Spelling suggestions: "subject:"international grade.""
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進口救濟機制-以石化業為例 / Import Relief - Petrochemical Industry方啟興, Fang, Chi Sing Unknown Date (has links)
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電子廢棄物貿易之國際法規適用問題研究 / The study of applicable international law on e-waste trade陳姿妤, Chen, Tzu Yu Unknown Date (has links)
因電子廢棄物貿易之高經濟性及高汙染性,應適用國際法規以完整規範,目前國際間管制電子廢棄物之法規有二:一為針對環境層面之巴塞爾公約(Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal),另一為針對貿易自由化之WTO(World Trade Organization)貨品貿易原則。
因此,本論文最後將就電子廢棄物給予分類建議,並且探討若電子廢棄物有適當且明確之分類後,法規之適用性大大提升,始可解決環境面與經濟面的難解問題。 / In recent years, electronic products have become more important and indispensable in the human life. With the development of technology, old and used electronic products fall into disuse, so lots of Electronic-Waste (e-waste) has been generated. Because of great economic benefits, the international e-waste trade has turned into a significant issue. In addition, the procedure of re-using, recycling and dismantling e-waste may cause serious damages to the environment. Therefore, the high pollution resulted by E-waste has caught the attention around the world.
Due to the enormous benefits and pollution of e-waste trade, the international law should be applied to stipulate the trade behavior. Currently, there are two international laws controlling e-waste: one is the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Waste and Their Disposal that with regard to environment aspect and another is the World Trade Organization (WTO) goods rules which concerning the trade liberalization. In this research, we find that there are still some shortages about these two laws that lead to the insufficiency of the scope of the laws and difficulty of stipulating the e-waste trade. The main reason is that there is no unified and specific classification and definition of the e-waste. The e-waste will be defined and categorized in this research paper, and then the applicability of the two laws will be significantly improved in order to solve the economic and environmental issues.
Therefore, according to the laws of several countries, we further give a suggestion about the classification and definition of e-waste. After we have the specific classification of e-waste, the applicable laws become useful and accurate so that we can solve the existing problem between environment and economics.
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Branding Spain : analyzing the organizations behind the image of Spain in SwedenAlvarez Martinez, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
<p>Globalization abates barriers and makes the world similar, but also leads countries to perform like companies seeking and competing for global capitals. In this competition the „nation brand‟ becomes a critical tool to stand out and attract any sort of foreign investments. In this research, the factors which affect the nation brand, presented in the Anholt´s hexagon model, will be tested through the combination of theory on nation branding and empirical data. The study analyzes how different organizations affect and promote the commercial image of Spain in Sweden. Up to seven entities susceptible to affect the brand Spain were analyzed; the ICEX, the economic and commercial office of Spain in Stockholm, the embassy of Spain in Stockholm, Invest in Spain, the Elcano Royal institute, the Hispanic-Swedish chamber of commerce in Madrid and the Swedish trade council in Madrid. The study also presents an outline of the current context of the brand Spain and its projection in Sweden, as well as an overview on the trade relationship between both countries. The individual commitment of most of the organizations investigated, under the guidance of the Ministry of foreign affairs and the Ministry of industry, tourism, and trade of Spain, appears as one of the main findings. Despite the limited scope of this investigation, the relative novelty of this field of study leaves room for further research in different directions, questioning those who claim that globalization threats local diversity.</p>
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In Vino Veritas : An Estimation of the Export Demand Function for Chile's Export of Wine to 15 OECD CountriesLundqvist, Anna January 2005 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur efterfrågan av Chilenskt vin påverkas av importländernas inkomst, relativpriset på Chilenskt vin i förhållande till genomsnittspriset på den totala importen av vin, avståndet mellan handelsparterna och inhemsk vinproduktion i importlandet. Studien innefattar 15 OECD länder mellan åren 1998 och 2002. En utökad exportefterfrågefunktion ligger till grund för den empiriska undersökningen och resultaten visar signifikanta variabler med förväntade tecken. Vidare utvidgas ekvationen för att beakta tidseffekter, nämligen genom att inkludera genomsnittsvärdet på den beroende variabeln och dummy variabler för treårsperioder. Genom detta stiger förklaringsgraden i regressionen från 27,8 till 58,1 procent. De estimerade långsiktiga effekterna i efterfrågan för Chilenskt vin visar att en ökning med en procent av importörernas inkomst också ökar efterfrågan på Chilenskt vin med ungefär 0,8 procent. En lika stor ökning i relativpriset minskar efterfrågan med ungefär 0,3 procent. Ökat avstånd mellan handelsparterna med 1000 kilometer minskar efterfrågan med 16,6 procent. Om importören är ett vinproducerande land är efterfrågan 85 procent lägre än om landet inte producerar vin. Resultaten stämmer överens med teorierna om exportefterfrågan men skillnader mellan vinproducerande länder är i vissa fall stora. En anledning för detta kan vara skillnader i produktionsvolym av vin mellan länder, en annan att det finns starka kulturella associationer till inhemska produkter som gör att konsumenter föredrar inhemska produkter framför utländska. / This thesis examines how the export demand for Chilean wine is affected by importers income, relative prices, distance between trading partners and do-mestic wine production between 1988 and 2002 in 15 OECD countries. The empirical test is based on an extended export demand function, and the results show significant estimates with expected signs. Adjusting for time pe-riod specific effects by including dummy variables for three year periods and running the regression on the average values of Chilean export of wine in-creased the coefficient of determination from 27.8 to 58.1 percent. The long run effect on demand for Chilean wine indicates that a one percent increase in importers’ income raises demand for Chilean wine with about 0.8 percent. A similar increase in the relative price of Chilean wine to the world price of wine decreases demand with about 0.3 percent. Increasing distance with 1000 kilo-metres decreases demand for exports with approximately 16.6 percent. If the country is a wine producer demand is about 85 percent lower compared to non producing countries. The results are in line with the theories on export demand, however among the wine producing countries there are large differences among countries in their demand for Chilean wine. One reason could be different volume of own pro-duction, another cultural associations to domestic products making preferences biased towards the domestic variety.
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Trade and environment: the environmental impacts of the agricultural sector in South AfricaKengni, Bernard January 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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Beyond Special and Differential Treatment: Regional Integration as a Means to Growth in East AsiaChan, Su Jin 15 December 2010 (has links)
Special and differential treatment (SDT) provisions in GATT were created to assist developing countries achieve economic progress while assimilating into the multilateral trading system. Despite these intentions, global trade imbalances still persist. Within this context, I focus on the region of East Asia which has experienced astounding growth in just several decades, propelling it far beyond other developing country regions. Although international trade continues to be the crucial factor driving growth in the region, reliance on SDT has in certain circumstances hindered development. As such, East Asia should seek alternatives to SDT. In that vein, I argue that sustainable growth and trade liberalization can be achieved by enhancing integration through a regional trade agreement. I further discuss various proposals for an East Asian trade agreement such as ASEAN+3, FTAAP, and EARTA. Finally, I highlight the importance of governance and identify several institutions essential for a successful regional arrangement.
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Beyond Special and Differential Treatment: Regional Integration as a Means to Growth in East AsiaChan, Su Jin 15 December 2010 (has links)
Special and differential treatment (SDT) provisions in GATT were created to assist developing countries achieve economic progress while assimilating into the multilateral trading system. Despite these intentions, global trade imbalances still persist. Within this context, I focus on the region of East Asia which has experienced astounding growth in just several decades, propelling it far beyond other developing country regions. Although international trade continues to be the crucial factor driving growth in the region, reliance on SDT has in certain circumstances hindered development. As such, East Asia should seek alternatives to SDT. In that vein, I argue that sustainable growth and trade liberalization can be achieved by enhancing integration through a regional trade agreement. I further discuss various proposals for an East Asian trade agreement such as ASEAN+3, FTAAP, and EARTA. Finally, I highlight the importance of governance and identify several institutions essential for a successful regional arrangement.
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A study of contemporary issues of conflict between trade liberalization and protection of the environment with a specific reference to the position of developing and least developed contriesWu, Jun Ye January 2005 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Law
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Rätten till naturaprestation : Bortfaller rätten efter det att ett långvarigt embargo har lyfts?Aziz, Diden January 2013 (has links)
Export is a top priority for Sweden's economy but for Swedish companies it may involve uncomfortable risks of exporting without sincere consideration. When the United Nations Security Council puts an embargo against a country, this often mean an import and export restriction. The thought is to push undemocratic regimes into respecting human rights. When the embargo is in force, however, the parties are not able to fulfill their contractual obligations, which practically means that the agreement will be suspended. The problem is what happens when an embargo is in force for a longer period of time. After the embargo is withdrawn, the price on the market may have changed significantly, which indicates a financial sacrifice for a seller if he has to provide specific performance to the buyer. The question thus is whether the seller, after a prolonged economic sanctions is withdrawn, still is obliged to provide specific performance? The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) is applicable where both parties are signatories to CISG or by rules of international private law. To require performance as a buyer is a general right in Article 46 CISG, but there are exceptions to this rule in Article 28 CISG. Article 28 CISG states that if one party is entitled to require performance of any obligation by the other party, a court is not bound to enter a judgment for specific performance unless the court would do so under its own law in respect of similar contracts of sale not governed by this Convention. Since CISG advocates a harmonized application of international trade, the right to specific performance cannot be waived just on the basis of Article 28 CISG alone. With regard to good faith in international trade in Article 7 (1) CISG, the principle of reasonableness, which is a general principle that the CISG is based upon in accordance with Article 7 (2) CISG and 7.2.2 (b) UPICC, and with the support of international usage regularity observed in the trade concerned in Article 9 CISG, the right to specific performance does not exist anymore after a prolonged embargo has been withdrawn. / Export är högprioriterat för Sveriges ekonomi men för svenska företag kan det inne-bära obekväma risker med att exportera utan eftertanke. När Förenta Nationernas säkerhetsråd går in och lägger ett embargo mot en stat innebär detta ofta en import- och export restriktion. Tanken är att pressa odemokratiska regimer att respektera mänskliga rättigheter. När embargot är i kraft kan dock parterna inte uppfylla sina avtalsförpliktelser vilket innebär att avtalet blir suspenderat. Det problematiska är vad som händer då ett embargo är i kraft under en längre tid. Efter det att ett embargo lyfts kan priset på marknaden ändrats avsevärt vilket innebär en ekonomisk uppoffring för en säljare att tvingas fullgöra i natura. Frågan blir då om säljare efter det att en långvarig ekonomisk sanktion lyfts, fortfarande är tvingen att fullgöra i natura? Lag (1987:822) om internationella köp(CISG) blir tillämplig i det fall då båda parters stater är signatärer eller genom privaträttsliga regler. Att kräva fullgörelse som köpare är en generell rätt i artikel 46 CISG men det finns ett explicit undantag till denna regel i artikel 28 CISG. Artikel 28 CISG stadgar att domstol som ska lösa tvisten, inte är skyldig att meddela dom på fullgörelse om domstol enligt egen forumlandets egen lagstiftning inte skulle ha gjort detta. Skulle tvisten lösas i Svensk domstol blir 23 § köplag (1990:931) tillämplig. Eftersom CISG förespråkar en harmoniserad tillämpning inom internationell handel är det inte tillförlitligt att mena på att rätten till fullgörelse bortfaller med stöd av endast artikel 28 CISG. Med beaktande av god sed i internationell handel i artikel 7(1) CISG, principen om rimlighet/förnuftig person som är en generell princip som CISG är baserat på i enlighet med artikel 7(2) CISG och 7.2.2 (b) UPICC, samt med stöd av handelsbruk i artikel 9 CISG, bortfaller rätten till fullgörelse i natura efter det att ett långvarigt embargo har lyfts.
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Trade governance in latin America. Interest articulation and institutions across negotiations in Argentina and ChileBianculli, Andrea Carla 21 December 2010 (has links)
The trade agenda has undergone significant transformations during the last 25 years. Negotiations have moved from the reciprocal reduction of tariff barriers to include the construction and harmonization of regulatory frameworks in different policy areas, while trade liberalization has simultaneously advanced at the regional and multilateral levels.This research explores under what conditions the launch of trade negotiations - symmetric (South- outh), asymmetric (North-South), and multilateral - have a differential impact on domestic governance. Based on a systematic and contextualized comparative analysis of the complex constellation of domestic actors and interests, and the relationships and interactions established among them in a particular institutional setting, our study argues that these different trade agendas generate diverse policy dynamics. Findings show that the variation in the scope of the agenda, the uncertainty of political outcomes, and the technical requirements attached to these negotiations have important consequences for the ways in which domestic state and non-state actors define their interests and collective action strategies. / La agenda comercial ha sufrido importantes modificaciones durante los últimos 25 años. Las negociaciones han pasado de la reducción recíproca de tarifas a la construcción y armonización regulatoria en distintas áreas de política, mientras que la liberalización comercial ha avanzado simultáneamente a nivel regional y multilateral.Esta investigación explora bajo qué condiciones el lanzamiento de negociaciones comerciales - imétricas (Sur-Sur), asimétricas (Norte-Sur) y multilaterales - tiene un impacto diferente sobre la gobernanza doméstica. A través de la comparación sistemática y contextualizada de la compleja constelación de actores e intereses domésticos, y de las relaciones e interacciones establecidas entre ellos en un determinado escenario institucional, nuestro estudio plantea que estas distintas agendas generan diferentes dinámicas políticas. Los resultados muestran que la variación en el alcance de la agenda, la incertidumbre de los resultados políticos, y los requisitos técnicos de estas negociaciones tienen importantes consecuencias sobre la manera en que los actores estatales y no estatales definen sus intereses y estrategias de acción colectiva.
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