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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Détection de matière nucléaire par interrogation neutronique avec la technique de la particule associée / Nuclear material detection with fast neutrons using the associated particle technique

Deyglun, Clément 16 December 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse étudie la détection de matière nucléaire avec la technique de la particule associée pour l’inspection de bagages abandonnés ou de conteneurs maritimes dans le domaine de la sécurité. Le principe consiste à mesurer, avec des scintillateurs plastique, les coïncidences entre particules de fissions induites par des neutrons de 14 MeV produits par un générateur basé sur la réaction 2H(3H,n)4He et équipé d’un détecteur alpha à localisation pour déterminer le temps d’émission et la direction du neutron opposé. La détection d’au moins trois particules de fission en coïncidence avec la particule qui permet de discriminer les matières nucléaires des matériaux bénins. Le système d’acquisition et les outils de simulation ont été qualifiés en passif avec des sources radioactives puis en actif avec le générateur et diverses cibles, validant les estimations de performances de systèmesd’inspection de bagages abandonnés ou de conteneurs maritimes réalisées par simulation numérique avec le code MCNP-PoliMi. Il est ainsi possible de détecter en quelques minutes, quelques kg d’uranium au centre d’un container rempli d’une matrice fer mêmesi l’échantillon est masqué par du plomb, à l’aide du signal des neutrons prompts de fission. La détection est plus difficile dans les matrices organiques en raison de la diffusion des neutrons interrogateurs et de fission sur les noyaux d’hydrogène. Par ailleurs, l’utilisation de scintillateurs plastiques à la place des compteurs gazeux à 3He a été évaluée pour caractériser le plutonium dans les colis de déchets radioactifs par mesure passive des coïncidences. La détection des neutrons de fission est beaucoup plus rapide,ce qui permet de minimiser le bruit accidentel dû aux réactions (,n). Les scintillateurs sont cependant plus sensibles aux rayonnements gamma et à la diaphonie entre détecteurs voisins, ce qui nécessite d’exploiter les coïncidences de multiplicité 3 avec un traitement des données spécifique pour limiter la diaphonie. / This thesis investigates the detection of Special Nuclear Materials (SNM) by neutroninterrogation with the Associated Particle Technique (APT). 14 MeV neutrons areproduced from the 3H(2H,n)α fusion reaction in a sealed tube neutron generatorembedding a position-sensitive alpha detector. The alpha detector determines thedirection of the nearly opposite neutron and its time of flight. The detection of at leastthree prompt fission particles in coincidence with the tagged neutron signs the presenceof SNM. The acquisition system and simulation tools have been qualified in passive modewith radioactive sources and active mode with the generator and various targets,validating the simulation of inspection systems with MCNP-PoliMi. Calculations showthat the detection of a few kilograms of shielded SNM with the ATP is possible in ironcargo container, with the prompt fission neutrons signal. Detection is more difficult inorganic matrices due to tagged- and prompt fission neutrons scattering on hydrogennuclei. Furthermore, the use of plastic scintillators instead of 3He counters was studied tocharacterize the plutonium in the radioactive waste by passive coincidences measurement.Measurements at fast time scales of fast-neutrons instead of the long time scales ofthermal-neutrons reduce random coincidences that can occur with high (,n) reactionrate. The scintillators are however sensitive to gamma rays and cross-talk betweenadjacent detectors. Therefore, we used data-analysis algorithms to minimize cross-talkcontribution to measured three-fold coincidences.

Psychologické aspekty vyslýchání dětí v rámci trestního řízení / Psychological aspects of interviewing in criminal prosecution

Kostelníková, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
1 Abstract The present work deals with interviews with the child witnesses and its results in the form of testimony. Mapping the developmental specifics of children relevant in the course of interrogation. We also offer an overview of specific procedures which take account of claims arising from working with this group of witnesses. The main emphasis is put on the method of cognitive interview created by Geiselman and Fisher (1992) and its possible use in children. The practical part is flush pays overview suitability of specific methods - cognitive interview for the purpose of the interview with preschoolers. The second level maps the development specific manifestations of children during the interview follows. By analyzing 20 interviews to identify specifics manifest both in the cognitive area, as well as in social skills and capture their concrete form. The subsequent step were testimonies by children assessed in terms of the methods used. On a given sample but it turned out qualitative and quantitative differences in content of the statement in the respective phases. Using as ideal for obtaining accurate and detailed testimony shows Open-ended narration of phase combination and Phase probing memory codes. Keywords: child witness, interrogation techniques, interrogation of children, cognitive interview

Le stress dans la salle d’interrogatoire : l’impact associé au stress apparent sur la divulgation d’informations et sur la confession

Bélanger, Philippe Léopold 05 1900 (has links)
Jusqu’à présent, le stress en contexte d’interrogatoire policier demeure peu exploré par les chercheurs. Les quelques études empiriques ayant abordé le rôle du stress dans l’interrogatoire se sont principalement penchées sur les fausses confessions induites par le stress (Forrest et al., 2002 ; Geven et al., 2020 ; Guyll et al., 2013 ; Morgan III et al., 2020). Pour ce qui est des facteurs de stress liés à l’interrogatoire, ils sont abordés indirectement dans la littérature et ils sont peu approfondis. Ce mémoire a deux objectifs. Premièrement, déterminer l’impact associé au stress apparent sur la décision des suspects de divulguer des informations pertinentes à l’enquête et d’avouer leur crime. Deuxièmement, déterminer les facteurs qui influencent le stress apparent des suspects. Dans ce but, ce mémoire est basé sur 130 interrogatoires policiers impliquant des individus reconnus coupables pour des délits relatifs à l’exploitation sexuelle d’enfants en ligne. Les résultats indiquent que la décision du suspect de confesser les faits qui lui sont reprochés ou de divulguer de l’information pertinente pour l’enquête n’est pas influencée par son stress apparent. En outre, on constate que peu de facteurs semblent influencer le stress apparent du suspect. Les analyses bivariées révèlent que les stratégies d’interrogatoire l’influencent principalement. Quant à elles, les analyses multivariées mettent en évidence que l’âge du suspect, rappeler les bienfaits de la coopération et mentionner vouloir être honnête ou authentique diminuent le stress apparent du suspect. Inversement, le nombre d’opportunités d’empathie est associé à une augmentation de celui-ci. Bref, il est important de poursuivre la recherche sur le stress en contexte d’interrogatoire policier afin de mieux saisir son effet lors de l’interrogatoire. / To date, stress in the context of police interrogation remains sparsely explored by researchers. The few empirical studies that have investigated the role of stress during police interrogation have primarily focused on stress-induced false confession (Forrest et al., 2002 ; Geven et al., 2020 ; Guyll et al., 2013 ; Morgan III et al., 2020). As for the interrogation-related stressors, they are indirectly addressed in the literature and are poorly elaborated. This thesis has two objectives. First, determine the impact associated with apparent stress on the decision of the suspects to disclose information relevant to the investigation and to confess his crime. Second, determine the factors that influence the suspects’ apparent stress. To this end, this thesis is based on 130 police interrogations involving individuals convicted of offenses relating to online sexual exploitation of children. The results indicate that the suspect’s decision to confess the alleged facts or to disclose information relevant to the investigation is not influenced by his apparent stress. Furthermore, few factors seem to influence the apparent stress of the suspect. Bivariate analysis reveal that interrogation strategies mainly influence it. As for them, the multivariate analysis shows that the suspect’s age, recalling the benefits of cooperation and mentioning the desire to be honest or authentic reduce the suspect’s apparent stress. Conversely, the number of empathy opportunities is associated with an increased of it. In short, it is important to continue the research on stress in the context of police interrogation to better understand its effect during interrogation.

Fiber Bragg Grating Interrogation Systems

Yamdagni, Sumeet 01 1900 (has links)
This thesis work deals with the development of three different categories of interrogation techniques for Fiber Bragg Grating based sensor networks. Such networks are used for structural health monitoring and other applications. A bulk grating based interrogation system is described first, which includes an optical source, switch, circulator, embedded controller, and software. The center wavelength determination technique employed is detailed and is shown to be highly accurate from test data. The comparison with resistance strain gauges is presented which shows that the system developed provides an accurate strain reconstruction. The system is also compared with a commercial optical spectrum analyzer and is found to exhibit good accuracy and fidelity. The system has been field tested on an aircraft structure with 14 sensors spread over 4 channels. Strain data reconstruction from these tests is shown to accurately reproduce the loading conditions. A second system developed is based on the matched filter technique using a mechanical fiber stretcher; the details of this system are presented with a mathematical treatment of the technique. The design of the fiber stretcher is also described. This design is regarded to be novel since it tries to provide large interrogation bandwidths using a parallel topology. The results of tests have shown good resolution and comparative tests with resistance strain gauges have shown accurate reproduction of strain. Finally, an interrogation system based on a wavelength tunable source is presented. This system is a precursor to a time division multiplexed interrogation system, which has also been described. Three laser configurations have been set up and characterized. The laser sweep tests have been performed on two configurations and a sensor grating reconstruction test has also been carried out.

Horloge atomique Cs à piégeage cohérent de population avec protocole d’interrogation Auto-Balanced Ramsey / Coherent population trapping Cs cell atomic clock with Auto-Balanced Ramsey interrogation protocol

Coget, Grégoire 12 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse reporte une horloge atomique à cellule de césium de haute-performance basée sur le phénomène de piégeage cohérent de population (CPT). Cette horloge associe une diode laser DFB (à 895 nm, raie D1 du Cs), un modulateur électro-optique fibré, un modulateur acousto-optique, un système Michelson, une électronique bas bruit contrôlée par une carte FPGA et une cellule à vapeur de césium contenant un mélange de gaz tampon azote-argon. L’horloge exploite un schéma de pompage CPT optimisé nommé push-pull optical pumping (PPOP) permettant la détection de résonances CPT à fort contraste.L’horloge repose sur l’exploitation d’un nouveau protocole d’interrogation pulsé nommé Auto-Balanced Ramsey (ABR). Ce dernier repose sur l’utilisation de deux séquences Ramsey avec des temps noirs de durées différentes. Ce dernier repose sur l’utilisation de deux séquences Ramsey avec des temps noirs de durées différentes. La mise en place de ce protocole ABR-CPT, amélioré par la suite avec symétrisation (SABR-CPT), conduit à une réduction drastique des effets de déplacement lumineux, avec en particulier une diminution de la sensibilité de la fréquence d’horloge aux variations de puissance laser par un facteur 80 comparativement à une interrogation Ramsey-CPT conventionnelle. Cette horloge CPT démontre à ce jour une stabilité relative de fréquence de 2 10-13 τ -1/2, atteignant le niveau record (pour ce type d’horloge) de 2,5 10-15 à 10 000 s. Des travaux annexes de spectroscopie laser en microcellules à vapeur de césium sont aussi reportés dans ce manuscrit. On notera en particulier la démonstration d’un laser stabilisé par spectroscopie sub-Doppler bi-fréquence dans une microcellule Cs avec une stabilité de fréquence préliminaire meilleure que 2 10-12 à 1 s. Ces performances sont 10 fois meilleures que celles de micro-horloges atomiques micro-ondes CPT. / This thesis reports a high-performance Cs vapor cell atomic based on coherent population trapping (CPT). This clock combines a DFB diode laser (895 nm, Cs D1 line), a fibred electro-optical modulator, an acousto-optical modulator, a Michelson system, FPGA-based low noise electronics and a N2-Ar buffer gas filled Cs vapor cell. The clock is based on an optimized CPT pumping scheme, named push-pull optical pumping (PPOP), allowing the detection of high-contrast CPT resonances.The clock uses a novel pulsed interrogation protocol named Auto-Balanced Ramsey (ABR). This method is based on the extraction of two error signals derived from two successive Ramsey sequences with different dark periods. The ABR-CPT protocol, improved further with symmetrization (SABR-CPT), allows a drastic reduction of light-shifts effects, yielding in particular to reduce the sensitivity of the clock frequency to laser power variations by a factor 80, in comparison with a standard Ramsey-CPT interrogation. This clock CPT demonstrates a fractional frequency stability of 2 10-13 τ -1/2, reaching the record level (for this kind of clock) of 2.5 10-15 at 10 000 s. Annex laser spectroscopy studies in Cs microfabricated cells were performed in this thesis. We shall note the preliminary demonstration of a laser frequency-stabilized using dual-frequency sub-Doppler spectroscopy in a Cs microcell, exhibiting a fractional frequency stability better than 2 10-12 at 1 s. These performances are 10 times better than those of microwave CPT-based chip-scale atomic clocks.

Étude, évaluation, et validation des potentialités des accélérateurs d’électrons comme outils polyvalents de caractérisation des colis de déchets radioactifs / Study, assessment, and validation of the potentialities of electron accelerators as multi-purpose means of nuclear waste packages characterization

Sari, Adrien 27 September 2013 (has links)
La gestion des colis de déchets radioactifs représente un enjeu majeur pour l’industrie nucléaire. La solution de gestion d’un colis est déterminée en fonction de ses caractéristiques radiologiques. L’une de ces principales caractéristiques est l’activité α qui est principalement due aux actinides. Les méthodes non destructives actives, reposant sur le principe de la réaction de fission, permettent de quantifier les actinides. Ces méthodes sont mises en œuvre lorsque les techniques non-destructives passives deviennent inapplicables. Dans un premier temps, les méthodes actives consistent à irradier le colis afin d’entraîner des réactions de fission sur les actinides. Dans un second temps, les particules promptes et retardées émises suite aux réactions de fission sont détectées. Cette thèse a pour objectif d’optimiser le flux de neutrons, destiné à interroger les colis, en étudiant la possibilité d’utiliser un accélérateur d’électrons comme source de neutrons en lieu et place d’un générateur de type deutérium-tritium (gain attendu de l’ordre de deux décades en termes d’intensité d’émission). Un accélérateur d’électrons permettrait par ailleurs d’améliorer la caractérisation des colis de déchets radioactifs en rendant compatible, à l’aide du même dispositif d’irradiation, les mesures par interrogation neutronique active, par interrogation photonique active, et l’imagerie haute énergie.Dans un premier temps, nous avons caractérisé et optimisé le flux de photoneutrons émis par un accélérateur d’électrons en utilisant les codes de calculs Monte Carlo MCNPX et TRIPOLI-4. Nous avons considéré des cibles de conversion en tungstène ou en tantale et avons déterminé les paramètres suivants : intensité moyenne d’émission ; spectre en énergie ; et distribution angulaire. La cohérence de nos résultats a été évaluée par comparaison entre calculs et mesures d’activation neutronique. Nous avons ensuite évalué la faisabilité des mesures par interrogation neutronique active, en utilisant la cible d’un accélérateur d’électrons de 17 MeV en tant que générateur de neutrons, sur des échantillons d’uranium et de plutonium. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la détection des neutrons prompts, des neutrons retardés, et des gamma retardés. Nous avons également réalisé l’association de résultats de mesures par interrogations neutronique et photonique actives non-simultanées. Nous avons appliqué cette technique à la mesure de l’enrichissement de l’uranium. Enfin, nous avons dimensionné par simulation MCNPX une cellule de mesure, basée sur un accélérateur d’électrons, dédiée à l’interrogation neutronique active. La cellule a ensuite été construite et une campagne d’expérimentations a permis d’évaluer les performances de cette dernière lors de mesures réalisées sur des colis de déchets radioactifs maquettes de type 220 L contenant différentes matrices. / Management of nuclear waste packages is a crucial task for the nuclear industry. The solution for management of a nuclear waste package is chosen according to its radiological characteristics. One of the most important of these features is the α-activity which is mainly due to actinides. Non-destructive active methods based on the fission process enable to quantify the actinides. These methods are implemented when non-destructive passive methods become inapplicable. First, these methods consist in irradiating a package in order to induce fission reactions on the actinides, and then, to detect the prompt and delayed particles which are emitted further to these reactions. This thesis aims at optimizing the neutron flux, which is intended to interrogate a package, by studying the potentialities of using an electron accelerator as a neutron source instead of a deuterium-tritium neutron generator (expected gain in terms of emission intensity on the order of two decades higher). Furthermore, an electron accelerator would enable to improve nuclear waste packages characterization by making compatible, on the same irradiation setup, neutron interrogation measurements, photon interrogation measurements, and high-energy imaging.First, we characterized and optimized the photoneutron flux emitted by an electron accelerator using MCNPX and TRIPOLI-4 Monte Carlo codes. We considered tungsten and tantalum conversion targets and focused on the following parameters: average emission intensity; mean energy; and angular distribution. The consistency of our results has been verified by comparing neutron activation calculations and measurements. We have then evaluated the feasibility of neutron interrogation measurements on uranium and plutonium samples using the target of a 17 MeV electron accelerator as a neutron generator. We detected prompt neutrons, delayed neutrons, and delayed gamma-rays. We also combined photon and neutron interrogation non-simultaneous measurements. We applied such technique to the measurement of uranium enrichment. Finally, we designed by MCNPX simulation a neutron interrogation setup based on an electron accelerator. The cell was then built and an experimentation campaign enabled to evaluate performances of the latter. Measurements were carried out on 220 liter nuclear waste mock-up drums containing different matrices.

Le résumé linguistique de données structurées comme support pour l'interrogation

Voglozin, W. Amenel 11 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Le travail présenté dans cette thèse traite de l'utilisation des résumés de données dans l'in- terrogation. Dans le contexte des résumés linguistiques du modèle SaintEtiQ sur lequel se focalise cette thèse, un résumé est une description du contenu d'une table relationnelle. Grâce à la définition de variables linguistiques, il est possible d'utiliser des termes du langage pour caractériser les données structurées de la table. En outre, l'organisation des résumés en hié- rarchie offre divers niveaux de granularité. Nous nous intéressons à fournir une application concrète aux résumés déjà construits. D'une part, nous étudions les possibilités d'utilisation des résumés dans une interrogation à but descriptif. L'objectif est de décrire entièrement des données dont certaines caractéristiques sont connues. Nous proposons une démarche de re- cherche de concepts et une instanciation de cette démarche. Ensuite, une étude des systèmes d'interrogation flexible, dont certains ont, ainsi que SaintEtiQ, la théorie des sous-ensembles flous comme base, nous permet d'enrichir la démarche proposée par des fonctionnalités plus avancées. D'autre part, nous avons intégré les résumés linguistiques de SaintEtiQ au SGBD PostgreSQL. L'objectif est d'aider le SGBD à identifier des enregistrements. Nous présen- tons un état de l'art des techniques d'indexation, ainsi que le détail de l'implémentation des résumés en tant que méthode d'accès dans PostgreSQL.

偵訊筆錄記錄完整性與證據能力之研究 / A Study on the Completeness and Evidentiary Value of Written Interrogation Records

徐國楨, Hsu,kuo chen Unknown Date (has links)
刑事訴訟法是確定國家刑罰權之程序法,刑事訴訟程序進行中,難免侵害人民之基本權。因此,刑事偵查應遵守程序正義,以保障人權。偵訊係將被告、犯罪嫌疑人拘束於特定之地點,即地檢署之偵查庭或司法警察機關之詢問室,且接受檢察官、司法警察人員之訊(詢)問。基於偵查不公開原則,當事人若未委任律師到場陪同,外界難以窺探了解偵訊之過程。為避免發生不當偵訊,刑事訴訟法第100條之1第1項前段規定,訊問被告,應全程連續錄音;必要時,並應全程連續錄影,即在擔保偵訊時當事人陳述之任意性及偵訊筆錄記錄之正確性。第2項規定,筆錄內所載之被告陳述與錄音或錄影之內容不符者,除有急迫情況且經記明筆錄者外,其不符之部分,不得作為證據。因此,被告之陳述若與錄音或錄影之內容不符,偵訊筆錄將受證據排除,而不具證據能力。 實務上偵訊筆錄之製作,並無法與當事人之陳述同步,且偵訊筆錄之記錄,係由訊(詢)問之檢察官、司法警察(官)於整理當事人陳述後,擇與案情有關部分記錄於偵訊筆錄,換言之,偵訊筆錄之記錄,並非逐字記載當事人之陳述,則偵訊筆錄之記錄是否為當事人陳述之真意,迭生爭議。 本研究以文獻分析法、歷史分析法,探討偵訊筆錄記錄完整性與證據能力之研究,並分析刑事訴訟法有關訊(詢)問之相關規定及司法實務上偵查筆錄記錄之現況,經綜合分析提出建議如下: 一、偵訊實務建議 在偵訊實務方面之建議,偵查機關應建立偵訊養成教育之完整計畫,偵訊工作需由專業之執法人員擔任;強化偵訊錄影音監督機制,俾加強對偵訊筆錄記錄正確性及任意性之監督。 二、偵訊教育之完整計畫 偵查機關應將偵訊工作相關法律規範,彙編成冊,並依據法律規定,訂定偵訊標準化、類型化作業程序,依據不同案件類型,編訂擬問問題之標準作業手冊。 三、偵訊錄影音監督機制 為避免證人、被告、犯罪嫌疑人,在檢察官、司法警察(官)泛談前即受到威嚇或脅迫,其到達司法機關後,應即進入詢問室,並立即進行全程錄影,避免在偵訊前即受到脅迫;證人、被告、犯罪嫌疑人到達訊(詢)問地點時間與真正開始製作偵訊筆錄之時間應記錄明確,俾供查核。 四、偵訊筆錄記錄 偵查筆錄之記錄,係經偵訊者整理當事人陳述後,記錄於偵查筆錄,偵訊者應客觀、中立,並以最大之可能性,完整記錄當事人陳述,始符合正當法律程序原則。 五、偵訊筆錄記錄人員 設置專責偵訊筆錄記錄制度,以專門職業訓練認證及考選,納入考選部之「專門職業及技術人員」考試類別,以解決筆錄製作須具公務員之身分問題。 六、偵訊筆錄記錄輔助系統 為提升偵查筆錄記錄之完整性及正確性,可利用電腦科技,建置常用之片語快捷,以減少筆錄編輯時間。 七、修正刑事訴訟法第40條規定 偵查筆錄以電腦記錄,最後列印之筆錄文書,並不會呈現增、刪過程紀錄,建議修正刑事訴訟法第40條規定:「公務員制作之文書,不得竄改或挖補;如有增加、刪除或附記者,應蓋章其上,並記明字數。以電磁記錄製作文書者,其刪除處應留存原字跡,俾得辨認。」 / A Study on the Completeness and Evidentiary Value of Written Interrogation Records The Code of Criminal Procedure is a procedural law for stipulating state power of punishment. In the process of judicial proceedings, it is inevitable that people’s rights might be violated. Therefore criminal investigation should abide by procedural justice in order to protect human rights. Interrogation is to detain defendant or criminal suspect at a certain place, namely investigation room of District Prosecutors Office or interrogation room of judicial police agencies, where the defendant or criminal suspect will be interrogated or questioned by prosecutor or judicial policeman. Based on the principle of secret investigation, the person in question, if not accompanied by a hired lawyer, the investigation process will not be known to the public. To prevent unjustified interrogation, the first part of sub-item 1 of Article 100-1 of The Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that when interrogating a defendant, the whole process should be tape-recorded. When necessary, the whole process will be video recorded. This is meant to guarantee the willfulness of defendant’s statement of when being interrogated as well as the correctness of interrogation record. Sub-item 2 of Article 100-1 of The Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that if defendant’s statement in interrogation record is not in accordance with contents of interrogation tape record or video record, the Inconsistent part shall not serve as evidence, with the exception of emergency which is especially marked in the said record. Therefore, if defendant’s statement is not in accordance with contents of tape record or video record, the interrogation record will be excluded as evidence,meanwhile losing the credibility of the evidence. In practice, the production of interrogation record is not possible to synchronize with defendant’s statement. The interrogation record is produced by selecting part of defendant’s statement that is related to the case after statement organizing by the prosecutor or judicial police officer who interrogated. In other words, interrogation record is not the word-for-word defendant’s statement. Disputes often happen on whether interrogation record agrees with the true meaning of the defendant’s statement. This research has explored completeness and evidential power of interrogation record through documentary analysis, historical analysis, and comparative analysis. It has also conducted analysis on relevant regulations regarding interrogation (questioning) and current status of actual interrogation record. The research offers the following suggestions after a comprehensive analysis: A. Suggestions on interrogation practice Regarding suggestion on interrogation practice, the investigation organ should draw a complete plan to cultivate qualified investigators, so that the interrogation could be handled by professional law enforcement officials. A supervising mechanism for interrogation tape and video record should be further strengthened in order to supervise the correctness and willfulness of interrogation record. B. Complete Plan for Investigators Cultivation The investigation organ should draw complete plan to cultivate investigators and compile laws and regulations relevant to the work of interrogation into books. Interrogation should be standardized and classified, with the establishment of operational procedure. Based on the nature of different cases, various standard operational manuals with prepared questions should be produced. C. Mechanism to Supervise Tape or Video Record of Interrogation To avoid the threat or intimidation happened before wide-ranging questioning of prosecutor and judicial police officer, the witness, defendant, and suspect will immediately be led into the interrogation room once arriving at the judicial office. Whole-process video recording will be conducted immediately to prevent him from being threatening before interrogation. The exact time and place that the witness, defendant, and suspect arrive at for interrogation (questioning) and the start time of interrogation record should be clearly recorded for checking. D. Interrogation Record Interrogation record, after being compiled by investigator, is being recorded. The investigator should be objective and neutral, and record the statement of the person in question as complete as possible, which conforms to the principle of due process of law. E. Stenographer of Interrogation Record Stenographers must obtain certification after receiving professional training and pass examination. Taiwan has special professional training programs for stenographer. Stenographer is listed in examination category of “professionals and technicians” of Ministry of Examination, which meets the requirement that stenographers have to be civil servants. F. Secondary System of Interrogation Record In order to improve the completeness and correctness of interrogation record, computer technology can be applied to create shortcuts for commonly used phrases,reducing time for recording and compiling. G. Revising Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure Interrogation record is recorded by computer. The printed final written version of the record will not show previous processes of addendums and deletions. Suggestion is given to revise Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure according to the following quoted text: “Documents made by public functionaries are forbidden to revise or edit. Should there are addendums, deletions, or notes added, chops should be placed where such amendment occurs, with the number of altered words noted. When documents are made with computer, original texts should be kept for identification purpose.

Výslechová praxe pracovníků zaměřených na oblast řešení případů týraných a zneužívaných dětí / The interrogation practice and solution methods of child abuse investigators

Šindlerová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis is comprised of a theoretical section and a practical section. The first theoretical subchapter introduces the CAN syndrome. The second theoretical subchapter focuses on the relevant international and national child protection legislation. The third subchapter "Child Interrogation" deals with the issue of the historical development of child interrogation techniques and methods, and the currently recommended interrogation techniques used to interrogate children in keeping with the Act on Criminal Judicial Procedure No. 141/1961 in the Czech Republic. The third subchapter also concerns with the character traits of the investigator, the qualification requirements of this profession and the fundamental methodology used to prevent a child's secondary victimisation. The fourth theoretical subchapter focuses on the specially designed interrogation room used, among others, for child interrogation. The theoretical part is based on reference literature and relevant legislation. The practical section includes the results of qualitative research. The first subchapter focuses on two case studies of child victims of abuse interrogation. The second subchapter analyses six interviews conducted with a methodological worker and with five investigators, who discuss their experience with the...

Rapid material interrogation using X rays from a dense plasma focus

Ismail, Mohamed Ismail Abdelaziz Mohamed January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering / William L. Dunn / Dense Plasma Focus (DPF) devices are multi-radiation sources of X rays, neutrons (when working with deuterium), ions, and electrons in pulses typically of a few tens of nanoseconds. The Kansas State University device (KSU-DPF) was commissioned to be used as a radiation source with the Mechanical and Nuclear Engineering Department. The device is operated by a 12.5 µF capacitor which can be charged up to 40 kV storing an energy of 10 kJ. The static inductance and resistance of the device L[subscript]0 and r[subscript]0 were measured to be 91±2 nH and 13±3 mΩ. Experiments have shown that the KSU-DPF device produces 2.45 MeV neutrons with a neutron yield of ~2 × 10^7 and 1.05 × 10^7 n/shots in both axial and radial directions. Ions up to 130 keV were measured using a Faraday Cup. The measured hard X-ray spectrum shows an X-ray emission in the range from 20 to 120 keV with a peak at 50 keV while the average effective energy was estimated, using a step filter method, to be 59±3 keV. The KSU-DPF device was used as a pulsed hard X-ray source for material interrogation studies using the signature-based radiation-scanning (SBRS) technique. The SBRS technique uses template matching to differentiate targets that contain certain types of materials, such as chemical explosives or drugs, from those that do not. Experiments were performed with different materials in cans of three sizes. Nitrogen-rich fertilizers and ammonium nitrate were used as explosive surrogates. Experiments showed 100% sensitivity for all sizes of used samples while 50% specificity for 5 and 1- gallon and 28.57% for quart samples. Simulations using MCNP-5 gave results in good agreement with the experimental results. In the simulations, a larger number of materials, including real explosives were tested. To ensure the feasibility of using the DPF devices for this purpose a second device was simulated and the results were encouraging. Experimental and simulation results indicate that use of DPF devices with simple, room-temperature detectors may provide a way to perform rapid screening for threat materials, especially for places where large number of packages need to be investigated.

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