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吳梓榕, Wum, Tzu Jung Unknown Date (has links)
一言以蔽之,本論文的研究重心,在於探討並確認以下命題:即,現今刑事偵查實務所廣為運用的各種一般偵查措施(如長/短期監視、運用監視錄影器資料、自他機關取得或比對資訊、以衛星定位追蹤器追查犯嫌所在地、臥底偵查員或線民的設置等),若對人民基本權造成干預,則應與傳統的強制處分相同,在憲法法治國原則的誡命下,受到法律保留原則、法明確性原則及比例原則等之合憲性控制;而且,這與偵查程序所適用的「偵查程序自由形成原則」並無衝突。 在第二章中,本文將先介紹「偵查程序自由形成原則」的形成背景、內涵及其與其他刑訴重要原則間的關聯/折衝;第三章分析一般偵查措施「為何亦有干預基本權之可能」並詳細說明各種一般偵查措施所可能干預之基本權;第四章則以德國法制現況為比較基準,分別探討法律保留、法明確性及比例原則應如何構成一般偵查措施運用上的界限,並同時討論對「越線違法偵查」的監督/控管問題;於第五章中,再回過頭來分析我國現行法制層面,就上述議題所面臨的困境,並思考可能的解決之道。


林永瀚, Lin,Yung Han Unknown Date (has links)
摘 要 行政機關為求順利行使其行政權,需有蒐集資訊的行為,國內稱為行政調查,由於對人民基本權利的著重,對於行政調查的限制也逐漸增加,在學說上逐漸出現應適用刑事訴訟法中令狀原則及不自證己罪的聲浪。又刑檢察機關欲為刑事偵查時,需有犯罪嫌疑的存在,因此嫌疑可說是刑事訴訟中的核心要件,刑事訴訟法第二百二十八第一項所稱「....知有犯罪嫌疑者,即應開始偵查。」屬於檢察機關的義務,德國學說則稱之為法定原則(Legalitätsprizip),符合法定原則的嫌疑程度,因可開啟偵查程序,又稱為初始嫌疑(Anfangsverdacht)。由於嫌疑本身是個範圍相當不確定的概念,亦無法量化,僅能確定需達一定的程度後始得稱為刑事訴訟法第二百二十八條第一項的犯罪嫌疑。 由於在現實中,國家機關於行使行政調查權時(尤以警察於臨檢時最容易發生),時有無意中發現有觸犯刑事犯罪的情形,但因「嫌疑」本身的不確定性,而國家機關在發現有犯罪可能後所為的行為常處於行政與刑事法間的灰色地帶。為有效間隔出行政與刑事區別,以明確定性國家行為並得出正確的救濟管道,特將兩者間的灰色地帶單獨類型化,此種雖有犯罪的可能性,卻尚未達到初始嫌疑程度的行為,德國則是將之稱為前偵查(Vorermittlung),而刑事追訴機關於此種情況下所為的資訊調查行為,就其整體則稱為前偵查程序(Vorermittlungsverfaren)。 本文引用德國前偵查的概念,以比較、區隔行政調查行為及刑事偵查行為,並以前偵查的概念,針對我國與德國法制面上相異之處做出對前偵查概念不同的解釋,並由前偵查的角度評析我國警察職權行使法。 關鍵字:前偵查、前偵查程序、行政調查、刑事偵查、起訴法定原則、初始嫌疑、資訊自我決定權、警察職權行使法

刑事偵查資訊對公眾公開之研究-從偵查不公開談起- / Public access to criminal investigative information

張時嘉 Unknown Date (has links)


薛文容 Unknown Date (has links)
全球化競爭激烈浪潮下,績效管理成為企業界的重要工作。績效評鑑是績效管理核心,欲有效評鑑績效,必須設立完善績效指標。我國傳統上以刑案績效衡量警察工作效能,過度強調刑案績效數字,無法反映民眾對警察的期望,也影響員警勤務執行方向。2004年7月起,內政部警政署鑒於原有績效評鑑所產生之弊端,屢遭外界詬病,爲杜絕選擇性辦案弊病、提升破案績效及偵查品質、落實地區責任制,研擬訂定新偵查犯罪評鑑計畫,自2005年1月起試辦半年,並選擇台北市等11個警察局作為試辦單位。若成效良好,將擴大推行至各個警察機關。 因此,本研究期透過對新、舊制偵查犯罪評鑑計畫之探討,以提供警察機關日後修訂之參考。本研究以台北市警察局員警為調查對象,透過問卷調查與深度訪談質量並重方式進行研究。在問卷調查研究上,發出問卷560份,回收541份,有效樣本為426份,有效回收率為76.07%。深度訪談對象計有十一人,均為單位主官,或為評鑑計畫業務承辦人,對於「偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度」有深入瞭解。所得資料採描述性統計、T檢定、皮爾森積差相關、典型相關和歸納分析等方法加以處理。 研究發現如下: 一、 新舊制偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度各有其優點 二、 員警對新舊偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度瞭解度不足 三、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度下,員警對於各項刑案的偵辦意願降低 四、 影響治安愈嚴重的刑案,員警偵辦意願愈高。 五、 員警對偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度的瞭解度愈高,對刑案之偵辦意願亦愈高 六、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度對於弊端的改善,無太大成效 七、 對新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度,員警多持觀望心態 八、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度主觀分數比例偏高,公正性受質疑 九、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度以偵破總件數作為評鑑基準,仍無法完全破除「選擇性辦案」弊病 十、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度之「重點專案工作」配分太低,影響偵辦意願 十一、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度未納入犯罪預防工作,有欠周詳 十二、 新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度要求全方位績效,員警不能專才專用 十三、 「跨轄偵辦」不受制度變更影響 研究建議如下: 一. 加強對偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度之宣導工作 二. 融合新舊制偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度優點,修訂評鑑方式 三. 評鑑制度修訂時,能納入專家、學者與基層員警意見 四. 重新考量新偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度評鑑項目配分 五. 預防績效能列入評鑑制度項目 六. 訂定適當之個人績效評鑑方式,供各單位參考選用 七. 不同單位評比方式要能多元化 八. 因應社會治安,彈性機動調整刑案配分 九. 評鑑制度應公正、公平、正確 十. 績效評鑑結果應與獎懲制度相結合,以激勵員警士氣 關鍵字:績效評鑑、偵查犯罪績效評鑑制度 / Strike by global vicious competition wave, performance management has become the most important task in entrepreneurial domain. Performance review is the core of performance management. Needless to say, in order to get a validate and efficient review, the parameter of performance review index has to be carefully implemented. As for police officer, performance review was measured solely upon the accumulation of criminal cases have been solved. Under this particular decipherment, neither has fulfilled people’s expectation, nor directed officers on the optimal execution. National Police Agency, Ministry of The Interior, has launched a new performance review index since June, 2004. It’s main purposes are to prevent the pitfalls from the old index, diminish crime case selectivity, increase both case resolution rate and investigation quality, and solidify borough responsibility. It starts off from eleven police stations in Taipei and set the pioneer project for six months from the beginning of 2005. Should the project go well, it will eventually implement nationwide. Thus, this research provides reference for further modification if needed. The research is cross examined by both quantitative (questionnaire) and qualitative (in-depth interview ) measurements. The participants are police officers who current work in Taipei city. On questionnaires part, 541 copies has been collected out of 560 , and 426 valid ones, make validation rate up to 76.07%. As for in-depth interview, there are eleven interviewees, including sheriffs and new project related officers, who acquire better knowledge about the new index project.. All the data has been processed by descriptive statistics, T-test, Pearson’s r, canonical correlation, and systematic analysis accordingly. Findings 1. It contains strengths and weakness at both new and old performance review systems, in terms of crime case resolution rating. 2. Police officers have little comprehension on both review systems. 3. Under the new review index, police officer has lower interests handling criminal cases. 4. As imposing more severe threat on security, the police officer is relatively more devoted to investigation. 5. The more understanding on review system, the more efficient officer hand on the case. 6. There is little efficacy of improving the existing problems. 7. Most police officers are more like spectators, not participating much. 8. New review index includes more subjective scorings and invites severe challenge on justification. 9. New review index is based on sum of crime cases resolved, that doesn’t stop case selectivity. 10. The score on “Special Project” is too low in new review index which effects the degree of devotion. 11. New review index failed to include the crime prevention intervention. 12.New review system neglects the individual specialty, instead, emphasizes on overall common practice, that depresses officers expertise and makes a biased performance review. 13.“ Cross jurisdiction investigation” stays intact. Suggestions 1. Propagate the performance review system. 2. Re-mix the advantages extract from both systems, and modify on the review method. 3. Combine the voice of experts, academic professionals and basic police officers for rectification. 4. Reconsider the scoring system to match the perspective items. 5. Includes prevention invention on the item list. 6. Customize the appropiate individual rating chart for varying departments. 7. Multi-function evaluation to suit various departments demand. 8. Remain scoring flexibility according to security status. 9. The essence of review system should be justice, fair and correct. 10. Intermingle the result of performance review with award/punishment system to further inspire the officers. Key words:

美國刑事偵查制度對我國之影響--以特別偵查制度之獨立性、通訊監察之控制機制與刑事司法互助之書證調取為例 / 無

黃謀信 Unknown Date (has links)
自從二次世界大戰後,隨著冷戰的結束,美國法律制度已成為世界上最具影響力之法律制度。不可諱言地,美國法律制度對其他國家法律制度的影響甚深,有些論者因此認為:因多數國家相繼仿效美國之法律制度,業已形成各國「法律制度美國法化」(Americanized)之趨勢。甚至,美國Maximo Langer教授,在其「論認罪協商制度之全球化及刑事訴訟程序之美國法化」乙文中表示,有人以美國之認罪協商制度為例,認為美國之認罪協商制度可能是辯論式制度送給糾問式制度的「特洛伊木馬」(Trojan horse),大陸法系國家將逐漸被「法律制度美國法化」,將被全面屠城棄守。是否果真會如此,美國法律制度對我國之影響是否亦有可能造成我國偵查制度遭美國偵查制度「屠城」之結果?引發筆者對我國近年來自美國引進之若干偵查制度之關注與好奇,認有予以探究之必要。本文乃就我國近來有關偵查制度之重大修法,以特別偵查制度之獨立性、通訊監察之控制機制與刑事司法互助之書證調取等為例,探究該等制度從美國原貌,到移植至我國後之改變、衝突及現況,並提出本文之觀點,期能成為未來修法時之參考方向。 本文除前言及總結論外,第二章簡介美國之偵查制度,論文主體部分則分成特別偵查制度之獨立性、通訊監察之控制機制及刑事司法互助之書證調取等三章進行論述。 第三章為有關特別偵查制度獨立性之探討,由各國曾出現之特別偵查制度中,以美國、日本及南韓等國家之法制為例,分別介紹美國之「獨立檢察官」與「特別檢察官」、日本之「特搜部」及南韓之「大檢察廳中央搜查部」等特別偵查組織之歷史沿革及運作機制,其中特別就各國爭相仿效之美國「獨立檢察官」與「特別檢察官」制度多加介紹,最後再論述我國特別偵查組織之濫觴與發展,由高檢署查緝黑金行動中心到地檢署檢肅黑金小組,再到最高檢特偵組等我國廣義之特別偵查組織之發展歷程,而特偵組成立迄今之現況與制度之運作結果,對特別偵查制度之獨立性產生之影響,亦有待實務運作後之檢驗,其中最大爭議者諸如:付之闕如的檢察總長退場機制、再議程序及設置審級等爭議問題,目前都已出現,有待探究及修法解決。 第四章為有關通訊監察控制機制之探討,日本、美國、英國及我國通保法修法前後之存在不同通訊監察核發機制及聲請機制,就我國通保法修法後之通訊監察聲請機制模式採取「檢察官聲請獨占模式」,不採取「雙聲請主體模式」或「檢察官許可前置模式」,本文乃探究各種聲請模式之利弊得失。次以我國通保法修法所仿效之美國通訊監察制度為中心,介紹美國之法律及行政相關規定,引述美國聯邦檢察官在通訊監察程序中之角色,進而導出美國核發通訊監察書遠低於我國之原因,探究美國各種通訊監察之內控機制。最後以通保法修法後之實務觀點檢視本次通保法修法之控制機制,探討是否修法後即可達到仿效美國通訊監察制度所欲達到得以控制監聽浮濫之目的? 第五章為有關刑事司法互助之書證調取,除介紹各種刑事司法互助態樣、我國現行之刑事司法互助有關之法規及實務運作外,並探討臺美司法互助協定之內容。並以向新加坡請求刑事司法協助為例,介紹如何請求調取涉外之銀行帳戶資料。另討論我國經由外國政府或組織取得證據之證據能力,由於我國並無刑事司法互助法之專法,致實務上產生極大之爭議,有予以深究之必要。 第六章為本論文總結,本文認為,美國之偵查制度對我國偵查制度的影響當然是不容置疑的,但我國絕非單純地複製一個美國形式的偵查制度模式,美國法對我國法制的影響並非全面性的美國化,僅占我國偵查制度改革中的一小部分而已。我國引進美國之偵查制度後已與美國原有之制度呈現出各種不同之風貌,當然引進後之機制正挑戰我國原有之偵查架構與制度,但並未形成「偵查制度全面美國化」的現象,更不必憂心會遭美國偵查制度全面「屠城棄守」。


林昶瑨 Unknown Date (has links)
在國家、社會政治經濟結構變遷劇烈,價值規範標準不一之轉型期中,社會大眾對法治之要求及人民基本權之保障漸趨重視。警察工作因經常面對權利及義務、公益及私利之衝突點,故於有效達成治安維護任務同時,亦受應謹慎兼顧人民自由權利保障之要求。 刑事程序之跟監行為,為犯罪偵查手段之一,係以秘密方式針對特定嫌疑人進行調查、蒐集犯罪事證或相關資訊之國家公權力行為,對人民基本權將產生干預,而過程中搭配使用輔助科技設備,干預程度將更為嚴重。基於法治國原則,此等行為首應有法律明文,並應遵守其他相關法律原則,蓋蒐集犯罪證據固然重要,惟更重要者實為發動此等行為之程序及要件,或不合目的性、或以不正手段非法取得,人民基本權之保障將蕩然無存。 因此,本文擬將相關法律原則予以具體化,明確提出刑事程序跟監、使用輔助科技設備行為應遵守之基本原則,以檢討現行實務缺失,並參考美國、德國相關法制規範及實務見解,提出適當改進之道及具體修法建議,冀望建構我國刑事程序上跟監、使用輔助科技設備等行為之制度,俾利警察於執行任務時,兼顧人民基本權之保障及實質法治主義之踐履。

偵查中之羈押審查 / Court review of detention under investigation

朱曉群, Chu Hsiao Chun Unknown Date (has links)
1995年12月22日司法院釋字第392號解釋意旨,本於憲法第8條正當法律程序精神,採取2年定期失效解釋方式,將偵查中羈押權回歸法院審查,嗣於1997年12月19日刑事訴訟法修正實施後,偵查中羈押決定權正式歸由法院審查,乃絕對法官保留原則。誠然,羈押為干預人身自由最為劇烈之強制處分,自1997年12月羈押權悉歸由法院行使已逾13年,期間不乏因檢察官羈押聲請案件衍生實務爭議問題,甚而引發社會輿論沸沸揚揚之討論,究其因乃刑事訴訟法第十章關於被告羈押之規定固計有21條;然法官對於偵查中之羈押審查,所應踐行之審查程序,例如:偵查中羈押聲請是否涉及管轄權、羈押庭的法院組織係採合議制或獨任制、檢察官應否到庭、辯護人在場權之行使(得否以偵查不公開為由暫時拒卻辯護人於羈押庭在場),及羈押審查之範圍與界限為何,均乏明文,而此亦為實務個案中所呈現爭議。 偵查中羈押實有其秘匿性與急迫性,法官如何於檢察官呈現之證據資料,於極短暫時間,判斷被告或犯罪嫌疑人是否該當條文所示之羈押事由及其必要性等各環節,如何於法制規範未完備之際,妥適審斷。本文擬先藉由羈押制度之基本概念說明,再依循法院於受理偵查中羈押案件,自程序審查之開端俟至羈押理由要件審查,實務上曾產生個案爭議之介紹,及對於不服偵查中羈押裁決之救濟模式,兼論修正草案內容,試以突顯現行條文規範偵查中羈押審查之缺漏,作為日後羈押制度修法的借鏡,以期符合國際間對於被告人權保障的落實。

論毒品犯罪之偵查方法-控制下交付 / The study of controlled delivery on drugs criminal investigation methods

林昭弘 Unknown Date (has links)
毒品泛濫情形日益嚴重,舉世皆然,毒品不僅直接侵害人體健康,更連帶影響一國的政治、社會及經濟環境。有鑑於重大之毒品犯罪常具跨國性、隱密性與組織性,非經由國際合作及運用特別之偵查方法實不足以達到有效打擊與防制之目的。因此,「聯合國毒品和犯罪問題辦事處」(United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime;UNODC)於西元1988年訂頒「聯合國禁止非法販運麻醉藥品暨精神藥物公約」(United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988),並於該公約中明定「控制下交付」(Controlled Delivery)之條文,鼓勵各國可運用「控制下交付」此特別偵查方法,進行國與國之間的合作,共同聯手將跨國販毒集團活動在各該國家同時予以偵破瓦解,以澈底打擊跨國販毒集團組織,有效遏止國際販毒活動。   我國雖非該公約之締約國,惟鑑於毒品犯罪係國際公罪,爰參考日本「麻藥特別法」之相關規定,於2003年修正「毒品危害防制條例」條文,增訂第32-1條、第32-2條有關「控制下交付」之法源,俾供查緝毒品犯罪機關遵循,使反毒工作可充分與國際接軌,發揮全球緝毒的整體功能。而此種特別偵查方法,在近年我國偵查實務上雖已有運用實例,但相較於日本等國之運用情形,仍有很大的檢討進步空間。此外,我國關於「控制下交付」之相關規定似僅限於「境外控制下交付」,對於毒品犯罪偵查實務上最常實施之「境內控制下交付」並未規範,甚至連可否以實際毒品進行之「有害控制下交付」或完全抽換毒品後進行之「無害控制下交付」、部分抽換毒品後進行之「少量控制下交付」等規定亦付之闕如。   基於「控制下交付」之實施目的,乃是對正在運送中的毒品暫予扣押,使得執法人員可以完整知悉販毒過程與未知的犯罪嫌疑人,以期將整個販毒集團一網打盡的偵查方法,其本質上是一種參雜、結合多種任意偵查要素與強制偵查要素之偵查手段,不僅有強制力的介入,尚會侵害到相對人之權益,因此本論文認為「控制下交付」之本質係「強制偵查」手段,應有法律明文規定其要件及實施方式,更要遵循比例原則,如此方能落實保障人權及程序正義之理念。   本論文除先就毒品犯罪現況與控制下交付之基礎概念為論述外,主要探討「控制下交付」此一特別偵查方法在國際公約之實踐與各國規範作法,相較我國對控制下交付之法制規範與法院判決實務運作情形,並置重點於刑事程序法與刑事實體法之檢視,同時以執法第一線司法警察(官)之角度,研析我國實施控制下交付之實務困境,最後提出總結說明及建議,冀能有助我國的毒品犯罪偵查法律制度能益臻完善,不僅可以降低毒品犯罪率及減少毒品對社會所造成之危害,亦能兼顧平日在第一線衝鋒陷陣,暴露在危險環境中與狡猾販毒集團周旋的執法同仁之權益。

偵訊筆錄記錄完整性與證據能力之研究 / A Study on the Completeness and Evidentiary Value of Written Interrogation Records

徐國楨, Hsu,kuo chen Unknown Date (has links)
刑事訴訟法是確定國家刑罰權之程序法,刑事訴訟程序進行中,難免侵害人民之基本權。因此,刑事偵查應遵守程序正義,以保障人權。偵訊係將被告、犯罪嫌疑人拘束於特定之地點,即地檢署之偵查庭或司法警察機關之詢問室,且接受檢察官、司法警察人員之訊(詢)問。基於偵查不公開原則,當事人若未委任律師到場陪同,外界難以窺探了解偵訊之過程。為避免發生不當偵訊,刑事訴訟法第100條之1第1項前段規定,訊問被告,應全程連續錄音;必要時,並應全程連續錄影,即在擔保偵訊時當事人陳述之任意性及偵訊筆錄記錄之正確性。第2項規定,筆錄內所載之被告陳述與錄音或錄影之內容不符者,除有急迫情況且經記明筆錄者外,其不符之部分,不得作為證據。因此,被告之陳述若與錄音或錄影之內容不符,偵訊筆錄將受證據排除,而不具證據能力。 實務上偵訊筆錄之製作,並無法與當事人之陳述同步,且偵訊筆錄之記錄,係由訊(詢)問之檢察官、司法警察(官)於整理當事人陳述後,擇與案情有關部分記錄於偵訊筆錄,換言之,偵訊筆錄之記錄,並非逐字記載當事人之陳述,則偵訊筆錄之記錄是否為當事人陳述之真意,迭生爭議。 本研究以文獻分析法、歷史分析法,探討偵訊筆錄記錄完整性與證據能力之研究,並分析刑事訴訟法有關訊(詢)問之相關規定及司法實務上偵查筆錄記錄之現況,經綜合分析提出建議如下: 一、偵訊實務建議 在偵訊實務方面之建議,偵查機關應建立偵訊養成教育之完整計畫,偵訊工作需由專業之執法人員擔任;強化偵訊錄影音監督機制,俾加強對偵訊筆錄記錄正確性及任意性之監督。 二、偵訊教育之完整計畫 偵查機關應將偵訊工作相關法律規範,彙編成冊,並依據法律規定,訂定偵訊標準化、類型化作業程序,依據不同案件類型,編訂擬問問題之標準作業手冊。 三、偵訊錄影音監督機制 為避免證人、被告、犯罪嫌疑人,在檢察官、司法警察(官)泛談前即受到威嚇或脅迫,其到達司法機關後,應即進入詢問室,並立即進行全程錄影,避免在偵訊前即受到脅迫;證人、被告、犯罪嫌疑人到達訊(詢)問地點時間與真正開始製作偵訊筆錄之時間應記錄明確,俾供查核。 四、偵訊筆錄記錄 偵查筆錄之記錄,係經偵訊者整理當事人陳述後,記錄於偵查筆錄,偵訊者應客觀、中立,並以最大之可能性,完整記錄當事人陳述,始符合正當法律程序原則。 五、偵訊筆錄記錄人員 設置專責偵訊筆錄記錄制度,以專門職業訓練認證及考選,納入考選部之「專門職業及技術人員」考試類別,以解決筆錄製作須具公務員之身分問題。 六、偵訊筆錄記錄輔助系統 為提升偵查筆錄記錄之完整性及正確性,可利用電腦科技,建置常用之片語快捷,以減少筆錄編輯時間。 七、修正刑事訴訟法第40條規定 偵查筆錄以電腦記錄,最後列印之筆錄文書,並不會呈現增、刪過程紀錄,建議修正刑事訴訟法第40條規定:「公務員制作之文書,不得竄改或挖補;如有增加、刪除或附記者,應蓋章其上,並記明字數。以電磁記錄製作文書者,其刪除處應留存原字跡,俾得辨認。」 / A Study on the Completeness and Evidentiary Value of Written Interrogation Records The Code of Criminal Procedure is a procedural law for stipulating state power of punishment. In the process of judicial proceedings, it is inevitable that people’s rights might be violated. Therefore criminal investigation should abide by procedural justice in order to protect human rights. Interrogation is to detain defendant or criminal suspect at a certain place, namely investigation room of District Prosecutors Office or interrogation room of judicial police agencies, where the defendant or criminal suspect will be interrogated or questioned by prosecutor or judicial policeman. Based on the principle of secret investigation, the person in question, if not accompanied by a hired lawyer, the investigation process will not be known to the public. To prevent unjustified interrogation, the first part of sub-item 1 of Article 100-1 of The Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that when interrogating a defendant, the whole process should be tape-recorded. When necessary, the whole process will be video recorded. This is meant to guarantee the willfulness of defendant’s statement of when being interrogated as well as the correctness of interrogation record. Sub-item 2 of Article 100-1 of The Code of Criminal Procedure stipulates that if defendant’s statement in interrogation record is not in accordance with contents of interrogation tape record or video record, the Inconsistent part shall not serve as evidence, with the exception of emergency which is especially marked in the said record. Therefore, if defendant’s statement is not in accordance with contents of tape record or video record, the interrogation record will be excluded as evidence,meanwhile losing the credibility of the evidence. In practice, the production of interrogation record is not possible to synchronize with defendant’s statement. The interrogation record is produced by selecting part of defendant’s statement that is related to the case after statement organizing by the prosecutor or judicial police officer who interrogated. In other words, interrogation record is not the word-for-word defendant’s statement. Disputes often happen on whether interrogation record agrees with the true meaning of the defendant’s statement. This research has explored completeness and evidential power of interrogation record through documentary analysis, historical analysis, and comparative analysis. It has also conducted analysis on relevant regulations regarding interrogation (questioning) and current status of actual interrogation record. The research offers the following suggestions after a comprehensive analysis: A. Suggestions on interrogation practice Regarding suggestion on interrogation practice, the investigation organ should draw a complete plan to cultivate qualified investigators, so that the interrogation could be handled by professional law enforcement officials. A supervising mechanism for interrogation tape and video record should be further strengthened in order to supervise the correctness and willfulness of interrogation record. B. Complete Plan for Investigators Cultivation The investigation organ should draw complete plan to cultivate investigators and compile laws and regulations relevant to the work of interrogation into books. Interrogation should be standardized and classified, with the establishment of operational procedure. Based on the nature of different cases, various standard operational manuals with prepared questions should be produced. C. Mechanism to Supervise Tape or Video Record of Interrogation To avoid the threat or intimidation happened before wide-ranging questioning of prosecutor and judicial police officer, the witness, defendant, and suspect will immediately be led into the interrogation room once arriving at the judicial office. Whole-process video recording will be conducted immediately to prevent him from being threatening before interrogation. The exact time and place that the witness, defendant, and suspect arrive at for interrogation (questioning) and the start time of interrogation record should be clearly recorded for checking. D. Interrogation Record Interrogation record, after being compiled by investigator, is being recorded. The investigator should be objective and neutral, and record the statement of the person in question as complete as possible, which conforms to the principle of due process of law. E. Stenographer of Interrogation Record Stenographers must obtain certification after receiving professional training and pass examination. Taiwan has special professional training programs for stenographer. Stenographer is listed in examination category of “professionals and technicians” of Ministry of Examination, which meets the requirement that stenographers have to be civil servants. F. Secondary System of Interrogation Record In order to improve the completeness and correctness of interrogation record, computer technology can be applied to create shortcuts for commonly used phrases,reducing time for recording and compiling. G. Revising Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure Interrogation record is recorded by computer. The printed final written version of the record will not show previous processes of addendums and deletions. Suggestion is given to revise Article 40 of the Code of Criminal Procedure according to the following quoted text: “Documents made by public functionaries are forbidden to revise or edit. Should there are addendums, deletions, or notes added, chops should be placed where such amendment occurs, with the number of altered words noted. When documents are made with computer, original texts should be kept for identification purpose.

中共公安警察業務及勤務制度變革(1979~2008)之研究 / The reforms of the PRC’s police assignments and administrative duties systems: (1979-2008)

楊天啟, Yang, Tien Chi Unknown Date (has links)
Since the open door policy, the PRC’s social structure has been deteriorating and its social stratums have been broadening along with the economic development. Comparing to the long-standing social stability before the open door policy, the central CPC has worried about the deteriorating development of social order and crime problems triggered by the redistribution of wealth. The central CPC thought that the Ministry of Public Security could not handle the social order and crime problems with its old system and functions. The problems would have great negative impact on the CPC’s ability of internal control, if the police systems and functions had not been reformed or improved. This study has found that on the basis of the highest guideline of “one center and two basic points,” the progressive reform steps taken by the Ministry of Public Security were as follows. First, it aimed at the reform of police organs and administrative systems. Second, it focused on the reform of police assignments system. Third, it stressed on the reform of grass-roots police and stations. Lastly, it emphasized on the reform of the concept of law enforcement and the quality of the police. To sum up, there were four development shifts on police. The first one was the reform of police organs and administrative duties from 1979 to 1996. The second one was the reform of police assignments system form 1997 to 2002. The third one was the combination of crime control, prevention and crackdown by police stations and community policing from 2003 to 2005. The fourth one was the three-base project from 2006 to 2008. The new Minister, Meng Jen-tzu, took office at the end of 2008 and he addressed “the three-construction” project as the further and sequent fulfillment of the three-base project. The related developments of the three-construction project are still going on. How they shape the functions and roles of the Ministry of Public Security requires sequent observation.

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