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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

It’s the Organization, not the Zombies: A Critical Organizational Interrrogation of Cabin in the Woods

Herrmann, Andrew F. 03 April 2014 (has links)
Recent media scholars have taken, as their focus, relationships between qualitative research methods and examinations of contemporary media texts (e.g., Fox, 2013; Manning, Dunn, & Stern, 2012; Meyer, 2012). The purpose of this panel is to further examine these relationships. Participants will demonstrate how a qualitative research method (e.g., ethnography, autoethnography, narrative analysis, textual or discourse analysis, audience studies) can be used to study contemporary television and film texts (e.g. Coronation Street, Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, Orange is the New Black, Mad Men, Cabin in the Woods, The Butler). Participants will first discuss their particular method and then provide an exemplar of that method as they examine their chosen media text(s). To assist with the audience discussion of these methods and texts, participants will also include a brief clip/excerpt of their chosen texts.

A confissão em juízo: características, vícios e sua valoração / The confession in court: characteristics, vices and its valuation

Oliveira, Luiz Rogério Monteiro de 14 April 2015 (has links)
A confissão é um importante meio de prova, na medida em que traz uma maior certeza ao julgador, afasta a possibilidade de uma condenação injusta e possibilita ao acusado benefícios como a atenuação da pena. Na parte teórica são estudados os sistemas de colheita da prova (acusatório, inquisitivo e misto), os sistemas de avaliação (prova legal, livre convicção e persuasão racional), os princípios do devido processo legal, contraditório e ampla defesa, o direito ao silêncio e à não auto-incriminação. Em seguida, são estudadas as características do interrogatório e da confissão, os requisitos para que ela seja considerada válida e seus efeitos na aplicação da pena, bem como a disciplina destes institutos em outros países (Itália, Portugal, Espanha, EUA e Inglaterra). Na segunda parte são examinadas sentenças criminais, a fim de identificar quais os motivos que levam à confissão, em quais situações ela pode ser levada em conta e quais seus efeitos na aplicação das penas. É analisado ainda se a lei nº 11.719/2008, ao deslocar o interrogatório para após a colheita das provas em juízo, aumentou, diminuiu ou manteve o percentual de confissões judiciais. Ao final, é realizada uma análise crítica do procedimento brasileiro atual, propondo-se que o interrogatório volte a ser realizado no início da instrução e mantendo-se a possibilidade do réu ser ouvido novamente ao final. Propõe-se, ainda, a adoção de um sistema semelhante ao pattegiamento do direito italiano e ao plea bargaining anglo-americano, para os casos de réus primários e crimes cometidos sem violência ou grave ameaça, cabendo ao Ministério Público propor a aplicação imediata de penas restritivas de direitos ou multa e ao juiz verificar sua regularidade, legalidade e voluntariedade. / Confession is an important piece of evidence, which brings greater certainty to the judge, rule out the possibility of a wrongful conviction and enables to the accused benefits such as mitigation of the penalty. In the theoretical part are studied the criminal procedures (adversarial, inquisitorial and mixed), evaluation systems (legal proof, free conviction and rational persuasion), the principles of due process of law, contradictory and full defense, the right to silence and non-self-incrimination. Then, are studied the characteristics of the interrogation and confession, the requirements for it to be considered valid and its effects on application of the penalty, as well as the discipline of these institutions in other countries (Italy, Portugal, Spain, USA and England). In the second part, some criminal sentences are examined, in order to identify the reasons that lead to confession, in which situations it can be considered and its effects on the application of penalties. It is also analyzed if the Brazilian law nº 11.719/2008, by moving the interrogation to after the taking of evidence in court, increased, decreased or maintained the percentage of judicial confessions. Finally, a critical analysis of the current Brazilian procedure is performed, proposing that the interrogation returns to the beginning of instruction and maintaining the possibility of the defendant be heard again at the end. It is also proposed the adoption of a similar system to the Italian pattegiamento and the Anglo-American plea bargaining system, for cases of first-time offenders and crimes without violence or serious threat, leaving to the prosecutors propose the immediate application of penalties and to the judge verify its regularity, legality and voluntariness.

Un modèle logique général pour les systèmes de recherche d'informations : application au prototype RIME

Nie, Jianyun 13 July 1990 (has links) (PDF)
La définition d'un modèle d'évaluation est le problème clé d'un système de recherche d'informations. De nombreux modelés existent, qui sont généralement spécifiques a un type d'application particulier et avec lesquels la prise en compte de la sémantique est difficile. Dans la première partie de cette thèse, nous dégageons d'abord deux critères pour la valuation de la correspondance entre un document et une requête: l'exhaustivité et la spécificité du document pour la requête. Nous définissons ensuite un modèle général fonde sur la logique modale floue pour la valuation des deux critères. Ce modèle est compare avec quelques modèles existants pour démontrer sa généralité. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, le modèle propose est applique au processus d'interrogation du prototype rime pour la recherche d'informations médicales. Ce prototype possède une interface en langue quasi naturelle (un sous-ensemble du français). Un processus d'interrogation se décompose en deux parties: l'interprétation des requêtes en langue quasi naturelle et l'évaluation des requêtes en utilisant le modèle général précédemment défini. Ces deux parties sont étudiées en détail. Une réalisation est finalement présentée, ainsi que son expérimentation sur un corpus médical

Model-checking based data retrieval an application to semistructured and temporal data /

Quintarelli, Elisa. January 1900 (has links)
Texte remanié de : PhD : Politecnico di Milano : 2002. / Bibliogr. p. [129]-134.

Confesser un homicide : le rôle de l’enquêteur et de la preuve

Poirier, Myriam 12 1900 (has links)
Les chercheurs s’étant penchés sur les facteurs influençant la décision du suspect de confesser son crime ont mis en évidence que deux facteurs sont principalement influents : la force de la preuve (Des Lauriers-Varin et St-Yves, 2006; Moston et al., 1992) et la conduite de l’enquêteur (Holmberg et Christianson, 2002; Kebell et al., 2005). Par contre, les contradictions entre ces études ont apporté davantage de confusion que de réponses à la pratique. Cette étude vise donc à explorer l’incidence de ces deux facteurs sur l’inclination du suspect à confesser son crime et les possibles interactions entre eux. Pour ce faire, 50 enregistrements vidéo d’interrogatoires d’homicide furent visionnés et les données furent soumises à des analyses statistiques et qualitatives. Les résultats d’une régression logistique démontrent que la conduite de l’enquêteur est le facteur prédominant pour prédire l’obtention d’aveux du suspect en contrôlant pour l’effet des variables statiques et de la preuve. Également, les résultats mettent en évidence qu’en augmentant les attitudes et comportements associés à une conduite « positive », l’enquêteur augmentait les probabilités d’aveux du suspect. De plus, les résultats indiquent que l’augmentation du nombre d’éléments de preuves est associée à une plus grande démonstration de « rapport de force » de la part de l’enquêteur. Les résultats sont discutés en relation à l’effet des principaux facteurs sur les schémas et dynamiques prenant place entre l’enquêteur et le suspect. / The studiess on factors influencing a suspect’s decision to confess his crime during a police questioning, reveal that the strength of evidence (Moston et al., 1992 and Des Lauriers-Varin and St-Yves, 2006) and the detective’s behaviour (Holmberg et Christianson, 2002 et Kebell et al., 2005) are considered key factors. However, past studies show notable contradictions. The present work focuses on the role of the two aforementioned factors, in the suspect’s decision to confess a crime and the potential interaction effect among them. The data were obtained by visioning and analyzing 50 questionings of a suspect linked to a homicide investigation. The logistic regression’s results show that the detective’s behaviour is the predominant factor in obtaining a confession from a suspect. Theses results are maintained when both the characteristic of the suspect and the weight of evidence are controlled for. Moreover, our results suggest that a “positive” attitude from the detective’s part is associated with a greater propensity toward confessing. Also, the results indicate that the greater available evidence to support the case, will translate into more “dominant” style of questioning from the detectives. The results are discussed in relation to the effects of the different dynamics taking place between the detective and the suspect during the questioning.

Étude des facteurs associés à l’aveu lors de l’interrogatoire policier

Monguilod, Andréa 02 1900 (has links)
Le présent mémoire cherche à déterminer s’il existe des facteurs qui conduisent aux aveux chez les agresseurs sexuels durant un interrogatoire. Dans ce but, notre étude est basée sur 183 dossiers d’agression sexuelle traités par le Service de police de la Ville de Montréal. Les 137 participants qui ont fait une ou deux victimes (un dossier par victime) étaient âgés de 15 à 71 ans au moment du crime, et sont majoritairement francophones, caucasien et sans emploi. Toutes les variables sélectionnées ont été divisées en trois catégories : les caractéristiques de l’agresseur, les caractéristiques du crime et les caractéristiques contextuelles de l’interrogatoire. Les agresseurs sexuels qui ont avoué leur crime avaient les caractéristiques suivantes : caucasien, célibataire, n’ayant pas utilisé la menace ni causé de blessures, la victime était un garçon ou une femme adulte. Il n’y avait, contre eux, ni preuves matérielles ou biologiques, ni présence de sperme sur la victime, et il n’y a pas eu de séance d’identification. De plus, ils ont subi plusieurs interrogatoires, souvent dans un bureau privé en présence d’un seul interrogateur, qui n’est pas l’enquêteur principal, mais ils ont écrit et signé leur déclaration. Ces résultats devraient aider les policiers à cibler les facteurs les plus favorables aux aveux tout en montrant qu’il s’agit généralement d’un ensemble de facteurs qui conduisent les agresseurs sexuels aux aveux lors d’un interrogatoire. / This study seeks to determine whether there are factors that lead to the confession in sex offenders, during an interrogation. For this purpose, the study is based on 183 cases of sexual abuse handled by the Service de police de la Ville de Montréal. The 137 participants who made one or two victims (one file for each victim) were aged from 15 to 71 years old at the time of crime, and are mostly French-speaking, Caucasians and unemployed. All selected variables were divided into three categories: characteristics of the sex offender, characteristics of the crime and characteristics of the context of the interviews. Sex offenders who have confessed their crime had the following characteristics: Caucasian, unmarried, who did not use threat, who did not commit injuries and their victim was a young male or an adult female. Against them, there were no physical evidence, nor biological evidence, nor the presence of semen on the victim, and there was no identification parade. In addition, they have had several interviews, often in a private office with a single interrogator who isn’t the principal inspector, but they wrote and signed their statement. These results should help the police to identify the factors most favorable to confession, showing that it’s usually a combination of factors that lead sex offenders to confession during an interrogation.

Coupled Resonant Coil Sensors for Remote Passive Monitoring Applications

Bhadra, Sharmistha 10 September 2010 (has links)
The thesis describes development and application of coupled resonant coil sensors, which is of growing interest for remote monitoring applications. An interrogation technique, which improves the accuracy and interrogation range of coupled resonant coil sensors, is introduced. The method uses time-domain gating to produce measurements that are dominated by the response of the sensor coil and are immune to surrounding object interference. For application in structural health monitoring a low cost embeddable coupled coil sensor, which is able to monitor the corrosion potential of reinforcement steel is presented. Results of an accelerated corrosion test using the sensor indicate that corrosion potential can be monitored with a resolution less than 10 mV and a sensitivity of 0.76 kHz/mV. The last part describes a coupled-coil pH sensor based on pH electrode potential measurement. A linear response over a 4 to 10 pH dynamic range and 50 kHz/pH sensitivity are achieved with a 0.1 pH resolution and 30 s response time.

Conception et réalisation dun nouveau capteur de gaz passif communicant à transduction RF

Hallil, Hamida 16 November 2010 (has links) (PDF)
L'objectif de cette étude est de montrer la faisabilité d'un nouveau capteur de gaz a transduction RF, passif et sans fil. Ce nouveau capteur est composé de deux lignes coplanaires sur membrane et d'un résonateur diélectrique (RD). L'association de ces deux éléments permet de réaliser un filtre que nous excitons par une onde électromagnétique hyperfréquence en modes de galerie. Grâce à l'effet de " Relaxation Diélectrique ", nous pouvons détecter une variation de l'ambiance gazeuse par un décalage d'une fréquence de résonance du filtre. Les résultats de simulations électromagnétiques ont montré que la détermination de la fréquence de résonance d'un des modes de galerie permettait de détecter facilement la présence de gaz avec une grande sensibilité. Le développement de ce circuit simulé a été réalisé en deux étapes : la fabrication des lignes coplanaires sur membrane et l'élaboration du résonateur diélectrique à base d'un matériau sensible aux gaz. La réalisation d'un RD en TiO2 a été abordée en collaboration avec le CIRIMAT en utilisant la technique SPS (une voie prometteuse mais non encore maitrisée pour nos structures). Compte tenu des difficultés rencontrées, nous avons validé le concept du capteur en utilisant un résonateur en céramique (BaSmTiOxide) réalisé par Temex-Ceramics. L'assemblage des deux parties du capteur a permis d'obtenir les premiers dispositifs et de les caractériser sous différentes ambiances. Les résultats obtenus coïncident bien avec ceux de simulation ce qui valide le principe et la conception de ce nouveau capteur. Enfin, une dernière partie de l'étude est focalisée sur la communication sans fil de ce capteur passif à l'aide d'un RADAR FMCW.

Coupled Resonant Coil Sensors for Remote Passive Monitoring Applications

Bhadra, Sharmistha 10 September 2010 (has links)
The thesis describes development and application of coupled resonant coil sensors, which is of growing interest for remote monitoring applications. An interrogation technique, which improves the accuracy and interrogation range of coupled resonant coil sensors, is introduced. The method uses time-domain gating to produce measurements that are dominated by the response of the sensor coil and are immune to surrounding object interference. For application in structural health monitoring a low cost embeddable coupled coil sensor, which is able to monitor the corrosion potential of reinforcement steel is presented. Results of an accelerated corrosion test using the sensor indicate that corrosion potential can be monitored with a resolution less than 10 mV and a sensitivity of 0.76 kHz/mV. The last part describes a coupled-coil pH sensor based on pH electrode potential measurement. A linear response over a 4 to 10 pH dynamic range and 50 kHz/pH sensitivity are achieved with a 0.1 pH resolution and 30 s response time.

Quando a tradução (re)conta a história: análise textual e tradução comentada de interrogatórios da \'Rosa Branca\' / When translation (re)tells History: text analysis and commented translation of interrogations of the White Rose

Anna Carolina Schäfer 12 August 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por objetivo produzir uma tradução comentada, do alemão para o português, de uma seleção de documentos emblemáticos da resistência alemã ao Nacional-Socialismo. O corpus constitui-se especificamente de registros escritos dos interrogatórios (em alemão: Verhörprotokolle, protocolos de interrogatório) conduzidos em fevereiro de 1943 pela Polícia Secreta Nazista com os irmãos Hans e Sophie Scholl. Ambos eram integrantes do grupo A Rosa Branca, formado sobretudo por estudantes da Universidade de Munique que se opuseram ao regime nacional-socialista através da produção e distribuição de panfletos, nos quais lançavam críticas incisivas ao regime e à postura apática da população alemã perante os crimes cometidos pelo Estado. Tendo em vista o objetivo geral do trabalho e a conjuntura histórica em que se insere o corpus, partiu-se na análise e tradução dos protocolos de uma base teórica interdisciplinar, pautada tanto em elementos da pesquisa historiográfica quanto em pressupostos dos Estudos Funcionais da Tradução sobretudo no modelo de análise textual e tradução de Christiane Nord (1988, 2009) , da Linguística Textual e da Análise do Discurso. Para a tradução comentada dos protocolos, produto final deste trabalho, previu-se desde o início uma função documental, a qual justifica diversas microdecisões tomadas ao longo do processo tradutório. Elas vão desde a opção por reproduzir a formatação original dos textos de partida em alemão até a busca por reconstituir seu pano de fundo histórico por meio de comentários e imagens, inseridos propositalmente na margem direita e não no rodapé ou no fim da tradução. Espera-se, assim, que os textos traduzidos possam ser consultados, lidos e analisados como documentos e testemunhos sobre a resistência alemã ao Nacional-Socialismo, tema ainda pouco divulgado e estudado no Brasil. / This study aims to produce a commented translation from German into Portuguese of a selection of iconic documents of the German resistance to the National Socialism. The corpus is specifically consisted of written records of the interrogations (in German: Verhörprotokolle, interrogation protocols) conducted in February 1943 by the Nazi Secret Police with the brothers Hans and Sophie Scholl. Both were members of the group The White Rose, mostly comprised of students from the University of Munich who opposed the National Socialist regime by producing and distributing pamphlets in which they released incisive criticism to the government and apathetic posture of the German population before the crimes committed by it. Bearing in mind the overall aim of the work and the historical context to which the corpus belongs, an interdisciplinary theoretical basis was used in the analysis and translation of the protocols, based both in the historical research elements and on suppositions of the Functional Translation Studies especially in the model for translation-oriented text analysis by Christiane Nord (1988, 2009) , Text Linguistics and Discourse Analysis. For the commented translation of the protocols, the end product of this research, a documentary function was envisaged from the beginning, which justifies different micro decisions taken throughout the translation process, ranging from the choice of reproducing the original formatting of the source texts in German to the search for reconstituting the historical background of the source texts by means of comments and images intentionally inserted on the right edge of the page, and not in footnotes or at the end of the translation. It is, therefore, expected that the translated texts can be consulted, read and analyzed as documents and testimonies of the German resistance to the National Socialism, a subject still little publicized and studied in Brazil.

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