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Islams spår i Karlstad : En intervjubaserad kartläggningsstudie av muslimska grupper i en medelstor svensk stad / The trail of Islam in Karlstad : An interview-based mapping study of Muslim groups in a midsized Swedish cityMobaraki, Mehrdad January 2018 (has links)
Muslim groups in Karlstad are rarely visible online. There is also no previous research about them. Through an interview-based mapping study, I want to research what activities take place in Muslim mosques in Karlstad. The aim of the study is to document and analyze Muslim activities. This study is included in a research project at Karlstad University: Karlstad’s mosque - negotiations on Islam in Värmland. It aims to illuminate Islam’s development in Värmland from various aspects. Religious change and religion collision are theoretical starting points for the study. The results of this study show that three congregations are active in Karlstad: Islamiska Kulturföreningen [sunni], Bosniska Islamiska Kulturföreningen [sunni] and Mahdi Al Montazar [shia]. They established their congregations since 1990s. They are dependent on their main organizations and do not cooperate with other Muslim associations. Members of the congregation are very important for the organization’s existence. The result indicates that the religious activities of groups are not affected by data-based communication. Different branches work for their own community and have different views about Islam. In a Christian society, these Muslim congregations try to adapt to the rules of majority society in different ways. They find new ways to practise their religion. Minority groups want to preserve their own cultural and religious traditions through the mosque building or association board. It will be a way to be included and recognized by the majority.
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Analýza získávání a výběru pracovníků ve společnosti VIGOUR a.s. / Analysis of staffing employees in the company VIGOUR a.s.Šmídová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
Master's thesis deals with theoretical analysis of tools and methods for staffing employees. It also describes the use of these methods in practice. For this purpose was chosen the company Vigour, which employs specialists working in the field of information technology. The presented methods and tools used in practice are confronted with the described theoretical knowledge and the results of the survey. This was done within the company at two levels - between employees and managers. The aim of confrontation is to identify weaknesses, including proposals for mitigation or elimination.
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Polêmicas discursivas na perspectiva bakhtiana: embates entre vozes de cientistas e outras vozes na arena do Roda Viva / discursive polemic in bakhtiniana perspective: clashes between scientist\'s voice and other voices in the arena of Roda VivaSimone Ribeiro de Ávila Veloso 08 December 2011 (has links)
Parte integrante do projeto chamado Divulgação científica: linguagem, esferas e gêneros vinculado à linha de pesquisa Estudos do Discurso em Língua Portuguesa do Programa de Filologia e Língua Portuguesa da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas da USP, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo investigar as refrações discursivas presentes em um corpus formado por edições do programa de entrevistas denominado Roda Viva, produzido e veiculado, desde setembro de 1986, pela TV Cultura, emissora pública paulista. Entendemos por refrações discursivas os fenômenos caracterizados pelas polêmicas aberta e velada, bem como réplicas dialógicas dos telespectadores. Defendemos a tese de que os discursos oficiais são predominantemente refratados por meio da polêmica velada com tons de polêmica aberta tendo em vista a esfera de especialização do entrevistado no contexto do gênero de entrevistas Roda Viva. Nossa contribuição a esse projeto configura-se na análise diacrônica de edições realizadas com entrevistados cientistas e acadêmicos no período compreendido pelas décadas de 80, 90 e 2000, mais precisamente, desde o início das transmissões até maio de 2009. Dessa forma, a partir de um total de 160 edições, distribuídas em seis áreas científicas, selecionamos um corpus de 6, por meio do qual ressaltamos as recorrências que evidenciam cientificamente os fenômenos mencionados. Por outro lado, nosso percurso investigativo prevê analisá-los tendo em vista a noção bakhtiniana de gênero discursivo. Tal orientação exige uma abordagem de estudo que considere cada edição como um enunciado concreto. Em outras palavras, interessa-nos observar as três dimensões, necessariamente imbricadas, que possibilitam uma análise da concretude de cada edição: o horizonte social amplo, o gênero discursivo propriamente dito e as formas da língua. Assim, optamos por um estudo qualitativo de três edições representativas de cada uma das décadas citadas, o que implica considerá-las a partir de um viés sociológico, que compreende as esferas de produção, circulação e recepção de cada enunciado, bem como, um viés dialógico que observa as contraposições discursivas em uma relação espacio-temporal que ultrapassa os limites do diálogo face-a-face. Além dessas três edições, consideramos ainda um corpus de outras três com vistas a uma análise dos fenômenos discursivos recorrentes. Os resultados sinalizam a instauração de polêmicas entre os discursos de entrevistados e discursos de supradestinatários como o poder público instituído em cada uma das três décadas. Em relação às réplicas dialógicas, identificamos, na edição dos anos 80, uma clara dicotomia entre dois posicionamentos axiológicos: conservador, afinado ao regime de exceção, por um lado e de outro, contestador, alinhado ao discurso de esquerda. Já em relação às demais décadas, observamos que tais posicionamentos se arrefecem, concentrando-se em temas que circulam mais frequentemente na esfera da ideologia do cotidiano. / Part of the project called Scientific Vulgarization: languages, spheres and genres linked to the research line studies of speech of Portuguese, of the program of Philosophy and Portuguese of Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas of USP, this research aims to investigate the discursive refractions present in a corpus constituted by the editions of a program called Roda Viva, produced and released since September 1986, by TV Cultura, a public broadcaster. By discursive refractions, we refer to the phenomenon characterized by open and covert polemics, as well as replicas of viewers. We defend the thesis that the official discourses are predominantly refracted through the controversy veiled with shades of open polemic, in view of the sphere of expertise of the interviewee. Our contributions to this project set in the diachronic analyses of editions held with scientists and academics in the period between the 1980, 1990 e 2000. More precisely from the start of transmissions to May 2009. Thus, from a total of 160 editions, distributed in six scientific fields, we selected a corpus of six through which we highlight the scientific phenomenon mentioned. On the other hand, our route provides investigative analysis in view of the Bakhtinian notion of speech genre. Such a perspective requires an approach that considers each edition like a concrete utterance. In others words, we are interested in observing the three dimensions necessarily intertwined that enable an analysis of concreteness of each edition: the wider social horizon, the genre of discourse and the forms of languages. So we chose a qualitative study of three editions representing each decade cited, which implies considering them from a sociological view which holds spheres of production, circulation and reception of each utterance, as well as a dialogical perspective that note the positions in a discursive space-time relationship that goes beyond the limits of dialogue face to face. In addition to these three issues we consider a corpus of three other for the purpose of a discursive analysis of the recurring phenomenon. The results indicate the establishment of polemics between the interviews discourses and destinatary speeches as the government set up in each decade. In relation to the dialogical replicas, we identified in the edition of year 1980, a clear dichotomy between two axiological positions: tight, aligned with the regime, on one hand and, on the other, objectors speech left aligned. As for de other decades, we observe that such placements are distant, focusing on themes that circulate more often in the spheres of the every day ideology.
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Pushed towards the mainstream : A mixed method study of the West European radical left parties’ changing Eurosceptic positions.Vaughn, Paulina January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Slow MotionMiller, Andie 19 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 0310050V -
MA research report -
School of Literature and Language Studies -
Faculty of Humanities / The rationale of this work is a peripatetic exploration, both literally and intellectually: the form echoes the content. The creative work stands on its own, but the theoretical reflection contributes retrospectively to the work as part of this peripatetic process. The theoretical reflection picks up the theme, though more formally, in order to create one coherent project. I have aimed to create a dialogue between the theory and creative work on a road that goes both ways. If it appears that the section of theory devoted to the poets is disproportionately long compared to the rest of the work, this is because I discovered in the course of my exploration that poets seem more predisposed to wandering than others.
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Mesure de l'exposition médicamenteuse en pharmaco-épidémiologie : étude comparative de données issues des bases de remboursement de l'Assurance Maladie française et de données déclaratives / Assessment of drug exposure in pharmacoepidemiology : comparison of interview data and reimbursement claims data from the French national healthcare insurance systemNoize, Pernelle 15 December 2009 (has links)
En pharmaco-épidémiologie, la mesure de l’exposition médicamenteuse est fondamentale. Des données déclaratives recueillies par interrogatoire des sujets ou des données extraites des bases de remboursement de l’Assurance Maladie peuvent être utilisées. Les objectifs de ce travail étaient de comparer l’exposition mesurée à partir de ces deux sources de données et d’évaluer l’impact du choix de l’une ou l’autre source sur les mesures de risque dans les études étiologiques. Les travaux ont été conduits au sein de l’étude des Trois-Cités, cohorte de sujets âgés pour laquelle étaient disponibles des données déclaratives et de remboursement. La concordance entre les expositions issues des deux sources ou la validité de l’exposition issue de l’une par rapport à celle issue de l’autre ont été évaluées dans différents contextes. La survenue d’événements a été simulée dans la population et des études cas-témoins nichées ont été conduites pour évaluer l’association entre l’exposition issue de chaque source et chaque événement. Pour les médicaments cardiovasculaires, les mesures d’exposition étaient peu différentes entre les deux sources. L’impact du choix de l’une ou l’autre source sur les mesures d’association entre l’exposition et un événement était faible. Pour les benzodiazépines ou les anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens, des différences étaient observées entre les expositions issues des deux sources. Pour ces médicaments, l’association avec un événement pouvait varier selon la source utilisée. Pour des médicaments pris de manière irrégulière ou intermittente, le choix de la source de données pour la mesure de l’exposition peut donc être un élément déterminant. / In pharmacoepidemiology, assessment of drug exposure is fundamental. It can rely on data collected through patient interviews or extracted from healthcare insurance system databases recording reimbursement claims. This work aimed to compare drug exposure measured from these two data sources and to evaluate the impact of choosing one source or the other on risk estimates in etiological studies. It was conducted as part of the Three-City Study, a cohort of French elderly persons for which both interview and reimbursement data were available. Agreement between exposures measured from both sources or validity of exposure measured from one source with reference to that measured from the other were evaluated in different backgrounds. Simulated outcomes were generated in the study population and nested case-control studies were conducted in order to estimate the association between the drug exposure measured from each source and each simulated outcome. For cardiovascular system drugs, exposure measured from interview data was close to that measured from reimbursement data. The choice of one source or the other had few impact on the estimated associations between the exposure and an outcome. For benzodiazepines or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, exposure measured from both sources could differ. For these drugs, the association between the exposure measured from each source and an outcome could vary. For drugs that can be used irregularly or intermittently, the choice of the source of data for drug exposure assessment could thus be of great importance.
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A construção da realidade - o estudo do processo criativo de Eduardo Coutinho na elaboração do documentário Santo ForteDias, Verônica Ferreira 14 May 2010 (has links)
A tese visa a comparar e analisar o material bruto de Santo forte com o filme lançado comercialmente para - por meio do estudo do processo de realização do documentário, das seleções e articulações de imagens e depoimentos - identificar o traço autoral de Eduardo Coutinho, sua metodologia (baseada na entrevista) e sua ética (voltada tanto para o \"ator social\", no sentido de preservar a imagem da pessoa e do personagem criado, quanto para o espectador, no sentido de explicitar no próprio filme sua forma de construção). Coutinho, ao escolher os participantes de seus filmes, leva em consideração a capacidade que a pessoa tem de contar bem suas histórias - capacidade essa que lhe permitirá criar personagens interessantes para seus filmes. Se por um lado, os participantes devem \"atuar com propriedade\" para a câmera, por outro, cabe a Coutinho estimular essa atuação. Para isso, o cineasta se vale de algumas estratégias para a realização das entrevistas: começa a entrevista naturalmente, tratando de temas gerais ou partindo de assuntos que possa ter em comum com o participante; fisicamente, fica próximo de seu interlocutor; não se prende a um roteiro de perguntas e, com isso, deixa o participante falar à vontade; procura os momentos apropriados para retomar os assuntos que julga ser mais interessantes; conta com pessoas na equipe que já tiveram contato com o participante; não deixa de responder um questionamento feito pelo personagem e nem entra em confronto com ele. / The aim of this thesis is to compare and analyze the unedited material with the commercial movie Santo forte to identify - by means of studying the documentary completion process, the selections and articulations of images and testimonials - the authorial trace of Eduardo Coutinho, his methodology (interview based) and his ethics (both directed to the \"social actor\", in order to preserve a person\'s image and the image of the character created, and to the \"spectator\", in order to explain in the movie itself the way it has been constructed). When selecting the participants for his movies, Coutinho takes into account the ability one has to fairly tell their stories - ability that will allow him to create interesting characters. On the one hand, if participants should \"act fittingly\" for the camera, on the other, it is Coutinho´s responsibility to stimulate this performance. To accomplish this, the movie maker uses some strategies for the interviews: starts the interview naturally, dealing with general themes or talking about subjects that he may have in common with the participant; he stays physically close to the interlocutor, he does not follow a script of questions, thus allowing the participant to speak freely; he looks for the appropriate time to resume the issues that he thinks are most interesting; he has the support of people on the staff who have had previous contact with the participant; he does not skip a question asked by the interviewed person and does not enter into confrontation with him.
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Survivors' Perceptions of Support Following a Parent's SuicideBennett, Suzanne Nicole 01 July 2017 (has links)
Children who experience a parent's death by suicide are a vulnerable population at risk for emotional and mental health issues as well as suicide attempts (Cerel, Fristad, Weller, & Weller, 1999; Kuramoto et al., 2010; Wilcox et al., 2010). Yet, in spite of the knowledge that effective postvention is in reality prevention (Cerel et al. 2008), relatively little is known about these children and adolescents, particularly regarding their experiences following the suicide. The current research study investigated which resources, assistance, and actions of those around the child were perceived as most helpful and unhelpful following the parental suicide. Through semi-structured qualitative interviews using the hermeneutic approach, the researcher interviewed 17 adults who, as children or adolescents, were bereaved by parent suicide. Helpful experiences and support included assistance processing the suicide and an openness in the face of stigma. Unhelpful experiences included judgment and blame, silence regarding the suicide and deceased parent, and a heightened awareness of the surviving parent's challenges. Individuals who were perceived as helpful generally had pre-existing relationships with the children and helped meet their practical and emotional needs. It is recommended that customized and varied support be offered, along with the message that it is important to talk about suicide and memorialize the deceased parent. Additional research is needed to further explore the complex experiences of children of parent suicide; this will aid in the development of evidence-based interventions to better support them.
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Contributions to Adlerian PsychologyBitter, James Robert 01 January 2011 (has links)
Reflections on the ideas of Adlerian masters. An interview with Heinz Ansbacher / J.R. Bitter and J. West -- On neurosis / J.R. Bitter -- Dreikurs' holistic medicine / C. Nappier Carr and J.R. Bitter -- An interview with Harold Mosak / J.R. Bitter -- Adlerian brief therapy with individuals. Adlerian brief therapy with individuals / J.R. Bitter and W.G. Nicoll -- Relational strategies / J. Bitter and W.G. Nicoll -- Adlerian group counseling. Adlerian group counseling / M.A. Sonstegard and J.R. Bitter -- Counseling children in groups / M.A. Sonstegard and J.R. Bitter --Adlerian couples and family counseling and therapy. Family mapping and family constellations / J.R. Bitter -- Communication styles, personality priorities, and social interest / J. Bitter -- Conscious motivations / J.R. Bitter -- The mistake notions of adults with children / J.R. Bitter -- Two approaches to counseling parents alone / J.R. Bitter -- Human conversations / J.R. Bitter and R. Byrd -- A Study on early recollectons. Early recollections vesus created memory / S.B. Barker and J.R. Bitter -- An Adlerian-feminist approach to therapy. Reclaiming a pro-feminist orientation in Adlerian therapy / J.R. Bitter et al. -- Reconsidering narcissism / J.R. Bitter -- Adlerian therapy and social construction. Integrating narrative therapy with Adlerian lifestyle assessment / J.G. Disque and J.R. Bitter -- Emotion, experience, and early recollections / J.G. Disque and J.R. Bitter -- Final thoughts. Am I an Adlerian? / J.R. Bitter. / https://dc.etsu.edu/etsu_books/1000/thumbnail.jpg
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L'entretien d'embauche et sa préparation avec des migrants. Approche interactionnelle / The job interview and how migrants prepare for it. An interactional approachBoteanu, Aurora Lavinia 11 September 2017 (has links)
La présente recherche se situe dans une approche ethnographique du terrain orientée vers une approche interactionnelle, à partir de données audio-visuelles recueillies pendant trois ans, constituant un corpus assez riche pour documenter l’objet empirique sur lequel elle porte : préparation, entrainement et véritable entretien d’embauche. Il s’agit ainsi d’analyser les pratiques langagières structurées à la fois par, pour et dans leur contexte de production, plutôt que leur discours ou bien les représentations ou les attentes normatives qui s’en dégagent. Je développe des exemples d’analyse qui nourrissent des réflexions sur les pratiques d’apprentissage mises en œuvre durant la formation au français à visée professionnelle au sein d’une association parisienne dont une des activités aide les migrants à préparer les entretiens d’embauche. Le terrain ainsi conçu est approfondi à travers l’attention que je porte au lien réflexif entre ses différentes composantes : préparation, simulation et entretiens réels. Le but là, est d’observer l’écart entre le modèle (simulation) et les vrais entretiens d’embauche, de comprendre l’évolution de la figure du recruteur d’un entretien à l’autre, et de caractériser les solutions que les participants co-construisent. Ce faisant, ce travail de recherche ouvre un espace d’intersection entre une activité associative de formation des migrants, la rencontre de ceux-ci avec des employeurs et le regard universitaire sur ces faits. Le produit de cette intersection est analysé de façon à documenter l’écart entre les attentes du recruteur et les réponses des candidats dans un terrain peu exploré jusqu’à présent : celui d’un monde solidaire. / Based on three years’ worth of audio-visual recordings, the research presented in this paper represents a rich corpus of ethnographic fieldwork oriented towards an interactional approach. This research therefore documents the very empirical object which it seeks to interrogate: the job interview (including preparation and training job interviews, as well as actual interviews). The research presented here analyses language practices that are structured by, for and in their context of production, rather than by any discourses, cultural preconceptions or expectations we might have about job interviews themselves. In the research I develop examples which shed light on learning practices employed by one Parisian organisation which assists migrants to prepare for a professional life in France. Further, the analyses I propose are deepened through the focus I bring to bear on the reflexive link between the three different components: interview preparation, mock job interviews and real interviews. The aim here is to observe the ‘gap’ between the model (i.e. the simulation) and real job interviews, to understand the evolution of the figure of the recruiter from one interview to another, and also to identify solutions that participants co-construct. In doing so, this research opens a line of enquiry into the intersection between community level training of migrants, their encounters with employers and the academic take on these facts. The product of this intersection is analysed in such a way as to document the gap between the expectations of recruiters and the responses of candidates in a field that has been little explored until now: the world of social activism.
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