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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rôles énonciatifs, interactionnels et construction identitaire des sources dans les journaux télévisés français / Enunciative, interactional roles and identity building of the sources from the French TV news programs

Perbost, Laurianne 13 September 2012 (has links)
Le journal télévisé (JT) est principalement construit à partir de discours de sources extérieures à l'organe de production. Ces discours sont recueillis et intégrés aux discours des journalistes et au dispositif médiatique. Ainsi, l'une des particularités du JT est d'être fortement polyphonique et hétérogène, construit par l'enchâssement et la multiplication d'un ensemble de voix qui se matérialisent par des discours rapportés et des interviews. Cette multiplication des voix est contrainte par le genre discursif du JT. Cette étude interdisciplinaire prend en compte deux niveaux: un niveau micro (énonciatif) et un niveau macro (discursif et interactionnel), nous situant ainsi dans le cadre de l'énonciation et de l'analyse du discours.Nous analysons la mise en scène qui est faite des locuteurs et de leurs discours rapportés et interviewés. Ce travail montre les différentes stratégies utilisées par le JT pour faire parler l'autre. Nous étudions ainsi la construction du discours d'information pour observer comment les journalistes utilisent les discours des sources pour argumenter, raconter ou encore modaliser leurs discours dans un souci informationnel, de sérieux, de captation et de divertissement. Il nous permet aussi d'analyser la construction identitaire médiatique et les rôles énonciatifs et interactionnels des locuteurs, anonymes, politiques ou experts, en fonction de leur identité sociale. Nous nous interrogeons sur la construction identitaire des locuteurs extérieurs, ceci en raison de l'influence des rôles énonciatifs et interactionnels des sujets parlants dans ce genre de discours. Notre recherche porte sur un corpus constitué d'enregistrements de JT français. / The TV news are mainly made from the speeches of sources outside the production sphere. These speeches are collected and integrated into the journalists' speeches and the media system. Therefore, one of the features of the TV news is to be highly polyphonic and heterogeneous, developing from the interconnection and multiplication of voices materialized by the reported speeches and interviews. This multiplication of voices is constrained by the discursive genre of TV news. This interdisciplinary study consists of two levels: a micro level (enunciative) and a macro level (discursive and interactional), placing one within the enunciation and the discourse analysis framework accordingly.The setting produced around the speakers and their reported and interviewed speeches is examined. This works looks into the different strategies used by the TV news to make the other talk. Then, it shows how the information speech is built and how journalists use the speeches of the sources to argue, tell or even model their own speeches, in order to provide adequate information, seriousness, attraction or entertainment. This allows one to analyze the building of the media identity, the enunciative and interactional roles of the speakers, civilians, politicians or experts, depending on their social identity. In other words, this thesis brings up questions about the identity building of external speakers, thus due to the influence of the enunciative and interactional roles of the speaking subjects, in that kind of speech. The research is based on a corpus of recorded evening news from french TV channels.

Licenční systém v profesionálním fotbale na příkladu Gambrinus ligy / Licensing system in professional football in case of Gambrinus league.

Kučera, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
Title: Licensing system in professional football in case of Gambrinus league Objectives: The main aim of diploma thesis is description of licensing system in professional football in Czech Republic, which has to be observed by professional football clubs, if they want to get a professional licence. Without this required licence clubs can not figure in I. and II. league. The next object was the comparison of Czech football and German football. Methods: In thesis is used a method of interview, method of content analysis and method of comparison. Semistructured interview took main part in datas collection. The method of content analysis was used for analysis of these datas. The method of comparison was helpful for research of second aim of this diploma thesis, which was comparison between football in Czech republic and football in Germany. Results: This diploma thesis shows positive and negative of licensing system. Further describes differencies between Czech and German football. It recommends which way is the best for raise match attendance and make match more attractive like in Germany. Keywords: football, licensing system, interview, Gambrinus league

Erfarenheter av delaktighet och inflytande hos elever i gymnasiesärskolan. : En intervjustudie / Experiences of participation and influence of students in upper secondary education. : An interview study

Sandberg, Monica January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe the extent to which a few upper secondary education students experience participation and influence in school on a daily basis. To be able to answer this, three question formulations have been used. How do the students describe their own influence and participation in their normal school days? What do the students want to influence? According to their own experiences, what can be seen as an obstacle or an opportunity for participation in school?   The study is based on semistructured private interviews with students from the Swedish national program in upper secondary education for pupils with learning disabilities. To identify the students description of their own experiences, the transcribed material has been interpreted using Roger Hart's participation ladder.   The results of the study show that the amount of influence students believe they have in school is based on how much they have a say in deciding the setup of their school days. For the most part, the students do not believe that they have that much influence, rather it is the teachers who decide almost everything that happens in school. The students believe that they have the most influence during their recesses and their free time. The students show a desire to be more involved in their school days.   The results also show that students wish to be more involved in what is going to happen in the future after upper secondary education. Despite this finding the things students want to have an influence over are few based on their age and experiences.   The results also reveal that one obstacle for student participation is that they do not tell their teachers if they have any ideas for improvement, which in turn limits their involvement.

Lika förutsättningar för lärande : En studie om trumundervisning på musik- och kulturskola ur ett genusperspektiv / Equal conditions for learning : A study on drum teaching in music- and cultur school from a gender perspective

Ahl, Johan January 2016 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att utifrån ett genusperspektiv studera hur trumlektioner genomförs i musik- och kulturskola. Forskningsfrågor är: Vilka förutsättningar för lärande ges killar respektive tjejer i trumundervisning? Hur arbetar trumlärare med det sociala samspelet, val av undervisningsmaterial, kravställningar och förväntningar på sina elever, sett utifrån ett genusperspektiv? För att undersöka detta har tre kvalitativa intervjuer och sex deltagande videoobservationer genomförts. Tidigare studier visar bland annat att musiklärare förväntar sig en feminin och maskulin stil av sina elever, att det är svårt som tjej att positionera sig på ett sätt som utmanar den lokala genusregimen samtidigt som det är svårt att vara traditionellt feminin – måttfull och kontrollerad - när det ska spelas instrument som elbas och trumset. I föreliggande studies resultat visas trumlärarnas syn på trumundervisning men också hur de genomför sin undervisning och hur kill- och tjejelever hanteras i undervisningen. Där framkommer att lärarna i stor utsträckning anpassar undervisningen efter elevernas personligheter och individuella förutsättningar och inte efter könstillhörighet, men att trumlärarna uttrycker vissa fördomar som kan peka på att de förväntar sig att se en feminin och maskulin stil hos sina elever. Diskussion förs om problematiken i att instrument och yrken är genuskodade, vilket kan påverka elevernas förutsättningar för lärande, och om lärares eventuella fördomar samt att vi lärare måste anpassa oss efter eleverna och inte tvärtom. / The purpose of this study is to, from a gender perspectice, explore how the drum kit lessons in three music and culture schools are performed. To investigate this, three qualitative interviews and six participant video observations have been implemented. Previous studies show that music teachers expect a feminine and masculine style of their students, that it is difficult as a girl to position themselves in a way that challenges the local gender regime while it is difficult to be traditionally feminine - moderate and controlled – when playing instruments such as electric bass and drum kit. In the present studies results, drum teachers’ views on drum teaching are shown but also how they conduct their teaching, and how boy- and girl students are handled in teaching. It emerges that teachers largely adapt teaching to students’ personalities and individual circumstances and not to gender, but the drum teachers express certain prejudices which may indicate that they expect to see a feminine and masculine style of their students. There is a discussion about the problems of instruments and professions being gender-coded, which can affect students’ learning conditions, and teacher prejudices and that teachers have to adapt to the students and not vice versa.

Fit für die Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft

Klauser, Fritz, Krah, Nils, Moschner, Ute, Schlicht, Juliana 26 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft ist seit geraumer Zeit einem dynamischen Wandel unterworfen, der einhergeht mit neuen und veränderten Anforderungen an kaufmännische Fach- und Führungskräfte in den Unternehmen. Im September 2010 haben das Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik, der Wissenschaftliche Beirat für Energiewirtschaftliche Bildung an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig und der Bundesverband der Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft (BDEW) begonnen, eine Analyse der Qualifikationsanforderungen an kaufmännische Fach- und Führungskräfte durchzuführen. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Broschüre stehen die Auswertung der schriftlichen Befragung der Absolventen.

Fit für die Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft

Klauser, Fritz, Krah, Nils, Moschner, Ute, Schlicht, Juliana 26 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Energie- und Wasserwirtschaft ist seit geraumer Zeit einem dynamischen Wandel unterworfen, der einhergeht mit neuen und veränderten Anforderungen an kaufmännische Fach- und Führungskräfte in den Unternehmen. Diese Entwicklungen sowie der sich abzeichnende demografisch bedingte Mangel an Fachkräften erfordern eine branchennahe Neuausrichtung der kaufmännischen akademischen Aus- und Weiterbildung. Gegenstand dieser Publikation sind vor allem die Ergebnisse der schriftlichen Befragung der Unternehmen, ergänzt durch typische Zitate und Aussagen aus den 26 Interviews mit Experten der Branche. Der im Rahmen der schriftlichen, standardisierten Befragung eingesetzte Fragebogen wurde am Institut für Wirtschaftspädagogik der Uni-versität Leipzig entwickelt und mit dem Wissenschaftlichen Beirat für Energiewirtschaft-liche Bildung an der Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Leipzig abgestimmt. Der Fragebogen umfasst sieben Themenkomplexe mit 27 Fragen und 168 Items.

Äldre patienters upplevelser av vården på en geriatrisk vårdavdelning : En intervjustudie

Hast, Angelica, Björkas, Ann January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Svensk statistik tyder på att antalet multisjuka äldre kommer att öka. Hälso- och sjukvårdslagen stadgar att vården skall vara av god kvalitet och tillgodose patienternas behov av trygghet. I dagens samhälle föreligger en risk att äldre människor utsätts för ålderism, vilken kan påverka vårdens kvalitet och orsaka ett lidande för de äldre patienterna. Syfte: Att beskriva äldre patienters upplevelser av vården på en geriatrisk vårdavdelning i Mellansverige. Metod: Latent kvalitativ innehållsanalys av tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultat: Resultatet utgörs av två teman och sju subteman. Temat Upplevelser av att få en god vård beskriver att de äldre patienterna upplevde sig få en vårdande miljö samt att vårdpersonalen fungerade som en hälsoresurs vilket kunde gynna patienternas välbefinnande. Temat belyser att ett gott bemötande och att få bli sedd som en person resulterade i positiva känslor samt att delaktighet och självbestämmande var viktiga faktorer. Temat Upplevelser av att få en bristande vård beskriver att upplevelser av en otrygg omgivning och avsaknad av sjukdomshänsyntagande, bristande bemötande och kunskap samt att inte få en personcentrerad vård resulterade i negativa känslor. Slutsatser: Resultatet visar att det förekommer både positiva och negativa upplevelser av vården på avdelningen. Att de äldre patienterna upplever brister i vården uppmärksammar att det finns en risk för att ålderism existerar och påverkar vårdens kvalitet. Examensarbetet kan tillföra kunskap om och förståelse för hur äldre patienter upplever vården, vilket kan bidra till bättre förutsättningar för en god vårdupplevelse. / Background:  Swedish statistics indicate that there will be an increase in the number of elderly with multiple illnesses. The Health Care Act stipulates that the care provided must be of good quality and meet the patients’ needs for security. In today's society there is a risk that older people are subjected to ageism, which can affect the quality of healthcare and expose the older patients to conditions of suffering. Aim: To describe older patients’ experiences of healthcare at a geriatric ward in central Sweden. Methods: A latent qualitative content analysis of twelve semi-structured interviews. Results: The results consist of two themes and seven subthemes. The theme Experiences of getting good health care describes that when older patients experienced a nurturing environment and the caregivers worked as a health resource, it could benefit the patients’ wellbeing. The theme emphasizes that encountering a good reception and being aknowledged as a person resulted in positive emotions, and that participation in the care process and self-determination were key factors. The theme Experiences of receiving a lack of care describes that the experience of an unsafe environment, actual diseases not being taken into account, lack of treatment and knowledge, as well as being denied person-centered care, resulted in negative emotions. Conclusions: The results indicate that both positive and negative resposnses concerning the care at the ward are experienced. The older patients who experience deficiencies in healthcare, recognize that there is a risk that ageism exists, which may affect the quality of care. The thesis provides knowledge and understanding of how older patients experience healthcare which can contribute to better conditions for the patients, in order for them to experience good healthcare.

Porozumění problematice genderu u žáků 2. stupně ZŠ / Children's understanding of gender issues on secondary school

Uhrová, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT The present thesis is focused on primary school pupil's understanging of gender issues. The aim of the thesis is to analyze and compare how pupils understand the gendre issues introduced in the theoretical part of the thesis. The theoretical part of the thesis defines the theoretical concepts of the gender issues - gender, stereotype, gender stereotypes, also related areas, constructivism, pedagogical constructivism and children's interpretations of the world. In this part of the thesis, there is also presented an overview of current research focused on the gender issues. The practical part consists in a qualitative analysis. The data are collected through individual in-depth interview with primary school pupils. The results of the analysis are compared with previous stuides focused on the gender issues.

Clinic based hearing screening protocols : the feasibility of implementing the Health Professions Council of South Africa Year 2007 Guidelines.

Petrocchi-Bartal, Luisa 20 June 2011 (has links)
Purpose: This study aimed to assess the feasibility of implementation of the Health Professions Council of South Africa's (HPCSA) clinic-based hearing screening subsection of its 2007 Position Statement on Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programmes in South Africa. Specific sub-aims included (a) establishing the prevalence of hearing screening conducted at Maternal Child Woman’s Health (MCWH) immunisation clinics; (b) determining the hearing screening procedures and protocols in use at MCWH immunisation clinics; (c) determining and exploring the possible concomitant personnel-associated factors which may influence the implementation of newborn and infant hearing screening programmes; (d) determining and exploring other factors that may have influenced implementation of newborn and infant hearing screening; and lastly, (e) comparing any hearing screening procedures and protocols in use to the HPCSA (2007) EHDI position statement clinic guidelines and associated clinic benchmarks Participants: Thirty primary healthcare immunisation clinic managers/acting managers were interviewed in two South African sample groups, in the North West province (NW) and Gauteng (GP). Design: An exploratory, non-experimental, qualitative research design was employed incorporating both quantitative and qualitative information within the two sample groups. Methods and Materials: An interview using a questionnaire was administered with primary health care (PHC) clinic nursing manager/acting manager, placed within the identified sites. The questionnaire encompassed areas such as work contexts, hearing screening contexts and information management systems, as well as quality control measures in place at these clinics. Data Analysis: Content analysis was used to code emergent themes into specific categories. Frequency calculations of the emergent themes were calculated and results described qualitatively. Results: No PHC clinics placed within the identified sites offered or provided formalised newborn/infant hearing screening and none of these facilities had equipment to do so. Most sites attributed the lack of formalised hearing screening to budgetary and human resource issues, staff training in particular. Non-formalised hearing screening protocols in place demonstrated inconsistencies in application across districts and none complied with HPCSA (2007) clinic guidelines. Most respondents were willing to implement formalised hearing screening to coincide with their immunisation schedules. The immunisation context was considered favourable for implementation of formalised hearing screening. Other factors such as reduced parental awareness of the importance of hearing screening, and caregiver cultural issues were considered surmountable by respondents. Conclusions: HPCSA (2007) implementation of clinic hearing screening protocols at PHC immunization clinics (level one) does not appear to be feasible based on current evidence. Results from the current study have assisted in identifying procedural and logistical assets and barriers to implementation of HPCSA (2007) clinic guidelines for EHDI at immunisation clinics in South Africa. Future research implications include formal investigations of central directorate versus district differences in PHC Package Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI); Otitis Media, and Road to Health Chart (RtHC) protocols; provincial and district inequities in funding as they impinge on hearing health care service delivery; costing of rudimentary protocols in place versus formalised HPCSA (2007) EHDI service delivery; research into parental awareness, education and willingness in specific reference to certain procedures such as otoacoustic emissions; and replication of the current study throughout the country for quantitave data with increased ability to draw causal inferences and generalize findings.

Séries télé : pour une approche communicationnelle d'un objet culturel médiatique / TV series : a communicational approach to an object of media culture

Gil, Muriel 09 November 2011 (has links)
Dans les années 2000, les séries télévisées rencontrent un engouement sans précédent. Ce qui ne constituait qu’une « sous-culture » pour quelques passionnés, devient un genre de plus en plus légitime. Ce succès, attribué par les journalistes au renouveau créatif des séries américaines, est largement alimenté par la programmation des chaînes françaises. La télévision n’est cependant plus leur seul diffuseur : DVD, streaming et échange de fichiers sur Internet ont largement pris le relais. Ces médias participent désormais à la configuration des séries, incitent à de nouvelles stratégies et invitent les spectateurs à des usages diversifiés.Les chercheurs montrent eux aussi un intérêt croissant pour les séries, les considèrent comme un terrain propice à l’étude des représentations sociales (sociologie), des « objets narratifs » (narratologique) ou encore des « programmes télévisés » (sémio-pragmatique).Alors, qu’est-ce qu’une série ? Dans le but de répondre à cette question, nous avons adopté une conception élargie des séries comme objets culturels médiatiques, configurés par l’ensemble complexe des médiations socio-techniques qui leur donnent forme. C’est alors par l’étude compréhensive du point de vue et des pratiques des acteurs de leur communication (professionnels, médias, spectateurs) que nous entendons appréhender les séries et la manière dont se construit leur culture. A la croisée de différentes méthodes (analyse de discours, entretiens compréhensifs, portraits), se dessinent les contours des séries au regard de leurs médiations, se laisse découvrir la complexité de l’objet et entrevoir la nécessité d’une réflexion sur les méthodes à engager dans leur analyse. / During the 2000s, television series met with an unprecedented public infatuation. What had previously constituted but a small "subculture" was rising to become a legitimate genre in its own right. This success, that journalists attribute to a creative renewal in American series, is largely fed by French television network programming. Television, however, is no longer the sole broadcaster : DVD and streaming and sharing online are now heavily present. Henceforth, these media will now participate in the configuration of series, incite new strategies and invite audiences to diversify their usages.Researchers themselves show an increasing interest in series, considering them a rich field for the study of social representations (sociology), "narrative objects" (narratology) or also "televised programs" (semio-pragmatics).So, what is a series ? In order to answer this question we have adopted a broad conception, regarding them as being objects of media culture configured by a complex ensemble of socio-technical mediations which give them form. To understand series how they construct their culture, we implement a comprehensive study of the practices and points of view of their communication actors (professionals, media and audiences). Through the use of different methods (discourse analysis, comprehensive interviews, portraits and transversal analysis) we outline series, with regard to their mediations, allowing us to discover the complexity of the object and the necessity of reflection upon the methods to employ in their analysis.

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