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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Rozhodovali se jinak..." Chování československých parašutistů zatčených na území Protektorátu v letech 1941- 1943 / "Decided otherwise..." The behavior of Czechoslovak paratroopers arrested in the territory of Ptotectorate 1941- 1943

Stegurová, Karolína January 2012 (has links)
This thesis is focused on fate of Czechoslovak paratroopers who were arrested by Nazi forces after being dropped into the territory of the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. In several cases paratroopers turned themselves in to the police authorities voluntarily. The goal of this thesis is the analysis of paratroopers' behavior during the interrogations with focus on the information about the resistance and other paratrooper actions they gave to the Nazis. If the paratrooper was persuaded to collaborate with the Gestapo the thesis analyzes the collaborative activity and its results. Keywords Paratrooper, resistance, agent, collaboration with Gestapo, military training, interrogation, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia, Heydrichiade, SOE, Gestapo

Marketingová komunikace České olympijské nadace / Marketing communication of Czech Olympic Foundation

Hrachová, Johana January 2015 (has links)
Title: Marketing communication of Czech Olympic Foundation Objectives: The aim of this thesis is to analyze and evaluate the current marketing communitacion in Czech Olympic Foundation and according to these knowledges to create a project presenting proposals for the improvement of the marketing communication of this organization to increase the efficiency in use of the individual parts of the communication mix and to introduce new unused instruments. Methods: For the evaluation of the marketing communication are chosen both quantitative and qualitative research methods. The method of electronic interrogation with a sample of available respondents is realized. Data collection is carried out thanks to prepared questionnaires which are sent by electronic mail to each interviewee. The method of indepth interview with the manager of the project Czech Olympic Foundation is also used to find out all current communication channels. Results: The outcome of this thesis is a proposal of the marketing communication containing new communication instruments and ways to increase the efficiency of the existing ones which are based on the analysis and evaluation of the current status of exploited marketing instruments. Keywords: communication mix, promotion, non-profit sector, foundation, indepth interview,...

Sugestibilita dětských svědků v rámci trestního řízení z pohledu psychologie / Psychological research: Children's suggestibility in forensic interviewing

Brousilová, Klára January 2019 (has links)
Master's thesis follows on bachelor thesis Specifics of children's testimony from the point of view of Psychology, expanding chapter about suggestibility. Theory involves phenomenon of suggestibility with emphasis put on Gudjonsson's concept of suggestibility in conjunction with interrogative events. Further chapters delve into scientific findings regarding hazardous factors enhancing or decreasing suggestibility of young witnesses, among others are age, cognitive and psychosocial factors. Thesis also presents the very own types of discovered and described interrogation techniques utilizing elements of suggestion like stereotype induction, leading questions, positive and negative consequences or peer pressure. Paper presents results of empirical research, reproduced experiment which was used as tool mapping suggestibility dangers among Czech children. Focused on pre-school children subjected to heavily suggestive interrogation about event they experienced, through later interviews it was measured to which extent highly suggestive interviews altered perceived reality.

Des systèmes d'aide à la décision temps réel et distribués : modélisation par agents

Duvallet, Claude 05 October 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Les systèmes d'aide à la décision (SAD) doivent permettre aux utilisateurs (décideurs) de prendre les meilleures décisions dans les meilleurs délais. Dans cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés aux systèmes qui reposent sur une architecture multi-agents. En effet, les systèmes multi-agents (SMA) permettent de construire des systèmes informatiques ayant recours à l'interrogation multi-critères, souvent utilisée dans les SAD. De façon plus générale, les SMA permettent de concevoir des systèmes qui sont de nature complexe. Cependant, ils n'intègrent pas la notion de contraintes temporelles qui sont souvent très fortes dans les SAD. De plus, dans ces systèmes, des résultats même partiels ou incomplets obtenus dans les temps sont souvent préférés car plus utiles pour la prise de décision que des résultats complets et précis obtenus en retard. Pour cela, les techniques ``anytime'' (raisonnement progressif) semblent une excellente solution. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons une méthode de conception d'un système multi-agent temps réel basé sur l'exploitation des techniques ``anytime''. De plus, nous prenons en compte dans notre modèle l'aspect souvent distribué des SAD.

Correction des effets de matrice par spectrométrie des rayonnements gamma de capture : application à la mesure par Interrogation Neutronique Active (I.N.A.)

Baudry, Guillaume 26 November 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Dans le domaine de la mesure de faibles masses de matière fissile (235U, 239Pu, 241Pu...) dans des colis de déchets radioactifs, l'Interrogation Neutronique Active (I.N.A.) est une méthode de mesure non-destructive permettant d'atteindre de bonnes performances. Elle reste cependant pénalisée par des incertitudes liées notamment aux effets de la matrice du colis de déchets. L'objectif de cette thèse est le développement d'une méthode de correction de ces effets de matrice, reposant sur la détermination de la teneur en matériaux absorbants (chlore et hydrogène) dans une matrice homogène de 118 litres. L'idée exploitée est d'utiliser la spectrométrie des rayonnements gamma de capture neutronique pour identifier et quantifier les composants de la matrice et en déduire un indicateur de sa teneur relative en chlore, afin de choisir le coefficient d'étalonnage le plus représentatif pour l'interprétation de la mesure neutronique I.N.A. Ce document expose tout d'abord les besoins de contrôle et de caractérisation des objets radioactifs ainsi que les moyens employés dans le cadre de la mesure nucléaire. Un accent particulier est mis sur l'I.N.A. Les colis de déchets concernées dans cette thèse sont des déchets technologiques, de densité inférieure à 0,4 g/cm3 et constituées majoritairement de matériaux hydrogénés et chlorés. L'intérêt des rayonnements gamma de capture pour la détermination d'un indicateur de la teneur relative en chlore des matrices et la méthode de correction définie sont ensuite exposés. Des premiers essais expérimentaux réalisés auprès d'une cellule de mesure I.N.A. existante (PROMETHEE 6) ont révélé son inadéquation au problème posé. En effet, aucun signal hydrogène provenant des matrices n'a pu être mis en évidence compte tenu d'un même signal parasite intense. En outre, le niveau de signal chlore mesuré s'est avéré faible. Une cellule de mesure dédiée à la détection des rayonnements gamma de capture, baptisée REGAIN (REcherche des Gamma d'Activation et Irradiation Neutronique), a alors été dimensionnée à l'aide du code de calcul Monte-Carlo N-Particle (MCNP). Les mesures effectuées auprès de cette nouvelle cellule ont permis de mettre en évidence l'hydrogène des matrices et d'obtenir des signaux gamma d'intérêt utilisables. L'exploitation de ces résultats a ensuite conduit à la définition d'une méthode de correction reposant sur le tracé d'abaques reliant l'indicateur retenu - rapport du signal chlore (doublet à 786/88 keV) et du signal hydrogène (raie à 2223,3 keV) - à la teneur relative en PolyChlorure de Vinyle (PVC) de la matrice, puis au coefficient d'étalonnage I.N.A. calculé par le code de calcul MCNP. Cette méthode de correction réduit l'incertitude sur la masse de contaminant annoncée par rapport à l'interprétation pénalisante réalisée sans aucune connaissance de la composition de la matrice, et ce sur la majeure partie du domaine de compositions et de densités étudié. Les limites actuelles de la méthode proposée se situent principalement dans la dispersion de l'indicateur choisi en fonction de la densité pour une composition de matrice donnée.

Design of a Knowledge Acquisition Tool using A Constructivist Approach for Creating Tailorable Patient Education Materials

Yang, Wenfeng January 2005 (has links)
Research in patient education suggests that tailored educational materials can improve patient's understanding of a treatment plan and help to achieve patient engagement and compliance. The goal of the HealthDoc Project has been the creation of automated Natural Language Generation systems for producing educational materials that are tailored to an individual patient's medical condition and personal situation. The project has so far focused on developing computational linguistic tools needed to author tailorable content from which customized versions could be generated. Also the HealthDoc model of document generation assumes the existence of previously authored textual material. Therefore, a new approach is needed to construct these materials and ensure that the relevant medical knowledge will be captured and delivered to the patient by providing a means to assist the health care professionals in directly authoring the required domain knowledge. <br /><br />We have used constructivist educational theory and knowledge-level modelling to define a new approach incorporating Patient-centric and Behaviour-modifying Educational Model (PBEM) and a knowledge-acquisition framework. Unlike traditional approaches, in which all patients are treated alike in terms of the medical information provided, our new model takes into account characteristics of individual patients. This facilitates the patient's assimilation of relevant information pertaining to her behaviour and health. As the information provided must address the various concerns of different stakeholders, and different patients have different concerns and concern intensities, a knowledge-acquisition framework was developed to provide a structure for patient knowledge acquisition. This framework includes the following components: a Strategic Model, a Concerns Model, and an Interrogation-based knowledge-acquisition Tool. The tool is intended to be used directly by health care professionals and to assist them in formulating, structuring, representing, and articulating their domain knowledge. This research work explores a new field, knowledge-level modelling, for generating patient-tailored educational materials and provides guidelines to implementing such a knowledge-acquisition tool.

Design of a Knowledge Acquisition Tool using A Constructivist Approach for Creating Tailorable Patient Education Materials

Yang, Wenfeng January 2005 (has links)
Research in patient education suggests that tailored educational materials can improve patient's understanding of a treatment plan and help to achieve patient engagement and compliance. The goal of the HealthDoc Project has been the creation of automated Natural Language Generation systems for producing educational materials that are tailored to an individual patient's medical condition and personal situation. The project has so far focused on developing computational linguistic tools needed to author tailorable content from which customized versions could be generated. Also the HealthDoc model of document generation assumes the existence of previously authored textual material. Therefore, a new approach is needed to construct these materials and ensure that the relevant medical knowledge will be captured and delivered to the patient by providing a means to assist the health care professionals in directly authoring the required domain knowledge. <br /><br />We have used constructivist educational theory and knowledge-level modelling to define a new approach incorporating Patient-centric and Behaviour-modifying Educational Model (PBEM) and a knowledge-acquisition framework. Unlike traditional approaches, in which all patients are treated alike in terms of the medical information provided, our new model takes into account characteristics of individual patients. This facilitates the patient's assimilation of relevant information pertaining to her behaviour and health. As the information provided must address the various concerns of different stakeholders, and different patients have different concerns and concern intensities, a knowledge-acquisition framework was developed to provide a structure for patient knowledge acquisition. This framework includes the following components: a Strategic Model, a Concerns Model, and an Interrogation-based knowledge-acquisition Tool. The tool is intended to be used directly by health care professionals and to assist them in formulating, structuring, representing, and articulating their domain knowledge. This research work explores a new field, knowledge-level modelling, for generating patient-tailored educational materials and provides guidelines to implementing such a knowledge-acquisition tool.

Rapid reading for passive wireless coupled sensors

Trivedi, Tanuj Kiranbhai 30 October 2012 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to design and implement a rapid, reconfigurable and portable reader for wirelessly interrogating inductively coupled passive sensors. While the current method of impedance analyzer is sensitive and an accurate, the instruments used are bulky and slow, substantially hampering in-field testing and interrogation of sensors. Current methods cannot provide a quantifiable measure on minimum necessary read-speeds and instrument accuracy desirable for rapid sensing applications. This work summarizes the design and hardware implementation of two reader methods that address the aforementioned requirements. Both reader methods are based on a reflectometer approach: Swept-frequency Reflectometer Reader and Switched-frequency Interrogation Technique (SWIFT). The first method is a much faster alternative to in-lab and in-field testing for structural health monitoring, and is intended as an immediate replacement for the impedance analyzer method. Switched-frequency Interrogation is specifically designed to satisfy the need for rapid and accurate reading, potentially for in-motion sensing applications. This method provides a way of empirically relating minimum necessary read-time required for desired read-ranges. It also facilitates quantification of uncertainty in measurements, which is very critical in determining instrument accuracy in-field. The system design and implementation of both methods are described in detail and experimental results are presented to benchmark the performance of the readers. Issues of instrument reliability and practical limitations are also discussed, with potential solutions. Both methods are intended as universal techniques for wirelessly interrogating coupled passive sensors, not limited to their current form of implementation. / text

Lietuvos žemės ūkio konsultavimo tarnybos įvaizdžio formavimas / Development of Corporate Image of Lithuanian agricultural advisory service

Dereškevičius, Arūnas 29 May 2006 (has links)
The conclusions of those studies is that the heads of service should focus not only on the management or marketing of the products, but also on corporate identity and corporate communication as well. The corporate identity and corporate communication are very close related with the image-building of advisory services. The signals from audiences create correct market perception for the service when it is not commensurate with market share. Well developed corporate image of the service minimize the risk of relations with staff, customers and suppliers, governmental institutions, press and other institutions or persons which could have influence on activity of the service – in other words for strategic plans.

Försvar av det oförsvarbara : En studie i debatt och opinion om CIA:s tortyranvändning

Olovsson, Emil January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats har till syfte att studera den debatt som uppstod efter den 9:e december, då en rapport om CIA:s användning av tortyr som del av kriget mot terrorismen släpptes. Detta sker igenom en kritisk diskursanalys av amerikansk media, specifikt med en metod kallad förklarande kritik, med fokus på vad politiker citeras säga och vad opinionsskribenter själva säger gör tortyr rätt eller fel att använda. Igenom analys av sådant material ges här både en inblick i de ställningstaganden som görs i debatten, där censur av rapporten bidrar till att en debatt där båda parter kan göra starka sanningsanspråk om effektivitet och politisering, samt även förklaringar av de pragmatiska och affektiva argument som används i media för att legitimera CIA:s tortyranvändning. / This essay has as its purpose to study the debate that occurred after the 9th of December, when a report about CIA’s use of torture as part of the war against terror was released. This is done through a critical discourse analysis of American media, specifically through a method called explanatory critique, focusing upon what politicians are cited to say, and what various opinion writers say make torture right or wrong to employ. Through analysis of such material, a glimpse is given into the positions that are taken in the debate, where redactions contribute to a debate where both parties can make strong claims of truth about efficacy and politisation, along with explanations of the pragmatic and emotional arguments used in media to legitimize CIA’s use of torture.

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