Spelling suggestions: "subject:"international grade.""
1361 |
The Great Synchronization of International Trade CollapseAntonakakis, Nikolaos 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this study we provide novel results on the extent of international trade synchronization during periods of trade collapses
and US recessions. Based on monthly data for the G7 economies over the period 1961-2011, our results suggest rather idiosyncratic patterns
of international trade synchronization during trade collapses and US recessions. During the great recession of 2007-2009, however,
international trade experienced the most sudden, severe and globally synchronized collapse. (author's abstract) / Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Series
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In Vino Veritas : An Estimation of the Export Demand Function for Chile's Export of Wine to 15 OECD CountriesLundqvist, Anna January 2005 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats undersöker hur efterfrågan av Chilenskt vin påverkas av importländernas inkomst, relativpriset på Chilenskt vin i förhållande till genomsnittspriset på den totala importen av vin, avståndet mellan handelsparterna och inhemsk vinproduktion i importlandet. Studien innefattar 15 OECD länder mellan åren 1998 och 2002.</p><p>En utökad exportefterfrågefunktion ligger till grund för den empiriska undersökningen och resultaten visar signifikanta variabler med förväntade tecken. Vidare utvidgas ekvationen för att beakta tidseffekter, nämligen genom att inkludera genomsnittsvärdet på den beroende variabeln och dummy variabler för treårsperioder. Genom detta stiger förklaringsgraden i regressionen från 27,8 till 58,1 procent. De estimerade långsiktiga effekterna i efterfrågan för Chilenskt vin visar att en ökning med en procent av importörernas inkomst också ökar efterfrågan på Chilenskt vin med ungefär 0,8 procent. En lika stor ökning i relativpriset minskar efterfrågan med ungefär 0,3 procent. Ökat avstånd mellan handelsparterna med 1000 kilometer minskar efterfrågan med 16,6 procent. Om importören är ett vinproducerande land är efterfrågan 85 procent lägre än om landet inte producerar vin.</p><p>Resultaten stämmer överens med teorierna om exportefterfrågan men skillnader mellan vinproducerande länder är i vissa fall stora. En anledning för detta kan vara skillnader i produktionsvolym av vin mellan länder, en annan att det finns starka kulturella associationer till inhemska produkter som gör att konsumenter föredrar inhemska produkter framför utländska.</p> / <p>This thesis examines how the export demand for Chilean wine is affected by importers income, relative prices, distance between trading partners and do-mestic wine production between 1988 and 2002 in 15 OECD countries.</p><p>The empirical test is based on an extended export demand function, and the results show significant estimates with expected signs. Adjusting for time pe-riod specific effects by including dummy variables for three year periods and running the regression on the average values of Chilean export of wine in-creased the coefficient of determination from 27.8 to 58.1 percent. The long run effect on demand for Chilean wine indicates that a one percent increase in importers’ income raises demand for Chilean wine with about 0.8 percent. A similar increase in the relative price of Chilean wine to the world price of wine decreases demand with about 0.3 percent. Increasing distance with 1000 kilo-metres decreases demand for exports with approximately 16.6 percent. If the country is a wine producer demand is about 85 percent lower compared to non producing countries.</p><p>The results are in line with the theories on export demand, however among the wine producing countries there are large differences among countries in their demand for Chilean wine. One reason could be different volume of own pro-duction, another cultural associations to domestic products making preferences biased towards the domestic variety.</p>
1363 |
Are NMEs our enemies? : non-market economies and western trade policies /Horne, Cynthia Michalski. January 2001 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2001. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 324-362).
1364 |
Essays on international trade and intergenerational human capital transmissionCengiz, Gulfer 02 December 2010 (has links)
First chapter aims to quantify the role of trade in capital goods in
cross country income differences. I construct a multi-country general equilibrium
model of trade along the line of Eaton and Kortum (2002) and Alvarez
and Lucas (2007) and introduce trade in capital goods and capital accumulation.
In this framework, comparative advantage and the costs of international
trade determine the pattern of production, specialization, and trade. I calibrate
the model for 53 countries by estimating trade barriers and calibrating
productivity parameters to match the bilateral trade data in 1996. The model
is used to analyze full trade liberalizations. I find that removing barriers on
investment goods accounts a large portion of reducing cross-country income
differences and welfare gain. Counterfactual exercises suggest that developing
countries gain relatively more than developed countries.
In the second chapter, I focus on the impact of free trade on exportimport
ratios in two different sectors. I employ a multi-country general equilibrium model of bilateral trade patterns along the line of Eaton and Kortum
(2002) and Alvarez and Lucas (2007). I calibrate the model for 20 countries
by estimating trade barriers and calibrating productivity parameters to match
the bilateral trade data in 1996. The model is used to analyze full trade liberalizations.
The impacts of free trade are predicted to be an increase in the
export-import ratios in the comparative advantage sector and a decline in the
comparative disadvantage sector, on average. In developing countries the average
percentage change in export-import ratios exceeds the average percentage
change in export-import ratios in developed countries.
Finally, in the third chapter, I focus on the intergenerational human
capital transmission. I develop and calibrate a theoretical model that considers
three mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of human capital:
(i) persistence in learning ability; (ii) parental investment in child’s human
capital; (iii) higher teaching productivity of parents with more human capital.
Within this framework, I find that (i) and (ii) plays important roles while (iii)
does not. In addition the model generates the documented fact that higherwage
parents spending more time teaching their children in spite of the higher
opportunity cost. I asses the role of nature and nurture effects in intergenerational
persistence of earnings and I find that nature accounts a large portion
of the intergenerational persistence in earnings. I also quantify the relative
importance of these mechanisms on wage inequality. / text
1365 |
Risk, Conflict and Challenges in the Context of Emerging Economies / Risiken, Konflikte und Herausforderungen im Kontext von Emerging EconomiesKlann, Nils-Hendrik 16 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Competencia externa potencial en la industria argentinaWinkler, Hernán Jorge January 2006 (has links) (PDF)
El proceso de apertura comercial experimentado por Argentina en los años 90 sometió a la industria por primera vez en mucho tiempo a la competencia externa. Este trabajo investiga en qué medida la competencia externa potencial actuó como un limitante del poder de mercado de la industria local. Utilizando modelos dinámicos para datos en panel se demostró que dicha competencia fue significativa durante el período 1995-2001. En particular, algunos de los modelos estimados sugieren que aquellas industrias menos concentradas, con menor protección arancelaria, con economías de escala más reducidas, no vinculadas directamente a la actividad agropecuaria o que producen productos menos diferenciados son las que enfrentaron una competencia potencial externa significativa. / The process of trade liberalization experienced by Argentina in the 90s subjected domestic industries to foreign competition for the first time in many years. This paper studies to what extent potential foreign competition was a limiting factor of domestic market power. Using dynamic panel data models, this paper shows that such competition was significant between 1995 and 2001. Specifically, some of the models suggest that those industries not directly linked to agricultural activities, with a low degree of concentration, with low tariff barriers, with a low degree of economies of scale and whose output has a low degree of differentiation are the ones that experienced significant potential foreign competition. / Una versión de este trabajo obtuvo el premio "Elías Salama" otorgado en las X Jornadas de Economía Monetaria e Internacional, organizadas por el Departamento de Economía de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
1367 |
The effects of Financial & Institutional Systems on International Trade, Specialization and Foreign Direct InvestmentCezar Vasconcellos Barros, Rafael 26 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis examines the impact of institutions, especially the financial institutions, on international trade and foreign direct investments. The first four chapters study the financial institutions and their impact on trade and international specialization. Specifically, the first chapter examines these financial institutions and the determinants of their level of development. The second chapter examines how finance impacts bilateral trade. The third chapter builds a theoretical model and aims to explain the impact of finance on the sectoral trade as a function of the degree of financial intensity of each sector. The fourth chapter analyzes the heterogeneous impact of finance on the different manufacturing sectors. The last chapter of the thesis uses the term "institution" in a broader sense and studies theoretically and empirically whether the similarities and differences in institutional environments across countries explain the international patterns of foreign direct investment (FDI).
1368 |
Court intervention in arbitral proceedings in countries adopting the uncitral model law on international commercial arbitration : an impact of legal culture on reception (case studies of Canada, Hong Kong and Russia)Biukovic, Ljiljana 05 1900 (has links)
This thesis explores problems regarding the reception the UNCITRAL Model Law on
International Commercial Arbitration (ML) in Canada, Hong Kong and Russia. Focusing on the
relationship between national courts and arbitrators, it argues that the ML fosters gradual
harmonization of law on international arbitration, while accommodating the particular needs of
the legal cultures and traditions of Canada, Hong Kong and Russia. The importance of this study
derives from the fact that the experience of these three countries has been, and it still is, a guide
for a number of other countries considering the adoption of the ML and modification of their
arbitration laws.
First, the thesis explores the implementation of the ML at the national level, in each of
the countries of adoption in order determine, the legal changes, if any, brought about by the
adoption. The hypothesis is that legal borrowing can lead to different results in countries with
different legal traditions, different levels of economic development and different political
structures. At this level the analysis focuses on statutory frameworks and judicial practice in
these countries. Second, the thesis compares the results from the study at the national level in
order to explore the ways in which the same pattern (that is, the ML) has been modified to reflect
the socio-economic environment and principles of old systems, and to determine changes to the
original model. The hypothesis is that arbitral tribunals are promoters of a new
"internationalized" legal culture and that national judges and courts, in comparison, are more
likely to reflect local or national legal cultures.
The thesis concludes that variations in the application and interpretation of the M L in
the three countries does not mean that the ML cannot bring about the harmonization of laws.
However, the ML is not a transplantation or duplication of foreign law, but a project of
reception. In that way, the ML serves as a basis for creativity, rather than representing the
imposition of a new, and perhaps, inappropriate; legal culture.
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"Volver": il tango dell'Argentina tra integrazione ed isolamento economico / "VOLVER": ARGENTINA'S TANGO BETWEEN ECONOMIC INTEGRATION AND ISOLATIONTENTORI, DAVIDE 06 March 2014 (has links)
Questa tesi offre un’analisi complessiva della posizione e del ruolo giocato dall’Argentina nell’economia globale durante l’ultimo decennio, attraverso l’uso di diverse metodologie tipiche dell’analisi economica. La ricerca parte dall’analisi della dimensione economica interna del Paese, fornendo uno studio della struttura produttiva dell’Argentina e del suo sviluppo economico. In seguito l’analisi si focalizza sullo studio delle variabili determinanti dei flussi commerciali dell’Argentina con i suoi partners regionali tramite un’applicazione econometrica del modello gravitazionale. Infine, si concentra sull’analisi del ruolo dell’Argentina nella gestione dell’economia globale studiandone il ruolo nel Fondo Monetario Internazionale, nel G20 e nel MERCOSUR attraverso un approccio di International Political Economy. Il risultato principale è la scoperta dell’esistenza di un collegamento tra la dimensione interna e quella esterna. Infatti la persistente instabilità macroeconomica e inappropriate politiche economiche adottate a livello nazionale provocano una perdita di competitività globale che potrebbe danneggiare nel lungo periodo la performance economica dell’Argentina, ostacolandone il raggiungimento dello status di Paese completamente sviluppato. Inoltre, populismo e nazionalismo economico stanno isolando l’Argentina dal resto della regione sudamericana e dal mondo, portando il Paese verso la condizione di ‘pariah’ nelle relazioni internazionali. / This thesis offers a comprehensive analysis of Argentina’s position and role within the global economy during the last decade, adopting different methodologies of the economic analysis. The focus of the research starts from the analysis of the domestic economic dimension of the country, providing a study of Argentina’s economic structure and development pattern. It then examines the study of the determinants of Argentina’s trading flows with its regional partners with an econometric application of the gravity model of international trade. It finally focuses on the analysis of Argentina’s global inclusion in the management of the global economy through the description of Argentina’s behavior in the IMF, the G20 and MERCOSUR with an approach taken from International Political Economy. The main finding is that there is a link from the internal to the external dimension, since persistent macroeconomic instability and inappropriate economic policies result into a lack of global competitiveness which might affect in the long run the economic performance of Argentina, preventing it from achieving the status of a completely developed country. Moreover, populism and economic nationalism are isolating Argentina from the rest of South America and the world, driving the country to the status of a ‘pariah’ in international relations.
1370 |
Libéralisation commerciale, développement financier et inégalités de revenuCréchet, Jonathan 07 1900 (has links)
Nous avons mené une étude empirique pour tester les conclusions théoriques d'un article de Foellmi et Oeschlin (2010), selon lesquelles la libéralisation commerciale accroît les inégalités de revenu dans les pays dont les marchés financiers sont affectés par des frictions. On réalise une régression sur des indices synthétiques de la distribution des revenus, de type Gini, de l’ouverture commerciale, en interaction avec un indicateur de disponibilité du crédit. On dispose d’un panel de pays en développement et de pays émergents, comprenant des données annuelles. Il apparaît que les signes de nos variables d’intérêts sont toujours cohérents avec l’analyse de Foellmi et Oeschlin, même après intégration de divers groupes de variables de contrôle et également lorsque les régressions sont effectuées sur des données agrégées par 5 ans. Néanmoins, les paramètres perdent en significativité pour certains groupes de variables de contrôle, certainement du fait de la faible qualité des données et de la taille relativement modeste de l’échantillon. / We lead an empirical analysis based on a model by Foellmi and Oeschlin (2010), in which
trade liberalization increases income inequalities in developing countries where the credit market
is imperfect. We build a panel of developing and emerging countries with annual observations and
we regress synthetic indexes of inequality on trade, in interaction with a measure of financial
development. The coefficients of interest are always consistent with Foellmi and Oeschlin's
analysis, even if we add several control variables and if we perform the estimations on 5 yearsaverage
observations. But the parameters lose significance after adding some control variables,
because the estimations suffer of a lack of precision.
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