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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interdépendances entre l'équité intra et intergénérationnelle dans la gestion durable des ressources environnementales / Interdependencies between intra and intragenerational equity in sustainable environemental resources management

Del Campo, Stellio 17 December 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se propose de montrer l'intérêt de considérer simultanément l'équité intra et intergénérationnelle pour des questions liées à la gestion des ressources environnementales. Plus spécifiquement, la thèse examine les arbitrages entre ces deux dimensions de l’équité pour définir une distribution juste des ressources au cours du temps et au sein des générations. Les inégalités sont considérées à travers deux régions hétérogènes. Le premier chapitre se focalise sur le maintien du niveau maximal de bien-être au cours du temps, à travers le critère maximin, lorsque l'économie a une aversion aux inégalités intragénérationnelles. De manière contre-intuitive, la région la moins dotée en ressources paye un plus lourd tribut pour la durabilité globale. Le second chapitre étudie la croissance vers le niveau maximal soutenable de bien-être, la règle d'or. De la même manière, la région la moins dotée en ressources doit contribuer davantage à cette croissance, en limitant relativement plus sa consommation. Le troisième chapitre étudie les transferts qui doivent être opérés de la région relativement mieux lotie vers celle moins bien lotie. Le transfert doit être soit forfaitaire soit proportionnel à la consommation de la région contributrice, selon que l'objectif est de favoriser ou de limiter sa consommation. Dans tous les cas, la région la plus défavorisée reçoit un transfert compensatoire pour la contrainte qui lui est imposée. / This dissertation proposes to show the interest of considering simultaneously intra and intergenerational equity for environmental resources management issues. More specifically, the dissertation examines the trade-offs between these two dimensions of equity to define an equitable allocation of resources over time and within generations. Inequalities between two heterogeneous regions are considered. The first chapter focuses on sustaining the highest level of welfare over time, through the maximin criterion, when the economy has an intragenerational inequality aversion. Counter-intuitively, the region with the lower resource stock pays a higher price for overall sustainability. The second chapter examines growth toward the maximum sustainable level of welfare, the golden rule. Similarly, the region with the lower resource stock shall contribute more to the growth, by limiting relatively more its consumption. The third chapter examines the transfers that shall be made from the well-off to the worse-off region. The transfer shall either be a lump-sum or proportional to the consumption of the contributing region, depending on whether the objective is to promote or to limit its consumption. In any case, the worst-off region receives a compensatory transfer for the constraint imposed on it.

Processo de transexualização: uma análise inter e intrageracional de histórias de vida / Process of transexuality: a generational analysis of life stories

Silva, Alexsander Lima da 18 February 2013 (has links)
Dissertation which aims to understand the process of transexuality, identifying the historical production of its meanings and experience of its senses. Theory and qualitative methodology of Socio-historical Psychology are utilized. Thus, the historical path of the terms which describe the phenomenon is followed, as its historical significance and maintenance is sought; a production of six generational life stories, both in person and online narrative interviews aiming to identify the meanings and ruptures experienced in this process of signification. Six representative subjects participated - three transsexual men and three transexual women, two representatives of each generation: young, middle and older. An analysis of the information content, inter and intragerational is performed. The narratives allowed telling the life stories of Bridget, Joan, Gisele, Sansão, Zé and Artur, identifying the following thematic categories: children's games, self-identification, appearance boy and girl, body changes, change of first name, definition of roles of others in the relationship, family and political participation. The results show the following fossilized aspects in the process of signification: the memories of children's games were marked as the moment of beginning of self questioning; self-identification with names followed by homosexual transsexual, the first name change as an important factor self identity repression of affirmation and family. The body transformation, the appearance and the definition of the role of others in relationships appears to meet heteronormative standards, being an important element in the process of signification, although two important meanings that indicate disruption in this process coexist: transexuality as an identity claim without the need for reassignment and standardized behaviors or number of sexual experiences. The following experienced and narrated meanings are also signs of a rupture in this process: acceptance by the family representative of a younger generation and experiences of multiple forms of sexual representative of a younger generation; self-acceptance, by a younger generation representative as a woman, since always. This subject considers herself and is considered by others a woman to whom an “error in the genitalia” occurred. The younger generation representative, on the other hand, accepts himself as a bisexual transsexual, which may lead to the experience of a multitude of sexual relationships. Political participation is presented as an important activity performed by three representatives, two transsexuals – middle generation and younger - and a transsexual - middle generation – indicated as necessary in advocacy, while highlighting the conflict between "allowing visibility and demanding rights" and "being in anonymity and escaping prejudice." Prejudice that sediments with fossilized aspects of psychiatric terms and concepts, maintained historically. Psychosocial studies, however, reveal the identity as something in motion, co-produced in the socio-historical context. The process of transexuality presents itself unanimous in narratives: become to be accepted / socially and avoid the suffering caused by a body that does not dwell. / Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Alagoas / Dissertação que objetiva compreender o processo de transexualização, identificando a produção histórica de seus significados e a experiência vivida de seus sentidos. Utiliza o referencial teórico e metodológico qualitativo da Psicologia Sócio-histórica. Para tanto, realiza um percurso histórico sobre os termos utilizados para descrever o fenômeno, buscando sua significação e manutenção histórica; uma produção de seis histórias de vida geracionais, a partir de entrevistas narrativas presenciais e on-line a fim de identificar os sentidos e rupturas experienciados neste processo de significação. Participaram seis sujeitos representativos - três transexuais masculinos e três transexuais femininos, sendo dois representantes de cada geração – mais nova, do meio e mais velha. Realiza uma análise de conteúdo das informações, do tipo inter e intrageracional. As narrativas permitiram contar as histórias de vida de Bridget, Joana, Gisele, Sansão, Zé e Artur, identificando as seguintes categorias temáticas: brincadeiras de criança, autoidentificação, aparência de menino e de menina, transformações corporais, mudança de prenome, definição de papéis do outro na relação, família e participação política. Os resultados evidenciam que os aspectos fossilizados no processo de significação: as lembranças de brincadeiras de crianças foram marcadas como o momento de início do período de questionamentos sobre si mesmos/as; autoidentificação com denominações de homossexual seguida de transexual; mudança do prenome como importante fator de afirmação autoidentitária e repressão familiar. A transformação corporal, a aparência e a definição do papel do outro na relação parece atender aos padrões heteronormativos, sendo um elemento importante no processo de significação, embora convivam dois importantes sentidos que indicam ruptura nesse processo: a transexualidade como reivindicação identitária sem a necessidade de transgenitalização e de comportamentos padronizados e a multiplicidade de experiências sexuais. Outros indícios de ruptura nesse processo são os sentidos experienciados e narrados: aceitação por parte dos familiares na representante da geração mais nova e vivência sexual de múltiplas formas no representante da geração mais nova; aceitação de si mesma da representante da geração mais nova como mulher, desde sempre. Esta é considerada e se considera mulher com “erro na genitália”. E a aceitação de si mesmo do representante da geração mais nova como transexual bissexual, que pode experimentar uma diversidade de relações sexuais. A participação política se apresenta como uma importante atividade desenvolvida por três dos representantes, dois transexuais - geração do meio e mais nova - e, uma transexual - geração do meio - indicando ser necessária na defesa de direitos, ao mesmo tempo em que evidencia o conflito entre "dar visibilidade e exigir direitos" e "ter anonimato e fugir do preconceito". Preconceito que se sedimenta com os aspectos fossilizados de termos e concepções psiquiátricas, mantidas historicamente. Estudos psicossociais, no entanto, evidenciam a identidade como algo em movimento, co-produzida no contexto sócio-histórico. O processo de transexualização se apresenta de forma unânime nas narrativas: transformar-se para ser aceita/o socialmente e evitar o sofrimento gerado por um corpo que não se habita.

Bildungssysteme und soziale Ungleichheit - Die Strukturierung sozialen Handelns im internationalen Vergleich

Groß, Martin 01 July 1998 (has links)
Die Studie geht der Frage nach, inwieweit Bildungssysteme von Gesellschaften die vorfindlichen Muster intragenerationaler Mobilität prägen und diese sich wiederum auf die Strukturierung sozialen Handelns auswirken. Je nach Grad der Standardisierung, Stratifizierung und horizontaler wie vertikaler Differenzierung von Bildungssystemen werden "credentialistische" und "nichtcredentialistische" Gesellschaften unterschieden. Es wird vermutet, daß in credentialistischen Gesellschaften Bildungstitel die berufliche Allokation wesentlich prägen, was in einem niedrigen Ausmaß intragenerationaler sozialer Mobilität resultiert. Da Bildungstitel in nichtcredentialistischen Ländern nur in geringem Maße als "Screening-Devices" verwendet werden können, ist in solchen Gesellschaften ein höheres Ausmaß intragenerationaler Mobilität zu erwarten. Das Ausmaß intragenerationaler Mobilität in einer Gesellschaft wiederum kann als Indikator des Schließungsgrades beruflicher Positionen aufgefaßt werden. "Geschlossene Positionen" ermöglichen die Generierung "positionaler Renditen", so daß in credentialistischen Gesellschaften stärker als in nichtcredentialistischen Privilegierungen beziehungsweise Benachteiligungen an die Besetzung beruflicher Positionen geknüpft sind. Dementsprechend sind in credentialistischen Gesellschaften ausgeprägtere Formen kollektiven Handeln zu erwarten, die auf die Verteidigung von Privilegien beziehungsweise deren Abbau zielen. Diese Thesen werden an Mobilitäts- und Einstellungsdaten aus sechs Ländern, die auf den Erhebungen des "International Social Justice Project" (1991) basieren, getestet. Es läßt sich zeigen, daß in Westdeutschland und Polen als credentialistischen Ländern sowohl intragenerationale Stabilität wie auch die Strukturierung von Einstellungen stärker ausgeprägt sind als in den weniger credentialistischen Gesellschaften USA und Rußland. Ostdeutschland und Großbritannien nehmen Mittelpositionen ein. / The study investigates how educational systems determine the patterns of intragenerational mobility in different societies as well as the patterns of social action. "Credentialist" and "noncredentialist" societies are distinguished according to the degree of standardization, stratification, vertical and horizontal differentiation of their educational systems. It is assumed that educational titles have a strong impact on occupational allocation in credentialist societies, leading to a low degree of intragenerational social mobility. Since educational titles cannot be used as "screening devices" in noncredentialist countries, intragenerational mobility is expected to be higher in these countries. The extent of intragenerational mobility can be viewed as an indicator of the degree of closure of occupational positions in a given society. In "closed positions", "positional rents" can be generated, thus privileges and disadvantages are more strongly connected with occupational positions in credentialist countries than in noncredentialist. Therefore, collective actions to challenge or to defend privileges are more likely in credentialist societies. These hypotheses are tested for six countries using data of the "International Social Justice Project" (1991). It can be shown that intragenerational mobility as well as the structuration of attitudes are more pronounced in the credentialist countries Poland and West Germany than in the noncredentialist countries USA and Russia. East Germany and the United Kingdom are located between these two groups of societies.

The Economics and Ethics of Human Induced Climate Change

Spash, Clive L., Gattringer, Clemens 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Human induced climate change poses a series of ethical challenges to the current political economy, although it has often be regarded by economists as only an ethical issue for those concerned about future generations. The central debate in economics has then concerned the rate at which future costs and benefits should be discounted. Indeed the full range of ethical aspects of climate change are rarely even discussed. Despite recent high profile and lengthy academic papers on the topic the ethical remains at best superficial within climate change economics. Recognising the necessary role of ethical judgment poses a problem for economists who conduct exercises in cost-benefit analysis and deductive climate modelling under the presumption of an objectivity that excludes values. Priority is frequently given to orthodox economic methodology, but that this entails a consequentialist utilitarian philosophy is forgotten while the terms of the debate and understanding is simultaneously restricted. We set out to raise the relevance of a broader range of ethical issues including: intergenerational ethics as the basis for the discount rate, interregional distribution of harm, equity and justice issues concerning the allocation of carbon budgets, incommensurability in the context of compensation, and the relationship of climate ethics to economic growth. We argue that the pervasiveness of strong uncertainty in climate science, incommensurability of values and nonutilitarian ethics are inherent features of the climate policy debate. That mainstream economics is ill-equipped to address these issues relegates it to the category of misplaced concreteness and its policy prescriptions are then highly misleading misrepresentations of what constitutes ethical action. (authors' abstract) / Series: SRE - Discussion Papers

Meritocracy-Based Stickiness Measure of Social Mobility

Tenney, Curtis G. January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

The process of forest conservation in Vanuatu : a study in ecological economics

Tacconi, Luca, Economics & Management, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 1995 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to develop an ecological economic framework for the assessment and establishment of protected areas (PAs) that are aimed at conserving forests and biodiversity. The framework is intended to be both rigorous and relevant to the decision-making process. Constructivism is adopted as the paradigm guiding the research process of the thesis, after firstly examining also positivist philosophy and ???post-normal??? scientific methodology. The tenets of both ecological and environmental economics are then discussed. An expanded model of human behaviour, which includes facets derived from institutional economics and socioeconomics as well as aspects of neoclassical economics, is outlined. The framework is further developed by considering, from a contractarian view point, the implications of intergenerational equity for biodiversity conservation policies. The issues of intragenerational distribution and allocation are then considered. In this regard, cost-benefit analysis (CBA), as applied to the valuation of forests, PAs, and biodiversity, is critically reviewed. A participatory approach to decision-making, which may also include CBA, is then proposed. The resulting ecological economic framework may be thus summarised: (a) ecosystem use patterns should be chosen on the basis of their sustainability, distributional, and efficiency aspects; (b) systems of PAs should be established in order to achieve minimal intergenerational equity; (c) intragenerational equity requires the correction of the asymmetrical distribution of the costs and benefits arising from the establishment of PAs; (d) the institutional features relevant to the environmental-economic issues being analysed should be considered; and (e) the decision-making process should be participatory and action oriented. The framework is applied to two case studies in Vanuatu. These applications detail (a) stakeholders??? views and trade-offs faced in relation to forest management (b) modes of participatory research and decision-making, (c) forms of compensation that may be adopted in correcting asymmetrical distributions of the costs and benefits of PAs, and (d) institutional influences on ecosystems use and implications for conservation projects. The institutional arrangements developed for the establishment of the PAs are presented. The application of this ecological economic framework has resulted in the formal establishment of one PA and the identification and assessment of five other PAs.

The process of forest conservation in Vanuatu : a study in ecological economics

Tacconi, Luca, Economics & Management, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 1995 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to develop an ecological economic framework for the assessment and establishment of protected areas (PAs) that are aimed at conserving forests and biodiversity. The framework is intended to be both rigorous and relevant to the decision-making process. Constructivism is adopted as the paradigm guiding the research process of the thesis, after firstly examining also positivist philosophy and ???post-normal??? scientific methodology. The tenets of both ecological and environmental economics are then discussed. An expanded model of human behaviour, which includes facets derived from institutional economics and socioeconomics as well as aspects of neoclassical economics, is outlined. The framework is further developed by considering, from a contractarian view point, the implications of intergenerational equity for biodiversity conservation policies. The issues of intragenerational distribution and allocation are then considered. In this regard, cost-benefit analysis (CBA), as applied to the valuation of forests, PAs, and biodiversity, is critically reviewed. A participatory approach to decision-making, which may also include CBA, is then proposed. The resulting ecological economic framework may be thus summarised: (a) ecosystem use patterns should be chosen on the basis of their sustainability, distributional, and efficiency aspects; (b) systems of PAs should be established in order to achieve minimal intergenerational equity; (c) intragenerational equity requires the correction of the asymmetrical distribution of the costs and benefits arising from the establishment of PAs; (d) the institutional features relevant to the environmental-economic issues being analysed should be considered; and (e) the decision-making process should be participatory and action oriented. The framework is applied to two case studies in Vanuatu. These applications detail (a) stakeholders??? views and trade-offs faced in relation to forest management (b) modes of participatory research and decision-making, (c) forms of compensation that may be adopted in correcting asymmetrical distributions of the costs and benefits of PAs, and (d) institutional influences on ecosystems use and implications for conservation projects. The institutional arrangements developed for the establishment of the PAs are presented. The application of this ecological economic framework has resulted in the formal establishment of one PA and the identification and assessment of five other PAs.

The Role of Transit in the Upward Mobility of Low-Income Indianapolis Residents

Arianna Michaela Rambaram (11546773) 18 October 2021 (has links)
<p>This study examines the extent to which transit may be able to assist with the upward mobility of low-income groups, specifically those making less than a living wage. Previous studies relating to job accessibility have examined the feasibility of reaching jobs using various modes of transportation, and some have factored educational requirements into the attainability of those jobs. However, no studies thus far have attempted to determine transit accessibility to jobs that can facilitate and enable upward mobility for low-income households. Employment data relevant to the labor force of Marion County, Indiana, is used to determine the earnings (mainly wages or salaries) associated with occupations, and which occupations require no more than a high school education. Those occupations are then paired with the various industries they are found in, and the earnings belonging to the industry’s highest-earning occupation is associated with that industry. The median household incomes of low-income Census block groups (CBGs) are then compared to the earnings of each transit-accessible industry to evaluate whether those earnings are large enough to induce upward mobility for those living in the CBGs. Bus routes and bus stops for the local transit system (IndyGo) along with workplace locations are mapped in ArcGIS to assess the low-income population’s accessibility to workplaces belonging to a select group of industries. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Bus routes that serve both downtown Indianapolis and low-income CBGs were found to provide people living in those CBGs with access to some of the most lucrative jobs, particularly those found in the <i>Finance and Insurance</i> industries. Over half of Indianapolis’ transit-accessible industries have earnings amounts large enough to induce upward mobility for those living in all the low-income CBGs; this corresponds to 6,748 unique workplaces. Findings from this study suggest that low-income people would benefit from having access to transit routes that serve downtowns and other areas with high concentrations of white-collar jobs. Low-income Indianapolis residents informed of this study’s results may be motivated to explore the possibilities for better-paying jobs accessible to them by transit. Furthermore, methods used in this study can help in ranking different transit routes for accessibility to workplaces conducive to upward mobility. The rankings can be updated periodically to assist in addressing equity goals for transit planning.</p>

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