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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo da internacionalização em uma universidade brasileira baseado em mobilidade acadêmica, aspectos institucionais e cenários externos: o caso da Universidade Federal da Bahia

Aquino, Saulo Brandão de 15 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2017-02-07T19:09:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Aquino, Saulo Brandão de.pdf: 1750583 bytes, checksum: da7801133d640b33499fc9dabd4b7d37 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Tatiana Lima (tatianasl@ufba.br) on 2017-02-15T19:10:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Aquino, Saulo Brandão de.pdf: 1750583 bytes, checksum: da7801133d640b33499fc9dabd4b7d37 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-02-15T19:10:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aquino, Saulo Brandão de.pdf: 1750583 bytes, checksum: da7801133d640b33499fc9dabd4b7d37 (MD5) / Esta dissertação trata da investigação da internacionalização em um ambiente universitário brasileiro, baseada em três dimensões: aspectos institucionais, mobilidade acadêmica e cenário externo. Para tanto, foi feito um estudo de caso da Universidade Federal da Bahia a fim de se obter dados que pudessem ajudar a explicar o panorama atual da internacionalização. Ao longo da pesquisa foram explorados temas como benefícios, características, críticas e desafios para a internacionalização em universidades brasileiras. Para auxiliar a pesquisa deste estudo de caso, foram definidos 25 indicadores a serem investigados direta ou indiretamente durante o estudo. Devido à complexidade deste estudo, diversos tipos de dados foram coletados para entender o nível de internacionalização da UFBA, tais como processos, documentos oficiais, organogramas, indicadores de mobilidade acadêmica e rankings internacionais. Esta pesquisa não se limitou a fazer uma análise interna, mas procurou realizar comparativos com outras universidades do mesmo estado, do Brasil e do mundo. Para os comparativos internacionais, foi adotado o Times Higher Education (THE) como ranking de referência. Para complementar o entendimento do panorama desta universidade, foram realizadas entrevistas com setores fundamentais para a viabilização da internacionalização. / This research is aimed to investigate the internationalization in a typical Brazilian university environment based on three dimensions: institutional aspects, academic mobility and external scenario. The Federal University of Bahia was chosen to be analyzed in a case of study in order to obtain data that could help explain the current situation of internationalization of this university. During this research some topics were explored such as benefits,characteristics, reviews and challenges for internationalization in Brazilian universities. To assist research of this case study, 25 indicators were defined to be investigated directly or indirectly during this study. Due to the investigation’s complexity, various types of data were collected to understand the level of internationalization of UFBA, such as processes, organization charts, academic mobility indicators and international rankings. This research was not limited to make an internal analysis, but also sought to make comparative to other universities in Brazil and worldwide. For international comparisons, it was adopted the Times Higher Education (THE) as the reference ranking. In addition to the understanding of this university’s overview, some interviews were conducted with key sectors for the viability of internationalization.

As transformações do campo cinematográfico no Brasil e suas implicações sobre a entrada do filme nacional no mercado europeu

Schneider, Leonardo Gustavo January 2013 (has links)
Em 1895 ocorreu a primeira exibição cinematográfica, fruto do invento de Louis e Auguste Lumière denominado de cinematógrafo. Esse aparelho permitia a projeção de cenas para várias pessoas ao mesmo tempo, surgindo, dessa forma, o cinema. Principalmente a partir do século XXI a indústria cinematográfica brasileira encontra-se em um momento de expansão, com aumento de público e renda. Apesar do desempenho interno favorável do Brasil, o setor carece de informações no que se refere a saída de obras brasileiras para o exterior. Neste contexto, o objetivo do presente estudo foi identificar como as transformações do campo do cinema no Brasil condicionaram ou oportunizaram a entrada de filmes brasileiros no mercado internacional a partir da década de 1990. O conceito de campo utilizado neste trabalho segue a perspectiva de Fligstein, onde um dado mercado é entendido como campo, tornando necessário a especificação do mercado, identificação dos jogadores e a compreensão de como o relacionamento social e o entendimento cultural criam campos estáveis como forma de resolver os problemas de competição e incerteza. Para analisar o movimento de saída de obras nacionais foi empregado a Teoria de Internacionalização da Escola de Uppsala. Neste estudo foram utilizados dados secundários, provenientes dos organismos ligados ao cinema e fontes especializadas. Além da pesquisa documental, foram aplicados questionários e foi realizada uma entrevista com os agentes presentes no campo de forma a confrontar com os dados secundários. Por meio deste trabalho, foi evidenciado a relação entre as mudanças do campo cinematográfico e a saída de obras brasileiras ao exterior. As principais mudanças do campo cinematográfico a partir da década de 1990 foram a aprovação da Lei Rouanet e as demais políticas de financiamento, o reconhecimento através das indicações das obras brasileiras nos festivais e premiações internacionais, os acordos internacionais e os programas de fomento do cinema nacional. Através destas mudanças, o Estado exerceu o papel fundamental na retomada do cinema brasileiro por meio de mecanismos de captação de recursos e no aprimoramento da legislação reguladora do cinema. No que concerne aos aspectos da Teoria de Internacionalização da Escola de Uppsala, características como a escolha dos mercados e como ocorreu a inserção no mercado global foram congruentes com a saída de obras brasileiras no mercado internacional. / In 1895, the first cinema exhibition occurred, it was the result of the invention of Auguste and Louis Lumière who were defined as cinematographers. This device allowed the projection of scenes to several persons at the same time, thus, emerging the film. Mainly from the twenty-first century the Brazilian film industry is in a boom, with a great number of new customers and better revenues every year. Despite the favorable internal performance of Brazil, the sector lacks of information related to Brazilian works presented abroad. In this context, the aim of this study is to identify how changes in the field of cinema in Brazil gave support or foster the internationalization process of the Brazilian films in the foreign market since 1990. The concept of field used in this work follows the Fligstein perspective, where a given market is understood as a field, requiring the specification of the market, player identification and understanding of how social relationships and cultural understanding create stable fields as a way to solve the problems of competition and uncertainty. To analyze the movement of the entry of national works the author employed the Theory of Internationalization of Uppsala School. This study used secondary data from agencies in the film industry and from key players. Besides the documentary research, in depth interviews were conducted with experienced agents, contrasting their point of view with the secondary data. First, this work evidenced the relationship between changes in the cinematographic field and the flow of Brazilian works abroad. The main changes in cinematographic field since 1990s were the approval of the Rouanet and other funding policies, recognition of the Brazilian’s work in international festivals and prizes awarded international agreements and promoting national cinema agenda. Through these changes, it is clear the key role of the Government to the resumption of Brazilian cinema, results achieved through mechanisms of funding and improvements in cinema legislation. Regarding aspects of Internationalization Theory of Uppsala School, features like the choice of markets and how to place the insertion in the global market were congruent with the departure of Brazilian films in the international market.

Projeto setorial Wines of Brasil : internacionalização e marketing das empresas vinícolas brasileiras

Zabot, Marília January 2014 (has links)
O Projeto Setorial Wines of Brasil é coordenado pelo Instituto Brasileiro do Vinho em parceria com a Agência Brasileira de Promoção de Exportações e Investimentos e busca promover o vinho brasileiro no mercado internacional. Esse trabalho teve como objetivo identificar a percepção das empresas do setor vinícola brasileiro em relação aos benefícios de marketing na internacionalização, propiciados pela participação no projeto Wines of Brasil. Foi feito um estudo exploratório utilizando a técnica de estudo de caso e trabalhou-se com o universo das empresas participantes do projeto consideradas internacionalizadas. O trabalho se desenvolveu em duas etapas: uma qualitativa, na qual os dados foram obtidos por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e entrevistas em profundidade; e uma quantitativa, por meio da aplicação de questionários. As empresas foram caracterizadas conforme o uso da marca no exterior e os mercados-alvo. Os resultados apontaram que todas as empresas utilizam marca própria no mercado externo e têm como principal destino de seus produtos os Estados Unidos. Foi medida a média da importância dos benefícios percebidos pelas empresas ao participar do projeto Wines of Brasil, que apontou que a melhora na imagem do vinho brasileiro é considerada mais importante pelas empresas. Também se buscou saber a percepção das empresas quanto às vantagens de internacionalização e marketing ao participar do projeto. Nesse quesito, as publicações específicas de cunho editorial ganharam destaque, assim como as ações desenvolvidas pelas empresas, principalmente participação em feiras, além de visitas aos clientes, parcerias e treinamentos. Por meio dos resultados foi possível afirmar que o projeto é importante para o marketing e para a internacionalização das vinícolas participantes. Desta forma, os resultados aqui apresentados poderão servir como argumento motivador para as empresas que ainda não são consideradas internacionalizadas pelo Instituto Brasileiro do Vinho (IBRAVIN) a buscarem essa alternativa. / The Wines of Brazil Sectorial Project is coordinated by the Brazilian Wine Institute in partnership with the Brazilian Agency of Promotion of Exports and Investments seeking to promote the brazilian wine in the international market. This study aimed to identify the perception of the companies in the brazilian wine industry on the benefits of international marketing, enabled by the participation in the Wines of Brazil Sectorial Project. An exploratory research using the method of case study worked with the universe of companies participating in the project that are considered internationalized. The work was developed in two stages: one qualitative, in which the data was obtained by bibliographich research and in-depth interviews; and one quantitative through the use of questionnaires. The companies were grouped according to the use of the brand abroad and target markets. The results showed that all companies use their own brands in foreign markets and their main destination of its products is the United States. The average of the importance of perceived benefits was measured by companies for participating in the Wines of Brazil project, which pointed out that the improvement in the image of Brazilian wine is considered more important by the companies. It was also sought to discover the perception of the companies about the advantages of internationalization and marketing by joining the project. In this aspect, the specific editorial publications were highlighted, as well as the actions developed by the companies, mostly by the psarticipation at fairs, and visits to customers, partnerships and training. Through the results it was possible to say that the project is important for marketing and the internationalization of the participating wineries. Thus, the results presented here can serve as a motivating argument for those companies that are not considered internationalized by the Brazilian Wine Institute (IBRAVIN) to pursue this alternative.

Internacionalização e performance de firmas brasileiras

Loncan, Tiago Rodrigues January 2010 (has links)
A Internacionalização das empresas se impõe como um imperativo em tempos de globalização. O forte processo de concorrência nos mercados domésticos faz com que as empresas busquem novos mercados para competir, motivando a Internacionalização de suas operações. As empresas buscam o processo de Internacionalização visando manter e expandir suas trajetórias de crescimento, e logicamente, visando também melhorar sua performance empresarial. Este estudo analisou a relação entre o Grau de Internacionalização e a Performance de empresas brasileiras. O Grau de Internacionalização foi medido pela variável FSTS (Foreign Sales over Total Sales ou Vendas no Exterior sobre Vendas Totais). A performance foi avaliada sob duas dimensões: Performance Contábil (Retorno sobre o Ativo; Retorno sobre Vendas) e Performance de Mercado (Retorno das ações; Valor de Mercado). A relação entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance foi avaliada sob diversas formas, a partir de regressões simples, multivariadas e polinomiais (usando modelos de Dados em Painel e Heteroscedasticidade-Corrigida). Adicionalmente, foi investigada a relação entre o valor (força) da Base de Ativos Intangíveis (medida pelo indicador Tobin’s Q) e o Grau de Internacionalização das companhias. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem associação positiva entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance para a amostra analisada. Foram explorados modelos lineares e polinomiais. Tanto os modelos lineares quanto polinomiais demonstraram relação positiva entre as variáveis. Os modelos polinomiais Quadráticos apresentaram os melhores ajustes, indicando que a relação entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance (Contábil, medida pelo ROA; de Mercado, medida pelo Valor de Mercado) apresenta o formato de uma curva em “U”, com retornos negativos no início do processo de Internacionalização, até um ponto de inflexão, a partir do qual a relação entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance passa a ser positiva. Os resultados também sugerem relação positiva entre o valor (força) da Base de Ativos Intangíveis e o Grau de Internacionalização das firmas. / The Internationalization of firms is mandatory in an environment marked by globalization. The fierce competition in domestic markets pressures firms to find new markets to compete, motivating the Internationalization process of these firms. Firms seek Internationalization to maintain and to expand their growth trajectories, and, logically, to enhance their Business Performance. This study analyzed the relationship between Degree of Internationalization and Performance of Brazilian Firms. The Degree of Internationalization was measured by the variable FSTS (Foreign Sales over Total Sales). Performance was evaluated using two dimensions: Accounting measures (Return on Assets; Return on Sales) and Market measures (Return on Stocks; Market Value of Equity). Simple, Multivariate and Polynomial Regressions (using Panel Data and Heteroscedasticity-Corrected models) were used to analyze the relationship between variables. Additionally, it was analyzed the relationship between the value (strenght) of the Intangible Assets Base (measured by Tobin’s Q) and the Degree of Internationalization. The results suggest positive association between Degree of Internationalization and Performance for the sample studied. Both linear and polynomial models showed positive relationship between the two variables. The quadratic (second-order) polynomial models were found better adjusted than linear models, indicating that the relationship between Degree of Internationalization and Performance (measured by ROA and Market Value of Equity) is better explained by an “U-shaped” curve: at early stages of Internationalization the returns are negative. Later, at the second stage of the Internationalization process, there is an inflection point, when returns become positive. Results also suggest that there is a positive relationship between the value (strenght) of the Base of Intangible Assets and the Degree of Internationalization of firms.

Internacionalização e performance de firmas brasileiras

Loncan, Tiago Rodrigues January 2010 (has links)
A Internacionalização das empresas se impõe como um imperativo em tempos de globalização. O forte processo de concorrência nos mercados domésticos faz com que as empresas busquem novos mercados para competir, motivando a Internacionalização de suas operações. As empresas buscam o processo de Internacionalização visando manter e expandir suas trajetórias de crescimento, e logicamente, visando também melhorar sua performance empresarial. Este estudo analisou a relação entre o Grau de Internacionalização e a Performance de empresas brasileiras. O Grau de Internacionalização foi medido pela variável FSTS (Foreign Sales over Total Sales ou Vendas no Exterior sobre Vendas Totais). A performance foi avaliada sob duas dimensões: Performance Contábil (Retorno sobre o Ativo; Retorno sobre Vendas) e Performance de Mercado (Retorno das ações; Valor de Mercado). A relação entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance foi avaliada sob diversas formas, a partir de regressões simples, multivariadas e polinomiais (usando modelos de Dados em Painel e Heteroscedasticidade-Corrigida). Adicionalmente, foi investigada a relação entre o valor (força) da Base de Ativos Intangíveis (medida pelo indicador Tobin’s Q) e o Grau de Internacionalização das companhias. Os resultados deste estudo sugerem associação positiva entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance para a amostra analisada. Foram explorados modelos lineares e polinomiais. Tanto os modelos lineares quanto polinomiais demonstraram relação positiva entre as variáveis. Os modelos polinomiais Quadráticos apresentaram os melhores ajustes, indicando que a relação entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance (Contábil, medida pelo ROA; de Mercado, medida pelo Valor de Mercado) apresenta o formato de uma curva em “U”, com retornos negativos no início do processo de Internacionalização, até um ponto de inflexão, a partir do qual a relação entre Grau de Internacionalização e Performance passa a ser positiva. Os resultados também sugerem relação positiva entre o valor (força) da Base de Ativos Intangíveis e o Grau de Internacionalização das firmas. / The Internationalization of firms is mandatory in an environment marked by globalization. The fierce competition in domestic markets pressures firms to find new markets to compete, motivating the Internationalization process of these firms. Firms seek Internationalization to maintain and to expand their growth trajectories, and, logically, to enhance their Business Performance. This study analyzed the relationship between Degree of Internationalization and Performance of Brazilian Firms. The Degree of Internationalization was measured by the variable FSTS (Foreign Sales over Total Sales). Performance was evaluated using two dimensions: Accounting measures (Return on Assets; Return on Sales) and Market measures (Return on Stocks; Market Value of Equity). Simple, Multivariate and Polynomial Regressions (using Panel Data and Heteroscedasticity-Corrected models) were used to analyze the relationship between variables. Additionally, it was analyzed the relationship between the value (strenght) of the Intangible Assets Base (measured by Tobin’s Q) and the Degree of Internationalization. The results suggest positive association between Degree of Internationalization and Performance for the sample studied. Both linear and polynomial models showed positive relationship between the two variables. The quadratic (second-order) polynomial models were found better adjusted than linear models, indicating that the relationship between Degree of Internationalization and Performance (measured by ROA and Market Value of Equity) is better explained by an “U-shaped” curve: at early stages of Internationalization the returns are negative. Later, at the second stage of the Internationalization process, there is an inflection point, when returns become positive. Results also suggest that there is a positive relationship between the value (strenght) of the Base of Intangible Assets and the Degree of Internationalization of firms.

Principais dificuldades para as pequenas e médias empresas competirem no exterior

Heming, Carlos Augusto January 2006 (has links)
O propósito desta pesquisa é investigar quais as principais dificuldades que as pequenas e médias empresas do Vale do Taquari têm para exportar. Com a globalização das economias e a internacionalização dos negócios, as empresas se voltam estrategicamente para os mercados estrangeiros. A internacionalização das empresas, através da expansão de suas operações para os mercados externos ou através da aquisição de insumos, componentes e bens acabados, tornou-se uma questão de sobrevivência. Para atingir os objetivos, foi realizada uma pesquisa em duas etapas. Primeiramente, buscou-se identificar junto às empresas do Vale do Taquari as principais dificuldades para exportar. A partir desses resultados foi estruturado um questionário, enviado para 50 empresas escolhidas por fazerem parte do Comitê Regional de Qualidade do Vale do Taquari (filiado ao Programa Gaúcho de Qualidade e Produtividade - PGQP) e por possuírem a potencialidade e a possibilidade de exportar. Dos questionários enviados, 24 retornaram o que corresponde a uma taxa de resposta de 48%. Das empresas que retornaram seus questionários 37,5% não exportam. Com base nos resultados, identificou-se que dentre as principais dificuldades para exportar estão a questão de preços e a concorrência externa. Propõe-se que as empresas busquem diferenciais competitivos para minimizar as dificuldades de exportar, seja por adequação de custos, aumento de produtividade ou busca de novos mercados. / This study has the goal to go deep in knowledge about the difficulties that Vale do Taquari companies go through to place their product in the export market. With the globalization of economies and internationalization of business, the companies converge strategically for foreigners markets. The internationalization of the companies, through of expansion of their operations for external market, or through the acquisition of inputs, components and accomplished goods, became a way of survival. To reach the purpose, the study was planned in two stages. First of all, it was necessary to understand and to identify the main reasons that stop the companies from the Vale do Taquari to export. With these data, a questionnaire was developed and sent to 50 companies chosen for taking part in Comitê Regional de Qualidade do Vale do Taquari (Programa Gaúcho de Qualidade e Produtividade - PGQP) and for having potentiality and possibilities to export. From the 50 questionnaires sent, 24 returned, which correspond to a return tax of 48%. Of the companies who had returned its questionnaires 37.5% do not export. Based on the results, it was found that the main difficulties to export are the question of prices and the external competition. It is suggested that the companies search differentials competitive to minimize the difficulties to export, either for adequacy of costs, increase of productivity or search of new markets.

#Incollaborationwith : The importance of using influencer marketing in order to create brand awareness in international markets for e- commerce companies

Bylock, Caroline, Lidberg, Tove January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to provide a deeper understanding of the reasons why ecommerce companies work with influencer marketing in order to create brand awareness in international markets. In order to conduct this research, relevant aspects of the phenomenon have been identified and consequently analysed in relation to traditional marketing strategies and international markets. By following a qualitative research method, a deeper understanding of the phenomenon and how companies use influencer marketing vs traditional marketing strategies can thereby be acquired. This was done by acquiring primary data from four different e-commerce companies that works with influencer marketing. The companies are all located in Sweden and active in international markets. The thesis has followed a deductive research approach, due to that the research area was considered to be rather unexplored, and thus a better pre understanding of the research area seemed warranted. Furthermore, the literature review that has been done includes theories related to international marketing, social media, word of mouth, brand awareness and influencer marketing. The literature review has resulted in a conceptual framework, which demonstrates the relations between the different theories. The conceptual framework has thereafter been used in order to analyse the empirical data, which has been derived from the interviews with representatives from four companies. The empirical findings are then presented together with analysis and discussion in the following chapter. Moreover, the empirical findings/analysis chapter visualizes the similarities and the dissimilarities between the theory and the findings. The analysis chapter additionally involves a discussion and is structured in accordance with the conceptual framework and the questions asked. The following and final chapter of the thesis presents the conclusions that have been derived from the analysis. The main theoretical implications that this thesis has resulted in, involves filling the research gap as well as providing a definition of the phenomenon of influencer marketing in a context of international business. The main practical implication is that an understanding of influencer marketing creates word of mouth and brand awareness. This in a combination with being active on social media can consequently help e-commerce companies to internationalize into new markets. As this thesis introduces the phenomenon of influencer marketing in a new context, it provides new information about the topic. Furthermore, the research can be valuable for e-commerce companies that have entered, or plan to enter an international market. The authors furthermore present the theoretical and practical implications and provide recommendations and suggestions for future research.

Os determinantes da internacionalização das empresas brasileiras do setor de carne bovina / The drivers of the internationalization of the Brazilian beef companies

Marina Ramalho de Siqueira 15 February 2016 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo analisar os determinantes do processo de internacionalização das empresas brasileiras do setor de carne bovina, tendo como fundamentação teórica os modelos de internacionalização disponíveis na literatura econômica. O trabalho baseia-se na hipótese de que as empresas brasileiras do setor de carne bovina adotaram estratégias bem sucedidas de internacionalização, evidenciadas pela posição de destaque que atingiram nos rankings de internacionalização em menos de uma década. A estrutura do estudo consiste no desenvolvimento de um modelo analítico de Estudo de Caso, aplicado às três maiores empresas multinacionais de carne bovina do Brasil, conforme identificado em rankings de internacionalização de multinacionais brasileiras: JBS, Marfrig e Minerva. A partir de informações coletadas via entrevistas aplicadas às empresas e dados levantados em relatórios disponíveis nos respectivos websites, artigos acadêmicos, revistas e periódicos, conclui-se que essas empresas possuíam diversas vantagens específicas em um setor que o Brasil apresenta vantagem comparativa de produção. Tais vantagens, alinhadas à busca por matéria-prima, acesso a novos mercados e fortalecimento das vendas em mercados considerados estratégicos, foram os principais determinantes para o seu processo de internacionalização. Apesar de a JBS e Marfrig se beneficiarem, por meio de aporte de capital do BNDES, de uma política ativa do governo para promover a consolidação e expansão da liderança brasileira no mercado internacional de proteína animal, não se pode dizer que este foi o único determinante da internacionalização, uma vez que a Minerva não se utilizou desse instrumento e, mesmo assim, conquistou posição de destaque no ranking de multinacionais brasileiras. O trabalho busca, também, identificar prováveis impactos da internacionalização sobre alguns indicadores das empresas. Conclui-se, ainda, que as estratégias de internacionalização adotadas pelas três empresas estão em linha com os principais modelos de internacionalização da literatura econômica, com destaque para os de Dunning (1977) e de Cuervo-Cazurra (2007), que combina o modelo de Uppsala e Dunning. / The current paper aims at analyzing the main drivers for the internationalization process of the Brazilian beef muntinationals enterprises, based on the internationalization teoretichal models available in the economic literature. The paper relies on the hypothesis that these enterprises have adopted successful internationalization strategies, whice are evidenced by the leading position that the companies have reached in the internationalization rankings in less than one decade. The structure of the paper is comprised of the development of a Case Study analytical model, which is applied to the three largest muntinational beef companies from Brazil, as identified in internationalizion rankings of Brazilian multinationals: JBS, Marfrig and Minerva. Based on information collected via enterview with the companies, data rose in reports available in ther respective websites, papers, journals, academic magazines and articles, it was possible to conclude that these companies had several specific advantages in a sector that Brazil already presents comparative advangate regarding production. Such advantages, in line with the search for raw-material supply, access to new markets and for strengthening the sales in strategic markets, were the main drivers for the internationalization process of the companies aforementioned. Although JBS and Marfrig benefited, via capital injection from BNDES, of an active policy of the Brazilian government to promote the consolidation and expansion of Brazil\'s leadership in the international animal protein market, it\'s not possible to infer that this was the only driver for the internationalization, given that Minerva didn\'t rely on these resources and still managed to acquire a leading position in the Brazilian internationalizion ranking. The paper also analyzes likely impacts of the internationalization on some indicators of the companies studied. On top of that, the current paper concludes that the internationalization strategies adopted by the three companies are in line with the main internationalation models available in the literature, highlighting the one from Dunning (1977) and Cuervo-Cazurra (2007), which combines both the Uppsala and Dunning model.

Internationalization of service firms : Case study of Swedbank and SEB Bank

Negru, Adela, Mazhyrina, Yuliya January 2012 (has links)
Rapid internationalization of economic activities takes an important place in the last decades in the world economy. Services make a huge contribution to the international trade and their expansion grows constantly. It is very important nowadays to investigate the internationalization process of business service firms, their motivations and modes of entering into the new unexplored market. Moreover, correct choice of entry mode and evaluation of the incentives can affect the firm’s performance and the duration of the presence in a foreign market. It is also very important to understand the implications of initial mode of operations for different kinds of services.The purpose of this thesis is to gain better understanding of internationalization process of service firms, their incentives to enter new market and choice of entry mode. This is gained by evaluating such service firms that provide financial services as Swedbank and SEB Bank and their international performance in Baltic countries and Ukraine. These chosen companies provide the study cases for this paper.For this study, deductive approach is used in order to observe the theory, empirical findings and then to draw specific conclusion. Empirical data consists of two study cases of Swedbank and SEB Bank. Through the literature review a theoretical framework is developed in order to help the authors evaluate the motives which influence bank´s decision in selecting an entry mode.The findings of this research are that the main incentive of SEB to internationalize is following its customers and increasing market power in order to become a leader in providing financial services. While for Swedbank customer following and profit incentives are identified as crucial ones when going international. The results show that acquisition is an identical entry mode for both banks and is chosen as most sufficient one.Key words: internationalization process of service firms, banks, incentives, entry modes and acquisition.

Entry mode decision for Swedish business-to-business firms internationalizing to India

van den Brink, Jakob Jan, Martensson, Jesper January 2015 (has links)
AbstractTitleEntry mode decision for Swedish business-to-business firms internationalizing to India. AuthorsJesper Mårtensson, Joep van den BrinkSubjectMaster Thesis in International Marketing KeywordsInternationalization, Entry Mode, BRIC-markets, Internal & External Factors, Effectuation & Causation. Question(s)How do internal and external factors influence the entry mode decision for Swedish business-to-businessfirms internationalizing to India?How can the entry mode decision process be characterized for Swedish business-to-businessfirms when internationalizing to India?How does the entry mode, used by Swedish business-to-business firms in India, follows the Transaction Cost Approach to entry modes and the Resource Based Approach to entry modes?PurposeThe purpose of this study is to get a deeper understanding of how internal and external factors influence the entry mode decision forSwedish business-to-business firms that internationalize to India. Furthermore, the study aims at bringing in a process-based view of the entry mode decision literature.The study also aims to investigate entry modes used in India to see how it followsthe recommendations of the transaction cost and the Resource Based explanation to entry mode choice. MethodQualitative multiple case study consisting of three cases. The data was collected through personal interviews. The cases have been analyzed using a within-case analysis and a cross-case analysis.ConclusionThe findings of our study show that firms evaluate just a few internal and external factors when internationalizing to India. As can be derived from our study, the product has an importantinfluence on the entry mode decision for the investigated firms. The more standardized a product is, the easier it is to penetrate the Indian market using low-control entry modes. The higher the complexity of the product, the more knowledge is required from the firm and thus, the higher the likelihood for a firm to internationalize to the Indian market using high-control entry modes. It is also shown that firms tend to rely on earlier experiences when internationalizing to India, whereas this could limit the firms for choosing the right entry mode. Furthermore, the specific market barriers for the Indian market have an influence on the entry mode decision as well. It is also found that firms that have a causational approach to foreign entry mode will not allow for a rapid switch in the level of foreign involvement before they have reliable information as a base for the decision. The firms with an effectual approach made their entry mode decision based on selecting an entry mode with low resource commitment, seeing their achieved turnovers in India as a bonus. / Master in International Marketing

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