do munic?pio de Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brasil. / Disserta??o (Mestrado) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Reabilita??o e Desempenho Funcional, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2018. / The observed changes in the morbidity and mortality profile of the population reflect the increase in the number of cases of chronic non-communicable diseases (CNCD). Due to its magnitude, it is important to focus the debate on the CNCD epidemic in the context of Diabetes Mellitus (DM). The DM evolution is marked by the appearance of complications and injuries, as well as by a functional capacity compromise of the individual. In 2000, the World Health Organization (WHO) created the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), introducing a new paradigm for thinking and working on disability. The domains of the ICF are described based on the perspective of the body, the subject and the society, being divided structurally in two parts: functionality/disability and contextual factors. Functionality/disability is divided into two components: structures and functions of the body and activities and participation. Contextual factors encompass personal factors and environmental factors. Even with the publication of recent research, studies that use the ICF quantitatively are still scarce. The impact of the contextual factors on the activity and participation in individuals with DM and longitudinal analyzes involving the domains of the ICF also need to be further investigated. Understanding the evolution of DM functional consequences over time is fundamental not only because it understands its determinants, but also because it allows for preventive actions before the diseases onset, besides contributing to the elaboration of interventions to develop changes in self-care, quality of life and mobility in individuals with DM, also increasing knowledge and acceptance about the disease and encouraging the search for healthier habits. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to perform a functional evaluation three years after the baseline in individuals with DM accompanied at the basic health units of the Diamantina, Minas Gerais, Brazil.

Incongruência de Gênero : um estudo comparativo entre os critérios diagnósticos CID-10, CID-11 e DSM-5

Soll, Bianca Machado Borba January 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de discutir a proposta dos critérios diagnósticos da CID-11 para Incongruência de Gênero e comparar as diretrizes dos manuais diagnósticos DSM-5 e CID-10 para Disforia de Gênero e Transtorno de Identidade de Gênero, respectivamente. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) está em processo de revisão da Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID). Diferentemente do sistema de classificação vigente (CID-10), as modificações propostas pela CID-11 no que diz respeito à condição transexual são norteadas pela compreensão de que esta não é doença mental e que o acesso à saúde desta população necessita ser ampliado. O artigo derivado desta dissertação compara os critérios nos manuais diagnósticos existentes, o DSM-5 e da CID-10, em uma amostra brasileira de pessoas transexuais que procuraram serviços de saúde especificamente para a transição física. Este é um estudo transversal multicêntrico que inclui uma amostra de 103 indivíduos que procuraram os serviços em um dos dois principais centros de referência no Brasil especializados em identidade de gênero. O método da pesquisa consiste na aplicação, por profissionais previamente treinados, de uma entrevista estruturada desenvolvida pelo WHO´s Field Study Coordination Group for ICD-11 Mental and Behavioural Disorders que contempla os critérios diagnósticos. Os resultados revelam que, embora exista desacordo teórico nos critérios há uma sobreposição entre os dois sistemas quanto à confirmação do diagnóstico, com o DSM-5 mais inclusivo. Adicionalmente, a média do tempo de espera para ter acesso a este tipo de serviço é de quase uma década. Nossos achados confirmam a ideia de que há pouco consenso quanto aos critérios diagnósticos dos comportamentos transgêneros, considerando a diversidade de contextos sociais e culturais e que seguem com pouca diferenciação tanto etiológica quanto clínica para fins diagnósticos. / The current work aims to discuss the proposed diagnostic criteria of ICD-11 for Gender Incongruence and compare the diagnostic criteria of DSM-5 and ICD-10 Gender Dysphoria and Gender Identity Disorder, respectively. The World Health Organization (WHO) is reviewing the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Despite the existing classification system (ICD-10), changes proposed by ICD-11 concerning transgender condition are guided by the understanding that it is not a mental illness and that this population needs health service access to be expanded. The study derived from this work aim to compare the criteria in the existing diagnostic manuals, the DSM-5 and the ICD-10, among a Brazilian sample of transgender persons who sought health services specifically for physical transition. This is a multicenter cross-sectional study that includes a sample of 103 subjects who sought services for gender identity disorder in one of two main reference centers in Brazil. The research method consists of applying a structured interview, which is comprised of the diagnostic criteria from the two manuals. The results reveal that although the theoretical disagreement in the criteria, there is an overlap among the two systems as diagnosis confirmation, to the DSM-5 more inclusive. Additionally, the average waiting time to access this type of service is nearly a decade. Although there is not a consensus concerning such on transgenderism in the diversity of social and cultural contexts, the findings confirm previous impression that despite efforts to determine the diagnostic settings, they follow slightly different as to etiology and different clinical presentations of this condition.

Reabilitação da pessoa amputada de membros inferiores: barreiras e facilitadores / Rehabilitation of lower limb amputation: barriers and facilitators

Gonçalves Júnior, Erádio 28 July 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T17:32:57Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 RESUMO- Eradio.pdf: 67154 bytes, checksum: 3d6ece6b7ed04b062675546adadf2569 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-28 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The lower limb amputation involves important motor, psychological and social sequelae, being a serious public health problem in Brazil and worldwide. Identify the major barriers and facilitators involved in the person s rehabilitation process with amputated lower limb in Florianópolis were the main objective of this study. Look at the amputee person in the context of functionality enlarges the horizon and contextualizes the individual, the family, the community in the biopsychosocial perspective. Therefore it attempted to describe the functionality and disability process through ICF and know the issues related to assistance and therapeutic itineraries experience. This is an exploratory and descriptive research with qualitative approach, with production data purchased through semi-structured interviews, in depth, complemented by a field diary with six individuals who experienced amputation of lower limbs. The data were organized and processed by means of coding, classification and categorization, following the Analysis of Content technique suggested by Bardin. Observing the therapeutic itinerary of the interviewees are perceived access barriers, structural and organizational imposed by the health services and social security. It also was evidenced, the unpreparedness scientific-technical of health professionals, the barriers related to physical accessibility and the lack of medical transports for treatment. During the interviews, the social support, especially the provided by family members and friends were highlighted as an important facilitator. The trajectories also served to highlight the importance of prosthetic for rehabilitation of person amputee as well as the barriers faced to your assurance through Brazilian health system or Social Security. / A amputação de membros inferiores envolve sequelas motoras, psicológicas e sociais importantes, sendo um grave problema de saúde pública no Brasil e no mundo. Identificar as principais barreiras e os facilitadores envolvidos no processo de reabilitação da pessoa amputada de membro inferior no município de Florianópolis foi o principal objetivo deste estudo. Olhar a pessoa amputada no contexto da funcionalidade amplia os horizontes e contextualiza o indivíduo, a família, a comunidade em uma perspectiva biopsicossocial. Para tanto se buscou descrever o processo de funcionalidade e de incapacidade por meio da CIF e conhecer as questões relacionadas à assistência e aos itinerários terapêuticos vivenciados. Trata-se de uma pesquisa exploratória e descritiva com abordagem qualitativa, com produção de dados adquiridos por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, em profundidade, complementadas por um diário de campo, com seis indivíduos que sofreram amputação de membros inferiores. Os dados foram organizados e tratados por meio de codificação, classificação e categorização, seguindo a técnica de Análise de Conteúdo sugerida por Bardin. Observando o itinerário terapêutico dos entrevistados perceberam-se barreiras de acesso, estruturais e organizacionais impostas pelos serviços de saúde e previdência social. Ficou evidenciado, também, o despreparo técnico-científico dos profissionais de saúde, as barreiras ligadas à acessibilidade física e a falta de transporte sanitário para tratamento. Durante as entrevistas, o suporte social, sobretudo aquele oferecido pelos familiares e amigos foram ressaltados como importante facilitador. As trajetórias também serviram para destacar a importância da prótese para reabilitação da pessoa amputada, bem como as barreiras enfrentadas para sua garantia por meio do SUS ou Previdência Social.

Incongruência de Gênero : um estudo comparativo entre os critérios diagnósticos CID-10, CID-11 e DSM-5

Soll, Bianca Machado Borba January 2016 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de discutir a proposta dos critérios diagnósticos da CID-11 para Incongruência de Gênero e comparar as diretrizes dos manuais diagnósticos DSM-5 e CID-10 para Disforia de Gênero e Transtorno de Identidade de Gênero, respectivamente. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) está em processo de revisão da Classificação Internacional de Doenças (CID). Diferentemente do sistema de classificação vigente (CID-10), as modificações propostas pela CID-11 no que diz respeito à condição transexual são norteadas pela compreensão de que esta não é doença mental e que o acesso à saúde desta população necessita ser ampliado. O artigo derivado desta dissertação compara os critérios nos manuais diagnósticos existentes, o DSM-5 e da CID-10, em uma amostra brasileira de pessoas transexuais que procuraram serviços de saúde especificamente para a transição física. Este é um estudo transversal multicêntrico que inclui uma amostra de 103 indivíduos que procuraram os serviços em um dos dois principais centros de referência no Brasil especializados em identidade de gênero. O método da pesquisa consiste na aplicação, por profissionais previamente treinados, de uma entrevista estruturada desenvolvida pelo WHO´s Field Study Coordination Group for ICD-11 Mental and Behavioural Disorders que contempla os critérios diagnósticos. Os resultados revelam que, embora exista desacordo teórico nos critérios há uma sobreposição entre os dois sistemas quanto à confirmação do diagnóstico, com o DSM-5 mais inclusivo. Adicionalmente, a média do tempo de espera para ter acesso a este tipo de serviço é de quase uma década. Nossos achados confirmam a ideia de que há pouco consenso quanto aos critérios diagnósticos dos comportamentos transgêneros, considerando a diversidade de contextos sociais e culturais e que seguem com pouca diferenciação tanto etiológica quanto clínica para fins diagnósticos. / The current work aims to discuss the proposed diagnostic criteria of ICD-11 for Gender Incongruence and compare the diagnostic criteria of DSM-5 and ICD-10 Gender Dysphoria and Gender Identity Disorder, respectively. The World Health Organization (WHO) is reviewing the International Classification of Diseases (ICD). Despite the existing classification system (ICD-10), changes proposed by ICD-11 concerning transgender condition are guided by the understanding that it is not a mental illness and that this population needs health service access to be expanded. The study derived from this work aim to compare the criteria in the existing diagnostic manuals, the DSM-5 and the ICD-10, among a Brazilian sample of transgender persons who sought health services specifically for physical transition. This is a multicenter cross-sectional study that includes a sample of 103 subjects who sought services for gender identity disorder in one of two main reference centers in Brazil. The research method consists of applying a structured interview, which is comprised of the diagnostic criteria from the two manuals. The results reveal that although the theoretical disagreement in the criteria, there is an overlap among the two systems as diagnosis confirmation, to the DSM-5 more inclusive. Additionally, the average waiting time to access this type of service is nearly a decade. Although there is not a consensus concerning such on transgenderism in the diversity of social and cultural contexts, the findings confirm previous impression that despite efforts to determine the diagnostic settings, they follow slightly different as to etiology and different clinical presentations of this condition.

Avaliação das necessidades de fala e linguagem em sujeitos pós AVC : instrumento clínico baseado na CIF / Assessment of speech and language needs in post-stroke subjects : instrument based on the ICF

Dallaqua, Graziella Batista, 1987- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Regina Yu Shon Chun / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T00:52:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dallaqua_GraziellaBatista_M.pdf: 1572866 bytes, checksum: 28d7900916c3e2caccbdaa7614c39c08 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Nas últimas décadas tem-se observado grandes mudanças em relação ao cuidado e as necessidades das pessoas com determinadas condições de saúde, tais como as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT), sendo que as políticas públicas de saúde incluem como aspectos essenciais, questões de atividade, participação e fatores contextuais como preconiza a Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS). A partir desse ponto de vista, a Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde ¿ CIF, proposto pela OMS, envolvendo diversos países, surge para abarcar tais questões e auxiliar os profissionais de Saúde na realização de uma avaliação diferenciada, na definição de metas, no gerenciamento da intervenção e na medida de resultados. Desta forma, este estudo volta-se ao cuidado de pessoas com DCNT, mais especificamente, o Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC), nos aspectos de fala e linguagem, no âmbito da fonoaudiologia. Trata-se de estudo metodológico, com objetivo de propor um instrumento auxiliar para aplicação da CIF nos domínios de fala e linguagem de acordo com as etapas a seguir: a) Seleção dos domínios da CIF relacionados à fala e a linguagem b) Elaboração das perguntas auxiliares para cada domínio selecionado e dos critérios de qualificação, segundo a CIF c) Avaliação das perguntas auxiliares para validade de conteúdo d) Desenvolvimento das instruções de aplicação e) Aplicação de teste piloto e f) Estimativa da confiabilidade entre observadores. Como resultado obteve-se um instrumento com 35 perguntas para auxiliar na aplicação de 30 domínios da CIF relacionados à fala e a linguagem, de forma mais prática e de fácil entendimento e aplicação. A validade de conteúdo e confiabilidade entre observadores são ótimas demostrando que o instrumento proposto é capaz de auxiliar na avaliação de funcionalidade e participação nos domínios relacionados a fala e linguagem. Espera-se, deste modo, contribuir para a expansão da utilização da CIF nos casos pós-AVC, no âmbito da clínica fonoaudiológica / During the last decades it has been observed great changes regarding care and needs of people with particular health conditions, such as noncontagious chronic diseases (NCCD), since Health Public Policies include as essential aspects, activity issues, participation and contextual factors as stated by World Health Organization (WHO). The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), proposed by WHO, comes out to comprehend those factors and help health professionals to perform a singular assessment, determine targets, manage intervention and measure results in health assistance. Among the NCCD, this study turns to speech and language aspects, participation and functionality of people who have suffered a stroke, in Speech and Language Pathology field, using ICF as a conceptual foundation. It's important to have a clinical instrument based on human functionality perspective, as proposed by ICF, which integrates language use on the individual's context and relates itself with several environmental and personal aspects regarding language use aiming a differentiated clinical assessment and decision making process centered on the person who has suffered the stroke. It's a methodological study, proposing a clinical instrument to evaluate and classify speech and language needs, participation and functionality after a cerebral vascular disease based on ICF. Therefore we have followed the next stages: a) Selecting speech and language ICF domains, b) Formulating questions for each selected domain and qualification criteria, according to ICF c) Evaluating questions in order to validate their content, d) Developing application instructions, e) Pilot test application and f) Estimation of reliability among observers. The result was a 35 question clinical instrument to evaluation and classification of speech and language aspects, participation and functionality of people who have suffered a stroke, according to ICF. The instrument presented content validation and reliability among observers demonstrating its applicability. The possibility of using several sources of information (subject, family and professional) and the instrument application time are positive and practicable aspects to its utilization in different clinical contexts in a bio-psycho-social approach centered on the subject and not on the pathology. The results confirm the importance of ICF utilization as a conceptual foundation to a differentiated clinical intervention on the perspective of an integral and human attention / Mestrado / Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação / Mestra em Saúde, Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação

Capturing culturally safe nursing care

Lewis, Adrienne 28 August 2017 (has links)
ABSTRACT This thesis represents a two phase, qualitative study using both Expert Review Panel and Delphi Panel research methods. The two research questions guiding this study were: 1) Phase I: What does culturally safe nursing practice mean, and how do we know when it is being practiced; and 2) Phase II: Can proposed culturally safe nursing practices be coded through use of International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) and/or Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC)? Originating from the field of nursing in New Zealand, there is interest in adopting cultural safety in Canada to support culturally safe nursing care for Canada’s Indigenous people (Canadian Nurses Association, 2009). A synthesis of the literature was conducted in Phase I of this study revealing six hallmarks of culturally safe nursing care. Those are: 1) Creating trust; 2) Relinquishing power over relationships; 3) Approaching people with respect; 4) Seeking permission; 5) Listening with your heart and ears; and 6) Attending to those who’s beliefs and practices differ. Representing culturally safe care of an Indigenous elder, a case scenario, developed by the principle investigator (PI), was presented to cultural safety experts (n=3) participating on an Expert Review Panel (ERP). The results of ERP showed that all six culturally safe nursing practices were represented in the case scenario. Validating that culturally safe nursing practices could be succinctly defined contributes to new knowledge, and most importantly informs nurses how to practice in a culturally safe nursing way. The purpose of using a Delphi panel method in Phase II was to see if culturally safe nursing practices in the case scenario could be represented in the ICNP® and NIC nursing languages by experts in those particular languages. To explore this two groups of subject matter experts in ICNP® (n=3) and NIC (n = 3) were invited to participate in separate Delphi panels. Overall, the Phase II Delphi panel results reflected the divergent way ICNP® and NIC are structured, in that terms alone do not provide enough contextual meaning to support clinical practice. The results of the ICNP® Delphi Panel showed that one ICNP® nursing intervention could represent culturally safe nursing care: Establishing Trust. Otherwise, the abstract composition of ICNP® terms affected the study results. The NIC Delphi panel results reflect the content and structure of NIC, and as such the experts identified the following four NIC nursing interventions that reflect culturally safe nursing care, they are: 1) Culture Brokerage, 2) Complex Relationship Building, 3) Emotional Support, and 4) Active Listening. Succinctly defining what nurses do is important; therefore, nursing languages need to be unambiguous, contextual so they are accurately and consistently documented. Validating culturally safe nursing practices exist—and further ensuring they are represented in standardized nursing languages and terminology sets and thus coded for use in an electronic health record (EHR)—ensures that culturally safe nursing care data is captured in the EHR. / Graduate

Linguagem, participação e funcionalidade de adultos pós AVE em atendimento ambulatorial : avaliação baseada na CIF / Language, participation and functionality of post-Stroke adults in ambulatory care : evaluation based on ICF

Santana, Maria Tereza Maynard, 1990- 12 November 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Regina Yu Shon Chun / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T14:23:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Santana_MariaTerezaMaynard_M.pdf: 859499 bytes, checksum: 64bd889c4f70a131daf590784b96aefe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: INTRODUÇÃO: Dentre as doenças crônicas não transmissíveis (DCNT), o AVE (Acidente Vascular Encefálico) trata de um importante problema de Saúde Pública, dado os altos índices de mortalidade e suas sequelas, tais como as alterações de linguagem e suas implicações na participação. Ao longo do tempo, diversas mudanças de paradigmas na saúde levam a ressignificação da clínica, incorporando-se em suas práticas aspectos funcionais e sociais tal como propõe a Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) na Classificação Internacional de Incapacidade, Funcionalidade e Saúde ¿ CIF. Este trabalho fundamenta-se em uma visão de linguagem pautada na subjetividade e no cuidado humanizado em fonoaudiologia de pessoas que sofreram AVE, em que a base conceitual da CIF desponta como importante ferramenta por incorporar uma visão positiva da saúde humana. OBJETIVOS: Avaliar e classificar aspectos de linguagem, funcionalidade e participação de pessoas pós AVE com base conceitual da CIF e caracterizar o perfil sociodemográfico dos participantes. MÉTODO: A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética da FCM/UNICAMP sob nº 442.958/2013. A amostra é constituída de 50 (cinquenta) participantes com diagnóstico de AVE em atendimento ambulatorial, tempo de íctos acima de 3 (três) meses e de ambos os sexos. A coleta de dados se deu por meio da aplicação de um instrumento clínico para avaliação das necessidades de linguagem, participação e funcionalidade no AVE baseada na CIF. Para classificação dos dados foram consideradas diversas fontes de informação. Os dados foram analisados a partir dos componentes da CIF de Funções do Corpo; Atividade e Participação; Fatores Ambientais, utilizando-se os qualificadores quanto a gravidade do problema e magnitude do nível de saúde. RESULTADOS: A idade dos participantes variou entre 32 e 88 anos, sendo que a maioria (57,8%) é idoso do sexo masculino. Nas funções do corpo, os participantes referiram maior dificuldade nos domínios de "função da memória" e "funções de orientação" (60% em ambos). Em atividade e participação, relataram maior dificuldade em "recreação e lazer" (61,1%), "escrever mensagens" (55,6 %), "andar" (53,1%), "concentrar a atenção" (52%) e "vida comunitária" (51,7%). Nos fatores ambientais, o componente "profissionais de saúde" foi indicado como facilitador para a maior parte do grupo estudado (83,6%), sendo relatado como barreira para uma pequena parcela (14,2%). Quanto ao item "família imediata" foi considerado como facilitador para grande parte dos participantes (79,1%) e como barreira para uma pequena parte (2,3%). O item "família ampliada" foi referido como facilitador para a maioria (70,8%) e como barreira para uma baixa porcentagem (4,2%) dos participantes. CONCLUSÃO: A utilização da CIF como base conceitual possibilitou a análise e classificação dos aspectos de linguagem, funcionalidade e participação das pessoas que sofreram AVE, evidenciando o impacto em suas vidas, em sua percepção, aliada a visão do profissional. Os resultados contribuem para ampliar o olhar do fonoaudiólogo e aprimorar a assistência à saúde desse grupo populacional no atendimento ambulatorial em uma abordagem integral e humanizada / Abstract: INTRODUCTION: Among the chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs), the CVA (Cerebrovascular Accident) is the most important issue in Public Health, due to its high mortality and after-effects, such as language impairments and implication in participation. Over time, many changes in health paradigms led to the resignification of clinical practice, incorporating in its practices functional and social aspects, as proposed by the World Health Organization (WHO) in The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF). This paper follows a language approach based on the subjectivity and humanized care in Speech and Language Pathology for people that suffered CVA, in which the ICF conceptual basis emerges as an important tool since it embodies a positive vision of human health. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate and classify aspects of language, functionality and participation in post-CVA patients under the ICF conceptual basis and to characterize the sociodemographic profile of the participants. METHOD: The research was approved by the Ethics Committee of FCM/UNICAMP under # 442.958. The sample constitutes 50 (fifty) participants diagnosed with CVA outpatient care, who had the stroke at least 3 (three) months before the research and of both sexes. The data collection was done through the application of a clinical instrument for the evaluation of language, participation and functionality needs in CVA based on ICF. To classify the data, some sources of information were considered in the study. The data were analyzed from ICF components of Body Functions; Activity and Participation; Environmental Factors, using the qualifiers concerning the gravity of the problem and magnitude of health level. RESULTS: The age of the participants varied between 32 and 88 years old, the majority (57, 8%) being elderly men. Among the body functions, the participants reported more difficulties in "memory functions" and "orientation functions" (60% on both). Among activity and participation, were related more difficulties in "recreation and leisure" (61,1%), "writing messages" (55,6%), "walking" (53,1%), "focus the attention" (52%) and "community life" (51,7%). Amongst the environmental factors, the component "healthcare professionals" was indicated as a facilitator to most of the group (83,6%) and reported as a barrier for a small portion (14,2%). As for the item "immediate family", it was considered by a large portion of the participants (79,1%) as a facilitator and as a barrier for a small part (2,3%). The item "extended family" was reported as a facilitator for most (70,8%) and as a barrier for a low percentage of the sample (4,2%). CONCLUSION: The use of ICF as a conceptual basis allowed the analysis and classification of language, functionality and participation aspects in people that had suffered CVA, indicating the impact in their lives and perception, along with the professional view. The results contribute to extend the Speech and Language Pathologist approach and to improve the health assistance to outpatient care in an integral and humanized view / Mestrado / Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação / Mestra em Saúde, Interdisciplinaridade e Reabilitação

Artifact-Supported Performance Management of Collaborative Care Teams

Lakhani, Rubina 10 August 2021 (has links)
This research proposes a framework for collaborative care in which the performance of healthcare teams is measured in an objective and quantifiable manner. We call our framework the Performance Management Framework for Collaborative Care (PMFCC). The PMFCC was developed using insights from agile software engineering, business, and healthcare and consists of three Components: the Collaboration Space Ontology Template, the Agile Process Model, and the Performance Management Model. We developed a set of example Artifacts based on our framework to better support performance management of collaborative care teams: Agile Treatment Plan, Agile Collaborative Dashboard, ICF Patient Card and Collaborative Care Model Canvas. The framework and associated Artifacts were developed iteratively using Design Science Research Methodology. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder was used as an example relevant to performance management of collaborative care teams. A Clinical Vignette drawn from the healthcare literature was used to develop a set of scenarios to test and evaluate the PMFCC and its Artifacts at each iteration. A panel of experts was established at the end of our research to review our results and provide structured and unstructured feedback based on a set of evaluation criteria drawn from the relevant academic literature. The PMFCC was also compared to related works from the literature.

Speech-Language Pathologists’ Perceptions of the Severity of Speech Sound Disorder

Moser, Alexis 01 May 2023 (has links)
Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine speech-language pathologists’ (SLPs’) perceptions regarding the concept of severity of speech sound disorder (SSD). Methods: An online survey of 40 questions was created using REDCap® and disseminated to currently practicing SLPs across the United States. A total of 296 responses were completed, and data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and coding according to grounded theory. Results: The top five factors SLPs consider when determining SSD severity are types of errors, intelligibility, perceptual judgment, normative data, and percentile rankings. Most SLPs were unfamiliar with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (WHO, 2001), which was reflected in how they prioritized the ICF component of body function over activity/participation and personal factors. Conclusion: SLPs need a standard, biopsychosocial model for rating SSD severity, clinical training and continuing education on the ICF, and exposure to holistic tools for assessing children with SSD.

Uncovering the obstacles: creating a typology of contextual factors that affect participation

Kirschner, Leon 17 May 2020 (has links)
Increasingly, disability related literature recognizes the environment as an important factor in the participation in roles and in engagement in activities for individuals with disabilities; which would naturally make the environment an important concern for occupational therapists (Hammel et al., 2015). The language and methods to describe and analyze the characteristics of the environment that support or limit client participation in occupations are not as well developed in occupational therapy (Whiteneck & Djickers, 2009). This is an important gap in our practice that must be addressed. Guided by Person-Environment-Occupation Theory (Baptiste, 2017), this project attempted to address this need by developing a typology of terms for contextual factors that affect participation. It was completed with the belief that providing the terminology will increase the attention provided to these factors in practice. Environmental interventions can be more universal, are often less expensive, and change the focus from the individual’s deficits to how society can be more just and inclusive. We created the typology using a scoping review methodology to identify source literature and by searching through the selected literature for the environmental and contextual terms describing factors that impact participation. The resulting typology is divided into four areas with twelve categories of terms and 54 total terms. It aligns with the International Classification of Function (WHO, 2001) and the performance factors in the Occupational Therapy Practice Framework (AOTA, 2014). The typology is designed and meant for use across OT practice areas, in OT education, research and scholarship. This will require wide spread dissemination. A dissemination plan based on Diffusion of Innovations Theory (Rogers ,2010) starts by refining the typology with the guidance of assessment from stakeholders. After this refinement process, the typology will be introduced via outreach to occupational therapy programs, publications, and conference presentations. Widely used, this typology has the potential to expand the scope of occupational therapy and to make our interventions more effective in improving and increasing participation for more people.

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